Healing is Here 2017: Day 3, Sessions 7 & 8 - Carlie Terradez, Daniel Amstutz

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good morning everybody how we doing today it's a slightly thinner crowd this morning I guess was it a late night last night did anybody get drunk I better clarify that for people who are just tuning in online we got drunk in the holy ghost last night a man and it was good thank you Lord people got healed and set free man this is awesome thank you guys for being here we're having a great time thank you for worshiping with us you know I just wanted to share with you this morning before we jump into some worship mark 11 and Jesus is saying to the disciples about the fig tree you know Peter says look master the fig tree that you cursed has withered and died then a wise surprised but I feel like he is and Jesus says have faith in God for assuredly I say unto you whoever says to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatever he says and you know the fig tree is is used in Genesis to resemble self-righteousness amen and it's not about you it's all about Jesus and again I said that this morning on the first day rather that worship is to get our eyes off the problem UNT's onto the solution so we're gonna do that again this morning you ready amen so welcome to all of you watching online we love you and we're gonna we're gonna worship the Lord and we hope that you'll worship with us so praise God he is the way you men Kelcey let's do this shall we stand to our feet [Music] hours nowhere he came to my rescue from the crave I've been raised dead when I needed a savior to save me Jesus he made way I was blind but these eyes now I walk in [Music] every step of this room [Music] you lost in death love can't apply me Jesus you are the way yes you [Music] you're the light shining bright this Jesus you xisa she says the only [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all my days are secure in your promise never standing you've never walk alone you're the truth you're the life you're my future Jesus you made that you get me free the desk there's brain too windy casis a stupid you are the way but Jesus you are jesusí on [Music] did you do you're the light shining the darkness Jesus you are the way [Music] lust and dead but your love kids and find me Jesus you are [Music] you're the knight shiny bride in the darkness Jesus you are the way come on there's something to be said about dancing on your problems oh man we're gonna dance like David dad's dad are you [Music] you are but your love came to find me [Music] you come on Jared surprise [Music] Lord we are so grateful for your grace Thank You Otis all about you it's all about your grace and what you've already done we receive in this place today wherever we are all over the world we receive you now Jesus II sure that I can see this is a song called magnificent grace it's on the Charis album you haven't got that yet His grace is magnificent event thank you [Music] [Music] my Jesus [Music] my Jesus all we've done for me fills my heart [Music] Savior it's your love for me brings me joy we die ransom ratings only Jesus saved with hands 50 [Music] my [Music] your glorious plan [Music] [Music] it's your grace [Music] yes your credit gives me yours like me sets me free from death come up that gives a shake and I brings out with victory dude we say [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] just receive His grace right now all over this place the overflow room watching online receive that grace right now it's all about him Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you you will have whatsoever you say is what Jesus said amen we just declare in this place right now that we are healed we are set free thank you those watching online in Jesus name the power of God right now coming into your living room wherever you are Shabbat vacancy setting the captives free we break the chains in Jesus name we break the chains right now whatever is holding you captive we break it Jesus name you will be free from this day thank you [Music] create should give a shout of right shouting [Music] stop it what you [Music] shout [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're all [Music] display [Music] [Music] stand up and see what you think [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Oh for all you've done praise you for you are great you are grateful we elevate you is plain [Music] we could like give you our you bring out too [Music] you restore yes every time that is broken [Music] it's your [Music] so again you give life [Music] miss you you Risto [Music] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will say [Music] sweet these balls will say [Music] we will shout your breaks hearts will cry these bones will [Music] it's your bread [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] you [Music] longer sway to fee [Music] what the Claire [Music] much [Music] you know I wrote a song a few weeks ago and Daniel asked me to sing it for this conference and so I'm gonna sing it over you if that's okay I want you to just receive don't worry about trying to join in because you won't know it the promisee but I really want you to stay in that place of worship right now wherever you are all over the world I want you to stay in that place of worship we will no longer be slaves to fear for we are children of God thank you Jesus thank you continues probably gonna need that thank you there's a little there's a family in Norway that I wrote this for and now the little boy's name is Evan and he's got he's getting rid of this disease and then man you got to be careful the way you speak need to listen to my own teaching seriously it's it's really important he is coming out of that thing and right now I just speak breakthrough into Evans body thank you Lord will you all agree with me there's something about who was it last night said I think it was Andrew said give where you want to go amen wow I thought about that if you want healing go and pray for people to be healed amen thank you lord thank you Jesus [Music] just receive [Music] lift your eyes to see Jesus you're right here Jesus you're right here you yogurt is true I know it's true I know it's true shake me I need not be [Music] you're right here you're right my heart is precious jewel no hands and I know you keep saying you can't receive when I've done all to stand I will stand sing out my praises to you too because I see you're with me you were is true I know it's true it's too for sacred be you're right here you're right here you said you and here BIOS strips have been severed no longer will I be afraid for you have won my victory you sense your world and heal me by your stripes have been set free no no I'll be afraid for you have won my victory [Music] my I hear you you're with me your word is true I know it's true I know it's true you ever forsake me I'd be cuz you're here you're right come on let's give him some praise amen thank you Jesus for all you've done thank you never leave us or forsake us God you are always with us we need not be afraid amen and you know I was also thinking about that fig tree that sounded funny but that fig tree was spoken to the day before and Jesus spoke to the root he spoke to the root of it amen and they didn't see any change up above initially all right don't let the devil lie to you it's killed at the root in Jesus name and it's coming it's coming ain't read ha ha ha those leaves are gonna fall and that thing is dead amen keep going watch the way you speak do not be afraid he is always with you why don't you just turn around and say to someone he is always with you come on [Music] you should come to Karis because if you want to feel fulfilled if you want to feel like you can conquer the world this is the place to be that will absolutely change your life you can go out more powerfully and have a better impact and then you would without coming you're around believers who encourage you and push you in the right direction like God's called you to be you should come to carries because he's gonna change your life this is really the truth and I will say that the truth is gonna set your face and you should come here for the truth have you heard about this chairs meeting oh the Karis informational meeting yeah it's about Karis Bible College you know there's a Karis Bible College Colorado there's a Karis Bible College online there's a curious Bible College correspondence there's also maybe even a Karis Bible College close to where you live there's over 70 locations vote mass go check this chairs thing out no no Charis Charis no like tears with a cane but it's spelled with a CH charis no listen it's Charis Charis no look the letter is silent Harris hey she got there oh this is the healing ministry training kit this thing is awesome it's got eight hours of tutorial videos but God wants you well book a healing is here CD and then Carly's like confession card this is amazing yeah you know what the best part of it is oh yeah that you can get it downstairs right now nah man Shanee what do you have there oh my question cards for the panel let me see these question about Ealing Oh did Adam have a belly button yeah before there were roads where did the chickens cross I know right if Elijah gave Elijah the mantle what happened to the fireplace can God create a rock so big even he can't lift it and if he did create said rock would his attempt to lift said Rock equate to a greater mass than God himself thus equaling the entire mass of the universe which creates a massive Universal granite providential elemental deity [Music] [Applause] welcome to Thursday morning healing is here 2017 man how y'all doing you're doing good hey man I want to welcome the livestream viewers thanks for joining us we have thousands of people watching online from around the world so welcome and you could partake of this service you can also go on a WM website a WM I'd net and you go to the store and find products there you can call us on seven one nine six three five eleven eleven if you want prayer we have prayer ministers standing by right now in our phone centers at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven andrew says if you haven't got an eleven key on your phone just hit the number one four times and that will work amen welcome the overflow people as well downstairs welcome to as well a couple of things here you may have had things missing from your seats do you remember I said earlier and propria and rookie Rick showed you do not leave things on your seat we wasn't kidding we meant it so when they cleared the auditorium out last night there was possessions taken to the lost and found which is down this stairwell in this corner downstairs there's a Lost and Found table down there you can go and find your lost possessions I think it's one shoe down there which is very concerned and how that happened if you've got lost and found at home then there's no help for you and I want to tell you about how did you enjoy lying out for the bathrooms during break isn't that fun so what we've done is we've actually opened up some more bathrooms all right in fact I wanna let you know when Andrews building phase two he put in too many bathrooms he said I don't want people line up any more so there's lots of bathroom so if you if there's lines that these bathrooms then downstairs as a set of stairs by the resource area it's about there downstairs you can go up them stairs and you'll see these signposted bathrooms now make sure that you pack light take some water it's a little bit of a hike to comes you go this way you go that way it's a bit of a maze but you know what it's better than lining up so if you want to if you want to beat the line then do that little trick and you can actually get to see some of phase two but don't go for any of the no entries because you'll be in trouble for that but that's the new bathrooms I'll tell you about today the care is interest meeting like they told you is 4:00 p.m. today I'm really excited about this you need to be downstairs room 118 at 4:00 p.m. today they won't keep you long but they're going to share view all the different ways you can get involved with carrots Bible College I really encourage you know if you've enjoyed this conference why wouldn't you want to get involved with carrots Bible College carries Bible courses this teaching is the teaching you need in the evenings there's other faculty as well it's a powerful powerful place to be disciple them to go deepen your relationship with God you say actually I don't to be a full-time minister it doesn't matter this Carris is good for anyone in fact I've met thousands of students I've traveled around the world around the states I've met thousands of carey's students I've never met one carry students that's regretted coming to Kharis how can you say that because carries is just good for whatever even if you just do carries and carry on with your normal life you will change and your relationship with God will go so much deeper so 4 p.m. today downstairs gets the carats meeting they won't keep you long but they'll give you all the information you need to get involved with carats and the entry level is so low you can everyone can do Karis there's no excuse praise God there was no problem with that we have a question and answers time so if you want to ask questions you go to the guest services get a card fill in your questions don't ask why Adam had a belly button or if you had a belly button don't ask about large rocks are some serious questions about healing and faith for things like that and they'd love to answer your questions praise God and I nearly forgot we've got some things to give away here we've got a we've got a t-shirt I hope they're gonna put your show ricky-ricky in his t-shirt because that's a great video maybe tomorrow we'll show that one but this is a large healing is here t-shirt we have all different styles are healing t-shirts downstairs so these are good this is these are large you know what some people take these t-shirts get prayer ministers of program and taking the hospitals and all sorts so this is a healing this here t-shirt this is this is really blessed summer why don't you get this to give away to someone so who wants who's got someone back home or someone who's sick they want to give this t-shirt to then come and grab this I'll let Pro P give that weight someone this is healing journeys volume three we have five editions of these healing journeys they each have five testimonies on there of powerful healings all different diseases all different things being healed praise God through this ministry healing journeys will bless you there are powerful stories and I was talking to a lady this morning and you know I said this would really help your your relatives to understand healing a lot of people can understand healing through a testimony they see a testimony it's how it helps them understand and it helps them their faith it grows their faith and then the teaching of the word obviously is a helps them receive their healing but we found for us personally watching testimonies really helped us receive our healing so who needs a healing today or who's got people at home that need a healing I let propia give that away that is powerful that'll really bless you we mentioned last night about Andrews teachings spirits so on body this is spirit so on body this is the illustrated version this is really fun this is actually one of Andrews partners I believe got a hold of this and actually drew out spirits our own bodies this is the illustrated version so if you're like me and you're a visual learner and you learn better through pictures I like pictures I like going to restaurants and seen the pictures I'll have that so if you're like me and you like pictures and shiny things and this will really bless you this is spirits art and body pictures so go ahead Matt you give that give that away to someone have you've enjoyed the praise and worship this morning amen this is one of the Carey's albums we have far four characters I think three of them available downstairs with us right but this is the best is yet to come it's a great album has Adam stone on whose scene has Daniel hamster's and the band on here this will really bless you and also we have this via DVD so you can actually watch this and you can see we professionally recorded it DVD and actually as the words up as well so if you have a small group or a small church you can use this as your worship time and they can read the words almost karaoke style so that'll really bless you the best is yet to come there we go so I'm very excited about karaoke there you know tonight we're gonna have pastor Greg marks each well done did she give you $20 how do I go this is because they're only ten dollars downstairs you're gonna save yourself some money pastor Greg Moore is gonna teach tonight you do not want to miss tonight's session it is gonna be excellent praise God this is pastor Greg's book on the prosperous soul and you know he teaches this is a cool see Rick Carris this is powerful this is talking about your soul prospering in every area financially in health in relationships in your life with God this will really bless you so who needs a prosperous so here the secret key to life of health and prosperity either way Matt and then the last thing I want to give away is it stuff a big deal this is a whole team look at this it's shiny and everything is a hole is a hole tin and this reminds me today 1 p.m. is healing school so you don't you don't miss out on healing school it's today right here there's gonna be a powerful time of worship and then there's going to be a panel of people answering questions it's going to be powerful the main speakers are gonna be on the panel and it's gonna be and then we're gonna have our prime ministers to pray for you so healing school today you do not want to miss this if you're watching online you can watch healing school online as well as live streams at Karis Bible College o RG you need to go to Karis Bible club zero r G dot org I say dot org you sada org but anyway that's healing school and this is our healing ministry training kit it's shiny the cameraman doesn't like this but you gotta hang on there's a qualification to get this so you may not qualify but anyway I'm going to tell you real quickly what's inside here so you'll know there's bags of air this is anointed air people oh really is this yeah this is real air this is this is anointed a anyway I want someone that knowing today oh so you get in here you get a bunch of things you get the USB for healing school eight hours of teaching on this USB via video you can play this is Andrews book God wants you well if you had in case you haven't known you don't know this yet God wants you well praise God that's the truth every single one of you every single time God wants you well it also has the healing is here Cara's album a great album that's really going to bless you and help you receive your healing praise God it has a prayer cloth or a couple of prayer cloths in here but have been we'd like to say that being prayed for they've been prayed for they really have these are ready blessed ready blessed prayer cloths and this is Carly's confession card that teaches you who you are in Christ is a powerful card tells you all about who you are in Christ and this whole bundle the whole idea of this is to use this in small groups or in churches and you can use this to actually train your people in prayer we've had Testaments of lots of churches taking this and using it to train their prayer ministers to train their small groups and they've seen great results this so I would like to give this away to someone who has a small group or has a user pastor of a church you will use this too you're gonna use this in your prayer grip in the doctor's office okay you can use it in the doctor's office prayer group go ahead you can grab this the doctor's office pray oh that sounds good there you go that sounds like a good reason so 1:00 p.m. healing skill I'm keeping a bag of this air for myself I mean you never know he need some anointed