CUSTOM ICE and FIRE SWORDS in Minecraft!

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welcome back everybody to a brand new video on the channel today we are back with another mini game video and in today's mini game video we get some custom swords we get some custom intros and we mush them together to make some pretty op weapons so if you guys do enjoy the video be sure to hit the like comment down below what your favorite part of the episode was and if you guys want more of this please subscribe because it really really does help the channel and let me know that you guys want more of this but other than that let's just talk straight into the video okay so welcome back everybody to another falut type video boys are you ready are you ready this is what i get this is what i get every single time i start recording just what is this game mode i've never seen this it's push it's push your luck you've seen it you've why did you make two and e this is an e3 this is not e3 it's not eat no no no okay so the way this is gonna work is there's a few new custom weapons added here or custom swords that we've got the eighth and guard and things and a bunch of few like different swords there and we're gonna do a push-up look for the swords and they also came along with their own new enchants as well we're still off into two teams we're here we have blue team over here me and ian versus red team sigils and therefore why are you why are you probably gonna be why are you guys placing beds ever we don't need any monkeys jumping on the bed so here the way this is gonna work is we'll do the swords first and then we'll do the enchants left and then we'll put them all together to make some cool enchanted swords go ahead and push your leg first on the swords on the swords let's see what you can get okay remember you gotta go slow you gotta go slow you gotta go slow because otherwise you've got to hit the red and you lose everything and once you lose everything what what did you say that's right that's right yeah he's just trying to get paid we get it no you want to make this all i'm saying is as soon as you hit the red you lose everything before so you already have one more chance to get no that was that was your first one no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no but also in this in this game we're going to be able to share with our teammates so if sisters does get a few good weapons he might be able to share them with you if if he wants if you want what's your question can he do mine too so we get that for luck no since you're strolling back to let me know let me know i don't have to be here either no it is there you go it's my screen oh my god these these boys this this boy okay and you know what you're up next show up next so let's see what you can get go ahead and push your luck all of these have been refilled let's see what you can get on the push push okay you know what i like it it's a great idea that was that was a really really good idea ian that was a really great idea like i'm actually really proud of you for doing that because that was a super super good idea and um it was a really good idea congrats no wait you have to show me i'm your teammate please no you're not my dad you're not my sister please please ian you just got literally every every song in the game come on okay okay i'm sorry well well the sigils are up next to see let's see what you can get in this one uh i went ahead and referred them okay you've got a candy cane you got an ice you've got this is like 50 50 chance don't do it don't do it just hold it if it's ready lose everything yeah yeah that's that's what i thought was it it would have been red as well oh my goodness okay let me go ahead and fill these back up okay so this might go in here uh ian no yeah no i don't yeah i don't do anywhere we're not doing any redstone we're not doing any redstone oh my oh literally how many years um okay let me see what i can get here okay so candy cane can you get inside that's pretty the worst can i press your next one go ahead do it do it okay okay a stone sword okay well let's do one more round of the swords and then we'll switch over to the insurance let's see what we can get push on those swords this is your last shot i have an idea to make this remember you've lost you lost you don't have any you don't have any sort you're a boat okay okay before you got red you got red you got you got to burn them you're so bad they're literally the worst i have nothing right yes that's what you want to share with schedules okay okay well hey let's go ahead and um whose school is it now my turn my turn wait so do you guys even have anything right now like do you guys have okay i'm about to press wait you're literally carrying the team right now you are carrying the team that was insane that was actually okay let's go ahead and fill them back up okay my goal is to push my low hopefully hopefully i can actually get something this time um can we please okay wooden sword okay okay okay okay uh okay i i should i should i should have just i should have just kept what i had okay well that's it for the swords we're done with the swords i don't have any so and you're gonna have to um donate me a couple we're gonna have to talk about that a little bit later maybe you know let me let me take that let me let me take this and let me take that one okay that seems like pretty fair because you took all my good stuff give it back i have no idea what you're talking about the next part of this whole part game or whatever is we go through the custom intros there's a bunch of different custom enchants they all have different things that they do and we can use as many swords as we want in the fight and they can all have their own different enchants and different combos and things so it's gonna be a bunch of fun go ahead and push your luck on the on