He Claims He’s From THE FUTURE! Body Language Analysts React. Ft. Chase Hughes (The Behavior Panel)

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we are a collective conscious and a cyborg sent from the year 2050 sent from a higher civilization to warn people of the incoming apocalyse how will it end what's going on everyone welcome to behavioral Arts my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist to teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world a few days ago on his social media Dr Phil shared footage of an interview he did a little while ago of a young man who believes he's a cyborg from the future here to warn the human race this was one of Dr Phil's more interesting interviews that he's done and so he thought he would reshare it and kind of bring it back into the Limelight and it worked very successfully the video got millions of views and comments from viewers from all over the world now since lately on the channel we've been covering heavier topics with loaded videos I thought it would be nice to do something a little more light so in this video we're going to to look at this guy's body language his facial expressions the word choice and try to determine is there something psychological going on or is this just an elaborate act that this guy is putting on or is he actually a cyborg from the Future Let's Dive Right In now before I introduce my guest and jump into this analysis and try to figure out what's going on let me give you guys just a little bit of a backstory for us to all be on the same page before we look at these behaviors so it's the guy's mom who reached out to Dr Phil for help and in her package or she's introducing the situation she's talking about how a couple of years ago after he graduated from University in business that's going to be important um this young man started to behave a little bit differently he was contributing much less to the household he refuses to get a job and when she communicates with him he has this very monotonous direct way to answer her question I also made lasagna downstairs and I wanted to know if you could you know join us we not hungry thank you furthermore he's off often seen astr traveling which is a meditative state that he goes into and claims that he's getting messages astr traveling is where he travels to another dimension where he gets like instructions from the higher beings so as Mom reached out to Dr Phil it doesn't seem that she believes he has a mental illness it's not quite clear what she believes which is something we're going to talk about today but she wanted Dr Phil's help to figure out what to do here how to navigate this situation my very special guest today is a number one best-selling author who spent 20 years in the US Navy studying human behavior which he now teaches to intelligence agencies and law enforcement he holds two certifications in Neuroscience from Harvard and Duke universities and he has personally experience on the set of Dr Phil who he counts as one of his very close friends so please welcome back to the channel by popular demand my friend Chase Hughes what's up man how long should I stay like this uh just a few seconds longer welcome to the channel Chase always love having you here and I'm particularly excited to look at this topic with you I am excited about it my daughter told me about this video a few days ago and I didn't get a chance to watch it uh so I'm excited to see this this is my first time going into this oh dude it is perfect for you there's so much to talk about here let's start by looking at before Orin even comes on Dr Phil is talking to the mother and we're getting some really great stuff in her behavior the way she's talking about him and even in the way Dr Phil is going to introduce the guy so let's take a look at that you don't think he has a mental illness no not at all what would motivate this kind of atypical Behavior well one of the things that he knew that I wanted him to do was find a job and he hasn't done that and so so you know if he can claim that he's a cyborg and so forth and not have to enter into you know having a a real job so right off the bat there's stuff we're seeing in the mother's behavior that give us some Clues as to how she feels about this so when she first brings up the subject of him claiming he's a cyborg and she says the words claims he's a cyborg we see a couple of things first we see the hand come up in this kind of throwaway gesture with the fingers completely extended and Chase the turn you use for this in your work is a stop gesture which is something that we do completely out of reflex when someone like slams the brakes in a car and we just want someone to stop or we're startled those fingers shoot out like this and this by the way fingers out Palm outwards is a universal indication of negation so almost anywhere in the world this has been researched to indicate putting an end to something at the same time we see our eyes open wide up as she's saying that now research out of the University of Toronto has shown that when our eyes are wide open we take in more information with our peripherals which is why we commonly see eyes wide open with emotions like anger surprise or fear when we're trying to take in more information to know how to react so this is telling me in this moment that even now she's still surprised by this claim she's still having a hard time accepting it and there's a part of her that just she's here to put an end to this immediately after that we see furro eyebrows as she continues to talk about it now one indication on one body part can rarely give us a specific meaning but forward eyebrows are usually tied to either anger or confusion or deep thought something along those lines and all of those make sense here I'm sure she's angered by this I'm sure she's still having a hard time understanding what the heck's going on here uh and chase you had some really great points as we were talking about this second ago regarding not necessar