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what's going on everybody eddie sounded back once again here with sound head entertainment and we are back in beam and g drive for the first time in a little while here today we are gonna try out some police chases we've done some police pursuits in this game before it's literally been about two years though and it's been getting requested quite a bit and i know there's some new ones for us to try out so that's exactly what we're gonna do here today we've got a mod from the repository called heated pursuits it's got about six different scenarios in it we're gonna try a couple of them here today and if you guys like it we'll do some more in the future so make sure you hit that like button and get down in the comments let me know you want to see some more and with that let's go ahead and try to capture these hardened criminals well here we go first suspect of the day is the hamburglar he just ripped off the turbo burger put in a big smoke order didn't even think about paying for it nab the krabby patty secret formula on the way out and then we just cannot have that we gotta hunt this guy down we do have laws you know i might have to teach him a couple of hard lessons here he's gonna dart to the left i'm gonna miss that island barely we're gonna not make the corner if i'm not careful that goes the hubcap that's our first damage i dare you hamburglar go for it he sent it oh my god he actually did it we're following him through he's not making it he's right in the wall we're going to be right into him oh we didn't have any kids in the back seat there that would have been rather unpleasant and i'm trying to block this drives away trunks over we're gonna make some burgers come flying out of it here someone lost the headlight i think it was me as it was oh what are you gonna do now stupid you can't get up the hill i'll give you a little assist we'll help you here's my years of demolition derby experience coming in and you're right there how do you like that how does your engine feel now oh it's feeling great he's running me down he's really gonna walk that off all right it's time to get tackle on his ass come on pit maneuver down the main street here successful oh he's not going anywhere he's done his morale is crushed we'll be seeing in the slammer buddy busted peace there you go 18 points out of 100 oh my god look i'm back in school we want the gold medal we cannot let him get starts like this i think we got to get him within 30 seconds let that be the goal gonna power slide it through here into the island though there goes another hubcap hey yo pick crew oh that's a bit hot i'm in the wrong buttons that's a brick building oh it was nice knowing you guys because i am absolutely dead now this is a fantastic camera angle i didn't even need for this to happen i wish i was close enough to try to pin him in mid-air right here we just get a little bit of a launch he's gonna try to make that same corner i bet i'm setting myself up for it and wrecking myself what am i doing don't look at me that tire is dead oh he wrecked it you stood you absolute dummy you're gonna be my brakes oh my god you're poor passengers that's worse than jail that is far far worse well you're busting you're gonna get charged for that i ain't going down for this that's pretty sure we got 56 this time at least all right that's not bad going to the street he can run his little drive through the line we might be able to gain a little time doing this if we can cut him off here as he tries to rejoin we're going to gain a bunch of time get out of here dude see you later he can't outsmart a 500 iq player like myself unless you just drive right away from it leave me back here doing donuts what is that i'm bouncing my wheel off the curbs bending it depleting more hubcaps oh that bent wheel's doing me a world of good on the landings right now we're gonna lose it before we even get to the corner we're gone ass first to the wall rest in peace to my spine try to make the corner right there you get body your body is still gonna try to make it we can't get stopped in time we get pulled right in the mouth oh we just changed the way this thing sounds oh yeah we knocked the exhaust off this thing sounds hot now let's go our intimidation factor just increased tenfold now i'm just gonna ask back this guy into the corner come on let's go tandem trapped in the corner oh we got the tree with the sad little wheel fly at the end until we finished it off it's gonna take a racing line through this one see if we can't get in here off the curbs over the curbs into him for the pit get around he's gonna go back the other way though yes he is that did nothing well hold on come on back here we go all right took a little bit my second attempt here oh let's send him over the wall oh we didn't make it oh we're gonna get him the guardrail with the wheel rolling away for effect that is beautiful we're not done come here buddy we're pitting you in that car we just snapped his leg with that hit can pin that throttle down all you want it's gonna do you no good you're busted just gonna deliver himself to us well line him up come on can we get the 30 second knockout that we're looking for here no we're just going to play another game of donuts by looking but i will not let this happen we'll shove you in a shrub if we have to i put myself in a damn shrub there's another hubcap rolling around i think that is one of mine this guy doesn't look like he has hubcaps he does look like he's having a rough time though we're bullying him i'm not gonna let you get away dude i'm gonna keep bullying you i'm just gonna lightly tap you around