The SURPRISING Truth About Gypsy Rose Blanchard's Pregnancy Video! Body Language Analyst Reacts!

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and I just want to be a good mother for my child I want to [Music] be I want to be everything my mother wasn't what's going on everyone welcome to the behavioral Arts my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist to teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world the internet went wild this week as Gypsy Rose bonard announced that she is pregnant her and her partner Ken kker are expecting their first child and she announced the news in a YouTube video that had a lot of emotional highs and lows but what do her body language facial expressions and word choice reveal and most importantly what is it about her story that's not quite adding up to a lot of commenters now before we look at this footage let's really quickly talk about who Gypsy Rose blanar is for those of you who are not familiar with the story Gypsy Rose was raised by her mother Claudine or DD BL who experts believe suffered from the mental disorder munum by proxy and as a result she faked and even caused a longest of illnesses for Gypsy Rose she spent most of her childhood in a wheelchair eating through tubes because her mother had her and the community convinced that she suffered from a long list of illnesses including muscular distrophy leukemia a whole bunch of allergies and the list goes on and on in June of 2015 Gypsy Rose planned the murder of her mother and convinced her boyfriend at the time Nick go John to execute it they were both tried for the murder and she served 8 years and he is currently serving a life sentence while in prison Gypsy Rose ended up in a relationship with a man who wrote her a letter of support his name was Ken urker but that relationship did not work out she went on to meet fall in love with and marry another man by the name of Ryan Anderson and she stayed married to him until she was released a few months after March of this year so 4 months ago her and Ryan broke up soon after she went back to dating Ken and now has announced that she is pregnant with Ken's baby now before we look at this video and the really interesting behaviors within there's a really quick message I want to say especially to viewers who are new to this channel 0% of this video is about gypsy's character whether Gypsy is a good person or a bad person you can decide that for yourself and there are tons of places online where you can go talk about that my experience is strictly in Behavior to look at the behaviors that we're seeing both verbally and non-verbally to try to figure out what's going on what's being hidden what's causing certain emotions and thoughts that's it hi everybody so I know the rumors have been flying around for quite some time now and I'm happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant Ken and I are expecting our very first child come January of 2025 we're both very excited this was not planned at all it was completely unexpected but we're both very excited to take on this new journey of Parenthood um I have already experienced experience the symptoms um when I first learned that I was pregnant the first thing that I noticed was the Cravings so I craved orange juice orange juice was not something that like I craved on a daily basis before so when I started craving orange juice I'm like okay well guess I just want orange juice I didn't think anything of it um and so that was one thing and then like the next thing that I noticed was like the hunger like an insatiable hunger to just eat everything so I really went on a binge and just started eating everything and then um of course I missed my period And I didn't think anything of it because I had seen my OBGYN and I had tested my fertility and she's like we're probably going to have to put you on uh fertility meds um or at least something to make you ovulate because you're not ovulating on a regular so I'm like okay so I had that that appointment was like a month out and so when I missed my period I thought I was just having issues with ovulation and it it wasn't until so um I had texted with Ken and he's like have you taken a pregnancy test and I'm like no I don't think it's I don't think I'm pregnant I don't think it's that okay so just in that first clip there is a ton to talk about verbally non-verbally there's lots so let's start with establishing a bit of a baseline to see how she normally communicates so she's quite animated when she speaks her tone fluctuates goes up and down quite a bit and we do see quite a bit of illustrators illustrators is the word the research uses to denote just that we use to accentuate what we're seeing to help us get the message across with the hands with the face and with her there's a lot her face moves quite a bit her eyebrows go up and down a lot of smiles head tilts but her hands as well as she talks her hands are Palm up and they go out like this and she'll Gest and they'll come back to the middle like this a little bit then Gest and come back to the middle so she's quite animated this is something that interrogators and interviewers like to see because when you have someone like this in front of you who's very animated this is them in their natural relaxed state but as a stressful topic enters their mind or something is making them nervous we start to see those movements slow down a little bit for a couple of reasons first when we're stressed we