Hearts of Iron - The Red Tide #13 - Af-Gone-Istan

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The total absence of supply is not something I anticipated. This was foolish.

Literally 2 minutes after Lewis said that the infrastructure up there is shit and that they won't have enough supplies for this many troops.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChuckCarmichael ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Shame Russia can't just send raw men on lend lease. Rather than forcing them to send divisions which as far as I remember still train Poland's manpower.

Also do remember to cancel your recruitment when you run out. Both Sips and Lewis kept recruiting at zero.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RMcD94 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

ะŸั€ะฐะฒะดะฐ- The voice of the workers!

What happens in Vegas....

Comintern troops continued their conquest of the American west today, as Las Vegas, one of the greatest symbols of capitalist decadence, fell to the red army! Speaking from camp hammer in Los Angeles, PPR president Lewis Brindly continued to encourage troops serving on the western front, stating that "Communism's grand final victory is almost upon us!"

Guest editor wanted!

From Monday next week until Friday ะŸั€ะฐะฒะดะฐ's normal editing team will be going under cover in New York City! As such we are looking for a guest editor to take over for that period of time! If you are interested simply write an article about the Soviet conquest of Boston in the comments below. The person who writes the best one will be our guest editor and will be messaged by this time tomorrow! Have fun comrades!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Datlofvian1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is Lewis genuinely out of manpower, or is he just forgetting that he can switch up to scraping the barrel?

Edit: Nevermind looks like he was just forgetting to scrape the barrel. Oh Lewis.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/plazmablu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Again with the complete lack of navy and port defense. I honestly forgot the 1.1 AI was that bad about it. But they are doing the right thing by invading the US proper. Although my invasions usually hit all along the coast just to get as much as possible until the bulk of my army arrives.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cotorshas ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

New Mexico or that area. Sacramento?

PFlax's geography is amazing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FuriousGorilla ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Was this recorded before they all want to Vegas Irl? Because when lew lew said "I wonder if we will take Vegas soon" it was literally in the middle of his territory.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrEdman4 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 18 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

im gonna give this series one more episode before its finished. i really hope they do the peace deal to find out what the final borders of the war will be.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

