Hearts of Iron - The Red Tide #4 - The Long or Quick

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That surprise Polish attack was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 204 👤︎︎ u/llamashockz 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Poland: you all bought it! you all bought it! even my immediate allies bought it!

i love Polish Lewis thinking he's extraordinarily more powerful than he actually is. this series is the fucking best.

👍︎︎ 171 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Pyrion in the first episode: The Soviet union has limitless manpower!

Pyrion in this episode: I'm out of manpower!

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/Kevonz 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Seeing Sips sit on 500 political power and 0 manpower has caused my dick to orbit Saturn.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/plazmablu 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

In less than 20 minutes we went from a few civil wars to World War II (well, the Axis anyway) almost over in Europe. September 1938 to June 1939. EDIT: More like war declared 12 November, Italian capitulation 18 May. Barely six months.

As great Lenin said: "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen."

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/JonathanSwaim 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Man, Lewis is fucking amazing in this series. I'm in permanent tears from his shenanigans.


👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/AmphionValentine 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/TheFredSter135 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Reverse Blitzkrieg

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/plznote 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

finally my drug, they have nearly took all of Europe.. amazing.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/wotad 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies
oh my god Greece it's happening I'm sending a division well Syd I'm sending in one division there that's all I consent I sent three to France oh [ __ ] we can send a petition to Greece as well a volunteer division I can send two okay study foreign tanks I'm studying your tanks you sent me like a prototype and like that let me have look at this okay let me see if I can't copy this okay oh we got some new officers good good oh [ __ ] well stuff is happening in Greece anyway it isn't it it looks like yeah looks like they're doing alright they're taking territory and stuff France I'm not too sure how things are going I can't really tell a little bit out of supply here yeah oh my god just got some so France it's about to get royally boned at least join the axis Lux of black join the Allies this is really good so far this is really interesting so France is gonna have Germany declared so they've already got a communist revolution going on and Germany's going toward war Dec them in a bit Czechoslovakia quit all right so the holy [ __ ] you know what this is the time this is this would be the ultimate time to attack the Germans lads do you think we're not gonna get a better opportunity than this no you're right we're not if I justify a war go against them though they'll rush dudes to the border well we've got masses of troops the border they have nothing okay if we do it it'll take 30 days I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it what you're justifying against yeah against Deutschland all right you'll call us all yeah oh yeah okay great all right I'm gonna start getting some planes built cuz we're gonna need them we're winning Paris yeah but they're gonna just rush troops in there that's I was keeping them in in position s that's will equate general you're coming in see if I can get some lesson rubber online is yeah who said they're coming in because we just we just define a war goal against them it looks like Greece is half conquered now by communist Greece good good yeah they're doing good actually there's a Chancellor justification at with Greece or Jenny it's at serious at 36% I maybe we can't take Germany because now they've rushed all these troops back here I'm gonna cancel we're gonna cancel don't worry Johnny just faking you out it looks like they're starting to move into Yugoslavia so the the German front look at the Germans take in France oh [ __ ] yeah they're moving in oh my god oh wow they range is a Maginot Line they went straight through it holy [ __ ] because of them because all the troops were dealing with the revolution so the abandoned emotional line we completely fought France guys we fought them oh my god what I love that it's like we just got an email from Tom Cruise saying that somehow he managed to [ __ ] us and he sent a animated gif of himself with a sound clip laughing just wish Germany Louise I cannot let this I cannot let this happen hold on how did I attack surprise polish voice pause pause pause pause boy how did you instant Wardak them I am follow that clip i justified war secretly no no no how did you how did you do that did you do that what else to put when I just like when I said cancel did you immediately start just yeah I have like reduced speed as well too oh yeah we do that when they have nobody on the border listen we are able to take this look we are winning all right going then yeah I win on this I want in on this [ __ ] Joey it's this it's either gonna be a long