there what's the actual i got it can you randomly say milk let me see okay because you guys were breaking yours earlier okay hey let me go ahead and refill these real fast ian it's your goal let's see what you can get him let's see here go ahead why is it night time why is it night time wait for it wait for it wait for it gotta wait for it to become daytime oh wait it's it's literally palmer day like hold on okay we're waiting for it waiting for it okay okay gotta wait i said it's true no no no hey let me do this and let's see what you can get and no what the hell i am carrying it it's literally look at all the wrists in it enos pushes like five times okay so sigils before when he he got four can can you can you follow and try and get something better maybe we'll see we'll see just your turn and you know what i've decided we're only going to do one round of this because you guys are being bought since oh okay three i swear if you guys all push your luck i'm generally mad don't do it don't do it it's a that's a four in nine chances i wouldn't do it if i were you i wouldn't do it for you so just just don't say just don't say that do it do it i'll keep it i'll go okay okay see how it is he would have got it he would have got it he would have got red oh no he would have got a boat okay well put it back put it back okay so hey get your milk bag what did you get because i need to refill this i should have figured out an easy way of refilling this chest and now it's my goal and let's see what we can actually get here so you guys all have actually really really really good books we might do another i'll see i'll see it depends on this if if i get bad things then you know we will do another round and if not then i guess we'll just go with this um okay well let me see what i can get when i push my luck here um you got milk wow good job congratulations the button didn't work okay okay so we're going night one cheater why are my buttons not walking what the okay ascension okay it's pretty good pretty good what are you guys what are you what are you doing sigils what are you doing sigils what are you missing what are you messing with well let's see what i can get on my third one here okay vitality okay so fourth one here what do you boys actually do oh my god oh it's decay three and you did it's raining milk hallelujah it's raining oh my god okay we'll go do one more round since these so we can get these things a little bit more interesting and let's run it through it a little bit quicker this time let's run through a little bit quicker boys okay bethel you're up again but this time can you just please refill it yourself because okay okay why is this so easy now literally you guys all have like 50 okay do you want to just refill it with what you got and then this is making me mad because i'm the only one who hasn't got all five like man look how much stuff everybody has like and then it's just me with oh my whatever whatever whatever whatever and you're up next what is he doing yeah i have to be different probably not what just happened what that was really satisfying but like i don't understand how that happened that was no you definitely did not win here let me go ahead and fill these all back up but yeah that was really really satisfying i i might i might do that for my round scissors is your last goal let's just see what you can get you got red you got red yes i saw red go ahead and put the books back in and then i can finally finish this off and we can actually just start making some cool weapons here okay okay so first one okay book nice that's a good start ignite three not bad another one ignite shoe okay that's more fire uh third one decay three yeah should i should i push my left shoulder do it okay i got i got another ignite but why do i have a throat okay i guess i could give you something nice if you don't go again i will literally milk your eyeball he'll do it okay okay i have to go again i have to okay oh okay i like that i like that well here we go boys go ahead and take all your loot and use the books with the swords and make some pretty cool things i'm gonna go hop off and toku with ian and we're gonna create a pretty pretty mean combo to use against you boys i'm switching teams get back get back okay well we got a bunch of well i mean you got all the swords and we got a bunch of books did you just did you just take yeah yeah we need to use those books like their special abilities and all the different swords and things so i think so i'm glad you are because if we go to this page right here you guys can see that each one of these enchants has like a special thing so ignite is basically like fire expect uh vitality right click allows you to exchange durability for some powerful baths okay so we need to use vitality and feast together because each attack has a chance to restore the durability so feast and vitality would work pretty well together on a sword okay okay so here let's do that real fast let's do that do we have a do we have a feast and fight okay so we have a vitality one here there's a vitality and a feast three right there okay oh we don't have another vitality though do we only have one okay well it looks like only one of us is gonna have to have that yeah we don't have any more okay here pass me the vampiric blade and we'll do some other combos with that okay so here we have vampiric blade with the feast in and the vitality so that's one that's one good sword and then the dawn star is like a fiery one so i guess we should have like maybe ignite on there with what else is fiery or something oh keen edge is like sharpness i'm pretty sure so it just does more damage so if we do flame and pretty damn pretty much like just increasing the damage there does 10 attack damage nice nice nice what else what else do we get an end to post i think allows you to teleport when you