Hearts of Iron - The Red Tide #1 - Commie Pirates!

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I'm glad Pyrion and Sips are playing countries that can actually make a difference in the war

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 105 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LickMyCave πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

This AND Civ 6 start on the same day? What did we do to deserve this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theSeanO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank God they didn't give Lewis the biggest country. Lewis has improved a lot since the first HOI4 game, but Pyrion is best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/turdburglar_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

great that we've got a new series back so soon and that pyrion is playing the most important of the 3 (russia)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crackdowntony πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies


It's nice to have some variation from playing fascist every game, too, and two of them are playing major powers. With unique focus trees!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/plazmablu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

ΠŸΡ€Π°Π²Π΄Π°- The voice of the workers!

Fascist pigs faltering!

Good news out of Spain today as our republican comrades continue to destroy the loathsome nationalists! These animals, most likely backed by a number of capitalist pigs, will soon be eliminated, after which Spain will surely join the workers world revolution! In a statement, premier Josef "Pyrion Flax" Stalin thanked the republicans for their sacrifice in upholding Marxist ideals.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Datlofvian1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fucking Sips went full Borat at the start.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/megamoviecritic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

France starts off with 30% communism, they really should try to flip them to French Commune before WWII kicks off...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brettor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank fuck Lewis isn't playing as the biggest nation again, I'm calling this an easy win for them. The horrific power of the Soviets is truly magnificent in this game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/venabl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
comrades welcome to brand-new future brought to you by Poland Romania and the motherland of Russia we will conquer world with great new ideas of communism and Soviet Union and red tide comrade yes dzifa's of planet Earth how are you doing today I am well Poland stand strong Christians good new red blood as we spread red words across world workers revolution in future call it sips of Romagna young leadership friends everybody all right guys alright let's get down to business first things first right all right tell us how to play hearts of iron ok gotten it's been a while alright number one when it comes to manpower I have basically limitless manpower we've got like a bajillion people in the Soviet Union and we do not need to worry about manpower you guys might need to worry about manpower so I think one of the things we should do is I will make frontline troops with gun and artillery and digging in and soaking up damages you guys should make aeroplanes and thanks and since like this let's say you're playing guy ok ok because you're a minor nation you guys should have on your focus tree one of the things you should have is like armor focus so you both should be able to make really good tanks by like 1939-1940 alright ok so focus all I have vocally Paul I had odds-on fall it has its own function alright ok I told you guys both need to make sure you go for please let's become communists alright that's something you definitely need to do fairly early build the industry become communists and then watch protection polished it and don't go left to seek accommodation with USSR nice because for the same faction I can help you defend when it comes to building stuff Louis it would not be a great idea to build forts as tempting as it is because you have a really long border and remember if Germany takes Czechoslovakia they'll suddenly have a way around your forts and stuff but mountain troops would be good for this South border here and then we will just choke them with our dead in the on the western front there okay no four and I will try to get I think we should try to get like someone like Bulgaria or Greece or someone yes my first my first dumb thing is I'm going to align with communism through my political tree okay and I'm going to amass troops on the Bulgarian border and I'm going to look to conquer Bulgaria early you're gonna go to Bulgaria yeah I am yeah I'm gonna get that nice and I try to get that country part of the Romanian Communist Empire and then all I'm set my sights to maybe you know Albania Yugoslavia not Greece cuz I think they're too hard to take over okay maybe Turkey I don't know but like I'll just work my way south I guess okay we will hide my yellow plane you ready to roll I think so I think so yeah why not alright boom we're off so uh I'm starting with literally no ships and no planes yeah yeah yep you don't need any sense don't worry about it I can't put any tanks either let miss Wright you can you build any tanks you don't need them right now you've got a few years the main thing because the Germans will have light tanks