like to draw less attention to ourselves but second when what we call the cognitive load is increased we're so focused on we're saying that we tend to move less as well and look for those behavioral shifts even with her you're going to see it it's going to be obvious I won't even have to point it out to you there's another Behavior here that's very consistent in her Baseline and such a great example of how having a a little bit of background information on someone you're communicating with or interviewing can really really help so in her case we already saw it a couple of times but we're going to see it a lot more moving forward she very often licks her lips and we very often hear clicking sounds between her words or even with the lipx now normally I would tell you that if this isn't part of someone's Baseline and all of a sudden you start seeing these things it could be because stress is spiking because as we get stressed our mouth dries out that's normal however in the case of Gypsy Rose one of the many things her mother put her through Was the removal of some of her salivary glands because apparently she was drooling excessively so they had some of those glands removed and as a result she naturally produces less saliva than most people so whereas in a lot of cases that's something I might pay attention to in her case having dry mouth is literally part of her Baseline so it's not as important as she's about to announce the news she says there have been some rumors flying around and she builds that drama I'm happy to announce and as she says I'm happy to announce we see this downwards bounce with this little bit of a wiggle like this and we see the arms wiggle as well as she goes into that what's really interesting about that gesture is we saw it right in the beginning of the video almost the exact same way as she said hi everybody we saw that exact same gesture downwards bounce with that wiggle that we saw in the arms as well and I think this is her releasing nervous energy as she goes into something almost like a here we go you ever see someone before before they run or before they fight this kind of bouncing this jiggle kind of just to release that energy before you start something I think it's the exact same thing for her what makes this a really confident tell for me is that dragged out and we build the tension release the tension as we go into the news here we go and I'm happy to announce that and as she announces the news it's really interesting to see where she puts the emphasis so it's not like she's saying and I'm happy to announce that I'm 11 weeks pregnant it's not this big pregnant there is some emphasis on the pregnant but there's also some emphasis on the M I am 11 weeks pregnant and she emphasizes both I'm happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant the words that we emphasize in the way that we speak can really show our hand in showing which part of the sentence we're putting the emphasis or the surprise on which element was surprising so in that sentence as she said it if I were to say I have some news guys I am 11 weeks pregnant that would mean that the surprise is that it's me other people have been pregnant but I I'm pregnant that's where the surprise is so in the way that she said it we saw the emphasis on the am and the pregnant and here's how she emphasizes we see the eyebrow flash so the eyebrows go up like this now she's someone who talks with her eyebrows quite a bit but there are moments where we see them really go up as she emphasizes something and it matches her tone and this is very common there's a lot of research that shows that everywhere in the world we emphasize important things with the eyebrow brow flash at the very same time as her tone and eyebrows are going up very often she tilts her head as she's emphasizing that's very common and she did it both with M and with pregnant that I am 11 weeks pregnant now head tilting is something we quite often see in sympathetic exchanges like if somebody says something that gets our sympathy we might go a and we tilt our heads because it's a very vulnerable position we're exposing the neck and it's a non-verbal way of saying there's no threat here I connect with this it's also something we often see in a request for sympathy or a request for social connection so we often see even in cartoons someone might have this little cutesy pose like this where the shoulders come together and the heads tilt a little bit and they might look down like this and look up at you and it's almost this attempt to look kind of small and vulnerable to kind of get you to connect with them to kind of give them that sympathy so with her it's quite common that she'll emphasize the big news like this like please don't attack me don't take this as bad news and given what she's gone through it makes a ton of sense right there are a lot of critics online she's gone through a very difficult past so it makes sense that she has these moments of like okay don't jump on this I just want to tell you this is good news so it makes a lot of sense that she emphasizes that way now why am I saying that it's important to note that she's emphasizing the M as much as the pregnant it's because the m is a confirmation she started off by saying that there have been some rumors circulating so it's a thumbs up a congratulations to those those who guessed it those who got it there's a huge social element to the way she's saying that I am pregnant good job everyone