How do I use Godly Principles Succeed as a Business Owner? - Weekly Q&A Roundup - May 25, 2021

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all right good afternoon my name is barry bennett i'm an instructor here at karis bible college and we are going to be looking at some of the questions that did not get answered last week before i get into that let me remind you that tonight at 6 pm mountain time andrew womack will be here with kerry pickett and they'll be doing a live bible study and at that time you can whatever medium you're looking at whatever format you can write in your live questions and they'll be able to answer as many as they can with the time that they have and so that would be the time for live interaction right now i'm going to be looking at questions from last week and last week was the special guest was billy eberhart and he talked about investing money and a lot of the questions that came in that were left over from last week are specific to billy and specific to his expertise in the area of investments and i simply cannot answer those questions that's the subject that i know absolutely nothing about but there were a few questions uh that i think i can i can work with and hopefully help some of you all right so let's let's look at these the first one is from barnabas on youtube and he says how do you put godly principles in place to succeed as a business owner first of all the principles you put in place are going to be who you are as a person in other words as a business owner and i have not been a business owner but i've been a pastor and i've been a missionary and i've been you know many things uh who i am determines the kinds of principles that i have in whatever i do so i can imagine that as a business owner i am going to project what i am as a as a son of god as a member of the body of christ and so i'm going to walk in integrity i'm going to walk in honesty i'm going to be a blessing to my employees and to my customers i'm going to look for ways to be a blessing and exemplify the life of christ that is in me there's a good verse in first timothy 6 11. first timothy 6 11 where paul is instructing timothy of course this is concerning the ministry but these principles would hold up in in business or in any endeavor he says pursue righteousness godliness faith love patience and gentleness pursue those things so in terms of a business you you want to uh put forth your righteousness your righteousness is going to go with you and as you deal with people that is going to be obvious to them that there's something different about you you're going to want to pursue godliness in your business so your business is not going to be promoting darkness or worldliness or something of that nature uh you're going to pursue faith and yes you can have faith in business and you can have let's change the word faith to expectations you have expectations of good things god is going to bless you in your business and you're expecting to be blessed you're expecting favor you're expecting a good report that people think highly of you and of your business you're going to minister your business with love and that would be your employees your customers the love of christ we're not talking about romantic love here we're talking about the love of christ to be a blessing to people should be something that people notice patience gentleness and we could go on and develop those but whatever you are is going to be what you should continue to be in terms of if you are walking in the love of god walking in the integrity the honesty of the lord then that should be projected in your business or in anything you do amen you can uh i did this too you can go to google you can google for example type this in bible verses about business bible verses about business and you will find numerous sites that have a collection of verses that deal with business in some way and there are a lot of them there so i you know i can recommend that for you who want more verses that deal with christian the christian perspective of business uh next question anita on youtube what about people who are weak and unable to make money what about people who are weak and unable to make money um personally i believe all of us are capable of seeking first the kingdom in his righteousness and things will be added unto us all of us are capable of speaking words of life words of faith of expectation all of us can be a blessing to someone we can be an intercessor if nothing else we can we can give somebody something we can be a blessing we can serve at church we can do any number of things and in that process you're giving and what's the promise for those who give give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together running over so we're not limited to simply working a job in order to make money there are ways that god can provide there are ways god has provided for me when i wasn't working a job or able to work a job for whatever reason when i was a missionary or a pastor there are ways to invest in the kingdom and that's what i feel like if we're going to talk about investments on that level i have invested my life in the kingdom i have invested my life in people and i won't go through all the different endeavors that i've been involved with but god has sustained me and prospered me as a result of that kind of investment so it's not always about the job you have but it's about the person you are and if you are living to give living to bless living to lift people up god will get your provision to you one way or another doors will open you will have favor blessings will overtake you amen all right next question number three kelvin on youtube kelvin on youtube what's the best way to come up with great business ideas you know something that bothers me is that the great companies if we want to call them great in terms of influence in terms of wealth have been started by non-believers and i there's something wrong with that because we as believers should be the most innovative the most creative uh people on the earth we should be having the ideas for great businesses the ideas for great inventions uh the creativity that the creator within us has we should be the ones coming up with these ideas so now we have microsoft we have google we have apple we have uh tesla we have amazon we have all of these incredible businesses that have great influence even in the world of politics and economics and all of this and they're being run by unbelievers and personally i think it should be the other way around i think we have limited god in a lot of our thinking because we're afraid to step into that environment into that atmosphere but why can't christians have great ideas why can't christians start great businesses and so what's the best idea or the best way to come up with these ideas is to pray in the holy spirit to look for opportunities to to expect god to speak to you and to show you something to look around and find out what need what the needs are in your community and ask the lord to show you how to meet those needs you're always going to come up with ideas when your heart is set on helping other people in some way meeting some kind of need and so i would pray in the spirit pray and ask god father what are the needs that are around me in my community or in my church or in my school and how can i be a blessing and help meet those needs and ideas will come and so i think it's something we should expect a lot more than we have in the body of christ all right next question gail on facebook are divine connections solely from the leading of the spirit last week billy talked about divine connections or god bringing people into your life that can open doors things of that nature that give you opportunities so our divine connection solely from the leading of the spirit again i think divine connections are going to be a fruit of the way you live your life and