he got his last wish

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wait come outside i got a surprise for you boys boys boys i got you some swing sets yay get to have a swing smash it what do you think about the swings oh hey that's that no that's mine oh molly we need to talk well come here what what is it molly when are you gonna tell him tell him what molly today's the day did you forget no i didn't juicy i wasn't even sure if you knew why haven't you told him how much i got like 28 minutes left how am i supposed to tell my dying boy that he actually does have tuberculosis and he's only got 28 minutes to live juicy he's got like 20 minutes to live and what do you do you don't tell him you pay him off swing set i've got a surprise for both of you all right look wait where is he juicy oh no where is he smashing oh smashing are you okay smashing oh i actually fell over in real life get up smashing get up get up we got a big surprise plan for you today what are you doing he loves lawn patties they're his favorite snacks lawn paddies i just wish i wasn't so allergic to the lawn wow gonna turn that into poopy okay best socks your widest undies go get them on make sure to brush your bristles yes because today's your big day yeah we got a big surprise for you smash you trust me you're going to love this one but all my undies have skid marks i don't have any proper white ones you can borrow a pair of mine big guys ew no goosey undies goosey undies goosey undies that's gross juicy you know your penis has been inside of that as well molly yeah yeah we're not actually doing this are we doing what you're not actually going to make me do this yes i am okay i got 390. okay juicy you agreed no i didn't agree you took my xbox and just told me you wouldn't give it back until i did it we have it on paper with two signatures on it juicy you're contracted clearly what are we doing uh swipe it to the next senate spanish are you ready are you ready what for molly what's happening we are here smashing you're about to meet one of your biggest idols is it riley reed no it's not riley reed sorry about that oh you suck well you're gonna meet someone better than riley reed come on i'll show you come on he's right in here he's stay there stay there stay there stay there i'll be back in a second juicy what the what are you doing are you ready what is this what is this smashing only has about 18 minutes to live because of his tuberculosis and make a wish wouldn't take him so i had to bring him in myself his wish was to meet you juicy goofy grape and we couldn't find the real goofy grapesite to put you to costume the next best thing but go out make kids life right come on can't we just like go to applebee's or something and just like wait for him to die no he wants to make he's oh come on juicy come on oh but molly i i hate goofy grape and now you have me in a giant goofy grape costume i don't know how to do goofy grape stay there i'm to get you uh smashing to turn around so he doesn't see you smashing i have a surprise turn around hi smashing grapes the name what are you doing it's okay little guy don't get all goofy on me i think he's having a stroke i'm sorry i can't stop it let me get him a glass of water especially smashing get up sorry this is tuberculosis this is debate he only has 15 minutes to live now that's okay can't craft this water yes i know it looks goofy yeah yeah howdy pardon me hey drink this glass of water so you don't die on my studio floor come on kid mr goofy goofy grab goofy grape funny face and friends can you get in the cup i'm supposed to drink you with water has anyone told you little guy that you would fit right in with all the funny face friends what makes you say that he doesn't have a funny face what are you talking about come here come here come here come here yeah you me you yes all right little guy don't go anywhere i just gotta go talk to your dad making fun of his appearance wasn't part of the deal we know he's about to die in like 12 minutes now he's got a funny face it was a good joke look at him he's funny facing friends he's got a funny face it looks like someone threw a brick at his head stick to the plan juicy come on smashing saudi partners face um i'm sorry i'm just imagining you juice like in your room right now doing this and it makes me like shut up shut the [ __ ] up i sleep shut you've stepped to a new low bro i'm sorry i had to make you do this for a video how about i give you a tour around the goofy grape studios he only has 10 minutes to live there for miss tuberculosis make it worth it come on that's that means we can get mid rolls right yeah we can get minerals we just gotta yeah just thank god on seven minutes left do something skiffy grape right now come here big guy he promised that he was going to sing the entire goofy grape commercial song yeah give me one second kid nope stay right there where's he going away howdy grape's the name you know why they call me goofy because i'm one of the new funny face flavors from pillsbury next month come on he's a happy boy come on next spot that's all i know i know there's like one racist part with some chinese cherry or something i sent you the script just look at it look how happy he is come on okay come on i'm only molly i'm going to improvise funny face with funny faces that's not how it goes mr goofy i know how it goes i watch it 16 hours a day you'll make me come here now look at him he's gonna he's gonna fulfill your wish smashing come on i don't i don't know the song you're goofy great literally come on juicy come on i've had all night kid i was on a bender please no you haven't no you haven't you're a fruit drink