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in this video jerome invites me to a build battle with a little bit of a twist while i'm busy away building they're using something that helps them out just a little bit so if you guys do enjoy this video and you want more like this then go ahead and hit it with a like subscribe if you guys are new and without further ado let's just hop straight into the video all right guys first build here we go remember you only have five minutes to build it i got this one i got this one i call uh i call other greens i guess i get blue is this blue all right the first one the first one is going to be a robot okay oh okay i could build a pretty good robot i could build a pretty good robot you really oh god andrew said you were a good builder all right well three two one let's go how much time do we have how much time do we have five minutes only five minutes buddy okay okay okay uh oh boy let's see let's do something like this down here maybe i don't like that i can hear you guys it's like it's like it it makes me more stressed that i can hear you guys like talking you make me stressed i can hear you talking what is that supposed to matter i don't know i usually i can like mute off and like talk about what i'm building but i'm not going to talk about what i'm building because otherwise i'll get my ideas away you know i mean i know i bet it's a robot no no no no it's definitely not but like i promised you it's the opposite of a robot like there's no way it would ever be a robot it's gotta be a robot wait why yeah that's like the rule that's like the one oh oh that's what you guys think i guess i mean sure i've already forgotten what a robot looks like now you're in jail what do you mean what a robot how do you not know what a robot what do you mean that oh wait i guess i could have just made a normal robot i've kind of i've kind of gone off the even like off the dome domes you know how they have the little robots yeah but i can't i kind of went like you know a little bit a little bit different here and i think i think it's not bad okay okay there's no there's no need to bully me oh it's a british robot [Applause] this is just bullying at this point take all the time you need henry it's not like we're all done already yeah it's not like wait you guys are you guys all done i mean yeah i'm kind of done okay okay i'll finish this off real quick here and um i'll say i'm done maybe there we go okay i i think that's good i think that's good let's all meet up at the top then and uh who should we check out first i think you guys should come check out mine actually you know this season [Applause] this isn't too bad man i mean i really didn't know what uh what it was to begin with like a robot i was trying to think so i did like the little track wheels like like kind of go around and then we have like buttons blue and then we have like the little thing on his head the little lights it does something the buttons do something the buttons do something else oh cool perfect and it's the explosive robot because it went wrong you know guys that was pretty good no oh it's america i i get it now i get what you mean by robot okay but there's it's just it's just stone brick like you could have been more creative like get some more colors in here yes look he's even got a rail gun on his side i mean there's no lava in the railroad that's kind of cool yeah that's that's true let's still look at uh squiggles yes okay well i know i know that citrus is a terrible builder so this isn't going to be anything good okay that's that's all i don't know i kind of like it i think it's phenomenal oh this is just like the classic like i saw i swear you like see these on youtube thumbnails all the time right want like a bunch of them like in my house you know like i like what you did with the observer that's all i'm gonna do yeah that's cool i get my face dude shall we see what jerome's done then okay yeah come right over here what is this what the heck it's a romantic you could have at least done this like you could have just gone like that there you go that's better oh my god oh oh that's actually a really cool idea yeah i'm glad i came up with i'm glad i came up with it yeah minus uh one point for you what do you think though like i like it i like it i like it again i think you could have done something like this where you get like some of these and you put them in here oh wait no no wait where are these going oh they're going into the door don't worry nothing why did we invite him i i didn't you know yeah it's fine it's fine it's fine i think it's pretty good i think it's pretty good on a scale of one to ten i'd give it a solid like seven all right guys five minutes on the clock build the best house it's this hot air balloon in the middle here oh it does yeah oh okay hot air blue okay okay okay okay okay um okay here we go three two one let's stop well this could be so good this could be so good i'm about to make the best looking hot air balloon any of you have ever seen in your life like honestly yes i used to build hot air balloons for a living you know like that's all i'm saying