Gratitude | Knowing Jesus | 08.15.21

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome to life church 7 so glad that you made it today if you're in person if you're online however you're joining this gathering i am so glad that you're here today his presence is here he's going to touch you it's going to be amazing and whatever you came here for whatever you're saying hey i need this today i believe god will meet you right where you're at and not only give you what you need today but give you more than you need because he's the god of more than enough if you're watching on youtube man i want to encourage you click that subscribe button or if you're watching through facebook click that share button so more people can experience the hope that we have in jesus and by the way if you're here in person we want to get to know you grab that program fill out that connect card we want to connect with you we have some announcements for you before the service starts this week is zoe conference yeah i cannot believe it's already here ladies join us for an epic weekend of encountering god and be empowered to walk boldly in who god created you to be you are a marvelous masterpiece join us this weekend you can sign up on the app you can sign up uh through our website go to events and rita springer is going to be here with us awesome rita is an anointed worship leader and speaker ladies you don't want to miss this weekend so sign up mighty men step up and watch the kids yes the ladies it's gonna be so worth your time also something that we both love to do camping you do you love to camp not so much me but the 509 young adults do they're going camping they're going to lewiston idaho weather is going to be perfect the dates are august 26th through the 28th write that down how much is it it is 50 per young adult per young adult so make sure you sign up and register today you don't want to miss it spots are filling up quickly it's going to be the best time of your life make sure you go yes thank you pastor nate pastor miele for some great announcements well we got a great service in store right now so let's worship god together yeah good morning church go ahead and stand to your feet good morning it's so good to see all of you we're glad you're here this morning we get to worship jesus today now there's a lot of crazy things going on in our world right now but here is what i'm confident of god is greater god is bigger and he's already won the victory and so if you've walked in here today feeling down or discouraged or hopeless i want to encourage you today that the lord wants to touch you and renew your hope he wants to renew your hope this morning no matter what you might be facing and i want to read to you a powerful verse from lamentations it says this yet i still dare to hope when i remember this the faithful love of the lord never ends his mercies never cease great is his faithfulness his mercies begin afresh each morning i say to myself the lord is my inheritance therefore i will hope in him let's say that to ourselves this morning the lord is my inheritance therefore i will hope in him god i thank you that you are greater than the things that we face god i thank you that we can have hope you are our inheritance and so today we look to you god we fix our eyes on you holy spirit we welcome you to come and fill us up fill us up till we're overflowing with hope and power this morning we love you jesus and we worship you let's worship together [Music] [Music] [Music] people come together strangers haters our blood is white [Music] of generations of every nation of kingdom so don't let your heart [Music] [Music] god hold on be strong remember [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] hold your head up [Applause] [Music] god [Music] is on remember [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you we love you [Applause] [Music] all his children clean hairspray his name is jesus for creation every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is jesus [Music] the [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus hurry [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his kingdom comes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our salvation [Music] my friend forever is [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your power has no wind the things you've done before in greater measure [Music] you will do again [Music] all things are possible [Applause] [Music] all things are possible the is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] reason why [Music] you can move [Music] all things [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] already [Music] [Applause] [Music] come awake in the city [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you can light it [Music] it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] pour it up [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] won't you pour it out [Music] [Applause] and pour it out [Music] [Music] pour it out [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my words fall short i've got nothing new how could i express [Music] i could sing these songs as i often do [Music] is [Music] except for a heart singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've got just one [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] except for a horse singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] get up [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause is [Music] get up and [Music] cause [Music] day [Music] we left you [Music] is [Music] except for a heart singing [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] in [Music] [Music] get up [Music] and come on [Music] get up and hey [Music] i praise you again and i care is [Music] except for a heart singing [Music] thank you [Music] i could sit here forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i've made when it's all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] when the music fades all is ripped away [Music] that will bless your heart i'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself it's not what you have required you search much deeper within through the way things [Music] it's all about you it's all about you jesus [Music] it's all about