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hey guys David and Jason are fighting but we're making them along for the ride oh you said this no sandwiches has never been to a Starbucks before you can go forward there's a menu up there no I like this one David can do drive-thru yeah we can do this really once David in this whole Starbucks yeah we get impulse what am I getting you'll see there an order oh but it's not a new like green drink is it I can say I'm a shake or anything no do you have against shamrock shakes a lot of sugar victory King 7/7 literally drink redbull every day sure free and I take two sips and then throw the rest off okay should we go we're getting in the car I can't smile normally right now guys does your tongue yeah Aaron found out that my tongue that you're a reputable Illuminati confirmed yeah let me know if you if your tongue looks like this comment below like do you see a little flap of skin like a 20 - mine's higher than the rest of yours yeah wow it looks like it's pulling it likes pulling your do it oh that is [ __ ] weird okay I feel like I feel like I pitched a movie and people are like we like it we're gonna see and that's David's coffee thing right now like second coffee and I'm like okay no I can follow I do not get it yeah oh oh like he's waiting to see I'm waiting to see this looks on with you like if you bite I'm interested to see - so what is what is your go-to order now David whatever you guys got me last time oh I don't even know what it was a on the ml Frappuccino it was an almond milk iced cappuccino oh is that what cappuccino oh those are great what's a Frappuccino Patino is like it's like a milkshake almost do you like vanilla well while I'm getting what is it called we are getting if you want to be surprised at the window her do I just tell you now whatever you say okay let's try it okay so we're getting I don't even know what it is I don't know how to wear this the dobrik Frappuccino yeah I got you a patina I don't know if it's a Frappuccino or not can't see a picture it's the s'mores drink it's a s'mores Frappuccino no no no no well we're gonna get one to try it yeah coffee oh you should have me try like regular things okay go go do this why don't we get him should we get him should we get him a cloud they don't have a clouds this is mango dragon fruit no that's not they really go anywhere because Natalie goes everywhere for him so it's like he's in the world for the first it's what's that movie we're like um you're like oh you're like Steve Rogers all I can think about is that's Captain America yeah but he's living in like the [ __ ] so he doesn't know what anything is I like the joke on him is he like is really delayed with all of their jokes and stuff he's like what is but one on my arm and did you yeah I was like you're not you're not super subversive in any way nicer and you're already told me about because you don't know the meaning of the word subversive that makes you not iron okay so maybe we should just keep him on the almond milk latte get the s'mores things we can taste it well I got one I think David should talk to the person that window to figure out who is this on okay for all this I'm gonna get a bunch you know you can get whatever you want as palette is like this I know it should just one thing to him Oh David you're going too far my calories it's my first time I'm gonna try the mango dragon fruit Starbucks refresher medium should sure how many s'mores just wise but I've also been frozen for the last pressure no you already got that Oh a grande some wars and then the Grande s'mores prepa Chino thank you and then I'm gonna do oh what's the one I like Jace an almond milk and ice an iced almond milk cappuccino almond milk cappuccino yeah and it with a sippy lid please and then I'm gonna try the nitro cold brew oh my god no no sweet cream I mean what's your favorite sandwich here oh those sweet potato okay should we try those you're gonna get worse I only have one yeah tell me Lisa what's up this is my first time trying this [Laughter] here we go check oh yeah oh wow this is delicious doesn't it is just like a dragon fruit thing it was just the juice how much sugar is in this thing a lot of sugar in this I think is like a soda here you go oh my god we're literally doing a coffee move on right now what's this the ground eight you can read it it says it right on it girl ice cap is that the sandwich I haven't had Starbucks delicious he's not from here careful it's dripping yeah this is the cold brew this is a nitro cold brew yeah this is my reaction to that I don't know there's anything in it i [ __ ] with her is that nope not sweet I don't think when you try it birds anyway no Whitney when you drink it if I drink it no I'm gonna have had enough