what we're seeing but what we're not seeing why don't you talk about that a little bit my first uh behavioral Point here was that uh Spidey chose to include Canadian research in there he's trying to pitch for Canada one thing that I saw here that I would expect to see if a person is Faking it and trying to get some celebrity or some status out of this is that she's not excited she's not excited to be on TV where we would see more of the eyebrow flashing Behavior postural adjustments moving around in those chairs and those chairs are gigantic like the base of that chair is like up to the bottom of my rib cage but one thing I am seeing is a concerned mom and along this line she is believing that the social enforcement putting this in front of lots of people is going to correct her son's Behavior because at the end of the day I think that looks like what she wants I haven't seen the rest of the clips but she thinks social enforcement of being in front of lots of people is gonna fix what she wants in her son which tells me two things number one she grew up this way with these fears so her number one fears are this being embarrassed publicly or being shamed publicly number two this is likely how she raised him and tried to uh raise him in this way thinking that he has the same fears that she does love that and and it's so interesting to see how that's going to play in to some of the stuff he's going to say once he's on the show Chase I want to ask you this as well you mentioned a little bit your experience on the set of Dr Phil a lot of people watch a lot of TV shows with a sense of distrust and I completely understand that I've consulted for a lot of TV shows I've worked on a lot of TV shows and I know that they often manipulate things to get a more exciting narrative in your experience working on the set of this show being friends with Dr Phil do you think there's any likelihood of this being just actors that Dr Phil got to build this scenario to get the views that it's getting cuz it's such an exciting narrative what are what do you think the odds are of that being the case here I I would stake my reputation on it Dr Phil is a friend of mine he came to my wedding and you even uh got to meet Dr Phil at my wedding and this is not who he is and he would rather bury the show than compromise his integrity and Hollywood's fake the cars are fake the buildings are fake the plants are fake especially when you see celebrities there's a there's a fake one here and then they go home and there's somebody else Dr Phil is the same dude off camera exactly the same so no way and one quick fact that I think is really fascinating to me that I learned uh a few months ago underneath that stage and underneath that walkway the walkway that goes up to the main stage of Dr Phil underneath that thing is where the original Yellow Brick Road is from The Wizard of Oz was filmed right there where the stage of Dr Phil is so the yellow brick road leads right up to Dr Phil's chair he's the wizard that is correct we are a collective conscious and a cyborg sent from the year 2050 sent from a higher civilization to warn people of the incoming apocalypse how will it end with environmental disaster technological singularity disease and famine mhm and will you fall victim to that demise at the same time the Orin real Orin body will but the collective will stay alive uhhuh and the collective will exist in what plane I mean will the planet still be here the planet will be destroyed one big thing you're seeing here is that he's showing contempt on the left side of his face at the word disease and right when he's saying that you'll see like there's still emotional expression so you're not seeing a cyborg you're seeing a human being and I think some of this could have come from uh a lifetime of something bad that happened that might have caused a pattern of dissociative Behavior where he's dissociating and where this dissociative process became a habitual anesthetic I'll say for things that are going on in his life so let's not discount the fact that we could be looking at a person here who's ill or who's sick and secondly I don't want to Discount the fact that this could be a physiological issue which a lot of mental health providers uh according to statistics tend to ignore or Overlook and this could be a brain tumor it could be a parasite in the brain there could be all kinds of stuff going on U but this could have a root cause and not just be someone trying to trick a bunch of people on YouTube it could be a mental illness but I would just ask uh ask him a math problem like if you have a computer brain I'm going to give you a hard math problem or uh just tell me the score of the Yankees game tomorrow like the You Know M of the sports Almanac from Back to the Future just a couple little questions would would start to close in and build this little box and you're seeing a lot of little tiny human very very human behaviors here we see the increase in blink rate some other stuff what did you see what I thought was interesting was if you just kind of listen to this interview and his answers and you're going okay not bad good answer but if you really think about it both answers he provided were non-answer statements and that's something we pay a lot of attention to chase in interrogation interviews if they're answering the actual question because the first question was how will it end and I thought that was a very clever question kind of along the lines of your sports thing like how is this going to end like if you have that information what's going to happen yeah and his answer was environmental disaster technological singularity disease and famine that's everything that's pretty much everything like if I go to someone on the street and I say hey the world's going to end in 10 years how will it end any guess somebody comes up with unless they're really creative will fall into one of these categories environmental disaster covers everything from you know volcanoes to