air truth be known I couldn't fit it back in the box what happened there I think it's the altitude expect we'll go back in anyway prays well won't you help me welcome to the stage Daniel and Carly instead of targeting the diagnosis I think you just married us off there did you have fun last night yeah my goodness do we have some people that I change this morning come on now listen I don't know I don't know what happened to that person with one shoe man that was so exciting wasn't it it was so much fun watching you become impacted by the Ministry of the Holy Ghost you know and and what's so awesome is one of the things we love about Karis Bible College is when people come in as incoming students to see the same thing happen by the Word of God and by the Spirit of God and how many know that the Holy Ghost wrote the Word of God right the Word of God has been written by the Holy Ghost so whatever the Holy Ghost does it never goes counter to the Word of God it's always the word and the spirit the spirit and the word and so as people get into the Word of God and who calls it effortless change because when you sit into the Word of God it literally begins to change you from the inside out and when you have an impartation or in a divine encounter with the Spirit of God it will change you from the inside out and I got to just say personally I was so impacted and and emotional last night as my daughter and my grandkids got called out by the Spirit of God and and impacted and there's a whole story and a whole journey behind all of that but just to see the love of God reach out into their little lives and my youngest granddaughter started school this morning in a brand new city a brand new school a brand new group of people and last night when she went to bed her mama told me this morning okay hold it together Daniel that she was quoting scripture thank you you can keep it I could keep it here here's what I'm gonna do with this you know when you have a praise report you you get it yeah you get a hankie and you just kind of you know wave it you know come up and so last night she was quoting scripture and singing worship to God literally in her sleep all night long she's nine years old and so this morning because I'm here you know my wife as they call her grandma Tracy went down to help her get into her first day of school and so I called her and prayed for her over the phone and I said how are you excited she said I'm so excited I'm so excited now listen that may not be a really big deal to you know the global masses but it's a really big deal to that nine-year-old it's hard and God loves us each individually so much that that impartation whether it's by the spirit directly or the word of God however that happens it's always the combination of spirit and truth together and that's what causes us to grow up in in God amen somebody said years ago when you have just the word you dry up if you have just the spirit you blow up but when you put them together you grow up amen and I love that so tell somebody next to you today I'm gonna grow up some more in Christ today hello amen grow up hallelujah so this morning we want to talk a little bit about Christ the healer there's a classic book written many many years ago by someone who was a really a healing evangelist and he yep the whole book was entitled Christ the healer and I remember reading this many many years ago Carly and as that book impacted my life by the time you get done with this book you just really you know like how could you not believe in healing right and so I believe what's gonna happen to you this week it's already happening to many of you is as you go back into the environment that you came from you literally are gonna change that atmosphere you literally as we were saying yesterday are gonna change that environment because now you're beginning to get that same mentality that same mindset that same heart attitude why would you not believe that Christ is the healer and once you begin to understand what's already been done we're not waiting for Jesus to come and die on the cross and do what he's already done he doesn't have to do it again because he said it is finished so why would you not believe when Jesus said only believe if you just believe if you just believe what's already been accomplished and activate your faith in the finished work of Christ then you are gonna be able to link together to identify with that work and see that accomplished in your own life whether you're nine years old or whether you're 99 years old the Word of God works amen and so God wants us to be impacted by the fact that Jesus is our healer he is the great physician and so as we talk about this this morning we're gonna unpack a little bit of this and Carly and I were just praying and talking in the in the green room a few minutes ago and how this time goes so quickly I mean so quickly and the reason is is because there is so much to talk about so much to meditate in and so we what we're gonna do is really just spark a hunger in your heart to be able to get into the Word of God and dig out some more of this truth for yourself and your Bible studies and your churches and in your own families and in your own personal life and begin to as Jerry was saying last night demonstrate in power and by the Spirit of God on a daily basis what this really looks like rice the healer amen you know I was thinking of a friend of mine just this morning and then she started to question you know whether the signs and wonders passed away with the Apostles right and you know this really comes back to the will of God when we well we really don't have a foundation where we understand the real nature of God that God is good and that God is love we're gonna start to come back to question in his will we're gonna we're gonna find ourselves in a place where we look at our outward circumstances and we look at what's happening in the natural world and we look at our past experiences and maybe what's going on in our church you think well hang me a second nothing much is happening people aren't really receiving healing yeah you know I just and then we'll start to think we'll start to take out our our own human experiences or lack of supernatural experiences right I think well the Word of God can't be true yeah let's look at this scripture this is in Galatians 3 verse 5 and it says and there we go out the way here it says therefore he replies the spirit to you and works miracles among you does he do it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith he who works miracles amongst us does it by the working of faith yeah and that means that that that puts and some responsibility back on to us there needs to be a response of faith which was what we'll get to in a minute but before we get to faith you know faith can only operate where the will of God is known right faith can only operate where the will of God is known you know in James 5 it says the prayer of faith will save the sick will heal the sick yeah we cannot pray a prayer of faith if we don't first know that Christ is the healer and there is always his will for us to be well always you know that that's a fact that's a foundational truth right there I really it just comes back to us not having a good grasp of how good god is yeah I remember when that when our daughter Hannah was three years old she was sent home from the hospital to die and she had an incurable autoimmune disease and I'm sure some of you have seen her testimony's and Andrews web site or maybe on healing journeys but she was she had an autoimmune disease which meant any time she was fed any kind of food her body did not have what it needed to process that food and take the nutrients out of it and digest it and so she was essentially starving to death so as three years old three and a half she was the same size as a nine month old baby Wow she was incredibly stunted in a growth it took the doctors a couple of years to diagnose this disease it's called Yoshino philic Interop a--they which sounds very I think doctors like to do things long name Sinopoli whatever it ology and and you know that the doctors didn't know do you know what to do with it they kind of wrote the name of the disease down on it on a sticky note and they said go google it we know how to diagnose it but there's no cure for this as there's a cure aborting he's really untreatable all we can try to do is sustain her life but basically the prognosis was really poor for her and so by the time she was three and a half she was sent home from the hospital with a week to live and as parents you can imagine you know we're sitting there and we just we would do anything to trade places with her for sure I mean you know you know when your child is sick when your loved one is dying in front of you and they're when they're wasting away she had a feeding tube inserted into into a side to try and sustain a life a little bit but but ultimately as parents we're just watching our three-year-old die in front of us and just that feeling of absolute helplessness and the thing is we we knew that the God loved us we've been born-again believers for her and I think I was born again about 12 years actually a little longer than me we were fanatics we were in church every weekend well we had to because we were this isn't pastors it would've been awkward if it wasn't but you know we're good right but we love God you know actually was baptized in the Holy Spirit and he spoke in tongues we'd sing some some awesome things in our life but we didn't know that it was God's will to heal every time yeah we didn't know for sure that he and we need the God could heal right but we didn't know that God would heal yeah and that's a huge difference as a huge difference you know we prayed for a dog - it would believe is right believers do believe it's believed yeah but we didn't really have a good grasp that God was always good yeah and we just had some wrong doctrine yeah you know we had some people in our church so well maybe it's God's judgment on you maybe it does put this this disease on your child because you know you've been terrible parents or you've done something or he's gonna teach you something through it anyone ever had that God's gonna teach you something through this all right but you know when we start to look in the New Testament we start to see hangs again Jesus has a healing ministry he goes around everyone that comes to Jesus he's made well and look at this scripture this in Luke 5 I love this Luke 5 12 to 13 it says and it happened when he was in a certain city that behold a man that was full of leprosy saw Jesus full of it not just a little bit leprous right it was full of it right full of leprosy and he fell on his face and implored him saying lord if you are willing you can make me clean and he put out his hand and he touched him saying I am willing be cleanse ya man if only we could get a grasp of that yes right I am willing yeah you know Jesus doesn't change his mind he's a good God he's a good God and he hasn't changed his mind and everyone in the New Testament that came to Jesus for healing was healed everybody every single one so that kind of put me in actually in a bit of an awkward position right we had a daughter that you dying in front of us and we were just you know we'd we'd prayed but you know we didn't really pray a prayer of faith we went through the motions Oh God if it be your will sure doesn't that make things sound a little bit more holy if you take it on the end yeah be thy will oh yeah and that's how we thought we were supposed to pray back right yeah it's not very effective no because you have to know what the will of God is right because the minute that storm comes it's gonna talk you right out of the will of God if you don't know it exactly and so because we didn't know the will of God was to heal every time yeah we pray these you know blanket band-aid prayers but nothing happened and nothing happened because there wasn't really any faith present in the prayers that we prayed yeah that's really important we'll get into this hopefully and today maybe maybe tomorrow but faith has evidence as with it right and if we if we if we pray a prayer of faith it's gonna have a result right Hebrews 11 verse 1 to be sure the things we hope for are certain of the things that cannot see there's evidence associated with faith so we were praying but because we didn't know they were the will of God we couldn't be convinced that it was God's will for Hannah to be healed so we couldn't pray for a prayer of faith but that's not the example that we see in the New Testament we see Jesus going around and healing the sick yep this is a great verse here in in Romans 10 verse 13 yeah absolutely whosoever Romans 10:13 whosoever how many can say with me today I'm a whosoever whosoever Amen not up to the last apostle oops sorry but whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved now here's what I always found interesting as a person from a very traditional church we had no problem applying this first whatsoever to the forgiveness of sin right so you'd gladly believe you'd lovely receive your salvation absolutely but you know everything else yeah we would have you know we would have fought somebody so to speak over the fact that this verse was saying that whosoever shall be saved but what we did was we limited only to the forgiveness of our sin because we didn't understand the word saved right and if you look at the word saved in the Greek he's actually the word Sozo right and it means so much more you know English language is a little bit limited compared to the original text of this room right but in the original that word saved actually means to save a suffering one from perishing and to save from disease to make well to heal to restore to health to save to keep safe and sound to rescue or deliver from danger destruction or peril yeah Wow not awesome all right so you take that you take that and you plug that back into that word save and you could read it a little bit different you could put whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be healed forgiven or delivered saved from destruction kept safe from peril you can plug all that in there yeah so who's here here is our whosoever right man and this applies to you yeah it cannot be separated right and you don't even have to call five right it's a gift it's a gift God's already seen the value of each of us and said I've already prepared the table in fact you know what I already prepared the table in the presence of your enemies even your enemy even your enemy knows the provision that's already been provided in God's grace on your behalf he just doesn't want you to know so through lack of knowledge is how we perish yep and that's how we were perishing as a family growing up we had no idea that it was God's will to heal in fact we just expected sickness because that's what happens you know everybody gets sick that's just normal no for or is it I remember we were this was probably just maybe I don't know four years ago or so we were with Andrew Carly and you'll remember this too of course you've heard this many times but on one of our gospel truth rallies and he was teaching on healing one one particular night and he said you know the reason I haven't been sick in so many years is because I hate sickness worse than you do and I you know there was something inside of me I remember that day it was like I hate sickness too but when he said that that night it was like oh yeah he's on he's on you know and and when you think that sickness is normal come on when you think that sickness is the normal lifestyle of humanity what are you gonna do with sickness comes you just live with it you can't resist something you're embracing if you're embracing it you're not gonna resist it and what we learn from this verse and many others as well is that this word Sozo doesn't just mean salvation it means that our lifestyle does not have to be broken down it doesn't have to include depression and and sickness and disease jesus said I came to give you life John 10:10 and to give it to you what more abundantly not less abundantly so what he's looking for is those who will actually identify with the Word of God rather than identifying with culture and say you know what I'm just gonna be be a weird enough to believe the Word of God and believe that it means exactly what it says does exactly what's in the tin exactly and it makes you absolutely countercultural to our society today I've had people who have said you can't live like this well watch me and then you know that won't work for you I said well it's working for me praise God it's too light you know I remember when when somebody came up to me and they said you know you you need to know that the the gifts have passed away with the last apostle and you know healing is no longer for today and they said you know all that stuff doesn't work today and it's so interesting to me how when someone doesn't believe it they're right but when you do believe it it works why because the word is alive and powerful and the word works so watch what Jesus said here in Luke chapter 5 and I'm gonna start with with verse 22 Luke 5 for 22 when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered and said to them why are you reasoning in your hearts which is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say rise up and walk but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the man who was paralyzed I say to you paralyzed man rise up take up your bed and go to your house well that was a nice prayer but probably nothing happened no look at verse 25 immediately this paralyzed man rose up before them took up what he had been lying on man I love that somebody you are gonna take up what you've been lying on what has been your place of limitation what has been your ceiling is about to become your floor hallelujah amen they took up what he'd been lying on it departed to his own house watch this glorifying God glorifying God why because God is the healer Jesus is the great physician and they were all amazed and they glorified God I love this so much I put a little smiley face in my Bible next to this he didn't see that right there yeah yeah they glorify God and they were filled with amazement or fear as the New King James says saying we have seen strange things today ha ha glory to God listen it may not be normal to you but to the spirit fill believer this is our new normal hallelujah hallelujah you know this Christ makes me this whole passage of Scripture and then set in 17 actually the beginning of that chapter it says and the power of the Lord was present to heal them yeah I love that you know the power of the Lord was present to heal all of them but one man responded one man responded Reaper and so often we see that in in our world don't we see that in our congregation and I don't family in our life you know the proud of God doesn't just turn on and turn off he's always on his answers are always yes and amen come on but it's up to us to respond and here's the thing though you know that we have to respond in faith we have to first know the will of God because faith can't operate where the will of God isn't known but then we need to respond this man was the only man in that whole situation that was willing to get up out of his bed and put faith and put action to what what what the what the Lord has spoken to you we have to take it by faith and put action to it you know faith is a verb mm-hmm we have to first know it is the will of God and and so often we'll look round and we think you know I didn't brought up why don't know where Adams gone is he was here a minute ago you know Adam for a perfect tree this is really crucial the story of the fig tree you know oftentimes we will just breeze past that that hold that whole chapter there where where Jesus cursed the fig tree yeah you know when Jesus spoke to that fig tree nothing happened immediately right because the power of God was present to is working but it was working on the inside of that fig tree withering up from the roots where we couldn't see it you know what Jesus didn't do which is what we