until you give up we have blown our time requirement but come on dude give it up what do you want to do what do you want to do i think i'll get you in every single corner of your car now he might be done he might be something i don't know hello is he dead did i kill him hello move or something dude do something for us i think he's dead can i not just cut through this other side is there an opening over here oh there is please tell me he's just gonna lead right out here for me he is getting your rock dude don't tell me he's going to drive away from that now hell no hell no get pinned oh what the hell this car turns super easy i got like accidental rear steer that wheel is bent to hell helping me turn right into this dude you ain't going nowhere buddy it's over you're going to jail and that was within 30 seconds even that felt like cheating though we got 100 out of 100 but that was cheap we got to do it actually out of the driveway got to hit the chicane right behind him we hit a little bit of the fence there clip the headlight hopefully i didn't bend another wheel it's like driving all right see if we can get him before the corner here we do we're gonna get him into that pole and slice that front end off oh we sliced our own exhaust again too but we got his ass that wheel is out on an adventure you're going on an adventure to jail get the paddy wagon down here run the paddy wagon into him give him another hit give me that gold let's go try another one all right we're ready for the next one here this is out of the same heated pursuits pack this is just number two it's called race breakers and from what i can gather we've got a street race that's getting broken up we've got another cop here taking care of the orange car we gotta go after the blue one all right here they go well damn they get a head start i guess see you guys in a few minutes don't mind me just wheel spinning my ass off back here but that's fine we get away and we are officially in pursuit of mr blue and mr orange is my fellow cop and how do i shift why can't i shift up wait a minute oh that is again the wrong button what the hell are the other cops do we crashed i crashed what is this start oh my god this has to be the greatest start to an attempt in history across any game ever i'm rolling the car and i cannot shift and i'm in the wrong camera and it's over we lost we're getting sent back to the academy for that one all right shifting at least been figuring it out for the means oh my you want to talk about being brake tested and there goes my neck and my back and a few other things where are you going to go in the wrong way what are you going to go run and hide after that i would too starting to think this cop right here is like paid off by the racer to somehow slow me up and there goes my exhaust so i guess he got something out of it fortunately for me and unfortunately for them i don't have much regard for this car or any of theirs or their lives as i just shove them in a poll he is indeed still driving it i respect that however i got something for you i learned that one in the academy buddy hold on to it for me my poor engine didn't deserve that this summer sure did though look at him back it into me look at you're going nowhere one zero send him to jail hit the gavel hundred years minimum oh 95 out of 102 we just missed the gold medal i'm sending this in from deep i want to try to get mr blue card to bounce off one of these bank barriers are we're just going to slide right past the mist and go flipping up the hillside into a bush a little camo cop reconnaissance and how on earth are we on the wheels and driving away from this that is one of the great miracles of life can i get back on the road from here the answer is no apparently not and they got a way to boot not only did i total my own cruiser the baddies are just long gone all right maybe a little more tactical by the books approach a little more gentle this time if you could call this gentle we're going to get a double right here yeah what do you think you're going you think i forgot about you your orange stooge yeah big chester cheeto looking son of a we'll come back for you later where the hell the other cop just sleeping on the job what is it i better not find him in a ditch somehow i hear him in a ditch somewhere over here that's great i'm just gonna worry about this guy that was the lightest tap ever and he's going around this guy has no skill whatsoever he's up on the rocks and he's going to be on the alcatraz rocks by the end of it we're going to do a double burn out here championship style but we're only celebrating this guy's freedom being stripped away for street racing see you in the courtroom i don't know what kind of tactic that i'm going to try an aerial strike here we go oh i'm not gonna reach oh we're off the road anyway oh no this this is not god well my aerial strike may have slightly missed the target and got negative effects there we go mission failed we'll get them next time orange boy you're just gonna be my brakes right here i hope you don't mind oh he's driving right through me rips my wheel off that was unfortunate that did not play out like i had hope that i'm struggling to get above 35 miles an hour here this might be over you cannot we know reverse card brute force so we'll just run them down and flip them over that's what i'm talking about what kind of crap is that what kind of charmed ass life is the street racer living that was kind of badass oh we got a corner coming up he's barely out of reach too we're gonna have to just wall right now for the best and there goes the right side of the car and some more of it i just got to keep the foot in it i