Jeff talks about James Charles allegations

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When Jason said โ€œwhy didnโ€™t he like me Iโ€™m straightโ€. Or something along those lines, I was fucking DEAD!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RBlala14 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When Jeff said and I quote 'If someone is trying to have sex with you, just say no and move on'. I was honestly disgusted. That is not good advice for ANYONE potentially experiencing harassment.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FilofaxB ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Also the YouTube comments are so ugly like they wanted Jeff to tear James apart but he didnโ€™t give it to them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RBlala14 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I mean, have you ever seen VS do or say anything when there's a controversy not concerning them. And If it is they just don't say anything ( which is great business tactic). Jeff probably got a lot of subscribers and views because of it, so why would he care. Also if he said anything negative about this, JC stans would just bring up Jason's crush on Tana or Dom's creepy harrasment.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Vanskyl ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what's up guys welcome back to Jews we have the leader of the Jews today all right can I say that leader of the Jews yeah he's the number one podcast star out of all of our friends it's good to have you here man Jason Nash you know I'm a little thrown off because when I got the text to come I thought it was a modeling shoot that I was gonna be a part of today cuz it was you guys I didn't know there was gonna be cameras and pressure to be funny Todd actually has a modeling shoot scheduled after this he wants to cut the podcast short because of it okay no it's not my fault so I roll with you yeah you come with me cool I bet you thought it was a modeling shoot cuz Scott wasn't it yeah no I'm just kidding I love that you're allowed to just dig it Scott when he's not around cuz most of the time when we make jokes we'll make a joke about Jeff and then David and a whole bit but we can't we can't do it it's just not here if Jeff was here we could do it Todd on the other hand it's just like we throw Scott under the bus whenever wherever on video not on video no no it's great wait you guys I love that if any you guys made a joke about me and I wasn't there I'd be like oh that's hell we're gonna be talking a lot of [ __ ] about Scott today so don't worry about that we watch your podcast we noticed that you do bring up my name a lot and I love it I still get a little warm feeling in my heart when you do talk about Jeff Jason I'll say like oh yeah work out Jeff and he's great and David I'll throw in like oh my friend Jeff so cool and good-looking I don't hear you bring up Todd's name a lot oh yeah we used to bring him up all the time really yeah remember we were on the podcast coming around enough I think maybe lately we have not mentioned Todd I think you're right I think this week we're due for some Todd action well we got you here we could talk about Todd all you want we won't treat you like [ __ ] like they do over there at the views podcast because we know they give you a hard time there can we get you oh we got she was up there that's good ask her a good job dude it's good to have you here Jason man we Todd and I we started our day early today it's Monday morning these podcasts are previously recorded unfortunately we don't do them like Jason and David do over there just randomly whenever they feel comfortable with Jeff we can't go live as much as we want to just because we cut out all the communities yeah but we hiked this morning I just showered Todd didn't get to shower yet because this is we're at my house so fortunately this is audio/video podcast you can't smell Todd because he is stinking off the place over there right Jason I think I smell great all the time not at all you could smell him through the lens I bet that type of guy that doesn't even smell when he works out and he's also that type of guy that if he did smell half the girls would like it better I think yeah it's like a manly musky smell you know after you bang some people like that I love I love that sweaty girl well I just want to say we Jeff and I we did this hike and we try to keep quiet just so we can get everything out during this podcast but we did get all our [ __ ] talking and all our friends out of the way so you're not to worry about that yeah so we won't have to be cutting out all the bad stuff we said yeah except for Scott actually since Scott is not here today I wanted to bring up something that is extremely dark and depressing because that's usually what he carries on to a comedy so well supposed to be comedy podcast I got a fortune cookie the other day and it said problems of today will be buried by the sands of time extremely dark and depressing but there's also comedy in it if you look at it like how Scott would look at this it's basically like Todd sometimes will bring up his problems to me and I'm like dude don't worry about it you're really good-looking you're famous you make a lot of money everything's gonna be fine and at the end of the day doesn't matter because in a thousand years from now they're just gonna be standing on top of everything all your old iPhones your laptops is gonna be sin covered look at the pyramids right you know what I mean you did the pyramids over there they say there used to be a whole society there like a city they had flying cars they had figured it all out and then the meteor hit sand over everything so all those guys girlfriends that were cheating on them and all that stuff that happened with it with the Egyptians back in the day it doesn't matter because there's sand on top of it now so make sure you look at life that way like that fortune cookie I can't believe that you say that that's depressing it's literally the most inspirational fortune cookie you could get and that you say it's sad what does that say about him Todd optimistic I'm up there you said it's the most sad and depressing thing you've ever read when in truth it means whatever's going on it's just in the past time has wings I mean look at me I was a piece of [ __ ] a few years ago a couple days ago time heals everything I just put my finger in nerfs [ __ ] he's got no tail so when nerf walks around his [ __ ] is always showing it's that's got to be so embarrassing imagine you had to walk around like at the mall and stuff and your [ __ ] is out that's nervous hole wise but you know bestiality up here yeah no I don't think they were thinking about I'm actually very kind to nerf and I love him and I just told Jeff if he wants to let him stay with me let me smile that's right not the dogs well did you have a lot of candy last night Jason what is this an ambush don't come at me with my sickness I had a little bit I had a little bit of candy last night a lot less than I usually have hey Jason it's okay over here we're not exploiting you because you have candy this has a whole big jar of candy in this house man that I has the can you eat it around just say [ __ ] david dobrik just say it once I know you're right you're right David posted a photo of his mom the other day and I commented we love God thank God for your [ __ ] mom or I wouldn't have a career yeah that's right yeah she's sweet sweet woman it does bother me people go Oh Jason you know like what do I bring nothing to the table nothing I got tagging I mean