are do you know is will speak and will think oh nothing happened it didn't work you know Jesus cuz am I really the Son of God oh my goodness mind blown my words didn't work I spoke to that fig tree was nothing happened I'm sorry Lord you're gonna have to have a B plan right I thought I was the Messiah but clearly I'm mistaken right identity crisis yeah throw out the window right you know but we do that don't we we think I'm just gonna say I'm gonna speak the word I'm gonna I'm gonna act like Jesus but then when we see nothing happen on the outside we think oh it wasn't God's will right right or the power of God wasn't maybe wasn't present to heal me today right or I didn't have a goose bump or I didn't fall down or I didn't have an experience that confirmed my word somehow mm-hmm and we start to look at our natural circumstances and then completely discredit the Word of God because we don't see anything in the natural right the problem is we're looking for it for a physical condition a physical physical position to determine a spiritual position and that doesn't work we have a spiritual position in Jesus we know that God's will is to heal and the healer now lives on the inside of us more than enough power to heal the sick raise the dead I'll cast out any demon in Hell amen the our words contain life and death and when we speak those words they go immediately to action but sometimes that's where we can't see it write those words going to work in a place where we can't see them working that's where we need to move away from being so fixated on our five senses yes when we take the Word of God at face value and we get in a grid our words in agreement with the Word of God and man we become like ninjas right we're deadly yeah we're untouchable it's true you know the devil is way more afraid of us than we when we realize yes yes yes so true if only we would start to recognize what we have in us on the inside of us in the person of Jesus yeah and we'd start to put faith to that and take the way to Hebrews it says we've got it we've got to take the word and mix it with faith for it to profit or something yeah there needs to be an understanding our root in a plant of that word in our heart but then I'm mixing with faith and it comes with understanding some of these these scriptural principles that were going through here first knowing what it means that the will of God is for us he's always good well in karlie out such a great point because so many times people have no problem with the forgiveness of sin right did they see their sin get forgiven did they check their body see can you see your salvation can you see it see and we have no problem with that but when it comes to healing all of a sudden it shifts in our in our heart you know I understand it yeah and it's really interesting you know and when Jesus said that's the man is it easier to say you know your sins are forgiven you or take out your bed and walk because in in in Bible times when Jesus was walking around you know they they didn't seem to have they seemed to receive healing pretty easily they saw him doing they saw him doing it right you know you can imagine him walk you through the town and they didn't have Facebook they didn't tweet right right so be like hey Jesus is coming hey jesus is coming at whitter right you know there wasn't there wasn't a grapevine but it the whispers went through the town and they came in the droves to see they expected to see a physical demonstration yeah that's why the multi choose wood gathering that's why when Jesus went into towns multitudes gathered the word got around they expected to see something tangible but when it came to forgiveness of sin that was a different shift for them oh man you know because they each took a blood sacrifice they didn't realize that Jesus was the son of God and that he was gonna be the blood sacrifice we have so much more now than they had when that when they wrote the scriptures absolutely way more we have a whole book of scriptures to go back and look on for it for example right yeah but it's interesting isn't it how things have shifted yes you know inch inch in the scriptures it was easier for people to receive physical healing like to see physical healing and believe that then it was at their salvation yeah but now it's completely the opposite and people will freely receive salvation which they cannot see but struggle to believe the things that they can see yes it's a complete reverse it is so the Word of God will actually reveal to us if you want to talk about seeing we're gonna see the unseen amen the Bible says as a man sees himself how do you see yourself as you see yourself in your heart so are you so as we see what's unseen we have to look into the Word of God to find out what we all have in our spirit man the other way we can know what's already being given to us is by the Word of God so I was just talking with someone this morning and they said you know we had a gentleman here who received the healing and this morning he said I think I've lost it I'm feeling pain again listen all that is is a symptom you haven't lost it it's just a symptom coming back to tell you that you've lost your healing so when those symptoms come they're simply symptoms you speak to those symptoms by the Word of God and you tell that symptom where it can go amen amen you begin to develop a bit of an attitude and you're not checking your body to see you're telling your body what the Word of God says instead so instead of trying to reference from a physical perspective like the fig tree being cursed even though they couldn't see anything something supernatural happened in the unseen realm yeah and I think often times we'll speak a word of faith and then when nothing happens we dig it out with our shovel of unbelief yeah right we start to get right down in there and you know check the seed to see if it's growing you know that's a sure what that's a surefire way for a farmer to kill his seed that's for sure though he's out there every morning digs it up and has a look at it right nothing's happening yeah we need to speak the word and stop digging up it without without shovel of unbelief yeah you know here's the thing when we were struggling to and believe God for Hannah's healing yeah well really changing us was we had a revelation of the love of God we understood that God loved us mm-hmm you know we went we went we go giving her one of our Andrews partners gave us a tape actually a little white cassette tape yeah and I just don't understand what cassette tapes are I mean do you remember when you get the pimps when you stick it in and that's how you would rewind oh absolutely yeah might what yeah anyway you got to be pretty out and we actually thought those were cool because those replaced eight tracks there you go right well we got mom and dad not that I would know but you know where we go we we rented a car we had to take Hannah to the hospital to have some surgery we were into the car and it didn't have a CD player old-fashioned didn't have a CD player and it just had a tape deck in there and so we are I asked my mom have you got any have you got any cassette tapes any teaching tapes we were in the world we were we were digging ourselves into the Word of God because we knew the doctor didn't have our answer right I tell you Andrew mentioned this on Tuesday night but if you've been given a terminal diagnosis that is a position of strength you know you are set free in that moment you don't have to have your heart doesn't need to be divided anymore you don't have to start figuring it out thinking you know should I take the treatment should I take the pill should I do the chemo should I have the surgery you just set free to be a hundred percent sold out for Jesus you could just believe God now now you have nothing to lose everything to gain so we got this in we got this cassette tape and we put it in and we were in the Word of God we're like we know we are missing something we read the New Testament and we see that Jesus has a healing ministry and we see we see scriptures like Psalm 103 he says you know he's sent here a year he forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases we see in Hebrews he's talked about you know the same promises are the same yesterday today and forever that Jesus has never changed yeah there is no expiry date on the word of God and something on the inside of us just exploded well like you know what either this word is true or every bit of it's a lie yeah come on because you can't have it halfway people yeah right we can't have a foot in one foot in in the medical camp or one foot in the word and and I hope it's gonna work right because our hearts divided and we're gonna find ourselves a place of frustration yeah so when we got that diagnosis we were like yes right now we can just believe God that that's awesome so we went we asked my mom and she said oh I've got a whole drawer full of teaching tapes we wanted to feed ourselves on the Word of God we wanted to understand because we knew we were missing something we were we hadn't connected the dots somewhere and and so we we got this cassette tape and it was called your new identity in Christ Wow and I think on that cassette tape Andrew Andrew teach it I mean this was really old girls like 15 years old when me and who did like a whole I mean every every few minutes he's like I've got a 16 part tape series on that right and that accent right Wow I mean we had to how'd you like that English Texas accent right yeah yeah pretty good huh yeah I'm learning American come on and I mean who is this dude I mean seriously it's like I've never heard anything like that yeah but on that teaching tape I remember being we were listening to as we was driving with quite a long car drive and I'm gonna be getting to the stoplight and hearing for the first time that God wants as well I'm like I'm pretty sure he doesn't let me just get my scriptures out yeah Oh any second I guess you're right then Andrew I guess you're right hmm curious moment that was and but you know all of these true started to come alive then when we when he's by we're waiting Deuteronomy that sickness was a curse yeah it was listed in the curse it wasn't a blessing it was never a blast there was never a blessing it was always a curse and then you read in Galatians 3:13 that says you know what we've been redeemed from the curse we don't have to live in bondage anymore think come on you thirteen crisis redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us as it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree yeah you know when Jesus died on the cross he didn't just pay for our salvation he paid for everything everything and healing was part of the package man is a package deal Wow is even better than a ministry training tin yeah right right it's free it's completely free with no side effect yeah that's a good deal I love that but what we're done we realized we'd separated healing and salvation yeah we'd picked up a hit the helmet of salvation but we were streaking in every other since we were like naked Christians yeah running around with just a helmet on no armor no that's not good no that's not good that's quite a picture is it yeah Syrena in Daniel just take it in it in right but I think a lot of Christians do that done absolutely they put on the helmet of salvation they don't realize the power that lives on the inside of them right as they walk around it being defenseless weak Christians you know anything that comes their way I just absorb it but we got so much more innocent and I love so much Carly that as you're driving you're listening to a cassette tape it's kind of just a you know a normal moment in life but there was a divine moment in that normal moment because as soon as you connected wait a minute God God wants what God wants me well what happened you know it was it was like I could almost hear the pennies drop cogs were turning turning it was it was a defining moment because once we understood that it was the will of God for Hannah to be made well it's like hang a second if it's the will of God for Hannah to be made well and we're in agreement with the will of God then one plus one is two then she has to be healed there is no other equations if you had you reached out and took it that's it that's where faith becomes alive yes now we weren't begging God to come on down like game show Jesus yeah come on down a ball down the price is right we went to a church once it was so funny and when they got really excited about the things ago they've come on Jesus come on Jesus come on like what you ought to get me excited right I mean you know he's pretty excited already come on Jesus yeah I mean you know we've realized that God loved us that I mean not just in our head but in a whole revelation it became alive on the inside of us when we understand how much God loves us we will never doubt his will regarding healing him come on I mean just think about this for a minute as parents would you put sickness on your children to teach him something I mean that's just stupid you wouldn't you if you had the power to make somebody well and you withheld it that's abuse yeah right that's it that's right you know what we did we're accusing God of child abuse yeah he's not child abuser no but he loves us He loves us and what what happened when we when we realized that that just kind of sparked faith Galatians five sixes faith works by love right our faith became alive on the inside of us knowing how loved we are amen and so we we changed the way we started praying and we took Hannah you know I said we was given a week to live and then we have we heard this little cassette tape and when I wonder if founders ever in England he's American no one's ever heard of him right no one can understand him in England so I mean it was really fast it was really fast America we have to don't repeat rewind things and get the pencil out hang a second let's do that one again but you know we looked on the website and we realize that Andrews in England the very next day one time the very next day so we were like hmm okay I think this might be a divine appointment think so so we had to but we had a bust Hannah at hospital you know you can't just take your babies out Hospital they don't like that right it's not they don't go down very well right and so we were like Lord you know you got to help us out here you know they can't do anything for her but but but we need some help yeah when and so we waited for the doctors to come in that morning and they came in and they said you know we we really we can't do anything else for you right now you know why don't you just take a home for it for a few days and for a couple of weeks actually said and then and you know we'll just bring it back and well maybe we'll try something else with pricing steroids or something and then we found out afterwards they expected her to live a week and they thought it would be kind of for her to die at home and so they were but they released her from the hospital and we're like hallelujah so we packed all the keys up in the car we drove halfway across the country to that meeting and you know we just kind of set our faith that we were we weren't going to come and ask God to to come on down and do something but we had some puzzle pieces missing we didn't know how healing applied to children yeah and when we met with Andrew it was so simple he just said you know what as parents you have authority over your kids amen there's like done so we just we just got an agreement with the Word of God and Andrew prayed a real simple prayer he just commanded her her intestines to start receiving food that was it I mean it was really were very unspectacular wasn't it very unspectacular prayer right I was expecting you know Jews trumpets you know earthquake something lightning you know yep something to happen nothing it was just Andrew and us and Jesus and and he prayed a simple prayer and then him it and Jamie left and I tell you what happened on the outside absolutely nothing I know shocking absolutely nothing changed was Hannah's situation in that moment absolutely nothing but when Adam left the room I realized hang second we've prayed the will of God and we've prayed a prayer face that means that life has gone into action on the inside of her yeah that means she's healed yeah I don't care if I see it I know she's healed yeah and she was asleep in the stroller the time she was in a vegetative state you got imagine this she's in a vegetative state in a stroller all a harrowed fallen out she was a skin was basically translucent her eyes are sunken back into her skull still at most at the time she was completely in consonant she's unable to talk unable to walk and good look at you good it's the least I could do you know what happened [Applause] you know that we took something by faith that we could not see and when Hannah Atwood woke up he was asleep when we prayed for her when we when Hannah woke up we said when you were asleep jesus healed you while you're sleeping jesus healed you as parents you spoke us and we didn't realize the power of our words I mean we were brand-new at this you know you I think sometimes you can see people on the stage giving testimony you think oh they must be amazing people of faith in power no we just read the word and chose to believe it it was really simple you know there there was nothing in that moment that we did that was spectacular yeah absolutely nothing we were just ordinary Joe Christians that chose to believe the Word of God over the circumstances and so we said to her Hannah when you were sleeping Jesus huger and she said amen I want to go eat and we were like you can't eat remember never ever eaten in your life yeah you don't know how to you don't know how to swallow that's a problem right you have a feeding tube you don't know how to chew and swallow you choke we didn't say these things but you know what struck on the inside of me is if we really believe she's healed then we better start treating her like she's healed see right corresponding action right and at that point we did a little bit to read alms come on oh yeah and we did what came naturally but it started with understanding that it was God's will for us to be made well for haneda viewed well not just God's up there picking and choosing but every time and when we realized that our faith became alive we had a revelation and the love of God faith became alive and we started to act accordingly yeah and so we did as parents work what came naturally and it was lunchtime yeah and we were hungry yeah and so we went to eat oh we like well I guess you know I guess if you're healed you're either do you're not healed right I mean you're either saved or you're not saved right if healing really did come in the same package in the same as part of the atonement then you can't be a little bit saved can you right ladies can you be a little bit pregnant no right you're either pregnant or you're not pregnant Amen right you're either saved or you're not saved and you know what if healing is in the same package of the atonement and salvation is we received healing and salvation together they can't be separated you're as much healed as you are saved yeah it's a done deal yeah your spirit man is a hundred percent healed right now you don't have to have Jesus come down you don't even have to have somebody come touch you right you don't have to have all your doctrine in the right place you just have to take the word have got at face value and choose but faith in it yeah amen choose to believe it above the circumstances and that's what we did in that moment and we figured hang second well if she if we really believe that she's well we're gonna start treating her like she's a world child yep and so we went and we went to a restaurant she wanted McDonald's but we were in a strange town we can't throw McDonald's so we went and we found a KFC and we just stuffed her full of KFC I mean we sat there watching this child eat KFC we've got three three children together and so there was me and actually and the two boys and we were just sitting there looking