Healing is Here 2017: Day 3, Session 9 - Greg Mohr

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hey good evening everyone welcome to another Healing is here praise God what a great day we've had already man if you're here in the auditorium would you stand up and greet someone you didn't come with tonight and if you're joining us from the internet we wanted to say welcome so much to tonight's session we are so excited about all that God is doing we have had literally hundreds and hundreds of people who have received healings miracles restorations deliverance it's been incredible this week and we're so excited that you're joining us we've received many praise reports from the internet about how the same power that's here in this place is working there in your place where you are and we are so excited to be worshipping the Great Physician tonight the one whose name is above every name the one who says I am the god of the impossible so get ready it's going to be a great night with pastor Greg Moore hallelujah anybody ready to worship in this place come on let's do it [Music] if you did it you should know by now right through you I can do only I can do all things good that you who gives me a strange nothing is impossible through you line neither go bad strongholds approaches I've made things I think nothing is impossible [Music] not gonna live my word deep down I know that you're here with me I know that you can't do you is impossible to grow bed I [Applause] [Music] and I can't believe I was come to live John I know that you're human I know that you can't do [Music] [Music] but the - who gives me strange you - bro I it's impossible [Music] [Music] I can do many now I can do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell somebody next to tonight I'm a believing believer not an unbelieving believer [Music] the dog [Music] by waiters denied because you are strong [Music] the battle the trial in the midst of the storm my confidence my back down I will stand my ground [Music] I'm here to stay [Music] of the fight I all it me to rise up in faith three Oh [Music] in the midst of the battle the tribe in the midst of the storm my victory found No [Music] [Applause] those are strong I No [Music] there's our song [Music] I [Music] so grateful or [Music] caballes declare this tonight together [Music] all of these Oh Oh Oh for Oh [Music] the grand the grammar [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] haha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so grateful Godfrey rejoined it is our strength tonight [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh the key [Applause] you are [Music] you never got [Music] [Music] you're you never got it [Music] can never go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] it's not you're still good you're still good in that sickness it doesn't hold on to you anymore you're free just let it go it's not Lord see it's on the cross Jesus boy it's gone it's good just let it go [Music] the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think we need to give a big shout out right now come on we we rejoice we celebrate in the triumph of the cross we celebrated the triumph of the cross the triumph that cost you everything and that paid our price God we're so grateful so thankful we bless you lord [Music] my god [Music] myah stripes I [Music] my victory your precious beloved flowed from brings new life and sets me free it shook my sin my all town and my sleeve [Music] through Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah I [Music] my pain [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I'll lift your name through the darkest you will never change you're always good when my faith is tried Lord be glorified I hold on to you you're always one of the voiceless [Music] my babies Gauri [Music] all of my life [Music] [Music] I will lift your name [Music] you [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bag [Music] [Applause] [Music] salvation I [Music] when my lord me I'll hold on to you you're always good you will never change you're always good you are still your [Music] come on all over this place let's just lift up our worship to the one who's always good you're always [Music] but we're so grateful to be able to worship to exalt your name that's already exalted but to exalt your name in our attitude in our thoughts in our hearts to magnify what's already magnified Oh God thank you thank you thank you for helping us to get the right perspective and to see what's already high and lifted up the name above the name of of cancer the name above arthritis the name above every sickness every disease the name above every challenge every storm every battle you're always good Lord as the psalmist David said years ago Lord we will sing of Your mercies for your mercies are new every morning we'll sing of your love for us God that endures forever thank you God that we can enter into non-stop worship from a heart of gratitude Lord we give you all the praise and all of the things well praise the Lord give at least to three people a big hug tonight they tell them something like you are the vessel of God the very presence of the Lord dwelling [Music] [Music] there's people gonna be healed here tonight people gonna be delivered here tonight you know it's already bought and paid for you just gotta take it amen you just gotta stretch out your hand and receive it right off I got healed of arthritis I mean the joints I don't have pain and I've had situations in my feet I recently had foot surgery and it messed up the nerve damage of my feet my feet are better they called out tumors the other day I have tumors on the bottom of my feet and they're smaller and they don't hurt it's bad I'm still believing God for complete restoration in my feet so that I can jog again fire fire raise your hands to heaven fire fire fire I woke up off that floor so energized and refreshed and my daughter the same thing I mean she was talking about how refreshed she is and it's awesome and God awesome that he does that right where we need it you know and if I had left I wouldn't have experienced that I'm just believing that manifestation is gonna happen here and I'm gonna go back home to my church to my family back to work completely well I had a very bad ski accident I fractured my tibia plateau which is this tall bone right below the knee I had 14 weeks no weight-bearing in a wheelchair I also fractured my wrist in three places and had another surgery with a plate and screws I've had a lot of pain in my knee I could not walk without a limp and I love to worship and couldn't stand very long worshiping last night God healed me praise God I no longer have the pain I no longer I have swelling in my wrist and I can run and I can hop which is a miracle praise God he gets all the glory healing this here man we don't have to pray for revival to come revival is here the Holy Ghost is here the presence of god is here amen I always know the best is yet to come God saves the good wine till last so it just keeps getting better I'm expecting I don't know what but I'm just expecting [Music] [Applause] now powerful amen have you got a good time at healing is here so far man we still got tonight and all day tomorrow and all night tomorrow as well praise good so the best is yet to come on a welcome you on a welcome the online viewers we have people all around the world watching right now so give a big hand all the online viewers welcome everything I'm talking about here you can find online pose gods all the products I'm talking about and everything going on you can go online awm I'd net or Karis Bible College o RG and you can find the information or you can phone us at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven that's seven one nine six three five eleven eleven if you need any help if you need prayer we have phone ministers right now who would love to pray with you and help you praise God so you know also I got a few things to tell you about real quickly first thing you see I've got Andrews teaching here this is called a better way to pray my son read the book of this when it was about ten years I'll come downstairs he said good morning dad he said you're a hypocrite I didn't really bless me answer what you mean son I said yep you're a hypocrite mumsy be quick Andrew Wommack he's a hypocrite as it explain yourself son he said hypocrites love to pray [Applause] it's right here in the teaching so you'll need you need to get this teaching I'll get the book to find out what Andrews teaching on but praise God this is powerful this change my prayer life I used to have an hour in the morning every morning and I stood read it I used to love singing to God reading the words studying but then when it comes to prayer time would be like ah here we go I'm sure God felt the same way but after I listened to this teacher after I read this book I'll tell you what changed my prayer life praise God this will change this will revolutionize your prayer life I promise you all your money back so who needs to revolutionize their prayer life who's who's the most religious prior here someone who's really religious at praying they have a sorry thing get that to them Matt that'll be great this is Andrews book this is the true nature of God you know this is probably one of the most powerful things when you find out the true nature of God that God's a good God and he doesn't do bad things I tell you this will change your relationship with God and praise got Andrews on this planet to teach the body Christ the true nature of God so this will really bless you do you know the true nature of God there you go you're very welcome this is me this is the life for today study guide I love these and I Andrews got these from the Gospels through to second Timothy through to second Timothy and these are powerful these have all of Andrews study notes in here they have the words broken down into the Greek and things like that can I help you okay just hold on right there there's maps there's maps in here to help you study there do little things and the the Gospels there's a Gospel version of this and it has all four Gospels chronologically put together see where you can read you know a lot the stories we're not four Gospels so you can read that all four stories all the parables across in one on one page so a really blessed this will really help you study the word and bring the word to life so we have these from Matthew all the way through to second Timothy they're available downstairs they'll bless you would you like this okay they go you're welcome good like this book hands out for this book anyone this is called self-centeredness the source of all grief still the hands go down again we gave this away one meeting true story this guy ran out he grabbed this from me then he run back and gave it to his wife they're still looking for his body it's out there somewhere but this will bless you are you self-centered are you self-centered you need this book see it you admitting yourself soon you're gonna get your sister that might strain the relationship they go you can have the that's that's a powerful book my scopes God Oh bless you that would challenge you in place you will at the same time pastor Greg Moore is gonna be speaking tonight who's excited about that a man who's never heard pastor Greg ministers before put your hands up you are in for a treat it's gonna be awesome you are gonna be blessed blessed blessed one of the students favorites here at Karis Bible College the director of Karis Bible cause Colorado Greg Moore and this is his book your healing door and Greg was healed of cancer himself he watched his son be healed as well that as our ferritic disease as Greg on our fruits of disease they've walked out his wife Janice and him have walked out healing in many ways and this this book will show you all the different ways you can receive your healing you know it's not always the same way Jesus ministered different ways to receive healing so this will really help you if you're looking for healing if you've been believing for a healing for more than more than five years then this will really help you because it shows you different ways to receive your healing mat you can give that training the Holy Ghost to give that to someone else available downstairs you didn't get very far this is the conference recording so all the sessions all the morning sessions and the evening sessions have been recorded for you on CD or DVD or USB we haven't had the conference yet so I can't give it to you I'm sorry I'm sorry next time I feel better come back come back sir come back to have a Kerry's private college ball cut there you go so you can order you can order your CD DVD or USB downstairs and if you order the CD or DVD you can actually pick it up Friday evening take it home view so why not buy a couple of copies give once your friends your family enemies whatever give these away these are really bless them it's got every session that you've been through to in this time praise the Lord we had a curious interest meeting today how many who came out the carries interest meeting a man we had a full house nearly 200 people showed up praise God so that was powerful time we've got 19 new students at Kerry's now they may give a big hand and you know we've got we're unapologetically advertising Cara's