Humility is the Way Forward | Kingdom Culture | Part 1

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[Music] [Music] welcome everyone to our services today we are so glad that you joined us today at Life Church 7 Sunday morning for our worship service to be powerful we've got an amazing service plant we're gonna worship together we're gonna hear an amazing word just as as as I was thinking this week of this opening of opening the service just thinking of everything going on in the world today the pain the injustice that people are feeling that are experiencing and when we have moments like this in history we can choose to react to what we see react to what the what the enemy is doing we can choose to react or we can choose to respond to what heaven is saying and what heaven is doing we have a choice and I was thinking about the kingdom of heaven it is the most diverse place in the universe the kingdom of heaven is the most diverse place in the universe want to read a couple couple scriptures Psalms 2:8 this is speaking of Jesus it says ask of me and I will give you the nation's for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession Jesus inheritance is the nation's every tribe every tongue every race that's his inheritance the kingdom of heaven is diverse and yet it's we're called to walk in unity with all of our differences we're called to walk in unity in John 17:20 jesus prayed this I do not pray for these alone but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they all may be one as you Father are in me and I in you that they also may be one in us and that the world may believe that you sent me we are called to walk in unity jesus prayed for unity so today as we start the service I just want to do that I want to pray for unity as we begin our service unity in our region unity in our state unity in the nation and unity across the world so wherever you are in your home in your vehicle wherever you are watching this broadcast let's just begin in unity to declare what heaven is saying over the earth Jesus is coming back for a glorious spotless bride a victorious bride unified as one and so if you're in your home just go ahead and stand and we're gonna worship we're gonna pray Holy Spirit how do we do we just partner with what you're saying across the earth God that you are bringing unity you're bringing unity in spite of the racial stuff that is going on the racism the injustice is yeah that's demonic that's the enemy and you are gonna bring unity Jesus you will heal our land if we humble ourselves and pray so today in humility we we call on you we call any Jesus for unity the unity in the seven cities unity across the state unity across the nation Holy Spirit we partnered with what you're doing we look from your perspective and we know that you're working we know that you were moving we know that you are setting us up for the greatest revival the world has ever seen so we say yes we say yes to a revival we say yes to your power Holy Spirit come and awaken hearts change hearts fill us with your love fill us with your presence fill us with empathy fill us with humility God let us be be humble help us to love unconditionally God we call on you this morning in Jesus name Amen let's worship together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so white ass other fount I know hi [Applause] [Music] - what [Music] Oh makes me quite a start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] nightclubs not a shame [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is power [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now - like forever [Music] here's a flow that makes me white ice no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] my change I just wanna I just want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's it [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here is it so [Music] there [Music] just tell me where this guy needs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all understand [Music] Oh [Music] dear [Music] Jesus man that song is so powerful I couldn't help it think about the image of Jesus in the bottom of a boat sound asleep and the disciples are on top of the bow in the middle of a storm and it's so strong that they think they're going to die and they wake up their Savior and they say don't you care about us and Jesus with just a phrase is able to calm a storm and the disciples have the most amazing response they say who is this that even the wind's and the waves obey Him I think sometimes we think our peace is determined by our circumstance rather than the one that we draw close to that can calm any storm that's all found in Jesus and maybe you're listening to this feed right now and there's a storm in your life we know that our nation is in a storm we know that there are so many things struggling and waging war but what if we as a people the people of God the Church of God the Saints went to the source of peace and instead of fighting for it we recognize where the peace actually came from the one who can calm the winds and the waves is the same God who can calm your storms today and wherever you're at you're at home watching this I want to encourage you just for a moment to think about the things that are wreaking havoc on your peace is it relationships is your finances is that the nation is it Cova 19 is it racism whatever it is that's causing all this unrest the first thing I want to encourage you to do is to receive the peace that comes only from Jesus Christ the Bible says that he is the Prince of Peace and when we do that there's something that changes us it's not looking to fix other people it's from the inside out and then we can love well we can give away something that every single person need and that's the peace of Jesus so I want to encourage you right now close your eyes with me and lift your hands and receive the Peace of Jesus the Prince of Peace Oh father right now we thank you for your love we thank you for your grace and I speak against the chaos I speak against anxiety I rebuke fear I rebuke doubt and I declare right now the peace of Jesus Christ that passes all understanding would rule and guide our hearts and minds and Jesus name and for every person right now that's in the middle of a storm and you believe the lie that Jesus doesn't care that he may be asleep he's got nothin oh he cares he loves you he's calling you to trust him in deeper levels deeper ways so father right now we put our peace our trust our confidence completely in you and we receive new peace from you Jesus I pray every soul every heart would be still right now in Jesus name as we were just as I was just praying I just felt like I was saying there's there are people that are home watching this that you're sick right now there's there's infirmity in your house and you need a miracle and I just pray right now that there would be healing there's someone