I Can't Believe They Sold This So CHEAP!

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there he is hey it's a shirt man hey josh i got a couple questions for you what's up one do you mind driving yeah two are you excited i'm so so excited let's go let's go baby what is up you guys so i'm here with my friend wyatt he goes by rewilded reselling on youtube and instagram and today he and i are headed to the what was that highway 21 highway 23 highway 23 big yard sale it's like 44 45 miles long see we can find i think we're gonna do like a draft type thing to help with the competition so we just both find the best possible things we can for the whole day and then end of the day we split the cost 50 50 and pick one thing at a time from the pile i think that's the most fair way to handle it and cut out the competitiveness i think but let me know what you guys think down below but let's go ahead and get into it all right i stopped at this sale i didn't see much but i saw this pair of boots back here let's see what they are rocky they are brand new though 35 bucks so i'll bam bam bam okay so that last sale was a bus i think the sales like in the main parts of town like the main parts of town along this road are going to be kind of high priced so i think once we get through these and get out to the the boondocks with the country folk that's what we'll get some more competitive prices like all the i mean this is basically a flea market at this point [Music] the year is that from it's old though carolina is josh yeah the carolinas carolina occasion is that what you go by no that's not gonna be my business name oh there you go that's gonna go to austin yeah yeah [Music] i love your videos man it's a pleasure to meet you thanks man yeah really you've really been a big inspiration for me even though it's not reselling yeah just to step out and chase your dreams and i appreciate that man yeah you always tell me about it maybe even more than why it's just yeah that's probably true i just got this blender i didn't look up soul comps but it's wearing w-a-r-i-n-g uh the model is yes i enjoy your videos oh awesome coming up good to see you yeah my friend wyatt told me about this this big sale let's go try it out what was your name my name is jack jack are you the the videographer okay yeah yeah yeah i know if this actually is yeah that is crazy man i remember seeing your comment on this video i when meet this man oh my gosh that's crazy you should do like voice acting or something wonder how many people don't yeah i told dante that's crazy man well it's good to meet you yeah i appreciate that i can't really find soul comps about it man i think there's one right there so for 22 plus shipping i think that's the same one five bucks it's definitely profitable but it may take longer to sell than i was hoping all right let's see if we can find some more stuff here so far i've just got that blender which was kind of a disappointment yeah will go ahead and set her back down she was a hundred and something i understand any of this stuff is a little bit more and all the other stuff is a dollar or less okay that sounds good i like i like the sound of that shower foam i'm doing great how are you i cannot complain there you go there's a dollar a piece except for this bag my mom said five because this is set they're all from the 90s and they're like in basically perfect condition yeah that's pretty cool 19.95 what do you think i'm getting this whole box hot wheels yes they're all sealed for the whole box there's more than 30 cars in there that would be less a dollar piece i don't know anything about hot wheels could you do 25 on the box just to get it out of my way i understand i'll give you 25 for it that's my favorite part yeah i need to keep it i got a picture frame though with it in there so i decided to get rid of that and make space on my dresser there you go thank you so much thank you with these hot wheels i doubt there's anything worth crazy money but i mean i paid 25 for everything there's probably about 40 in here so if i sell them for like i don't know five bucks each plus shipping i mean that's a lot of money and they're super easy to list easy to ship and they're in great condition and all it takes is for us to find one in here that's worth you know 20 or 30 bucks and i could pay for the whole haul yeah so i'm excited to look at those later all right there's a lot of yard sales just not a lot of stuff yet but these next two look pretty promising see some shoes over here these are in excellent condition who should i ask about okay which one those shoes okay what'd you think on these 20. i can't do 20. i think 10 is the best i could do on those hey how are you good to see you bro good to see you haven't haven't are you still man i appreciate that i appreciate it thank you sit down dude thank you i appreciate that haven't found much today prices are a little a little higher than i expected but that's what you got to pay for convenience with all these sales on one road you know that's right nice meeting you too you too you too thank y'all this is a car stereo that that's never been used it's new i don't know how much you want for it ten dollars and a friend paid seventy dollars for it yeah is it open let me see if the yeah you can check it pioneer is a pretty good brand if you're not happy with people that know what you're doing yes yes he said ten dollars on this that's how i feel yeah we'll do 10 on that yeah okay let me open up make sure it's still oh yeah yeah that's good oh my gosh the iron giant fans i mean not a vans converse these look hand painted are these like hand painted did you do them no my friend did these are super cool she bought them she bought them brand new to paint and to sell on etsy but she never got the business going yeah that is really cool what size are these i think they say six i think