you guys got it create that social connection again we're going to see a lot more examples of that I'm happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant then she says that it was not planned at all it was completely unexpected and her tone and her gestures are a little over the top but this is just a quick statement that she's making I don't have the chance to sit with her and ask her about that ask her about the process and see if there's any part of it that's making her stressed it's a statement that she's presenting as she planned to present it so it's really hard to find anything in a moment like that but as we go on with the story let's see if that information matches up with some other things that she's saying then she says I've already experienced and we see the hand come up to the face like this which is something we often see in stressful moments right you might see someone rub their forehead or their eyebrows or their temples like this or just like this on the face it's self soothing it helps calm us down for a moment moment and her eyes close as well which is called an eye block and we often see this in moments of negativity as well like I don't want to face this thing like if you get bad news you might just close your eyes like this because you don't want to deal with it so we see that then a giggle and a sigh I've experienced the symptoms so there's a lot being put on this symptoms thing and this does feel quite dramatized now let's not forget that over the course of the last few years she spent a lot of time on documentaries and non-scripted television and this is a field that I have a lot of experience in because I spent a major part of my career on non-scripted television and although a lot of the time it's not scripted it's very much directed especially when there's drama when there's a story that has to be told a certain way you have producers there who help you tell it a certain way like no no Take that again but build the drama here or make this more suspenseful you know get us that commercial break and they have a way to get you to tell things in a compelling way and this feels a lot like that there are a lot of moments in this video where we see these gestures as way of saying something that's really meant to pull us in like oh what are these symptoms what are these what are these big symptoms but just remember this remember that there's this big emphasis being put on these the symptoms these big symptoms because this is going to come back up so just remember it then comes the part that I found really really confusing and inconsistent and if this was in an interview I would have a lot of questions about this because interrogators and interviewers pay a lot of attention to timeline the sequence of events and when somethingone does that up it's a CL that we need to go in there and try to figure out okay what happened then but then what happened before that and in this case there's a major timeline issue she starts off by saying when I first learned that I was pregnant the first thing I noticed was the Cravings I was craving orange juice which is something that I didn't crave before when I first learned that I was pregnant the first thing that I noticed was the Cravings so I craved orange juice she even says that orange juice isn't something she normally craved so when she started craving it she thought to herself okay I guess I just want orange juice and she does that same kind of drop and wiggle that usually for her is like the beginning of something like here we go so to me part of this felt like she's saying when she first found out she's pregnant which she literally says the first thing she remembers is the Cravings like the orange juice and that you know here we go here come the Cravings but then she says I didn't think much of it and it almost seems like there's this mood of she didn't piece it together but piece what together you're literally saying that it's the first thing you noticed after you found out you were pregnant so that was a little confusing already in and of itself guess I just one orange juice I didn't think anything of it um and so then she says that she ate everything in sight then she goes into the whole she missed her period but she didn't think anything of it of course I missed my period And I didn't think anything of it because I had seen my OBGYN that that appointment was like a month out and so when I missed my per period I thought I was just having issues with ovulation and it wasn't until um I had texted with Ken and he's like have you've taken a pregnancy test and I'm like well I don't think it's I don't think I'm pregnant I don't think it's that but this whole sequence began with her saying when I found that I was pregnant the first thing I remember was um the Cravings so now it's like okay you knew you were pregnant that's where we started the story now you've gone back to before you were pregnant because you mised perod but you didn't connect adult and you didn't know you were pregnant the only reason I could find for this sequence making sense and you guys let me know in the comments if this makes sense at all is in the beginning when she says when I first found out I was pregnant it's not the first part of the sentence of her saying the first thing I remember is the Cravings it's almost a title of this segment because first of all again because in documentaries they often make you repeat the question before you start just for continuity