In this game, does it make sense to quickly punch through to Detroit? As the "arsenal of democracy" I wonder if it has an effect on the US ability to resist the invasion, but perhaps the game doesn't really take historically important regions into account like that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MouthlessMutters ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
since outlet Norway was a pretty pretty pretty solid country shrine attack Norway man you're fighting so many [ __ ] wars right now you're fighting against Norway you're fighting in Canada you're fighting in oh never mind Brazil's gone [ __ ] hilarious French kazoo is completely decimating Africa right now yeah yeah Canada is just not working by the way yeah I know it's a nightmare fighting out there it was a was a bloodbath it was an absolute bloodbath ah all right this guy's gonna get sucked out by this guy I think this guy's gonna have to do small live invasions actually or I can or I can attack America so let's plan some of these have you have you got troops in Canada I have I did have yeah your hold you off sort of holding them there right [ __ ] this let's send in the boys where the boys are they're bombing to [ __ ] though I don't give a poop we're coming baby I can't use your air bases I don't know why I well you should be able to use the one in new from the Nexus enough space there it says I can maybe actually to take a what it just says question mark right well how about now no no no it's just that I'll give you access to Newfoundland like can you request Newfoundland for me what ask for it yeah just out of control request I've got to find it in the vast list of things you hold its called Eastern Canada yeah it's somewhere in there don't see it you don't see Eastern Canada I don't see it no how about a oh [ __ ] is it not listed as Newfoundland no what's it actually [ __ ] called how do you click on like block Nova Scotia got it a Newfoundland they both yeah either of those works requested right as fuel and received can you now use it I can all right it's got two thousand airplanes yeah this is gonna be nice yeah all right cool beans Wow French commune is just like completely moved out oh [ __ ] my face Arabia my vision my vision of the east of the west coast is law is live oh my god god this is gonna be devastating I don't have enough manpower to support it I've got zero manpower maybe I can dispatch some divisions elsewhere you didn't pop it anything did you no not really no that was I think that might have been an issue I've got so many foreign troops just disband these guys oh crap well good luck great soldiers I was fighting the Americans on the west coast now look at this as 47 brave divisions here some of them are even just some of the roofing come on look at my lights coming in good all these boys come in holy [ __ ] help oh my god the supply we can't support we're fine it's no infrastructure it's bombed out on Nova Scotia it's fine let me get the me upgrade the infrastructure quick Oh repair it it's already [ __ ] there all right we're making a beachhead believe it or not we're in San Francisco way oh my god oh look at that Oh Saudi Arabia's gone all right don't you go round the other you've gone around the other side Oh baby need to [ __ ] spread the finger tubes fast do you need man's I'm kind of out man's I've sent all of them to to deal with this [ __ ] let's go come on move I can go with me take as much no no my god you guys yeah okay as many ports as they could possibly can and will they [ __ ] completely run out of supply guys need to get into [ __ ] San Francisco right now oh [ __ ] I'm a bit scared it looks like my native Asian didn't actually get a port so I might be like [ __ ] here oh no it's alright we secured port at San Francisco so they have are nothing other words old algebra lies on the west coast quick go north I know what we're doing it's best we can alright okay guys okay guys go aggressive spread out move move move Oh Afghanistan is getting [ __ ] up they're trying to push through a little bit though there's a lot of Americans in Afghanistan right now all right let's upgrade my guys as best I can so we've got we're using modern hands of austere although they're not actually using modern tanks same crap tanks we want the logistics complete reduces supply use we want the signal company engineer company that's better I feel better reggae the total absence of supply was not something I anticipated this was foolish oh [ __ ] they push this back even more mm yeah pretty well at least at least we have four egg air air cover vaguely it's gonna get my guys out of here get them out of there I'm just gonna get some of them out of there just to try and improve the supply situation Oh Lord we bumped into a single destroyer and he's shooting our guys we're just gonna go straight down the East Coast yeah [ __ ] where are you [ __ ] going anywhere you just want some transports like sailing around we're going to Mexico nice we're going to make oh we're uh we're going to Mexico oh man supply how do you look at supply was it f5 something like that is of this button to look at the supplies in there hit a key there is yeah it'll say like what the supply is oh yeah it's f4 so my supply think is coming across from the chat Japan yeah not not great it's okay though we're okay we're slowly taking taking territories despite the fact that we're up against the wall a bit a lot okay we're pushing in pushing in on the on the west coast guys do it East Coast we're slowly losing though yeah East Coast is rather pushing us out it's not what we want is it I'm stealing all of your steal stealing all of our steal yeah I need it you're paying for it I'm paying for it yeah doing a lend-lease on the steal BAE BAE BAE BAE BAE baby dude dude oh yeah the music really gets you going in this games that's great that's freaking great yeah it makes me think maybe we really can take over the world here yeah that's the dream I would like to point out to all the people typing comments at this time it's very difficult to manage all this at four bars of speed when we're handling Wars on like a billion different fronts it's exciting though this has been great [ __ ] this has been such a game yes and Gandhi shot on Afghanistan and Afghanistan yeah nice nice [ __ ] you did it mate man I'm proud of the Romanian People's Republic [ __ ] we did it you [ __ ] doing it down here big time it's great we got to make 6860 modern tanks nice I think I want some anti-tank tanks modern tank destroyer that's why one may be also it's just a modern tank stray they'll be they'll be nice I'd like that very much that welcome robably ah crap I need to build some anti towed anti-tank man this is sir this tough isn't it tough to keep everything making sense it is tough it really really is we're hanging on in there and you know what is so kind of annoying to me is that you can't you can't do the old Oh Louis I've got an idea let's hear it link up with Mexico and I can flood out into your area and I've got like a billion units here all right like if you can take that port there what is that California that bit of California we're on our way baby unfortunately are struggling for tea well struggling for fuel did you see yeah in a big way that sucks fue el all right we got get deploying two thousand airplanes over California nice grabbed air superiority and the battle will continue to rage as we push push out looks like the supply issue is still a problem but yeah we're coming as fast as we can't just hold just hold we've got to travel all that way across but uh it's not the worst you also attacking into Mexico you could you're taking Mexico I know no Mexico's have given me military access ah cool Yemen yeah man yeah man yeah yeah nice nice all right yeah okay yeah the west coast is happening very slowly but it is that's still happening and if we can oh man oh man oh man alright let's um killed over Eastern Canada