Body Language Analyst REACTS to Chris Rock’s Netflix special. He DESTROYED Jada & Will Smith!

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Will Smith played Muhammad Ali in a movie you think I'll audition for that part nobody's picking on this one year after getting slapped at the Oscars by Will Smith Chris Rock spoke up about the event in his Netflix special selective outrage but what do his facial expressions body language and most importantly word choice reveal what's going on everyone welcome back to the behavioral Arts my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist to teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world this week is a very special video for me for a couple of reasons first of all a year ago right around this time something happened that pretty much changed my career on Will Smith got on stage at the Oscars and slapped Chris Rock across the face at the time my channel was rather new it was just a couple of months old I had started this Channel and I analyzed the body language and some of the behaviors we saw the facial expressions and broke down all the elements of what we saw and that video went flying it's the reason a lot if you've found this channel it was featured on news channels all over the world it was number 10 on trending on YouTube and it just changed the course of this Channel and I'm so thankful that so many of you found the channel because of this event and here we are a year later and for the first time publicly Chris Rock is addressing what happened because Will Smith did a couple of times he had an apology video he took some interviews where he talked about it and we talked about all those things on the channel but this is the first time Chris Rock is speaking up in his comedy special on Netflix the second reason this analysis is really special is probably something a lot of you thought about and it's the fact that this is a performance by one of the most accomplished performers in the world and that changes the game a little bit because usually when I analyze behavior in interviews or in Trials or real life moments this isn't something that's rehearsed or practiced it's something that you're seeing in the moment so a lot of the gestures that we're seeing are leaking the emotion that the person is feeling and the word choice is is often the first that the person thinks of saying so it tells us a lot about what's going on in their head in this case it's different this is something that he scripted as a brilliant comic this is what he chose to say and he wrote it he probably practiced it in smaller clubs refined it worked on it so we're seeing something that's really polished but through that can we still see some gestures some facial expressions that reveal to us what Chris Rock is actually experiencing how he's feeling are there things about this segment of the performance that are different behaviorally from the rest of the performance and if so what can those things tell us about how he feels about Will Smith Jada the whole event so instead of focusing only on the body language and the things that would be better concealed because this is rehearsed we're going to focus on those choices why he chose to say things the way he said them why he chose to put this where he put it in the set there's a lot of really great psychology here as to the actual decisions that were made and I'm going to be bringing in a lot of my experience here as a performer not only as a Behavioral Analyst [Applause] show tonight without offending nobody okay I'm gonna try my best you know why because you you never know who might get triggered gotta watch what you say cause words hurt you know anybody that says words hurt has never been punched in the face okay so right off the top there's a lot to talk about so that clip by the way is him getting right into the set it's the first thing that he says after he comes out he thanks the audience that's what he says and when it comes to writing a show any live Entertainer is going to spend a lot of time I think the most time thinking about the opening and the closing that's the two places where we focus the most and I'm talking any type of live Entertainer whether we're talking about musicians singers dancers comedians magicians or mentalists like me the beginning is where you get to know your audience and they get to know you so typically you want to come out with something that you know is going to hit but you're also kind of testing and we'll get back there in a second and then we focus on the closing as well you want to start and end really really strong and by the way this has psychological Merit because the principles of Primacy and recency which dictate that we remember our first impression of people and we remember the last thing that somebody said to us when we last saw them so in a show you're most likely to remember what happened right in the beginning and what happened right at the end and that's going to cause the impression you get leaving the show so in the middle we typically put things that maybe we're working on or things that are a little bit longer but in the beginning in the end you usually want to start and end strong it's also an opportunity once again to test the audience so in magic in mentalism often in that first bit which we know is really strong and it's going to get the attention we're also testing we want to know do they like the silly jokes uh do they like the you know the more intellectual kind of references can I be a little playful should I be a little more professional we're getting to know the audience so here's what's brilliant about what Chris Rock did right there first of all he's coming out with a relatable joke he's getting right into the punch you know about kind of the theme of what this special is going to be about how people are often