that's men's six though that's in there somewhere i like him ten bucks tell you what i appreciate her art so i will pay you ten dollars for those but you have to give her a portion of it at least there you go i'm just here well here's 11. you keep the dollar give her the 10 you keep the dollar for you y'all want a bag no it's funny yeah if they're in there there's these remember the iron giant hey hand painted shoes man they're like barely worn yeah cool i like it guitar you play a little guitar haven't you a little bit man i haven't played so long i lost my calluses on my fingers now it hurts there's no better time to start that man that's a cool that's what i said i was like i've been i've never seen like a plate that's definitely like custom made yeah my dad put that yeah that metal on there cut it out that's awesome i don't know anything about sony stuff so we got the iron giant shoes for 10 bucks i just really like these i don't know what they're worth they're worth exactly what somebody's willing to pay for this next one's out here in the boondocks this guy's power walking out here this guy back there was definitely a reseller he found a whole box of nascar figures still sealed in the box and he had asked her if she could take ten dollars for the whole box and she said no but he definitely found the only thing worth grabbing at this garage sale all right this one is definitely big it's got a lot of stuff what is this oh here's this is real sand dollar dipped in gold because mama gave us the whole one that's pretty cool how much is the jewelry two dollars everything's two dollars okay oh hallelujah it looks like this is coming apart and that's the earring okay thank you your might be our best and i think didn't show them that [Music] this looks pretty good i found this this should sell for like i think like 100 bucks on amazon wow both of these are silver and all these are silver two dollars a piece it's cool so we got this this says five dollars okay we got three things of jewelry they said two dollars a piece and then i got this thing could you do 10 for everything okay great thank you thank you so much appreciate it so we got this thing i'm pretty sure amazon will sell for about a 100 bucks this fastsort fs4da coin sorter should sell for about 40 to 50 plus shipping on ebay then all this jewelry all this stuff is silver 0.925 a little silver chain i don't know much it's going to sell for but it says right there point i don't know if you can see it on camera but says 0.25 so silver the earrings are silver you can see 0.25 or 925 on there and this big medallion thing sterling 925 if that's all silver i mean that's that's a pretty good amount of silver crazy two bucks a piece kerosene jug the best how are you good what is this thing it looks handy it's for doing pleating pleating ironing oh okay ironing i do all my ironing in the dryer me too right there is a marshmallow cream farm that's what the marshmallow cream looks like and they just come through with like bags and bag it up this is the first sale that we're going to that's like not on the main road it's behind the house a lot of cars here but maybe we can find some good stuff this is exciting man we've been to like i don't know maybe like 15 sales already a couple of them haven't been on camera because we haven't found anything there but it's just fun like going to sales man the weather's beautiful it's like 72 degrees doesn't get any better than this what's up man hey you wondering i was about to say something to you on facebook yeah i i heard about it recommended the egg creams to you oh yeah yeah yeah that's awesome okay doing well man doing well you find anything today uh looked up and found a nintendo 64. yeah and a uh ds that's the yeah uh cartridge golden eye 35 that's pretty good there's another game there that just wore out but she has uh two more games she said she got like 100 games of one of the xboxes hopefully picked them up tomorrow she didn't bring them so yeah let's see you found anything yet y'all just getting out of here i mean we've been probably 15 sales prices are a little high that won a state sale back there i found a bunch of silver jewelry and like a sealed franklin um spelling corrector should sell for 100 bucks on amazon but nothing crazy not like my nintendo find the other day that was that was more like a like a homemade antique shop rather than a garage sale the prices weren't bad but there was just nothing nothing that was interesting morning good have you had a lot of customers today that's a beautiful day not too hot ah ninja turtle that's pretty cool what do you think about this ninja turtle i remember one of the first videos i ever watched you you picked something up like that yeah i think i mean they're just kind of hit and miss some of them are good i think ninja turtle will be good though yeah it's cool it's probably pretty rare they're back in style i see you got this at goodwill for a dollar and something it's fine i bought stuff at goodwill all the time did you do two dollars all right i'll give you two dollars for it oh there we go thank you thank you ma'am appreciate you have a good one you too all right this next spot is just loaded loaded with sales i don't know if we'll find anything because this is like in the main yeah we might need an iq bag for this one i don't know if we'll find anything because generally the sales that are in like the busy parts of town have higher prices but never know high explosive dangerous it's pretty neat pretty neat i like your outfits i was testing it are you are you the lady i should talk to about prices yeah some of them except for these one of my husbands he'll be right back okay sure what about the blow molds over here these yeah these these are twenty dollars each twenty each is that a whole set got the camel sheep where's jesus you have jesus anywhere