because we know it works I'm a graduate of carrots barber college I went to Cara's in 2006 and most of the staff here would graduate Sarcos barber cord and they will tell you how great it is you know what it's a discipleship machine and we have so many different ways you can get involved with carers so we have these interest cards if you are not able to make it to the meeting for whatever reason and you're still interested in carries then please hold up your handout rushes have got these interest cards if you'll just fill this out and put it in the offering later or or hand it in at the booth will contact you and you know we won't pester you we will send you an email we may even give you one phone call just to let you know about the different options of carers so please if you are interested in carrots we haven't we're not watching you is an obligation you could just take one and fill it out and drop it in but I really believe carrots will really help you in your walk with the Lord it'll really help you springboard into ministry it will help you be a better husband better wife whatever it is praise God carrots will really help you so if you're interested in carers grab one of those cards fill it out and there's options on there if you're interested in Colorado if interest in your local school if you're interested in online distance learning the hybrid program of things like that that'll really bless you praise the Lord I believe that is everything don't forget your double left turn as you come out tonight we announced it twice and Andrew said he drove out and everyone was still in that left-hand Lane you can go in the right-hand Lane and turn left as you come out there that'll really help the traffic flow tonight praise the Lord I think that is everything so we'll see you tomorrow morning 7:30 to the doors I and praise God so when you have we welcome to stage Carly Tara Dez and Daniel answers they give you some testimonies and some good news [Applause] Wow I tell you what we've got a whole stack of praise reports tonight and our little pile down here is growing there's some new some new items man have you guys had a great time today or why has it been awesome we heard the workshops this afternoon the healing school rather let me back up the healing school this afternoon was so great the panel I personally believe was the best panel that we've ever had it was awesome I don't know maybe it's just because we laughed so much and it was pretty funny I gotta say but had some powerful answers and if you missed today's panel we want to just invite you to catch it on our live stream and then also I was going to say that our workshops we've heard so many great reports about how those workshops have been really been blessing you and been practical and that's the thing that we love is making it practical amen we have a healing running track outside I think it does around a very beautiful Lakes like a phenomenon that started out there so if you have any kind of mobility issues just go out have at it right that's your faith run right there where the provided facility for you amen and take your liberty run around the track and we'll get your testimony all over the place so you know a lot of times people feel like if they're if they're not in the room they're gonna miss out on the power the anointing of God listen to this this is from the internet I wanted you to know in fact this particular one is from this is from Facebook okay yep so I wanted you to know that my knee got healed last night while watching the online livestream at the healing is here conference while mr. wall Mac was teaching this was she said I was up all night Saturday night I ran from 2:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. here in Scotland I injured my right knee over a month ago using it to push heavy furniture across the floor and I moved the knee cap and strained the ligaments and muscles badly I know it just like hurts to talk about it right last night it healed and I could bend and it had full mobility back today it's pain-free and no swelling and fully normal again I heard and felt a loud click and it just snapped back into place and all the tissue damage around it was gone praise Jesus wish I was there in person person sending honor and sincere thanks from Scotland and this one is from Mississippi I was healed tonight while watching the online I've had chronic back pain been to many doctors have been taking prescription strength motrin for more than 15 years I'm completely healed I'm free of pain for the first time thank you Jesus and thank you Andrew we are so blessed amen hallelujah and we literally have a whole stack of praise reports coming in from the internet shoulder pain gone lots and lots of shoulders he gone where is that this one is from Lindy and she's written a testimony saying my daughter Gemma who's 12 years old had a severe cognitive speech disorder and severe speech apraxia and word retrieval last night after the Holy Spirit workshop we went to dinner and for the first time my daughter ordered her meal and the server understood every word this is pretty life-changing if you're a toast really awesome you mean yeah it's gonna change your life forever I think the Lord is healing and we're all standing on the word that by he strokes her speech he's healed completely this is this is a miracle healing my daughter has told me that she wants to go out and lay hands on people for her career for her career and you know what I think is so cool about that Perez report is this girl speech was healed after attending the spiritual gifts workshop how many people work shops this week yeah lift up your hands whoa look around everybody look at that that's awesome all right this one's from Teresa and she says she's been healed of pulmonary event ventricular contractions so let me just say have you wondered why Carly reads these out more than I do it's because she was a nurse I would have to speak in tongues to speak these words some of these you have to get it word and knowledge to read the writing and tell you they're reading tones I tell you anyway yeah so there was a word of knowledge that was cooled out that God wanted to heal somebody with a heart valve issues and she says I knew it was for me I know I stepped on some of the feet of the people sitting in my row sorry sorry like it but I couldn't get to the front fast enough I pushed through the crowd and receive my healing I came here by myself expecting healing God is always good from there sometimes you just got to be tenacious yeah reminds me of the woman with the issue of blood she's to push through the crowd yeah you know come and take back what the devil stole Rain Man amen awesome so we've got lots of different kinds of healings here this person had herpes and nasty viral condition and they said they're healed of that this person was saying that they are after Jerry spoke they were sitting waiting for my husband who was receiving prayer two beautiful ladies came up to me and after asked if I'd receive prayer if I needed any I said yes I've had pain in my feet and knees for about a year Wow at the end of the day my feet would hurt so much I didn't want to walk on them and getting up in the morning would be painful while I prayed and while they prayed I fell in the spirit and received my healing and amazing love washed over me there is no more pain in my knees or in my foot amen this person's healed oh man all right now this one's gonna be challenging mm she and an accordion immune to pain in the neck on the left side and breathing problems and weakness from altitude and they were prayed for the neck was healed it manifested and feel better in my breathing and the dizziness is gone gone amen that's awesome this person was healed of high blood pressure and go out coma in their eyes this one delivered from vertigo and now they said that they can drive the 1,200 miles home with no concern he's God that's awesome we've also got this sir oh this is a good one look at this one yeah this person came they had cancer and they'll believe in further healing and they receive ministering their doctor they said they've got text from the doctor saying they don't need chemo that's what I'm talking about yeah all the chemo people being and delivered from smoking addiction nicotine addiction yeah mmm and this one is healed of sign this is a man they can breathe and then we have our host summary over here what something looks on this one okay so we've got people have been healed of eye floaters knee pain cramps bloating pinched nerves neck pain breathing problems wrists cysts kalau coma shoulder pain pain on the side of the body from brain surgery anxiety and panic attacks cognitive speech disorders chest pain stomach issues allergies back pain arthritis blurry vision headaches and speech disorders whoo man going on I've been busy man it's been a busy time Jesus has been healing people it has been a busy time an amazing time and you know what isn't it exciting to be a part of something that hasn't passed away amen something that's alive and well and that's the power that's in you the Bible says that the Word of God is alive and powerful so wherever you have come from how many of you are here tonight this is your very first session at healing is here can we see your hands this is the very first session you've attended probably 10 people let's welcome them yeah thank you for coming and being a part of it give them a little wave yeah that's awesome every wave to people in the wave to the people the overflow wave you know you may not but but we're not done yet no right we're just beginning the tip of the iceberg amen I mean I'm looking forward to pastor Greg coming up to preach I am - it's gonna be amazing so let's welcome back to the stage the founder of Andrew Wommack ministries in Karis Bible College what a blessing and Jamie Andrew would you come and let's welcome Andrew as he comes we're so appreciate [Applause] hallelujah let's praise Jesus for how great it's been hallelujah man I tell you I've loved it this has been awesome and I want to thank you know everybody our praise and worship has just been powerful man thanks to all of our praise and worship people haven't you enjoyed that and of course Daniel and Carly have just been a blessing but we've got a lot of people working with the cars and all of the things behind the scene did you know that on top of everything else Carly's in charge of all of our conferences so in her spare time she's overseeing everything I tell you we've just got people that have been working late getting up early and and praise God for all of the people who make this work getting it great and pastor Greg Moore told me that they were talking about the workshops and Steve Bartlett who's like our resident evangelist are you here Steve here's Steve he's a blessing and we heard that there was like how many people were baptized in the Holy Spirit all of the people who were baptized in the Holy Spirit during Steve's they'll stand up those of you that received the baptism of the Holy Spirit allured man that's awesome praise God so anyway God's just doing wonderful wonderful things praise God well we're going to give you another opportunity to give tonight and you know I've had a couple of people asked I assume that people have heard about what God is doing here but I don't want to assume so we are gonna play a little video for you just recently and I think it was March let me give you a little bit of a background that we bought this property in 1979 September 1979 I was in Charlotte at that time but Jamie is one that signed the papers and was it closing at 19 our 2009 what did I say 1970 I don't know where that came from it was 2009 2009 and by the way if you haven't gone on our website and seen the video that we call the little star video it's under the history of this property you ought to go see it I could but we could play that that would be awesome but I'm not going to do it but you need to go see it because a man in let's say when was this 1990 it would have been 1993 no is 1993 don't confuse me Ashley I'm confused enough anyway I was over in England but a man got born again had two weeks to live he owned this property he had a vision and saw buildings here where people could sit and learn about God with glass all across the southern side so that they could see pack speak I didn't know that but on that exact day I was in England and God spoke to me about starting this school and we actually opened it in 1994 and when we bought this property I didn't know any of these things we design these buildings we built them and after we had already got them designed we found out that he had this vision and so I say all of this just to say that this is not my vision this is not what I'm doing this is what God is doing and he just blessed me to get to be one of the ones involved in it I am not dreaming these things up it is downloaded and then all of the people that God has sent to it's just phenomenal but anyway when we sign the papers in 2009 the people who sold us his property said we've got an additional property over here that's for sale if you wanted and so that kind of planted the seed and I think over the last that would be eight years but probably five years we have talked to them numerous times about acquiring their property but I'm