BACK TO WAR - HEARTS OF IRON 4 w/ Duncan, Lewis & Tom - 24th October 2016
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Channel: Yogscast Live
Views: 157,423
Rating: 4.9143267 out of 5
Keywords: Yogscast, The Yogscast, Livestream, twitch, stream, highlights, vod, Duncan, Lewis, Yogscast Duncan, Lalna, Yogscast Lewis, Xephos, Duncan Stream, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4, hoi, hoi 4, tom, angor, strategystream
Id: Fzg_NObCc-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 28sec (11308 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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Lewis did nothing wrong!!!
Now that's how you do a blitzkrieg Tom!
May want to censor Lou Lou's Gmail address that flashes up in enormous letters...
Man I watched the first part of this and was surprised by Lewis "tactics" however I missed the massive failed attack on the Dutch.
I fucking love HOI 4.
oh my god, theyre strategically retarded. definitely need Pflax in these so i dont go too crazy.
Pyrion,Sips ,Lewis and Duncan series pls
Flat out missing the Blues Brothers reference, I am dissapoint.
The whole bit on Hitler...I don't remember when I last laughed out loud alone on a video...this was definitely one of those.