tsunamis then you have a technological singularity that covers all the tech issues anything that's AI robots all that stuff disease and famine is an easy guess so he hasn't given us anything that we don't know like if I came from the future Chase to warn you that something's going to happen this weekend I'd say Chase don't go to Costco on Sunday because the crate's going to fall on you don't do that I wouldn't say Chase don't go to Costco on Sunday CU it could be environmental it could be Tech could be family something something's going to happen if I have information that information should be specific yeah then we have the second question which I thought was a brilliant question from Dr Phil and and the guy slithered out of it because Dr Phil says the the world's going to end but the guy says he's going to continue his physical body won't but he as an entity as a collective will continue and Dr Phil asks on what plane will you continue to exist it's brilliant because if you are Tech and this world explodes with all its Tech all its hard drives everything he should cease to exist as well so he says that and then he backs up his question by saying cuz you know the planet won't be here anymore right and that's the part of the question the guy chooses to answer he says the planet will be destroyed but he never gives an answer to on which plane he will continue to exist yeah I mean unless in the year 2090 whatever he comes from we figured out a way I'm just playing devil's advocate here to like migrate some stuff to Mars maybe Elon Musk has figured out how to move starlink over there to Mars and then the AI system is over there but if that were true he would say it he would say it because that's valuable information like he's you're being asked the question on which plane will you exist he would go the planet will be destroyed but thankfully I will go on to exist because there will be such and such thing on the moon or on Mars whatever he's conveniently choosing to not answer that part of the question right so as you sit here now you're mechanized correct okay because I I thought I understood you to say that you are becoming mechanized yes we will become fully mechanized as in the commercial sense shown on our shirt okay but we are already mechanized okay your legs are mechanized inside yes we've had operations okay so if we x-ray your legs we would see mechanized legs not bone and muscle correct I've got really crappy knees so I understood would love to have mechanized legs it' be a great thing a few things for me really quick first Dr Phil is doing what you suggested earlier by saying if we x-ray your legs right now we're going to see machines and the guy going yes again he's wedged himself in a corner cuz if those x-rays happen and there isn't any machine in there it's all just human now he has to start his his narrative starts to fall apart so either he has to defend it or question it but that's great that's a step forward I also like how Dr Phil at the end they're try to insert a bit of humor you know about how his knees are weak so he would love to have mechanized knees and the mom laughed but the guy didn't and I think Dr Phil was almost testing to see if like can I bring the human out a little bit can I kind of get him to to laugh at something and the guy stuck to character or whatever this is whatever's going on he just goes understood like that's the way he responded to that there wasn't any he didn't laugh at that he didn't find any F just understood like you know like I'm taking this data in for me though the biggest thing about that clip is when he said like the one shown on my shirt and they cut down to his shirt and you see this shirt this logo that he has and for me this was the first moment because watching ing this in the beginning you're trying to figure out is this mental illness or is this guy just putting on a rooll he in he introduced here the concept of self-promotion so for me that was the first moment where I said okay something's going on here but chase you reacted at that moment as well tell us why tell us what you're seeing in this whole scene I grew up playing this Nintendo game called Mega Man where this guy had merged into you know technology like that and that looks like Mega Man to me and if you think about Mega Man uh there's a character Arc where he kind of Saves the World and and does the right thing and in the end he was proven to be right he did the right thing so there are also some mental illnesses that could be causing him to think that faking this is a good thing to do and not directly causing the issue to begin with one thing that's really important there when Dr Phil makes this joke about his knees watch his mom she is intimately desperate looking back and forth between Dr Phil and her son to to hope that he reacts to this joke in a socially appropriate way which tells me he acts like this at home this is not something he's putting on she is desperate for him to have some kind of proper or even slightly proper social interaction there and that's a big deal that's a really good point and in fact I feel this is why she laughs at the joke more than one would at that joke it's a cute joke it's a cute comment but she's like exaggerated laughing in hopes that again cuz you said that so she there's a lot of social elements of this woman like the fear of social embarrassment and I feel In This Moment like in that laughter and in the way she's looking at him you're right with that kind of she's trying to get him come on like laugh with me this is a funny thing it's a joke laugh with me one other thing you're seeing here is this this chin up and forward position that he's maintaining and we do this to expose these cored arteries to other primates and other people and all primates do this Behavior so we tend to expose arteries when we want to challenge or seem like we have nothing to fear so you see people all the time like getting into a fight at a bar they're doing this at each other and sticking