you jesus [Music] and no one could express how much you deserve [Music] though [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're looking at my heart [Music] it's all about yours [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus i'm sorry lord [Music] when it's all about me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] just begin worshiping the lord in your own words right where you are [Music] all the angels in heaven are worshiping singing holy holy that song says all the earth replies let's give our reply loud and clear join in with heaven holy fully holy holy [Music] yeah go on go on holy holy [Music] [Music] [Music] i want us all together to go back to do a little something rather like we did last service just a little bit um [Music] the song we sang there i'm coming back to the heart of worship was written by a worship leader an english man called matt redman it was written in the 90s when their church was going through a season that the lord was really moving and they were in kind of an ascendancy of becoming popular for their music and the spirit of worship they had in their church but they began to notice that it was becoming more about the music than about the worship and so what they did was their senior pastor decided that for a season when they'd come to church on sunday they turned everything off there was no music no drums no guitar no keyboard no nothing and they testified that it was pretty awkward for a while and then they began singing acapella and god started restoring something in them which is exactly what this song is the heart of worship and matt redmond wrote that song in his bedroom during that season so now now it gives some context to the words i'm coming back to the heart of worship it's all about you jesus it's all about jesus so just for a minute if you if you will just join with me together robin's going to lead us and we'll do a bit of a cappella together and i want all of us together to begin that kind of same surrender whatever it's been about this morning i'm just coming to get something or i'm checking a box or i'm just weighed down whatever else is going on this is between you and jesus in this moment just to recalibrate our hearts and say i'm coming back to the heart of worship it's just about you it's all about you would you raise your hands with me and let's let's give a let's give such a pure offering coming back to the heart of worship you're home watching this in your living room stand up or in your car [Music] jesus i'm sorry [Music] when it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm coming back to the heart of the worship and it's all about you [Music] it's all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i've [Music] made jesus lord this morning we're sorry for all the things we've made it about from the trivial to the great we lay that aside right now and we're here together as your people your family acknowledging together that we love you it's all about you our lives are all about you you are holy you're pure and perfect in every way we thank you that you give us so much when we come to worship when we come to pray sing listen to the the word you give us so much and we thank you this morning that you receive our offering so little in comparison to what you give us but we declare again today jesus that this gathering this time our lives are all about you you are worthy of this offering of our hearts so we give it to you and say thank you that you receive it and accept it everybody said amen before we get to the preaching this morning we're going to bring up an offering we're going to give our ties and our offerings and there's lots of ways you can do that on the screen digitally or if you still write checks do that and give your offering you know we do that because one main reason we have a value here at 7 that god is generous so we are generous like our father that's our value we are generous like our father that's why we give through jesus he's given us his nature so it's our second nature if we're stingy it's actually not our nature if we're stingy we're generous like god amen so let's give generously thank you that you do for all that god is doing here at life church 7 and around the world through our influence thank god for that and thank you for your giving you can head back to your seat or you can stay right here whatever you want but in a moment we're going to have a real treat we have a message some teaching and some impartation coming from pastor nate lindsay so if you would honor him while he comes to share the word with us that will be here he is passing it would you stand and give him a welcome please thank you thank you jim thank you awesome good morning man wow that was incredible can't wait for mo all that god's got coming for you there's more say and there's more but before we get to that we want to take just a quick moment and honor um two people that are going to school uh they are part of our worship team part of our family they're pastors kids and uh we're gonna honor them so anya biddlecom where are you would you get over anya you could stand up ron yeah that's awesome oh yes we love you anya so cool and you're going to bethel school of supernatural middle ministry that's going to be so cool are you excited yeah oh yeah i thought you are that's awesome so what's fun is you're a pastor's kid i'm a pastor's kid and we have another pastor's kid coming up uh cole cox is going to bethel as well should you give her a call [Applause] yes love you cole come on over and uh man we're so proud of both of you and what we want to do as a family we want to send them anoint them and pray for them amen so if i could have all the pastor pastoral staff come on up we're going to surround you and pray for you and um it's just going to be an awesome time uh josh would you pray for them today that'd be great here's a little go ahead you're good yeah um yeah lord i just thank you i thank you i thank you for anya i thank you for coal and i thank you that we get to send them out as a family god i thank you for all that you're going to do in them and through them in this next season god i thank you just for the growth for the anointing god for the the character the fruits for