and because it makes more sense for the editors later but also she does talk like this times there are times where she'll say a thought and then she'll elaborate on that thought so is there a chance she's saying when I first found out I was pregnant dot underline go to the next line the first thing I remember was the Cravings I craved orange juice didn't make much of it then I ate everything then I missed my period so I thought so it's like the title then she's elaborating I'll be honest it doesn't sound like that at all she's saying when I first found out I was pregnant the first thing that I noticed like her tongue goes up and she continues with that thought when I first learned that I was pregnant the first thing that I noticed was the Cravings so I craved orange juice so it doesn't sound like that but I'm just trying to make sense of this timeline so let me know could it be that that it's a separate thought it's just communicated in a very confusing way the other thing that was really noteworthy in the verbal communication here was that she said that the reason she didn't think much of her missed period is because she had gone to see her OBGYN to be tested for fertility and that she was told that there are some issues with her fertility so she needs to take meds in order to ovulate now I'm by no means an expert on this subject and I know that a lot of women will go to the OBGYN when there is irregularities in their period because it could indicate something else so they might do certain things to get the right hormones or to regulate that for health reasons but the language here ovulate fertility I happen to be at a phase in my life where a lot of people are me right now are trying to get pregnant start that Journey so it's language that I'm hearing a lot around me right now and this is the kind of language she's not saying that the OBGYN talked about her hormones or her health it's specifically that she went for a fertility test and she was told she need fertility meds to ovulate so there's this language suggesting that there was talks about her ovulating and fertility so when we go back earlier and think about if she said that this was a complete surprise it wasn't planned at all I'm having a bit of a hard time accepting those two things at the very least there were conversations with the OBGYN about fertility about ovulating there was a certain conversation around this so I don't think it was a massive surprise that they weren't planning at all so there's a discrepancy there and there are a few more coming up but I think that there's a very very good reason for this discrepancy that we'll discuss once you've seen a little bit more of the interview but before we look at all of that do me a huge favor hit that subscribe button turn those notific ifications on from behavioral analysis and practical psychology content and it wasn't until um I had texted with Ken and he's like have you taken a pregnancy test and I'm like I don't think it's I don't think I'm pregnant I don't think it's that and then I had taken a test and it turned out positive um and so everything just made sense but um my pregnancy Journey so far so I have experienced crazy mood swings like poor Ken like poor Ken if he breathes wrong I am just like it's pregnancy is not easy with the mood swings um all right for this segment I want to hear in the comments from a very specific demographic I want to hear from anyone who's ever been blindsided by a pregnancy whether it's yourself or you have a friend or a family member who completely unexpectedly somebody got pregnant and let us know in the comments when that story was told how much emphasis there was on the finding out that they were pregnant that positive test because in my experience when people tell a story of pregnancy whether they were planning it or not but infinitely more when it was a surprise there's a lot of emphasis on that experience of seeing that positive test right there's a big buildup to where you know this was happening I was late you know I wasn't sure and then we decided to the test and I saw the test I was positive I couldn't believe it and I called my husband he was at work and all this kind of stuff now I'm not saying everyone tells a story the same way of course different people tell stories different ways but for someone like her who's very dramatized like I already experienced the symptoms these symptoms and oh poor Ken poor Ken so a lot of this dramatization what a strange place for us to get almost no emotion because even earlier when she said it was a huge surprise we didn't expect it and now when it comes to the point where she was surprised by it this is the surprise we're getting almost nothing I just find that really interesting that discrepancy and I'm like no I don't think it's I don't think I'm pregnant I don't think it's that and then I had taken a test and it turned out positive um and so everything just made sense then she does something that I was trying to talk about earlier she says my pregnancy Journey so far and she goes so I've been experiencing and she starts telling her story so I was saying earlier that sometimes she says this little title and then Builds on that my pregnancy Journey so far now that's what I'm going to talk about now and I kind of was thinking earlier that it was the same thing when she was talking about when I first found out I was pregnant but here it's very clear my pregnancy Journey so far pause so I started