triggered and I was trying to avoid that but look at what we just heard look at that set here's the Brilliance of that psychologically if I were to ask you the quest question what he just said was that about Will Smith was that about the Oscars there's no real way to know the answer to that it's very ambiguous it's very unclear because he's saying you know nowadays people get triggered so easily so is this a general statement that's setting the mood for the comedy or is that a comment on Will Smith is he planting that seed because when I heard that I was like oh he's going to talk about Will Smith now he doesn't but it's kind of like he's planting that seed and he's throwing that hook to see what the mood is and the response is good we can see him scanning the audience he does this a lot he wants to know what hits he wants to know which direction he can go so right there he's starting to suggest that we're going to talk about how easily people get triggered and I want to see how they're going to respond to this he's tiptoeing into the water notice how he says anyone who says words hurt has never been punched in the face now technically he didn't get punched in the face at the Oscars he got slapped hit in the face but it's there's definitely a reference there so it's kind of this I'm talking about Will Smith but not really talking about Will Smith because I want to know what the mood is in here before I really they go into that subject this is also going to give me a great opportunity right now and for the next hour pretty much to Baseline his behavior on this day on this stage at this event so often on the channel we talk about the difference between Baseline behaviors and idiosyncratic behaviors idiosyncratic behaviors are things that are specific to one individual regardless of settings so whether they're at home whether they're on stage whether they're on an interview doesn't matter something that this person does often Baseline is different from that Baseline is what are the behaviors that we're seeing in this moment on this stage during this performance and when the segment on Will Smith comes up later on are those behaviors going to change now in analysis we usually put idiosyncratic behaviors and Baseline behaviors under the same umbrella and we just call it baselining basically I want to know what are his behaviors throughout this special in terms of comfort in terms of facial expressions in terms of body language tone what are we seeing and I want to know if that's going to change when he starts talking about Will Smith is there going to be a shift in those behaviors so let's look at some of these behaviors from the moment he comes out on stage we're seeing in Pace back and forth a lot as he scans the audience now this is idiosyncratic I've seen Chris Rock On Stage numerous times of course at the award shows like at the Oscars he is standing in place because you have to but when he's doing his comedy sets he often goes back and forth like this and connects with the entire audience so that's absolutely idiosyncratic and falls under his Baseline for this performance we're also seeing a lot of Leaning forward when he hits those jokes which isn't uncommon but it's happening quite a bit more during this set than I've seen in other sets there's a lot of this forward leaning where he's leaning towards the audience and this could just be the way he's feeling today he's really feeling you know connected with this audience doesn't matter what the reason is there's a lot of this forward leaning happening with the audience another behavior that we're seeing which is absolutely idiosyncratic is we're seeing him smile quite a often Chris Rock is one of those comedians where throughout his set he often Smiles as he's delivering his jokes he sometimes even Chuckles at the end of a joke and laughs along with the audience so we see that consistently throughout this set what I find particularly interesting about this smiling thing is that right in the beginning here he's talking about how easily people are triggered nowadays and if you look at it in that moment in that character he's expressing anger towards how easily people are triggered he's impatient about that he's not happy about that but we're not seeing any real anger he's smirking throughout that it's a way to let you know we're just having a good time here I'm complaining but remember this is comedy and that's going to be really really important because in this moment even when he's talking about something that he's irritated by he's still smiling through that put a pin in that the last thing that I want to talk about before we move on is a really big important decision that has been made that's just displayed in front of us throughout this entire special as someone who studied criminal profiling but more importantly as a mentalist as someone who does chord readings basically it's my job for someone to come in and based on certain clues that I'm seeing to be able to tell the person details about their lives the way they think the way they function things I can't possibly know and I'm very open by the way when I perform that I'm not a psychic or I don't have certain abilities that I'm using psychology observation and trickery and in this case a lot of how we do cold readings a lot of how we do profiling in interrogation or interview settings is focusing on decisions and knowing how to interpret them because at any given point we're all displaying decisions that we've made the things we wear the backgrounds of our videos these all give you Clues and insight as to what a person is trying to project if you talk to any Entertainer on this planet they will tell you that they give a lot of thought to what they wear before they come out on stage any Entertainer who tells that they don't think about what they're going