everything that you're going to do in them god i thank you that you're taking care of every need you're protecting them yeah lord we just love you we love you for what you're doing in each one of them okay thank you for the fire the fire that you're going to impart to each one of them the fire of the holy spirit in such a new and a fresh way and god i just i bless them both in jesus name amen amen thank you josh would you give them a hand thank you guys love you all [Applause] so fun exciting and i just want to also encourage all the ladies if you haven't signed up for the conference this weekend sign up zoe is going to be incredible rita springer my my wife was talking to her on the phone and i can't tell you it's just going to be absolutely phenomenal you don't want to miss it so fellas sign your wives up and watch the kids and all ladies said that's right um so today we're continuing our series on serving if you remember two weeks ago my dad pastor wes he preached and did a phenomenal job we had a foot washing service that night and it was incredible for all those that will be a part of it it was i heard one person say i will never forget this moment in my life and it wasn't just because i was touching his feet it was what god was actually doing in his life it was powerful and then last week my wife preached and it was incredible loved it she did such a great job and today we're continuing on in our series on serving and kind of to intro today's message i want to start with the question and and really the question is is really a simple one and before i i kind of get there i want to set up like this you know when you're growing up and you're in elementary school third grade fourth grade fifth grade you never hear of a kid when asked the question what do you want to be when you grow up you never hear them answer by saying i want to waste my life like no kid ever says that they want to be astronauts they want to be pilots firemen um lots of different things right but something happens in our lives as we grow up that there are times when we feel like we've wasted our life and sometimes the enemy will use that and lie to us and it's one thing to have that feeling or to have doubt or to struggle or to know that you blew it and thought man i wasted this area of my life i wasted marriage i wasted blah blah blah you could we could all fill in the blanks we felt like we've wasted something of importance to us but it's rare when your name makes the headlines and it says that you wasted your life i want to tell you this a story about a man who was a football player for the university of washington huskies i know i'm on the wrong side of the state but that's okay i was born and raised in um rent in washington and my grandpa oscar used to come over every saturday and we'd watch the huskies in the early 90s when we were really good we're praying for a return and we uh we watched and there was this guy that would play and he was amazing and he was drafted by the oakland raiders number one number 18 in the first round of the nfl draft played six years rushed over 5 000 yards and out of nowhere there's a picture of him that's napoleon kaufman napoleon kaufman and after six seasons he wasn't injured he wasn't going to prison for something that he had done wrong uh he wasn't sick nothing was going wrong in his life in fact he retired from the nfl because he felt god called him to be a pastor and everybody was shocked in fact the news outlets espn i remember a reporter saying these words napoleon kaufman is wasting his prime time career in the nfl he is wasting it headlines everywhere saying you're wasting it and yet he knew he wasn't wasting his life he was actually excited about it and do you know that he's still a pastor today he's still doing the work of the lord today i want to ask you a really important question are you wasting your life am i wasting my life you see there will be things that we do as believers that the world will look at and say you're wasting your life it makes no sense why would you come to church on a saturday and pray for people shouldn't you be out watching the movies shouldn't you be out hanging out shouldn't you be having fun and yet those of us who are in the presence of jesus and we're here and we're just like there's nothing greater than what jesus is doing right now there's nothing more exciting invigorating powerful than a life that encounters the gospel and is transformed and brand new nothing better than that and so when the world will look at us and scoff and think what what what are you thinking why are you giving your life to jesus why are you serving him that way why are you doing this the people on the inside the people that do this they realize it's no sacrifice at all because they're so in love with jesus in john chapter 12 today we're going to read a story about a woman named mary who does something that other people would say you wasted it and yet jesus receives it as worship because oftentimes what the world says is wasteful is actually worship unto the unto our father so here's what it says six days before the passover celebration began jesus arrived in bethany the home of lazarus the man he had raised from the dead now if you've not been around church very long or maybe you're just reading they're not sure about the whole context of this uh that verse should jump out at you did you just hear what he said raised him from the dead have you ever been to a dinner party with somebody who was raised from the dead i if i have not had that happen yet but if i was there i would probably be staring at them poking at them making sure they're not choking i don't know or maybe you say hey you want to try and race again this game oh come on just having fun but i mean think about it for just a moment you're in a room with someone who has died and come back to life this is not an ordinary dinner or lunch it's a meal with jesus and a man he raised from the dead it says a dinner was prepared in jesus honor martha served and lazarus was among those who ate with him then mary took a 12 ounce jar of expensive perfume made from the essence of nard and she anointed jesus feet with it wiping his feet with her hair the house was filled with fragrance it's one