that is watching this your lungs there's something wrong with your lungs I hear asthma and I also hear some like pneumonia or like a sickness that like a flu I rebuke that in Jesus name and I declare healing over asthma I declare healing over the flu right now in Jesus name the peace will begin and your body is gonna be healing power flow through you right now wherever you're watching this so if that's you put your hand over your chest right now and we're gonna declare the healing power of Jesus Christ is gonna flow through your body Jesus I pray that you would heal whoever sick right now we thank you that it's by your stripes we are made whole your blood sets us free and heals us so thank you Jesus right now in advance for the healing power that's gonna flow through right now in your mighty and wonderful name amen amen thank you Jesus for the healing by the way if you get healed would you please send us a message we want to celebrate with you we see people get healed all the time but we want to partner with you and celebrate with you in that thank you for tuning in with us we love Jesus we just say wherever you're at man I love you Jesus thank you for your peace thank you for your grace we're so grateful for you amen amen well we're gonna transition right now to receiving our morning's tithes and offerings I want to say thank you for your generosity thank you for giving thank you for being faithful we want to encourage you during this time that part of peace is trusting in the Prince of Peace and that one of the ways that we do that is by giving of your tithes and offerings whatever that you've been given the Bible teaches us that everything belongs to the Lord and that our tithe is this the first 10% is just the fruit of our firstfruits that we give to him and remember that all that ultimately belongs to him and our tithe is simply a test saying who do I trust who do I believe in who do I do I answer to you know I was thinking about a different times in my life when God would ask me to give and this happened recently he asked me to give some money and I remember thinking man I don't know I don't know and I just remember these words he said this just trust me just trust me and when I gave I'm not kidding five days later four times as much as I gave came back and even crater measured I was absolutely shocked and the Lord told me again how faithful he is and the small thing so I want to encourage you right now if you're being blessed by this this feed all the lights everything that we're doing we're trying to present the best quality picture video sounds that you can receive the presence of God without hindrance if you've been blessed by this ministry I want to encourage you to so back into it and watch what God will do in your life but more than that we want to see Souls saved we want to see revival in the Seven Cities we want to see hearts transformed we just believe in everything that God is doing so if you want to sow into the kingdom I want to encourage you give generously and give faithfully and watch what God will do in your life so would you pray with me I'm gonna bless your offering by the way there's a couple ways that you can give one you can give on the app you can give online you also take mail in you can mail in checks there's lots of ways that you can give but the biggest thing is where's your heart or where your treasure is there your heart will be also let's pray together father I thank you for this offering I thank you for both the gift and the giver I pray that you bless them I pray that you bless everything that's happening Lord Jesus and we thank you for it and your mighty and wonderful name amen well hello life search seven family so good to be with all of you today spiritually hopefully someday soon we will be together physically but until that time we have lots of ways for you to continue to be plugged in with our life Church seven family every week we do devotions every day of the week Monday through Friday we do devotions it's at 9:30 in the morning gonna hear from different pastors here on staff and just study the Word of God together it's such a powerful time I just want to encourage you if you are being blessed by this if you want to just continue to just spread the news of what God's doing here at Life Church 7 in the tri-cities would you just share your feed right now just go ahead and click share it's just a simple share you can share your feed this morning we also encourage you to share the feed throughout the week when you're listening to the devotions it's incredible to see how many people are being blessed by just all of the ministries here at Life Church 7 so we encourage you just to continue to partner with us and just clicking share hey next year we have a supernatural school of ministry here it's been going on now for two years and next year will be our third year and you can sign up to be a part of this incredible experience this incredible school and you can go to our website and you can just click on Life Church 7 supernatural school of ministry there's an application there and someone will be in contact with you shortly hey if there are any prayer needs that you have we want to pray with you so if you would like prayer or you want to ask Jesus into your heart you can text pray or salvation two four eight four eight four eight and someone will be in contact with you the last announcement that I have is tonight we are gonna have revival prayer on the patio it's at six o'clock bring your mask well social distance we're gonna honor with the the guidelines are but come and be a part of this incredible time of praying for revival for our state for our country just waiting upon God last week was so powerful so we want to invite you to join us for that would you welcome with me pastor Wes amen yeah it's so good to see each one of you and we welcome you this morning and to all the Life Church 7 family to all those that are watching this live feed we just say welcome it's exciting today we begin a new series called heavens culture and we're gonna be doing a serious about this the summer and as I was thinking about this in just a moment Pastor Mark is going to come and he's gonna come and speak and begin this series but I just wanted to open this series with a just short at a short address that first of all what we see is the culture of darkness breaking out across our nation really around the world and Jesus prayed in Luke 11 he said when you pray say our Father who's in heaven holy is your name holy is your name then he prayed may your kingdom come may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and we're beginning a series called heavens culture and I believe that it addresses what's going on the racism we know that racism is evil - it's very cold core it's satanic the devil came to rob kill and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly amen and so we begin this series