like I mean to me that's one of the greatest miracles of this story is that they went to Kentucky Fried Chicken I know right we felt like for a nutritious meal you know Jesus had the last supper they had the first dinner right there you go and it was KFC I mean you would think that if a child had never eaten you would probably give them like maybe a bottle of ensure or some kind of you know well something sound good parenting yeah I know just kind of give her a little chicken bone yeah we took her in oh we like you know this is like a kid in the candy store look here's the menu hmm what do you want she's like everything so we just sat there we just fed her fries and Kentucky Fried Chicken and she's sitting that you're chewing I mean he's the thing right you gonna understand this child had never chewed and swallowed anything she's got a chicken bone all right well what else do you want to try I mean the imagine being three and a half years old never eaten any kind of solid food Wow and suddenly you've got a whole menu in front of you right here's the thing this is what we're like as believers yes we have a whole menu in front of us table on the appetizer we can have entrees we can have desserts we can have seconds if we want to right amen yeah we don't have to just have salvation we can have it all we can have everything amen come on let's give God a praise awesome so it's funny so we sat in the afternoon we took her to the movies and we stuffed away brownies and ice cream and candy she rolled around on the floor laying on her back legs in the air eatin brownies you know she was completely healed but but and here's the thing I want you to hear this right in that moment we did not think it through this is really important we did not shrink through all of the reasons why it wasn't gonna work for us somebody needs to catch that we didn't think through all of the reasons why the word wasn't gonna work for us we didn't look at their natural circumstances and elevate them higher than the Word of God we had to choose to take the Word of God yeah I put more value and let that become more real to us than what we were seeing yeah and when we did that we started to see what we were believing we believed and therefore you see yeah right we believe and therefore we see we didn't need to see in order to believe ya know so many times I think we get we get so hung up with having to need to see something before we believe it yeah I do too in fact look at romans 4 and then i want to talk about something that happened in Hannah's body as well but turn with me to Romans 4 if you would and man let's let's look at this I'm trying to decide what verse to start with here let's begin with verse 18 just because of time verse 17 as this written I've made you a father of many nations in the presence of him who whom he believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did who contrary to hope in hope see hope is very very important if you've not heard Andrews teaching on on using your spiritual imagination and you need to get a hold of that it's powerful who contrary to hope in hope believed so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken what was spoken so shall your descendants be is what was spoken not being weak in faith he did not look at it he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about a hundred years old oh my goodness and the deadness of Sarah's womb he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God here it is and being fully convinced everybody say fully convinced convinced that what God had promised God was also able to perform that's powerful Carly amen and that's what you guys did you looked at the promise you didn't consider all of the other options you know it's interesting somebody said to us afterwards you know man you must have been people off you know amazing faith yeah yeah do you know make that decision knowing the implications that could have happened I said what medications would you mean yes well I mean you know if you'd effect your child and she'd have died you'd have been arrested you have been thrown in jail you probably would have had you know your other two children taken away from you and you know prosecuted for murder Mike one glad you weren't there that's a tough crowd there's a draft crowd man but it's true it is true you know here's the thing faith it doesn't consider the alternative yeah you know it says I think it's in Hebrews 11 maybe it's Hebrews 11 verse 11 I'm not sure but it says you know when and Abraham and Sarah moved if they'd have considered the country from whence had come they would have had opportunity to return to it yeah you know we will always have opportunity to consider the alternative but faith will not go there yeah faith does not have a be plan yeah with Hannah we were blessed right we didn't have a back-up plan there wasn't one right we didn't have the option or following you know a medical regime there we were at the of the road yeah there was sent home to die that was such a position of strength we don't have to get into fear when we get a negative report we can say thank you Jesus you know because the truth is we are set free to believe the good the Word of God and become fully convinced that he is faithful to perform his word yeah he is well able and he's already performed if that we didn't go do anything yeah right we're carrying around the healer on the inside of us when we when we receive Jesus we received the healer we are walking around with healing in our bodies right now as we speak amen without preeminence is lays hands on you they're not asking God to come on down and do something he hadn't already done right they're reaching down on the inside of you by faith and pulling that healing that's already in your spirit just a couple just a just a fraction of a space into your flesh man right but what we need to do is see that by faith and all that means you know I like to to think about faith like this it's believing the Word of God to such a degree to such an extent that I'm willing to step out and act on it what does faith mean to you yeah what does faith mean to you right what is your faith look like what does it sound like you know because faith for us was speaking in that moment we had to say to Hannah while you are sleeping Jesus who'd you while you were sleeping what is your confession saying about you this is really important what are you saying about your situation because we know we've read a lot of word this week right but what are you saying about your situation faith speaks yes it does faith acts you know with Abraham and Sarah they had to put some action to their faith to have a baby you know that that's a deep revelation right there yeah you know and you're right Abraham he could have looked at his bonus oh wow you know I'm well pasta and Sarah well she's you know she's not much better we're a hundred years old right you know there ain't nothing going on down there I'm just saying right there but they they couldn't just take the Word of God and do nothing with it they had to do it wasn't an immaculate conception no it was right they had to put some action to their faith faith acts faith in fact is voice activated his voice and don't you love that again the the humor of God the heart of God you know it's so God is so present tense you know he is the I am and when God spoke what he spoke in Genesis he said you know be fruitful amen God knew what was gonna need to happen in order to be fruitful okay God knew that a man and a woman would come together and that they would be fruitful they would multiply and we would subdue the earth that still is God's plan so in the midst of putting faith to action going back to the story for Hannah here cuz we're about out of time Hannah eats she eats all this food and then a few hours later symptoms start coming back coming back into Hannah's body what happened you know we realized that we've been given authority right sometimes it so happens this happened with the guy with the neck but they with the neck problem that Dania was mentioning you know when we receive healing you think the devil is just gonna roll over and say oh okay then you turn okay you win I lose you know we've got to have a little bit of fortitude we've got to have an attitude about it faith has an attitude so we started to get into agreement with the Word of God and as you know according to Jesus examples we spoke to that those symptoms and we commanded them to leave her body sometimes we have to make a stand I will get more into authority in our next session here you know we used our words of authority and that's right that's the reason why while Hannah is alive today she's 14 years old today she was sent home to die with a weak right can I read this before the breaks all right yeah I just feel that some of us need to change that what we're saying about our situation yeah authority and faith are spoken but sometimes what we're speaking about us our situation is is cursing our own flesh we're real quick in this world to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full yeah you know one day the Lord gave me a download and he told me to put it on a prescription size piece of card that's this little card here and then and he said this is the gospel I want you to take it daily this is the gospel and I realized I needed to change my confession about what I was saying about my life I needed to start seeing myself as he sees me rather than according to what I see in my natural circumstances or according to how I feel yeah so I'm gonna read this to you and I mean you can close your eyes you can do it you're like but every line on here is Scripture this is what God says about you this is who you really are not how you feel or what the doctor's report says you are but this is what God says about you amen you ready and before Steve before you do that really quickly I just heard the Lord say there's somebody in here today feels like your situation is too old it's too it's too yesterday you know it God spoke something to you but it feels like a hundred years ago and what you're considering right now is your present situation is impossible you're considering the situation greater than the promise and I'm telling you as Carly B reads this this specifically is for all of us but that person whoever that is God wants you to know today that that is not your promise his word is greater than your reality are you ready all right here we go so you put you might you personalize this according to yourself okay this is for you I'm a party waiting to happen angels rejoice over me demons flee from me and God Himself dances over me with singing God the creator of the universe dances over you with singing and gun I am the bearer of good news and Minister of reconciliation I am the king of glory I am the righteousness of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit I am an oh I have an unction from the Holy One and I know all things I have the mind of Christ I am anointed by God and I was created by him for good works you have a purpose in this life amen I have favor with God favor with men and a good understanding I am chosen by God I have been sanctified and made truly holy as Jesus is so am I in this world man you could just preach yourself happy with that one hmm I am always on God's mind he thinks about me constantly he's crazy about you he's obsessed with you even before the creation of the world I was planned you know someone here they've been rejected they've been abandoned they've been cast away but God says I planned you I have a purpose for your life amen I have a purpose for you I'm a child of the King adopted into his family and heir in Christ accepted in the beloved I'm blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places I let no good thing I have an abundance for every good work I was predestined by God for success you are created to succeed amen in every area of your life I am placed and seated with him a king and a priest part of a chosen generation and a peculiar people some of you are just more peculiar than others right is really I'm blessed I'm blessed coming in and blessed going out my families bless my flocks are blessed and everything I touch prospers that's the truth I'm the head and not the tail I'm above the circumstances and not beneath him no weapon formed against me can prosper no plague can come near my dwelling my house or my body and nothing can separate me from the love of God nor Angels nor demons not principalities or powers and nothing inside this world or out of it nothing no separate us from the love of God I'm equipped I'm equipped with the full armor of God and past all of the holy spirit I have more than enough power inside me to raise the dead heal the sick and cast out Devils come on rolling enough your packs love it faith can move mountains my words contain life and death my life was bought at a price Jesus covered it Amen Jesus covered it my days are appointed my life is protected angels in camp around me and the blessings of God and so can we go before me and overtake me amen the creator of the universe my dad loves me with an everlasting love he is with me always and he thinks about me constantly he knows everything about me even the number of hairs on my head for the his love for me is inescapable insurmountable and irrefutable I'm all-around awesome just ask my dad amen that's what he says about you you just let that settle it fair can we do this for a minute let's just lift up our hands and just say thank you come on look look let's just say thank you lord Wow Jesus you are awesome you're amazing but we're amazed by your love for us we're amazed by your grace well we're never gonna get over it how you did what you did and and and did it for me did it for us Wow Jesus we just we just honor him we're so grateful Lord God that you you paid the price that we could never pay that we were the joy that was set before you and you endured the cross you you did what needed to be done to finally declare it is finished and then you called us in to your purpose to your plan to your destiny in order to see your kingdom established on the inside of our hearts and our eternity begin the minute we said yes to you well thank you that we can live your life in this life we give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus name I think Ashley's gonna gonna come here good praise the Lord now loosen hey and we'd like to give you one of those cards how we're gonna do it is these are Carly's cards downstairs we have a table Tony's ministries downstairs so if you go down there the people will help you be able to get one of those cards just give us your name we'll give you one and then also if you're watching online you can't you get our website and get one it's Tara des ministries calm and we'll give you a card for anyone who goes online just go online we'll give you one of those free of charge no shipping or anything just go and onto our website Tara des ministres com will give you one of those because we'd love to get one in everyone's hands of those cards pros good remember the resource areas opened downstairs we're gonna take a 30 minute break so we're gonna be back here at ten twenty ten thirty five ten twenty five remember there's extra bathrooms downstairs and back up the stairs again 10:35 we're back here for the next session instructors that you would have on campus without relocating I heard the word tell me to come to Bible College but my faith just wasn't there yet I didn't have enough belief so I said you know what I'm just you online and then my faith just grew in my first dirt group tremendously registration is open now so what are you waiting for enroll in your first online course today visit Kara's Bible College dot org for more details [Music] parents a sad statistic in today's world is that 70% of Christian youth will completely abandon their faith give your graduate a lasting firm foundation in the Word of God and their identity I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are students graduating from high school for whom caris is the absolute perfect next step when you send your children to Karis I think it's the best thing that you could do for your child when I can do Carey's mobile college I get to renew my mind and now I believe that I'm gonna be ready to someday maybe able to fulfill God's call for my life and to disciple other people I don't know what other Bible colleges teach but this one's definitely got it right that's a good choice to go to Cara's to get that foundation to give them whether it's a year or two years or three years it's a good foundation this is a college that God has ordained and established for the purpose of launching an entire generation into the world to change the world and to change the way that it sees him go to your Karras dot o-r-g or call seven one nine six three five eleven eleven to enroll today and to discover all the ways you can attend Garris again that's your Karras dot o-r-g [Music] I'd like to encourage you to check out one of our extension schools we now have 70 locations worldwide my vision is to go as far and as deep as I possibly can with the gospel and through television and social media and so many other things we reach all over the world but our care is Bible College is where we reach deep and make a change in people's lives I know it would be a blessing to you so I'd like you to check it out we have information right there on the screen that you could look at to find the location nearest you come join us and go deep in the Word of God [Music] for over 20 years caris has been making disciples through a combination of rich teaching of God's Word and practical hands-on ministry experience but we know it's not just the instructors and students who are making disciples through Kerris it is you the faithful partners of Andrew Wommack ministries in Cara's Bible College who are responsible for taking this message of God's unconditional love and grace to the world the Charis endowment fund is established to help you continue to share this message of God's grace around the world through your financial gifts instead of the entire amount of your gift being spent outright your gift is strategically invested a portion of your gift will keep growing and reaping a harvest well into the future your gift will truly make a difference in the life of a student now but it will also become the gift of life for many others for many years to come to learn more and to donate please visit our website take time to receive revelation and I'm just wanting to encourage you that you can overcome whatever it is that the devil is thrown at you God's plan is that peace should grow in your life every day grace and peace are multiplied then awesome wouldn't miss it for anything because as bad as a good as they can get I think it's not too late to fulfill not only the vision but the cause of the dreams that God called you to fulfill here from God at the ministers conference 2017 October 2nd through 6th this van like how well where I come to drill water once again and they encouraged us and they build us back up so that we can go out there and minister to her a loss tonight watch take time time for God and time for you to register please call seven one nine six three five you Evan eleven or visit a WMI dotnet [Music] you know when the Lord spoke to me about starting to carries Bible College really the motivation behind it is that our world is so upside down right now that I really believe that this is something that could turn the world right-side up it could change your life so I encourage you to be a part of it and join Cara's Bible College and let's turn the world right-side up came up with meth and cocaine and actually got up or got on the plane come here and manage sisters been a life changer I mean I love life now I'm doing it man see I get fired up with God sitting up the word here and man God has just totally set me free and I'm still high but just on the most time man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. joy that's and it's like that shine [Music] here the sound [Music] I hear the roar of