cooked camping with the boys

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I got a little cup of hot chocolate juicy loves hot chocolate mmm I wonder where juicy is actually he's missing out with toasted marshmallows we got hot choppy see what are you doing no monster Molly wait wait what do you mean you're a monster juicy I've been playing a lot of monster legends lately Molly kind of made me want to be a monster juicy was playing monster legends and you can too it's available on Android and iOS this game lets you collect hundreds of different monsters that you can feed and upgrade to legendary versions you can also do the cheat in de breed monsters together to create new ones when you breed monsters you can watch them hatch out of eggs Lula's little guy this monsters called rock killer he's one of my personal favorites he starts out as this cute little monkey and eventually grows into an absolute beast and when he's fully upgraded he dominates the battlefield he's got abilities like Spencer punch and Tarzan yell and he's even breathable so you can make some more little baby ruff killers if you want to but you can use those monsters to fight your friends and real time PvP modes including special dungeons and adventure maps don't worry boys the fun doesn't stop there with monster legends if you're sick of your friends beating you and you just want to go and chill out you can hit up some cool events that you can discover every single week so there's always a new adventure that you can go on so what are you waiting for click the link in description and download the game today now with that being said enjoy the video yeah good well baby brushes gather around did everyone get their permission slips I'm from the parents yes I got a receipt from Ikea my parents are in making this are they supposed to sign it if they're not even in this country listen I know you've only been in this country for a year but it does a thing called mail I just came out here to [ __ ] chill dawg and hang out with my boys alright well now that everyone's signed the slips were good um I asked you know to write down what is one thing you want to do fall out in the nature oh you go first shut up I want to go out in nature so that I can find some cute girls and [ __ ] you know that was comma and [ __ ] find cute girls and then like take a [ __ ] in nature you know go ahead you see I came out here to eat bugs I got a worm you can chew on No yuck all right boys come along come along it's almost getting close to bedtime narrator hmm yes I think Jessie [ __ ] himself should you actually should just so I [ __ ] myself does anyone else find it weird that we're like four-year-olds and our Scout leaders also not wearing any clothes is that weird anyone why is it gotta be like that huh I got a point though I just find it weird you met it weird dude why are you always killing the moment broke and we just all just can go to bed you see these bags under my eyes I'm tired bro I'm a baby let me go to sleep okay well that's fine and everything but I don't know if you've noticed that there's five of us and there's only three beds I'm just gonna put my hand up and say I'm having a bed to myself and you three can share one of us is gonna bleep in the Wolf Den everyone who votes some juicy sleeping in the Wolf Den raise a hand he's like he's like a tootsie roll to the Wolves out there you hear them you hear the call hear that yeah that's right um are they nice holes are they gonna bite me everyone who votes on Jesus sleeping with the wolves right hand me I don't want to sleep with the wolves but can I just sleep with you and one of them because I really like my room Miley just ate an entire keg of beans I don't even like beans I came in to toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate that's it you're seen can't you see that you're tearing us apart go sleep with the wolves get out we don't need we'll see in the morning go sleep with the Wolves I don't know why this has to be so difficult great now I have to do another explanation as to why we bully juicy on my YouTube community posts you got you got really big Wow okay so yeah you guys watch me do you have full let's do it oh hey what's up narrator hello boys dozed off 1 2 3 where's the [ __ ] weird horn oh gee means you see he ran he ran out there he's gone yeah he's fine say something juicy come on that's ok take a seat on the lawns all right I'm here are you all right so me punched out my feet well you see a little bunny sometimes forest puppies are just like that and you're like sugar to them all right you want some hot chocolate yeah okay well I'll get you some hot chocolate it'll be all good so could get shaking like a warm blanket I wanna drink hot chocolate like him wait no not that one that's why I should say caffeine wait no Eddy was it no it was what that was my extra strength caffeine drink [Laughter] no cousins gonna happen I'm the only one who knows the way out of here so if you all don't band together as a group and find him you don't get your badges what badge amount going for your going for the keep your goddamn mouth shut badge oh do you know what I have never heard a teacher speak to a student like this I'm gonna go home you best believe my mom is gonna hear about this trip narrowed up and you know what she does when she hears about these types of trips she writes letters narrator tell me thanking me for taking her child away that's she loves me