experiencing no no no no no there's a there's a clear disconnect my pregnancy Journey so far so I have experienced crazy mood swings in that first one it flowed when I first learned that I was pregnant the first thing I noticed was the Cravings it has more flow and it starts with when I first found out that I was pregnant so that's not really a title here it's almost very clearly a title my pregnancy so far pause and now we go the structure and the flow of the sentence is significantly different so yeah I'm still extremely confused by the chronology of that first orange juice thing that she talked about so now we elaborate on those symptoms from earlier the big symptoms and it turns out they are crazy mood swings like poor Ken poor Ken so poren with what we call stop gestures on both hands so pretty much everywhere in the world when the fingers extend with the Palm outwards it's a negation or an attempt to stop something to get someone's attention even in a greeting we're trying to get their attention so we have twoand doing this before the first por Ken we see an eye block she closes her eyes and remember eye block is to keep a thought in or keep a thought out but we also see it in moments of intense emphasis like to emphasize something intense whether it's positive or negative so por Ken and then her eyes roll upwards por Ken like rolling her eyes familiar irritation so por Ken a second time then she says that if he so much as breathes wrong she's like and notice how there's no specificity there she doesn't say what that is so is it do you swear at him do you call him names is it playful we don't really know and I feel a part of the reason she speaks this way is because she knows she has a lot of critics out there and if she gives specifics they might say oh I can't believe she would say that why would you say that so just non-specific she's keeping it more about the mood swing not the specifics of what she says to him then she does something that I recognize very much after the she laughs and we see something that we call Taffy eyes or pulling Taffy eyes so basically if I were to say something that I think is funny I might say something and just start laughing right but as she starts laughing and her head turns away notice how her eyes stay on the camera just a moment longer and this is something that falls under the confirmation gland category and it happens from people who want to know how their delivery is being received now I don't know if there's a person behind her camera but it doesn't matter because we tend to humanize cameras and behave with them the way we would with a person so what's happening here is that she said something how she is with Ken and as she's laughing instead of just pulling away and laughing about it for a moment her eyes stay on where her imaginary audience would be to kind of see how this is being being received because again there's this moment of her saying like I'm a total nightmare but it's just a joke it's just a joke and you see that a lot in people who say something and they kind of giggle nervously and they kind of look around to see okay is it being well received and it looks exactly like that the reason it's called Taffy eyes is because instead of laughing and just breaking away the person just their whole energy turns away but the eyes are kind of like stuck and then take a little bit more time to be pulled away from the audience and we see this a lot with people who are used to being criticized or getting negative attention because they just want to make sure okay everyone's okay I'm just joking and again it's very recognizable and makes perfect sense right there um so far pregnancy has been a breeze as far as symptoms um I find like the tiredness is starting to wear off a little bit that was like the biggest symptom that I had saw with me is that I'm always tired and sleepy so that's been one thing that I've been dealing with um the rest is completely manageable um like I said Ken has been very forgiving to my symptoms um but the rest has been a breeze okay wow so again there's there's some inconsistencies and things that don't go with previous statements so she literally starts this clip by saying that it's been a breeze so far as far as symptoms go but literally like not 5 minutes before this she was like I've already experienced the symptoms and she made this big deal about all these symptoms and just before this she said that the crazy mood swings poor Ken but now the symptoms have been a breeze and it kind of seems like fine if it's been a breeze why earlier did you put this huge emphasis on oh my god I've been experiencing these crazy symptoms and now it turns out that they've just been a breeze and the biggest one is the tiredness that she dealt with although she just said that there's been these massive mood swings poor Ken so that's kind of kind of weird how all of a sudden it's a breeze then she says that the tiredness is the one thing she's had to deal with and the rest is completely manageable and we see a bunch of things she shifts her posture as she does a grooming gesture she adjusts the bottom of her dress and grooming is typically something we do to fix our appearance uh and it usually signals that our attention is turning inwards we're a little more self-conscious now grooming gestures alone don't mean much because it could just be a moment of self-awareness make sure you look good for the camera and that's it but this isn't alone there's a quick