not going to go in debt everything that you see here has been done debt-free and I am NOT gonna go in debt and of course this is millions of dollars they've got a building over there that's 60,000 square feet and it's a similar design to this it's like God built this for me so we've been in contact with them multiple times and every time we discussed it we talked about leasing it we've talked about all kinds of things and every time it just bogs down because I'm not gonna go in debt and so anyway long story but this year they came to us and they had a cash buyer I think 27 million dollars had been offered for that property in the building and the guy had cash but they wanted us to have it so they came and they said let's make this work so we started into negotiations again and this time I said I'm not gonna go in debt and so long story they just said what will you do and I told him I said well I'll pay for it I don't mind paying you but I'm not gonna go and anyway there's more technical things but we signed the papers on this on May the 1st and I am paying this out every penny I give them goes directly to the purchase there is zero interest we saved over thirteen million dollars in interest and even at that it was a miracle because anyway they wanted to pay out they wanted us pay a lot more than what I offer them they wanted it to be half the term that I offered them they wanted a number of things we've put an out in this that if something was to happen to me we could walk away from that and we have zero debt zero obligation and so anyway it's just it's a god deal and I want to show you a little video if they play this video about this property that is next to us and I don't think there's any music with that I'll just narrate it the red that you see is where we are the 157 acres that we call the sanctuary the blue is the additional 336 acres that we just acquired and so this is again just another view of it and it's exactly 0.62 miles one kilometer for all of our Brits and European stuff amen huh Oh all right so anyway this is our building and this is a drone fly over towards the other property it was thus terminus that gave us this property or that we got this property from and that's their building over there where you're flying over right now is where we're going to put some of the student housing if you look down in this valley that the drone is flying over that's the boundary to this property and then on the other side of the road is where that other property starts and so we got 336 acres it goes along that Ridge all the way down to those hills that you can see down in the distance and this is the sturm ins building it's sixty thousand square foot building it's got four levels on it it's actually got five if you count the little basement that they have down in there and down in the very bottom part of this where you see this traffic circle we're putting a monument there that will have all of the names of what we call our elite partners the people who have enabled us to purchase this and we're going to put that on there and and give them credit for helping us to purchase this property and so this is the view from there you can see where we are over there in the distance up in the upper right it's an awesome piece of property we got this this first building that you see closest to us was built in the 1890s this other one is a maintenance shed which we will definitely put to use and and so this goes back towards the entrance to this place where you came in there's our security gate that you see right there and you can see all of our parking out here of course at the time this drone did it we didn't have it full but as you well know we've now utilized both of those parking spots plus we have two more parking spots up the hill there and then we got one down hill we've got people parked everywhere and we've had to use these buses so we are in negotiate Asians with a man right now who may build our parking garage for us and he would have to have a return on his investment so we may have to charge the students you know a parking fee for doing it but by this time next year we hope to have a parking garage that parks a thousand 85 cars which will be a real blessing praise God and you can see where the cross is that's the building that we're in right now and the other building over here is over twice as big as the one that we're in right now this goes inside of that building that we have 60,000 square feet this is entering on the third level this is a welcome desk on that third level and as you can see it's got an open design with wooden beams it's a little more modernist it's got steel exposed and things but it's a very similar type construction this is the other side of that welcome desk and it's a sitting area and they've got these cubicles in there they at one time had 189 employees in this place right now they have about ten I think it is and so anyway it's good for them it's good for us they've got these decks that go completely around that building and so there's all of these decks that surround this building this is one of the break rooms they have a full industrial kitchen on one of the levels this is on the second level looking down to the basement we'll clear all of this out and we'll put our television studio down there and all of our production facilities and this is just some more of the break room for those of you that don't know we still have over 200 maybe 250 employees down in Colorado Springs we have a total of 500 employees in the US and maybe 650 worldwide and 250 are still down in Colorado Springs so what this will do it will enable us to be able to bring our 200 plus employees up here and we'll be able to once again connect the ministry which really would help because it's a it's an effort it's a 30 minute drive from here down to our other facility and we have to go and do things and it just you know it's it's gonna be really convenient it would be nice to have everybody up here I believe that God ordained this and it's gonna be awesome amen [Applause] and so we've got all kinds of plans I haven't got the time I don't want to take the time to tell you all of it but we are gonna build a Student Activities Center where the students can get together over here and have their meals we're going to be putting in student housing we're gonna be putting in a Sports Complex we're gonna have a performing arts theater and this gives us now a total of 493 acres and you know I I didn't ask for this this is one of the reasons that all of this came to pass because when they started the negotiations what can you do and you know I never do I hadn't talked to them in a year I wasn't in on any of this it was all of the people that worked for me and they went over and negotiated and they had their lawyers and everybody there and they were negotiating and finally you know it came down to the same thing about I'm not gonna pay any interest I'm not gonna take out a loan for this and so during one of the breaks the lawyer came up to Paul milling in our CEO and he says you're gonna walk away from this unless we do this debt-free and he said absolutely and he says you're serious and he says absolutely and finally they just said alright what will you do and we wrote the terms and they accepted and it's just it's phenomenal it's phenomenal what happened but we didn't pursue this and we told them said look we live without it I don't care this is not you know I'm not here to build the kingdom we're just here to touch people's lives but since all of this has come to pass it has just shown me that God has plans for this place that are huge because to give us 493 acres I can already see a lot of things but you know what we got room to do all kinds of things and I really believe that this is going to become one of the Primo Bible schools in the world and that God is going to be touching people's lives you know we're increasing at anywhere from 12 to 15 percent per year and I we had a meeting last week with Greg and I figured out that if we just increased that 10 percent over the next 10 years that by 2027 if Lord tarries we would have over 2300 students on this campus and over 18,000 students at our other schools if we just continue to grow at 10% and that has we've always outgrown that every year so I think the Lord's got big plans for this place I'm gonna encourage you to give and to be a part of this and to help us accomplish this vision let me did they pass out the envelopes already let me share this with you out of Luke chapter 5 this is where Jesus was teaching in Luke chapter 5 verse 1 it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God he stood by the lake of knesset and saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and we're washing their nets and he entered into one of his ships which was Simons and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship and of course you know this story that after he taught he told him to go out into the deep he said let down your nets plural for a catch of fish and they said we've been fishing all night nevertheless at your word we will do it and they let down the net singular well this is one of the things God's really spoke to me that you've got to be able to be ready to receive your inheritance there's a lot of people that are praying for God to bless them and if he blessed you you wouldn't have room enough to receive it so he told him to let down the nets they let down one net and of course they caught so many fish that they couldn't handle them all and so it says that they beckoned unto their partners in verse 7 it says they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship that they would should come and help them and they came and filled both the ships so that they begin to sink man that's awesome that's awesome and you know what here's one of the points I want to make that the Lord hid says he prayed them to could he use their boat he didn't demand it you know as creator he could have come and demanded this but he prayed them that's Old English for he asked them he requested he be seats them can I use your boat and because they lent him their boat you know what he paid him back God's not cheap God doesn't do things free and so because they had blessed him he says let it go out into the deep went down your nets and they caught so many fish their boats begin to sink and Peter had to call his partners James and John and they begin to feel both boats and it began to sink I mean you talk about just for maybe an hour or two hours use of your boat you catch so many fish that it's sinking both your boats but God is awesome God is not cheap and I'm telling you that when you give this is just an illustration that when you give it will be given back unto you and so I want to encourage in this offering that the Lord is asking you to trust him he's asking you to give and when you give it's gonna come back unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over so much so that you've got to call your partners to help you receive all of this and you know what God is blessing me and blessing this ministry so much that we are calling for partners to help us receive all of these blessings and these blessings will go to your benefit so tonight as we give I just encourage you to give we've got at least 200 million dollars that we need to spend over the next 10-15 years and we need partners partners catch more fish amen so we would love to encourage you if you've been blessed by this we would like to encourage you to become a part of it because you know what we are wanting to expand and as soon as I get this auditorium finished we will have it finished by next summer that how's 3200 over there and of course with closed circuit we could handle four or five thousand people in here and just think what this would be like if we could just multiply it by three or four times wouldn't that be great see three or four times as many people heal and so they have these cards up if you would like to be a partner I've already asked for this two nights in a row but if you haven't gotten one of these and if you would like to become a partner please let us know so that it helps us to plan if we know that people are gonna stand with us and they're gonna become a partner and help us so if you want to get one of these pray about it please take that father right now in the name of Jesus we just thank you thank you so much for what you're doing father we recognize you we give you the glory and we just thank you for the great plans you have for this place and I'm asking that you would touch people's hearts tonight that they would want to get involved they father they would become a part of it help us reach out and change people's lives all over the world and father I thank you I believe that you are touching people that they are responding to you and as they give we believe it's going to come back unto them good measure pressed down shaken together and running over we just thank you for such an abundance that they won't even have room enough to be able to receive it and father we thank you for that and agree on it in Jesus name Amen praise God you can receive the offering you know tonight we're gonna have another performance but instead of this being from God with us which is what we've done the last two nights this is going to be from our Christmas