Charis Daily Live Bible Study: The Three Temptations of Jesus - Rick McFarland - September 13, 2021

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[Music] hello and good morning we want to welcome you to charis daily live bible study there's no better place on the planet than to be tuning in here with us right now this is an interactive live bible study and so we want you to interact with us how can you interact with us well that's a great great question uh in whatever forum you are watching we want you to go down to the chat section and start filling in your questions as they come to your heart and then about the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program we're going to get to as many of those questions as we possibly can and side note my name is julianna harris i always forget that part anyways so in order for you guys to interact with us we want you to tune in while we're live and in order to tune in while we're live you need to know what times we're live so the schedule is as follows on mondays and fridays we have live bible study at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays it's at 6 00 p.m and bright and early wednesday morning is at 7 00 a.m and that is all mountain time so calculate that out and make sure and tune in live so you can interact with us you guys this is a viewer supported live bible study all the amazing content coming out to you today and the whole week it's live manna from heaven is what i like to refer to it as is coming to you free of charge but it's brought to you by the partners and the gifts to andrew wommack ministries so you can be a part of the fruit that comes out of these live bible studies and all the content coming out to you simply by giving so i would encourage you to consider becoming a partner there's a few ways you can give you can go to slash give if you're watching on facebook below the video is a donate button you can click on that or you can give us a call at 719-635-1111 also we have prayer ministers available to you 24 hours a day monday through friday so and then they're also there on the weekends on saturday and sunday from 7 30 a.m until 6 p.m what can i say if you need prayer if you need agreement if you need help and understanding does the bible say something about this topic that's what they're there for and there are supernatural uh testimonies that we get from the prayer center all the time so if you're going through something if you need direction if you wonder if andrew has a teaching on something or if you have a testimony give them a call right now at 719-635-1111 also i want to mention gospel truth dot tv that's it gospel truth is all spelt out dot tv and you can see all of our archives you can watch us live over there you can also um enter your questions in the chat section over there as well so we're just trying to get everybody to kind of migrate towards so write that down save it on one of your favorites on your laptop or whatever you're watching with and join us over there and so those are all my announcements so i get to introduce our guest minister today who is my pastor pastor rick mcfarlane welcome pastor rick his official title for charis bible college and what he does for the ministry here is he is dean of faculty and he's an amazing teacher he teaches i think first second and third year classes he's an amazing man of the word and he's my favorite you know i have to tell you i forgot to tell you my nephew is in his first year of charis bible college and which is awesome he's been raised with this message of balance of faith and grace right and i was asking him the other day because it's been a couple weeks of school and i'm always telling him to be expecting and i was said i said have you heard from god yet while you're in school and any kind of hymn hot around he's like i can't can't think of anything specific but pastor rick said something at church the other day that i just can't stop thinking about so there's an anointing as a as a teacher and revelation of the word of god so you are going to be abundantly blessed today so pastor rick bring us bring us the word yeah always enjoy being here and so uh today i want to talk about the three temptations of jesus and so that's out of luke chapter four and so jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness but three specific temptations are actually recorded of what took place and so there the temptation actually in the wilderness and then a temptation on the high mountain and then the temptation on the pinnacle of the temple and so let's look at those three temptations jesus overcame all three of them he came uh he overcame them by the word of god and by faith but we also are going to be tempted in these three areas and so it's important to understand these three temptations and be prepared for them so let's look at luke chapter four look at verse one it says then jesus being filled with the holy spirit returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness and being tempted for 40 days by the devil and in those days he ate nothing and afterwards when he had ended he was hungry and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread and jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god and so jesus is in the wilderness and in the wilderness there's no no food there's no groceries and there's no nothing there to sustain him so he's not eating for 40 days and so at the end of these 40 days he's hungry has a lack of food and so the wilderness if you look in the greek the word wilderness means a lonely place or a waste place it's a place of lack and so jesus encountered this and it's not god that did this it's satan that brought this