so far I like the one what is this coffee you asked you I need to know like the level of like health this is they're all bad this is the worst for you so it's probably the best no the s'mores is the worst well yeah but like it I find it like I think it's $160 yeah it's also at all yeah it's not bad yeah I wanna try this more as a medium I don't like it because it tastes too sweet can we park somewhere yeah you need to try it first I guess oh yeah because you're an evil idiot you want to show it show it off this is how I'm so excited I like these a lot this is what we do for our videos everyone wonders why yeah well done really GU does it taste like ice more actually that's really good that's really good oh my god I'm excited that's so goddamn good here try it Wow but to be fair you can't mess that up this is way better than the cat barrier like s'mores already a recipe made by Gods like it's already like this thing that's established this is so [ __ ] good okay what are these that's this one is the grande iced cap this was an accident yeah I want to try this it's a vanilla bean frappe Wow wrap so it's not good for you either nope wraps are the bat these are like milkshakes pretty much no coffee really good I don't think so this is incredible it's not that you order a kid when they go to Starbucks decisional coffee yeah that was so good how many calories you think is in here 13,000 okay so and this is what that's the one I like a grande iced cappuccino yeah that is all they should be similar to the one we brought you the other day [ __ ] it stopped because I just tasted those that's delicious something this is great this feels right I'm gonna get a snack after McDonald's it is really good one down here - can someone comment below how bad Starbucks is for you know it just depends what you guys yeah like a cold a cold brew is like fine because unless you put like cold white sugar black coffee is six calories like it's like a grande black coffee that I don't know what a nitro cold brew is but there's almond milk in it there so it's probably kind of sugary but not the worst for you black coffee is what I ordered have you guys ever had a snack crap Oh welcome to my universe it's crazy because now that I like this Natalie isn't another place to go oh I'm so sorry Natalie this is incredible I used to get those all that from Dunkin Donuts after just a vanilla bean Frappuccino from Dunkin Donuts we would walk there it's literally like sipping on melted ice cream yeah mm-hmm oh my god that's delicious I see the hype I totally get it now I mean I got it before cuz I'm like it's coffee everyone loves coffee but like I do I did get it so do you think our basic level has gone down I never thought you guys are basic I might never gave a thought yeah I guess you guys are basic nice genuine think this is good and I like the look I like the feel I like you I like having it in my hand why I like it I want to go to meeting with this oh yeah but without this drug you know why like I just got my teeth whitened why it makes you look good is because it's like it's like hey I'm here early for this meeting but guess why I was up even earlier getting this coffee that's how prepared I am very important I know this is a 7 7 o'clock meeting 7 a.m. but at 6:30 I was at the drive-thru at Starbucks so just know I've been up way longer than you have that's how your brain works for this oh yeah yeah it's a Power Move genuinely it is when you're walking with one of these and I'm finna you should work at Starbucks marketing this is gross person I've been making videos for years and this one video with David he got sponsored by Starbucks I would be $23 yeah all of it yeah I'm kind of surprised too I thought it would definitely be like oh well I think they gave us this one for free I don't like this oh wow this is delicious maybe had a Big Mac oh yeah I love Big Macs have you heard fries can't wait til you try the snack wrap with honey mustard yeah you can get Avengers superhero toys and a happy meal you should try to get an Ironman one and you can like set it up here he gets all the Avengers bobbleheads for his car we go around ten times this one's on me guys that's for hire me probably you should happen you should totally ask the McDonald's merch was sick I wear those pants all day now I love this but I don't want to get too gross for the Carly and Aaron video but coffees makes you go to the bathroom oh yeah I'm not gonna ask for Ironman you'll see you guys I'm gonna be surprised okay I think you have to get a kid's meal right yeah of course some of your kids mean well I bought a vaper for a bit the other day and this is sour patch kids juice so when you're vaping it's like you're chewing on sour patch kids oh sorry swedish fish he bought her they