right so if you end research anti tank and then put anti tank in your infantry divisions so that you can pierce the light tanks otherwise their light tanks can just roll through and they're the only thing that kills them is like reliability so make sure you build some some anti-tank it's under the artillery tree and I get that in your in your dudes you may need to take the arm you've got now and set it to exercising okay so get grab a bunch of troops stick them in an army by the way Louis don't put like a hundred and thirteen dudes or whatever it was either you were Duncan that was doing it keep it at 24 and then the generals there their skills are good like it so if I have a guy a general with a skill like gives you better reinforcing rate or digging in rate or whatever then it actually he keeps those if you don't keep those then you end up with a general who doesn't apply his bonuses there's not really any point to it ah right okay okay then all right do you want to ferment some communism in our countries P flex well don't give a [ __ ] don't do until you get the government the political advisors and guys that um give you additional political power you'll find that it just limits how quickly you can change your government so early on you want to max out the stuff that gives you political power a day so I have a guy I can't afford any of them but if I go for for instance where is he as Prince of tarrano communist revolutionary fascist demagogue demo I don't have a guy like that some nations will have a political adviser who will give you additional political power every day that allows you to change your government you know quicker than you would do otherwise just by sticking it all in like it because we remember you spend political power when you when you modify another nation day by day so it's not it's not a good way to spend it am I making sense yeah you making perfect sense you know if you want to get that political power game boosted then you might as well do it earlier I guess boost it up early and then you can max it out so yeah when it comes to production make sure you build fighters the German fighters will [ __ ] on us otherwise and this is no good also like this if you look at your units you know when you especially when you look at planes and stuff if you go to the production tab and if you look at your or your Navy it'll be set to like auto so if you don't want it to be auto deployed somewhere make sure you deploy it somewhere where you want it to be right that's important okay Roger that all right bright so what about you what you were using your sights on I and thinking that we're gonna build up the the army I'm just going to tech them up and try and help you guys as quick as I can using my my body right so nationalist Spain right is it a second pause it a second pause it a second all right have you guys ever sent troops to help another nation yes I have okay so like I have this is it's a really good thing to do and it can tip the scales of a fight in favor of the nation that you want we don't want nationalist Spain we want Republican Spain because they'll be communists alright so quickly maybe Spain call me Spain and though that would be a great asset for us so quickly wash out grab a couple units stick them in an army and go communicate with Republican Spain so I'm going to talk to them and I'm going to do send volunteers and I can send a maximum of two divisions all right that's the most I can send take your best tank divisions aware if you've got you want a Republican Spain yeah oh it says here my maximum is 5 all right this is good yeah yeah Republican Spain so alright I can send five because my such is not allowed the same volunteer forces we need world tension 40% yeah I can't because we're not you know not a faction we're not in faction yeah so once we get into a faction though we should I know it's because I am NOT a ma cream like you're a democracy I'm a oh you're online okay I'm a ideology non-aligned do I need to be a commie before I can send people to help I'm saying to get five divisions of Russian troops we will help in struggle with comrades and nationalists against nationalists pain Scout so this is a good way to get some military experience early as well right you can get a shitload an absolute shitload just a total villain just a total but full the only thing we're going to have here as Soviet Union is that if we get the the effect that splits the nation into and we end up with a fudging Civil War no touching Civil War fudge in Civil War we got Germany's like coming online right one of the following was very militarized the Rhineland it's okay okay so got political effort but I need to make a switch to non-aligned at least or a communist before I can go down the collectivist ethos yeah okay so you can daily communist support and also if P flak Center communist support or over to you you'll get it so I want to go down army effort right motorisation mechanized by if I can I can diplΓ΄me you lads and try to make you more communist would you like that well there you want to go for your free research slot sips after after you've got it sorry to go like you want it oh yeah because then you get a bit of XP that you can spend on putting an artillery in your infantry but also you can you get I think from that you get like Atlanta print speed upgrade and that's obviously always good things have going on the research but yeah you want to get your free research lot at some point yeah I'll get that I've got three research slots already though so that's pretty good at least I've got my sleep ready