temptation to him and so god wants to bless us in our lives but there's going to be times in our lives where seemingly we are facing a lack in our life and so where we often need a miracle it might be a financial miracle it might be a provision in any area of our life that we have a lack in and we need provision in that and so satan will come to us and try to get us to provide for ourself and so we need to understand that this type of testing often takes place when you're young in the lord when you first get saved there's all kinds of lacks in our life that we feel like we're lacking in and so matter of fact look in hebrews chapter 10 look at verse 32 and so you might be new to the faith and be experiencing lack in different areas and so how do you overcome this temptation or this uh trial hebrews 10 32 says but recall the former days in which after you were illuminated that means after you were born again you endured such a great struggle with sufferings and so early on usually are suffering lack and so you need to understand that in times where it looks like outward circumstances are not the way we'd want them to that god wants to bring us out but first of all you realize that your albert circumstances are not going to satisfy you so oftentimes we think if our circumstances change that's when i'll be happy yeah if i get everything if everybody can treat me right if i can get everybody to do the right thing get every circumstance lined up then i'll finally be satisfied i'll be content in life but it doesn't happen that way true contentment in life comes from the inside not the outside it comes through the presence of jesus and the word of god and so it comes from the inside not the outside and so look at look at luke 4 4 look at 4 4 satan says you know turn this stone into bread he could have done that he could have turned a stone into a loaf of french bread with butter running down the valley but you know what jesus realized that his success or his inward contentment is not based on outward but on the inside and so in luke 4 4 it says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god and so it's from the inside that we're going to find satisfaction it's a relationship with god and so jesus is saying true life does not come from the natural but it comes from god on the inside of us and so even the apostle paul had to learn this in philippians 4 look at verse 11 through verse 13. and so i'm going to list paul lists out some negative circumstances and some positive circumstances and that's life you're going to have ups and downs in your circumstances but are you going to be up and down with your circumstances you don't have to be you can be steady on the inside no matter what's happening on the outside and so as i read this julian can you help me out yes when i read a down circumstance i want you to say down down and when i say an up circumstance you say up up okay all right here we go okay so not that i speak in regard to need down but i've learned in whatever state i'm in to be content i know how to be a based down i know how to abound everywhere and all things i have learned both to be full up and to be hungry down both to abound up and to suffer need down down up up down down up well welcome to life because that's the way life is it's ups and downs but are you going to be up and down most christians are up and down with their circumstances and that's what i call a yo-yo christian absolutely so we don't want to be a yo-yo christian and so paul said i can do all things through christ who strengthens me from the inside and so it's a relationship with god inside our heart is really going to bring satisfaction in our life and so psalms 92 verse 12 brings us out it says the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree he shall grow like a cedar of lebanon there's something about a palm tree that's interesting that a palm tree is unlike almost any other tree on the earth almost every tree gets a sustenance through its bark and so you can actually kill any tree that you see outside by making a cutting a ring in the bark so the nutrients that come up through the bark stops and it can't come up you can kill a tree by wringing it but a palm tree you can wring a palm tree and not kill it because its source comes up through its core not through its bark wow and so for a christian a lot of times christians are living by their flesh and if everything in the natural is lining up then they can feel good about themselves or can feel content but really as a christian you you would draw up your life and resources through the core through the spirit of god and so i say this a christian can take a ringing and keep on singing and so praise god so weird so a spiritual in the spiritual there were ships in the ancient world that would go uh most ships would have a have a shelf life really because it would they would they would sink because especially the ones that went over the ocean almost always at some point they wouldn't end up sinking and so uh until an invention came called a gyroscope and a gyroscope is put it deep in the belly of a ship and it would spin a wheel that would spin faster and faster and faster and so that spiritual gyroscope would keep that ship steady no matter what if it was getting the waves would take it down or the waves would take it up or take it to the side or to the left it would stay steady and so we have a spiritual gyroscope on the inside the presence of god amen and the more we meditate on god we worship god and we focus on the lord in his word that gyroscope spins faster and faster and no matter what happens in the natural we can stay steady amen and so that's the first temptation is realize