of those things that are happening where you can't ignore it like sometimes when you're at a dinner and somebody has something stuck on your teeth you kind of ignore it for a while and you find out who your real friends are real friends tell you just saying but this isn't one of those moments this stops the entire meal and the smell is going through the whole house and this is what one person judas iscariot the disciple who would soon betray him said that perfume was worth a year's wages now think about that for a moment for a laborer a year's wages that's a lot of money it's a lot of work it should have been sold and the money given to the poor now i love how verse 6 says this not that he cared for the poor he was a thief and since john since he was in charge of the disciples money he often stole for himself now this is what jesus says jesus replied leave her alone she did this in preparation for my burial you always have the poor among you but you will not always have me when all the people heard of jesus arrival they flocked to see him and also to see lazarus the man jesus had raised from the dead then the leading priest decided to kill lazarus ii for it was because of him that many of the people had deserted them and believed in jesus his testimony was ruining the pharisees ministry it's pretty hard to argue with a dead man who's come back to life i don't think he's real i'm right here jesus is real anybody with a testimony can tell you he transforms us he makes us new and mary is encounters jesus in such a powerful way that she gives us a glimpse of worship in a way that it rattles other people it caused other people to say that is wasteful why would you do that why would you give something so precious you see in scripture we actually have three different layers of giving the first one that we see in scripture in case you didn't know this one of the things we believe at live church 7 is that we are generous like our heavenly father right and because we're generous like our father he tells us that everything in this world belongs to him he gives us our ability to work and if we make a certain amount of money 90 of it we get to keep but 10 belongs to god that's called a tie that's the first level that's the baseline entry but as you grow in the grace and knowledge of jesus christ in first corinthians it says that you grow in giving then we see the second level which is love offerings which as your heart starts to be touched and transformed you start giving in ways that are above your ties then comes what mary did this is the third level this is extravagant offerings of worship it's like the lady who drops in two mites and the offering bucket and the disciples say who gave the most and jesus says she gave out of her lack she gave all that she had she gave extravagantly and mary gives extravagantly in such a way that everyone watching would think why would you do such a thing now let's put ourselves in the story think about the wave of emotions that mary has just experienced i some of us here this may cause some triggers for you i'm going to pray that this is actually redeeming for you but if you've ever had someone close to you die there is trauma associated with that there is pain associated with that and not only did he die it wasn't like he was resuscitated five minutes later no he was buried and dead for four days i love how the new king james says when he was risen from the dead it says but lord he stinketh right he'd been rotting he was dead it was such an amazing miracle now for mary think about this the wave of emotions with me for a second so your your brother's dead you're obviously upset and you're sad and there's a little bit of you that's actually angry with jesus because she actually if you read back a few chapters she sent word to jesus says my brother's really sick i believe you can heal him come on over and heal him stop what you're doing and come you love our family you're close to us you've ate with us you know us stop healing strangers amber felt like that jesus what about me all these people get healed but not me so there's a chance a moment in time where she believes for four days that that battle has been surrendered and he's in heaven think about that four days the grieving time the sleepless nights the tears the talking to family and relatives how we're going to move on next all of that's happening and she sees jesus coming towards her what would you do you see a lot of people when jesus disappoints them they run from god peace i'm out but the bible actually says mary does something even more audacious she runs and she falls at the feet of jesus and she just starts weeping and she says if only you would have got here sooner you could have saved him if only how many times have we told jesus if only you would have done it my way it would have been so much better lord i know and then all of a sudden jesus says thank you father i know you hear me and he raises lazarus from the dead think about the emotions she just experiences it's not like just a wave it's a tsunami being completely down completely lost to oh my goodness he's alive and now i'm having dinner i mean think about this she's looking at jesus she's looking at her brother looking at jesus looking at her brother and she is overwhelmed with love and worship and gratitude just completely overwhelmed and she turns and she grabs this perfume and she pours it over his feet and everyone in there is saying you're wasting it you're wasting it if anybody wasted it the world would say it was jesus but what the world saw was a waste he knew was the way to eternal life that's the power of the gospel it changes everything it changes everything jesus and mary knew a truth that you and i need to hold on to today and this is it john 12 25-26 he who loves his life will lose it and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life if anyone serves me let him follow me and where i am there my servant will be also if anyone serves me him if it serves me my father will honor them my father will honor them if you serve jesus your father in heaven will honor you the perfume was not wasteful it was worship it was all gratitude for what jesus had done if you're taking notes my big idea is gratitude