your kingdom speaking to every try dancing on every straw [Music] [Applause] [Music] Faison [Music] we are in the midst of a cultural battle the enemy is shaped and manipulated our society for far too long in every society there are seven areas of influence or mountains in which Christians are called to lead and God is summoning his children to disciple nations and shift the spiritual atmosphere by taking our mountains Karis third year will equip you to influence and lead in business creative arts media ministry missions practical government worship and in leadership and it's really about impacting the kingdom God's way if you really want the opportunity to grow in the gift that you know God's placed in you this is an excellent way to do it I've just been able to just be really creative it's been a lot of fun God is calling you to take your mountain which one is yours what I loved was the practical skills with biblical principles first year was good second year was even better more intimate the third year is just another level of you find out that you're exactly where God wants you to be which mountain will you take for the kingdom [Music] as women we have many roles friend wife mother businesswoman Minister but your identity is much greater than your roles I am anointed and I am filled with the power of the Spirit of God and I do have wisdom for every situation well God is not giving you a spirit of fear but of power of love understand lights it's time to discover the Royal you and empower your destiny at women arise 2017 in Woodland Park Colorado to register visit women arise conference calm [Music] do you want to connect with like-minded believers do you want to go deeper in God's Word through the teachings of Andrew Wommack do you believe God has more then Karis Bible studies is the place for you connect with believers in your area to dig into the message of God's unconditional love and grace you will be encouraged to grow with a small group of believers as you study the word and fellowship the leaders are Karis alumni with a solid foundation in the Word of God they have embraced Jesus's command to make disciples of all nations even those in their backyard Cara's Bible studies are connecting believers with the Word of God in your neighborhood find a Bible study near you by visiting Karis Bible studies net for those of you who are interested in Cara's Bible College I'd like to encourage you to go ahead and take a step of faith and apply it to the school you know there's a lot of people who feel like God has told them to do something and they're just waiting on all of these things to fall in line and I've seen it many times that it just drags on and on and on but when people take a step of faith it just sets things in motion so if you feel like God has spoken to you and I can guarantee you that if you have the desire to come to school it's not the devil and it's not your flesh it's God do something if you will make your application you know your application fee is good for a life whether it works out immediately or not it's a step of faith I encourage you to do it faith without works is dead so go ahead and act on what God has put in your heart hey man hey she got there oh this is the healing ministry training kit this thing is awesome it's got eight hours of tutorial videos a God wants you well book healing is here CD and then Carly's like confession card this is amazing yeah you know what the best part of it is oh yeah you can get it downstairs right now no man Shanee I'd like to invite you to join me at 6 o'clock p.m. every Tuesday evening for our live Bible study you know the Word of God is the most important thing that the Lord ever gave us outside of our personal relationship of the Lord the filling of the Holy Spirit but the Word of God is how we partake of His divine nature is what it says in 2nd Peter chapter 1 and the Word of God is just awesome and we have this live Bible study we call it live because it is broadcast over Facebook Instagram and periscope and just every format that we can find and you can actually send in questions you can comment we will answer as many as we possibly can and it's just a great great time of being in the Word of God join us mountain times 6:00 p.m. for our live Tuesday night Bible [Music] enroll in the same first-year classes taught by the same instructors that you would have on campus without relocating I heard the word tell me to come to Bible College but my faith just wasn't there yet I didn't have enough belief so I said you know what I'm just you online and then my faith just grew and my first dirt grew tremendously registration is open now so what are you waiting for enroll in your first online course today visit Kara's Bible College dot org for more details [Music] parents a sad statistic in today's world is that 70% of Christian youth will completely abandon their faith give your graduate a lasting firm foundation in the Word of God and their identity I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are students graduating from high school for whom caris is the absolute perfect next step when you send your children to Karis I think it's the best thing that you could do for your child when I can do piers bubble college I get to renew my mind and now I believe that I'm gonna be ready to someday may be able to fulfill God's call for my life and to disciple other people I don't know what other Bible colleges teach but this one's definitely got a right that's a good choice to go to Cara's to get that foundation to give them whether it's a year or two years or three years it's a good foundation this is a college that God has ordained and established for the purpose of launching an entire generation into the world to change the world and to change the way that it sees him go to your Karras dot o-r-g or call seven one nine six three five eleven eleven to enroll today and to discover all the ways you can attend Garris again that's your Karras dot o-r-g [Music] I'd like to encourage you to check out one of our extension schools we now have 70 locations worldwide my vision is to go as far and as deep as I possibly can with the gospel and through television and social media and so many other things we reach all over the world but our care is Bible College is where we reach deep and make a change in people's lives I know it would be a blessing to you so I'd like you to check it out we have information right there on the screen that you could look at to find the location nearest you come join us and go deep in the Word of God [Music] for over 20 years caris has been making disciples through a combination of rich teaching of God's Word and practical hands-on ministry experience but we know it's not just the instructors and students who are making disciples through Kerris it is you the faithful partners of Andrew Wommack ministries in Cara's Bible College who are responsible for taking this message of God's unconditional love and grace to the world the Charis endowment fund is established to help you continue to share this message of God's grace around the world through your financial gifts instead of the entire amount of your gift being spent outright your gift is strategically invested a portion of your gift will keep growing and reaping a harvest well into the future your gift will truly make a difference in the life of a student now but it will also become the gift of life for many others for many years to come to learn more and to donate please visit our website take time to receive revelation and I'm just wanting to encourage you that you can overcome whatever it is that the devil is thrown at you God's plan is that peace should grow in your life every day grace and peace are multiplied I've been awesome wouldn't miss it for anything this as bad as a good as they can get I think it's not too late to fulfill not only the vision but the cause and the dreams that God called you to fulfill here from God at the ministers conference 2017 October 2nd through 6th this C fan is like a well where I come to throw water was a game and they encouraged us and they build us back up so that we can go out there and minister to a lost in 91 take time time for God and time for you to register please call seven one nine six three five you have an 11 or visit a WMI net [Music] you know when the Lord spoke to me about starting and cares Bible College really the motivation behind it is that our world is so upside down right now that I really believe that this is something that could turn the world right-side up it could change your life so I encourage you to be a part of it and join cares Bible College and let's turn the world right-side up came up with meth and cocaine and actually got hype or got on the plane come here and man it's just it's been a life changer I mean I love life doing it man see I get fired up of guys sitting up the word here and man God is just totally set me free and I'm still high but just on the most high a men [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. joy that's right bad shot [Music] hear the sound of freedom [Music] I hear the roar of your kingdom speaking to every tribe Oh dancing on every strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] facing [Music] we are in the midst of a cultural battle the enemy is shaped and manipulated our society for far too long in every society there are seven areas of influence or mountains in which Christians are called to lead and God is summoning his children to disciple nations and shift the spiritual atmosphere by taking our mountains Karis third year will equip you to influence and lead in business creative arts media ministry missions practical government worship and in leadership and it's really about impacting the kingdom God's way if you really want the opportunity to grow in the gift that you know God's placed in you this is an excellent way to do it I've just been able to just be really creative it's been a lot of fun God is calling you to take your mountain which one is yours what I loved was the practical skills with biblical principles first year was good second year was even better more intimate the third year is just another level up you find out that you're exactly where God wants you to be which mountain will you take for the kingdom as women we have many roles friend wife mother businesswoman Minister but your identity is much greater than your roles I am anointed and I am filled with the power of the Spirit of God and I do have wisdom for every situation so God is not giving you a spirit of fear but of power of love and a sound mind it's time to discover the Royal you and empower your destiny at women arise 2017 in Woodland Park Colorado to register visit women arise conference calm [Music] [Applause] do you want to connect with like-minded believers do you want to go deeper in God's Word through the teachings of Andrew Wommack do you believe God has more then Karis Bible studies is the place for you connect with believers in your area to dig into the message of God's unconditional love and grace you will be encouraged to grow with a small group of believers as you study the word and fellowship the leaders are Karras alumni with a solid foundation in the Word of God they have embraced Jesus's command to make disciples of all nations even those in their backyard Cara's Bible studies are connecting believers with the Word of God in your neighborhood find a Bible study near you by visiting Karis Bible studies net for those of you who are interested in Cara's Bible College I'd like to encourage you to go ahead and take a step of faith and apply it to the school you know there's a lot of people who feel like God has told them to do something and they're just waiting on all of these things to fall in line and I've seen it many times it just drags on and on and on but when people take a step of faith it just sets things in motion so if you feel like God has spoken to you and I can guarantee you that if you have the desire to come to school it's not the devil and it's not your flesh it's God do something if you will make your application you know your application fee is good for a life whether it works out immediately or not it's a step of faith I encourage you to do it faith without works is dead so go ahead and act on what God has put in your heart okay come on in take your seats we're gonna get started here their next session come on in and take your seats break up the fellowship you can fellowship at lunchtime come and take your seats we're getting started for those of you sitting down it's very commendable God loves you extra-specially being here on time we're - - one minute here break up the fellowship people come on come on - sit down we're gonna get started I have enjoyed the morning so far hey ma'am doesn't time fly when you're having fun hey ma'am wanna welcome on the live stream viewers back again thanks for watching we appreciate that you go into another great session I want to remind you that we have healing school at 1:00 p.m. today so come back at 1:00 p.m. today in here for healing school you can also watch it online at Karis Bible College Oh our G and we're gonna have a great healing school you have a panel healing school with Andrew and Daniel and Jerri and Carlie it's gonna be great so come back at 1:00 p.m. I'm gonna have powerful praise and worship and then prayer ministry so 1:00 p.m. is here it's called mountain time to watch it online you can watch that as well praise God everyone got their seat awesome if anyone can get a card they said they ran out down there but we're having more printed we'll have some at lunch times you can go down and get your card at lunchtime and if you're online you can go to the website and get one praise the Lord okay okay over to Carly and Daniel all right awesome well it's been an exciting morning already and again we just want to thank you for being a part of our healing is here event those of you joining us on the Internet we're so grateful that you are joining us and a part of what is happening right here on our Colorado campus you know I feel like from this epicenter there's there's something of a tidal wave that is literally going around the world and it's contained in the Word of God the good news and part of that good news is that God wants us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers amen and how good is that to finally discover that God's not making us sick he's not wanting a sick he actually wants us to live in health he wants us to live in wellness that's good so the Lord says who will believe my report oh yeah as I have 53 yeah let's let's turn let's jump in so season 53 who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed he's talking about Jesus right Elizabeth sang the song surrounding Isaiah 53 last night that was so powerful so powerful but this is talking I like the way this starts out who has believed our pool yeah no we have to put faith in the Word of God we have to believe it we have to believe it so he shall grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there's no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief as well and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows and yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions and he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed amen now this is fascinating because the Old Testament yeah so this is before Jesus right and there is a flipside of this in the New Testament yeah yeah first Peter 2:24 really key Scripture great scripture to stand on if someone asks you what what Scripture are you standing on for your healing this is a great one and why it's awesome is because listen how it stated here verse 24 who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes you what we're healed not our heel but you were healed now listen this is why we can confidently say it is always God's will to heal because it's already been done it's already been provided if we weren't sure if we were looking for something yet to happen there might be room for some doubt right but we know it's a done deal yeah if he's like a bus right you waiting for a bus and they might come and I might not come yeah we don't have to wait for us when it comes to Jesus right I mean he's he's alright he's ready he's already done his part yeah it's easy it's a sure thing you know we're not hanging around hoping to them something's gonna change right we can be confident in the fact that it's already done the power of God already lives on the inside of us our healing was already paid for I'm in his death burial and resurrection yeah that's a completely different stance from where a lot of us have grown up in the church absolutely but I like what it says in Isaiah 53 here and if you really get into it and break down some of that passage into the Greek words you'll see that that word sorrows which is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief yeah that word sorrows actually means a grief and pain and grief means disease and sickness yeah okay so you could you could say you know he was he was a man he was a huge amount of grief and pain and he was acquainted with our disease and sickness yeah it means so much more when we when we put the Greek into that we knew when you go down to verse 5 it says he was bruised for our iniquities that word bruised means beaten to pieces yeah you know sometimes we see pictures of the crucifixion even The Passion of the Christ right you know it was it was way more graphic than they can depict or no one would be able to watch it no no but it means that Jesus was utterly smashed to smithereens completely beaten to pieces for our iniquities and it says the chastisement for our peace was upon him yeah that word peace is Shalom it's not Greek it's Hebrew sorry I'm leading Australia Old Testament okay eetz Shalom and that word Shalom actually means welfare health prosperity peace rest safety favor wholeness or friendship then awesome friendship Palmas yeah Wow so healing is intrinsic it's is it you cannot separate it from the atonement no it's part of the atonement right and another great verse because you'll have people who will argue with you people who will be like okay but that's Old Covenant what does the New Covenant say and again it's it's primarily just their lack of knowledge so you know what I just want to encourage you don't ever argue with people over the Word of God amen if they're not ready to receive it they're not ready to receive but you just declare the truth and let the pieces fall where they may so to speak because if people are not going to receive it and turn it into an argument you may win the argument but lose their heart and God is after their heart so look at Matthew eight and let's start with verse 16 Matthew 8 and the New Covenant says when evening had come they brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed some heal just a couple people yeah depending on if it was gameshow Jesus or not you know he healed what all who were sick now watch this that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet well here we are Isaiah 53 but watch how it's quoted now by the Holy Spirit in this passage he himself took our infirmities and bore our what now I don't know how you could possibly miss this I mean can we make this any more clear he bore what our sickness is so if Jesus bore our sicknesses he paid the price not only for the forgiveness of our sin but also for the healing of our bodies why are we having a problem here well I think again it comes back to the fact that we don't see it right you know people are just wrapped up more in their in their carnal and their five senses in Romans 8 verse 6 it says to be carnally minded is death right but to be spiritually minded is life and peace yea man well we well we have our mind wrapped around only what we can what we can feel taste hear smell see our five senses and we fail to operate in our sixth sense which is what we are supposed to live by as believers right you know and then we're gonna we're gonna struggle with this you know we're gonna be drawn into the carnal realm and we can't we can't and experience the