right click i think i think the cave is like weathering so if you want to weather someone that would be pretty good what if you did wither and fire so they just burned to death oh wait yeah yeah we do have another ignite so here let's go ahead and grab like um uh let's grab the aethers guard away and ignite on what okay okay do i do on the eighth is god there i put it back in the chest i'm gonna call this one hold on i'm gonna call this one are you naming it are you literally naming it right now oh my god very nice very nice who who would have thought okay so we got foot we got dawn style we got vampire blade and i also have this uh enchanted book that says ascension two and we also have some more ascension twos that that doesn't do anything like none of the blades do do anything by themselves but they work with the enchants to do like other things so if we put the eye of ender blade with the ender post that will allow us to teleport around and wait we have like more than one ascension two books so if we put them together we can make ascension three which i'm pretty sure is pretty overpowered um here let's go it literally throws people up in the air sorry i'm gonna put the crystal in blade with ascension three and what else should we add to that maybe like a little bit a decay ignite so while they're in the air they're all okay they're like a firework where we go there we go and hey do we have to should we put some decay on the under eye blade decay and ender pulse i think i think that should be pretty good all right i'm doing it i don't know whatever you want to call it all right i'm going to call this one this one's going to be different what is it what is that what did you just that was it's literally the exact same the the exact same okay well in here are our four five no we have five slots yes so these are our five swords to choose from check these bad boys out i think what i want to do is i want to use the dawn star and the foot uh the just the first foot and then i also want to use the crystalline blade if that's allowed and then you can use the vampiric and the foot the second foot with the teleportation is that good how do i teleport there you go oh there you go there you go there you go okay right here let's go ahead and grab our stuff and we'll hop into this battle see who is the best um custom sword maker in the in the game here um yes it probably is you i mean you didn't literally get all the swords but let's see how it goes okay boys are you guys ready to fight we have our we have our enchanted swords and they're pretty powerful i must say it's gonna be the first team to six kills are you already shooting at him you already okay well let's go let's go first three two six kills let's see see how this thing goes what are you what are you what are you doing hey you don't want to do that you don't want to do that trust me trust me uh wait what the heck oh no what what what are you doing why are you doing this to me get out of here where did you just go what did that just do to you get out of here oh no no no no it's bad this is that yeah are you teleporting just straight to me what is this oh no come on come on come on no no come back come back you know what you know what schedules it's over it's over because you're gonna die oh no no no no no you're gonna die for damage wait no they both have drift no okay okay one one death already one doesn't wait me gotta go we got the kill good job in this is not good oh wait we have one cup we knew you didn't get the kill you didn't get the kill that's not good oh no um no sanchos what are you doing to me they have three kills right now this is not good why am i gonna eat it stop teleporting me can't help it okay i got it permanently oh wait what we both kept before the same time what the heck was that wait did we both get killed before at the same time what what wait what wait oh that's you i'm sorry i'm just using foot oh oh my goodness crowded killed my foot you want to see mikey i stole somebody's boots what's how i don't know what are you doing behind me get out of here get out of here oh there's so much going on i'm dead i'm dead i got killed twice again that's not good wait and get out of there get in get out of there come on oh i shot you i'm sorry i didn't meet you ah this is toxic come on come on come on i think so i'm not too sure what really is going on here get up headway i am pinging him oh he's behind me all right ready get him get him get it get him hey we sent him off he wants you here no he teleported away it's all putting me away it saved me no no no no we need to finish this just finish him fishing finish him finish scissors oh yes we got him twice as well what is going on wait i don't know wait the next kill wins the next kill wins next kill okay let's regroup wow that's shooting me in the booty okay here's the idea here's the aim yeah yeah i got an idea uh-huh foot you know what you know what you don't like it hey let's just make him flow let's just make him flow let's just make him float you guys could just keep you guys could just keep oh no here we go i got the kill with him falling to his death oh my goodness well gigi if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to hit the like comment down below what your favorite part of the episode was and if you guys want to see more videos with this in china mod then let me know in the comment down below and be sure to subscribe to everyone uh down in the description other than that i'll see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 211,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Henwy, Minecraft for loot, Minecraft, Minecraft Minigame, henwy minecraft, sigils, ssundee, bifflewiffle, minecraft custom sword, minecraft sword mod
Id: h9EfXVyc2Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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