fuels our passion to serve jesus well gratitude serves gratitude fuels our passion to serve jesus well so my question for you today you're sitting here and you're watching you're listening maybe you're online checking this out is if gratitude fuels my passion to serve jesus well how do i foster how do i cultivate more gratitude in my life because i want to serve jesus well but if you're like me sometimes when i see a two-year-old with a runny nose i'm not sure if i want to sign up to serving kids ministry anybody with me i see a lot of trash on the ground i just wash my hands someone else will get that how do i foster gratitude in such a way where i can serve in a way that worships the father the first thing that i want you to write down is that you come closer to jesus the closer you follow jesus the more grateful you become did you know mary was lazarus's sister who was recorded in scripture she threw herself at jesus feet not twice three times the first time was when jesus was preaching he laid at her she laid at his feet while he preached second time was when he raised her brother from the dead and the third time when's when she washed his feet with perfume mary is showing showing us a pattern here do you see it the closer you get to jesus the more grateful you become isn't it true when we're hurt offended or wounded we want to draw back we want to get away when our spouse has something that doesn't necessarily drive with us not so sure when your boss says something not so sure but what the father teaches us what mary teaches us is that the closer we get to jesus that connection the more grateful you'll become the more you will serve the more you'll worship the more you'll give to jesus now full disclosure point one i had a really good point for this but at our prayer meeting last night the lord like scrapped it totally pulled it out and what ended up happening was he revealed to me and it was it was kind of wild i haven't really had a picture like this but he revealed to me that there were people that are going to be here today that you want to come closer to jesus but you are so wounded you're so hurt there are things in your life that are you've literally put a wall and it's been your protection so you stay distant and you're called by god to do something and you're called to worship him but you hold back because you've experienced a traumatic event well there's been pain there's something holding you back and the picture he gave me this is going to sound kind of funny the book and the turn into a movie was the movie white fang everybody's seen the movie white fang a few of you three of you that's cool i i used to love it as a kid it was one of my faves and white fang was a a wolf and a dog it didn't fit really anywhere and it was a fighting dog and it was beaten and it was taught to be mean and to hate and somehow it escaped and here's the part that stood out to me this this man finds this wolf slash dog and ends up loving the dog so much that it came back to its purpose and as i was praying god showed me that there are people and he said specifically this section that you have been wounded god's speaking to you right now and you've sat on the sidelines and you've held back your worship and your service to god because you're afraid and if you would extend your hands church this way i just know that there is that god is highlighting some of you today that you are going to be healed and set free and he says it's time to get back in the game it's time he wants you to know he's going to use you you're going to be serving in his kingdom and all the things that you've been holding back he wants to bless you so lord jesus i pray for every person in this area i bless them in the mighty name of jesus lord i pray that you would heal their hearts the trauma the pain the walls the isolation the word of god comes in like a flood the same words that created the universe could heal your heart in a moment whom the sun sets free is free indeed so i bless you in jesus name amen if that was you after service please come find me and i want to pray for you so the first way is come closer that's how you cultivate gratitude the second way is remember what jesus has done recount his goodness over and over and over you're gonna fill your mind with something and i'm just going to tell you the more you fill it with recounting the goodness of god the more grateful you'll become and the more of a worshiper you will be as mary was washing the feet of jesus as she's washing his feet it changed everything he changed everything her life became so much greater by washing his feet i love well bill johnson says it jesus did not go through all his sufferings so we could go to church sorry he did what he did to atone for sin and by doing so he made it possible to raise up a new breed of world changers those who could maintain the standard he set in love purity and power that is you life church 7 that is us we are world changers everybody's a world changer because it starts with serving we think so often i have to have a microphone no it starts with serving my first pastoral ministry gig was the janitor not kidding i was hired as the toilet cleaner that was my specialty with all my might it was powerful but you know what it taught me humility humility and more humility but you know what it was if i'm doing it unto jesus it's worship what mary did her gratitude it changed the world 2 000 years plus we're still talking about it and you know what's interesting jesus even said we would and john in mark 14 9 it says assuredly i say to you wherever this gospel is preached and the whole world what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her next time you go and serve somewhere do it unto jesus because it will never ever return void it will never ever ever not be noticed by your father it's worship say this with me my life it's not wasted somebody say that again my life it's not wasted god's not done with you church god's not done with me as mary is serving jesus we need to have the same attitude she does not care what judas thinks she does not care what it costs she does not even care about her hair ladies you know it's real when you don't care about your hair she does not care about what