Jason lives off David good I got tagging this yesterday it's very interesting I want to play it for you guys you let me know what you think this is like I think the first time I hadn't met David and hung out with him I was more friends with Todd at this time but you guys check it out let me know you think Todd is a friend this super New York like the cool dude yeah like I mean like straight out the wazoo like super cool dude I met him for a second and it was just like the best day of your life right yeah where he's wearing that just sport coat and jeans you just look he looks insane it's like he won up Todd and he look like he fit gave birth to Todd that's how cool he was and Todd is a friend Wow I don't know who they are talking about but I got a feeling it's gotta be me right I don't remember that clip at all cool guy Todd's new friend from New York sport coats i watch sports coat sometimes maybe you just had maybe you had a feeling you saw me in a sport coat you might have misunderstood when I met Jeff I thought he's really [ __ ] cool I didn't tell him that cuz I had more followers more subscribers more likes in him everything and he was getting like 15k like sotas maybe this girlfriend of the time maybe 50k Jeff was like all about taking photos with me and Scott but I used to go down his Instagram YouTube and watch his old videos like this guy's [ __ ] hilarious right and then finally befriended him and then he befriended my friends and now he's better friends with my friends and now he's at the top I guess life is a simulation if you think about it you know yeah I mean I think I think they placed him in my life whoever runs the simulation place him in my life at that time and then kind of Tati he's James Charles I mean yeah I don't know how wait so that means eventually I like I will build him up but then I will tear him down and end him and make you lose three million subscribers no Todd when you yeah okay situation apology rip video ready Jeff cert on that [ __ ] now Jason what do you think about Jeff when I first brought him to the group when I politely kindly did that gesture for him and I brought him into the front group I thought he was great I had seen his videos and I got that guy's funny and and I definitely seen him in in videos where he was the funniest one yeah in the video sounds like oh this guy's great God's videos not Todd's videos just other people's videos like like like Rudy's and Anwar's right just other people's videos I don't say who but thank you I really appreciate that it's just it's just not a put-down on anybody it's just a preference of his style of humor oh yeah the thing I love about Jeff is but he starts to talk you don't know if he's actually saying something from the heart or if he's going into a bit because he's so dry yeah I don't even know you're a lot of retires the whole time you're like what the [ __ ] is he gonna say yeah and then you're like oh that was oh that was from the heart but then lots of times it was a joke the whole time and you're just like oh yeah our first couple likes together he had me I was dying like so every hike I'm [ __ ] we're going back and forth it's just a great time that actually reminds you of the time that we hiked together this story that I love telling when you told me your answer to it was you know I'm I'm 45 Jeff I don't care you can learn a lot from that because Jason and I were hiking sometimes you know we go on this hike and over here in Hollywood it's like a pretty popular hike you see some pretty girls there and we're not like hitting on these girls asking them for their phone numbers sometimes we'll give him a little smile and that's it maybe you see him again next time and you know you just have a little friendship but Jason slipped and fell down in front of this girl and embarrassed himself very badly it was a bad fall like he completely fell down wiped out on his back he had dirt all over him and he fell right in front of this really pretty girl that was by herself and I thought I was like oh man this is gonna be bad he's gonna disappear he's not gonna come back from this but Jason goes hey man look I'm 45 you know nothing nothing bothers me anymore I just don't give a [ __ ] and I'm like that's a good way to look at life it doesn't matter what this girl thinks cuz you're never gonna see her again anyway hope hey ya Jeff came up to me and he was like he was like oh man that was rough he like really felt bad for me I was like what do you mean I was like this is everyday for me it doesn't bother me I mean yeah I didn't have a shot with him you've got life down pat man it's impressive I learned a lot right you I'm very grateful to have you in the crew an older guy that we could learn from not just somebody that's gonna stress you out with their problems like Todd does to me otherwise just you know you make your problems my problems no you're fighting with your girlfriend I'm fighting with your girlfriend you know basically or just from behind the scenes I'm ghost riding your fight moving on like you said James Charles stuff we should get into that a little bit because Oh Todd and I are both involved I haven't met James a couple times always very sweet to me he offered to send a video to my daughter because my daughter's a big fan of his so yeah as I know him very very kind I'm he's all over the news it never hit on me and I'm straight I wasn't hit on you there you go I'm sure there was he was just waiting for his time no I think you know got good taste that's why you didn't hit on me have you guys seen the videos about all the drama like the news sites I know the video was like 40 minutes long I've only seen clothes of it and I taught these video yeah my daughter was all in a huff about it wait what what she's a big James Charles fan charlie yeah she was Charlotte Shattuck teddy it's all of her chick talk what is going on with James Charles like I honestly don't know the whole story so we watched like a 12 minute video for Charlie dope the pepper Charlie but what is her opinion on the whole situation is she has she unsubscribed from him with the other three million people no no no she still likes James Charles but I think she understood that you know there were some wrong stuff in there and he made some mistakes look this is what I always say about 19 year old youtubers Logan Jake Logan's like 23 no is he yeah it doesn't matter whatever he is 23 even they have so much and they're gonna make mistakes 23 if I was as famous as Logan Paul I would have had you know hookers dead on my lawn yeah new day no for James Charles I always say like oh yeah she's 19 yeah maybe maybe he didn't know or maybe he [ __ ] up what were you doing you were 19 goddamn I was it UMass getting shitty grades you know I was working in a barber shop in Miami I had gotten a fist fight with my manager because he wanted me to wear the shirt of the barbershop while I was on the Jersey Shore and I was like this is a cheesy shirt man [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm not wearing this these are my friends the Jersey Shore guys these guys didn't like it they had they had locked up my Clippers in the drawer and they were like you can't have these unless you put on the shirt to wear on the show I'm like oh you guys are gonna strong-arm me you're gonna hold this [ __ ] open my head so I beat the [ __ ] out of the kid in front of the shop and then they pulled out a gun on me it's Florida baby everybody has guns be careful out here Miami huh you can have his ears out he heard this story before you don't have to cover his ears hey no no I mean Nerf wasn't the