it's like a life talk series for this season Pastor Mark and want to welcome you come as we begin this series in your home give him a great big hand god bless you yeah thank you Pastor Wes you got a haircut you are looking good pastor Wes we yeah like pastor Wes we are starting a brand new series this morning called kingdom culture kingdom culture kingdom culture Jesus brought the king of heaven to this world and it is forcefully advancing you know everything has a culture everything has a culture you know your home has a culture I went to somebody's house once and I left my shoes on and quickly I realized this is a no shoes home culture and they asked me would you please remove your shoes every home has a culture do you know every workplace has a culture and what do I mean by culture what I mean by cultures this is the way you see things the way you experience things the way things are done that's a culture your workplace has a culture we're in the seven cities and if you're watching in the seven cities there's the major employer is the Hanford Site how many know Hanford has a culture there's a culture there and I want to tell you this morning this the Kingdom has a culture there's a culture in the kingdom but what is that culture what makes that culture how do you carry that culture that's what we're looking at today and throughout the series and here's the thing that I think is so important for us today is the enemy use culture uses culture to divide us I'm in this culture I'm from that culture and your culture is different than mine so we couldn't be together but how many know that the kingdom culture unites and embraces every culture it doesn't matter what tribe or background ethnicity you are we all are under the same roof at the same table in the kingdom that's the truth it's the truth so we're not gonna let culture divide us we're actually going to embrace different parts of culture and say how can we learn more about the heart of God in the heart of the Father through every culture under the umbrella of a kingdom culture under the umbrella we're gonna be looking at the the Gospel of Mark and in the Gospel of Mark we're gonna be today in Chapter 1 but the gospel mark we discover and we activate kingdom culture you see it's not just enough to see it because we can see and say oh that's really cool we're not just made to see things we're made to live things we're made to activate it to be it to live it to do it God's call the suit to bring it into our world there's a culture that our world needs and you carry it if you're a follower of Jesus if you're a believer years ago a friend invited me to go hiking did you know hiking has a culture some of you you're watching this you love to hike would you just like in the comments right now like put like a mountain emoji or maybe share your favorite place I anybody here just didn't we love to hike just even here in the room there's a little bit yes almost love to hike some of us don't I don't like hiking I'm not a hiker I'm not that kind of guy I don't like doing it but I was in a men's Bible study and there was a guy you know if I was that you loved hiking he challenged all of us hey I bet you guys can't hike like I can and I thought challenge accepted we're gonna have a competition culture let's go you know challenge accepted and he was this older guy and I was 29 I was a youngest guy in the small group and I said let's go on a hike so we started to get ready and quickly I realized I did not have the right gear for this hike so I started to borrow things I started to borrow shoes we needed a backpack he told me this is an overnight hiking trip now there's two types of hiking there's like the one-day hiking and then there's overnight hiking this a little bit different I didn't realize this and so I got all the things we got to the hike and I realized I did not have the right things for this culture he didn't tell me this was a 26 mile hike with a 6,000 foot elevation game now this is in western Washington I lived in Western watching for a long time and there's the Olympic mountain range there and on the western end there's these two peaks called the brothers it's the highest peaks you can see from the Seattle area and he said that's the one we're summiting over these two days and so my feet were sore he had all sorts of things I didn't have he had these like things he put on his feet called crampons and he had poles that we were Holly are we skiing or hiking I don't know which one we're doing but we're hiking here and he had all this gear that I used and there's something about this hike that was humbling the higher we went onto the mountain the more humbled I thought I thought I was going to conquer this mountain and it felt like the mountain conquered me and I have a picture I think we're gonna show it now when I got to the top of the mountain I think you were gonna show it on the screen it's me flashing the peace sign I don't look that happy though but I'm saying peace out to this hike that's literally what I'm doing is I get to the top of that mountain and said peace out but there's a couple things I discovered in this is one we need to discover embrace a culture and we need to discover and activate the things of that culture I did not discover activate the things of of the culture of hiking and there's things for us to discover and activate in the culture of heaven there are things that we haven't discovered and haven't realized yet and that's what this series is all about but the other thing in the in one of the key principles that we discover in the kingdom of God is this principle of humility the older I get the more I realize that life is kind of like this journey hiking up this mountain and there'll be moments that I realize man I don't have it all figured out and there are things that I have to realize and the more I go and journey on this life there's more moments of humility there's more moments that humble me today we're talking about humility what is humility I wrote this down about humility true humility is not the absence of confidence it is strength restrained humility is not thinking less of yourself it is thinking of yourself less humility is not about having a low view of yourself and it's easy to think that humility is this it's me being constantly aware of my faults and weaknesses and thats humility I'm telling you right now it's not if you're the main subject even when you're thinking about your weaknesses and faults if you're the made subject and you have maybe gone into the most subtle form of pride humility is not about focusing on ourselves it's about focusing on the Lord and I want to ask you this question this morning what does humility look like in you what does humility look like in you we are in a time today where our nation needs humility second Chronicles 7:14 it's as if my people who are called by my name will what's the word humble why