anybody else is thinking she's so overcome with gratitude that she simply cannot help but serve jesus gratitude fuels our passion to serve jesus well you know what's interesting in that passage it's actually recorded three other times where she pours perfume on his feet but in all the other passages it says that all the disciples you're wasting it for some reason john left that out maybe because he was writing it i don't know the world will look at your worship and ask why are you wasting your time part of serving jesus well is being able to look at anybody in the eye and say once you catch jesus's eye this is no sacrifice he paid it all he paid everything this is the least i can do to cultivate gratitude get closer remember what he did and finally remember what jesus said he says so many things in scripture about you you are his son you are his daughter you are his friend you are free you are not lost you are found you are whole you are his those are all things in scripture but i want to highlight one quick thing matthew 25 verse 40 and it says this and the king will say this is jesus talking i tell you the truth when you did it unto one of the least of these my brothers and sisters you were doing it for me when you remember jesus's words you realize i'm serving jesus not serving man i'm serving jesus if i could have the worship team come up there was a woman who caught this and you've probably heard of her i bet almost every one of you have heard of her her name was mother teresa she passed away a few years ago and she was famous for a lot of different things actually but one of them in particular was the way that she served and fed the poor the broken in india the people that were dying the people that were lost people that were hurting and she was interviewed one time and it was in a book that i was reading and the question was how do you continue to serve people in your 80s who have hiv who are dying how do you do this how do you continue at this pace whenever everyone else is retiring you're still serving how are you doing this this is what she says i see jesus in every human being i say to myself this is hungry jesus i must feed him this is sick jesus this one has leprosy or gangrene i must wash him and tend to him i serve because i love jesus i serve because i love jesus you see grateful servants believe serving is more about who you see than what you do a grateful servant believes serving is more about who you see than what you do if i could have everyone stand for a moment i want to pray for you and i have one final story but would you just put your hands over your eyes you can close your eyes lord help me to see you help me to see you help me to see you more heart less head help me to see you jesus name you can open your eyes when i about 2005 i took a a group of young adults to mexico for a mission trip and we served at an orphanage on it's called saint vicente guerrero it's on the baja baja of the coast all the way down and we drove all the way down there was quite a trek and we served in this orphanage and then one of the ministry teams that i got to be a part of we got in a van and um actually a couple vans but i was obviously one van just one and we drove out to the outskirts of the town and we kept going these dirt roads and we came to to be honest the best i could describe it to you was literally cardboard boxes put in together for houses these were migrant worker families that were so poor so destitute they didn't even have cement for their floors or a roof on their over their heads they had boxes and as we pulled in it was all dirt as we pulled in they started playing music over the sirens of the of the vans that blasted into the village where these people were staying and it was christian music that i didn't understand it was in spanish and all of a sudden these kids just come pouring out of these houses two-year-olds three-year-olds five-year-olds seven-year-olds running to these vans and we get out of these vans and they literally a little girl a little boy three years old jump on me i'm holding him and this little girl she's grabbing my arm hair and yanking on it the whole time i'm just like what what's going on and she just couldn't stop pulling on my arm hair i remember that so vividly and i remember looking at her face and we sit down in the dirt just plop down and there's they start passing out milk poor milk and just a scoop of peanut butter and the way these kids started eating this milk and peanut butter just just absolutely wrecked me they were starving like starving they were asking for more for more for more for more and during this time they're doing a sunday school lesson and they said who wants to receive jesus as your savior and these kids they raise their hand and we pray for them and i'm looking at him as the receiving jesus and my heart's just broken i look at her and for the this is one of the first times in my life i've had this happen i look at this little girl's brown eyes and i see it's jesus's eyes and that verse hit me you've done the least you've done it unto me and i was never the same after that never the same and one of the things jesus is challenging me and i believe he's speaking to you is we've got to start seeing the face of jesus when we serve everywhere today man what an opportunity church you read the news you watch the things there's so much hate think about it what is the enemy trying to do to the church vaccinated not vaccinated what if we saw people the way jesus taught him like like for reals i understand there's a big deal lots of things we i understand all that but what we're talking about is serving the king we're talking about his kingdom come his will be done we're talking about something so much greater so my question for you my question for me is this do you see jesus when you serve and if you don't what an opportunity come close come close to him he wants you to see so that you can serve well we're going to sing this song called gratitude and my prayer is that you are so filled with gratitude that you serve jesus with such passion that will fuel you for a lifetime amen let's worship together [Music] i've got nothing new how could i express [Music] all my gratitude i could sing these songs as