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Nataly who are you digging who are you dating who are you dating who are you dating my pillow we're headed to David's Papa jack the manager is here Jack how much money do you make in this car off these 3p5 name your top five right now Geoff Witek oh it's david dobrik yeah then Jason yep Matt's in there he's in there and that makes you the most money I mean David makes you the most money it's probably than Mandy yeah Oh Trey Trey kills their cyclone them yeah don't get into 20 oh happy where you went you sign David I was really happy you know it took a little while to get him going how much is David always career to you yeah how many percent forty percent how much credit do you take for my career that's happened so far I would say a third if I wasn't in a stranger's car what a puked hey Jack who's the funniest out of the three of us you know I don't know about that I think David I think David's funnier all this actually and I'm not even just saying that because he pays my bills okay all right we're ready to go guys pop-up city let's go you know it's really nice to fans Geoff he's really nice hey it's so nice like way nicer than I'm expected to be you say he's a good influence on me yeah he's been crushing it he's actually because I'm like Jason do you want to come and have breakfast on the second place I'm working out no working out I didn't say no I said work at home I mean if you're my manager Jack you're supposed to be like all right I was kind of laughing at me and made me feel fat well then you're not snot about you it's about me getting better and one side of them stayin alive so we can keep that podcast who are you who are you who are you who are you here's what happened I chose this t-shirt right here I want this one put Jason in this but the thing is like I don't even care because I love Jeff looks good oh okay Reggie did that drawing a painting which is amazing Reggie you know how to all the paintings that we did mine's the best the one you put in my house that was also the biggest Wow yeah that's incredible I called the Chicago t-shirt first and now Jeff is telling Matt just which shirt to wear all right I'll try this I like got too hot I look too bad Abercrombie & Fitch Magic Mike 3 right you know like who who is that why can't I go to Lululemon sorry there's a youtuber here today what I just want to get pants at Lululemon why can't I go to Teavana David Gourevitch holy Jeff let's get that mile as Jeff's assistant Cody would say everybody want to be David orbic I can't I go to the MAC store David Aldridge who hi I'm trying to get to American girl and we've been walking around for about two hours because of the crowd David do not whoa sorry sorry dude rick wob ow that's a good name while bow you go to a while but later just for the name alone Wow Bow ne and never mind hey listen if you need commentary today I have an improv background so just let me know and a lot of the vlog squad they're just pretty faces Jeff Witek toddy Smith scottysire but I bring up my shoes cut the buds day I bring the funny you see that right there I brought the funny inadvertently I almost trip because I have refused to tie my shoe whoa nerds can we get started they're magically delicious this girl gave me this apron and I don't even know why she gave it to me No maybe I haven't opened it yet oh it's signed to david watching oh this is so cute no it is it is starbucks in a rough night last night it's marshmallow marshmallow liquefies I had to get a job at Starbucks there's no one watch my video so thanks a lot we've got the youngest fan of clickbait merch here what's her her name Nalani oh it's a beautiful name it's your favorite vlog she's not answering okay she's nervous to meet everybody I get it did you come out she's unbelievable so cute it makes me want to have another baby oh now what's your drink of choice at starbucks Frappuccino with no coffee would you like that she's so calm that means you're good merits yeah you are so good for you it's all about the parents whatever they do you're so she get a good sleep okay now we're gonna do it now we're gonna do the whip you ready oh that's not the one where is it yeah here we go your future [Laughter] okay you want to come back to dad I mean uncle Jason yeah watch you can't stop crying no mommy everybody loved David door bed.i well right by me to get a photo with Jeff okay [Applause] oh oh okay okay Vernon Hills burner made him proud we're gonna start book though yeah going to watch my videos where do we go now Jeff is that a cyborg what is it 2015 some of the jokes aren't funny guys but I just keep going Jack Jack this guy's got these guys worth millions this stinks of a sprained ankle for Jack I want to thank you I want to thank each and every one of us and watching our videos we are so grateful that you care at all I thank you from the bottom of my heart my kids thank you you guys are the apps to your best all of you guys are so sweet so nice every single one of you and nobody is more grateful for you guys then David [Applause] okay we're leaving them all now definis listen we got to work out we're gonna we got to run now just gonna make me run from fun to drudgery and we got to do it we got to do it about the last thing I want to do right now but watch Jeff who's gonna go out that door he can be gone mr. gazelle come on all right let's go there he goes he's about to get him which ways that we check the hotel I got to go to Best Buy I got to get a charger there we go cheese ready who's ready hey do you know what Natalie just said to us what'd you say she goes you guys are always doing their bits o comedy bits I felt like hmm I guess there's no I guess I shouldn't do my comedy around Natalie anymore thought it was a safe space it's funny you engage in verses Brandon oh so she doesn't seem to like us having fun seem to be a guy's not just like talk like hey Brandon what's up how's your day it's Brandi welcome to my shop [Laughter] Disko and i can be like yo what's up margot robbie so we're going to them and she can pepper spray me oh there gonna be a lot of hollywood producers here at the once upon a time in america premieres i'm telling you what i'ma call you david