so is there like a point system was there like any points given out last round or anything like that or oh yeah i guess we just pick up we usually just pick a winner so okay so who do we think ones honestly no i i think drums was pretty good it was it's pretty good size sizzles was a little small steve's was a little plain it was just kind of stone break i think this one goes to jerome all right i'll say i'll take it i'll take it how much time do we have uh three minutes i'm already pretty much done though okay well i'm not i'm gonna need a little bit of time on this one yeah i might need a time extension on this one oh baton extension what are you yeah i'm gonna do cowards i'm saying okay wait wait is fire spread off is fire spread off you guys said that my last build was really bad and i got last place so i may have gone a little ambitious with this one oh gosh maybe okay oh no fight spread still up fire spread still fires were still my house is pumped down it's pointing down somebody somebody oh no okay i need extra time that was that was okay hold on hold on okay this is like two minutes left no no no you put it back okay okay guys we gotta follow the i'm a man of honor okay let's go ahead and make the balloon a little bit bigger how much time we got are you guys all done is that is that what's happening right now i'm not there's literally there's like 20 seconds left okay well yeah i'm just trying to you know finish it off figure it out henry i'm just finishing off my hot air balloon that's all i'm doing like there's not much to it other than the fact that i'm finishing it off you know so where do we all want to meet up you want to meet up at uh yeah no no no no no no let's do someone else's first this time you know mine was first last time all right let's do steve then we'll just go around this is massive you've got okay i didn't use water for my one but this one is huge uh there's no fire minus points for nobody because when you stop putting fire then the whole thing burns down what do you mean dude that is sick steve you killed it buddy no i really like it it's really big [Music] all right let's go take a look at our schedules now okay what is this hot air balloon made out of quartz how is it going to float uh it's lighter than air quartz dude no quartz is a star oh sigils wait what does the sign say what does the sign say henry licks toast it's it's not very balloon shape is it it's kind of like [Music] it looks like an upside down pyramid so far i think steve is winning steve is definitely winning so far i'm not i don't want to take victory because i didn't know that we couldn't use world edit my bad i mean no it's okay okay i like the rainbow you got here i like it pleasant one right yeah that would have been a good idea actually going for like handles highly flammable highly highly flammable let's go highly fun that's a great feature yeah cause like if you want to get down quickly you just set fire to the balloon and it drops real fast you guys want to see mine yeah let's go okay okay so my balloon's a little bit smaller because of the fact that i didn't know we could use water there but you know it's it's kind of chilling it's it's enough for like it's enough for one person it's enough for one yeah let's just kind of sit here and you know balloon off oh the other problem is it's on fire it's highly composite combustible my one it seems like it wasn't even hollowed yeah it looks like my whole thing's about to go up in a few seconds i think that that's extra points right extra points for being able to that's what i'm saying the quickest because of how compact it is i think steve gets the w yeah yeah no i agree i agree his was huge and it looks sick all right guys five minutes on this last build it's gonna be the house oh boy no world at this time okay everyone all right steve okay three two one let's get it oh boy okay okay i i've had some experience making houses before yeah but have you done it in five minutes before oh wait okay you're all right you're right i should probably make it smaller than i was about to make it there okay so we got the we got the frame of the house here let me go up two here i'm i'm i'm already feeling my one this time i i think i might be able to get a dub here i'm not gonna lie did anybody ask oh all right there's only two and a half minutes left excuse me are you sure because that did not seem like two and a half minutes half our time all right i think i'm pretty good on my bills excuse me you're dead i think i'm done no no no no no i'm sorry emily is that all right with you can i be done no like you can't be done that quickly i i think i think i did a good job you've built an entire house is what you're saying could to get some i got to get some windows on this thing how much time how much time jerome uh it depends you're gonna yell me when i tell you that there's only like a minute left most likely yes oh boy okay well i mean we can look at one of one of the sides of my house you know let's just do that let's just look at one side of the house and then that's fine wow what is this amateur hour okay you know what like it's fine it's gonna it