their chin up we got brachial artery here we got cored artery here we expose arteries during a challenge or a desire to show some kind of fearlessness what do cyborgs do for fun learn what do cyborgs think is humorous we do not know there any cyborg jokes like three cyborgs walked into a bar humans think that the world will last forever that is a lie that is funny yeah okay and you say you don't want to tie yourself up with a job because if you have a job you can't spread your message correct our job is spreading the message when did you find that you had musical Talent have you always had that awareness there's always been an interest in Sonics yes humans are innately connected to Rhythm and beat there's a really great question here when Dr Phil asks him what do cyborgs think is humorous and we see his eyes go up and start searching searching around for a memory is something we see quite often so when he was asked what's funny to cyborgs we see he's he's searching for an answer he does it's a good question he doesn't know the answer to that but then I think he notices that oh my God this is such a human thing to like look for an answer so he leans into it does it a little bit more and then goes we do not know almost presenting this as not I don't have an answer but in my data I cannot compute a response for this then Dr Phil brings up the whole musical Talent thing and for me this is the second clue the first clue was the the the sweater with the robot on it and now he brought up the musical Talent so he has musical Talent so that was the second point for me I said okay is this some kind of self-promotion you know he had the the robot the guy's a degree in in business so he's saying there's always been an interest in music or Sonics which is another video game like Mega we had Mega Man now we have Sonic but essentially I feel like there's there's an element coming in my mind here of like is there something here that he's he's using all these things to kind of self-promote is this like just a really good marketing campaign that's where my mind went with this Chase take it away that I think that they're just not knowing anything about what's to come in the future here I'm I'm prone to think that there's a there's a possibility he genuinely sees himself as needing to do this to issue a warning to humanity so I wrote down four possibilities here and warning genuine warning is one of them so that yes he enjoys the fame he wants to get some kind of thing in the spotlight but he genuinely feels like either a he's going to make some prediction to become famous which I don't really think is the case here or B he thinks that he's the savior and that he will become a savior for us by issuing some kind of warning and he wants to protect us so if he's the savior of all these people then he gets the opposite of social judgment he gets the opposite of social consequences so thinking about his behavior profile this is a big deal here and he accidentally slips into his own self when Dr Phil asked this music question when did you realize you had a talent for music he doesn't say his name or anything started doing this and go back into third person and he just says there has always been an interest in music and he's talking about himself and then tries to redirect it to all of humanity and like know humans are interested in sound not everybody but U I think that's very interesting how he stays in character there but slips out of it at the same time that's a terrific point and I agree because the entire time he's talking I'm wondering in his own head when did he come to exist right like was was he born human and then things were done to him or cuz it's not very clear cuz he's he's never really talking about cuz the mom is saying I gave birth to you like you were Bor you were born a human and in this lifetime nothing's happened to you so is he claiming that he went on as a human and at some point in the future he became a cyborg and now he's come back but then if he's done that where's the other Orin from now so there's a lot of little plot holes like this and I think you're absolutely right and him acknowledging that he was interested in music he's acknowledging his human self do you think about what he said so far and what our conversation has been I think it's nonsense I mean aurin you're my son I love you but you're not a cyborg and and you've got two younger siblings underneath you who are watching this what so that they're supposed to go to college and then end up doing you know the same thing that they can just sit up at least they would go to college if anything we are a role model showing that we are not letting detractors distract us from our greater Vision Oren this is all nonsensical this doesn't make any sense Chase earlier you mentioned contempt on the left side of his mouth when he was talking about disease so contempt is the only Universal emotion that is asymmetrical so of all the universal emotions in other words emotions that are seen all over the world to look the same contempt is the only one that we see on one side of the face now I'm not saying that this is the only thing that's asymmetrical you know some curiosity can be or uh you know some half a smile but in terms of universal emotions condem is the only one and it's usually characterized by a lifting on one side of the mouth so it could sometimes look like this or look like this usually we can also see a bit of a looking a scance what we call this side eye with it or other things that come along with that but that's the way you recognize it she did it here the mom when she was talking about her other daughters his younger siblings and you know are they just supposed to end up doing the same thing all of a sudden we hadn't seen this on her face up until this point we saw it on the left side where there was a bit of that lifting as she was talking about it showing contempt for the concept or the idea of her other daughters ending up the same way the other thing is