you know what your circumstances are really not the problem it's on the inside are you stabilized on the inside and so let's look at the next temptation jesus had luke chapter 4 look at verse 5 it says then the devil taking him up on a high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil said to him all this authority i will give you and their glory for this has been delivered to me and i'll give it to him wherever i wish therefore if you will worship before me all will be yours and jesus answered and said get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god in him only shall you serve and so here we see jesus taken from the wilderness a place of lack to a high mountain and he's offered all the kingdoms the abundance the riches and so what's the high mountain stand for it stands for success and so god doesn't want you to live in a wilderness he's a good god and so when egypt when israel came out of egypt they went to a wilderness but it was go through the wilderness in order to get to a place of abundance a promised land so god has a place of abundance for you and if you'll trust god in the wilderness god's going to take you out into a place of success and abundance but what there's a temptation when success starts happening is you can easily start looking at the things that god blesses you with instead of god and slowly but surely your desire for a passion for god can wane and you can start focusing on the things and the blessings of god and so this is subtle and so look in deuteronomy 6 10 this was what was warned israel was warned not to do this when they got into the promised land deuteronomy 6 10 says so it shall be when the lord your god brings you into the land which he swore to your fathers to abraham isaac and jacob to give you a large and beautiful cities in which you did not build houses full of all good things which you did not fill hewn out wells which you did not dig vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant when you have eaten and are full then bewareless you forget the lord who brought you out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage and so being tempted on the high mountain is different than being tempted in the wilderness the wilderness is a place of adversity but this is a testing of success and prosperity and so often the temptation of success is more subtle and many more people many more christians fail the success test than the adversity test why is that because when you're in adversity it's a lot easier to seek god yeah you're really seeking his word god i really need an answer here i'm suffering there's lack in my life i need a miracle and so you're pressing into god you're trusting god you're speaking his word you're you're praying in tongues you're in the word night and day you're in church service you're really looking for god's answer and so but oftentimes when success starts coming that's when you're slacking off you're not praying as much i don't really need to trust the lord as much and it's it's subtle but even more dangerous than the test of adversity and so oftentimes as a pastor i've seen this i've seen people that need a miracle and so they're pressing into god they're in the word they're at church every single sunday and they're really seeking the lord and then when the answer comes you know when they get married and they have children or that answer comes that financial breakthrough comes success and diminished in their business and all of a sudden i don't see them at church very much anymore all of a sudden you don't see them at all anymore at church why because they're out just enjoying their life enjoying the blessings of god and so david in the old testament had this testing and he failed a big time in this test because he had great success battle after battle he was winning trusting the lord for every battle god was bringing through every single time but then he got into such success he got lacks look in second samuel 11 look at verse 1. ii samuel 11 1 says it happened in the spring of the year at the time when king go out to battle that david sent joab and his servants with him to in all israel and they destroyed the people of ammon and bessaj rabbah but david remained at jerusalem look at verse 2. then it happened one evening that david arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman bathing and the woman was very beautiful to behold but see david had victory after victory was out with the with the army fighting and going to battle like the kings ought to be but one time finally says you know what six success i really don't need to really try anymore and so it's just going to happen without me i'll stay at home verse two says that one evening he got off his bed what time do you usually get out of bed in the morning he slept all day yeah and so he's watching espn and cheetos and sleeping and napping all afternoon and i really don't need to be trusting the lord here and and then he fell into temptation and so often times it's a dangerous place let me tell you the most dangerous place you can be is that you having you're experiencing great success in life but your passion for god is declining especially in the ministry you can a dangerous place is you have a successful growing ministry and your passion for god is decreasing that's a very dangerous place to be and so i ask a question for you today do you seek god as much as you used to when you needed that miracle when you had that lack in your life are you in his word like you used to be when you needed that miracle are you standing in on god's word and speaking god's word like you used to are you trusting in god as much as you used to are you relying on are you relying