don't you say right now humble if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways you know it takes humility to turn it does I've been driving before and said I know I know the way know it takes humility to turn amen it takes humility to turn takes humility to turn and then says this promise then I will hear from heaven I'll forgive their sin I will hear their land do we not want God to heal our land we want the Lord to heal our land we want God to bring revival we want the Lord to bring out for him we want him to change our nation amen so what's the path what's the key word in that verse humility humility today we see a world in turmoil we need a virus to die in Jesus name we declare the coronavirus die in Jesus name we have businesses that are struggling or closing we have employees and people losing their jobs we have racism and hate that needs to evaporate in our world we have heartache we have hurt we have pain and we have a divided nation pointing fingers and sharing opinions behind a screen and I'm wondering what's the way for we have a state that says the church is not essential and I'm wondering what's the way forward what's the way forward Church what's the way forward into the kingdom how do we move forward today and into the future and wrote this out the big idea if you're taking us write this down is this humility is the way forward that good humility is the way forward there's a lot of people telling you the way forward I'm here to tell you today humility is the way forward humility we must get on our knees we must get low we must humble ourselves pray and seek the Lord for help and this is the truth and in the kingdom to go high you must get low in the kingdom to go high you must get low and this is a season for us to get low today we're gonna be reading from mark chapter 1 I want encourage you if you haven't to turn there with me mark chapter 1 we're gonna discover some things about mark and I want to give a little background on mark the book of Mark is written by John Mark fun fact I am actually named after the Gospel of Mark I actually have five brothers six boys in my family and four of us are named Matthew Mark Luke and John so I just believed like my parents named us that so that when they were yelling at us like some form of God would come over them at least I hope that like God would just relieve them because they're they're saying the Gospels as they're young it didn't work Basti and my mom was I don't know how it like if you've ever like I don't try to get somebody's attention and you're just throwing out everything it my mom would just say Matthew Mark Luke John you know whatever your name is you know like like yeah you know so we're named after the Gospels it's pretty cool but it's believed about Mark it's believed that mark knew Jesus it wasn't one of the disciples but it's believed that he he knew Jesus this book the Gospel of Mark was written in Rome it was written in Rome the church in Rome Rome was a kingdom Rome was an empire and mark is writing saying there's actually another Kingdom that is forcefully advancing and you might see this kingdom the kingdom of Rome this Empire Rome but I'm telling you there is a kingdom that's pushing back darkness in the name of Jesus there's a kingdom that you might not see it it is forcefully advancing in the world there is a kingdom that has been defeated by Jesus he defeated death hell on the grape and he's bringing the kingdom of heaven a kingdom culture into this world that was true then and that's true now it might be hard to look at the world right now and say I don't see the kingdom but I'm here to tell you today you look hard enough you'll see the kingdom of God forcefully advancing in the world today there's a kingdom this gospel is all often called Peters gospel it's often tradition would say that that mark was a companion of Peter and he wrote this gospel as he was listening to Peter retell the stories Peter would retell the stories and Mark would write them down about what Jesus did this is the first gospel written and many people would argue that this gospel a lot of the other Gospels copied it they took some of the notes that they read and Mark and added it to their gospel there's two important themes that we'll see in the Gospel of Mark and the first theme is this write this down the idea of kingdom one of the themes in the Gospel of Mark is Kingdom Jesus is bringing a new Kingdom on this world and the second thing that's a huge key in this book is this as the word immediately or and suddenly or at once it all is the Greek word you--this you--this and it occurs 42 times in the Gospel of Mark it actually is only 52 times in the entire New Testament and 42 of the 52 are found in the Gospel of Mark there's a speed at which mark is there's a need for what Mark is bringing to the world what this gospel is bringing to the world and this word you--this it means and suddenly how many know we need an and suddenly today we needed and suddenly today that we see the turmoil we see the hurt but I'm waiting for a youth this moment and suddenly moment where God changes the entire story amen we're praying for an end so let's read verse one turn there with me let's let's go into this it says this this is the good news about Jesus the Messiah the son of God it began just as the prophet Isaiah had written look I am sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your way he is a voice shouting in the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord's coming clear the road for him this is talking about John the Baptist and I know this as a believer you either prepare the way or you get in the way you either clog the road or you clear the road and we need to be the people that say god I'm gonna get low in the season I'm gonna humble myself in the season because I know if I can just get people to you Jesus if I can just get them to an encounter with you Jesus their life will never be the same so I want to I want to make it easy for people to know experience the power in the presence of the Holy Spirit I want to prepare the way amen we want to be people that prepare the way of the Lord and verse 7 let's skip ahead this is John the Baptist he said someone is coming soon who is greater than I am so much greater than I am not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals does that not sound like humility I'm not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie his sandals he says i baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit I mean oh we need a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit we need a baptism of love right now in this time in this moment of the world we need a baptism of fire I need a baptism of fire next verse it says in verse 9 one day Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee he came from Nazareth in Galilee and John baptized him in the Jordan River so from the onslaught of