production and we also have a musical that we put on at Christmas this is about the fourth wise man who wasn't able to come with the three wise men of course if you're actually into Scripture you know that there doesn't say there were three that's tradition but anyway this is the fourth wise man who wasn't able to come until years later and he wound up giving all of the things he was going to give to the Lord away he wound up getting leprosy because he helped the lepers and anyway it's just sad he was dying and he had never found his key you'd been searching for his King for 30-something years and finally one of the lepers that he helped which will be Ivar in this musical that you will see the leper was one of the ten that went to Jesus and got cleansed and he's the one that went back and gave thanks you'll be seeing that on the screen up there and they're singing to him about I found my king and I tell you this is awesome so are we ready to do this is everything good are they going to leave this pulpit up here oh okay so that's what we're going to do and after that we'll come back and I'll introduce Greg more jerky is not like any other man I've ever seen his humble rose couldn't disguise his royalty with just one look into his eyes I knew that he had to be our King not far from we were outside the city gates crying for help we saw multitude that followed this one man which right to get to him those who were with him through so net us calling us and coolly [Music] there was no fear when they approached pervert sweets deep within my son [Music] restored my soul [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my founder King in just one moment all items were swept away we knew he was the one we've waited for so long he is the son of David son of Ellie masterpiece just son [Music] do not turn [Music] you [Music] my heart his words restored my soul I am forever hold I found my kid [Music] his love reached out to me his phone free for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] his words restored my soul I am for [Music] is love reached out to me now [Music] go fight [Music] [Applause] praise God and that's awesome and you know this musical it's gonna be I think December the 8th through the 10th does anybody know December the 8th through the 10th if you'd love to come and see that it's just awesome and it's actually told in flashbacks to this book about the 4th king but it's got all of the modern Christmas songs in it it's got a family that's reading this book and reading this story and intermingled with it is all of the traditional Christmas songs plus we decorate this place it's awesome at Christmas man you ought to come and be a part of it it would be wonderful amen praise God well we've got Greg more up tonight and I tell you Greg and Janice have been a blessing to us for many many years do you remember when you first came to the ministers conference what year it was 1994 Wow and I remember Greg and Janice came they were pastoring in Decatur Texas and they were under a lawsuit and a millions of dollars lawsuit and they came needing a touch and man did they get Janice has a funniest laugh you ever heard and she got the laughing she laughed uncontrollable Greg's hair was weighed out in his face and they were drunk as a skunk but they got free and man ever since then I've been going to his church and Decatur he also pastored in Houston for a while he graduated from Rhema and how many years have you been here now six years here and it's only been what maybe one year two years you're going into your second year of directing the school this is the second year of directing the school and Greg came here and just served us any way that he could and I tell you he's a faithful man the students love him they are just awesome and he brings all of his experience to this and I tell you he is a real real blessing so let's welcome Greg Moore as he comes and ministers to [Applause] [Applause] now you understand God's no respect your persons yeah I mean you healing is yours and you've heard that and you I mean today tonight is your night so you tonight is my night I want to get into the word but let me tell you a funny first okay this is uh this is cold a tech wedding dearest daddy I'm coming home to get married soon so get out your checkbook lol I mean I'm in love with a boy who is far away from me as you know I'm in Australia and he lives in Scotland we met on a dating website became friends on Facebook well had long chats on what's up he proposed to be on skype and now we've had too much of two months of relationship through viber my beloved and favorite dad I need your blessing good wishes and a really big wedding lots of love and thanks your daughter Lily my dear Lily like wow really cool whatever I suggest you to get married on Twitter have fun on tango by your kids on Amazon and pay for it all through PayPal and when you get fed up with this online relationships sell the guy on eBay [Applause] oh well praise God um you know when they when they were singing that song and also one of the worship songs it was just very moving to me because I was I was telling Janis as I was preparing for this message that uh God reminded me that it was 40 years ago this month that I got the report back that I was cancer-free praise God I had a I had a golf-ball size growth in my neck and they removed that and said it was a thyroid cancer they needed to remove my thyroid they didn't know if they could save my voice box and you know it's you get pretty serious about that laneway we prayed and and believed God and he gave us instruction about what to do how to cooperate with his healing power and and we went back and had a test run and they could find nope in fact they just they said the doctor said you're gonna I'm sending you to do this test just to see how to better operate and they could find no more cancer in my body and you die and then I went back to the doctor and that did the surgery he said well we'll just take your thyroid out just to be safe Savannah it's like taking my heart out to see if I'm if it's beating no thanks but we have Janice and I have recognized and have walked in healing you know for these 40 plus years that's brought that's brought healing to me from cancer healing from an are arthritic muscular condition to my son Michael who is uh who works in Andrews television department produces his daily program my granddaughter Joey who they may be watching from Rosenberg Texas but she was in her mother's womb they did several sonograms and she had club feet one of the feet were turned backwards and she's super she was supernaturally healed by the power of God when her when her dad took a took of the authority that he had his dad and her dad mom took authority that they had and he was he was she was born perfectly normal except for it except for extra skin over her ankles which would which is what would have happened had they had the surgery then then I mean Lisa's just seen over the years so many miracles and look you just you just came too late to tell me that God doesn't heal today amen and in last November I hadn't been in a hospital in 40 years since that time and then I had pneumonia and sepsis and and I we were actually we're between we were out ministering in Florida and and and we're just having a day off and I was we were out by the beach and a restaurant and and I you know I got shakes and and I was I got fever and and I mean I lost my lunch and and I had I mean it was just it wasn't I couldn't I was having a hard time breathing and I'd been feeling fine and and so we anyway long story short we ended I ended up in the hospital at my wife's urged urging and uh so just well I thought I had food poisoning anyway the bottom line is this the principles that I'm going to talk to you about tonight that you've heard already they have they brought me through that I had pneumonia and sepsis and you know I didn't even want to know what sepsis was I didn't even look it up I told Janice don't look it up I don't even know what it is huh you know killed George Washington so you know it's not good stuff but how many of you know that uh that the Big C G Jesus Christ is greater than the then the little C cancer forty years ago and and how many of you know the big P the Prince of Peace is greater than the little P pneumonia hey man praise God and the big ass my Savior is greater than the little ass sepsis and what about what we've discovered over the years if there are there are enemies to your healing that if you don't if you don't recognize what they are and you don't you don't understand how to deal with them then the enemy can get you deceived and can can rob you from your healing the the devil is defeated but he's not dead and Eve the Bible says he walks around seeking whom he may devour and he can only devour those who are ignorant of his devices and her ignorant of their the inheritance that belongs to them because of because of the cross and so I want to talk to you tonight about enemies to your healing and it really ties into Andrews message because once you understand what these enemies are you deal with them it will help you develop an attitude of faith that will cause you to receive healing every time and tonight I'm just declaring to you declaring to you tonight is your night to receive the healing that you came for you don't have to put it off anymore tonight is your night and if you believe that and you'll receive it and we're gonna see all kinds of healings happen tonight Amen praise God so the enemy number one that I want to talk to you about is blindness everybody say blindness now Andrew talked about this the other night but I'm just gonna preach it better so now I'll just emphasize some different things so primarily is what I'm what I want to focus on is first Corinthians 11 first Corinthians 11 29 through 30 and I'm reading out of the King new King James and for he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself not discerning the Lord's body everybody say not discerning the Lord's body okay well what what's the result of not discerning the Lord's body for this reason what reason not discerning the Lord's body many are weak and sick among you and many sleep and so one of the one of the primary reasons why people are sick and and the proud one of the primary reasons is is they they go home to be with Jesus early is because they they are not seen or discerning the Lord's body they're blind to the Lord's body and there are three dimensions of this and I want to I want to talk about four first of all first dimension is discerning the Lord's physical body that atone for our sins our sicknesses our peace of mind and our prosperity on the cross yes and Isaiah 53 verse four and five says surely he bore our griefs and that were griefs as sicknesses and carried our sorrows which is the word pain as if we could translate it pains say he bore my sicknesses and carried my pains and what he bore I'm not gonna bear I'm not gonna take yet we steamed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions not his he was bruised for our iniquities not his and those iniquities are our iniquity patterns or send patterns or even generational includes generational curses that a lot of people think that you still have you don't have that that the cross the cross destroyed your generational curves so just just those of you who are focused on generational curses get over it 2000 years ago it was Dale was dealt with hallelujah the chastisement for our peace was upon him so that's a peace of mind but that word peace is the word Shalom which includes prosperity so he was made poor that we might be made rich yes and him by His stripes we are healed and in first Peter 2:24 looks backward at the cross and said by His stripes you were healed look at your neighbors and say he's talking to you you were healed whatever provision is included in the atonement of Jesus on the cross it belongs each one of us right whatever whatever was in the atonement whatever Jesus died to provide for us it belongs to us it's part of our inheritance he didn't die for himself he died for you and me and he died for you and me to give us everything that we see here in these verses so you know what what he died to give me I'm gonna I'm gonna receive and I'm not gonna go without somebody said well I'd rather have salvation and healing well Healing is part of your salvation and part of the problem with people receiving healing is that they they believe they really believe that Jesus died for their sins and you how many of you ever let anybody to the Lord okay when you let them to the Lord I mean how many of you ever let a bad dude to the Lord or a bad chick to the Lord I mean she'd I mean they were bad I mean it was I mean gangbangers and all kind how many of you know Jesus blood paid the price for that okay when you let them to the Lord will it lift your hand again if you've led someone to the Lord and the rest of you need to get to work we got oh we got a job to do but when you led them to the Lord did you did you pray oh god I'm really hoping and really we see that your blood could somehow reach out to this rotten scoundrel of a guy did you know you didn't get in doubt that that person would be saved did you why why why didn't you doubt because you believed what did you believe that that was already done 2,000 