to wear when they go out on stage they just grab something and throw it on is either not a really great Entertainer or they're lying to you this is even more true for television appearances any time I've ever been on television there was a lot of thought into what I was going to wear and it's not just me there are stylists that we work with there are stylists that the network works with our managers The Producers all have input and there are conversations about what the artist is going to wear so what Chris Rock is wearing here isn't a fluke there was decision behind this and not just his decision but he probably worked with stylists as well and this is what they came up with so let's look at what it is first of all quite fashionable you know slim pants are in chunky heels those are in as well looks great but all white except for the soles of his shoes everything we're seeing is white now white typically represents Purity innocence a blank slate neutrality it's not tainted by anything it's just White and if we look at that necklace as well let's take a look at that necklace that symbol on his necklace is called the love symbol and it was designed by Prince and his team and it was even on the cover of one of his albums when asked about it Prince said that he wanted to merge the female and male symbol together so there are elements from both of those in this symbol and he also said for him it's a way to leave his past behind him and just kind of Start Anew it's about bringing people together it's about a new start a new beginning so what does this mean well it could just mean that he's wearing the necklace because you know he was close with Prince he likes the necklace when he had a talk show Prince was on that talk show so they're probably they were probably quite close um it could just be that but I think it's a little bit too much of a coincidence for me that we have this symbol for love and togetherness and New Beginnings while wearing this kind of neutral Blank Slate color it's almost like new beginnings and neutrality is a theme of what he's wearing and what he's talking about because throughout this special very often he talks about being all-encompassing being all accepting how he accepts all kinds of people so for me for him to say that while wearing that necklace all in white I think there's a theme Here of neutrality accepting everyone innocence almost Purity as well I saw a commercial the other day Snoop was selling reverse mortgages call them doggages it's a doggich I'm not dissing Snoop out last thing I need is another mad rapper right all right so that is the first reference to Will Smith and again there's quite a bit going on right there first of all I need to go back to that Baseline and really look at this so he's talking about the Snoop Dogg commercial and he said that Snoop Dogg called reverse mortgages doggages and he's trying to represent again irritation and anger in this moment where he goes what the f is a dog age and you could see his eyebrows are like this like I'm representing anger like I'm I'm irritated by this what is that and he is very expressive with his face he's very good at channeling these different emotions at least to project to the audience but still in that moment throughout that he's still smiling and I think this is a really effective tool that he has to say you know even when I'm having these emotions and I'm pissed off about some irritated by that we're still having a good time here so that smile is still there remember that now notice what happens the moment he says that the last thing he wants is another mad rapper in other words he's wrapped referencing Will Smith this is the first reference to Will Smith that he's making the first concrete reference where he's saying your last thing I want is another rapper Who's mad at me and notice what happens he stops and he scans we see the eyes scanning and he's taking inventory he wants to know how that landed he is very good at noticing in the audience how people are reacting to shift how he's going to talk about certain things and this is him looking to see if he has permission to diss Will Smith now the reaction that he gets for that statement in that moment is excellent up until this moment in this special that is one of the top three reactions from the audience so he's going okay I have permission here to start talking about Will Smith now he's not going to come back to it for a while but he's taken inventory at this point and he knows that this is going to play well Beyonce so fun Cricket King she could still marry Jay-Z now if Jay-Z worked at Burger again [Applause] that is not a Jay-Z diss I do not need another rapper mad at me okay I don't need that smoke I'm like The Rock The Rock I do not need the smoke y'all know what happened to me getting smacked by Suge Smith okay now we're jumping right into the Will Smith topic so once again he doesn't Dive Right In he he dips his toes in first he does the Jay-Z thing which is a call back to the Snoop Dogg joke you know the I don't want another rapper mad at me so he makes a joke about Jay-Z he says that the reaction is once again great and now he kind of takes that momentum and goes right into the Will Smith topic now before he gets into it we see two grooming gestures one of them is he goes to his necklace in this area and he kind of adjusts and then his hand goes down and he adjusts the bottom left of his shirt with his left hand now earlier when we're talking about baselining and idiosyncratic behaviors I forgot to mention this he does this a lot throughout this special the one with the bottom of the shirt his left hand often goes up and he adjusts the bottom of that shirt now this is a grooming gesture grooming is something we do to fix our appearance sometimes we do it out of stress I wouldn't really classify this