the book of Mark this New Kingdom culture this - bringing heaven on earth we see humility we see John saying I need to prepare the way I'm not even worthy we see Jesus getting baptized question did Jesus need to get baptized why did they baptize without confessing your sins repenting and being going under the water singing my old life is gone my new life has come did Jesus have any sins to confess so why then was Jesus baptized I know you're just waiting for an answer humility jisuk getting baptized was him saying i'm in full submission in obedience to the will of god that's why Jesus got baptized he's saying hey I just want you to everybody to know I'm humbling myself in obedience to the Father in obedience to the father there are so many important truths that we see in mark 1 I couldn't even get to all of them but I wrote down a few and here's one of them write this down is the humble our exalted the humble our exalted well I know how do I come to that conclusion well right after Jesus was baptized you see what happens let's check this out verse 10 it says as Jesus came out of the water this is the first and suddenly the first time we see it and suddenly as Jesus came out of the water it says he saw the heavens splitting apart and the Holy Spirit descending on him how many want the Holy Spirit to fall on you today I want the Holy Spirit to fall on me I want anointing I want power I want out pour all the Holy Spirit to fall on this church I want the Holy Spirit to fall on this nation I want the Holy Spirit to fall in the seven cities but how do we get there humility Jesus humbled himself got baptized in the very moment and suddenly as he came out of the water the Holy Spirit fell what if the paths to all the things we want in the kingdom it starts with humility it starts with you and me ain't got I humble myself I'm in full submission to what you want Lord I'm in full of medians to what you want Jesus the Holy Spirit fell and then it says in verse 11 and a voice from heaven said you are my dearly loved son and you bring me great joy isn't that so good you are my dearly love what a powerful declaration could you imagine the father can you picture being there at the Jordan River seeing this moment but I want you to know that you are God's favorite son and favorite daughter that when you walk in humility God says over you you are my dearly loved son you are my dearly loved daughter and you are you bring me great joy you know also the father says over you when we walk in humility he loves to say that over you jesus said this the greatest among you must be a servant do you know God wants you to be great it's a trick of the enemy to say I'm humble so that means I can't be great you know God wants you to be great there's greatness and royalty that flows in your lungs and flows in your bones and flows in your blood it flows all over you you're made to be great God wants you to be great but he says you want to be great be a servant wash feet and then he says this is a Jesus those who exalt themselves will be humbled have you ever been humbled before I've exalted myself before and man I got humbled but those who humble themselves will be exalted do you notice that doesn't say may be or could be will be it's a promise this is an idea this isn't a concept this is a promise from Jesus himself when you humble yourselves oh he loves to exalt you James 4:6 says this he gives God gives a greater grace it says god opposed God is opposed to the proud but he gives grace to the humble do you know there's a great grace reserved for the humble what does grace grace is undeserved favor there's undeserved favor for you when you walk in humility but do you know what grace also means grace is the operational power of God so there's grace in you when you believe but there's also grace that comes upon you there's a grace that comes upon you so some of your going through a trial right now and you're wondering how do I get through this when you walk in humility God will give you a greater grace and you won't even just walk through a valley or get through that storm you're gonna thrive in it you're gonna be blessing it when you walk in humility God will give you a great grace he'll give you a great grace there's greater grace available to you but we must walk in humility we are working our way all the way down to the top you must walk in humility God's ultimate goal for you is to be great what father doesn't want his child to be great I want my kids to be great I want my kids to live in greatness but how do we get there what's the path humility Chris Felton says this I love this he says greatness is planted in the seedbed of humility greatness it's planted in the seedbed of humility it's watered by the deeds of servanthood it's cultivated by the hands of perseverance until it finally yields the harvest of royalty some of you want to be great and you feel like I'm in a season where I'm just hidden or I'm under the surface you were right where God wants you to be he's taking that seed of greatness and he's putting it underneath the service surface so it can grow and some of your waiting like I want to make things happen I want to do great things I want to start this business I want to do this things and God's just got you in a season of waiting under the surface under in the soil being transformed by Jesus this is right where you want to be this is right where you're supposed to be Jesus was baptized he humbled himself and then he got this powerful declaration over him I believe today there's powerful power available to you but the pathways through humility humility is the way forward here's what I love about this passage is this Jesus gets his declaration he gets baptized against his declaration given over him and then his ministry explodes nope that's not what happens let's see what happens in the very next verse you ready it says this the spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness wait I thought this was my coronation I thought this was my coronation to this amazing ministry I'm gonna start then Jesus in the spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan hello for forty eight forty days he was out among the wild animals I know angels took care of him too have you ever got a powerful word over your life a prophetic word over your life you're like I can't wait to see this happen and the very next season wilderness but God you said I was gonna do this you said I was gonna use that you said I was gonna go and take the nation's God wilderness 2020s give me your best year yet pandemic I haven't got a haircut in two months look crazy you know I don't know what it is right that happens I want you to know the wilderness the wilderness is so good it's in the wilderness you learn intimacy with the father it's in the wilderness that you build trust and character it's in the wilderness that you grow into the man and woman of God that