power of God while living in the carnal realm have to discover our faith sense and how to use it yeah even the word infirmities you know what it says he took our infirmities you know infirmities we often always relate to as sickness but infirmities can just be weak it can be a place of weakness and the Bible says it in our weakness his strength is made perfect yep so even in that moment when you're experienced a weakness the Apostle Paul actually took it a step further and said all glory in it because I know where my strengths coming from I know it's not in myself but it's in my identity in Christ and see when you begin to identify with the word of God greater than your reality it will literally begin to change how you see yourself and as you see yourself as how you're gonna live because again proverbs 4:23 23 talks about how the out of the heart flow the issues of life if we're gonna Center the Word of God it's gonna become health to all of our flesh it's gonna become something we identify with instead of what we're seeing around us what we're feeling in our bodies you know we said this yesterday but many times when feelings come in your body you have that opportunity to either submit to the feelings or speak to the feelings you've got authority to tell your body how it's gonna live as opposed to your body telling you how it's gonna live one one lady came up one day and she said you know my body's talking to me all the time every single organ is telling me something I said Oh kind of like an organ recital she said yeah that's exactly right my body's telling me how I'm gonna feel and I said well here's the good news Jesus gave you authority to speak to your mouth to speak to your body to speak to your circumstances and he even says yes he says what are we gonna say to these things what are we gonna say to these things listen when you begin to speak to stuff it gets a little fun in it and why does it get fun because we see those things that were dominating our lives become something that is cast into the sea we we we see something that looked impossible that we couldn't get around it was a mountain in our in our day a mountain in our reality we couldn't see past it it was just like I can see this far and as we speak God's Word to that medical report as we speak God's Word to that situation we see that thing get removed and all of a sudden we're seeing by the Word of God a whole new perspective whereas before we were looking to our physical symptoms we are looking to our physical body or as Carly is saying our our carnal senses we often think of carnal as sin but carnal just simply means physical fleshly fleshly we live in a carnal body right as Jerry was saying last night you know in the flesh yes we are all in a carnal body but when we're not looking to the carnal body for confirmation but we're looking to the Word of God we begin to see with a new perspective and as that starts to happen the limitations that were once there start to get removed and it literally changes our perspective it really does you know one of the things that people often ask is and you know I'm I'm bringing and bringing someone for healing or I'm coming for healing myself and you know can't you just you know cast out the unbelief yeah go on wave your magic wand and yeah do something do something cast out your unbelief wouldn't that be nice that would be convenient you know but when we look at Jesus's ministry you know you remember the story when he had to take the man out of the town this is because because of their unbelief he couldn't do many mighty works see unbelief basically is our own negative thinking it's our Carmel way of thinking that's all unbelief is its belief in um right it's faith in the reverse and you know what's interesting about I'm unbelief Carly is unbelief is always about you yeah unbelief is the exaltation of self right about your abilities or your performance you know you can do yeah and you know if we unbelief is one of sins there's only one way that we can we can break through unbelief and ultimately comes back to renew in our mind to the Word of God yeah in Romans 12 verse 1 and 2 it says do not be Trent do not be conformed to this world right don't be like this world you don't be like this world you're right you're in this world you don't of this world right do not do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind yeah be transformed that's how we overcome unbelief now we mentioned jest say one of the questions answers gonna come about prayer and fasting the reason prayer and fasting works is because it forces us to renew our mind in that time that we would be eating we are renewing our mind we are focused on the things of God Isaiah 26:3 says he who keeps his mind stayed upon the Lord is kept in perfect peace yeah we'll get into this but peace is a characteristic of faith yeah right well when our mind is focused on spiritual things there is life and peace that is there those dwell is dwelling there yeah and faith is so important because it's by faith that we received the promises that we access the promises of God the grace has provided so what is faith no what it's just so like airy-fairy I know such a huge topic and so so much misunderstanding what does it mean because so many people think that faith moves God right why does God need to move I think he's quite comfy is he stuck III think God is seated and we're seated with him in heavenly places so obviously God does need to move he's not stuck we're the ones that need to move amen so faith doesn't move God faith simply receives what grace has already provided amen faith receives it takes what grace has already given and this is why faith is so important and and one of the reasons why we're so blessed to be a part of this ministry because I believe that God has really given Andrew a revelation on the balance between grace and faith and how this works together because for so many years I was sitting under instruction that was great instruction and I thank God for it but it was so oriented towards one direction that I was always trying to get my faith to to get something to to go somewhere and when I realized the balance between faith receiving what grace has already given it was as if I could just begin to rest finally in the provision of what Christ had already given his yoke is easy and his burden is light and all of a sudden I began to live my day and the rhythms of grace instead of always trying to get something in and get somewhere and oh if I could just you know what I'm saying that's why you become constipated Christians [Music] oh no you did not just say that I was a nurse sorry you know I have never been by a produce section of a grocery store yet and and heard the grapes in there in the produce section just if I could just produce a grade if I could just do something enough to you know fruit happens as a result of abiding fruit happens holy ghost production happens the life of the Spirit of God happens as a result of staying connected to the source yeah you got a root and from that root comes the fruit amen so faith becomes a really important part of that root system all right so faith you know it's out is that positive to a response what grace is already provided it's our willingness to be fully convinced to trust completely in the promises of God yeah simply put right yeah so let's look at what faith is right and it let's start actually let's start with Hebrews 11 verse 1 can you put out for me Hebrews 11 verse 1 this is the the Bible definition if you like a faith yeah so it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen right this is really interesting because I think a lot of times people are hoping and wishing that something's gonna change but faith doesn't sound like that it says it's the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so with faith there is evidence yeah I like carrots is in the NIV says now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see in other words it goes further than hope hope is like I know I kind of see like the spark it hope is like that part in our in our mind that says you know what I hope that this healing thing is real yeah I hope that it's true I hope that the God really meant what he said when you know he wants as well I really I really want it to be true I really want it's the spark of faith but you know what it's by faith that we receive the promises of God we access the promises of God yeah so at some point we want we want to we want to move from hope into faith yeah why don't we move in like that you want to make that step and so we you know we when we see ourselves taken is his faith is the substance of things hoped for if you had not I first hoped that healing was available you wouldn't be here we know right if you hadn't have hoped that it was possible that it was even on your radar you would have made the journey to be here yeah so it's a really important piece of the equation yeah but we can't camp there we need it it's absolutely important but we need we need it but we need to move into a place of faith because faith is the evidence it's the fulfillment of those things that we first hoped for yeah yeah in I like how it says this in the amplified same scripture Hebrews 11 verse 1 in the amplified it says now faith is the assurance the confirmation the title deed or you could up there lever and the confirmation the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact that is not revealed to the senses man that adds a bit more to it doesn't it and there.good you see faith is fact it's based on fact it's based on evidence it's not based on our emotions right you know worldly hope will just say oh I hope he's not gonna rain I hope he's gonna be nice hope it hope things are you know gonna be in I'm gonna be favored in some way yeah I hope this medications gonna work right but faith says I'm taking it it's mine there's an attitude in faith that you don't see just in in in when in that place of regular old hope and you you made a statement just now saying worldly hope or natural hope and that that is so important to talk about just for a minute we I have several teachings on this as well as other teachers through the healing school but the Bible says in Proverbs that Hope deferred makes what a hot sick makes the heart sick so some people say well I'm just hoping to be healed you know I just I've been standing for you know X amount of years and and I'm just hoping you know well there's a difference between godly hope and a natural hope okay now here's where I'm gonna give you some real really really good news today man I'm telling you what you can take this all the way to the bank and cash it in amen because look at Romans 5 and verse 5 Romans chapter 5 write that verse down if you're taking notes in verse five because when you get into your storm you're gonna need to know this now hope does not disappoint why because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Ghost who was given to us so just like there's a difference between the peace that the world gives and peace from the Holy Ghost one of the fruit of the Spirit just like there's a difference between the love of God and a natural love there's also a difference between a natural hope and a godly hope so when we're talking about hope and faith working together when you've got a picture from the Holy Spirit from the Word of God that is a godly hope this faith it's the substance of the things hoped for okay I'm I'm hoping for a healing how do I know for sure that I can believe God because this is a godly hope and you know what there is no such thing in God as false hope that's right that's important somebody needs to hear that today there's no such thing as false hope I had somebody after a healing school one day and they were you know they were just in their process and and struggling a bit but this particular gentleman said you know the problem I'm having right now with what y'all are teaching is that you're giving people false hope so I said I appreciate you know your perspective on this but let's talk about that for a minute is that actually possible to have false hope in Christ I said let's look at it from Romans 5:5 see in the natural sometimes even children are are promised things as young kids and then for some reason it's not fulfilled and that Hope deferred makes their heart sick and as the heart becomes sick it starts to shut down because all the issues of life flow through the heart and it'll flavor the rest of your life depending on your perspective so God says my hope that I give you does not disappoint why because it's given to you by the Holy Ghost and God's Word is true God is always faithful it's always God's will for you to be healed so you can count on it you can bank on it take the bank take it to the bank good deal amen amen so faith this this Hebrews 11:1 this is not a definition of faith it's a description of how this works faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and you know it's interesting because doesn't matter what translation you look that scripture up in they all start the same way now faith is ya know yesterday next week not next week what can you believe God fall right now right now right well when we pray we were we were rerelease words that contain faith yeah cuz faith speaks yeah faith speaks faith speaks to the mountain it's voice-activated so when we our words I like containers of power mm-hmm and when we release those they go straight to action wherever you spoke them to be yeah right but it's not next week it's not like you know a movie coming soon right and at a town near you at a body near you coming soon okay it's now faith is good so when we believe let's let's bring ourselves into that place that's now I think sometimes the reason people stay sick for longer than they need to is because when they receive ministry or they pray is they're not really expecting anything to happen right now right I'm never praying for a guy once and he came I think was it summer family Bible conference as several years ago and he had and he had a frozen arm that was completely like paralyzed and I said to what do you believe is gonna happen when we pray this is well I'm hoping it's gonna get better on I I'm like well I'm telling you when I when I pray I'm gonna speak life into your arm and this is what's gonna happen you're gonna suck it in feeling back the paralysis is gonna leave the information is gonna go strength is gonna come back in your arm you're gonna be able to grip your hand and raise it raise it above your head and praise the Lord you guys oh I like what you said right then let's agree with that right because now faith is right I mean I'm what I'm praying for me I'm not just hoping they're gonna get better know I'm knowing they're gonna get better because we can we can say with confidence we have life and death and the power of the time yeah so we can be confident to know when we speak those words going immediately to work in a now faith is moment and it's not by you see faith is not based on on feeling on emotion it's based on evidence yeah it has substance to it mm-hmm so when we speak faith it had results mm-hmm it does to working the thing that we purpose and sent it to do what happened to that guy's arm you got healed right them sometimes I forget to tell the ending yeah yeah he's good it's so fun to see people set free in a fun it's fun to see people who were in bondage to come into Liberty you know people who were sick come into wellness people who were you know in in some kind of state less than abundant life and begin to experience this abundant life why would you not want to freely give what you've really received amen so faith is powerful and and faith in fact look here at verse 33 through 35 of Hebrews 11 if you would it says who through faith subdued kingdoms worked righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness was were made strong became valiant in battle turned to flight the armies of the aliens women women received their dead raised to life again listen Jesus provoked faith in those he ministered to he wanted to see what they were believing for who did they think he was and Jesus met those people where they were yeah and look at what faith was able to accomplish way beyond the natural it is you know what we believe affects what we can receive our belief system will determine what we can receive God is not deciding he's already decided he's already provided he wants you to have it all it's a done deal but we're the filter that decides by our thinking what we can receive in our physical bodies yeah you know look at this is Matthew 8 verse 13 it says go your way and as you have believed yea let it be done for you as you have believed in other words in the way that you believe you're gonna receive that's how you receive yea you can just get a little bit better every day if you want to you can receive your healing gradually if you want to true you give God that is if that is what you give got to work with or you can have it all now yeah right I mean either way we have a variable it's not God the way we believe we're gonna receive is how we can receive it Matthew 9:29 says he touched their eyes and saying according to your faith let it be on to you yeah amen what are you believing yeah what are you believing it because it will determine what you can receive amen mark 10:46 252 that's the story of blind bartimaeus okay and Jesus says he asked him what do you want me to do for you right what do you want yeah what do you want what do you believe is gonna happen when we pray when you come down here in the premises lay hands on you or you're sitting there in your seat what are you believing to receive and when do you believe you're receiving it I asked this person one time how do you know when you're healed mm-hmm how do you know he's a bit of a trick question really how do you know when you're healed and like well when you pray for me the pain is gonna go right well that's one way to determine that you're healed right but what if the pain doesn't go how are you knowing you're healed and suddenly the penny drops and like I know I'm healed because the word says I'm here come on amen amen right so be it because we aren't you know faith says though we aren't determined we're afraid is not moved but what we feel right it's not moved by what we see we will by faith and not by sight Amen we will by faith and not by sight when we can bring ourselves into that place it says I don't care if I see it or not I know I'm healed because the word says I'm healed we're going to see it mm-hmm we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna and we're gonna receive we don't see it yeah in January of this year the Lord I was just you know hanging out with Jesus in the quiet time as we call it you know and the Lord spoke to me and he said this he said spirit and truth you know that that's how Jesus said we must have relationship with him we must worship Him in spirit and in truth so again the Word of God is true John 17:17 says thy word Oh Lord is truth right not your reality but the Word of God is true and spirit and truth together will lead you past unbelievable beyond impossible into achievable when the Word of God is alive on the inside of your heart and you're cultivating that atmosphere on the inside of you that process in your heart will lead you past unbelievable beyond impossible and into achievable see what man says is impossible God says all things are impossible are possible yeah all things are possible through who through God the only way that can happen is by spirit and truth coming together in your heart in your life and flowing through you so when Jesus said to blind bartimaeus what do you want me to do for you he could have just said pay my utility bill feed me feed me give me some money right we had a lady one time come in a wheelchair and we were ministering to her and and as she came in the prayer line the prime minister said to her what would you like for me to to minister to you how would you like for me to minister to you and it seemed kind of obvious to the prime minister because this particular lady had