okay let's have these cuts in half a move south United States we're gonna start bombing some cities yo and we're going to stop building some some modern tank destroyers well that's a little bit late maybe I should just get the modern tanks oh no I'm gonna fully I'm gonna make some serious seriously hardcore breakthrough troops to break the Western Front the Eastern Front just encase the Western Front fails and we get pushed back out yeah yeah I'm sending some more lights to the Eastern Front as well modern tank destroyers who I need so I'm going to have an army of modern tanks backed up with a modern tank destroyer backed up with some modern SB Mons self-propelled artillery nice so I've got plenty of self predatory Aman text in the can just need someone text ways away so well sir my building I don't need I obviously need a couple of in particular parts artery that's all fine battleships still just pumping them out that's fine now let's get my let's get my ships together [ __ ] I have like no manpower whatsoever and I can remember I can always make troops and given to you guys but I'm down to 5.4 million but we're not scraping the barrel yet we're service by requirement which is good we were on scraping the barrel I'd be worried okay let's that's why in these regions we'll send in as our tankers Venezuela's quits key there's all the oil will ever need men yes we need it yeah they have a shedload of it rip so now should be able to trade some oil right uh yeah I can no it's not it's not as much as I could have dreamed I need a little bit still need more but I think once we bring them under our yoke a bit better will will slowly improve the production I think it gets yeah it's a bit of a delivery penalty at the moment okay but some units are easy to deploy he's ready not you guys god damn these guys are so hard to beat Norway just hanging on in there as well yeah has capitulated well that was quick well they didn't have anything I feel kind of bad for them actually or bastards it is interesting to me how you can have this game running for quite some time and there's still people that just haven't built anything they're just like they're just not in a position to do so yeah I know engineer company to all these upgrades just ticking in all the maintenance companies field hospitals logistics companies and it's 1946 by the way last yeah by much pretty much finished with the tech tree yeah algae I'm like maxed out pretty much everywhere tech tree you break through a bit P flex yeah yeah we're kicking us a little bit in America yeah I would where's the bloody mini-map that's what I want to know tell me about it oh yeah holy [ __ ] get your foothold in America that's nuts if we made it to Mexico are we there yet all the lads are here ah you're joining the join the team we're coming we're coming right Louis we're going to go on the biggest encirclement since that guy drew a freehand circle for the first time in history okay Wow it's a bold one it's an oldie but a Baldy huh and we want make sense we want gistic s-- don't want engineers we want Sigma okay cool my mom tanks are still being trained but they're when they're finally done they're gonna be pretty special sweet well we've got some bill they're up in the northern part of the country oh yeah these are gonna be they're getting pretty specialized attack them on that front there and we'll we'll hold them in place yeah nice nice we're gonna win circle these lads I don't know what you're doing by the way I'm just this is like New Mexico or that kind of region Sacramento was something I don't know Arizona there you go Arizona Arizona okay has it any more of these I don't need any more these really good shape okay bombing is still happening the we've still got enough planes just about although we have been built locally over 6,000 fighters still so we have been eroding down the there Air Force pretty hard they've still got 3,000 fighters out here we're just slowly pushing into the British Raj from the West it's going pretty good Afghanistan still sort of like there but wow thanks China we want to send you one division of dudes what do you think thank you so much I think you're supposed to split your um air wings into smaller groups yeah I put them in hundreds yeah I've got them in 256 moment but that's is easier for me to just have them yeah yeah I guess I can drop half of yeah okay I've got some air superiority over the East Coast and the south coast and the west coast we're forming away we're working hard we're doing it boys we're going we're doing it we're trying to get an encirclement on here but it's tricky it's proving tricky fighting in these mountains ain't helping once we get into the open plains Oh baby oh man yeah you're doing it you're really pushing in this is gonna be the biggest sir whenever where are we taking now is this New Mexico yeah yeah look down there with face Rhino trying to get round the side there but I go to Vegas baby oh my god I can't actually get around the side anymore I'm as around as I can get I think oh wait wait wait wait wait we're through right we can get the other side these mountains in a sec oh yeah you're right let's see what if I got what divisions can i spare a new new new attack force that's fine it's fine don't worry about it we're also pushing through into America proper Yemen yeah man we're about to take Boston we took Boston next stop Carnegie Hall New York City I'm just getting aces like all the time yeah I think that's why you're supposed to have lots of small groups because then you're more likely to generate aces yeah that's it ah all right you were right on the these coasts seems to be going okay I'm sending all of my everything I'm setting everything all right a hundred and ninety nine divisions go they don't even have a command I better give him a commander release laughs bought norske disgraceful command we're in Rhode Island nice we didn't take Washington pushing in this area it's fine these guys are gonna be able to probably join this army all right six push man push we are gabbing Bobby no I have still not capitulated - you're kidding me you are kidding me you who you're your dick I am full polish not full oh my man power [ __ ] can you believe what are you at my total manpower is 1.5 three million and I have none as zero left jinx are you on scraping the barrel um I am on service by requirement okay I need so much steel it's just insane there's no way I can possibly there's no way I can possibly feed all of the factories that I have in the world can I ask you a question I'm sixteen right but can I can I just ask you what are your trade laws uh closed economy okay secular change it um that should mean that you're not sending anything like overseas okay that's fixed it that has solved problem we should have gone chin say the surplus there you go ah should have done that a while ago sorry I was sending fifty percent of my resources abroad foolish polls that does now mean that I have no friggin oil or anything I was [ __ ] because you were trading it all with me and I think that's how it works are you sure I think if I still have surplus you can still trade it yeah I think the closed economy stuff just disappears it's like it's like going away to other countries and stuff like miners just it's supposed to be like representation of your countries still trading randomly not not for war purposes yeah South Africa has capitulated
Channel: Team Double Dragon
Views: 144,509
Rating: 4.9831681 out of 5
Keywords: funny, gaming, lewis, sips, Hearts of Iron 4, Multiplayer, Highlights, Strategy, World War, German Reich, Invasion, Russia, Communism, Communist Russia, Poland, Romania, History, Paradox, Simulation, Battle, Warfare, Armies, Generals, Conquest, Fascism, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Sips, Pyrion, Lewis, Xephos, Funny Moments
Id: KjqoxlsgKt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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