stuff I got my communist advisor in my in my party now so I'm at least boosting communism now a little bit daily guys good honest my [ __ ] guy Armand Callan escu has a pirate eye patch I think he'll yes he does yes he does is that is that I feel like I surely the naval guy is a pirate monocle yeah that's what it is split with Lazarre he loves those is pirate eye patch yeah horror who wants to join their communists mateys yar mateys coming isn't be the way for us well I think pirates would be quite read what some let's go to Spain before I am kicking ass is what's could you send some dudes down there oh yeah who did you send good job two tank divisions three infantry divisions okay did you only have two tank divisions no I can only send five you don't want to send too many tanks because Spain is a hilly place friends right le I did so ants were bad for tank yes awful awful have you ever driven a tank up a hill right so I'm what do I want to do with my with my divisions with my infantry divisions or my n my tank divisions as well my infantry divisions I've got currently I've got just like three rows of three infantry but I need to get some artillery in there right I've got support artillery and support engineer company but what my backline what do I want leggy two artillery three artillery I think if you have two artillery and an anti-tank that's pretty good I've always been very happy with that you could use use a support anti-tank that don't beat okay initially but it's not great like it's not gonna win the war field easily what you want does a ridiculous amount of damage to infantry you want your soft attack to be higher right yeah I really want to [ __ ] on their troops okay if a tree are always like great at holding the line just just raw bodies they're good this is why we need the answer - remember you need okay the judges will have better tanks than us okay you have one tank one light tank that's great how how should I arrange that like in terms of when I when I decided to go into Bulgaria okay planes if your tank divisions have got any slow you basically solve that speed right so you don't want to have tank divisions with infantry in them right okay yeah I mean like tank divisions currently have a roll with a light tank and a motorized infantry and then a second roll with a light tank and motorized infantry I need find artillery or anything in there no just keep it as fantastic as to like sliced potatoes infantry is great so nice balance and then in terms of when I'm ready to invade what do I do with my armor do I I do I take that out of the army yes put it separately so have your way I'd would do it is to have an army holding the line okay and then what you do is you use you have a battle plan short to push forward especially if you have a couple of artillery so that the classic one is eight infantry two artillery okay right that's the classic one because that gives you a combat width of 20 which is apparently the ideal but yeah you want arms and then basically what that means I think that means that they're up to like six units or five units could attack a single point in the line so if you have a lot of units on line you can still have six divisions attacking in the same comment width whereas if you have more like feel 22 combat with only five will be able to attack so it's not a big deal actually but it's probably twenty is the optimal some generals have a thing called reduced combat width and so then that reduces it by ten percent so you can have units that 22 because that less is 20 and then you basically have bigger some generals that's the advantage that they gave like basically so if you've got a guy who reduces own combat width in his army you can get bigger units in that army and they'll be stronger on the attack but the better thing to do is just put your infantry in a separate group with a separate general on the line and then find another general with maybe like like in Germany they have like a general with pans plus panzer plus armor attack right so you put your armor in that and you use the armor to break through the lines at certain ports and then your infantry will to move up to hold it and so you use the armor to pierce and run around the back and cut people are it's all about encirclement that's the only way I delete units is by encircling them right okay okay so I mean I don't think I need all of this for Bulgaria necessarily I think I could probably just March my front line in cuz I don't usually to be pretty similar to this just bear that in mind you're not like streets ahead of them unless you tack up a lot yeah but we can give you like troops and stuff I can give you troops eventually I can send you volunteers and you can control them okay we're at 10% a communist so far how you doing sips there I'm getting there I think I'm like it's growing it was 2% it's up to 10 now ten point nine almost 11 the daily change is plus a zero point ten so should be good getting there while I'm going to be fully communist before the end of the year sweet I'm researching internationalism which grants trade deal opinion factor plus 20% it seems fairly useless still if you like if I wanted to get a nation on my side by trading with them then that would be a way to do it do you know what I'm saying yeah my man power is super low like non-existent I'm gonna have to like [ __ ] change some [ __ ] up if you got any cavalry division's you can you can kind of chuck them they're not they're not huge the it's not a hugely the worst thing in the world to Chuck a division because you just get the infantry straight