no that's jesus this is joseph and mary and the baby oh there's jesus down there oh yeah oh the baby what do you think we've never used them could you do 50 on the whole set yeah we'll do 50 on the whole set i think that's a good deal they're hard to find yeah absolutely where you go ten dollar bill yeah okay he knows there's 10. it's 40 for me and 10 from him thank you so much i'm gonna need a bigger bag is this your husband oh what's your prices on the hubcaps oh probably like a can of page let's see we got two jeeps chevrolet that's pretty cool that's all i think that's a corvette with no corvette one corvette yeah that's pretty good to it now on the uh now them i'm gonna do a little better on the ones up under there they old yeah oh if i had the whole set i've seen them for four hundred dollars yeah i bet on that uh it's a plymouth no uh the ones up under i don't have three of them okay i was looking at it just put on the wall t-bird it goes on them and i got a piece for buick some chrome yeah this is 54 buick that's that goes on a flathead it's just heat sheet heat shield yeah finished i like i like the corvette and the two jeeps do you like the two jeeps yeah well no one's dirty but that should clean up oh yeah yeah they've been sitting in my shop um what about 25 for those three okay you do that yeah oh yeah okay all day i like them i think i've seen people make like clocks out of them you can that's good you got 15 dollars [Applause] i should have brought more change than 20 everything's i've been buying everything for twenty dollars yeah i needed five you got five okay yeah alone there you go [Laughter] thank you that's pretty cool oh hey janice you've got a he's got a bag i'm sorry yep i came prepared yeah yeah yeah i just throw him up on the wall i think that'd be cool thank y'all thank you i appreciate it we're going to put this stuff in the car and probably come back y'all got a lot of good stuff oh look here get five a piece big just for a plate put in the pocket what's asking for that uh mixer down there dennis what do you want for your mixer a yellow one down there at the very end it works good yeah that's not too bad i think i just spent too much time looking at this mixer 40 was a really great deal for it and i really should have bought it but unfortunately i did leave this behind dang it how much i'll play for them 50 bucks for the set i almost missed these still got the goodwill stickers on i'll give you eight for them it's got something is that just happens three games and that's why i'm asking that for it yeah they're actually worth more than that zelda super mario 3d land and spider-man anyway you could do 20 for both the shoes and that nice even number what about i got an extra couple of ones in here 21. the best i'll do on that and the shoe is 25. let's see let's see let's see i think that's fair but i don't have change is that okay say you bought 15 bags yes ma'am you're getting a steal on that yeah i think it's a good deal thank you ma'am i appreciate that now i got some change for the next thing i buy hello hello hello [Applause] that skateboard is cool that's really cool well used yeah is there another one yeah kryptonite this one's not as nice this one's cool though what's the uh surprise on your skateboard here five i'll give you five bucks for it i don't need a paddle board but 75 bucks that's not a bad deal no it's not no and i have my suv with me yeah probably a couple hundred i don't know anything about them i'm just assuming more than that she used it on ocracoke yeah yeah actually that one was used and my partner bought it for my birthday but we don't live there anymore he paid 300 for it wow that's a good deal i better call my wife she might be mad at me if i bring that home but it's a good deal well well you're going to have fun on that yeah i can just ride it back to the car you could you got to test it out this road's a little bumpy i have to wait till we get to something smoother so anytime you run skateboards the first thing i do is spin the wheels if the wheels spin freely like that that usually means it's a good board and independent trucks those are good just the trucks could probably sell for like 30 bucks or so they need to tighten up i had to go back to the car to drop off my stuff and get a new battery for the gopro but now we're back headed down this way this was a nice little area a couple things were a little overpriced but we found some good stuff are you josh i am nice to meet you nice to meet you guys everyone watches you on a a daily basis daily basis i i'm honored this this video is going to be good we found some good stuff so far enjoy thank you we're still down here yes sir hairy tornado hairy tornado yeah check it out this is a cool little snap gun or something 35 bucks or 1920s i don't know i don't know anything about it uh like a hundred and eight thousand hundred eight yeah i just went over 135. that's awesome what's your channel shree tips tree tips siri what's what do you make videos about finding precious metals oh that's awesome we found some silver earlier this morning yeah me too yeah that's awesome yeah man it's a cool cast iron deer head man that is cool it's heavy excuse me what you asking for the deer head forty-five man i mean it might be worth it i don't know let me think what's your name austin austin what austin is that thrash whatever sounds better like he's doing this i like that's my middle name okay thrash everybody this is thrash he said he wants to say something what's up guys shout out to rewire reselling and harry tornado i just want to say i'm a big fan of both so today i'm coming to get an autograph from hair tornado and also rewire resale oh my goodness i'll be selling this for one thousand dollars on my ebay page you better ask for two thousand look at this sound over here canada i love canada to drive that