years ago right Jesus already paid the price listen guys the same price that was paid for our sins would pray but was paid for our healing and what happens in many of the healing lines people I know because I pray for people all the time and they'll come in and and it's like they're wishing upon a star you know they're just they're just it's the roll of the dice they're they're just hoping that mercy drops can fall upon them that day but no you don't have mercy drops fell in the form of Jesus blood 2,000 years ago and so I come boldly to the throne of grace to find mercy and help in time of need based on what Jesus did 2,000 years ago I don't and here's what a lot of people do they come to God for healing not for salvation but for healing like they're going to a loan officer for for asking for an unsecured loan true well I've come today to tell you blindness about that is an enemy that will keep you from receiving your healing you believe it about you believe it about your salvation you believe it about forgiveness of sins and I want to tell you we need to discern the Lord's body and see all that he atoned for us at the cross and we need to take it it's part of our inheritance he didn't die for himself he died for us and we don't have to beg for healing or peace of mind or prosperity or forgiveness of sins it's it's ours if we eat cheese has already died he'd be deposited in your spiritual account when you're born again it gets a sign into your spirit man and if you'll believe it it'll manifest but you've got to see it if you remain blind to this and you're just begging God for healing you can't you can't receive which vision is more real to you the stripes Jesus took on his back for you or this or the sickness and the pain that you're dealing with wait listen guys do you know why people are sick and you know why people die early they're not seeing they've got if they've got a vision of their sickness and their disease or the poor the problem greater than what Jesus did with cross the second dimension is is the law of discerning the Lord's body is his spiritual body on earth right how many of your part of the body of Christ you're born again how many of your part of the body of Christ okay listen our our my relationship with you I've got to discern that relationship and walk in forgiveness with you even with Ashley they'll walk in forgiveness with them okay how many how many of you ever had any ever had any eg ARS in your life extra grace required eg horse you know or let are sandpaper person that rubs you the wrong way you know who that is right don't look to the left or the right and incriminate yourself but look guys when we walk through we walk it through life you're gonna you're going to run into people who offend you or people that do you wrong or people that you know stick a knife in your back or they betray you or they talk about you or they're not nice to you and and they're not sweet to you and and you know and all that and you're tempted to get offended you've got to discern the Lord's body if you allow if you allow unforgiveness in your heart or bitterness in your heart a root of bitterness Hebrews 12 says we'll call will spring up in you and it'll trouble you and it'll defile others and it caused you to fall short of the grace of God and it'll call it allow the enemy to eat your lunch and what what does that mean when Andrew says that what does that mean it means you're given the enemy place and part of that is he comes in and messes with you and you've got to see you've got to discern the Lord's body that you're a part of a body and and I we don't have we don't have the option to live and unforgiveness and offense and all this amen and I mean I don't have time to unpack all of this but the third dimension of the rightly discerning the Lord's body has to do with you say me your part you are par you not part of his body you've got to see yourself as part of his body in fact first Corinthians let's see what verse so on first Corinthians 12 27 now you are the body of Christ and members in individually or in particular you and I are members of the Jesus body how many of you know his body's not say you got to see yourself as a member of his body Romans 8:11 but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you are you born again he dwells in you and he who raised Christ from the dead will quicken or get give life to your mortal body who dwells in you got to see that Jesus is bigger in you greater is He Who is in you than he that's in the world it's trying to attack your body and with the reason why many people are sick they're not discerning themselves as part of the body of Christ you are and you're in for you're part of the body you're not sick his body's not sick can you imagine Jesus walking on their earth and this kind of vintage decrepit and you know ho I've got pain Oh what if he lived to 70 you know and and will he still live past 70 but anyway what if you look on the earth I mean you know and he look can Jesus didn't he he touched lepers and the leprosy left sickness laughs disease left a man you need we need to see ourselves that way mark came in and I'm praying for you as Andrew prayed there the night that you discern and identify yourself as a healthy member of his body filled with the resurrection power of Jesus and and forgive and the ability to look you've got his nature you have the ability to forgive yeah praise God seasons 1 17 through 19 I'm not going to read all that but that's just Paul's prayer and 'red tender shared it with us the other night and they are the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened to who we really are what we have yeah and that's one reason blindness to this is one reason people do not are not healed and and also blindness to that will keep you from establishing the kind of attitude of faith that Andrew talked about the other night number enemy number two enemy number two and there's probably better ways to state this but undervaluing the word everybody say undervaluing the word here's what I mean by that placing greater value or attaching greater significance to a doctor's report to your experience to somebody else's opinion whatever okay if you undervalue the word and you place greater significance to a doctor's report how many of you know that doctor operates in functional authority he's been trained to function in a medical field yes and so what here's the problem we esteem the fact that he went to eight years of college or 12 years of whatever and and now he knows everything do you know I had a doctor who was an elder of Andrew and Jamie know dr. Jeff in our church he was an elder in our church and he said you know a lot of my patients know more about their disease and I do yeah you can google it you can find out her you know everybody knows so much about the about the problem they're going through I didn't want to know what's it I did not want to know what sepsis was and I thought they were I was going to the hospital to pump my stomach out because I was asking my wife for a for a thermostat instead of a thermometer and I was delirious and going in and out and so I obeyed her and when I didn't want to go hadn't been to the I don't we don't look I'm not against doctors and hospitals okay my job dr. Jeff is a friend of mine you know but we played golf together I didn't go to his clinic one time I went to his clinic trying to talk to him about something had to wait an hour yeah so the next time he wanted to see me in my office I told my secretary just let him sit out there for a little bit [Applause] he came in Pastor rag man I'm man I got appointments and I'm busy and what's the deal I said well you know this is a little bit of your own medicine but so I'm I'm going I'm going to the hospital to get my stomach pumped out November in Florida and so and then they come in and tell me I've got double pneumonia and sepsis and I you know and didn't sound give us like I felt fine before that day and no I don't know no I don't have it I'm not taking it I'm not receiving it I'm not I'm not saying I'm not dealing with something in my body but that's a rep but but and then then it came to me I have you know one day and I'm in there on Wednesday night and then I'm in there did sleep on that I just lay on this they couldn't even find a bed for me and do I look short and I mean I had I mean I was out of bed where my knees did I mean my legs were hanging off and anyway and so I'm in there and and and then they come in the next night and and uh and then they tell me now you know mr. Moore I just want you to know this is very serious you know six weeks ago somebody ten years younger than you died [Music] hallelujah good report it's awesome and then the next night Friday night I couldn't breathe and then they put this Darth Vader mask on me CPAP mask and you know you couldn't talk and then he rushed me to a bigger hospital and there were there was a counselor nurse and they're trying to trying to comfort my wife and she's about to lose her husband and she said I get me out of here I'm not losing my husband I'm losing you so I'm losing and so so so she she got in a Kirk are English and I was I was laying there and she was she's right behind the ambulance honking and flashing her lights and then waving she said we were gonna go on our anniversary you know in Tampa and we're still gonna go on our anniversary in there you know and misuses praising god and then they put me in a bigger Hospital and I mean it was like yeah I mean I couldn't my my my my white cell blood count was off the charts my blood pressure was 55 over 40 my my oxygen level was 78 it's supposed to be over 90 anyway it was it wasn't good but but we had all these reports but here's here's the pro here's the problem guys is many times what we do is we place significance in that more value on a doctor who's got only got functional Authority you understand if what in this building over here that we're building all right we have architects and we got contractors and you know if one of the architects or engineers or contractors comes in says you know Andrew says we all want to do this or this you know or Jamie wants a room over here this like this and they come back and say well you know we can't do this and and that we're that we're engineers and we function in this area we've been trained and sorry but if God tells androids we're gonna do it how many of you know delegated authority that they have Trump's functional Authority no you need to get that delegated authority which you and I have Trump's functional Authority and and a doctor all he's got is functional Authority I'm not gonna look I am NOT going to submit to to a report that tells me something different than the Word of God and that is an enemy undervaluing the Word of God and accepting some other report I'm not denying that I'm dealing with the sickness I'm just denying that it's gonna have the final word my Pastor Bob Nichols says says this he says like this the first report is not the last report in fact he spoke that at a ministers conference and that was what a Andrew and Jamie's one of the things Andrew and Jamie stood on when that when their son died and and he's still alive amen so you know isaiah 53:1 says who has believed our report and to whom of all whom has the arm of the lord been revealed how many of you want the arm of the lord to be revealed to you that's the power of God including healing okay look the power of God including healing is revealed to whoever believes this report above every other report and I you know you could I mean each of these points that I'm gonna bring up you could spend we could spend you know all night on but the bottom line is in November I didn't we what we didn't deny the fact that we were dealing with stuff I couldn't breathe okay but my daughter who's right here Michelle stand up in fact my daughter stand up Michelle and Madeline there's my daughter and my granddaughter right here and now if I would if I if I didn't run off the enemy off of my body to be healed from cancer in 1977 my daughter and my granddaughter and my youngest son and then his children wouldn't be here today do you think that's important plus all the spiritual sons and daughters but my daughter got on the phone and called Dan and winter who is the director of Jacksonville school extension school and he drove an hour and she said my daddy and mom travel all over the world helping people and they need help right now and so he traveled and he but he brought he came down and grabbed a couple of guys that came in that came in and man Janice said when they when they came in the room light came in the room and that light spoke to her and it said I'm an where two or three are gathered together I am there in the midst to carry out what they agree on and one of these guys prophesied to me may your greatest season is ahead of you you're not gonna die you're gonna let man it was it was it was awesome I didn't feel any better there was nothing like that but let me tell you something we did not accept the report of the doctor the doctor said you mr. Moore you're gonna be here for 10 or 14 days in CCU and and then we don't know I'm here at bad shape and that was on Friday night and it was like 12:30 when Danone and them came and then the next day everybody's saying next day and that next day Paul and