for me this was his biggest slip up because it's the first time we saw him get emotional because she was saying you're not a good brother you're not a good older brother so now we're stepping away from the you're not a cyborg we're not talking about this big narrative anymore we're talking about a more human thing she's suggesting that he's not a good brother and he starts to bark back his language his Cadence is a little bit more aggressive and he's saying that you know they'll have Role Models they'll have a role model if you have a vision you have to believe in it so now he's defending himself as a human as an older brother so we're seeing this kind of him detaching from that Cyborg and saying no I am I'm a good role model they need to look at me say if you believe in something you'll go after it but then the question is what is it that he believes in which takes me back to what you said earlier which is is it more about the message than this character this cyborg character to you what do you got I'm sorry you you can't offic you can't legally start talking until I say Chase what do you got it's the law so I think there's another giant mistake here going on in that he's acting the way that robots were interpreted in his childhood that were emotionless we're in 2023 right now and we can't even tell if we're chatting to AI or not yet and there are these like latex silicone covered fake humanoid robots with more emotion than this and he's supposedly a hundred years beyond that or however many years he said he was beyond that he's interpreting what a robot would be from his Impressions from his childhood secondly he's arguing with his mom this is not an Android this is a son arguing with a mom I'm just going to leave that there lastly he says if you have a vision believe in it a vision is held by a human being and he is here on the show because he has some kind of vision just like what you said Spidey and I think his vision is giving this warning and that's his vision even if it's not accurate and even if he is has to pretend to do it if you have a vision believe in it he doesn't say stick with it he doesn't say uh own it he doesn't say anything he says believe in it and so he is there on stage as a role model believing in the vision that he's trying to communicate to us and one of the things that you would know from a scientific standpoint point is that you have to consider all data points you have to consider everything you don't prejudge anything right is it possible that you're delusional no chase you spent two decades of your life studying and now teaching interrogation and you've taught me some of the greatest lessons about the way to ask questions to encourage the truth coming out I think this was a really clever question from Dr Phil walk us through what you thought of the question there are three things that are going on here uh number one Dr Phil is using identity and ideas to automatically create an agreement where the person's unconsciously forced just about to agree with something that he says second he is socializing the the situation where isn't it reasonable isn't this you know apparent isn't this obvious wouldn't everyone agree about this and third he's going to find some common ground first and Dr Phil is all about finding common ground whether it's a arguing couple or whatever and he's doing that all simultaneously throughout this little question here that you're seeing on on this clip and he's doing this and then a then he's only presenting the challenge after all of this stuff comes out so this is masterful that's why you're seeing so much hesitancy uh in in this young man here for sure yep I think there's one more thing here that relates directly to your work where Dr Phil almost sets up a trap in your bestselling book on profiling and reading people 6 Minute xray I'll leave a link in the description for those of you want to check it out it's an Incredible Book on profiling thank you have a you have a system that you teach which is all about the needs the needs that we have as human beings and this guy has a need that just jumps right off the page and Chase in one word what does that need significance exactly significance whether we look at this as a cry for help whether we look at this as him thinking that he's the savior of the human race whether we see this as a narrative that he entirely made up any one of these narratives would suggest that significance is important to him so in asking this question is it possible that you're delusional Dr Phil is trying to subtly take a bit of significance away from him so this guy's going to answer no I'm not delusional because because that would be if he if he said he's delusional it would take away some of his significance but what Dr Phil has cleverly done here is set up a thing where that's the wrong answer because if you're a cyborg if you consider all data points considering that has to be part of the way you operate so I love that he set up that binary there yeah I think I would have asked it a different way and said is it possible that an AI might consider that this looks like or appears to be delusional Behavior you're from another person to you we might be but to us we make perfect sense can we give you an example that wasn't the question the question is is is it possible anything is possible okay that's if you're at a higher order of thinking and you're approaching this from an objective and scientific way you have to account for the possibility that you're thinking is delusional correct you can't dismiss that correct so Dr Phil has entered interrogation mode at this point he has as you suggested he's elaborating on this concept that if in fact you are a cyborg who takes data points and considers all possibilities you have to account for the possibility that you're delusional so it's more direct than what you suggested and saying that you may appear delusional which I really like but he's really leaning into that if you're considering everything as data