on god or relying on your own ways to handle things now you know how to boil a frog you never boiled a frog i'll tell you well i'll tell you how to boil the frog [Laughter] it's the worst thing to do is get the water boiling and throw the frog in it'll hop right out i'll operate out but you can put a frog in lukewarm water in this degree by degree by degree by degree you can actually turn that heat up and he's getting used to it doesn't realize it and he can you can actually boil the frog and so that happens satan does that the more success we have in life and you know what i don't have to you know i used to live uh praying for a miracle for my and drive on empty how long could i drive on empty yeah because i don't have any money but you know prosperity is living on full yeah and but you know what after a while you're trusting in the money you're trusting in the provisions you're not trusting in god anymore and so again and it's suddenly your passion for god your drive for god your love for god is slowly slowly decreasing and you don't know what's happening and so it's so dangerous and so it's so subtle and so again ask yourself those questions am i seeking god like i used to when i first started my christian walk when i needed god when i was in the wilderness am i seeking him and so again we are to find out that worship we need to worship god and not the things god gives us another king named asa in the old testament he incurred and carried this situation in second chronicles 14 verse 2 it says asa did what was good in the eyes of the lord his god and then verse 8 says and asa had an army of 3 000 from judah who carried shield and spears and from benjamin 280 000 men who carried shield and drew bows and then verse nine says then zera the ethiopian came out against them with an army of a million men in 300 chariots and he came to marisha and so asa went out against him and they set the troops in battle verse 11 and asa cried out to the lord his god and said lord it is nothing for you to help whether with many or with those who have no power help us o lord our god for we rest on you and in your name we go into the go against this multitude o lord you are god do not let man prevail against you so the lord struck the ethiopians before asa judah and the ethiopians fled he had a mighty victory and he had success but later on he doesn't trust god and so look in second chronicles 15 look at verse one later on after he's had some success in life and in in his ministry or in his uh been king second chronicles 15 look at verse 1. now now the spirit of the lord came on azariah the son of obed and he said and he went out to meet asa and said hear me asa and all judah and benjamin the lord is with you while you're with him if you seek him he'll be found by you if you forsake him he will forsake you and then in second chronicles 16 1 he has another battle and in the sixth year of the 36th year of the reign of asa basha king of israel came against judah and built rama and he might let none go out and came or come into asa then asa brought silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the lord and of the king's house and sent to ben haydad king of syria who dwelt in damascus let there be a treaty between you and me as there was between my father and your father see i've sent you silver and gold come break your treaty with basha king of israel so he withdraws from me so what does he do instead of trusting god he hires out help in the natural for someone else to help him and so he actually trusts in himself and so god says in in second chronicles 16 7 at that time hannah niai the seer came to asa king of judah and said to him because you have relied on the king of syria and have not relied on the lord your god therefore the army of the king of syria has escaped from your hand were the ethiopians not a huge army and very many chariots yet because you relied on the lord he delivered them into your hand for the eyes of the lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him in this you have done foolishly therefore from now on you shall have wars then asa was very angry with the seer and put him into prison and he was enraged at him because of this and asa oppressed some of the people at that time note the acts of asa first and last and are indeed written in the book of the kings of judah and israel and in the 39th year of his reign asa became diseased in his feet and his malady was severe yet in his disease he did not seek the lord but physicians and so after success he started trusting in himself and so it's easy to do that and so we need to look at that and so let's move on to the last temptation which is the pinnacle luke 4 look at verse 9 then he brought him to jerusalem jesus brought jesus to jerusalem and set jesus on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone and jesus answered and said to him it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god and so the final temptation took place at the pinnacle what's a pinnacle it's the very very top the very highest so it's gone from the wilderness the low place to the high place of prosperity and then pinnacle the the ultimate in prosperity and success and so what was the temptation here is satan says you know what things are going great for you and and you can do anything god will back you up so just jump off this temple and trust god to take care of you and so the problem was is god didn't tell him to jump off the off the top of the temple now if it was me and god and the devil put me on the top of a high mountain or put me on the top of the temple and said jump i would not be tempted i don't like heights but you know what obviously jesus could do