as a pacifying gesture pacifiers are usually repetitive and they're there to soothe us grooming is typically just really quickly fixing our appearance maybe nervously but it typically happens a lot for people who are in front of an audience in front of a camera it's kind of the back of our mind being aware that people are watching so we might make a quick adjustment and this is happening a lot for him it's not happening particularly at moments that he feels self-conscious it's happening randomly so the shirt thing is happening a lot throughout this special for those of you watched it or are going to watch it pay attention to that it happens a lot up here not so much he doesn't go to the necklace or to the collar very often he goes down to the bottom of the shirt much more often so here as he's about to jump into the topic we see an adjustment up here with the necklace then we see an adjustment down there with the shirt I think this is him going okay here we go we're gonna jump into this topic and the mind is just subconsciously really quickly grooming because we're diving right in everybody knows yes it happened I got smacked like a year ago last week I got smacked in the Oscars by this and people like didn't hurt it still hurts when he says I got smacked at the effing Oscars by this mother f look at the tone there when he calls them mother efforts so first of all that's a decision he chose to call him you know that that term and that's immediately shots fired right because I mean Chris Rock often uses like you know this n or that b or this F but it's more playful most of the time here even if I censored it you could sense in his tone that there's aggression that he spits out that term mother effort so it's shots fired like here we go this is gonna be a roast we're getting right away the mood of like I'm going after him first of all I know you can't tell on camera what Smith is bigger than me we are not the same size okay Will Smith played Muhammad Ali in a movie you think I'll audition for that part even an animation this mother is bigger I'm a zebra he's a shark what the man but there's something else here that really caught my attention and I really don't know what's going on here because it doesn't make sense in my head that nobody caught this before they send it out you know they didn't watch us again an editor didn't catch something here I I don't know like to the point where I'm doubting myself because it doesn't make sense that this line is in this special and it's when he says that even in animation uh he's bigger than me because I was a zebra he was a shark now I'm a huge movie fan I love animated movies particularly and I know that Chris Rock played Marty the zebra in Madagascar so I know that obviously he's referencing that role but Will Smith never played a shark I don't know what that reference is he played in a movie called Shark Tale which was there was sharks in that movie but he didn't play a shark he wasn't a big scary shark he was a tiny little fish actually who was struggling with his identity so what's this reference am I missing something you know I did a quick search tried to find what he's talking about maybe there's something that you know because I mean I'm Googling Will Smith Shark so obviously Shark Tale is coming up was there another role where he was a shark or is Chris Rock just confused about this reference and if so why did nobody catch this presumably he went out and tested this set presumably he has his manager his editors they watch this they listen they look at it nobody caught that that reference is inaccurate Will Smith didn't play a shark anyways I thought that was really really strange let me know in the comments am I often Will Smith voice a shark at some point and I completely missed it but here's the bigger point of what this joke did whether I'm the one who's wrong or this is wrong and I I'm 98 sure that this is wrong what it's doing for a lot of people who are watching this is it's putting more critical goggles on them because anybody who heard that line and goes wait a second Will Smith was never a shark he was in a movie called Shark Tale now they're filtering everything Chris Rock Says through a filter of accuracy is what he's saying true and I think that to some people that's going to play to his disadvantage with what's coming up now everybody that really knows knows I had nothing to do with that I didn't have any entanglements [Applause] and then for people that don't know what everybody know Wilson and his wife was her son's friend okay okay so this is where we're gonna start to see that deviation from Baseline so as you look at his behaviors here even instinctively I'm sure a lot of you will notice it's different for when he's delivering the comedy when he's living the comedy yes he often goes into this higher pitch it's a very Chris Rock thing to do he often Paces back and forth all those things are still there but there's a difference in his tone here it's more serious it's more like that and we see that smile it's not there it's starting to disappear at this point he's delivering this with a more serious more aggressive tone he's pushing it home more and we're seeing real frustration come through here it's about to get worse and we're seeing that smile go away he's not smiling throughout those moments where he's kind of pretending to be anger irritated this is real irritation coming through look at what he says his wife was effing his son's friend first of all again that tone is so like it's it's almost a aggressive he's not laughing this isn't he's not delivering this the way he delivers jokes he's informing with anger behind it we even see the eyebrows throughout this piece go down several times like this without that smile because earlier with the Snoop Dogg thing he had this but there was this smile