looks great um no no no no no no no we gotta do something we're gonna do some of this that is definitely time that's time don't meet on up yeah dude okay okay i guess that's time oh boy all right let's see what you got here so if we come down here we've got a nice medium no no no look at this from this side we've got a nice medium looking house it's nice and rustic there's little yellow roof some we've got some plants outside um it it's like it's actually a movie set you know it's those fake houses is this a fake house yeah so it's a movie set so it's like i can't wait for an abstract thing because you know doing movie sets i heard i have friends still drunk god i got it no my house no my house oh no you have fire insurance can we oh yeah oh boy i guess it could be a disaster movie set maybe um oh boy oh oh my okay yeah no you if you're just creative again there's no way you haven't oh definitely no no no no no did it well done it won't edit what did it there's no way you haven't used water on this one i don't think it's that impossible yeah i think you did a great job that is a lot of blocks to be placed steve's a master builder wait no no hey i want to see exactly how many blocks that is hold on hold on one second he's a professional builder oh yeah i love this steve honestly i mean well the interior is pretty like playing something i don't know if you know what this is i picked a lot of the maps for jerome so like yeah you've said a lot better that was that's like thousands of blocks right here i feel like you should see dude i'm not even kidding you should see this guy in action but in five minutes and this interior and yeah no no no no no you've you've used water there's there's no way you know what you know what whatever okay steve your house is pretty good i like it i like it all right let's take a look at andy's my man i like the modern touch thank you you know me you know me this is brilliant no thanks dude you know i went kind of minimal it's actually your house you can't minecraft oh yes yes yeah but how many blocks is that yeah no talking about houses how many blocks did you place in situations this is the best thing i've ever seen you build ever thanks dude yeah i've been working on my modern house no no no no no you don't like i like there's no way i like the little underscore i already built it no no like like that looks cool citrus you're not this good you're like you're a bad you're a bad builder dude last time last time you built something it was all right squishy set movie set henry all right we had five minutes you guys were done in like three there's no way what do you think what the heck your trap doors down there what the wait where's the door where's over here why is the front door over here what do you think do you like it in five minutes and you were done with within like three of these minutes there's no no not possible i don't believe it how do we get to the second floor yeah here hello hey you know what here i'll show you watch i'll i'll even i'll start from scratch and rebuild it for you again okay so you're gonna start from okay so here should i take any timer on my phone i don't [Music] [Laughter] what are you [Music] what is this like a magnet wait oh no i'm just placing very quick wait here oh andrew are you building your house on top of mine have you been doing this this entire time oh my god like dude i know you're jealous but like i am jess i wish i could do this it would mean i would spend a lot less time on the builds what is going on what is going on here explain it's the printer mod buddy hey how do i slash is that it's like printed because you don't have the mod print no you don't have the mods we didn't give you the mods i gave it to all them oh boy so so you're telling me you invite me to a bell competition just so it's just so you could cheat on me you could just cheat you could just cheat this entire time yeah yeah why why isn't it shorter than that you know what you know yeah wait wait is that supposed to mean wait he is kind of short he's kind of kind of strict yeah like i feel like you're kind of just short you're just kind of a short boy yeah why don't you get one of those knee braces there andrew yeah you know what i i'm i'm never coming back to another one of your bill competitions ever again jerome never again i'm i'm done this is i'm done with this we'll see you next week uh use your schedule change your schedule all right see you later [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 145,783
Rating: 4.9438028 out of 5
Keywords: Henwy, Minecraft for loot, Minecraft, Minecraft Minigame, henwy minecraft, instant house mod, minecraft instant house mod, minecraft mods, minecraft 1.17, mods, instant house, minecraft mod, funny, trolling, traps, games, funny videos, prank, meme, minecraft building competition, build hack minecraft, fast build minecraft, instant structures mod, craft minecraft house, instant structures, minecraft build mod, build mod, building mod minecraft, building mod, jeromeasf, minecraft, house
Id: GuvinyEQEtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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