that and so that was a temptation there and so what was he tempted to do he's like you know what you can do anything yeah god will back you up and so jesus says no don't tempt the lord your god and so that's called the sin of persumption we get into the sin of arrogance when when everything's going our way and we're so successful we reach the pinnacle and we start thinking god's blessings because we're so great and so psalms 19 13 says keep back your servant from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me then i shall be blameless and innocent of great transgression and so again you can get to a place to where you know what i can just decide whatever i want to do and i believe god's going to bless it yeah and that's arrogance in james chapter 4 look at verse 13 it says come now you who say today or tomorrow we'll go to such and such city and spend a year there buy and sell and make a profit whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow for what is your life it's even a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes away instead you ought to say if the lord wills we will live or do this or that but now you're boasting now you boast in your arrogance all such boasting is evil and so again often in this temptation the enemy can't overcome your strength he'll get behind you and push it and so finally look at second chronicles 26 16 this is hezekiah we've learned a lot from the kings of the old testament look in second chronicles 26 16 this is hezekiah it says but when he hezekiah was strong and his heart was lifted up to his destruction free transgressed against the lord as god by entering in the temple of the lord to burn incense at the altar of incense only the priests were allowed in the temple to burn incense but he was the king and says you know what i am i am just so powerful i am so wonderful god has blessed me i'm so favored by god i'll just go on in there and i'm sure god will be pleased that i went in there and i'm going to burn incense and so he just moves right on in there in his arrogance and verse 17 so azariah the priest went in after him and with him were 80 priests of the lord valiant men and they withstood the king you i'm sorry it's king uzziah not hezekiah i withstood king uzziah and said to him it is not for you uzziah to burn incense to the lord but for the priest the son of aaron who are consecrated to burn incense get out of the sanctuary for you have trespassed you shall have no honor from the lord god see he was seeking honor by doing this verse 19 then uzziah became furious and he had a sensor in his hand to burn incense and while he was angry with the priest leprosy broke out on his forehead before the priest of the house of the lord and beside the incense altar in azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked at him and therefore on his forehead he was leprous so they thrust him out of that place indeed he also hurried to get out himself because the lord had struck him king uzziah was a leper into the day of his death and he dwelt in the isolated house because he was a leper for he was cut off from the house of the lord then joseph his son took over the king's house judging the people in the land and so we have these three temptations we have the wilderness where we have lack but you know what we're going to find out that our true sustenance in life comes from the inside not the outside but god does want to bless you god wants to provide for you but he's going to bless you but when you get that blessing don't start focusing on those things you need to keep worshiping the lord above anything and make sure your passion stays hot for jesus and you keep focusing on him and not the blessings and because it's suddenly but surely your eyes gets on the blessings and not on the blesser and all of a sudden you're going for a fall and then finally the pinnacle of success where you you know i can do anything and i'm god's blessing me because of me it says no you need to hear from the lord whenever he tells you to do something do it don't get out in front of him and say you know what i'm just going to do this and god will back me up and so again you're going for a fall there so father i just thank you for those that are listening today lord and i thank you father we can learn through the three temptations of jesus that really lord it's coming down to trusting you and keeping our eyes on you and putting you first and keeping you even when we're being blessed and even to the pinnacle of success we realize that blessing comes from you and it's not because of us and that we keep our passion hot for you father and we just thank you father for this in jesus name amen amen amen you know i think that's just it's so counter-cultural to think um that you need to seek god more when you're in success than in failure i mean it totally makes sense and you know you've heard andrew talk about how he was afraid of success just for that reason he didn't want to lose his relationship with god through success and so um yeah it's a powerful profound thing because as you've read most everyone who fell and fell drastically was during a time of success yeah they lost that relationship because you can look at david who was like killing things uh you know the lion and the bear and he has such a vibrant relationship with god that he's talking trash to goliath and he's like victory victory and how could he have gotten so far separated from god that even when the prophet came to like tell him the story of the the man who took you know the poor man's lamb and and how he could not even see that was him right like he was so blinded by success and his it just fell out of relationship it's so