you're not alcoholic wife put me on the streets yesterday night i've been in the doghouse are you an alcoholic go figure according to my family yes smash why don't you tell him how the song goes you just sing it to me kid and i'll sing along oh you don't know the song either put you on the spot you [ __ ] loser none of you know it hey kid you like uh remote control helicopters here it's all yours kid good job it literally just falls down you looked at it so dumb come on kid i don't have all day and neither do you [Laughter] yeah smashing come on time is off the essence mate words cannot describe molly how badly i wish i didn't respond to you and left you on red this morning why juicy i just i messaged you to see if you wanted to make a bag of video sit with me come sit with me it's the same the same thing over and over again marlene every day i hope oh maybe today the boys are going to have a new idea maybe something different and then i get into a call and i realize molly that you are never going to change i'm going to be trapped in this hellscape in this suit for the rest of my life molly do you know what it feels like to look up and pray to god and know that he's not listening mr goofy grape i have a question what's your question thank you for switching character i know it's a bit hard for you to do right now it's my turn for the question mr goofy gripe if i squeeze you just goofy grape juice come out sure kid please don't touch me though i'll kill you molly squeeze him you got bigger don't squeeze me you've got longer arms than i know you're trying to get around him you can't touch salt smashing we're going to jail this is worth talking about molly i want to break free from these chains or just another cog in this goddamn machine and it just keeps spinning and spinning until one day what happens little guy what happens goofy grife happens the machine breaks and we're thrown to the side there's no free will there never has been this is all predetermined molly we don't we have no choice in any of this just like i have no choice in wearing this stupid goofy grand costume okay but when do we get some freshly squeezed goofy gripe you know mr goofy grape you sound a lot like my brother juicy but you can't be him because we left him at home because he doesn't like goofy grape oh he doesn't like goofy grab kid sounds like a loser mr grape come over here please come over here can you just show me more goofy grape stuff you only got about five minutes to live there is no more goofy grape stuff it is a ten minute commercial for like a kool-aid drink oh i found a peanut and a quarter oh i ate the quarter i left the peanut just make these last few minutes of his life memorable he's got tb mate he's got tuberculosis oh i could make a memorable moment really i'm on the tv look i'm on the telly don't touch the lens kid those are expensive up from the lens you that's no don't touch it that is expensive get away from it why are you so mean mr goofy wipe i love you so many all right follow me let me show you where we keep all the fun props for the goofy grape show this is where it all goes down this is the goofy grapes prop room oh especially here's that the goofy great pop room what do you think kid [Music] [Laughter] i almost passed out what happened sebastian do you have a seizure or brain aneurysm or something i don't know but i nearly blacked out that's for sure uh well welcome back kid this is the prop room he's only got the doctor said now he's only got two minutes left to live from mr berkeley better wrap this up come on all right follow me kid drink up kid that's great that's the goofy great juice not the bottle not the bottle i bought you a glass it's right here i thought this was the funny face and friends grape flavored powder drink this was absinthe as you can see we have a bunch of different memorabilia from your favorite goofy grape episodes i remember the tank episode where the goofy great went to war with nazi germany nope wrong one kid this is goofy grape goes to vietnam when the does that episode come out he's only been watching the same one for six years of his life that's episode 82. there's 81 more episodes of golfing life yup kid there's a whole 82 episodes and he only got two minutes to live sucks to be you it's one minute now he's got 60 seconds better get the cake because we've got 60 seconds okay this one right here is goofy grape x casting couch that was a crazy episode okay 69. cut it cut it cut it cut it he's got only 40 seconds now you're just wasting time get the cake get the cake come on smashing come on close your eyes close your eyes smash and close your eyes open them up smashing today's your special little day you silly brush okay look what i got you birthday cake funny face nope nope you're supposed to cut it i got you a sword to cut it with come on molly he's still breathing he's supposed to be dead by now uh three two one yeah he's dead molly my head hurt wait did he just die yeah he's dead now yeah what you can get out of the goofy grape suit now you made his day his final word was molly my head hurts he just collapsed wait let me check his pulse let me check his poles oh wow yeah he's dead as [ __ ]
Channel: Mully
Views: 4,527,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, funniest moments, vr funniest moments, vr funniest moments 2020, vr, vr gaming, vr game, vr gameplay, vr funny, vr funny moments, vr moments, gaming, gaming video, gaming montage, gaming funny moments, your narrator, mully, mully yt, joshdub, eddie vr, the boys, the boys vr
Id: zhcrPNtvVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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