is cool that's only 375 dollars that's a deal man this is only 5.50 yeah you guys are you're basically giving it away what was that [Music] 52 what about the canada dry it was probably around that time maybe a little earlier than that i like it i don't have that kind of money yeah i mean they're worth that you just got to find the right people that need it what do you think about this one i'll do the same five bucks let's see you get changed for 10. appreciate it thank you sir appreciate it you got any video games anywhere hiding do you no sir i understand yeah you don't have any of the water stuff that's a nice star thank you hairy tornado tornado tornado uh it's h-a-i-r-y but if you it'll show up if you search anything like that what what's your videos about uh this yard sales thrift stores stuff like that kind of like american pickers but not as famous all right who's going to give me the best deal who should i talk to [Music] um the buckeyes are 20. and the cd was five [Music] all right i'll give you 20 for both of them is that good there you go whoever i appreciate y'all uh we've got one over here let's shove it with him thank you a couple more things added to the pile this insignia cd player it's new sealed but the batteries are corroded in the back so i don't think i can sell this on amazon as new but we paid 20 bucks for this and the buck knives should be able to maybe double our money like on both of them after after fees and all that stuff uh why i got a couple things i don't know good day so far we are walking down this little road here away from the main road there's a sign up there it's a garage sale we're just taking a little little stroll probably won't find anything but you never know maybe there'll be a big box of stuff jason beat us here skull bandit that's cool man yeah that's pretty cool yeah i like the skull yeah i had to get that gold bandit did you leave us anything he said he got another trailer coming soon oh the trailer is it filled with vintage video games or anything like that oh here's some harry potter books yeah i found two though that is full four those dollars spaces were there rest up probably free i don't know yeah they're good i mean they got the dust covers could you take a dollar for both of these books two foot dollars that's what my wife told me i appreciate it thank you sir this has been such a fun experience i don't think we found anything you know crazy we've definitely made some money today but nothing like you know the n64 fine a couple weeks ago or the flea market last weekend but i mean like i said earlier the weather is beautiful i'm here with with wyatt he's he's got a great channel uh his youtube channel is rewilded at reselling i've given him a shout out a couple times um he makes videos pretty consistently and what i like about wyatt is he he actually found me because he was selling a bunch of hats on facebook marketplace and i tried to lowball him to flip him for a profit and he was like hey i'm not gonna sell him for that that cheap so we started talking and i told him what i do and then he actually you know started reselling and just within a couple months you were able to quit your job and now he's a full-time reseller so i'll link his channel in the description of this video definitely go check it out let him know what you think of his videos birkenstocks right here are you the lady i talked to about money well dipped right over here see anything else i get i'll cut prices see some more okay i'm gonna get these let me see if i can bundle something all right well now that's her stuff okay this is over here okay i think i'll just get these i don't see anything else two dollars i appreciate that i think i got two dollars somewhere yeah change thank you ma'am i appreciate you have a great day you too 50 bucks for two let's grab it i got some birkenstocks for two bucks hey that's not bad did you pay for it yeah okay so here's everything we picked up so far again we're gonna be doing a draft so basically that means that white and are going to split the cost of all these items and then we're going to take turns picking one item at a time again i think that helps with like the competitiveness sorry about the truck again i think that helps with the competitiveness because we're not competing with each other we're just trying to find good deals to split evenly so i i'm super excited about the stuff we have the opportunity to pick from today all right we just got to ward in south carolina which i've never heard about in my entire life there's one citgo station and ward baptist church handwritten sign and that's about it maybe there's a post office at a post office yeah there's post office down there shout out post post horses 1700 horses i had played a round of golf out in arizona with this guy or the in the sun and somehow now that we ended up he got my pitching kind of club i bought replaced the pitching button and they had all had new grips on them too wow yeah yeah there's a few there we might find something what are you asking for them i haven't really thought about it i mean those drivers i was saying 15 for the drivers each for each of them that uh cleveland and the uh big bertha or what's that other one you got in your hand uh we got a cleveland and a callaway yeah and i got a seven iron and this malt be putter i think that's all oh cr i think that's all i'm interested in um you got four clubs there four clubs total i think about 40 bucks for all of them 10 each that sound reasonable to you yeah i'm good with that if you are awesome 40 bucks there you go i appreciate you these are good callaways should sell for about 75 that one should sell for about 75. this is about 30 and this is probably 30. tomahawk sony boombox yeah you can take that off i just set that on top of it to keep the thing from oh yeah yeah if you don't look at the table move