Patsy Milligan came visit uh and my son my oldest son came and they prayed for me the next day 24 hours later the doctor is sitting at the end of my bed and standing there and he's just shaking his head he said mr. Moore I do not know what to attribute this to I'm really I'm just you know doctors served they they they're pretty busy and he stood there I'm just trying to figure this out look at your blood pressure there last night it was 55 over 40 right now it's normal he said I just got your blood report if you were sky-high your white blood count with Scott it's normal it's normal he said this doesn't happen he said your oxygen level was 78 you couldn't breathe you don't need the mask now look at it it's it's 92 and rising and he said I do not know what to tribute this to I said I do that says doctor Jesus and the word and a whole lot of people standing with me just praying for me standing against the enemy amen but let me tell you let me tell you guys that look that we live by this this isn't this isn't just a message this is a life it's it's okay I mean I we were there in November in Florida and them telling us all this stuff and it was bad you know and then we got get home and I mean I'm home two days later and I and I go to the doctor here they would say you got to go to a doctor I didn't have a doctor who's your doctor doctor Jesus so I found a doctor you got it you got it you got to take a scan and see how you know if everything's okay so I did I went in talked to the doctor met him said hi how are you doing and you need to look at everything everything looked good no sepsis or anything he said well I think sir we need to do a colonoscopy on [Applause] that's it I so let me let me I said which ND which n is the problem I said what is it a Mon you have to do with a colonoscopy so no I think I'll think I'll pass on that a little deal and they but they anyway they ran a scan and that's the problem with going to hospitals and doctors they're gonna try to run you through their system and I'm not against um thank God for them ok I'm not I'm not mad you know I'm not mad at doctors and not against them they were there working together they just they just haven't they're just working in the natural realm and they're limited how many of you know well the Holy Ghost and the Word of God is not limited and so they didn't didn't scan on me and he said there is no sign a week later no sign of pneumonia sepsis in you sir amen and you know why because we did not allow the report of the doctor to supersede the report of the Lord whose report will you believe the arm of the Lord is stretched out tonight it's already was stretched out 2,000 years ago but to manifest his healing power for whoever will hold up this truth and exalt the truth above the facts and exalt his report above every other report amen praise God you keep exalting the truth above the facts of truth will win out enemy number three Andrew talked about this other night so I'm not going to spend somewhat very much time on this tolerance of sickness why would we do that when the Bible says the thief cut in John 10:10 the thief comes not but to steal kill and destroy acts 10:38 then says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost in power who went about doing good and he all who were oppressed by the devil did you understand if you've got if you need healing if you have sickness in your body that's immeasurable that's a dimension of oppression of the devil you understand sickness is not from God ever ever it's not the will of God ever and why would anybody want it why would anybody want tolerate sickness well because of the attention we receive your mom your mom changes from a drill sergeant to a caring and compassionate nurse when you're sick oh yeah you get subbing up and you get to watch stay home from school and she warms your fevered brow and you get all this all this special attention and that feels good you get to stay home from school other people are more merciful towards you when you're sick listen when I when I got out of the hospital they they maybe go to the airport in a in a wheelchair in Parliament Hall Milliken was pushing me in a wheelchair and carrying a Pete a lot of luggage pushing me I was heavier little luggage and anyway we got through that we got and then you know he got up there because I'm in a wheelchair they put me right in the front of the line I didn't have to wait through lines but you know what I could have got that in that wheelchair when I got off the plane I decided you know what I'm not good I am not living like I am not identifying with this I'm not living like this I don't I don't care if I gotta crawl to the car I'm not you're not putting me in a wheelchair forget it some of you need to get angry at wheelchairs so some of you thank God for all the things that can help us to do and I'm not against you know the a DA or whatever it's but you know some people I don't want a handicap sticker on my car I don't want to be identified with that what I mean can we believe God to just walk a little bit or move a little bit but you know we get all this benefits you know from from being sick or being disabled I've probably tried to pray for some people one time to be healed this one guy I mean it's happened more than once I said what do you want to be heated you want will you be healed well yeah I want to be healed I said okay well well you're gonna have to give up your disability oh no don't pray for me no because I had a word of knowledge the guy the reason the guy was still sick was me and he didn't get healed because he didn't want to lose his disability no you think this is you think this is how that's not really real oh it's real and it's the reason why it's an enemy you've got to see these things and enemies and drive them off your off your land I am NOT tolerating sickness I'm not tolerating pain look I'm just I'm not the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7:17 to King James surely oppression makes a wise man mad and I am NOT I'm not putting up with with sickness and disease we need to get mad everybody say mad I mean there's you can be mad and you're talked about the other night sickness and disease actually and all the benefits that you get from it actually can become a tradition of men to us in our home that makes the Word of God of none effect because you get all this attention and you get all this you know all these things people do for you and I'm not I'm not accepted I'm not doing it I did not let him put me in a wheelchair I was in the wheelchair all I was going to be in a wheelchair and I wasn't fit full strength but I wasn't they didn't he didn't push me anymore amen hallelujah thank you Jesus some of us just need to stand up on the inside maybe you can't stand up yet on the outside but some of us need to stand up on the inside and start doing like Carly did and just starting you know what maybe you can't run a hundred yard dash or well like some of these guys but you can run a hundred inch - you need to do something lest you do nothing a man enemy enemy number four abdicating your authority now I try to figure out a different way to say this I mean but everybody say abdicating your authority and it really just means relinquishing but here's what I'm talking about being passive Barney Fife Casper milquetoast spiritual wimp you got the picture in what ways do we do this well by praying and asking God to come down and heal us ask or asking someone that we have more confidence in in their prayers than our own to pray for us and putting confidence in somebody else's prayers instead of you walking in the authority that God gave you that Jesus gave us to command pain and sickness to depart and healing to manifest look at Luke chapter 9 1 and 2 then he called his twelve disciples together how many of you one of his disciples today we're we're we're also the rest of your spiritual wimps um how many how many of his disciples do we have here today he's caught he's called his disciples together and he gave them power everybody say power and authority everybody say authority over all demons and to cure diseases and then he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick if you're really preaching the kingdom of god you're gonna heal the sick now when I look at that keep that verse up there for a second but it says he gave them power and authority is that the same word why would he put it if it's same word why would he put it in the same list distinct it's not the same word the word power is a word Dunamis it means miraculous power or might I would I would I would compare it to like let's say a police officer that's a that has been deputized in in a in in in Woodland Park here and he's got the car he's got the handcuffs he's got the Taser and he's got a gun right okay that's that's he's got the ability to carry out what he's been given authority to do the authority is the word Greek word egg zuzia which means his it means the jurisdiction it means you have control in a region it means like your deputize it's the badge that you're deputized with to operate you know in the kingdom of God and Minister healing right so you've got that you've got the badge that authorizes you to do it which is the name of Jesus and and then you're a disciple and then you've also been given the power or the gifts of the Spirit the Word of God the the Spirit of God to bring it to pass what Jesus gave us right you've got power and authority so I've got power and authority but you know what a lot of people do with their power and authority they're like Barney Fife who's got the he's got the badge he's got the gun and then if a thief comes in in that in to Mayberry what is what is a what is what does Barney do he calls Andy right he calls Andy sheriff Tyler Sheriff Taylor and Sheriff Taylor a thief is coming of kiss coming to my town what does Sheriff Taylor tell Barney go catch him but see that's what a lot of us do in our prayer life and it's what we abdicate our Authority and it's an enemy it's an absolute enemy to our healing because Oh God come and heal us the devil's come and I'm scared to death of him Jesus I don't know what to do this the symptoms here and the doctors call me in all this and no man put your badge on get your thumb out of your mouth your toddler pants off put your big boy and big girl pants on and walk in your authority and you tell the devil what to do and where to go who's in charge here who's in charge here look put your hand on your body who's in charge there well you know you're not gonna you're not gonna see the kingdom of God manifest wimping out playing Barney Fife now I'm not saying you can't call on the Lord and God give me strength and show me what to do and you know first give me wisdom and all that but the bottom line he's already giving you authority what are you doing with it I said what are you doing with it and look I'm not we're gonna have a prayer line here tonight I'm not against prayer lines we've got it we've got a phone call center over here I'm not against phone call center you know how many times I've ever gone in a prayer line and called a phone center I mean we've gone in some prayer lines when God led us to because you know there was there he told us to go but I mean I don't I don't cut why you know why I've got Authority and thank God for the prayer lines and thank God for people can help you stay in faith but did he are you a disciple or are you a wimp stop wimping out and stand in your authority and if the enemy tries to run over your whatever you just state you man all heaven will back you when you when you walk in your Authority amen praise God enemy number five you've got to run you got to run that abdicating of abdicating your authority you know out of Europe out of your healing land you got to run it out no mercy on that enemy number five unbelief and I've got the airport in sight don't don't get nervous know what you just don't want to disembark right now enemy number five unbelief everybody say unbelief but but I want to I want to emphasize a type of unbelief that's really fueled by impatience and Andrew really referenced it today in the healing panel when when the question was asked about you know just are you gonna are you gonna I'm just going to take my stand you know that I'm gonna I'm gonna receive my healing here and if I don't receive my healing here you know the attitude I'm not going to receive it at all but receive it here well that's really good to take a stand but part of the part of the problem is that we put all meant most many times I've seen watched it so many times people start off in faith they're believing God but then they they put a time frame on their healing or they've let a period of time a period of time has passed and you haven't seen the answer and you give up and impatience fuels unbelief it will it will cause unbelief to come you were believing but after a certain period of time you stopped believing because you didn't see the change how long how long does it take Greg I don't know but you know what all I know is I'm standing and you know what I'm believing I'm believing and I'm standing how long I'm gonna be believing his stand until Jesus comes and I'm not giving up you know what the devil doesn't have patience of her preacher said the devil one thing about him he's sure a patient fella