i often do but every song [Music] and praise you again and again [Music] is [Music] except for a heart singing [Music] [Music] i've got just [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] except for a heart singing [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] don't you get me lift up your song cause you've got a line inside of those [Music] [Music] get up is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] him [Music] [Music] again and again [Music] is [Music] [Music] yeah it's so good it's so good being in his presence worship team if you want to switch over to that last song we're going to worship here in a moment i'm going to do something a little bit different than i did in first service before we go into that i just want to take a moment and make the invitation for anybody here that does not know jesus as their savior if you've never put your faith in jesus today can be your day and it's the the best thing you'll ever do i remember the day 21 years ago when i gave my heart to jesus it's it's a decision you will not regret and so that's you just throw your hand up real quick and we'll pray together i see that hand in the balcony thank you anyone else yeah let's let's pray this prayer together as a family just everybody repeat this jesus i ask you to be my savior today i lay down my old life and i take up your life made brand new forgive me my sins [Music] wash them away with your blood and i'm i'm gonna follow you the rest of my life [Music] amen amen can you celebrate that that is awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just we celebrate that if you're watching online and and you prayed that prayer we celebrate that as well one thing i want to do so we have a shofar here today and so i'm gonna i'm gonna have this gentleman over here below that in a minute um but one of the things that i just really feel from the lord today i was i've never heard this hymn i don't know what the melody is but i i was listening to the words of this hymn it was william booth in 1894 wrote this hymn it's called the send the fire and i just felt like the thing that that pastor nate is preaching about this this servant's heart man when you are filled with a fire of the holy spirit you will serve the lord at all costs amen and so the the church what the church needs is fresh fire from the lord fresh fire of the holy spirit amen so i'm just going to read one verse when i'm done reading this verse if you could blow the show far and then i just want to invite anybody down front if you just want an impartation a fresh fire fire of the holy spirit just come down front and we're going to worship for a minute and i'm just going to read this over you and i just believe the lord is gonna bring an impartation of the fire of the holy spirit amen all right here it goes about christ of burning cleansing flame send the fire send the fire send the fire thy bloodbot gift today we claim send the fire send the fire send the fire look down and see this waiting host give us the promised holy ghost we want another pentecost send the fire send the fire send the fire go ahead and blow that [Applause] let's worship him let's worship him [Music] [Applause] [Music] until the angels is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy spirit club holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we want another we want your [Music] fight yeah let's just go into that bridge again all the angels cry out we're partnering with heaven right now we're partnering with heaven with what they're singing let's go back into that bridge [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah yeah jesus jesus we are grateful we're grateful for the holy spirit thank you for the holy spirit thank you for a fresh baptism and fire thank you for what you're doing in this church in the churches all around the nation and the nations god thank you for revival in the seven cities and in the u.s and across the world we thank you for what you're doing [Music] if you're able to just put a hand on the person next to you on their shoulder and just pray just send just pray the simple prayer send the fire send the fire send the fire send the fire send the fire send the fire send the fire [Music] send the fire send the fire sand the fire send the fire send the fire send the fire [Music] send the fire send the fire [Music] yeah i don't want to stop anybody from receiving right now it's just a time of receiving from the lord and impartation i do want to say if you have kids next door go get your kids next door it's time to pick them up but if you if you want to just keep receiving keep receiving i do ask prayer partners if you could come come to the front prayer partners [Music] keep receiving if you want to prayer partners come forward and if you need prayer you need healing you need ministry from the holy spirit we've got a whole team of people up here ready to pray with you and don't leave this place without getting a touch from the lord before i dismiss let me just pray over you lord i thank you for every person in here thank you for what you're doing in us and through us god i bless what you're doing and every person continue to send the fire continue to send the fire i bless every person in jesus name in jesus name amen amen please continue to receive if you're up front receiving what a powerful service we are so glad you joined us for church today if you just gave your heart to jesus we are celebrating with you and in fact all of heaven is celebrating with you and we would love to connect with you so would you send us an email at connect and one of our pastors or leadership team will be in contact with you to help you grow in your relationship with jesus and get you connected to our church family throughout the week we encourage you to check us out on youtube and facebook and instagram and find new ways that you can get plugged in and continue to grow throughout the week thanks for joining us and we look forward to seeing you next week [Music]
Views: 230
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Taj5nZ9ISa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 41sec (5801 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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