using the mix of it he was there nervous 37 years old he's lived here every day 40 yes can you imagine if I if I met Jeff when I was like 19 20 where I'd be right now we built he dead but that just goes to show you like where my head was at when I was 19 and let's get back to the James Charles drama cuz that's what everybody wants to hear about I'm sure because they know that Todd was involved in a scandal with him I've been watching the news videos about it from the drama how much and it's cool when I see myself pop up in these videos cuz I'm like wow look I'm on the news and I'm like in there cuz it talks about a scandal with you know a popular youtuber using his fame to come in straight guys to have sex with him but then I see my face and I'm still like it's just he's such a sick [ __ ] it's so entertaining the other day Jason I was saying something - Jason Jeff wasn't there and Jason's like oh hey Jeff was there is it Jason's like ever since you started hang out with Jeff II became a lot cooler man more like more confidence or some [ __ ] like that's good well the effect I have on you guys it's really is great he do have more confidence to take you out with Jeff which is good I wish it would rub off on me here 45 days you already have the most confidence you a person could possibly have you physically reached the top potential of confidence you do stand-up comedy you go out there in front of Candace's is what I have not confidence that joke doesn't work cut it out ya know we'll leave it in we'll leave it in also I think I do have some fibromyalgia so I get in trouble when I use that joke people are like that's not something to joke about okay you give that give all of our audience a second to Google farm over here whatever would you just say thermo for jira Jeff I'm sorry I cut you off earlier what were you saying about James to the Jews Charles stuff man what are the the biggest things that he's being dragged down for right now it's for using his fame and and money to convince straight guys to have sex with him or something like that I guess how much money did you have to give you this is a touchy subject I don't know James that well I've only met him through like doing the videos and maybe like two other times it like at Coachella and stuff like that he was really nice and then a little [ __ ] man this is just such a hard thing because it's such you got a I'm walking on eggshells man we didn't make this podcast to talk about drama and do [ __ ] like that we just did it to joke around but that's why we never bring anybody out but our pocket I know dude but now I'm getting these comments on my Instagram and like for a while there it was like annoying that every was like date James date James I'm like I did a collaboration with James you know like then all the people at home they want to comment this stuff and say like all you should date James and now something goes wrong with him and now everybody's like you need to unfollow James I don't need to do [ __ ] like just like when I collaborated with him and you know he said some things that were like a little flirty and I was like hey man not gay let's move on and then he was like okay we'll move on let's do a video and we talked about it in the video and that was the end of the story so people say in that like oh he's using his fame and power to manipulate people to have sex with him you just say no and then it's over with what's the big deal why is he like having a big cancel party and I don't get it Todd yes I mean Todd really is that what if you mix up yes and no go yes and next thing you know he has your tongue in your ass yeah you trip and he falls and the next thing you're doing cunnilingus why do I feel like this podcasts gonna ruin my career a something Jason you can't joke about that I know but James Charles has asked me just hung in your ass that's not something to joke about people get tongues in their Ennis all the time and it's not funny I know this never really is so much [ __ ] that's gonna ruin me it already or are you what else you know from what I know of James Charles and how the few times I've met him I think you'll figure this out and I think you'll be fine and you know maybe it's a learning lesson for him but I think but what is crazy what we can talk about is he lost three million yeah yeah three million three million yeah if I lost three million I'd be negative two million people were having viewing parties of him losing followers that's crazy that people thrive on and they enjoy it this is one video of like the stock market like I I think the sucker it was like just like doing well yeah and then hit but they put in James sub just like yeah yeah people it's really crazy how people thrive on on the downfall of people it used to be with like politicians and stuff like I remember when I was really young like Saddam Hussein when they dragged down that statue yeah stuff like that like people but he would like a little different yeah like he killed people right I mean I I mean it was very young a dictator who you know killed everybody Wow man that'll going down is that yeah it is that's crazy Jason people jump on the bandwagon and support this type of negativity that's kind of like I get it people like to be part of something but it's like they're celebrating somebody's downfall and and it's not like he hurt anybody as somebody who's been through a scandal and a lot of like crap I have huh yeah I can tell you that whatever you read online whatever the common theory that would upset you if James Charles is out there like reading the comments and getting really bummed out it's not real because when I was going through whatever shitty stuff I was going through I would read the comments and be like oh my god I'm like [ __ ] I hate the ship but then I go to the mall and people will walk up to me and they'd be like yo what's up Jason and I'm like wait what do you mean they don't even know they they don't know yeah there's there's there's way more people that have no idea that I feel like it's almost like you're watching a show I'm like it's like okay this character used to be my favorite but right now he's in a bad spot exactly he'll come back from it exactly and you're basically treating these people and their real lives like their characters on Game of Thrones some fantasy [ __ ] Lin like the Todd watches yeah and you treat these people like they're real people the internet it's so it's not real and people that just troll not even troll are on there all day commenting about your life our lives yeah yeah and get [ __ ] and it's just like yeah not real it doesn't matter yeah like this guy James is not really murdering people and holding them down and raping straight men and saying you won't lose your subscribers you better have sex of you know he's not know like people are just making this drama it's fun to watch it's fun to get look we got the thing up here we were all having a good time I think it's fun to watch I I don't I don't even think I hate people getting beat oh let's be honest we were watching a drama video last night at David's we were all lined up so cliche vlog squad drama thing watching YouTube on the TV and then David turned it off and he put back on some like the rock movie that's like every every movies the same that he does and then I'm like wow man those [ __ ] stupid drama videos are better than this his movie sucks yeah I'd rather watch this YouTube drama than another rock movie you know it's the same thing over and over shadow to the rock he's the man I love him such I liked what you said there that was really insightful it is it they