no he's not he's only persistent where you're not patient I'm not giving up and here's the problem you cannot receive from God with your eyes on the calendar of the clock just forget it you just sentenced yourself to failure because you got your eyes on the calendar the clock I'm believing and I'm standing and I'm you know what else I'm gonna do I'm gonna be praying for other people who need healing it's what I'm gonna be doing and I'm not giving up the reason why a lot of people are you know they lose their but they don't really lose their healing like Andrew said today but the manifestation of it leaves or they don't receive it as they just give up they just they just flat give up and all the time you've got the nature of God on the inside of you that will outlast the devil every time now thanks be unto God 2nd Corinthians 2:14 now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph everybody say always how often is always where you're from and people place all their their hope and their trust and instantaneous healing they put it if you put all your healing eggs in the instantaneous healing basket you are you are gonna your hope is gonna get deferred and your hearts gonna get sick are you hearing me unbelief and impatience is an enemy and I'm not telling you I'm not I'm not trying to get you an agreement to wait a long time I'm just telling you the problem is what happens we start off believing and in time elapses for whatever reason maybe you maybe you get maybe the enemy well andrew came to our church one time one was and preached this really good message about why why is it sometimes prayers get answered right away and other times there it takes longer you ever wondered about that I mean one place in the Book of Daniel it was like God I heard the prayer I mean God here hears the prayer right away anyway right but then the answer came right away another time it was three weeks what was the difference the devil woke up he saw that you're double trouble and so he sends the incredible hope demon to try to stand against you now let me show you a story in in a in mark chapter 9 mark chapter 9 at verse 14 we'll read a few verses there mark 9 and verse 14 and when when he came when it came to the disciples he saw a great multitude around them and describes disputing with them immediately when they saw him all the people were greatly amazed running to him greeted him and he asked the scribes what are you discussing with them then one of the crowd verse 17 said teacher I brought you my son who has a mute spirit wherever it seizes him it throws him down it foams at the mouth gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid he's having an epileptic seizure right and I spoke to your sciples disciples so that they should cast it out but they could not and he answered him and said o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I bear with you bring him to me then they brought him to Jesus and when they when he saw him immediately the spirit convulsed him so this is Jesus this is Jesus and and that that demon in that boy caused a seizure in front of Jesus true and now look this wasn't that just this was not this was not the the disciples first rodeo okay because Matthew 17 records the same account and Matthew 10 is when Jesus sent the disciples out two by two and that came back remember in Luke and talked about how the demons were subject to their name so Matthew 10 happens before Matthew 17 so this was not the first the disciples have been casting out demons but they ran into the Incredible Hulk demon here and no doubt no doubt what this demon did with the disciples they tried to do with Jesus and it's what he tries to do with you and me is when we start out and we pray and we believe and then we get healed and a man boom and everything's great then the enemy tries to come back and some have other area of sickness or disease and this time it doesn't go so quick and we stand for a little while and then a week revert back to our default which is ho God why are you letting this happen to me I thought it was the will of God that you heal me listen I passed her for 27 years I have compassion on you but but listen I want to see the healing power of God manifest in you tonight and you can't you can't do that giving up and wimping out and just because it looks sometimes it looks worse before it looks better are you hearing me and look at this let me just watch this this is amazing and and then he asked his father well how long how long has this been happening to him I mean Jesus didn't freak out I would imagine the disciples by the second time freaked out but Jesus didn't freaked out just how long did it happen how long ago did this happen he said from childhood and he's been throwing into the fire into the water to destroy him if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us and Jesus said if you can believe if you can believe it what is our part how many of your believers you're not doubters Sam a believer what a believers do when a doubt comes to you a symptom comes to you what do you do with the doubt what do you do with the symptom I doubt you doubt what what what our doubts made to do they're not made to believe you're a believer look at your neighbors say you're a believer and then look at it immediately the father cried out said lord I believe help my unbelief when Jesus saw the the people come running together he rebuked the unclean spirit and the boy had no more Pepsi so what happened no I definitely recommend you to come out of him enter them no more the spirit cried out convulsed him greatly so he had a seizure in front of Jesus now a grand mal seizure yeah everybody say seizure grand mal seizure how many of you know grand mal seizures worse of the seizure but didn't didn't stop there Jesus freaked out didn't he no didn't stop there then the spirit convulsed him greatly came out of him but he became as one dead everybody says one one dead so he looked like he was dead so it goes from a seizure to a grand mal seizure now the boys dead oh god why is it healing working for me it's working guys but sometimes the enemy is gonna fight you and and it's he's gonna take you from one thing to another if he can lead you down that path to give up then then he won why couldn't I couldn't the disciples cast the devil out because the disciples gave up too quick and then they and then he got into unbelief I'm not giving up I'm not gonna stop believing I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep standing on the word how about you the devil will try to intimidate you but Jesus Jesus cast that spirit out but look the boy had a seizure and then it got worse he had a grand mal seizure then it looked like it was all over dead don't let your circumstance and your impatience move you into unbelief you cannot receive from God with your eyes on the calendar of the clock amen keep what do you do great hold up the word I believe the word I believe the word if the devil keeps coming I just stick him with a word Thank You mr. devil for coming to me you know tell me this or that or the other while you're here let me tell you the way it really is and I and and this test is going to turn out to a testimony that's what Andrew prayed with Janice about so when if she prayed when he prayed for me and when I was in the hospital this test is going to turn out to a testimony and I'm standing before you today here healed testify at the devil's a loser and listen he is the same loser in your life as he is in mine and it's time that we that we drew on the on the power and the nature of Jesus on the inside of us and we stopped wimping out and we're standing how long do you stand when oh you wait having done all to stand you stand and I just keep giving my book scriptures to live by was was birthed out of just speaking the word speaking the word speaking the word it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written it's written again he fine he finally gave up with Michael and Michael got healed he got he he he like he gave up with me in the hospital and I got healed and he didn't he will give up with you if you stop whipping out now we've got the we've got the airport in sight we're about to land enemy number six a wounded heart and your talk today about holds that scripture is at proverbs four what was sentence thirteen twelve that uh that Hope deferred makes the heart sick proverbs 14 30 says a sound heart is life to the body but Envy is rottenness to the bones that word sound it means wholesome yielding healed cured a sound heart is life to the body and envy is the rottenness of the bones envy and jealousy and wrath our heart conditions that have a negative impact on your physical body what is going on in your heart what you allow to go on in your heart will affect your body bottom line you are born again how many of you are born again but where are you born again act in your spirit you've got your spirit and your soul is your heart your heart is comprised of your spirit and your soul and and when you die and go to be with Jesus it's your spirit and soul that your inward man the spirit man is the inward man of the heart and but you've got a soulless part of your heart and Jesus is standing at the door of your heart knocking on that door he's not on the outside looking in he's on the inside looking in but many times what does he's in your spirit and he's knocking on the door of your soul and he wants in their gates and doors that get set up in our soul because of all kinds of things that happen in life and we shut off the life of God that's in our spirit are you hearing me 3rd John 2 said beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers that's that's part of your heart proverbs 4:23 keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life this is a powerful verse why did we have to guard our heart why out of our heart Springs the issues of life you know what the issues are the word issues is borders and boundaries you look it up it means borders and boundaries the board the potential the spiritual potential the healing potential all the stuff that's on the inside of you will be limited or released based on what you allow to happen in your heart and many times what happens we get we go through betrayal we go through wounding we go through rejection we go through you know a dream that that we had that God gave us it didn't happen overnight God spoke to it was dealt with Andrew and Jamie for a lot of years in ministering to people and making disciples and they saw what we're what they're seeing now and even even more and beyond but it didn't happen overnight and many times we go we go through those things I've been man we went through that we went through that involuntary church plant otherwise known as a church split in 1994 we first of all had a nine million dollar frivolous lawsuit you know over a counseling situation that with God dropped later and that gave rise to the lawsuit and man but people that you loved and people that you poured your life into you know now they wouldn't even talk to you at Walmart I don't go to Walmart anymore because of that it's just a bad dream but you know I was we've gone through all that we as much as I knew I'd forgiven okay now I'd forgiven all the people that had done and said terrible things about us but then I was praying one time of God why am I feeling like I'm dying on the inside I know I forgiving why am i dot what is this in the Lord show me Zechariah 13 verse 6 and one will say to him what are these wounds between your arms that he'll answer those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends and I saw it in a moment i my heart was wounded my heart I let my heart get wounded and and and it impacted me we were down in Mexico but we've landed ok ok but but uh we were down to Mexico ministering with Jerry and Ernie and uh and we're marriage seminar and then they started to talk about this story when Jerry was sick did you was that was that on the cruise or was an emetic oh yeah I was in Mexico he started talk about when he got sick he was in a couple was a couple of years ago a year and a half ago year and a half ago he went to Columbia and he came back and he Kenny and he couldn't talk for forum you know that's tough for a preacher right he couldn't talk then his arm got swollen they went to the doctor and gave him they thought maybe it was a gout or whatever but then it wasn't really any of that but then what it did is it if got Jerry was you know down and got I mean he just wasn't the same person or he said one day she came she came in and she said it had been about four months and she came in one day she says I'm going shopping and when I come back I better find my husband I'm gonna pick up my husband when I come back cuz he wasn't the same man he was he was down he was and so he got up he started listening to one of his own tapes is that right and God God started setting him free but what the Lord what the Lord showed him is that he'd been that he had a he had a difficult family situation with one of his children that have infected his grandchildren and he got any any let his heart get hurt he laid his heart get hurt his heart was wounded uh-huh and when it when he said when he was talking remember my November experience when he was talking about that I just started weeping because God showed me remember