the more you live to to give the more you live to bless the more you have people in your heart how can i help people you're going to have divine connections people will come into your life it's those that live a closed off life not wanting to interact with anyone it's harder to to have those divine connections and so the more that we get involved in the lives of other people the more people we're going to meet the more times your name will come up in a conversation and someone will call you these are the things that that create opportunities for believers and non-believers and the non-believers are way ahead of us many times in these areas but we can expect god to use what we are doing we are blessing we are giving we are serving we whatever you're doing do it as unto the lord and the lord will bring people into your life that can promote you that can give you favor amen okay uh next question kathy on facebook how do you make divine connections when your daily connection to other people is online so someone that is more or less confined to an online life i guess circumstances make it very difficult to socialize in person and though we are believing the circumstances will change it seems impossible well nothing's impossible and i have made divine connections online but my premise of being online is to be a blessing if you're familiar i have a facebook page barry bennett public figure and on that facebook page i put out posts 365 days a year devotionals little teachings what have you because i want to be a blessing and as i'm a blessing i get reached people reach me from around the world on a daily basis and any number of countries from around the world that where there are some english speakers people write me daily and invite me to conferences invite me to ministry in their church invite me to all kinds of things i don't always i'm not always able to accept but connections are being made through online people i don't know i may never know them and yet connections are being made so it depends again once again on your motivation is your what's your motivation for being online uh strictly entertainment then you're going to be limited in divine connections but if you're online to be a blessing in some way let the lord show you pray who who of these people that i am in contact with online can i pray for uh and then begin to pray for them become their intercessor so there's no limit to what what can be done the only limitations are in our own mind when we think something is impossible then it starts to become impossible but impossible for who it's not impossible for god we just need to be in the flow of god's heart to live to give live to be a blessing amen all right let's see what else we have here d n p d n p on chat how can you know what is seed to sow and what is bred to eat so billy last week talked about that's in the second corinthians 9 god gives seed to the sower and bread for food and so which one is which what do i give well that's up to you what you give and what you eat is up to you that's where we have this capacity as we purpose in our heart we get to be the determining factor in what we give and what we what we consume what we use now i would suggest that you be very careful to take care of your family take care of your obligations your financial obligations uh make sure that i mean that's the primary resource that you have is whatever is coming in from your employment usually or from investments or whatever but take care of your family and then whatever you purpose in your heart can be seed and you can begin to sow into other endeavors sow into ministries so in the churches so into missionaries uh whatever the case may be so you have complete liberty in that some people consume everything that comes in and they have no seed to give or they had it but they ate it so to speak and so it's up to us to determine how much we're going to give and how much we're going to sow and i'll tell you what you can't out give god so many testimonies we have of of being blessed from sources unknown because we live to give we live to bless and so i take care of my obligations but we give with my wife we give quite a bit and we get blessed lots of opportunities lots of blessings come our way it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle and it's one that we've been living for quite a while all right last question that i'll do today is jacob on youtube how do we become how do excuse me how do we become sons of god if we are sinners a great question for any of you that are seeking the lord and have not are not convinced that you're walking with god you're not convinced that you're we'll say born again jesus said you must be born again and what he's speaking of is that in our normal human condition we are independent from god adam made that choice and we're all suffering the consequences adam and eve chose independence from god in the garden of eden and we are suffering the consequences of that so we are born in that that state of independence and jesus came that we might have the opportunity to become dependent on him once again and the way that that is spoken of in scripture jesus says you must be born again or you must be born of the spirit we are we are all born of the flesh but we can be born of the spirit of god and how we do that is that we hear the gospel uh if you can put up ephesians 1 13 i didn't have it in my notes but ephesians 1 13. we'll go through this real quick says in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth so the first thing that happens is we have to hear the gospel we have to hear the word of truth and then in that we trust the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed so first you hear you trust you believe that jesus came to redeem you from from death from the power of sin from the power of darkness you hear that message you believe you trust and it says and then you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise this is the born-again moment when the spirit of god comes into your being and gives new life to your spirit man that was separated from god because of adam's sin and so we get born again and we begin to enter into new life now from that moment you have eternal life with the father but there's a lot to learn we're called babes in christ you may be 60 years old in your body but you're the minute you get born again you're a babe in christ and so there is a process that follows that's why we're here at keras bible college that's why we teach so much we do these online bible studies is we're trying to help people grow in their spiritual life because we all started out as babes and so we begin to get into the word we begin to understand how much god loves us we understand what he's done for us freeing us from the power of darkness and putting us into the kingdom of his of his son and we begin to learn how the kingdom works we begin to learn how to walk in victory and how to enjoy the abundant life so all of these things are thing things that we learn but the key is you must be born again you have to begin with the spiritual birth and it says in scripture that we become a new creation where your old man your old independent self is no more and now a new creation that has depended upon the life of god is has come into existence and then we begin to learn to walk in that amen so let me remind you again tonight 6 p.m mountain time andrew will be here with carrie pickett they'll have a live bible study and you'll be blessed and you'll be able to ask questions live at that time all right so thank you very much god bless you have a great day and we'll see you next time
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,528
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Id: u09I1FtekoI
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Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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