just just now hey guys we're to McDonald's drive-through I really wanted the Iron Man toy so I went over 300 kids meals should i it's like all the Hulk hi oh I didn't know is that have you ever had the coffee from here David oh you can't do for kids meals two of the six piece chicken nuggets and two of the two cheeseburgers and then do you have crispy snack wraps okay I'm gonna pull my 10-speed around I don't know I can't think appetizer go-gurt or juicy go I'll do whatever I'll do whatever Apple Apple's yes please have the toys - yeah and you have the toys right they'll be in that thing is a major brand business he's getting it and then I'll do another 20 piece chicken nuggets you guys are Big Macs no no no Big Macs 2 for 5 mix-and-match deal - Big Macs is $5 it's really good I hate when people hate our McDonald's like it's number one for a [ __ ] reason oh yeah maybe this will score McDonald stuff if I don't get [ __ ] Iron Man and any of these kids really I'm gonna [ __ ] I didn't have this matter grab McDonald's if you're watching this please send David the Iron Man no I need to earn it fair and square do you Cocoa Puffs know I'm 27 I didn't need Cody not a lot to have fun when you're 27 I ate cocoa pebbles oh my god a bunch of honey mustard and sweet-and-sour ranch and ranch please don't don't open I won't that's my spot right there are my spot at McDonald's okay guys ready okay when you're so excited to open Christmas presents and then your mom didn't get you what you wanted I feel like that's what's this is gonna be where's the other one okay guys moment of truth to see if I got Iron Man are you gonna put them all yourself yeah the first one I'll take that oh my god these kids are so cute no they're all feyo's mmm our man's friend Don Cheadle it's not only for men Don Cheadle again this whole thing Natalie Portman okay last try last facts right back home you go back in excuse me I can't believe this is Bradley Cooper it didn't sound anything like you know we gotta go around just keep going I'll go get you Iron Men no no I need a win it eight years people probably asked for Iron Man have you had honey mushroom yeah you act yeah like this as much no I don't want that much let me try a psycho who hasn't tried a Big Mac no one in the world Oh the only ever in calories to perlier like yeah you know that was a very big fight huffing your tongue do that he's a reptile remember anybody have a cheeseburger just a plain cheeseburger from here yeah look at this so nice yeah this is what it's about it's like my classic - is the like fish sandwiches like I can't believe people yeah well I know it's disgusting like not to shame anyone but like shame shame shame on you I like this this food should we go around and keep trying to get that no it's a long line now oh yeah next time David yeah you'll get it someday David well you guys we fully did not plan for that to be the whole video but we have other things filmed for today but then all of that happened we were fully just going to Wow I look gorgeous what is that from it's like a it's a thumbnail for a clip that we'll use next week oh my god okay this videos already so long so we don't need to make it any longer but um this is David going through Starbucks and like acting like a child for 20 minutes straight yeah literally yeah it was so fun like how much longer was this footage it was about 40 minutes and I cut it down to one is at 17:30 so like it was just so funny and I hope that you guys appreciate it as much as we do because like he's truly a treasure his view of the world and think this is really weird I want it you know that those like accounts that are like overheard LA you're like oh yeah like maybe that but for date look at Twitter I didn't wanted tweet every time David since we should make one we have to make one okay go follow it well yeah even though things he was saying off-camera that date Wow okay I could keep going on forever but I really know like I came home and I was like TJ David is just such an interesting person I love him so much he's an angel [Laughter] how come you need to do fun stuff we were literally facetiming him being like they were coming to pick you up and he's like no I have a shower make sure to LIKE and subscribe and we'll see you on Sunday yep I was mentally trying to figure out when that was happening something by TV of us t-they SMR [Laughter] somebody actually create that quick [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 6,043,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, david dobrik, jason nash, carly erin david, carly erin jason, starbucks, first time starbucks, vlog squad, vlog squad girls
Id: _mH5lwyAjSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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