it's been seven hours now since we last seen Eddie nope seven hours and 15 minutes and 37 seconds he told me to keep his marshmallow warm I hope he likes them all done amigos what Oh Eddie oh my god what you look like a crack that al a rigorous saddle soy el Mexicano cafe nada up he's speaking in tongues it's on the put him down I'm crashing Eddie Eddie look at me I just I just have a question for you okay yeah can you hear me you could you're getting warm yeah what's good okay you can't kick him he's a baby he's got a very weak and underdeveloped neck narrator I think it broke him he can't master yeah I got one question for you though what's the capital of Thailand I don't know what is the capital of Thailand it's Bangkok [ __ ] [Music] get on the log I have finally had it with you little balance are you sick and tired of all you little shits not wanting to listen to our stories not owning your goddamn merit badges and always kicking me in the nuts tired of it tired of all of it because we've got a goddamn happen way tell some goddamn spooky stories already pissed myself three times that's twice more than usual all the fun now we're gonna go one by one y'all gonna either tell me a joke or a scary story and if you don't do what I say I will chop your bodies up into little tiny bite-size pieces and you'll never be found again all right who wants marshmallows yeah me and that's why my parents will never let me see my uncle again I was just disgusting do you see your turn yeah oh okay all right guys do you want a joke her story shark prenup Fiona drunk are a joke it is hey narrator mmm-hmm do you know the gay guy that makes owl noises ooh make sure you pick that up before you leave cuz we're gonna kill any birds all right do you guys want a joke what do you want a scary story Pizza what you can't get Patriot here dude I'm sorry I just misunderstood the question pizza I mean that was actually a mistake sorry okay there once was four little brushes they were in an abandoned Hospital okay go ahead really it's really fluid right shove a cork in it and they were burn victims that's bad yeah it's supposed it's no it was it was much terrible it was from a terrible car crash that happened earlier I listened to see Eddie didn't interrupt you jor you shitty jerk so I can interrupt him uh Eddie continued kid City Eddie no feeding it for you no good alright ready ready ready and then oh my god stop making faces I love you and I really appreciate your ketchup in the bottle do not fire alone could have left skid marks in your pants if one person starts dry rage and I'm gonna throw up whether you're in the river dass if you make me puke in via from your stop doing that it makes it gross it for some reason I can smell her now we're 8,000 kilometers apart to smell your [ __ ] fight disgusting can you just go and stand in the tent while we finish story time I've known you for a year and I cannot believe you did that look josh is gonna post on tick-tock Eddie's gonna post it on tick-tock I'm gonna post it on tick-tock the world is gonna know narrative that you have the wettest farts known to man anyone else hard right now because I'm kind of horde now I put your helmet back on Molly shut the [ __ ] up stand still don't touch his goddamn marshmallow juicy get flustered and stop doing that Eddie oh you goddamn story right three two one go hey guy dude I get I can't stand this guys and then a shadowy figure from the darkness slowly steps out I'm sorry I can still smell narrator's virtual father's all right Oh would you like to hear a story or a joke joke joke joke okay you know this is a good one you might be you might be a little young for this but let's see if you get it did you know that my favorite band is called imagine dragons do you know why why imagine dragon these nuts across your face now that's that's not funny it's a legal yes just so you know now it'll actually have a nut allergy and I will die if you do that so so please don't my mum said I'm to all that have any nuts in or around my mouth so don't do that you know what fine you're on your own get in my car I'm out of fun um but narrator where where are we oh you didn't get home this is just like the time my parents dropped me off for the Disneyland alright boys we're here to have fun right let's play some spin the bottle Oh you're gonna have to kiss juicy ready for this spin you're gonna kiss juicy Oh guys who did that land on what a coinkidink bring that area juicy once again thanks to monster legends for sponsoring this video the game is now available on iOS and Android in monster legends you can collect hundreds of monsters that you can feed an upgrade you converse your friends in PvP battles to determine who is the best at this game you can also just go on cool adventures you can explore secret dungeons and you can also participate in weekly events this game really has it all go to the description right now click the link and download the game today I would like to thank once legends again for sponsoring this video yay
Channel: Mully
Views: 8,725,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, vr, music class, the boys, the boys vr, vr game, vr gameplay, vr gaming, vr funny moments, vr funny, vr moments, virtual reality, gaming, gaming moments, gaming funny, gaming funny moments, joshdub, mully, mully vr, eddie vr
Id: KCv8VFCdfjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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