look at the camera as she's shifting we see the grooming gesture and then her arms come together quite close and tight like this protecting an area that women tend to get very protective of especially pregnant women which is the reproductive or vital organs now I often talk about how if you see someone sitting in a room like this with their arms crossed in front of them whether it's up here or down there it's not that big a deal maybe they're just comfortable that way we're not looking for stagnant gestures we're looking for a shift this is someone who's very animated always talking with her hands yes they come together in a lot of moments but now they're really together and they really seem to be protective in a position that we see in moments of vulnerability or self-awareness and it's happening with this grooming it's happening with this hesitation that we're feeling this slowing down of her pace and right at the end of that very quickly we see her eyes open up as her eyebrows shoot up almost in a very quick eye roll like this there's this thing that she's thinking of and I thought when I saw that that the thing she's thinking of is whatever other SYM symptoms there are right cuz she's saying you know that's been really the main one and the rest have been manageable and we're seeing this moment of self-awareness at the very least um the rest is completely manageable um so in my head I was like yeah she's for sure talking about those other symptoms that earlier were such a big deal and poor Ken and then she confirms that because what does she say immediately after she says you know like I said Ken has been very forgiving with my symptoms like I said Ken has been very for forgiving to my symptoms what symptoms is he forgiving of because if we isolate everything else here she said she's tired and everything else is manageable so what is he forgiving your tiredness that's what he's been forgiving with so it's kind of bizarre how we went from oh this the symptoms I've been experiencing these symptoms to poor Ken you know he breathes wrong and I'm on his case now we're going to the tiredness is really the only thing the rest has been very manageable But Ken has been forgiving of the symptoms that are manageable it's very strange let me tell you what I think is happening here and this is something that I've seen a lot with people who are on social media when you're on social media especially someone like her who is getting tons of criticism from all kinds of places for different things you try to say things that will connect to different people and this is someone who has not known normaly in her life at no point in her life has she led a normal life and right now we could see with the way that she's fixing herself up the way way that she's communicating the way that she cares about that audience and we're going to see a lot more signs of this she's really trying to grab on to any sense of normaly so in the way that she's telling this story she just wants to connect she just wants to say that I'm just another pregnant lady just like anybody else and she just wants those relatable stories so I think this is the reason that because her priority isn't necessarily reflecting the reality here but just connecting through her story we're getting elements that don't match up right because oh the symptoms you know the symptoms of pregnancy that gets me to connect but you know Ken's been so forgiving um but really it's been fine except for the tiredness so it's just these different attempts to connect that don't necessarily check out with the mood of every other thing she set up until that point she just wants normaly in her life what this really reminds me of is something you'll often see in in groups of people but very often in like high school in like groups of teenagers where there's someone who doesn't quite fit in or they're you know a little bit Outcast and there's a group of people discussing something I they say like oh my God my parents have been on my case and they'll just be like oh yeah yeah totally totally yeah me too my parents have totally been on my case it's just a way to relate just something you say to try to connect with people because this is what you're supposed to do you're supposed to have the mood swings and you're supposed to have the symptoms oh my God I'm always on his case I just feel like it's one of those things for her to go like see I'm just like everyone else um it's an amazing feeling when your whole world shifts and suddenly it's not about you it's not about anything other than the tiny little life that's inside you that you are now in charge of protecting and that little tiny life is a baby a little tiny human that that's that's yours and that you have to make sure that you protect you love you you take care of and and all of the things that I wished I could have had when I was little here I am getting emotional guys sorry all the things that I wanted in a mother I want to give to this baby you know knowing that I am a mother now and I'm happy and I just want to be a good mother for my child I want to be I want to be everything my mother wasn't okay so I want to start off by saying that there is a vast difference between fake and dramatized and in that regard I don't believe that this is entirely fake but I do believe that it is dramatized and the best example I could think of for that was I was watching this video and I thought about how at some point in my show there was a story