something that could be seen from the outside in that she was in a wheelchair right get out walk exactly the lady said could you pray for me to have finances to be able to pay my rent that's what she wanted to Reba was right see that's really important because we can make assumptions about people based on outward appearance absolutely you know Jesus didn't do that he asked questions he ministered to people at the point on which they were gonna receive he located where they were he did he did and you know even though even with blind bartimaeus I love that story because he said come over here by to my house he didn't don't you think that's weird I mean think about that for this dude blind he's blind right and Jesus just said come over here right I mean bottom is still blind groping in the dark but you know what Jesus knows best faith in the coming there's faith in that you know when people really believe something on the inside James says Lois he says there's faith the faith without works is dead yeah well we really believe something it causes us to action yeah when we really believe that Hannah was healed we couldn't see any change in the outside but it provoked us to action we started putting action to our faith now ya hear me here we don't do work to prove our actions come on this is really important we didn't go and feed Hannah to prove that we were in faith right but we did what came naturally as an outpouring of our face you see faith is like a verb it has action associated with it you know what wouldn't Wynnum jesus says to the people here you know go your way and it was a leopards go go away your faith is huger yeah as they went as they went they were healed stretch out your withered arm as the men stretched out is with Adam he received shrinks I'm thinking about her name and in the Old Testament the Prophet told him go dip in the river don't go dip yourself dunk yourself in the river seven times he could have turned around and said to the Prophet I don't wanna washing that stinky old river right I don't wanna do that let's work yeah you know that would have been popular these days oh don't tell me to do works I'm gonna grace right you know what faith without works he's dead I didn't make it up it's in the scripture come on okay well we really believe something it changes how we speak and how we act absolutely but you know don't get this out of balance here's the disclaimer on this sometimes we have people ask us well you know I believe I believe you know I'm healed should I quit taking my medication mmm-hmm happens a lot doesn't it does yeah and the thing is if you ask me that I'm gonna tell you no because the very fact that you're asking me tell me that you're not fully convinced right faith is being fully convinced Yeah right if I mean I'm not your Holy Spirit right seriously and if we're not in that place afraid than the place where we really want to be we have to be honest with their own hearts yeah because sometimes we're not in the place of faith where we want to be just yet we're in a journey and that's okay you know Jesus minister people at the level where their faith was that let's look at this story with the with the epileptic boy here in mark 9 you know the father he is he's been dealing with it he's raising his child I'm not sure how old he's his son is here but I imagine he's them he's not an infant anyways that he's older he says he's thrown him oftentimes and into the into the fire and it's all to try and destroy him but Jesus asked him how long has he's been happening to use it from childhood and and he says if you can do anything the father says to Jesus if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us if you can do anything Jesus yeah well look at Jesus's response to him he says if you can believe if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes yeah in other words Jesus was saying to the father what you believe really matters in this situation because it's not all on the premise of praying for you yeah right we cannot convince somebody to receive salvation we can't strongarm them into receiving from God right we can't convince you to receive healing what you believe really matters so says if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes that would believe is post a oh it means to have faith to be persuaded to have confidence in to trust enough to or to commit unto mm-hmm if you can be fully persuaded Jesus is saying if you can be fully persuaded all things are possible yeah are you fully persuaded and I love I love the father's response he he was so honest I do too it says Lord I believe but help my unbelief yeah you know I'm hoping I have hope but I'm not yet all the way there that says I'm taking it's mine right I don't have that attitude of faith yet I need some help yeah and you know what it's perfect that's what that's why we do these meetings you know that's why we have prime ministers that's why we get into the prayer of agreement sometimes we need someone to come along is like a coach yes right and say you know what all things are possible to him who believes I'm gonna stand with you I'm gonna agree with you yes amen amen we're gonna create a now faith is moment yeah you need somebody else's faith to come alongside yours like jumper cables and encourage you and you know what that's a great place to start this sure is amen well we all want to be in that place where we can get everything we want directly from the Lord right but sometimes we're learning yeah we're learning right we got the training wheels on yeah and when it's okay to recognize that you're in that place it says you know what I believe but help my unbelief yeah because that's the place where Jesus can meet you absolutely and you know the father here this this natural father this child cried out and said with tears you know lord I believe help my unbelief sometimes these situations are very emotional and you know this father obviously had seen his child in this situation as scripture says in verse 21 since childhood so they had lived with this for a number of years it was very emotional for the dad and you know the thing that that I've realized more I guess in the in recent you know months and in years is just exactly what you're saying Carly how valuable it is that we are connected together in the body of Christ you know not not any one of us are are alone God has placed us where it pleases him and I'm reminded of James 5:16 if you guys could put that up on the screen for me because again we see this process of healing and watch how healing is not just a vertical thing but it's also a horizontal thing it's a it's a relational thing and sometimes we need to like this father we need to make ourselves vulnerable we need to we need to relate to one another based on the Word of God and here he says confess your trespasses to one another obviously someone that you have relationship with someone that you trust and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and so we see that as you make your heart transparent as you make your heart vulnerable in a sense you're removing sometimes from a place of darkness and bringing it into the light and I've seen so many people who have been immediately set free from things that held them in bondage for years one of the one of the great lies of the enemy in our culture right now I would just put under a headline of sexual brokenness you know it might be lesbianism it might be homosexuality it might be just sexual promiscuity and the Bible says that that particular sin is a sin against one's own body well when someone's living in that kind of situation they're hiding there they're thinking it's nobody really knows nobody's going to know and oh my goodness if they did know when they finally bring that out into the light and confess that to another believer as a safe place BAM the healing comes it's amazing how often that being vulnerable with your heart God is able to take that thing and work out his plan in your life just because you've made yourself available so you want to believe but you still maybe have a process of some unbelief going on you know that's the process we mentioned this in one of our questions as well you know when we've been dealing with something for a long time there is a part of that sickness that gets into our thinking yeah it makes us sick in our thinking you know I believe healing starts in our minds before it starts in our body yeah we receive healing in our thinking before we see it in a flesh yeah oftentimes and I had epilepsy for years decades and I didn't realize that I was sick in my thinking and I believe that God you know this was even before Hannah was healed up I believe that that God could heal if you wanted to you know but you know kind of depends on his will and stuff and just had that lot of religious junk and then one day I went to a Bible study and I mean I had epilepsy that was so bad I had so many seizures I had to have a babysitter for me I could not be left alone with my own children I could not drive a car I could not work it was crippling right but it's amazing when you when you're dealing we start a chronic condition how you just kind of learn to live with it mm-hmm right I mean he's just becomes part of the family yeah it's not what you're gonna do right we didn't realize you could you could live any other way so it just became part of me I was Carly the epileptic that's what I was and took like 13 different medications and rattled around and how many like 13 different medications and you know if I if I did not take if I was 15 minutes 20 minutes late I had a really strict regime of taking my medications if I didn't take them on time then I'd have a seizure I mean there was just uncontrollable and with every pregnancy it kind of got worse and and so I know I love God but I just figured well this is this is the way it is and now I'm gonna deal with it right this is your cross to bear it's my cross to bear so I went to a Bible study one time and I met with this group of ladies and you know they're a bit different they had a relationship with God where they heard from God yeah and that was really weird to me that was the first time I'd met people like that and there's something different about them and so we were sitting there and she was teaching on strongholds I was a subject and basically I didn't really understand much of what she was saying but at the end she said we're just going to spend a couple of minutes and we're gonna be quiet and asked a little to show us in our heart revealed to us things that maybe we've kind of kept to ourselves ya know maybe things that and we've just learnt to live with sure I just kind of thought wow learn to live with and then all of a sudden in the back of my mind came epilepsy I thought wow I have just learnt to live with it I've just learned to deal with it and then I hear the Lord say you know what in two weeks time you can be healed of this if you choose to be I thought well that has to be too much cheese I've never heard anyone say anything like that I thought I must be going a little bit crazy maybe maybe it's a side effect to the medication right I bet not telling you on that and and then and then I'm hearing them and you know we started out talking about hearing from God yeah I didn't recognize at first it was God that was speaking to me but then I started listening to this voice on the inside a message yet you can be healed from this in two weeks time if you choose to be and it showed me a picture of a switch like a light switch and it is when you're ready you just flick epilepsy off you just flip the switch you just turn it off I thought what you want now it says yeah you sure so she took me to Deuteronomy who says I set before you life and death choose life well like Wow switch it on you mean I have power and authority you mean I don't have to live being a victim you mean there is something that I can do about this man it's like mind blown at that point so I thought I'm not gonna tell anyone they're gonna think I'm crazy so I go home and for two weeks I'm just like Lord listen you're gonna have to show me this in your word you're gonna have to show me that this really is you because I have never heard anyone teach this I mean we'd never seen anyone healed we had sickness services in my church is that bring out your dead I mean you know it was bad okay so I might Ivan I had no point of reference for this whatsoever so I was like no you gotta show me in the wood and he took me in X I think he's X 14 verse 9 or 9 verse 14 I was getting confused but it says Jesus saw that they had faith to be healed he saw thank you the scripture people are amazing Paul speaking point observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed Wow faith has something to do with it what I believe about this is the difference between it happening or not happening yeah and so over that period of two weeks and I know now it took two weeks because I was sick in my thinking sure you know now faith is but sometimes when we just had a lot of baggage it takes a little period of time I didn't have to take a long time but the Lord knew for me it was gonna take a couple of weeks for me to just dig up some of that junk right so over that period of two weeks the Lord showed me healing scriptures in the and he showed me how my identity had become completely entangled with this condition you know what sickness and disease will do it'll make you think sick it'll make you dream sick it'll quit it will stop you from planning the future right it'll determine whether you can work it'll plan your finances for you it'll plan your day for you it'll tell you when you have to go to the doctor's anyone ever been there right where sickness is ruling your life and I just hope the point I was sick and tired of being sick and tired I mean I did not realize that so much of me was wrapped up in that condition sir you know what really hit my heart was when he showed me I had to use that disease as a crutch that's a bit that's a bit dark isn't it that was an ugly moment you know I realized that I had used that disease to hide behind that was not very nice feeling I son but you know what the Lord wasn't condemning me he was convicting me he was bringing me into all truth he wanted to heal my heart before he could heal my body and so as he started to show me look I want to take you places I wanna I wanna out these are these are the plans and the purpose is a half for you but I can't take you there till you learn to trust me will you trust me with epilepsy hmm you see there was a part of me that needed epilepsy after all it becomes so familiar it hung around for so long I did not know how to be well it'll become normal it was normal and in a weird kind of way it was a familiar friend sure I'd learnt to leave just hung around like a you know looking on a guest just hanging out on the couch in my temple the Holy Spirit right we're Temple of the Holy Spirit I'd let that I'd let that giant in the back door and I'd put him up and made him comfy on my couch right and I realize it was you know what he was a guest in my temple and I was about time I of it to them come on right so I decided it was time to write the eviction notice so after after two weeks of my alright I'm done with this I'm ready Lord I know that I'm special because I'm a child of God I don't need a disease to set me apart I don't need a crutch to hide behind I can trust you you see when you've been sick for a long time it does something to your self-esteem mm-hmm it knocks your confidence sure you know you quit you quit doing things that you used to do before yeah you quit even trying to do the things that you could do Yeah right you kind of get a little bit lazy yeah be very similar to someone who's in debt financially right you know you even start making an effort into some areas because you can get tired you get weary it's I mean here my heart here I mean I have I have compassion because I this was me right this was me and it was it was ugly and it was painful and it was painful to go through but I realize now the importance of being real with my own heart right of laying my heart bare before the Lord Lord show me yes I want to be free but I just don't know what that looks like it terrified me to think of myself going out to work it terrified me to think of me driving a car I think it's still terrifies my husband to think of me driving a lot okay right but you know I realize hey mister if I didn't have this epilepsy to hide behind I would not have excuses anymore you know I might have to go and get a job right I might have to I know do things that that made me feel like I had got that I'd lost my confidence in you had a hope but you didn't want to be disappointed yes I'm not what if I what if I believe this what if I could put all my faith in this and then it doesn't work I don't want to be crushed you know anyone haven't been there but what if I put myself out on a limb and I fall flat on my face does that mean my whole salvation is up in the air that was just a really raw moment yeah but you know until we get real vulnerable before the Lord until we let we trust him with our heart with everything everything we are gonna struggle to receive from him yeah and what he showed me ever so gently in that two weeks was how gentle he could be with me and over two weeks he showed me what it meant to be special until I came to that place of confidence okay I'm done I'm ready now I'm good and so I said in where our lord if it be thy will Lord my little really little men a little religious self if it be thy will O Lord when I go back to that and Bible study and there's gonna be able to lay my fleece out and there's gonna be these perfect conditions and you know these storms are gonna collide you know I was forecasting yeah because you've all done that too yeah right and as oh like if all of these situations play out then I'm gonna know I'm gonna know that this is you so I went back to that Bible study and nothing happened absolutely nothing all the way through that Bible study and at the very end of that Bible study my friend turns to me and I've said if my friend offers to pray for me then I know that your real Lord and I though that is really you that has been speaking to me over the last couple of weeks and it wasn't too much cheese right and I'm not really going crazy but this really is your will it's your will for me to be well and that I can really can I'll flip that switch if these things happen I'll flip that switch and so I went back as we were leaving my friend turns to me says you know what I think I need to pray for you just be healed in Jesus name but she just turned and walked off that's right I mean to me it was like in that in my mind I flip the switch yeah and I turned epilepsy off and I went home and I told my husband I said you know what happened to say jesus healed me you know nothing happened on the outside absolutely nothing happened but on the inside I knew it was done and you could not convince me otherwise I became like this father here fully convinced utterly persuaded I chose life over death and I turned epilepsy off and people are thinking you can't just turn Ethel ipsy off yes you can yes you can you know that's what faith does I wasn't asking God to do something I was taking something that he put out and offered me God is offering us today a way to walk in in health and healing in every area of our life every area you know we are the only people that can decide whether we'll receive it or not yeah it's not anyone else's responsibility per house and you know what that's not condemnation that's empowering hmm man to realize how a second I don't have to live like a victim anymore have no weapon formed against me will prosper amen hallelujah I want to live like that yes in my mind I ran after that Goliath nice slices head off come on I mean I'm gonna feed you to the birds it's done amen some of you need to get that kind of attitude down on the inside of you where to where it doesn't matter what's happened in the past you are not a victim of your circumstance a man you're not you have the power living on the inside