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as we searched up online with all the games and all that that's already like 400 bucks great it'd be a little freaky it's totally freaky how's it going everybody so it's Saturday morning we're out and about we're about to hit up some garage sales we got about 4 in my area today so I'm super excited let's get on the road and get to these sales all right just got to the first sell we're in Oakland California so this is most of you guys probably heard about Oakland I mean it's voted like the most date one of the most dangerous cities in the world or in the United States at least but I like Oakland I've been coming to Oakland for since I was a kid and I got no issues with it I've never actually had an issue here yeah that's where we're at today let's get over to the cell and see why they got how much is the complete set if you get it all that's been a big debate at night yeah it's I have no idea I mean I looked up online just to see what they're selling for and you can only understand eBay what it's like listed for yeah yeah make me an offer like 50 bucks do you know if it works I do know that where I'll go I do know it works it's been it's been a minute since I've played it yeah I do know work okay I was originally doing the console on all that all the remotes for a hundred let me know how that's it today I could do all of it I know yeah yeah I gave away most of mine yeah yeah I'm trying to get them back now you wouldn't by chance to let me talk to my husband I'll crack is he here yeah no you're good are you ready yeah be fine for all of it do you need a bag are you the husband would you take 75 for the complete set there the Nintendo 64 well that's a lot that's a life that's why she said she's gonna talk to you to confirm for all the games yeah the games and the big console and all those controllers anything I do a hundred for everything yeah that's where she was at then I came back I'm out to seek 100 on it man cuz we searched up online with all the games and all that that's already like 400 bucks 400 yeah cuz these things are like you know they don't make them that's what they're so important as yeah like for with all the games included that gotta go alright so five okay thank you thank you I'll give you the cash now for that and I'll keep on shopping I'm gonna grab you a bag because okay before you leave would you let would you let that go or separately that's all yeah I want you thinking another gear change I do the whole set so what $100 for that yeah thank you so much I mean I'm sorry I didn't mean to oh no we're yeah all right Oh fancy bag yeah you get to be a little bit um you know it's season I love it it's the season yeah it's all good I this one was a big one because I my brothers would never do anything with it and then like going going and he said gone further away oh the lights three bucks or three didn't last night what's this Apple Seto what you think Apple TV they're just do you know their weight you don't I know you had all right it's not cool John no wonder I haven't seen it right I know you know how much you want for it ten bucks ten dollars are the Apple TVs right there Apple Express like Airport Express extenders okay I do 20/20 all right I'm gonna look in the movie oh really yeah I know apples apples not cheap whoo it's a nice one though looks like all the carbon fiber huh crazy you brought mm yeah right it's true you get two cars for that oh yeah [Applause] I'll do Tony yeah thank you is this your stuff here okay so is this your iPhone it is okay so it says it needs a new screen what's wrong with the screen it's just wonky there's nothing wrong with the street you can open it up yeah yeah I saw it looks fine did he go in the water or something no it didn't know water I just a clumsy fool I follow up yeah so so what does basically uh it's very pixelated if that's like the best way I can do okay so I tried to get the screen replaced I didn't go to the Apple Store which I think was the first problem yeah I think if you went to the Apple store you'd have less problems okay thank you what what number is like the sick yeah I'm all caught up thank you guys so much yeah if I can't figure it out then I'll just give it to my daughter she'll be happy she's eight years old she could deal with some pixels alright thank you so much have a good alright that was a good what do you got here oh yes you're getting the Vectis yeah oh my God look at that Sunday Night Lights a little bit everything I don't know the two bucks yeah alright sounds good to me little bag what's up I wasn't planning on it I got so many envelopes up thank you thank you alright last cell the day I'm early though says this open that 10:30 it's 10 right now so hopefully they're cool to be coming in how you doing my too early no okay cool how you doing today okay you guys always open here okay very nice okay all right is it inside or just outside just outside we're bringing some okay cool so awesome thank you so much seems pretty cool hey Mouse yeah yeah that's old-school get the whole set huh I like like video game stuff electronics like small electronics stuff like that I mean there's yeah take a quick peek it's gotta clear out the whole thing huh it's all standard def but these are like little lipstick cameras for microscopes and okay under stuff yeah little zoom lenses this is a black and white near-infrared pretty camera that's a color one these are the microscope this your first day of having the self yeah okay do you mind if I look into a few of these things or should I wait till you get it out this these people's won't go out so they're gonna stay inside so yeah okay cool yeah do you know if all the camera equipment still works or is it just like parts as far as I know please work I think this this works in this works I just I can't say that I've fired them up recently you know Jakub do you know does this still camera work oh yeah it works this the it's really just a lens this the works perfect but it has a Velcro because it doesn't no okay does it stick well see okay okay feel like a little newer model yeah okay interesting possibly oh it's like a film one yeah this is digital okay so I'd say the camera charger and I can even throw in the bag are you sewing that Nikon all so far yeah what was that Elfi this is all John stuff right yeah okay I'm gonna ask him I just met him right now I heard someone calling John Barron's yeah very talented it is he is he a photographer yeah yeah DP shot a bunch of stuff that you probably seen oh yeah yeah yeah that's crazy you just walk by and not know but you know people do amazing things oh