think that I'm turtle from Entourage you know or they think that they think that Todd is the guy from Big Bang Theory playing a character but that was really good Jeff and then you get into these situations too where you're you get lost in it where you're like if I like make a joke about Todd I think of it as like I'm on a sitcom making a joke about Todd but people think it is Jason's a dick cancel me I want to be canceled I want to be I want to have my episode where we put my social blade on the TV they won't cancel you because you want to be canceled I know cancel me I don't want to be dismissive of what the allegations are it is serious story behavior predatory behavior I don't know man I was in that situation specifically James did come on to me but I I mean we're we're comedians we joke around we joke around about our our guy friends being good-looking all the time and it's just like it's something I'm used to so he did in the beginning say like hey let's go to the movies or something like that and I'm like hey James I'm straight they would like you know yeah all jokes aside like and he was like okay cool then next week he hit me up to do a video together and talk about it and we talked about it and it it was fine like you just got to speak up for yourself if you feel like you're in a situation where somebody is trying to manipulate you to do something just speak up or ask one of your friends ask somebody that you think is smarter Todd you've been there before you said you've done Gabe for pay stuff before at the beginning a cruise with David and he circumcised uncircumcised oh it was kind of cool oh yeah charged him more yeah David David's gentle and he keeps his shirt on cuz he's scared of his body I've never seen him with his shirt off and never seen this room I walked into his room the other day and he had a towel around his waist and he had his bare back to me and he didn't even know I was there and I went and I walked right out cuz I was like I've never seen his bare back before and I felt like I was to see it was it Harry no no no in fact I bet you he is a third nipple well that would explain a lot which I think we got to see that thing it was very interesting seeing you interact with his mom because I feel like you're his real dad you know like I've you're such a father figure in his life I don't know about that he brow beats me every day so the hot relationship behind the dad it's like a stepfather figure that you can abuse yeah that's a great guy too and I love his dad that's right I mean yeah every time when Scott and I would go to his dad's house their parents house in Chicago using it's like 11:00 in the morning we just landed hey you want a shot don't you guys the drinkers come on yeah yeah oh yeah he did that joke with me - he was like Jeff there's some silverware missing from the house and he said like I sell cuz I've been to jail but you could definitely tell where he gets a sense of humor from his mom's very funny - but I'm always interested in stuff like that like where it splits with the parents because you are a mixture of the two yeah you know well you know what's interesting is I his mom is an editor and his dad is a photographer really yeah so David's good at editing and he's good at shooting Wow got a lot from that I love that I love people's stories like Kurt Cobain has the best story yeah you know he he went to this high school he was beaten up and then the year after high school he got a job as a janitor in the same high school so the kids at 18 19 just [ __ ] made fun of them you [ __ ] janitor buh-buh-buh-buh-buh and this created this storm of like angst angst and I'm gonna [ __ ] show you that I am somebody and and I love stories like that yeah Howard Stern same thing went to a all african-american school his parents pulled him out of the white school and sent him to the black school to prove a point to say look at us we believe in racial equality meanwhile he got the [ __ ] kicked out of him every single Wow and and that made that made him who he is you know it gave him this really unique perspective jason nash struggle the homeless dragged through the mud yeah and same for me my story - I you're come up who's in the future I think when you're like sixty you're gonna make it right now all this stuff with all of us torturing you that's gonna be this is your Kurt Cobain high school Cobain moment right and we're giving you [ __ ] now but you're gonna make it big one day man and it's good to have you here we're really really lucky talk about this kandi you're eating at night swedish fish I knew this ambush was good this is the theme of this pot yes we talked about the candy weed at night I talked to Brandon Calvillo last night for like an hour about you know whatever he's going through and I'd love to be his friend but I ate an entire bag of Cheetos just talking to him not and not guys not a little bag a bag on the on the phone it's good you weren't going in on the sugar Jason Ashley he buys healthy food yeah and then at night but I eat the healthy food Mike this is not so good for me this is not that these grapes aren't gonna put me to sleep yeah oh yeah you guys live together I forget about that sometimes cuz you're never together you never are like talking about stuff that happens at home you guys basically just use that big mansion that you rent to put your luggage there when you eat when you come home from your trips yeah that house is a bust I love the house I don't I mean it's not we're both in and out because we're both so busy with social media and everything just to remind you guys what our jobs are you know when filming movies yeah no III am in and out all the time I'm always Jeff's road you know his life I was on the town for a while but now I'm back for a little bit todd has a lot of full life and a lot of opportunities to go places and you know you're doing the right thing which is yeah you're doing great I think Jeff has a real desire to do stand-up be a comedian yeah he does he keeps talking about it so the other day he's like Oh Jason asked me to stand it open for a show yeah I don't know if I want to do it I'm like dude you talk about doing stand-up every [ __ ] day just [ __ ] do it commit and so I think you do your show I think I'm riding out the last of my good looks and then when that starts going down I'll start start standing up yeah cuz it's like I look at myself dude I look in the mirror and I'm like yet I don't like this guy I'm not gonna like laugh at him you know I'll like ask him what his hairstyle or what product uses in his hair what's like a good workout plan but I'm not gonna like laugh at this guys jokes there's a lot of good-looking comedians now a lot more than there used to be crystally is really good-looking I mean crystal he's good-looking I mean guy was like a lead on a sitcom you got to be yeah I'm what decent lookin to be a lead on this thing he is I guess he is Pete Davidson number-one comedian from Staten Island well I love I love Pete Davidson he's my favorite comedian from Staten Island yeah and then Jeff yeah I think Jeff scared because he doesn't wanna be second best stand-up from Staten Island I don't think that's I think I think the popular opinion on Pete Davidson is he's very funny but he's not the best to look at which I disagree I think he's a cool guy I think he messed up by dyeing his hair and getting too many tattoos maybe he went a little [ __ ] boys down the fuck-boy Lane he looks cool he looks really cool Pete Davidson but to be a respected comedian you got to not give a [ __ ] a lot like look at Jason's shoes right now I mean