points you have to consider that and now he's getting the guy to change his answer now he's going yeah anything is possible so his initial answer that direct like no is now falling apart a little bit so I think it's really clever in that he's using this a cyborg would do this therefore that to kind of put the guy at odds with himself one of thing that he did here is set up a mind virus right at the beginning very similar to when we ask a criminal is there any reason somebody would have seen you outside of that house at 11:00 p.m. or somewhere around 11: p.m. they have no idea idea what we know so knowing that Dr Phil has all these Contraptions and gadgets called on to the show maybe he's got somebody there with an x-ray maybe he's gonna say well guess what we've got old Stephen here who's come in here with an x-ray and he's going to take a picture of your legs so you don't know and that mind virus has been inside of this person's mind from the very beginning and Dr Phil planted it there on purpose this is a classic interrogation technique and it was masterfully executed as always and keep in mind Dr Philip is a forensic psychologist and holds multiple certifications in these interviewing and interrogation strategies and techniques he's very skilled in this he not just some dude on TV he is actual real life expert in this kind of stuff pay very close attention to his body language in this clip there is a several research studies that suggest making direct eye contact during a confrontation or when you're trying to persuade someone reduces your chances of being persuasive one thing you'll see doctor's Dr Phil's eyes do here is look down the whole time he's talking like this so it's less confrontational his body isn't facing this guy directly he's a little bit off center to the side here his eyes are looking down while he's talking this decreases the uh chances of feeling of Confrontation increases the likelihood of compliance and guess what we saw here we saw compliance and he used his own words to kind of box him in to this little box and he did a great job if in fact something that has happened in your life or is happening in your life has caused you to escape into an exaggerated belief or reality you would want to know that right potentially yes because if in fact you weren't a cyborg but you just had a really good Mission and value system you would want to hang on to the value system but and remove the bad parts yeah but remove the bad parts remove the misbelief that you're something you're not so Chase I really like this part because there are a lot of things you're mentioning before coming together here in terms of interrogation in terms of considering possibilities and in terms of separating the fact that this entire thing might be a delusion from the fact that this might be just a grandiose delusion that's causing him to say something that is knowingly false but the importance of the message is important so there's a lot of elements here that you were mentioning before uh coming together so what do you think of where all that has led in a way that you were kind of foreseeing so as interrogators we have four jobs and those four jobs are to socialize rationalize minimize and project so what he's doing is rationalizing and projecting uh this makes perfect sense it's not your fault and this is a master way of doing this because he's building him a completely perfect out to get out of having responsibility here the first slide when I teach interrogation to intelligence people or police is a quote from sunsu from The Art of War and it says build your opponent a golden bridge on which to retreat and Dr Phil is building a golden bridge to help him back down with Grace and dignity and that's what he's doing here and now in normal police interrogation this is called the broken moral compass method and this is where uh you're talking to a suspect and you say have you ever heard of a moral compass sometimes a person's can be broken without their consent and it breaks their moral compass and they might do something wrong that they don't mean to do and and they're not trying to be bad so sometimes people can just have a broken moral compass so this is helping them to alleviate the stress or the guilt or shame most likely shame of something that happened that's precisely what uh Dr Phil's doing here and he does it in a masterful way not to mention the broken Compass both socializes and projects the blame and rationalizes so it's like it's like really great it's all encompassing if you will I see what she did there yeah yeah and Chase may I add it seems to work because the we see agreement from Orin and he even says you know get rid of the bad parts that's what he refers him to he says get rid of the bad parts so he's acknowledging that there are bad parts to this so he's chipping away at that narrative it is it's beautiful and if Dr Phil was evil uh he would go in there and say like well what are these parts let's talk about these parts what is one part one to do and then he would ask him like well what if you could give that part a name what would that part be then he would start literally creating uh dissociative identities inside of this person and I did not say the word disorder right there so that's different it's nice to see that your studies of hypnotherapy are still alive and well because in hypnotherapy that's called Parts integration or parts negotiation so for those of you who want to look it up where it's very effective where if someone is dealing with something you could find like maybe even a phobia you could find the part of them because it's not it's not their entirety it's a part of them what does this part want for you are they trying to protect you are they trying to uh you know keep you safe are they trying to warn others like what what does this part of you want and then you negotiate between that part and the main part so you guys can look that up it's a very effective tool and that was uh really made Popular