and notice that if I do this it's kind of a little more you know like I'm I'm talking to you about something that might irritate me but I'm smiling here it's this everybody knows his wife was effing his son's friend he knows so he just talked about how Will Smith has physical advantages but the one thing Chris Rock has is words he's a comedian the guy's been doing this his entire life he knows how to use words to make it hurt and if you notice what he said there not just with the tone but the choice of words the decisions it's not she had an affair she hooked up with she slept with it's not yeah we all know she slept with her son's friend it wasn't that it's she effed his son's friend he knows that the way he chose to say that sentence the word choice the intonation the way he drove it home with that emphasis hurts Will Smith more than that slap ever would have heard Chris Rock these words because he's seen Will Smith struggle with that we all saw the red table talk where Will Smith was having a hard time with that Chris Rock here knows that this is the way to get back at Will Smith and this hurts way more than the slap I know would not talk about this reason is put that on the internet I have no idea why two talented people would do something that low down what the there is one thing I want to focus on here that's a really really great psychological tip that you can use in your day-to-day life and it's quite practical so you'll notice he referred to them as talented people and to some people that may have sounded a little strange because you're going right in the middle of this rant where he's like tearing them up he calls them talented such a bizarre thing why would he acknowledge their talent when he's trying to knock them down well actually it's the reverse of what we think the fact that he would refer to them as talented makes him tearing them down more effective let me explain if I spend 10 minutes tearing someone down just nothing but negative stuff you might walk away from that and go okay well he's clearly biased against this person I can't trust his opinion but if I spend some time complimenting someone pointing out the good but then I point out the bad as well it gives more weight to that negative because you okay well this person's obviously sound minded obviously considering both sides so that negative seems more believable in fact that's a big part of the reason why we learn in analysis to look at both sides and why in my videos I make an effort to do that because if you come to my videos and I'm stuck on one side clearly biased and all I'm looking for is negative or all I'm looking for is positive my opinion loses weight which is why when in the comments I see people are completely polarized like are convinced that something is all bad or all good and aren't applying critical thinking to consider both sides to me I can't take that comment seriously you're too biased you're not critically thinking about the situation at all so something we teach very often in Psychology or persuasion is if you want someone to agree with something you're about to say more specifically if you're about to criticize something for whatever reason and you want them to kind of see your position complement them first legitimately find something positive that you admire about them and put that compliment down first then the criticism the reason for this is if you just start with the criticism and give nothing but criticism they can easily go this guy doesn't know what he's talking about and just throw away your opinion but if you complimented them first it's harder for them to discredit you entirely because part of your opinion is praise is a compliment so they want to believe that you know what you're talking about because you just complimented them so let me give you a really basic example just off the top of my head let's say you go to a friend's house for dinner and they cook you spaghetti and you don't like it and you want to be honest with them you want to give them some constructive criticism if you were to say you know I don't like the spaghetti it's not very good I've had better they might go yeah what do you know what what is this person know they don't know what they're talking about my spaghetti's delicious on the other hand if you compliment them first honestly compliment them in saying something like uh you know I gotta be honest with you I think you're a terrific cook in fact when you made that roast last time that was incredible I was talking about it for weeks I just think this isn't your best work I think it's lacking a bit of flavor for example well now it's much harder for them to go no you know what you're talking about because you complimented their cooking in general and you legitimately said that you like something else that they made so now your opinion holds a lot more weight so in this example when Chris Rock acknowledges something that is undeniable the fact that Jada and Will Smith both are talented individuals when he says that because we know what they're talented right if he calls them untalented then we go okay you're okay you're clearly biased against them so he's giving credit to our credit is due they are talented but there's all these other things about them that isn't so positive so now we look at it and go right so he's not biased he's acknowledging your talent but he's right about all these other things so it gives more weight to his opinion also if someone is watching this who's a Will Smith and Jada fan they will listen to that and go oh good he's acknowledging their talent so then when he says the negative stuff they can't throw it all away because then throwing that away they would have to acknowledge that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are not talented so it's actually brilliant for him to refer to them as