subtle it is and so when we're in a trial and we're in lack it's so easy to seek the lord and i need the lord but you know even and that can be idolatry it's like you're seeking him for the answer you're seeking him for a circumstance to change you're looking for him to provide something instead of he's first and so really god is what really satisfies on the inside but he does want to bless you and he blings you it brings you into place of prosperity but it's so easy to sl subtly stop spending time with him and you just start focusing on the blessings and it's so subtle but it but it is a dangerous place to be yeah that's awesome okay so we're going to get your questions thanks for submitting them and we're going to get to as many as we possibly can so chris says is there a difference between temptations and tests well it's the same greek word whenever you see the word test or tempt it's the same greek word and so the devil comes in and so it's a test to try to see where he can get you to fall or to fail or not trust god and so test temptations is a test and so god doesn't send those temptations he doesn't send the test but the enemy will and so he just wants you to trust in yourself and not god so what are the three common things here is to get your eyes off off of god off of trusting in him and start trusting in other things yeah and so again it's a lot harder when you're being blessed and you're having everything that you possibly could need in the natural and so a lot of times when we send evangelism teams out we were able to win a lot more people to the lord out to the going to the poor and to those lacking than going to the ones that are in the mansions or in the house that think they have everything yeah they say i have no need so why would i need this jesus and so it's so subtle and it's but that's dangerous because they need jesus just as much as anybody else yeah jesus even said that he said very rarely will a rich man enter the kingdom of god yeah and make and this whole idea yeah and this whole idea that the disciples were poor because the disciples were like how can any man be saved jesus because they were rich with the blessing of god but i love how you mentioned that it can be idolatry you never think that seeking god can be idolatry if you're only seeking the healing instead of seeking the healer right or just seeking the provision and not the provider and so yeah that's so amazing we just gotta um not introspectively analyze ourselves but we got to know where we're at right well you ask the holy spirit lord search my heart amen don't go into your heart alone it's a dark place yes so ask the holy spirit to illuminate the motives of your heart and he and the holy spirit will so he's your helper praying in tongues every day is such a is a great way to keep in the light keeping the love of god and keep your passion for god stirred up on the inside and so i think you brought up andrew and he talked about you know i'm afraid of success because i don't want to get off but just knowing that's the key is because if you don't realize that hey this is a temptation we can learn from jesus that when you get success this can be more subtle it can be a lot harder to see when you're going down and so andrew saw that and so andrew one thing the key to andrew's continued success is that he seeks the lord just as hard today than he did at the very beginning and so you know we'll hear about how he will meditate six and seven hours a day on the word and i did this and i'm meditating on he's constantly meditating the word constantly focusing on the lord constantly putting god first and he says you know i could walk away from all this if god told me to walk away from it i could walk away from it my heart's not attached to it because jesus is the first in his life and so again all of us need to have that in our heart yeah yeah purpose it in your heart so malcolm says uh so how does one keep god first place without it becoming legalistic or religious well it's just keeping a a relationship with god it alive you know is it legalistic for me to stay in live with my wife and spend time with her and talk with her sorry honey oh sorry it's legalistic you know it's legalistic you expect me to talk to you today and and love on you today and show affection to you today and so no it's not legalistic have a relationship now legalism is opposite of relationship and so we need to have a vital relationship with god now you make what you call relation with god legalistic and it's being really a relationship well i got to spend an hour right in prayer so i clicked it on and so then i was like oh that's my hour's over sorry jesus walked on and you can make it legalistic but no we should have all day long we shouldn't be in communication with god and love on him and let him love on us and so that's the key is to keep the first thing the first thing keep your first love it says in revelation that the church at ephesus left their first love they had their doctrines straight they they were doing great things for the lord but their their relationship the passion that first love uh they left it yeah that's really good and i think it has to do with motivation of why you're seeking god right just like you were saying so um you know are you seeking god i gotta spend an hour today in order to be right with him or get what i'm asking him for no it's saying i want to spend an hour today with the one who created me and that loves me at my core and knows everything about me and just wants to love me right so that that will keep you out of legalism it has no basis on whether or not you're right with god it has everything to do that you are already right