by a psychologist psychiatrist named Fritz pearls and Virginia saer who are the founders of Gestalt therapy I can't diagnose sitting here but I can tell you what would be on my short list uh one thing is delusional disorder which is grandiose type and the central theme is the conviction of having some great unrecognized talent or Insight or having made some important discover you put on the board grandiose or delusion is not everyone delusional does not everyone believe that they have some special talent or hidden recognition to get them through the day what is so different about us than everyone else well what I put up next which was normal or abnormal somebody can believe that they're unique or special but does it interfere with healthy functioning and pursuit of goals so Chase once again again I feel like this is kind of everything we've been saying culminates to this moment where Dr Phil of course can't diagnose in this moment but says you know there's a short list of things that come to mind and one that comes to mind is a grandiose uh sense of self and a delusional disorder a case of delusional disorder and what's interesting is he bites back Orin bites back in saying that isn't everyone delusional which brings back that social element that you said earlier where he's trying to make it seem like fine but if that's what it is isn't everyone that way which to me doesn't seem like something that a cyborg would say necessarily so that's that's a very human thing to say like I'm just human I'm like every other human and also in saying that he's acknowledging so the Mind virus worked he's acknowledging that this might be a delusion this might because now he's defending it so you know how to get down to the truth of what somebody secretly feels or believes about something if you're not Spidey The Mentalist all you've got to do is ask them how normal people most people feel or behave in a certain situation because all of us tend to think that people are like us so they'll respond with describing other people as having the same beliefs and opinions as their own this is called projection projection is most pronounced in people with some kind of grandiosity that are that's kind of inside their head and when somebody is fake an illness you can tell this was my textbook uh here for this is detecting malingering and deception and this book right here gives you like a thousand ways to tell when somebody is faking an illness we're not seeing it here we're definitely seeing in in my opinion some kind of grandiosity some kind of desire to issue this warning and I think the warning to humanity the I am becoming the savior is out of grandiosity so in conclusion for my conclusion Chase I'm going to just add one more little data point that we haven't discussed yet and it's the fact that if you go on his Instagram now today so this would be a few years after this interview he's still promoting music he still speaks in the wi like it's still we this we that it still says Matrix and there's all these weird little things in his bio but if you watch videos of him talking he's dropped the whole super robotic way of talking and he doesn't seem to be pushing this whole on from the future thing anymore but the music is still a very real part of what he does and in his music we're getting those still those warnings of impending doom coming so Chase I couldn't agree with you more I don't think we're seeing a mental illness here I don't even think we're seeing someone trying to fake a mental illness I think we have someone self-promoting whether it's the music or this message that he believes in in a way that he feels will get attention and it did it got him on Dr Phil there's a lot of people out there who would love to get on Dr Phil and spread their message so there's there's moderate success when it comes to that so yeah for me I believe this is just a conscious act that he's putting on um because he has an attachment to a message to a goal to a purpose Chase I think you gave us a conclusion more or less in your words but would you have anything to add in conclusion on what you think of this whole situation yeah so we're seeing a significant St person here uh who wants to be a cyborg or whatever feeling this Rush of dopamine because they're on TV they're significant they have status and all of this stuff thinking he loves his mom I know he loves his mom and he thinks that this is going to elevate his mom because he's assuming she's significance as well she thrives on significance and she's assuming that he thrives on acceptance and this is the problem so we're seeing her desperate to save her son because she thrives on acceptance we're seeing her take him to doct Phil because she thrives on acceptance and she's thinking that's going to fix his behavior we're seeing him go on Dr Phil because he thrives on significance and he and his mom being on there together will increase both of their significance so both of them are thinking the other person just like we said are just like them and and one last thing he doesn't realize or understand that she's willing to give up significance to gain acceptance and she doesn't understand or comprehend or cannot compute that he's willing to give up acceptance to gain significance yeah it's not an exchange either one of them can understand yeah that's it there it was I hope you guys enjoyed that as always it was a great pleasure to have Chase on the channel let us know in the comments what you thought do you believe that this is just an act the guy is putting on to try to sell his story whether that's a warning or his music or whatever he's trying to promote or do you think there's actually something going on psychologically here let us know in the comments and I will see you on the next one
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 2,785,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cra4cOxcuEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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