that I would tell in my standup performance on stage there's a story that I would tell from my actual life that actually makes me very sad and every time I told it and performed the piece that goes with it I got sad and almost every time I actually teared up none of it was fake the emotion was real that actually happened I felt that way but it was a choice to put it on that stage it was a choice to script it and decide to present it and we see that a lot in a lot of different performances these emotional moments so it's possible for this to be a performance a scripted message but for it to contain real emotion in there coming out and I think that's what we're seeing so here are some moments where we are seeing real emotion first of all her entire body language Midway through this thing changes her tone drops everything closes in so it's not just the the crying or the sadness or any of that it's her entire body language demeanor and tone she went from up here with a high pitch to down here and talking in this lower place like this everything is closed up but when we look at the moment where she starts crying the first thing we notice is that the moment the emotion hits she does look down and this is a reflex that we have when real sadness hits when sadness hits one of the things that we want to do is hide it we might turn away we might look down we might block our face we might curl our lips take a deep breath of in close the eyes we have all these mechanisms to try to hide it to not display it around that moment we also start to see what's supposed to happen with the eyebrows when you're sad now this is a really beautiful thing because it's very difficult to fake when you're not sad so when we're sad there's a whole bunch of stuff that happens and this is universal the research has shown it's the same everywhere in the world and one of those things is the inner corners of the eyebrows curl up and come close together like this now the reason I have to have my fingers here is because it's really hard to fake this we could all bring our eyebrows in like this and even raise them but typically when we're trying to fake it the whole eyebrow goes up in sadness it's only this middle part that goes up some people have the ability to fake this but it's very rare and I'm sure some of you are trying right now and you're going to say oh I could totally do it awesome but not everybody can and not everybody knows to so in that moment now granted it's not huge we're not seeing this big thing but we're definitely seeing you could see in those inner Corners that they're coming close together and they're a little bit raised they're going up like this at the inner corner it's not huge but it's certainly there while she's looking down her voice is cracking and we see some tears now the reason I say it's dramatized is because throughout this emotion we're getting a lot about how she wants something better than she had growing up and she knows this is going to connect she knows that we know how difficult she had it of course we know how difficult she had it of course we all hope that this baby will have a much better life than her we hope every baby out there will have a better childhood than the one that she had so she knows that's a soft spot that she could connect with so although it's real and there's real emotion there we're really getting a lot about this whole giving this baby a better life it's a big part of this message we also see her wipe that tear and look at it to put a little bit of focus on that so we are seeing her lean into this real emotion at the end she says I want to be everything my mother wasn't as she quickly looks to the camera then up and her hands go up like this in a quick like they open up upwards and a quick pop like this and this is a hand shrug so quite often when we shrug the shoulders are involved and the mouth or the eyebrows might be involved but sometimes it's just the hands and often when we see just the hands like this even with the shoulders like this like this quick kind of pop it's often I don't know no no no no kind of like I I don't know what to tell you I don't know what else to add to that I don't know what else to say and we really get that feeling there right at the end of the sentence it's like this I don't know that's all I got that's the end and as unconventional as this relationship and this child may have came from I couldn't be happier and this is a blessing I found my freedom in a way that I never expected and I'm okay with that everything that has ever happened to me in my life suddenly doesn't matter because it all led me to be who I am today and it all led me to this moment right here right now and that's a blessing to say that I made it that's a success story I wanted to end with that clip for two very important reasons the first one is that different viewers will see something different while watching this clip those who really connect with her story and what she went through and the fact that she overcame all that to find some kind of life she's happy with will really connect with this as a powerful positive moment others will look at the way she communicates which is at places a little overd dramatized taking those pauses and those big gestures and I bet a lot of that comes from being directed on documentaries to lean into emotions more and she's bringing this video a lot of people will focus on that and feel like it's just this big dramatic thing she's doing to