those things have about a six-inch foam thing on the bottom to protect his knees and joints you know he doesn't give a [ __ ] about his appearance and that's why he's so funny no now if he was in tattoo parlor all night long getting tattoos of like cool little tribal things and stuff I'd be like dude what do you why trying so hard yeah I don't need to inflict pain on yourself to me at the same time like I see you guys looking so good and there's like such a part of me that's like me and I want to look good go get tatted up get some new shoes you guys don't have any tats oh wait I have some tats I mean Jason Opel you do you have like some like nice designer clothes like Balenciaga Gucci and stuff like that no but I'll wear them I'll wear these Balenciaga shoes the Trisha bought me but then those they look good but everything else looks awful mm-hmm you know yeah I do wish I could look good I just I can't get it together that's why I love David because he does not give a [ __ ] he doesn't but he's so famous and so rich and people just send him free [ __ ] so he has cool [ __ ] laying around he doesn't put it on yeah I love when he walks in somewhere in sweatpants and everyone else is like dressed up I'm like this is hilarious yeah because it's that LA thing of like there's a if you guys aren't from LA there is an LA thing of that thing of I'm so rich I'm so talented I wear that whatever the [ __ ] I want yeah it's not just David there's like like Adam Sandler will do that yeah Adam seller he'll go on a talk show yeah just looking like whatever and I and I love that I love that about Adam Sandler you know yeah how's that you're just wearing basketball shorts as well yeah that's whatever I don't care who's drew premiere he goes to a premiere in a minute sweat pants his movie that'll make a billion dollars that's [ __ ] great but Jeff why don't you come and do stand-up this weekend okay I mean I'll introduce you I'll come out there and I'll introduce you I don't have like a routine or it's right like three minutes about Todd and that'll get will kill you can play me or like do like a monologue I mean I'll come up there and be like hey what's up guys my name is Jeff because if people are gonna just my name [ __ ] lose it the second I walk there you know that's good jokes and if I came out and they screamed and they law am I in roof that started us falling down from the room I guess I wouldn't send David out there before me either the energy might be wasted on Jeff oh yeah Jeff you're out you just you just lost the job but if I come out and I'm like hey what's up guys chill out chill calm down calm down I am Jeff but I'm here to introduce Jason everybody welcome Jason their whole idea it's one of my worst ideas ever you're out you can cut your coming out in the bring out like Jonah or something first you won't be there yeah cuz then you have to pay for his plane ticket and now we get on to the expenses and the profits how you're gonna walk away from Venus for Jonah's plane ticket and his family's didn't want to go his whole family yeah you gotta fly seven people I love Joe and they all need first-class so funny I did too he gets it he's great man I give him and Varadhan haircuts this week and they are so funny together part on that kid is a young Josh Peck I think he's gonna be the biggest out of everybody you think I think so far down that kid has talent man he could play a high school bully in like a huge blockbuster movie yeah or he could just make his own content and I think he'll he'll kill it that weights their own gas stations when he grows all my money and make my money on cameo and then and then when I get um money from the cameos I'm gonna buy a gas station and then give all the money to my mother because she needs it he's made so much money on cameo he's done nowhere I don't care he's doing really well yeah he's made $9,000 I heard from you in those videos are you guys on cameo you do that I'm on cameo I haven't shouted out every single cameo I stopped it's kind of tough man you really lose your integrity when you make those videos for like 40 bucks I don't know I I think I look at you do it I mean I look at it look at it as I have piano lessons like twice a week once a week I just do a cameo and I pay for my piano lessons ya know myself that's cool that your fans are supporting you learning piano now but you also make a lot of money doing other stuff like real life jobs and stuff and endorsements and all that so like I would just be like maybe you know you won't even notice that and you hear like bank statement like you're $50 or $100 whatever piano listen but I can't bring myself to be on that like it when people are looking at oh who [ __ ] who sold out like who has absolutely nothing going for him right now and has to now resort to this like I'll just go to the website and be like okay god oh [ __ ] Cody goes on here oh man you're on the way up bro why you why are you already doing this well cameo is actually worth a lot of money now oh it's really a lot of money I wish I was able to invest in that before it took off yeah people love the they love getting the messages but as Josh Peck said to me maybe just give it to him for free yeah but then at the same time that takes time yeah time is I hate sound cliche but time is money all of our time is so precious I just wish they like bought a piece of merch and then got that as a bonus you know like or just buying that video specifically is actually a good idea if you if if you could pair fan joy with cameo and you're like alright buy my merch and I'll send you a video message and let's just record our business idea brainstorming and we do none of them and lose all of our money I had a good idea man I was gonna make a water and call it AB water and just put sugar in it and have it not work but just have like the bottle you know like those colognes that come in the shape of like a torso that's ripped yeah you know and do like the bottle like that so people are drinking this bottle thinking they're gonna get abs from it and then we just [ __ ] cash in make millions of dollars sell to coca-cola like 50 cent did but there's a ton of sugar in it yeah it doesn't work but it tastes good he'll do I'll model for it I won't drink it and I'll sell it for a ton of money like $15 a bottle I think like k'kaw kid nashi and west or as my mom calls it KKK yeah yeah I just like saying cut that out a couple times in episode I think that's my catchphrase just got it out time is wings guys today's video is sponsored by Gothic mochas nice merger lastly mocha so get me beware grumble dad Oscar please okay sorry to interrupt but this is our quick little ad break we actually don't have any sponsors yet because this is a new podcast we still don't know if it's real or not can i buy some space yeah you could do it go ahead guys this is my new app it doesn't work jason's 45 years old guys if we haven't said that yet he's still learning how to use technology it's new to him I know the iPhones been out for 10 years the game's great and it pops up and whenever somebody pulls it out and starts playing it it starts out with hey guys i'm jason nash and everybody just will be talking about some serious [ __ ] and then you hear this stupid-ass game come out and it just it gets people laugh and it's it's so funny check it out guys chasing them on the show 86 on the app store was huge man who'da thought you'd be a video game developer how cool is that they're talking about a sequel already Jason when vine ended how did you feel oh man I was so crushed because I didn't know vine was ending I I saw it was