with him then you want to spend time praise god uh so samaya she always has great questions uh in samaya samaya says in uh first corinthians 10 verse 13 says there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man she says what is that common temptation this speaks of and then she has a second portion of the question that we'll get to so what would that well he said there's no temptation but it's common to man so it's not just one common temptation but it's like no temptation has taken you that has it that hasn't come into your life that it's not in in many other people's lives yes and so whatever you're tempted with it's not a unique temptation satan wants to think you know what you're facing something no one else has ever faced you've got a devil so big that no one else has faced that big devil and it's like that you have a sickness no one's ever had you have a problem no one's ever had and once you either that gets you into pride oh and so you're not open for the solution yeah when you when you give someone the word say well you know that works but i'm a special case yeah no you're not a special case it's garden variety yeah and so the word of god works for that and so so you're nothing special it's just garden variety temptation but you know what on the other side it may this enemy wants you to think well i'm all alone i'm the only one that faces this no one else is facing that you know i'm i'm dealing with fear i'm dealing with with uh trusting god in certain areas like i'm the only one everybody else in the church has got it together but me yeah though many other people are facing fear facing uh you know hats uh understanding and trusting god in certain areas and stuff like that and so again uh this verse is really talking about you're not alone and so there's nothing unique that's happening to you but it's a but every other believer is experiencing it amen that's so good so the the rest of her question says also the same verse says god makes a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it so she says does this mean that he gives us the strength to withstand the temptation or does he set it up where we can literally literally escape or will run away from it yeah so he it says with every temptation the way of escape and so first of all the way the the way of escape is jesus hmm amen because he is the way the truth and the life praise god but it but it's a relationship with jesus and so in every situation there is a a way out of it but it's going to take a relationship with god to hear from him amen you know satan the enemies the pharisees were always trying to trap jesus yeah always but you know especially with the woman caught in adultery yeah and so they want to trap him and say oh will he be merciful like he usually does or you know what but he's going to break the law and and not say she should be stoned we'll get them either way and so it's a either or we're going to get them here and so they throw this woman out there and say well jesus are you going to forgive this woman or are you going to uphold the righteousness of the law and so jesus stooped down and wrote on the earth and he was drawing on the ground and while he was drawing on the ground he was drawing on his relationship with god amen he says god what's what what do you have to say in this situation what is the way of escape here and so he got up and says he that's without sin cast the first stone and so they weren't expecting that that that it was either or but god showed him the way of escape he escaped out when he says it's impossible to escape this this trial that we put him in and so again it's a relationship not a formula we want formulas you know just tell me what to do whenever i face this this is what i do and this i'll do no you need to have a relationship with god and he's going to show you but jesus is the way in its relationship with jesus he'll show you exactly what you need to do in your situation and if you do it you're going to come out praise god that's so good uh you guys got great questions coming in so um eleanor says how can we tell when we're being presumptuous versus stepping out in faith well stepping where's faith come from faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and so let's look at peter when he was in the boat and so jesus came walking on the water and jesus kind of put jesus uh kind of put jesus on a kind of a a bind there because he says jesus if that's you call me out on the water right and so jesus isn't gonna say well it's not me right so he says okay come on but he had a word he said come and so peter had a word to stamp to step out on peter didn't really just walk on the water he walked on the word come on and so faith is based on the word of god to you the revealed will of god to you and he stepped out on that now what if the other disciples said well peter can't show us up he has we have as much faith as he has bless the lord and so what we're going to do we'll just step out there and walk on the water too but that would have been sins of presumption because god they didn't have a word from god from peter i mean peter had a word from jesus but they didn't have a word from peter sorry they didn't have their own word from jesus to step on the water so if they would have stepped out they would have been in presumption not in faith and they would have sunk like a boat anchor and so again uh how do you know you're in presumption or you're in faith are do you have a word from god is god telling you to do something but oftentimes we just launch out and say god i'm going to do that and i'm asking you to bless it yeah so we need to hear from the lord and step out it's already blessed so do