get the views to get the attention but here's the thing about that both those things can coexist and this is a huge thing I've seen about Gypsy Rose she's one of those topics that really seems to create completely polarized thinking because I'll see people say something like oh my God poor her she had such a tough childhood I'm so glad she's doing okay it's great to see that she's working through that and someone else will come in and go no no she's deceptive and she just wants attention and this and that as a counter to that statement but both of those things can be true at the same time we live in a world where people don't understand that if you say something good about a person it doesn't mean you're saying that everything about the person is good you're allowed to see good in people that you dislike you're allowed to see bad in people that you like so it's totally fine to acknowledge that she said had a tough life and she's doing better and she's trying to work on herself but there are certain behaviors that she's had or certain ways that she behaves or certain things that she does that I don't like that I'm not a fan of or I think is a little put on or dramatized it's totally fine to think both those things but the main reason I wanted to talk about this clip is because what she says right at the end forget body language I think she lays her cards on the table completely open cuz she ends with saying and it led me to this moment right here right now it's a blessing to say that I made it that's a success story so she's talking about the baby like it's the conclusion of her story like this is where her story goes and it's got this vibe that this is her sticking it to her mom and saying you tried to mess me up to where I couldn't be normal but look at me here now I have all the symptoms of pregnancy and I made it I made it to this moment right now and this is a success story and there are some concerns with this way of thinking it puts a lot of pressure on this moment on this baby let let's remember that she's representing this as this typical relationship you know I'm nagging him and we have all the troubles but he's been you know super understanding with my symptoms and all these things but let's remember that a couple of months ago she was married to another guy she's still not divorced from that guy she's still technically married she went into this relationship and now she's pregnant with this guy and in the documentaries she was talking about that other guy like that one Ryan was her her savior you know this big romance this big happy ending which is what she's looking for she's chasing that happy ending she thought she had it with Ryan it didn't work out she rushed towards a new story a new happy ending and now it's like now this is my happy ending but again a lot of this stuff is volatile Ryan even said that shortly after she got out of jail they went shopping together and she was looking at baby clothes maybe it wasn't super serious like a super serious plan but at the very least there was this idea this end goal in her mind to be with a man to have a baby to have that normal life to really just prove to the world that she was able to gain normaly and that's why I think we're seeing these behaviors in this video the way she's telling this story in a dramatic way that she thinks is how she'll connect with the audience or how something she says here is a very different mood or vibe from the way she says the same thing elsewhere because she's just trying to connect somehow with some sense of like oh this I'm going through all the normal things of pregnancy and this and that and all that Old Chestnut and just wants to tell the story in a normal way I think that's Sur Pursuit and she sees this as the way to get that to prove that so this is just a quick clip that I had to film because I realized while I was editing that there was something in my notes that I never said in the original video so now I'm filming it and throwing it in but a big part of the reason I feel that she exaggerated how unplanned this was is because just a few short weeks ago she was married to Ryan and a lot of fans were invested in their love story it was featured in a lot of documentaries it was all over social media and a lot of fans thought that this was her happily ever after this was her finally getting a piece of Happiness so I feel like a lot of her fans would feel a little let down to know that the moment that didn't work out she went right back to her ex and very quickly now they're expecting a child and this is what she wanted this was her plan so by representing this as completely unplanned it kind of lets them down a little less it doesn't seem as much like the moment that one didn't work out she went towards this completely new happily ever after but there is a ton going on in this video and I really have to pick and choose the topics that I was going to cover because there's so much to talk about and I can't wait to read your comments to see what you guys thought about all this and let's try to remember to stay compassionate because the situation may be extreme but our opinions don't have to be so let me know what you think about all this in the comments and I will see you on the next one
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 64,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nK3MPWFlR7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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