talented in that moment it gives his opinion more weight everybody in him been cheated on none of us have ever been interviewed by the person that cheated on us on television oh what up would you do that she hurt him way more than he hurt me okay so I think right there he's continuing to just twist the knife with his best weapon which is his words he even says it right there she heard him way more than he ever hurt me I think that's a message directly to will like no matter how many times you hit me it's not gonna undo how bad you were hurt by your wife he knows this I think it's a subconscious like missile fired right at will and uh these are powerful words I think in the back of his mind he knows will is going to see this and that this is gonna hurt back way more than the slap just as he said it another thing about this is I saw a few articles online of people correcting uh Chris Rock and saying no she didn't cheat on him because they had an arrangement it was an open marriage to add that discussion I think the reason people are criticizing is facts here is because there were a few things like that Shark Tale thing where it put us in a mode where we're criticizing the accuracy of his claims I think that by making that mistake of Shark Tale it puts some of us in this critical thinking mood of okay not everything he's saying is accurate now I gotta fact check what he's saying so he got fact checked a lot for this specific segment about the cheating and that's a big debate by the way online a lot of people saying oh well it was cheating because she was dishonest about it and other people who said no they had an arrangement so it's totally fine uh you know that debate exists but I think a lot of people here are really kind of attacking his facts because there are these things that are factually debatable called about those she'll call them a in The Breakfast Club call him a and and with the drink Champs called him a they called his wife a predator everybody called him a right and there we're once again getting this confirmation that we've left the comedy character and we're getting real sentiment here um first notice when the first time he says everybody called him a b word we see a quick little smile and I don't think that's him going that comedy character I think it's him being happy about the fact that everyone called Will Smith this word and now he says it again and again again and every time it's on same intonation the eyebrows are down we're not smiling we're really emphasizing that word again and again and everyone said it these people said it that people said it and again I think this is for Will Smith he knows this is going to get back to Will Smith and he's going because he knows you know as actors as entertainers Public Image is important to them Will Smith has often said things in interviews that would suggest that what the public thinks is very important Chris Rock knows that so he's going everyone called you this and he's really emphasizing that word even at the end he says it so many times that the audience just laughs he's just pushing his title and every time there's that real spinning of the words and we're getting real frustration in the energy and the intonation look at the face the eyebrows are down there's tension around the eyebrows around over here and again that smile is gone said he should quit because will didn't get nominated for concussion that's how it is she started I finish it okay that's what the happened nobody's picking on this let this nobody talk about microexpression right there when he says nobody's picking on this B first of all again we've left the comedic tone behind he's this isn't delivered the way he delivers comedy he's using a very aggressive word he's spitting it out aggressively and even the audience reacts even the audience listen they go ooh and he says that when he calls her that they understand inherently that shots are being fired even if he often uses derogatory terms to reference people more playfully in a more fun way hear they sense that there's real tension and the reason they sense it well there's a couple of things first of all if we look at those eyes around the eyes the eyebrows have come down again which is very consistent with anger but there's something with the eyebrows we gotta remember the eyebrows go down with thought as well and we're in deep thought confused or something like that the eyebrows might come down but the eyebrows are not the only thing that we're seeing there the upper eyelids are also opening up and that is 100 an indication of anger in fact it's one of the telltale signs on the upper eyelid opens up we think it's because when we're angry we're trying to get as much information as we can that's why the nostrils also open up because we're trying to get as much Intel as we can to try to figure out how to react because our body feels that we might have to react and there's actual research that shows that when our eyes are open we do take in more information with our peripherals so whatever the case right there we're seeing those eyelids open up and it's happening a lot throughout this segment and I think the audience sense that there's real anger there also notice another thing that's happening that doesn't happen very often is his chin is down and he's looking up again neck guarding is something we do when we're feeling defensive or aggressive when the chin comes down and protects a very important part of the body which is the neck so we have neck down eyes up eyelids open eyebrows down this is not I think a character I think we're actually seeing a real anger come through in this moment a lot of people go quick how come you didn't do nothing back how come you didn't do nothing back that night because I got parents that's why because I was raised okay and right there at the end