you think that every decision that we make or everything that we encounter that god will give us a specific word in one direction or the other or what if you have like two really good options does he give you the option to choose yeah so the it says delight yourself in the lord he'll give you the he'll give you the desires of your heart and so really we're waiting around for an audible voice to hear from the lord but if we'll seek the lord and desire the lord we can seek the the desires that are in our heart because he puts them there right and so we just need to follow what's in my heart as i follow the lord what's peaceful what desire do i have what direction do i go there's a b and so i just get closer to god and i worship him and praise him and all of a sudden when i start thinking about option a or option b there's going to be a piece about one or the over the other and the desire more than one or the other and so i'll just follow the peace and the desire and god will lead me right where i don't need an audible voice yeah that's good that's really good um let's see aloe says how can we tell that what we've been hearing is from god when it's about a subjective issue like um where to stay or which school to attend yeah so again i think if you're if you're like is this god or not then draw closer to god and just start uh praying in tongues meditating the word and and it may even be uh cut a meal out what perish i mean cut some food out and so that's not to get god to move that's to become sensitive to hear is this from the spirit or not and then also the word of god divides between spirit and soul so is this from the spirit or is this from my own soul well the word of god will show you that and so for instance a girl a girl may want to date an unbeliever and and really feels emotionally tied to him it's like well is this god or not well the word of god will show you the word of god says don't be unequally yoked with an unbeliever so that'll show you that's a soulish desire your own desire not a spiritual desire and so again the word of god divides between spirit and soul and then just to get closer to the lord start loving on god and spending time with him and the desires of the flesh will become weaker and the desires of the spirit will become stronger praise god that's really good i love this question the dad says i find i get proud very easily if i have any success do you have any tips as to how to stop this happening yeah i mean uh you when you get it when you get into pride you have your focus on yourself and so the number one way to get out of pride to get your eyes off of you amen and so the only way you can get your eyes off you is get your eyes on something else and or someone else and so let me show you a a wormhole to humility is look at jesus if you look at you get your eyes off you and so if you try to be free of self then you'll just find yourself more preoccupied with self well i just got to stop being more stop being proud i'm gonna not be so prideful i'm gonna but the more you try to focus on you not being prideful the more prideful you get because pride is self but just start focusing on jesus and look at jesus and you'll find yourself free from pride and free from self that's really good um okay we got time for one more question alicia on um well they don't have on anything alicia or it's not alicia it's alice okay well we're really offering no all right alice says based on the reading about king asa how can i make my heart loyal to god again that's just um continuing a personal relationship with him and so i wish i could give you formulas give you but it's really it's just hey you got a formula oh well if you want a formula the three the three steps formula is look at jesus keep looking at jesus keep on looking at jesus and so again it's just having that daily walk in relationship with the lord and loving him above what he does for you and so um and it's subtle and asking the holy spirit the holy spirit's the big helper he's going to show us when we're getting off into the natural get our eyes on ourselves getting our eyes on the prosperity or on the things and not trusting god trusting yourself and the holy spirit brings us back he keeps bringing us back he brings us back he keeps bringing us back and the holy spirit's the helper so daily praying in tongues worshiping god and and making way for the spirit of god and inviting the holy spirit to be your helper at the beginning of the day holy spirit lead me and guide me into all truth keep me in this path and the holy spirit will help you amen praise god well that was uh awesome we're down to the end here once again on our live bible study and we're so glad that you tuned in thank you pastor rick for joining us and uh speaking today and um you guys make sure and tune in i believe we have healing you or not healing relationship university today at 1 pm i believe that will be going out um 1 p.m mountain time and we also have tuesday night live bible study tomorrow evening at 6 p.m that will be andrew and kerry so you guys have a great awesome rest of your monday have a good day rick youtube and we will see you all tomorrow bye [Music] once you know that this is what god has said you just base your life on it and i mean there is no plan b or there is no plan c jesus got in the scriptures and god spoke to him he found his identity in the scriptures just like you and i are going to have to find our identity now in the scripture [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 762
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qOBxACbX9o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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