out and then I called Brandon and I was like bro what are we gonna do what is going on he's like oh dude this has been coming for a long time cuz I'm 45 I didn't know yeah and I was like what do you mean he's like bro the apps been just dead for a while I mean I'm surprised it lasts oh you didn't see it coming no I had no idea I knew it was down but I was like other people will come back to it know how cool is that that you know like you were back at zero and you were like [ __ ] man I don't want to get back into another thing but you did YouTube you sucked it up you stuck it out you put in your hard hard work for years all day all night yeah doing your own videos working with David and friends and now you're back doing stand-up yeah you made a video game like [ __ ] you never think you'd do like that's the coolest got a second chance with with like a million followers like hitting a million subscribers that's cool at the end of thing yeah David kind of demons you at a comedy club right I got really lucky with vine to be able to make money and have all those followers it died and then somehow I got another another lucky break to be able to do YouTube at any house our first house where's the enemy Heath and Scott and Elton lived and you were there and you didn't really hang out with this yet we're just at this party it was insane Saints birthday I mean and you're asking you're like tell me oh your blogs are your YouTube channels too it's doing great huh yeah I don't know I don't really know what I'm doing never watching your vlogs cuz you made them way before me yeah and I was like oh this is cool and you guys were all together it was like watching friends in a way because you're like Oh Scott's popping in Zane's popping in yeah and you're all so damn [ __ ] likeable so yeah I was like wow that's really cool that they do that but then like a month or two later I think that's when you met David yeah I started coming around more and then I think the first like couple bits I don't know David really put you through the wringer yeah yeah shaving your head making me smoke I was just willing to like just do anything because I wanted my kids to eat we had a great relationship that way he needed content and I was I was just hungry and just ready to do anything but it's so cool you see the [ __ ] that comes out of these things like you expect to get like your million subscribers and stuff like that because everybody like I I'm about to hit a million subscribers it's like not really that big a deal because everybody around us has it but when you get like cool opportunities in in your life like the collaborations I get to do now with some youtubers it's like yeah I never expected I'd be here cut in Simon Rix in my house and he's comes out rapping saying suck his own dick yeah and that's just like your product is good I mean those videos that Oscar cuts there they're really good they're like little Comedy Central show [Laughter] hey we're editing partners it was not for me they're editing half that [ __ ] that would never have a video come out ever there would never be a single I would have zero videos on my channel [ __ ] out here Jason you're done I I what I meant here Jason he brings a lot of the technical stuff that you I don't think you know how to do yeah like there's a lot of things that a lot of the edit and he's completely self-taught too he learned how to edit shoot everything all from YouTube so that's pretty cool just goes to show you guys you don't need to go to school to do anything you don't need to go to school to learn how to do comedy or write poetry or you went to school never mind I didn't necessarily go to school just for writing writing in time I took write I took a couple courses but I was writing before that before that has a book coming been done for a while now he's getting all like the technical stuff and everything sorted out and so hopefully fall we're hoping for a fall release date Dan and it's exciting yeah I'm I'm really excited about it hopefully I don't really really promote stuff that well like my merch for example but hopefully I'll get better at it with the book coming out it's something I'm more passionate about obviously it's actually it's kind of like you know it's I wouldn't say it's like you know Scott put out an album and it's out for the world but for Ike this book I'm like I'm really nervous just because it's kind of like mm-hmm not the sound all it's like my soul is in this book and so it's for people to read and judge and be like oh this guy's [ __ ] or this guy's suck sorry well if you don't get a sick feeling in your stomach it's not worth doing exactly yeah so no that's what I always would say wow that's a beautiful way to look at it it's like before before like a wrestling match in high school yeah I would have liked these butterflies Tilman around which yeah whenever I would do stand-up and I would come up with an idea I was like all right or a character I should do a lot of characters on stage like I like I get this like sick feeling in my stomach and cuz I'd be afraid to do it or to that ever no one would like it and then I'm like alright gotta got to do it mm-hm he's got to commit yeah and you know most the time I was wrong they weren't it wasn't funny at all but you know you bombed a lot over the years I'm so much but don't worry tie a bunch of bombs like last week you bombed recently and yeah yeah when I was in Arizona and then now your own show you bum I didn't bomb but there's parts that are like yeah because I don't do stand-up every day and I'm not on the road like there's there's parts that are Rocky you know not even Rocky but like my shows are different too because they're like they know me now and so they're they're like they're just happy to listen you know and there's parts that have huge laughs and then there's parts that like I got to move this [ __ ] out but you know I'm just working on it working on a show and that's it but it's okay because time has wings and people forget time has wings there's nothing worth doing unless you get sick to the stomach James Charles you know it has this tongue in my ass thinks we've learned to cancel culture Jason's been cancelled and he came out of it I am looking to get canceled myself just for some excitement in my life but I'm too charming and I don't screw up for real I'm too good of a person so we're gonna work on that I bring your mother on this podcast so she can tell some stories well you know that's funny she listens to it and she likes him she's brought up I when I went back to New York with Jeff for the the best trip of our lives to prank his parents his mother told me some stories about it was yeah holy [ __ ] she's got the dirt on me man yeah he could enemy my mom is my mom cancels me oh I will lose millions make a youtube video about your mom your parents can't get many ideas because they'll throw me under the bus I've tortured them my childhood now I you know came around but James Charles here's 19 dude oh man I was still rough at that age he didn't take till about like 30 yeah like now Scott and I were we're batshit crazy at that age I mean you still are bro yes every night when you call me I was like this guy's ass is mine but in a good way you know you're enjoying your life it's gonna be so interesting when you guys are like 34 and like don't go out anymore I'm already like 34 and don't go out anymore yeah well these guys are behind you yeah I love that about you Jeff I love like we're at st. Patrick's Day and you're like let's [ __ ] get out of here yeah we went to Nordstrom and looked at sneakers and buy sneakers