of you to come out victorious I don't know how I told my husband I was here jesus healed me today yeah what did what did your husband say he says that's wonderful dude and I said I'm gonna quit taking my medication because if I'm you and I don't need it yeah how'd that go he said you're gonna die and leave me with three children aren't you oh you would do the same thing yeah here's the thing you know when God speaks to you to your heart you become fully convinced he didn't speak to Ashley he spoke to me right I can't be respectable even for the things that are life and death we can't rely on some of the second-hand revelation right come on my revelation that's gonna heal you Wow right you need a revelation man you need to take the Word of God a plan in your heart and mix it with faith yes amen you have the power you have the choice over life over there yeah you can choose life [Music] [Applause] man so I'll quit taking my medication and you know what I didn't die and I'll live and I haven't had a seizure in 14 years [Applause] it's not difficult to receive healing I think we overcomplicated you know one of the things I love about this is in that moment you chose life you chose life in your now now faith is but you had no idea in that moment how God was gonna be using you to bring this word to what's happening today I mean imagine a space in that moment it was it was just a now moment great and you gave that to God and look how God has taken what you gave and multiplied and is now feeding the multitudes through that what you gave to him can we just keep got a praise for that okay are you as excited about that as I am about that amen no I I might you don't know but I feel like it's time to make the devil pay yeah amen there are some people here that I've been you've been living with sickness and disease way too long way too long it's become like that that giant that crept in the back door and took up residence on your couch yeah right it's time to write the eviction notice amen amen amen I'm gonna give you a little exercise here I think this is kind of fun you can participate if you want to if you've got a piece of paper and a pen I want you to write the name of your giant on that piece of paper amen just write it down real quick it could be really scruffy it doesn't matter write it down have you done it yet then I want to put I want you to put it on the floor put it on the floor unless that's your cell phone right you don't run your cell phone stand up if you've just done that stand up a good little exercise it's gonna help you you've got your giant on your piece of paper and some double stomping you put it on the floor and I want you to put your foot right on that piece of paper and just rub your foot in it like you're treading and you're trying to scrape the dog poop of the bottom of your shoe yeah just all the way right yeah cuz you know what the devil is under our feet under your freemen bad conditions know who you are [Applause] amen you're not a victim you are victorious over the circumstance yes and the devil has been defeated hallelujah I feel like someone needs to do something they couldn't do before I feel like there are people here that need to take a walk of faith they need to know as you go which in their head yeah amen amen because you know we're having what you hear is good and now faith is moments yes and now faith is moment you see this sickness and disease that you walked in here with this morning you don't need to have it anymore faith has an attitude in Matthew it says the violin take you by force take it take it it's a choice Amen this is what Jerry was saying laughs I take it take it take it now amen amen if you're if this is you you need to have your hands up you didn't we doing something amen this is your healing it's not somebody else come on right now they stand up and take it stand up and take it it's yours take a stand having done all to stand take it it's yours it's yours it's yours in Jesus thing all over this place on the internet stand up take up your bed and walk as you go stand on the Word of God it's yours in Jesus name someone's receiving healing from cancer right now right in this divine holy moment right now in Jesus name there's no cancer in here get on down here right now come on move those of you dealing right now answer come on down I'm so sick and tired of cancer I hate cancer my hate can't I hate cancer down here just come right down and line up right here just come down right here just line up right here yeah Amy's crisis the big scene we can declare cancer the body of Christ in Jesus name in Jesus name we couldn't cancel right now right here we say no and you are healed in Jesus glory to God can't see you're out of here right now now thank you right in the first every single cancer cell your cell of cancer out of this body in the name of Jesus we cancel that assignment in Jesus it's going is later it's later you're out of here they know it you'll go and know every bitters right now [Applause] [Music] that is not your prognosis thank you Lord John it's a piece of God all his strength returning to your body right now in Jesus name there's strength in every part of your body right now drink and wholeness in every Saudi we say yes to this drink returning to your body this pain leaving your body this can't lose your body right now this is Friends of God by your striations live and not die God drinks your bone is God Frank you process it we curse every ounce every trace of kids are these in your body really speak nation health to every other head of your body we speak healthy healthy sales healthy leave a not dying question you're gonna live and not die amen it didn't a minute thank you take a university know we have we come on strength into your body right now in Jesus not just hoping keen of accordion he's the peace of God there's a peace of God there's a peace of God today's a piece you got it keep laughing at the joy the Lord is your strength hallelujah glory to God it's yours it's yours it's yours Jesus you got in Jesus thank you Lord God thank you I hear the Lord saying you're gonna live and not leave your body every single part of it every single part of it right now Easter week among these tumors to shrivel and die they're perfect we can borrow your body to bring your body thank you cancel your curse you cannot be in this body this is the body of Christ this body is filled with the life of God this is not the Temple of Doom this is a temple of the Holy Ghost and I release the power of God into your body even now in Jesus name cancer you're cursed in Jesus name healing is yours now healing is here thank you see that PC to goddess yours is working in your body right now I said you free you just receive it he's delivering you he's delivering you en Abasi anniversary and I she anima by seeing in Burkina forty is it para God working in your body kena by seeing above so Deanna thank you lo thank you note for delivering that brother of sickness and disease right now in Jesus he ever seen it was funny thank you thank Ann sylth at assignment in Jesus name and I released the power of God into your body now cancer you're gone you're out of here in the name of Jesus and lord I thank you for the power of God that brings forth your manifestation pit of hair where you came from Jesus released the power of God there are people in here generate paralysis promote healing paralysis right now you've must feeling in different places you've been unable to move different limbs and differently Baloo is bringing strength back to you he's been in strength back to your limbs beginning to straighten you need to start moving and he's so wiggling something doing something amen thank you Jesus thank you lord I feel the Lord side there's there is healing from seizures this isn't just something for me this is something for you we speak an end right now to seizures we come against seizures in Jesus he's dealing with neurological she's no good me Wade Huell is lots of people we just command your brain to be healed and whole and healthy build and whole and healthy right now in Jesus name you come on down here yo over there you come here come right here Yeah right now I mean come on right now you know by seeing of us at the end say she and her mama cute is that prayer of God working in your body right now Keane am I seeing a bus audience a huge ers unit that's be deliverance over here right now right now you know if I seen about Saudi and they seeing about children there you go there you go they feeling in your body there's healing in your brother he's breaking you free he's cutting you off from every lie every lied the past every stinking lie that's the power of God in your body setting you free in every cells you got it you got it you take it amen that's yours freedom amen shout it like you mean it Amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord what's wrong with you Amen is cute amen I believe it I believe your seizure-free we speaking into Caesars right now in Jesus name there no part of you they're not part of who you are they're not part of your identity they cannot operate in your brain any longer let me take authority over them we turn them off right now amen thank you Jesus we come on Oh seizures cease in your body right now in Jesus name for health restoration - peace every area of your life every every part of your body right now right now Jesus name thank you what are you dealing with ALS we come on Ellis we take authority over you I'm telling you this is not this is not terminal this is not terminal we take authority over ALS we cut the power you cut your head off right now we cut your head off right now we combined this body to to function as it crews created to be real repair every part of this degeneration that's happened in your body we combined your brain and nerves and muscles to respond to the Word of God right now right now we speak strength and coordination into you strength and coordination thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we agree we agree right this body in the name of Jesus I rebuke you and I command this spirit of infirmity off of this body in the name of Jesus thank you Lord God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Father thank you lord god what a sweetheart Amen you are healed in Jesus name yes you are what a sweetie amen let me noticed over the years yes you are Chris I just bless you in Jesus name I speak strength to you having done all to stand you're gonna continue to stand you're not gonna yield to that conformity of the world but you're gonna continue to stand on the Word of God so you know the report you know the outcome and that's the lie this is the truth in Jesus name but I bless my brother and I stand with him in agreement in Jesus name hallelujah Lord we bless you for the good report yes amen Jesus say hallelujah hallelujah praise God you're welcome and man it's exciting how was your how [Music] [Music] you know your bowels don't open and close properly who is that you've got heart valve in the power of God healing you in your heart right now we speak life life - heart valves bicuspid tricuspid we command health and wholeness into those Hinds the chambers of the heart they would open that they would have God would pump and flow strongly right now in Jesus name we speak live new heart valves new 1/2 hours in you thank you lord KYNA by cinebulle soo-jung machine and my burkina Bakula I'm hearing this is weird ears let cells is that self somebody has a problem with their islets cells in their pancreas then you know what they're not producing insulin we're just vegan and right now - diabetes amen we come on easy like that amen we're just come on diabetes to live we speak to themselves and we command you right now you're going to start producing and breaking down insulin as you were created to be amen we come on normal blood sugar levels normal blood sugar other people you've had complications complications listen from diabetes it's not just blood sugar issues you've had other issues in your feet in your vision it's affecting other organs in your body wave of me all right we just speaking a wispy life and peace to your body we combine every part of your body that diabetes has touched or damaged to just be healed and right now he's the power of God healing your body he's restoring your organs he's restoring your visions he's bringing feeling back to your feet that neuropathy in your feet is leaving that numbness that tingling that pain leaving your body every part of your body that diabetes has touched every single part of it is being restored as it was created to be as it was created to be right now they mean what is this that you're giving me so your insulin pump why why are you giving it to me kina machinability may we speak healing to you right now in Jesus name we speak healing to you for now on body you're gonna produce the right amount of insulin you're gonna produce the right amount of it Senor you be a healing power of God right now go to your pancreas please touching your pancreas freaking life to you to you they may you respond your spawn body you produced it and as your Creator to be amen thank you Jesus I'm gonna put this in here thank you lord Thanks high five we were saying it earlier the hope that God gives us does not disappoint the hope say it with me the hope that God gives us does not disappoint say it again the hope that God gives us does not disappoint that hope has been born by the Holy Spirit that is not a fantasy that is not some kind of false hope it's based in the Word of God God says that's yours today the dream in your heart the hope that you are holding on to faith and hope have come together and today is your day amen today is your day hallelujah say it with me today is my day to is my day hallelujah today is my day praise the Lord I'd rather be here than the best Hospital anywhere [Music] it's a Holy Ghost Hospital Holy Ghost Hospital praise God man I tell you what aren't you so grateful for Jesus he paid the price that we could never pay so that we could live the life that he came to give us man again I know I've said this so many times but I'm a worshiper I'm a worship leader can we just lift up our hands to the Lord and a Holy Ghost moment one more time and just say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus just tell them thank you thank you Lord for what you've done thank you for the victory thank you Jesus thank you guys put a song in your heart even praise unto our God many will see it and fear and call upon the name of the Lord hallelujah Lord we praise you we thank you Jesus that you are the one that did what needed to be done so that we could walk in this place of healing and health wholeness Sozo kind of life deliverance from destruction thank you lord I feel like there's someone that's been believing God for a long time to have a child and they haven't they haven't been out of whatever reason they've had fertility problems who is that who's been believing God for children there's someone another person who has see he's our boy we're gonna pray for you right now but you have to put action to your faith amen amen amen so we just been live and now there's a power of God right now healing your reproductive organs he says the fruit of your womb is blessed blessed she's blessed that your reproductive organs are functioning the power God is healing your reproductive organs creating new cells in there is quarries creating them to function as they were created there you'll be how to have children as many fellows and you get to pick how many of you won how many of you all right a man oh you have four you gonna believe four how many do you want amen so go home and have fun Daniel we speaks healing over you in Jesus name we declare Lord God that he sent His Word and healed them and little Daniel I have a picture a little Daniel who has cerebral palsy that's the medical report we cancelled that report and we say in Jesus name Daniel be made whole in the name of Jesus Lord we read together and we thank you that this destiny is now being changed by the Spirit of God and the faith of grandma grandma grandma's faith amen amen grandma's faith who by the way has purple hair [Applause] amen father we thank you for this being accomplished now in Jesus name based on what was done over 2,000 years ago we changed this assignment we say cerebral palsy you're gone you're out of this body now in Jesus name Amen amen amen you're very welcome praise the Lord thank you Lord God I feel like there are people that have been dealing with the osteoporosis and we can bones who's got weakened by - for some reason you've been dealing with bone issues and there's just I don't use a hormonal thing but you got osteoporosis you got weak bones the Lord is healing that right now that's big strength to your bones amen right now in Juba I'm strong healthy bones that are growing and functioning is that as they were created - yeah I feel like there's always that their knees they say joints or rubbin your knees they like bone on bone maybe there's no cartilage in there they're rubbing together they're banging who's got problems with their knees lots of people all right if you're they see all these people they've got their hands in the air wave so people know your work you're wild there you go if you're around them lay hands on them lay hands on you free listen we've been training you how to pray lay hands on this mess up on your ground what lay hands on this man yeah join in alright we're training you how to do this by hands on this believe the power of God right now healing these that pain is leaving your knees Jesus name yeah that cartilage is growing back that spacing it's being created those bones are not rubbing anymore the pain and the inflammation are leaving your body yeah arthritis is leaving your joints right now thank you lord oh the healthy knees do something you couldn't do yes move your knees bend your knees run around do something you didn't do before hear the prayer regard right now wrong balls thank you low yes hallo let me give us a wave if you're receiving any men there you go look around look at all these people hey man I got all these people ain't man Helen oh yeah whoo thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah amen thank you Jesus well we wrap it up yeah awesome hallelujah man let me just wrap up this particular session here because we need to give some time to get ready for the for the healing school at one o'clock but let me just quickly say that one of the things that's so fun to see like what's happening right now do you remember when you first came into the auditorium on Tuesday morning you didn't really know very many people except for the people you came with and you weren't really sure about what was gonna happen exactly and now look at y'all you're I was just like raging fanatics hands on somebody I mean you just can't wait to get your hands on somebody and lay hands on somebody man this is awesome this is what the body of Christ looks like amen this is what gospel ministry looks like now let me just share this real quickly and then we're gonna dismiss you and and we'll be back at one o'clock for healing school Luke 4:18 you know that you know the passage but let's just listen to this together as we read the word jesus said this he was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he had opened up the book he found the place where it was written and this is what the Lord said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me let's read it together to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives recovery of to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord come on let's give God a praise thank you then it's happening now it's happening now in Jesus name hallelujah glory to God amen we'll see you at one o'clock amen see you at one o'clock you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 5,743
Rating: 4.8039217 out of 5
Id: 2yW_6fRarmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 31sec (12451 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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