you're supposed to be don't get mad about the wilderness embrace it don't get don't get upset and say I'm done with the wilderness embrace it the wilderness is breeding ground for all that God wants to do in your life the wilderness is the breeding ground for everything that God wants to do in your life don't complain about the wilderness don't get mad about the owners don't rush through the wilderness for Jesus forty days for some of us it's longer some of us is shorter there's a season of wilderness that all of us need to go through and brings me to point two second thing I wrote down about humility is the humble follow the humble follow Jesus was compelled by the Holy Spirit and he followed he was compelled by the Holy Spirit and he followed are you willing to go wherever Jesus asked you to go even if it means I'm gonna go into the wilderness where Satan is and where there's wild animals I don't know which is scarier probably both right but angels are there remember the presence of God is there the power of God is there with you listen there is a path we are on to revival are you willing to give up what you think it should look like for it to happen there's a path and this is part of it 2020 this is a moving year this is a moving year this isn't a waiting year this isn't a staying year this is a moving year into revival and there's a religious spirit that would say it needs to look like sound like feel like this and I'm saying let's get over that let's give that up and say God whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like whatever it feels like I want revival I want to experience revival I want this world to be changed I don't want this nation to be changed so god whatever you have them following I'm not the leader that's pride I'm the servant I'm the disciple I'm the believer and I want to go wherever you're going it's the Holy Spirit where are you going where are you going Holy Spirit that's where I want to be that's where I want to be later in the chapter the Sonia more important pieces but it says this in verse 30 it says now Simon his mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever and they told Jesus about it right away so he went to her bedside he took her by the hand and he helped her sit up jesus healed her she received her healing do you wanna know something very important in the kingdom Healing is normal in the kingdom of darkness sickness is normal in the kingdom of heaven Healing is normal Healing is normal but what was the key to her being healed you might have missed it what was the key to her healing ready humility humility all throughout the Gospels when you see people who are healed almost all of them come to Jesus saying God I need you God I need you there's no demanding God you must heal me there's no demanding there's this humble spirit saying god I need you I'm gonna push through the crowds I'm gonna beg you because what you have I need and here's the key principle the humble position themselves to receive the humble are positioning themselves to receive do you see it's a humility for Peters mom to take the hand of Jesus it says that Jesus took her by the hand what if she wouldn't grab the hand of Jesus what if she was proud and said I can get over this fever I got this but there was a moment where she took the hand of Jesus and she received her healing if I'm humble I'm positioned to receive if I'm proud I'm left empty handed I'm gonna say that again it's really important you need to catch this if I'm humble I'm positioning myself to receive if I'm proud I'm left empty-handed I want you to know there's so much God has for you you haven't even come close to experiencing all the goodness that God has for you you haven't even come close to experience the intimacy and the love the father has for you he loves you so much the father loves you so much and I was his praying for this service and last night I was just praying for this service I just got a picture of somebody whose heart was just surrounded by concrete and do you know how hard it is to receive something when you're surrounded by a concrete you can't put anything through it it's hard and I just saw a picture supernaturally of that concrete cracking and breaking off of you and you being able to receive the very thing that you need some you've let your heart be so hardened by wounds and by hurting by pain and today that's breaking in the name of Jesus it's breaking the name of Jesus don't let the wounds of your passive bitterness or anger unforgiveness are you not getting your healing or whatever could be that is hardened your heart that needs to go in Jesus name that needs to go now in Jesus name I see it prophetically cracking and breaking off of you by the power of the Holy Spirit right now it's coming off of you and in that you are receiving right now the very love of the Father you're receiving the love of the father two years ago I was out of a job I needed a job and my family they owned a farm here in the Seven Cities my family I said hey why don't you come on the farm why don't you come work for us and my dad my mom and my two younger brothers were the owners and I was gonna work for them now I don't know about you but there wasn't a moment in my life where I said you know when I dream of working for my younger brothers I just wasn't my dream but I knew that this is what God wanted me to do so I said yes and I'll tell you the last two years have been the best receiving a blessing I've ever seen in my life but it's because I in myself to receive I could have been proud answer no I don't want to do this I want to do something else but I said no I want to position myself to receive you know what God did he just took this bucket of blessing and use it let me just bless you I'm gonna just bless you lose I'm telling you sorry allergies I'm telling you when you when you position yourself to receive Oh God loves the part of Lessing he loves it as part as blessing on you are you hardened today are you hardened today it's time to receive your blessing hmm are you positioned to receive are you taking Jesus by the hand I'm just thinking about this world today doesn't our world need solutions and I believe Jesus reaching out his hands in I got all the kingdom solutions you need today are you gonna take me by the hand are you gonna say no I got this Jesus I can figure it out I'll come to you at the end no he's got Kingdom solutions that we need right now today that's gonna bring more healing and more presence and more power than we would ever it an experience are you willing to reach Jesus by the hand and say God I need you we need your presence and power today finally the fourth thing I wrote down it's this powerful moment with Jesus and the band you guys can come up we'll close out in a song as this is the humble are always moved with compassion the humble are always moved with compassion in verse 40 of Mark at the end it