back you get the manpower straight but you don't lose anything when you disband the division obviously all you lose is the training that that division have undergone and the time that it's taken to get them to that point which obviously can be it's not it's what I think but it is totally worth it like especially with the cavalry like I've just chucked all my cavalry in the bin straight away and got got all the manpower back because they're just not worth they're not just not worth it they don't really serve a role in an army not on me anyway I'm sorry so I need some anti-tank as well right I'm using I do think it's worth it I do think that my lines from 89 to 36 you don't need it against anyone but you will need it against Germany in 1939 so in two three years time Germany will be have light tanks but in 1942 they will have medium tanks and heavy tanks and then you need it really at the moment I think you need it against light tanks it's Mexico well I have no but it's not the can't worry about it no to light tanks that's all so they've only got to like take probably build some more I mean I'm not saying they're getting with Vedas now but are we planning for next week we planning for the winning of the war men gamma-rays yeah yeah like that's that's definitely anti-tank stuff should play a thing to have to if you want to hold your borders the infantry needs support anti-tank that will be a very good thing but even that's not necessary we're not playing against like experienced players here we're going to well then again experienced players agree should drive the tanks round the side and skip all of your route for duty for anti-tank in whereas today what's going to happen I'm nearly able to go left another half another half a year and I'll be fully daily communism support flooding in my tea we are kicking us in spin oh Italy have captured Ethiopia that always happens it's a big deal apparently it's that it's the tutorial for the game basically what capturing Ethiopia yeah yeah it is yeah that's the tutorial yeah alright no idea oh yeah yeah so I did your Italy and you just have to conquer um Ethiopia alright so that's if I'm come on right here my production is very good I'm not missing any resources or anything I'm gonna start making some planes pretty soon so that I can cover my dudes when I invade Bulgaria in case they have like close air support or whatever and then um actually am I to start let's see crew well sorry guys graceful disgraceful behavior I'm just uh I think I think I'm coming down with something guys yep it will happen so uh Garland's finger doing pretty well who's doing pretty well Republican Spain Oh Republican Spain yep the goodies do I want to build like land forts or anything on my front uh you could do but I mean I would just i old civilian factories civilian factories are great and the quick the more civilian factories you build the more factories you can build like when I in my current game that I'm playing just so low as Germany we can build like ten military factories at a time because I have so many civilian factories and I've built refineries all over Germany so we don't do about oil or rubber any mats grow so we are just pumping out stuff the problem I've got is Germany is on down to a million manpower we have a ridiculous and reunions in the field but we do have a lack of manpower you guys need to be careful with your manpower that's why I think you need to have really smart well-equipped units rather than what I'm gonna have which is just masses and masses of dudes Matt national Spain afoot how's this going oh yeah [ __ ] nice so Republicans been control Madrid we really have changed the tide of that wall haven't you yeah honestly I do it every single time as the Nazis you just sweep in as a sense end I send in one tank on one mobile infantry and because the AI is is sort of a bit thick sometimes and will sort of sit there like it'll make a frontline and it's like well now it's not the time to attack and they'll just sort of sit there if you just go through with your tank and mobile infantry and punch a hole and in circles form units all of a sudden everything starts moving our front opens up and you guys can sweep around the back so what I did was I landed in I think we landed in what would live alexia and we just immediately punched north cut the Republicans in half encircled half their army wiped them all out and now were able imeem the Republicans are all over the place we just completely encircled the Nationalists so we've got it my way so you won this war nice so proud of you that's great this is great having a big old communist thumb on the on the air up here [ __ ] it's huge isn't it Soviet Union like it's a nightmare to take back in size like that mountainous range with the with the French if you get Mountain troops on there and dig in the only thing you got to worry about is naval a mix that's the only issue but the AI doesn't seem to do those a huge amount not effectively they'll do like they will a meter they all seem to be terrible [Music]
Channel: Team Double Dragon
Views: 365,373
Rating: 4.9633222 out of 5
Keywords: funny, gaming, lewis, sips, Hearts of Iron 4, Multiplayer, Highlights, Strategy, World War, German Reich, Invasion, Russia, Communism, Communist Russia, Poland, Romania, History, Paradox, Simulation, Battle, Warfare, Armies, Generals, Conquest, Fascism, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Sips, Pyrion, Lewis, Xephos, Funny Moments
Id: DyjBW5SPBl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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