oh yeah we got good sneakers from that - that was a good productive trip and the other guys just got drunk and forgot what happened that day yeah we remember our day I feel like I should say something that I love about Todd dog cuz I said something I love about yeah it's cool you don't have to yeah I don't I don't know I need a pedestal I'd like to Todd's always in a good mood he's always really cool if there's a mess in the house he's always really cool if my kids stay there he is a [ __ ] wunderkind at Instagram he always has good Instagram captions I love his RT vlogs and I love the diaries and I love being in the Diaries Wow I appreciate that Jason and the Diaries loves you Thanks and I'm still waiting on some payments yeah we're just a little backed up right now you know totally Jewish Dan call Jack Reed please I think Todd is not always in a good mood I think so in a bad mood lately he's always in a bad mood I do love the Diaries I think you could do more with him I think you take a couple more hours because he shoots for like 30 minutes and that's his yeah he does you quickly you know and he doesn't add at them Joe Joe's always on the run he's shooting for David for whoever he's working so I know he's busy so we I mean we only get like an hour a week but we make it work and you're right we should does such a good concept you you're such a neat person there's so much for people to know about you and there's so much funny stuff and like just even creative stuff that you want to do I feel like you could voice that a little better if you took a little more time with that stuff but you know what dudes sometimes I'm in on my edits for like 2030 hours and I'm like what the [ __ ] am i doing I need to be more like Todd so who knows we don't know what we're doing yeah we don't really know I mean like Jason like you're a little older not much you ever have grown up you ever have like an identity crisis oh yeah like of like trying to figure out what you're doing and like who you are yeah oh yeah when I was when I was married and had no job uh-huh oh yeah I had identity crisis every day cuz I would go I would go to like her work parties and stuff and y'all would talk to me and I'd be like oh my I am just [ __ ] I am just the worst person in the world so in that respect I did are you going through an identity crisis now um not completely now but like before let's say like maybe a year or two ago like with the whole video situation and then I kind of like really found myself something having known you now you've definitely found yourself more this year than then last year yeah that's laughs for sure with writing I've been journaling a lot more which has helped yeah kinda like a roadblock in the day but I love that you're you're a um you're a jack of all trades I love that you do piano oil um that you're working on all these things and none of us I took on anything yeah you work on a lot of things great yeah I think you have a lot in common that was that we both we have a lot in common we both do a lot of different things like a little bit of a lot of things and not so much like one wine focus like Scott's main focus is music now mostly and he's doing great with it actually if it wasn't for Jason I'd be losing my mind because you introduced me to my piano teacher found like finding piano and like being able being able to put like energy and time into that and like being like passionate about like getting better like saved my mind uh-huh you know what I mean yeah I was I was thinking that the other day that I should start taking lessons I think it would do a lot for me yeah really kind of calm technically it would make me any money or I'd be any good at it but I do think it would calm me down yeah give me a purpose purpose exactly am I trying to like find like your purpose in what you're doing you know what I think Todd I think 27 to 28 well you just went through as a rocky age because that's like the age when you're like [ __ ] I need to get my [ __ ] together now this is real life like I'm not getting any younger you start to get little wrinkles coming I think that's a year when these guys know you're right showing this don't go away like this in your like very fast I'm aging fast cuz one year is when it starts and it doesn't like go quick but that's when you just see it happening like Jason you seen the wrinkles come in what year was it around where my hair started to go gray it wrinkles probably like you know sun damage late 30s 40s okay so you were a late bloomer yeah then you go through that thing too of like it lasts for like six months like oh my god I'm getting old and you're like oh [ __ ] it yeah yeah Drazen you just went through that stage and it was stressing you out a lot I went through that before I you know have you heard about Saturn Return everyone has a Saturn Return which is no the ages of 27 to 29 uh-huh when those are supposed to be the key years where you change that's I started feeling that yeah 27 and a half I can sigh I see in my face well also to it if I would stay out late and drink for a couple days in a row I see it but when I go sober for a few days drink lots of water I look a lot better obviously yeah but no I have an hangover start to get a lot worse at 27 yeah but I did I did start seeing changes changes and I started freaking out and then then I start freaking out about life I kind of calmed you down with that you know Jeff did call me down but like I see like my body and my face changing and then I just start thinking about getting older and like what's the point of like everything's just like you're getting older and nothing's gonna matter well you're just a sad stage still kinda because old like your life doesn't really start till after that like you go through that realization like okay you know it's so funny what you guys are talking about is exactly what I'm reading wait yeah it's so bizarre yeah like what for you don't have to read anymore bro you just listen to us you don't have to read anymore I was in the plane last week I told this story last time but I didn't tell the full story so I'm flying first-class to Atlanta to a festival and there's this couple in front of me old couple yeah and I'm looking at them and I'm a psyche what's even the point anymore you're old you're probably like I don't know it's just like there's what is the point like you're you can't move well and I'm like freaking out in my head I'm like oh my god like life is just like you're just yours waiting to die and like waiting who's not exist anymore because once you don't exist oh you think okay you're making Jason depressed people mourn you from out all days and then forget alive there's a lot things that matter in London so I'm coming home from Atlanta and I'm about to board on the flight again and the same [ __ ] people are sitting in front of the same couple same couple we're sitting for they went to the festival - yeah it looks hey so they are living life but so I saw them again and I start thinking about everything again and I'm freaking the [ __ ] out on this plane again and just think they were like dude time has wings you're getting older fast some of these kids listen to this podcast now or eighteen one joy it [ __ ] because you're gonna be 40 pretty soon you need to get sober bro you got like [ __ ] two weeks left bro yeah I see you're at about a week and a half look at it this way those years might be really great for them because all of us now arise Geoff's I couldn't make a podcast Oscar [ __ ] up the audio I got to do this your your I gonna do a vlog I got to do piano like we're running around