or a quick game at this point now [ __ ] Germany I have no idea what this happened go we can get Berlin those fools will will die before us back with everything bring some close air support in if you can all right yeah I may get the Air Force in I'll get some fighters at any rate they they're cut off here as well yeah they're [ __ ] well Romania sent troops to capture these guys in Czechoslovakia come on bring these guys in yes you're doing it my doing it I'll just call them caught the gerbils under where's Germany never assumed a Polish attack oh my god we knocked them out though it's just us against the Allies exactly good to keep them like she am wonderful victory uh those guys came home I think because the war look was lost uh they came back from Greece as well it looks like Greece and communist Greece have possibly settled maybe the French colony was made communist Greece has got like the good bits of Greece okay so we must agree yeah so that's pretty cool odds we've just surrounded some troops this is good yeah yeah are they all in this side pocket here it looks like [ __ ] Budapest our sorry Hungary's is doing [ __ ] as a following baby the fall of Berlin a Polish juggernaut cannot be stopped he's a Russian troops [ __ ] the Russia juggernaut has put through this is insane I don't even know what's going on now it's just like so much [ __ ] happening here in the name of communist France we will take Germany communist friends oh yeah they're still going yep they must have settled - I think that's all that's gonna be led to France after the Germans are done but I guess they're going to have to double back okay oh I see Hungary is there's like there are lots of German and Italian troops in Hungary right now can you slow it the [ __ ] down please sorry I have slowed it down Theresa okay all right that's good it was only up for is it tea a lot to do holy [ __ ] oh my god are you attacking [ __ ] hungry oh [ __ ] hungry join the axis that's why I had no idea my Mountaineers fighting Portuguese shlep divisions oh [ __ ] some some of our divisions have been cutting else yeah they've been a little cut off there don't fear brave red brothers we shall save you this is a lot of Hungarian troops holy [ __ ] France is communist Wow invites a faction get in here lads what happens in vitam unis France into action how did they push Germany out what happened won and they settled and part of the peace treaty for whatever reason they got France oh [ __ ] so the French copied in German he fought off the French they joined the Civil War and when the Civil War ended the commune got all the frenetic France and now Germany has an undefended border with communist France you need to play some troops on that border what Jack and France will push in on their own France are going to do it from there I think they're not actually in our war now I've invited them to the faction okay we can also invite nationalist Spain or Republican Spain so they're in it now too join our was see they're in there fighting alright this front on Hungary is is kind of stabilizing now a little bit which is period [ __ ] this is insane this is nuts Europe 1939 5th to 15th of January Polish People's Republic pushing to Poland with assistance of grand mummy Ally you forget Union Big Mama Big Brother Romania helping with Hungary all going well all going as planned as great plan floods great communist leader visionary the Vladislav Gomulka that's expected I can't believe he declared war on them without telling us I wish he just said I was well on board like it's a great idea place everyone even allies Wow they are falling slowly ok I'm cutting them off in Hungary I'm going to take this Budapest than the the line here I've got so many factories that I'm just not using because I haven't got time I can invite Greece of the faction get any lads yeah do it can work is there any chance we could slow it down just a sec because I'm just trying to yep play it ok so I got factories free and everything I'm not making anything alright now we build military factories but Yugoslavia is [ __ ] and it's formed the independent state of Croatia oh nice yeah oh my god I just realized oh no what I'm scared to click we're probably war with Japan we are and I have not been watching this border so what are they doing over here just sort of chilling okay we'll take it okay all right the war is settling in to be a be a big round frankly an absolute cracker jack of a war Jesus hold Polish shipyard producing one destroyer in 1.3 years nice okay what gay well don't eat it it attempted to was this so Spanish Spanish Nationals are there nationalist Spanish volunteers here yeah they're coming into this front look Republicans 20 divisions of Republican Spanish the Bohemian Empire has capitulated who's the who were those words I'm no idiot was that was that part of Greece was it part of Yugoslavia must have been I don't know where Bohemia is to my eternal shame the independent state of Croatia they are going fascist the bastards Hong Kong's fallen in these this is incredible yeah this is going pretty good yeah it really is what we need to do louis is cut off these lads so I'm going to punch for Prague and then cut these guys off in this pocket with a shitload of infantry okay we are just rolling through Germany my god great we're in Hannover almost many polish update 168,000 men grinding your grinding I can't believe how well this is Karen yeah it's going pretty good [ __ ] tanks man they they're really good aren't they they all get I think that's why they caught on yeah that's uh these tanks are pretty good so steep that deep they sure do pack a punch I'll give him that much oh please move in there please move in there Go Go man Go Go yes well we're taking a lot we're doing doing some good work here we're gonna win circle the fudge out of these lads okay we're sitting bolt in the Greek Civil War greaser yeah basically they're doing all right actually we need to kick we need to kick Germany and Italy out of the South here yeah we'll do that don't worry oh is that where they are it's just in that South area nothing truthful and came out of the mouth of an Englishman yeah I was a startling sign for you know really Luba Stalin trivia for you little bit everyone likes a little bit stuff how many want some stolen trivia I got some for you got a corker I got a real humdinger here for you I got a real humdinger here for you oh my goodness oh [ __ ] luxe intimated Lithuania rejected German demands our Wars is very little the way here is in the comments and get in here let's get in here I thought I thought I thought we were getting attacked button you oh that was a relief well these dudes [Music] we got a lot of dudes here oh we're getting pushed back a little bit from Hungary but yeah I know the South is not going as well as the north know but there's not as much down here to be fair but we just need to get to link up with the Communist French clique Germany is moving in on Greece now and yeah there for some reason focusing down there I guess because they that's a fight they can actually win Jesus man you guys are going [ __ ] ham up there yep it is really happening baby it's good I'll Evelyn's have given us a unit bizarrely yeah they want in I love it when a plan comes together we should get them on our side because they've got they got the rubber or they got the rubber for days what the why do make my hoping we see what's going on in the UK I'll in a light is in the Allies it's at war with those guys as an expeditionary force from Canada South Africa non-aggression pact with us is has military access to oh they're given us military access okay somebody accepted that wasn't me UK have military access to what help on this war gates Germany that's amazing since 1938 1939 mmm-hmm oh sure Germany Germans are moving in on me guys that they're just busting out of this little [ __ ] pocket here pushing everything back got a German in my pocket we got some problems down here yeah I can see you've got issues we need help on the southern flank yeah let me roll in here yeah moving guys in to defend push these lights back a wee bit we need to be some troops rome has fallen it leaves quit skis growth took France the UK France or the UK took Italy the German Reich is now surrounded well they are falling fast as well oh my god [ __ ] this German resistance pocket thing that's spilling in here is like the worst I'm trying my best to close I see what you mean yeah yeah the UK are pushing in from the other side don't worry about it Germany should capitulate we need to get Munchen that's our next next gambit cut them off here we need to divide this if we can meet up with the French Louis if we can strike an attack through Frankfurt divide the country in twain they'll have no port they'll be cut off for supply that's the key have actually they have one port which is uh this one held down here in the South Dalmatia I was controlled by the UK alright actually might be in labor right then are you doing bandit alright good job good job good job push them back they're spread too thin I think I've got a little bit of help and stuff too ah the Russians some of the Russian troops are standing back is that deliberate no I hadn't I have no man because it's not it's not enough supply I am power you're just sort of watching you'll know where for waiting I'm just waiting until we have manpower before you attack I'm coming in now but every time we fight we can't replenish I'll move them up to the line also you've advanced while I was doing other things of course oh there's quite a few lights here I'll see here I see the pie see the breakthrough point manami's oh my god Germany is so [ __ ] yeah this is a good communist France it's you think I'm absolutely ham and the UK is taken Italy [ __ ] don't get too excited we got to go to war with those boys eventually yeah Hungary's quite ski Hungary's gone we do veux up as much for the red team less so for the for the UK they're going to have Italy will have to Nick that often but we've got most of mainland Europe is communist Poland Fred commune Republican Spain Romania People's Republic Greece whose side of Croatia Iran they're going fascist we need to put a stop to that we're cruise [ __ ] yeah they they declared for Germany I think they don't have [ __ ] though whew all right we got 1.6 million people you
Channel: Team Double Dragon
Views: 238,298
Rating: 4.9719982 out of 5
Keywords: funny, gaming, lewis, sips, Hearts of Iron 4, Multiplayer, Highlights, Strategy, World War, German Reich, Invasion, Russia, Communism, Communist Russia, Poland, Romania, History, Paradox, Simulation, Battle, Warfare, Armies, Generals, Conquest, Fascism, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Sips, Pyrion, Lewis, Xephos, Funny Moments
Id: sQjXsqOxidI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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