uh oh yeah there's more stuff on the trailer okay we'll take a look at it thank you thank you know if it works it does that i don't remember about that one i know that work we didn't edit on the other day he's got a cd in the car he got changed for a twenty okay there you go thank you man we were on the way back to wyatt's house past the sail up here your batteries dying i see some baseball bats over here yeah i think so it's weird though because the grips are like yeah the grips look used maybe they're just like new old stock who's going to give me the best price on baseball bats 450 452 do i need to do better i think i think we can i might get a couple of them if we could do a bundle should i just get all the ones together that i'm interested in what do you do for all of them one two three four five six eight i'll do i'll do 50 for all of them there you go sir thank you so much that's neat hamilton beach do you know if this works plugging in around there i i trust you let's see if i got any money left could you do five on it even better i appreciate it thank you sir you too so we got the hamilton beach vintage milkshake maker for three bucks crazy and then we got all these brand new baseball i guess they're brand new like they still have the wrapper on them but the grips look a little used so i don't know but 50 bucks for eight brand new bats i think like three or four of them were high school bats like drop three in weight that that's a home run right there so we just got back to wyatt's house and we're going to empty out all the stuff we got today i guess put it right here on the pavement and then again do the draft where we pick one thing at a time until everything is accounted for i'm pretty excited about all this i mean i don't know exactly how much profit there is here but there is a lot of profit i also don't know how much money we spent today we still got to calculate things out but there's definitely a lot of potential here so let's go ahead and get this draft started so i just did the calculations here and we spent just over 300 on all this stuff like 306 bucks we're just going to say 300 total so the way this is going to work is i'm going to put in 150 why it's put in 150 and we're going to go and pick one item at a time a couple things are gonna stay as bundles like i think we're gonna keep all the hot wheels together um i think all the hubcaps should stay together as bundle but anyway i think these are definitely gonna stay as a bundle the blow molds need to stay together for sure but all right i'm gonna let wyatt go first since it was his idea to to go to this garage sale so wyatt you get first pick man pick whatever you want to give you first pick you get first pick um i'll tell you what since this is taking so long i'm just gonna fast forward to show you guys what i was able to grab from the slot and then what why it ended up getting as well so we've officially finished the draft this is wyatt's pile and this is my pile wyatt got the blow molds which he's not super excited about like listening and holding on to but i really think these are probably gonna be the best find of the day paid 50 bucks for the whole set and i think he could probably get at least 250 if not three to 350 for those to the right buyer uh he he got the first pick which means he also got the last pick so he was stuck with this blender uh we also got some other good stuff we got all the silver jewelry that we found i'm really kind of jealous about that that stuff should sell pretty well the ninja turtle cake pan both baseball gloves the birkenstocks signia cd player that thing the one touch miniature sells for like 75 bucks i think the buck knives radio and two golf clubs here's everything that i got for my 150 bucks we got the two harry potter books two golf clubs the callaway big bertha and the malt b putter get this webster's uh spelling corrector should sell on amazon for about a hundred bucks all the baseball bats we decided to keep those in a lot the iron giant shoes which are super neat the sony boombox which should sell for about a hundred it's really like 75 to 100 bucks plus shipping hamilton beach shake maker a6 shoes all the hubcaps the ds case with the ds games in it the chain shorter from the estate sale uh the box of hot wheels and the vintage skateboard super happy with this this was if you guys are ever wondering if you should get together with another reseller to do to do this like source together split the money 50 50 and do the draft i really couldn't recommend it enough i mean this was it's the best way to like source it somebody else you can do it with like three or four resellers you know just get together split everything you know 25 percent yeah i mean it's it's really good way for both people to make the most money possible so we had a blast today everybody again wyatt's channel will be linked in the description of this video go check it out uh check out his video from his perspective today he had a bunch of stuff on camera that i missed too so i think it'll be pretty interesting thank you guys so much for watching today's video we had such a fun time at this long garage sale i'm definitely going to have to come back next year when they do it again again it was called the peach tree 23 44 mile yard sale in case you guys want to search that up on the internet and come to hang out with us next year but thank you guys so much for watching this video today if you enjoyed it at all take a couple seconds and hit that like button down below and as always hit the subscribe button down below if you haven't already thank you guys again for watching you're the best and we'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 912,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -HTmH57FP_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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