was ready to make money but they're probably those two palm springs playing golf kickin back yeah yeah you never know cuz I thought at like 1920 when I was in those Miami Beach years and I moved there I thought I figured it out I was like this has got to be the best years of my life that I'm living right now so enjoy it but I was a [ __ ] idiot I was doing all I was running around like an idiot now when I finally got things happening that are real that I'm not gonna lose in a day or like you know like this is the real fun like I'm having a blast now and yeah a lot to you guys but you know stay with it it gets better there are reasons to live your entire life and not just two more weeks of it you know you get all there you have family you get to pass your life on to other people I have kids like Jason did dude that's crazy Jason as has two more of him you know like that's that's Crayolas all this is the happiest I've ever been this is right now like the best time I've ever had in my life so and it took me a long time but I'm happy now you don't I mean I'm I'm definitely happy like I just like freaked out every once in a while had like exits existential crisis you know I do too compared to like when Jeff found me like what back in October I was a mess right I was a big mess you know I was always unhappy oh now I'm I have much happier and like everything I'm doing my relationship with my significant significant other with my friends everything you know parents so I was happy to hear that yeah you got 17 years till your prime I you know I said I'm only age like fine wine baby yeah the judges he's like an expensive bottle of Chardonnay with that blonde hair his chardonnay hair I liked I asked Jeff the other day ago um I said when you were dealing drugs and stuff and but we were like just always thinking about being busted cuz that's for me yeah I was doing stuff that's all I would think about it's like sitting here like I think coming in to bust me yeah and he goes you said the neatest thing you're like he's like nah he's like you just you kind of enjoy it just like you gotta learn to like actually lean into it more and enjoy the fact that you're isn't that what you said that is true but I do look at everything like I'm not saying my friends ever do the same thing would look at it like that right I like you'd always take every negative situation and look at it like as if I was watching myself in a movie like blow is such a roller coaster ride of a life story which is a true story and and so depressing but at least being able to look at that I see things that you can enjoy in that like even when I was driving to work or like driving somewhere and I would see my ex-girlfriends billboard outside it would probably piss people off or like the like that they have to go through that every day like this is what life has done this is what God is doing rubbing my ex-girlfriend in my face on a giant billboard but I just look at it like that's like that would be a funny thing in a sitcom if like that actually you walk out you're like what the [ __ ] you turn your negatives into a positive joke or something like that and we're fortunate that we could do that because we make jokes for a living but there's other ways that you could do that even if you're a hairdresser you take that negative story and you turn it into a conversation you have with your client they find some joy in it and you can make somebody's date better and I think that's that's really cool that you could do that so that's how I looked at drug dealing when I would damn my mom listens to this podcast I can't go too far but like I don't know just getting on a plane and you have some legal contraband on you or something like that just money like not like a gun or like drugs but you still feel that kind of thrill like you know you're getting the most out of life like you're just doing cool stuff like that like I'm not I wasn't a murderer I wasn't walking around like like okay with killing people or hurting anybody like that but doing stuff like that I would definitely find the thrill and thrive off of that for sure so getting busted it's inevitable whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen you can't change it but it's kind of like when Todd goes and gets like a juice and he's like he gets like a crazy juice instead yeah instead of his regular yes today you're living now Todd lives man he lives mostly just in the later hours and the night Todd does live it up I love your life Todd for sure thank you for God you're enjoying yourself you got to I mean I live vicariously through you I know my family my family whenever I see them they're like oh you're always like going somewhere and doing something I'm like I'm fortunate enough to like have met David and all you guys we can like live this life of like being able to experience multiple things like I would never I would have thought in million years that we would take a private jet to a Conor McGregor Floyd Mayweather fight in Vegas like is a there's I remember when we did that we're flying there listening to Frank Sinatra and I can see everyone just like having a great time Casey Heath everyone and at the end like the plane gets a little turbulence oh yeah my whiskey just pops up out of my drink and that's when it goes slo-mo I can just see the whiskey coming down Oh and it was like Frank Sinatra New York New York bad stuff up in the front of the plane flying everywhere and it's just like it was so it was such a cool visuals like this the whole time that's funny man that's like a scene that would make it into the documentary of your life yeah yeah make it all back totally it was it was such a fun time but yeah like we get to do the crazy we're very really really super fortunate really lucky and then we landed that plane uh-huh and uh and Jack called me right away and he goes what the [ __ ] were you doing on that plane I go I don't know Casey got it and he was like those go down all the time and I was like really he said yeah don't ever go on a plane like that again oh [ __ ] I said hey cuz it was that was different that was that was like a private jet it was like hey Clanker like be like here we it was like a jumper from from Bali to Bora Bora you know yeah Wow well that's life man you know what's the point what's the point you got two weeks left make the best of it Jason thank you coming out yeah thanks for Jason you're a great guest is a very mature episode um I forgot we even do this with Scott he's here sometimes too check it out we're trying to come up with a name guys comment below what you think a good name for this podcast that we do here sometimes Scott's here too and Jason usually have a very soothing podcast voice I like love listening to you why Thank You Todd yeah it's great to be here yeah and or a son you're having me I like Scott cast I think it's funny that it's called Scott cast and you do must the talking I like that too yeah you're gonna beat Scott cast cast is good yeah let's just keep that alright guys dude thanks for watching bye Bob nervous out cold go you
Channel: Skotcast
Views: 1,354,303
Rating: 4.8727245 out of 5
Keywords: scottysire, scotty sire, scott sire, david dobrik, vlog squad, vlog, vine, viners, vine compilation, carly and erin, kristen mcatee, todd smith, toddy smithy, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, liza koshy, alex ernst, jeff wittek, jay boice, oscar, nerf, jason nash, podcast, skotcast, toddcast, james charles, allegations, cancelled
Id: 3UIgJ1cCt0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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