I think once again there's a little message for Will Smith I think he's got his sights set on Will Smith uh and he stayed silent for a year didn't bite back and I think this is him going this is where I fight back Will Smith has been very open about the fact that he grew up with an abusive father so his father abused his mom and he couldn't do anything about it and he felt powerless with this line I think Chris Rock is just hitting under the belt he's going I had Parents you didn't you know your father was not a good person uh he he beat your mom and by saying that he had adequate parents he's suggesting that Will Smith who did resort to violence doesn't have adequate parents so with that one line he's reminding him that his father was a bad parent and at the same time he's also calling his mom a bad parent because she didn't raise him to be non-violent so it's it's a really kind of again like where I feel right here at the end that I'm not at a comedy show anymore it's almost like he's really going after Will Smith particularly with this line and we could have a conversation about this in the comments as to whether or not it was okay for him to go there you know yeah Will Smith got up and slapped him it was misplaced Chris Rock knows how to use his words to get back and I think in this moment we're seeing him really hit back with his words but the most brilliant thing in this whole set and I almost guarantee you that this is by Design I would bet on the fact that this is by Design is the fact that not once in that set did he say Jada's name and I think there's irony Brilliance comedy to that because his instructions at the Oscars were keep my wife's name out your mouth that's what Will Smith aggressively yelled at him twice and Chris Rock even said I'm going to and I think there's just this brilliant comedic irony here to the fact that he referenced her numerous times as his wife her that b but he never said her name and he never even addressed the fact that he didn't say her name and there aren't I didn't see too many articles or anything like that talking about how he didn't say her name but he didn't he respected those instructions he came back at them he hit back hard with his words even said a few things that were really kind of really going for their emotions but he never said her name so when he said I'm going to you know keep her name out my mouth he never said her name and maybe this is like a PR thing maybe he's gonna go on interviews and say hey I never said her name I'm not sure what the angle here is but uh it's kind of brilliant that he never said the name Jada so that about wraps it up uh what do I think at the end of the day so as you all know it's not a big secret I think Chris Rock initially handled the situation like a champ when he got hit at the Oscars immediately we saw him he went into a fist he stepped back but then he calmed down had amazing self-control uh you know we saw him processing we saw a bit confused but he kept his composure he was diplomatic he got over the situation everyone complimented how will he handled that and he did really well then he didn't take any interviews he didn't go insult anyone he didn't do anything for a really long time that was also really great while Will Smith was you know trying to apologize Will Smith was trying to explain Chris Rock was just kind of staying out of it now with this comedy special well yeah he went after them he used his words the his best weapon to really go after them and he did a good job at it he said things that he knows is going to emotionally impact them really powerfully and there's two ways to look at this one is to go wow he really left the comedy thing for a sec there and he really aggressively went after them that was inappropriate but another thing another way to look at is go it's his show you don't have to watch it it's not like he went to this public event or to this different thing and inappropriately did something he did his own special and he expressed how he feels and yes there was some aggression there and he said some things that obviously show that he's really kind of not happy about this but at the end of the day it's his show it's his stand-up set and he's allowed to joke about whatever he wants to joke about but let me know in the comments what you think as to whether or not it was appropriate to get that aggressive about it you know because there's moments and I'm not even saying it's intentional you know maybe his intention was to deliver it more in a jokey way but we really saw this aggression come through and the body doesn't lie we saw those facial expressions change and there was a lot more aggressiveness there so let me know what you think in the comments you know what was this okay for him to like use this platform to really bite back uh or do you feel like he just should have stuck to the comment he made a couple of jokes in a lighthearted Manner and moved on I don't think there's a right answer by the way I don't think this is definitely good or definitely bad I think it's how you interpret it art is very subjective so some people might look at this and go no it's totally fine everything goes it's his show you know he's doing comedy up there and other people might look at it and go uh you know this maybe wasn't the place for this kind of thing I think it's all valid and again I'm not a fan of comments who are like 100 no this is definitely the way it is it's not definitely anything but I look forward to hearing your comments to see what you thought of this set let me know in the comments and I will see you on the next one
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 1,343,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XEmYOTT35e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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