says a man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus begging to be healed if you're willing you can heal me and make me clean this this man is coming in humility begging can you see him he's begging he knelt he gets on his knees and he says if you're willing would you heal me if you're well he gets on his knees there's humility in the you see it and it says in verse 41 moved with compassion come on moved with compassion moved with compassion Jesus reached out and touched him I am willing be healed I am willing be healed the humble are always moved with compassion humility is the way forward and the humble are moved to the compassion pride keeps you humility moves you this is really important pride pride keeps you where you're at oh this is how it is this is how suppose they don't know they don't know how I feel they don't know my what I've gone through what pride keeps you humility moves you humility moves you we need to be moved with compassion we have a nation in protests right now reaching their hand out are you willing are you willing to empathize with me are you willing to see me are you willing to acknowledge my pain and it be easy for the churches that why I don't know I don't know but we must be moved with compassion we must be moved with compassion coz you need to know this about Jesus this wasn't just a passive oh yeah I guess I'm willing I guess I'll help you know this was an active I am willing I was made for this this is why I came to the world this is the culture I'm bringing this is the kingdom of heaven that's what Jesus heart was a made for this I'm willing are you moved Church are you moved we are created you know what were created for reconciliation Church were created for healing church we were created for this moment are you moved are you moved with compassion are you allowing the Holy Spirit to move upon your heart are you moved you know the posture of the kingdom is going low your the posture of the world is self-promotion I'm gonna push other people down so I can give high that's the that's the that's the world that's the posture of the world let me push everybody else down so I can get high and the posture of the kingdom is let's get lower let's get lower you know how I know that Philippians two Jesus though he was God he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to and said he gave up his divine privileges and he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being and when he appeared in human formed he humbled himself in obedience to God and he died a criminal's death on a cross and therefore God elevated him to the place of highest honor and he gave him the name above all of the names that the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven on earth and under the earth and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God our Father the enemy came in in arrogance and pride he came high after Jesus and what did Jesus said I'm just gonna get a little lower I'm gonna hum myself a little more I'm gonna go even lower and as Jesus went lower and lower Lord God said I cannot wait to elevate you to the highest place that he is worthy and I believe this is a time we need to get low and say holy spirit we humble ourselves we need you to heal our land we need you to change this nation so God will reach down on her head asking you Jesus for Kingdom solutions we're asking you to change this nation last week at prayer on the patio we had prayer on the patio 6 o'clock Sunday night and pastor West asked he said hey does anybody need prayer does anybody going through something we want to pray for you would you just raise your hand and I looked over and I saw my 70 year old dad with his hands raised saying I need that it just moved me it just moved me I thought man when I'm 70 I want to be the one that's saying I raise my hand I'm gonna walk humbly I'm gonna walk humbly saying I need the Lord listen there's some of you that haven't raised your hand in a long time and today's your day just raise your hand and say God I need you I need you I need I need you I got to humble myself I need you I need you I need you to move I need you to touch me the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus and I remember a year and a half ago pastor West came at me said hey I want to offer you a job I'm like hey what do you what do you got for me there's gonna be so good I can't wait to speak this is gonna be great he said I want you to run the facilities of the church well what's that you get to cut the grass you'd make sure the grass is cut you need to get a make sure the weeds are pulled the toilets work and I was on a perch of pride saying no no no and it was the best season ever and I felt the Holy Spirit just fall on me in that season and from that season forward in my life I needed to get off my perch of pride and get humbled it was so good it transformed my life and the Holy Spirit fell on me we need the Holy Spirit to fall upon us today means the Holy Spirit to fall upon us right now so I want to invite you right now on your room as you're watching this in your living room or maybe you're watching this a little later if you're watching this in your car I don't I don't know wherever but let's let's have a posture if you mid to you right now humility is the way forward I think about my son my two sons and my two daughters and wondering how is this nation going to change for them and for the generation after that humility humility humility one invite you right now would you with me want to get on our knees together this is a posture of getting low this is a posture of humility so if you can get on your knees with me right now let's intercede right now God we need you in our nation we get on our knees right now and we reach out our hand to your Holy Spirit we pray that you would fall on us we are in full submission and obedience to what you have for us in this season and in this hour and we pray for healing in our land we pray for you to fall in our land and to heal our nation but we humble ourselves Lord we humble ourselves Lord we humble ourselves and we say God we don't have the answers on our own but you do and Holy Spirit in and through us does and so we just declare right now a healing in our land that your Holy Spirit falls on those who are humble so we humble ourselves now we humble ourselves now and we declare your power and your presence and your purposes to advance that the kingdom culture would come now would forcefully advance on the earth Jesus we declare your power we declare your presence and we worship you we worship you we're gonna continue worse if you want to stay on your knees and pray I encourage you continue to stay under knees and pray as we worship the Lord together today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is it alive [Applause] then here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you Jesus if you're watching with us if