think we are now a three-wheeled mobile again oh i think the tunnel's about to take us down once and for all this quarter's a little too sharp that's a hard hit even out the other side and that is gonna do it we spin into a heap and he is definitely gone all right we are cleared for the pit let's take him down please bounce off that wall and flip over that would be great he does not he just keeps on going as he usually does takes my slam like a champ keeps going oh he's drifting out you're getting a little close to that wall buddy come here oh my god that was not an arrest that was an assassination well uh anybody got a stick that i can poke him with i think he's dead at least he's going to go to jail first uh we can kind of skip the ambulance and go straight for the hearse if we want to that's a bit rough i will take care of both you guys i just want orange guy thinks i forget about him i want to make sure he knows oh we set him up for the table with our partner back there he almost got him this guy is really making us chase him all around the world we have race through the city now we are leaving the city i'm pretty sure god knows where's next maybe the countryside or the mountains or something else at almost 140 miles an hour here on the open road there could be families out here we got to shut this bum down here as we get on the exit ramp and he break text us that was a bad idea buddy how's that wall taste that was a real bright idea the bulb went on i could see and now you're in prime pitting position buddy how do you feel how do you feel oh he feels like he can just drive away that's fine that's fine how about you looking back at me looking back at you and he drives away again who is this legend who is driving this car we got a trained professional behind this car street racing come on third time's the charm right no i'm gonna get you if it's the last thing i do who is driving this car please tell me who's driving this guy in the comments let me know who is this legend that is just a driving god and can get away from me every time there were .2 seconds left i've got the high end and the high ground buddy you've got nowhere to run right into the wall just dump them in right into the sand barrels myself and then he packs me from behind how is this gonna work out it's gonna work out with him being stuck in my trunk from the looks of it get busted you bum i'll credit you for those tunnel antics but that was wack listen you want to pack somebody we can pack some people around here we know how it's done oh look at this we're going to get the double up the bank barrier i could not recreate that again if i tried that was perfect we just got rid of orange i'm going to take care of our guy oh he's gonna barely get away no hell no absolutely not are you getting away like this come on let me get the hook on him right here in the wall heavy oh he put me in the wall harder damn he kind of backfired that on me that that's where you're gonna go oh you ain't going this way you're gonna flip it around you're gonna flip it around where it's hard for me to get to you piece of trash oh i lost a lot of time there and i think my car might be cooked that wheel's hurting can't even see him up over that thing and up over the curb it knocks me to the pole and that's gonna do that there it is excuse me while i hold my l it's winter it's plowing time we got no other option at this point we're going big or we're going home come on oh i got myself t-boned there on the ricochet boat come on can't get through me he's getting through me damn you damn you to hell come on you want me to squeeze up the wall again oh he's gonna squeeze me in the fans how do i keep getting the raw into these the things of uno reverse cards i've seen on this scenario is ungodly like the state of my car i'm gonna squeak up alongside you here and just bully you into this barrier to help me and there he goes over if he goes over it's over it is dope that's gotta be record time count it down give me my promotion i'm going to be commander of the police force i'm going to be the minister of defense after that performance 30 70 100 out of 100 give me my gold we might as well be the reincarnation of dog the bounty hunter when it comes to hunting down these piece of trash beaming g criminals and throwing them under the jail it may be the thing we're best at in life from what i'm gathering here today this might be our calling so if you guys enjoyed this bmn g stuff you gotta let me know down in the comments hit that like button and if you did like it we have plenty more of these cliche scenarios to do we can save them for future videos which is exactly what i'm gonna do i'm gonna cut this one off here thank you everybody so much i had a lot of fun making this one i hope you had fun watching it if you did you know what to do all that good stuff hit the comments the like button subscribe for more and with that i will see you all in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 136,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soundhead, Ed Soundhead, Eddy Soundhead, Eddie Soundhead, Soundhead Entertainment, beamng, beamng drive, mods, movie, police, police chase, pursuit, crash, funny moments, highlights, best moments, best of, crashes, fails, flips, wrecks, compilation, nascar, formula 1, wreckfest, lightning, mcqueen, the king, cars, racing, gameplay, download, PC, PS5, Xbox, heated pursuits, monster trucks, monster jam, late models, AI, automation, multiplayer, online, duel, drag race, lewis hamilton, max verstappen, daytona
Id: DIeNtiCr0vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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