yeah it's nice you guys maintain hygiene that's good yeah we did we all should write like what the Nikon yeah I'm gonna ask him what he wants for these he didn't have a price on these things here how was it that works yeah okay he brought it over it wasn't on the table yet yeah it's a Fe Nikon Fe yeah with the last I don't know 62 millimeter how much you doing on this and the dollar for that let me just do you mind if I look in here yeah yeah we get freakin back to the table see you that's an actually that's a nice lines very mediocre yeah so how about how about 10 bucks for this alright a buck for that and this and this guy call it 10 bucks ok so we're at 21-21 ok sounds good you want to throw this in and make it 30 this is like a dollar off yes ok thank you is that what the final pressure is that nosy yeah appreciate it yeah all good sounds your way some some goodies yeah can't beat the deals yeah try not to drop them my way out yeah right thanks guys what's that there's a chi i mcai you okay okay nice thank you guys do you know how much they won't for this old rat suit the whole thing uh 20 bucks 20 bucks do you know like is it like a custom-made one it is oh yeah this was me I got this from Act one costumes in Oakland when they closed about maybe as much as ten years ago okay so yeah they made the head and all that the body might have been purchased you know any idea like if it's been in any movies or anything well we I mean we it was in a short some short films we made I just don't know if it's been in any famous movies but okay yeah I mean make me an offer what would you want for oh man it's crazy it's I'm just thinking next year Halloween or this year I mean it's pretty great there'd be a little freaky it's totally freaky the visibility is not great but if you made a hole a little bit bigger it's either this one or those two you see through yeah ten bucks okay I'll get it alright yeah let me go put this stuff away and I'll come back for it alright I'll be back is it possible to ask John what short films that thing was it uh yeah of course just give him that ask now I'll hand it afternoon hey John do you mind if ask you like what sorts that was in it called animal crackers animal crackers so yeah yeah is it on YouTube or anything here I think it is yeah either check it on it's either on Vimeo or YouTube okay and yeah I'd be cool to watch it yeah yeah yeah totally yeah okay I'll check mine yes animal crackers if we shot right over here in Oakland okay well take a look I'll check it out thanks again John all right thank you sir yeah man you have a good one okay all right so let's go over the first crowd Seoul so first thing the very first thing I picked up was this Nintendo 64 they were they had a bunch of crazy prices on these asked her what she wanted she said a hundred bucks and I offered 75 after a little bit of conversation between me her and her husband they finally agreed on 75 this is a good deal it's not like a crazy like amazing garage sale fine but I can't pass up a complete set like this for 75 bucks like this if I sell this system with all the cables and one controller we can easily get probably pretty close to like 80 to a hundred dollars plus shipping right now for that stuff so that would make like a few other controllers and the games like pure profit and we have some good games here we have like Goldeneye double-oh-seven that was my favorite game as a kid Diddy Kong Racing that's a really good game these two games here like 30 bucks apiece this Pokemon snaps like 15 and not really sure about these other ones really good money here for 75 bucks that was amazing then we got these Apple they said that like wireless extensions or something I looked this one up and it was going for it was selling all the time for 75 bucks so there's one there one two three four those in there and then we have this jumbo one here I'll throw it on the screen of its value I haven't looked it up yet but paid 20 bucks for that so that's crazy so this is iPhone 7 according to her it has some issues the lady that I bought it from she said it's like pixelated on the screen I played with it it looked perfectly fine so I'll probably put like my information in this and actually like play around with it put some apps on it but for 20 bucks an iPhone 7 that you know I'll either keep it if it's not like in perfect condition or it'll sell for like a hundred bucks next we went to this sill right here this wasn't like great stuff here but we paid 2 bucks here we got this brand-new Minolta of how to even say that victus victus gx1 that's brand new in its box and we got just some other miscellaneous stuff some ink some other like DVDs brand new and nice little exacto knife so two books they're not too bad next one was this sale this is one where we got this crazy rat so this thing is pretty awesome it's definitely vintage and the cool thing about it it's been in a couple short films that that guy made so some pretty cool history with it too so for 10 bucks I picked that up and then I paid 30 bucks for these things here so this is a Nikon F II so this camera is like a hundred dollar camera this lens I haven't looked up yet but it's a Nikon we got this akia made by canon lens here that one's about 75 we got these pure water filters i've sold these before i think it was like a pack of six for like 30 or 40 bucks and then alright just another couple Nikon lenses so pretty nice little bit here for 30 bucks for these items you can't beat that this camera alone is gonna you know sell for a hundred bucks so not too bad i guess that's everything amazing day today for going to three garage sales you couldn't ask for better results super happy about it nintendo 64 is my favorite consoles so that's always nice to be able to find those in the wild thank you all so much for watching i really do appreciate it and we'll see you next time I gotta be the first one there not the last one there I gotta be the first one [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 148,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, yard sale, boot sale, garage sales, yard sales, trunk sale, estate sales, ebay, ebay seller, ebay reseller, reseller, garage sale haul, garage sale ride along, garage sale ebay, hard goods, rummage sale, garage sale gopro, hidden garage sale, hidden yard sale, hidden estate sale, garage sale pov, estate sale pov, garage sale deals, garage sale spy, how to ebay, how to garage sale, how to estate sale, video games, nintendo, n64, nintendo 64, apple, goldeneye
Id: L8ymBv69p_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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