got us tickets which is really cool yeah bro we're gonna be hanging with Leo dude I'm so excited this is our big break and I'm gonna be doing my producer character the entire time yeah this is gonna get us kicked out hey hey Ken hollerman horizon pictures how are ya nice nice to meet you Ken hey how you doing yeah you have a very violent shake as you can see yeah I can't get up right now oh yeah I had six whiskey sodas and two quaaludes easy let's do you know putting up - what do you like to do you're just didn't getting into Hollywood how about to use the bat for me now you keep checking with him I'd rather you can leave right now can't hold him in horizon pictures like you six mystery soldiers and two quaaludes that's what I had would you like to sail around the world with me in September just the one I'm wearing you take it off yeah I need it cuz I'm fat and you're not hey Brandon come here I want to tell you something you got this you think so yeah you can do this well David about that you got this theory and he says he actually does say you got this a lot why do you say you got this I see it all the time what do you say like that like you got this and like if like oh you got this like I said you've got he tells that to Todd [Laughter] okay guys we're gonna have a good time at the premiere like David for the tickets our Lord our Savior David over it thank you David I'm still totally like under the impression that this is just a giant prank and there's just gonna be like five guys five dirty dogs with paintball guns just ready to shoot me and you if you google the premiere date you know that if people mistake me with that pit just go with it because we probably got some funny content mistaken breath yeah listen walk with confidence tonight you never know who you're gonna meet you know hey brown Brian Halloran Brian nice to meet your eyes in pictures oh I feel like I know you from somewhere meh not damaged couch before oh yeah and I'm Tina here at the premiere yeah I felt really scared I'm sorry music stream David's gonna go meet for what too late then take all the opportunity oh it's close getting there come on they're getting a picture with Thor yeah good job David hey good job Megan actually you know what I did say that on the blog I said Megan's getting it that was really cool wait what did you call mr. Thor did you really I know that's like my I know extremely spot I know he rose you and Wyatt Meghan Meghan killed that she got you to do that you were Yuri to back out he does because he kisses now thank you hey so you want to pick hey you want to pick yeah so right so just get a little warning right I'm out of the picture to get it am I in it oh yeah suggest ly a lot of fashion how come I didn't get my reaction film I would have gave a good one too you know yeah Natalie call me say hey James got an extra ticket I feel like if I wear that at you guys advance them but Jeff where's that you're like cool hug true no I don't want to make I don't belittle you better concessions and like a feel like you like one of the model like employees they hide Adventureland next day Indiana Jones the bad guys assistant in you guys think I look thinner yeah because I know I looked as David would never say that he said it I said it first I think you did I think it's a jacket well start wearing those jackets every day my fly won't stay up either hey David I'm here to blow you handsome suit up okay there's 20 Tarantino right there and then there's the next star of every Netflix movie Jeff with it's John Stamos star of stage and screen he's John and David right there hello wow that was great that was fun that's probably one of the coolest moments of my life yeah I said it takes place okay we just went to the once upon a time in Hollywood premiere it was fantastic it was loving it like I'm in the movie now and I want to go kick somebody's ass and it's a great movie Jen gamer was loving it now going to get David his birthday gift but he has no idea what it is I just realized that all I've eaten today was popcorn not even a boat wanders all I had was a banana can't believe I told her you know I think I got what I think he has what it takes what did he say when you said that he just left like it's kids you went up to Tarantino and you said that he told me five times he was laughing so hard that he couldn't really speak and Brandon's Brennan says that he um he keeps improving the story every time he tells it he gave me his number no he said back to me he said it just like you couldn't really see it as he's laughing so hard you think who on the carpet did you like Margot Robbie my highlight of the night was right before the movie started there because you know Margot Robbie's the same age as you you should be doing this thanks David really you know what you're right this is just inspiring you it's always trying to get you where you need to be yeah all right hey Quentin Quentin's offer and I'm gonna start doing stuff like that we're going back to my house apparently Jason it's a surprise for my birthday won't tell me what it is at all no I'm not gonna tell you what it is can because you're so good at like sniffing stuff out that you'll guess it and then I won't be able to lie to you then I don't want to guess it and I don't I'm not even looking for that I just want to help improve it don't ruin it I'm not gonna ruin it I want to improve it go so if there's like it's better in the morning it's better do it a certain room should be facing a certain way I should hey guys it's a hundred degrees outside can we put the air on we're vlogging [Music] we will be all right
Channel: Jason Nash
Views: 1,707,601
Rating: 4.9506664 out of 5
Keywords: daily bumps, american girl boy, цвет, видео, american boy, blind bags, american, boy, girl, baby surprise, show, video, twin swap, ag, world, university, changer, our crazy baby surprised us by doing this... *unexpected*, cookie swirl c, videos, american girl, color change, color, change, color changer, swirl, water, time, water play, water toys, set, color changing videos, cookie, college, surprise, david, jason, jeff wittek
Id: _6kOahIUULk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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