you've come across the feed and maybe on Facebook or in YouTube or someone has invited you and you've tuned in and you've never given your heart to Jesus you never made him the Lord of your life the greatest act of humility in all of history was when Jesus hung on the cross when he took my sin on his shoulders the Bible actually says the father couldn't even look he had to turn away because the thing that he took on himself was so horrible but it was so that I could have freedom so that I didn't have to pay the price for my sin he offers that to you do you know that the Bible says that if you believe and confess then you'll be saved if you believe in Jesus that you you acknowledge that he's the son of God that Christ raised him from the dead then you will be saved it's not difficult but it's a humble act of surrending our will to him pastor mark thank you for that message it was so powerful in such a powerful reminder of humility the most humble thing that anyone's ever done was when Jesus hung on the cross room for me and for you if you'd like to accept Jesus as your Savior I like to leave you and a prayer right now just meet it in your heart he knows your heart just mean it these aren't words just confess with your mouth this prayer the Bible says that you'll be a new creation that you'll be saved so Jesus I recognize that I need to humble myself before you and acknowledge that I need a Savior I acknowledge that you Jesus are the savior of the world you are the missing piece of my life so I give you my heart Jesus I follow you from this day forward I'm gonna lay my life down I'm gonna repent of my ways and I'm gonna follow you thank you for paying the ultimate price for my sin I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior Jesus name amen you know the Bible says that every time a person repents all of heaven rejoices all of heaven rejoices if you made that decision this morning we rejoice with heaven over you so we thank you and we bless you and we want to know if that was you just reach out to us the instructions earlier is to tech salvation two four eight four eight four eight and we would like to hear from you we'll follow up with you humility is the way forward such a powerful word in the kingdom culture that we need on this earth you know Jesus prayer was our Father who is in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come and that is our prayer and that's why this series is so timely and important because we need the kingdom of God to invade this earth we need the kingdom of God to invade our inner cities woody the kingdom of God to invade the public schools we need the kingdom of God to invade our own hearts we need the kingdom of God and one of the parts of an aspect of the culture of the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven is humility I was just talking to the Lord just asking the Holy Spirit what is it about humility what is it that we've are we're facing we're struggling with and he just put his finger on it it's judgment pride opens the door to judgment and there is so much judgment going on right now all you have to do is open up Facebook or Twitter or whatever your social media choice is and just scroll through you can see people judging one another back and forth you know if if you vote for this person you're not black enough or you know what if your color of skin is in the wrong neighborhood the wrong time of night then your you must be this those are judgments and Jesus said in Matthew 7 do not judge others and you will not be judged for you will be treated as you treat others the standard you use in judging is the standard by which you'll be judged you know your silence means this or or you're saying too much those are judgments it doesn't feel good to be judged and so in the kingdom of God and humility pride says that I get to decide what your doing is this or that it doesn't mean we don't have a voice it doesn't mean that we can't speak truth but the truth better be covered in love so this morning is just an opportunity just as just to bring our hearts before the Lord is what David would say search my heart Oh God is there any judgment inside of me that needs to turn that I need to repent of I need to lay down at the cross and my harbouring judgments have been passed down from generation to generation it stops with me the judgments for this or the judgments for that [Music] well this person's a racist if they think this or they gotta say listen pride opens the door to judgments judgments open the door to condemnation what we need right now Ismene heavens culture we need the key to a culture of humility to wash over us so lord may we do we just just ask you right now show us anywhere in our heart that is harboring judgments Holy Spirit we we give you permission throughout this week whenever a judgment is being made for you to show us judgments rob us of our peace heart that is bitter a heart that is sour a heart that is afraid I'll remove those judgements in Jesus name we bring him before you show us with your Holy Spirit thank you [Music] it is his kindness that leads us to repentance it's not his judgment of our sin or his anger that compels us to let know it's his kindness that leads us to repentance we need more kindness in our own heart amen starting with me we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we just say that we love you Jesus we want to be more like you Jesus we want to be more like you Jesus we want to be more like you Jesus we take that posture of just kneeling before you bowing our hearts before you repenting of anything that doesn't belong in this in this temple we lay it at your feet Lord we ask you to remove it replace judgment with love Jesus name Jesus we see now take that bridge again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in song [Music] yes [Music] so I just pray for every person every person that is watching now that we'll watch later throughout the week God whoever just finds this word and it would transform her heart so we just ask that your your word your scripture your word would change our hearts that we would never want our culture to change the Word of God but we want the Word of God to change our culture your kingdom culture let it be done on this earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name thank you God you been Amen just want a quick reminder just one invites you to revival prayer on the patio revival prayer the patio isn't way out on the main entrance right outside our double doors we want to invite you to come and pray a call on God it's gonna be a powerful night thank you so much for joining us we bless you love you [Music] you [Music]
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Id: VA8uASEapro
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Length: 98min 8sec (5888 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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