what a member you were in in November when that happened remember what happened the end of a end of October and it was it was a hurtful family situation that that I didn't take time to process now let me just give you one verse and then we're gonna pray for folks okay God's God's gonna release healing all throughout this place but you know what Jesus is the healer the brokenhearted and he's going to be healing broken he's going to heal broken hearts and heal bodies look at Hebrews 12 look at Hebrews 12 Jerry's going downstairs because he's good he's gonna pray for some of the folks downstairs Jerry Narron Ernie R that didn't get prayed for last night so thank you guys for doing that so Jew Hebrews 12 verse 12 therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees how many of you ever been there where your hands you know you're just not walking because of something that happened a betrayal a hurt a rejection how many of you ever been there okay and and it said and make straight paths for your feet so that which is lame see he's telling you there are times in your life that what what's going to happen is it going to cause you spiritually for a while to be lame where you're not walking like you once did and may not become dislocated or dislodged but rather be healed yes it goes on to say pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no one shall see the Lord if you don't let yourself get healed from a broken wounded heart you will not see the Lord clearly and it goes on to say that you're gonna fall short of the grace of God a root of bitterness can rise up in you you'll get dislodged from your purpose and God showed me that's what happened that's what opened the door to the thing in the thing in November is I let my heart get wounded and nobody talks about this but it's a big deal is it doesn't look 4:18 say Jesus is a healer of the brokenhearted and I just been I started weeping because I saw it in an instant of time Carly I saw it now I know not all of us there's I'm here as strong as three acres of garlic but there are times there are times things hit me and it's just a low blow and I wasn't expecting it and I didn't take time to process it and I became lame in my spiritual walk and and then I didn't take time to process it and it opened the door to the devil to eat my lunch and what it's exactly what happens you know what it doesn't say a sound by a sound heart American no what does it say I'm here go back what did I read already sound heart is life to the body doesn't say it's out that what it says I'm sound hard as life to the body listen there are more people in the body of Christ that have broken wounded hearts then have sick bodies and you know what there are some people in the body of Christ who have sick bodies because they've they've told they they did they haven't left their heart be healed and tonight Jesus the healer of the brokenhearted is gonna heal your heart and man when I saw that I said man I was just like Jerry and I am NOT I did I'm not staying in this condition I'm letting my heart get healed Jesus you're the healer a broken heart and I'm letting you come in and heal that you know I was you know what I was really doing I was I was I was exalting my loss and valuing my loss in my pain greater than the cross amen how many of you let's can you guys put the can you put the last slide up there that says all of those enemies can you put that up there okay how many of you how many of you though this enemy of blindness how many how many of you do that did that hit and you're saying I thought that's me I and and that and you're gonna do something about that enemy stand up if that's you if that's not enemy number one stand up whoever that is okay so it hit a few of you what about what about enemy number two undervaluing the word exalting you know some of putting more significance on the doctor's report or what your experience is or what your body says stand up if that's you because we're gonna run we're gonna run these enemies out of our healing ground tonight okay what about those of you they've been tolerant of sickness you just like the benefits you have man it's a bunch of you thank you for your honesty praise God anybody else look I'm not gonna pray for you though only those that are standing and then and then what about abdicating your authority who's that a few more of you standing Wow man that's awesome praise God I was just gonna preach on one end I mean God said just all six what about unbelief impatience impatience you just you just you stopped you started off but you stopped believing because it's taken a lot look I don't want I'd rather have an instantaneous healing but I like what Andrew said about what a Oral Roberts said a lot of times instantaneous healings are where there's a spirit of infirmity or there's some spirit that you cast out and most healing is not that way didn't he say that they'll lay hands on the sick and they'll recover recovery implies a process most of my healing has been been a recovery in a process then what about a wounded heart how many of you there it's about the rest of you thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord let's lift our hands and thank you for Revelation thank him for showing us these enemies now listen okay whichever enemy it is take authority over it right now you take authority over come on drive it out of your healing ground drive it out of your out of your mind out of your thinking and then and then get a hold of the Word of God say Lord I'm gonna I'm not I'm not gonna remain blind I'm not gonna undervalue your word anymore I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tolerate sickness anymore hallelujah Amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Daniel could you come and just play something if you would huh okay those of you that have the broken heart okay we'll put your hand on your heart Jesus the healer is gonna heal the broken heart but now look you got to let him heal you now how do you let him heal you you got to stop valuing your loss that situation was painful for us that situation with Gerry and Ernie was painful we talked to Amy about it impacted her and you know what praise God Amy Amy talked to us this time said God through all that God God helped her to you know just just to release forgiveness and and there was freedom there praise God that was awesome you know what now she's not lame anymore and she's not she's not a target for the enemy anymore yeah praise God just just put your hand on your heart just say Lord I want to thank you you're the healer of my heart and I choose today to value the cross I'm greater than my loss I apply the cross to my wounded heart and I allow you to heal it no snow person no circumstance controls my heart controls my health I allow you to heal me right now in Jesus name just lift your hands and praise Him the healing power of God's flowing the healing power of God is flowing the healing power of God is flowing flooding this place praise God the life what's happening what's happening let me show you what's happening the doors and gates of your soul have opened up opened up open up you gates and let the King of glory come in amen the doors and gates to your soul are opened up praise God the king of glory will now come in and he'll bring healing to your body there's no more limitation there's no more there's no more live there's no more resistance there's no more hindrance the life of Jesus is now flowing healing your body in Jesus name praise God urinary tract infections are going in Jesus name praise God all kinds of bladder infections in a and then someone's had ongoing cramps during your menstrual cycle and excessive bleeding and that blood is is that that excess of bleeding is coming to an end in Jesus name blood we speak to you to live in the name of Jesus sinuses all kinds of scientists problems and allergies all kinds of up all kinds of allergies food allergies all kinds of allergies are being healed right now in Jesus name allergies I just keep hearing the allergies someone's been a the head of you got to take gluten and all kinds of other things and the Lord said tonight you're healed tonight the healing power of God it's manifesting in your physical body hallelujah knees and hips and joints are being healed Thank You father begin to start moving your knees your hips your joints are being healed God is ever adding lubricant to your body the healing resurrection power of Jesus is restoring you to hold us in Jesus name father we thank you for that hallelujah someone has got a diagnosis of onset dementia or Alzheimer's and I am we're just to come to cream over you tonight the mind of Christ that we reverse that curse and we say Jesus took it and you don't have to take it don't accept it Parkinson's disease is me healed all types of power paralysis is being healed I mean instantaneous miracles and paralysis is being healed right now there's a miraculous power the resurrection power is working in your body right now in Jesus name begin to do what you couldn't do before stretch out your hand move your leg begin to do what you couldn't do before praise God the healing power and virtue of Jesus is here he loves you he wants you hold praise God thank you Father let's praise Him come on guys father we praise you we worship you we thank you we love you Lord we love you Lord you are my healer listen personalize it tell him Lord you are my healer you are my healer you're my healer Jesus praise God men I mean it's like the son of God just walking in and out among his church praise God you have the mind of Christ say I've got the mind of Christ someone someone's dealing with dyslexia and the Lord's healing that and restoring that someone's had a slow learning disability in the Lord and the Lord's healing that someone else here it's that is in your child and God's healing that right now praise God thank you Jesus ears are opening up ears are opening up ears are opening up ears are opening up some want someone had a punctured eardrum and God's restoring that and healing your ear ear hear do what your intended to do here in Jesus name praise God all kinds of cancers are dissolving how do you know this Greg because I know the Savior and I know he already took it and RIT took stripes on his back and I'm just saying what I'm hearing in all types of cancers tumors leukemia is dying Lou Lou Gehrig's disease is dying in Jesus name you can't you're a name you're a name and your name is under the name of Jesus and we put you there permanently and we exalt the truth above the facts cancer I just hear again cancer tumors are leaving breasts tumors are leaving organs we cursed you tumors you don't belong in the body of Christ get out get ours Jesus name praise God thank you lord do you guys have anything else thank you Father thank you Father [Music] who said that autism okay so speak it out to say autism get off get out in Jesus name take your authority come on we agree with you we agree with you autism in her grins is that your grandson or granddaughter your grandson what's his name Henry all right autism get out of Henry's body get out of his nervous system Jesus name we get out of his body get out get out leave him in Jesus name you don't you don't belong there hallelujah man see you guys are naming it go ahead name it Amen Parkinson hey man name it and speak it take authority over it put your badge on put your badge on put your badge on and start taking your authority amen thank you Jesus all kinds of blood problems are being I mean there's a problem your your blood blood pressure is normalizing that your blood all kinds of blood issues where there's where there seems to be a lack I just speak the blood of Jesus infusing your blood in Jesus name how many of you receive that how many of you receive that praise God man look man there's all kinds of healings happening here praise God a man will just take authority over that brother all right prayer ministers come down to the front thank you Jesus thank you Jesus worship You Lord Father we pray for everyone on that's watching online we just declare in Jesus name death to every disease to every cancer to everything that we've name tonight father even things we didn't name you took stripes on your back to make these people whole and we declare wholeness to you healing to you in Jesus name now if you need someone to come you want someone to come and agree you want to agree with you okay now they're not going to exercise authority for you they're gonna do it with you so you come and the healing power of Jesus is manifested hallelujah amen amen thank you lord the rest of us let's lift our hands one more time and thank you Father we thank you we praise you we worship you we thank you Father they all the enemies of all of your people have been defeated and destroyed Father in Jesus name we bless you we thank you praise God all kinds of testimonies happen all kinds of things happening tonight we love you Jesus loves you god bless you guys we'll see you in the morning you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 8,108
Rating: 4.8926172 out of 5
Keywords: Healing is Here 2017 Evening Aug 17
Id: skQ4VcGSs3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 50sec (9770 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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