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in this video i go ahead and troll one of my friends in a minecraft build battle but we can build instant structures and he has no idea the video will end once he figures out that we are actually trolling him and i got this video idea from backproject so go ahead and check it out down in the description below and if you guys do enjoy the video be sure to hit that like button and subscribe down below but now without further ado let's go straight into the video do you guys remember the last time we did something with with with these things these little blueprints yeah maybe yeah i chose you guys with some innocent houses well today we're gonna come together and we're gonna go ahead and troll loaf look at look at his little stupid face right here look at his stupid face right away dude look at his eyes the way they are yeah he hasn't even got a mouth i mean i i mean i want to talk today we're working together to try and troll loaf with this thing and we'll stop the i guess build competition once he kind of figures it out we have a bunch of different like i guess categories that we're gonna build and we're just gonna write each other's builds but yeah yeah we need to make sure that we don't do the same thing because otherwise he might catch on so have a look at each other's little builds and stuff and make sure we don't build this thing oh my build's done over there all right that is a village that is not you no no no really good ability okay okay okay everybody act normal because i'm gonna invite him to the server now okay all right boys we are here with the build competition of all time we've got loaf we got nico we got sunday who's gonna be the best builder we shout out me me me me me me loaf have you ever built in minecraft before you're in survival he says he's good but he's in survival oh my god oh my goodness don't die getting creative get over here and let's start this off our first building category is let's go have a look what is it what is it it is a mine shaft okay so you got to build your best looking mine shift you want we have five minutes on the clock and uh are you boys ready everybody get in there where do i go which one do i build over here on youtube you go to no you go you go to the left of your of your color okay building on this one no here do not build on the wall otherwise everybody will be able to see what you're building you build in this area i'll build in this area nicole goes to this area i love people in this area are you boys ready it's go time it's go time we have five minutes go go go go go go go go go go everybody mute up everybody okay okay so we gotta go ahead and work on our first building love has no idea he thinks we're just gonna be building a little mineshaft but if we scroll down here you guys know how this works we have blueprints and i think one of them should be there we go mineshaft entrance so if i go ahead and click this right here we can kind of see the entrance of it and if we preview it so it looks like it probably builds all the way straight down so we can start with this and then we can work on it as as it builds up okay okay let's see what the other guys are doing as well because we want to start off easy right we want to start off easy wait no he's done the exact same thing who's that is that ian okay okay you know what we won't use this one that yes because otherwise as soon as low catches on we have to stop so let's not do this we're going to have just build a normal minecraft entrance like we would okay this this should be good i'm liking how this is looking and then we just need to build like a little dig down here oh there we go that's looking good that is looking good we'll add some minecarts on there and then we can go ahead and maybe even add some tnt on the edges and some ores okay that's what i want to do because we don't have much time we have two more minutes someone's gonna explode this tnt i already know i already know somebody's gonna explode the cnc so let's only put one because otherwise it'll be a way bigger bigger explosion than i want it to okay that looks good we have the tnt tied down there now let's go ahead and add our like pile of oars that we've gone preciously mining for just like this there we go and voila that looks pretty good that looks like a pretty good mineshaft just let's add some torches to it maybe some maybe some cobwebs as well and how much time do we have we have one minute left on the time now let's see what the other boys are doing okay let's have a little peek a little peek around the edge here is that ian's okay that's ian's one okay let's go ahead and have a little peek over the edge here oh wait is that loaf's over there lotus is actually pretty good it's not bad at all okay and then this is this is niko's okay nikos is looking pretty good as well let's go ahead and add some trees as well just for good measure this looks good this looks good i think i'm happy with this let's add some gravel and that is time okay time time's up let's um mute and see see what everybody's done okay guys guys time's up time's up it's down everybody come back to the middle and don't pair over each other's yet just look at the little thing in the middle where it's already at ian okay so low if you're ready okay i'm ready i'm not even gonna lie i run out of time i didn't yeah time's up a little bit quicker than i thought i went a lot quicker than i thought um hello nico how are you eating yeah let's go you're out of time time's up right who's we want to look at first fine okay let's have a look at equals first i'm gonna go over to nico's very nice there's a nice little mine shaft here we've got some diamonds we got some redstone we got some water i like it it's not bad at all it's not bad at all this is worse why did you put a flying car with a chest in a chair yeah why is it in the chest of the chest in the chest you did that well no you can't put it yeah i mean do you do you have the proof i don't know but boys okay so yeah because i wouldn't do that because that's extra work that's fair that's bad this is pretty good it's not bad it's not bad i like it i like it i like it it's not bad let's go around clockwise i'll give it a 10 out of 10. all right so of course the next round of mine oh is that is this your sloth yeah i never finished my own time but i was i was working i like it it looks like a little tree right on the ground um i mean i was trying to do it on the ground it's all right let me recover you can't really go much deeper than that can you yeah i know that i know a lot i know that uh yeah what are you doing ian what are you doing oh no no no no no no no no there's no exploding people's builds yet okay this is why i'm scared to get to my build but hey let's go around what happened here is this part of the mind is that's just the whole do that that would be some the points deducted right there for the whole okay whose is this you got a minecart chest dude oh my god it's so loud okay this is pretty good ian i like this i like this you did pretty well here i mean i honestly like your mind shaft but okay it is the only way are you the gatekeeper of mine yeah wait wait who are you to judge someone's mind shaft dude come on it's all up to interpretation minecraft's looking like this i mean hey hey hey it's it's it's maybe there's mine carts in it so minecraft yes it's minecraft 1.18 okay okay well boys let's go over to mine and i'll go ahead and show you guys what i built come on village no no it's not the village tp over here there we go this is my little mine shaft check it out oh dang that looks how did you do that so quick i'm i'm a pretty pretty skilled builder i must say i'm definitely better if you would have had some uh some villagers in the my chef uh my cats cats cats this is nice what is going on yeah i think it turned out pretty well so hey let's go back up to the middle and let's see who's the best honestly i think henry's is really good okay i'm gonna have to agree with you there love i'm gonna have to agree with you there so i'll get first place second place i got a second i got a second i got something i don't know i think nikos was pretty cool with like well this is pretty cracked like it was pretty good i gotta say it low feel different you're definitely next there because i heard ian's was that was none of my hands was a bit uh you know questionable so you get done right there okay okay all right so let's get into the next round here and see what the next category is and it is wait does something come out of that did somebody pick something up yeah you just picked it up oh that's it oh it's another portal we're doing another portal we're ready i'm ready okay five minutes on the clock starting now go go go go go okay okay okay okay this one i think i think we can do pretty well another gateway okay this should be pretty good so if i go ahead and right click it right here we can see so we have the ancient skull we have the corrupt tree okay okay so i think let's have a look at the ancient score real quick [Music] there is no way i don't win with this build okay let's go ahead and build it right here okay three two one oh look at it go look at it go and we got the nether portal right here so all i have to do is get grab a flint still right and we're done look at that that's so good it's a little bit unbelievable i feel like i've gotta make some changes and go get rid of some of the detail oh boy i also need to check what the other boys are doing as well to make sure that they're you know not doing the same thing as me because if they do the same thing as me then we will be caught in the act right what have you done what's the biggest nether portal you can make i forgot i have no idea but this is probably too big 23 by 23. oh no how big is this 10 25 13 okay okay bring it in by two bring it by two then how tall is it get out of here okay okay you walk on this you walk on this that looks like a square maybe oh there you go okay okay so that's what ian's working on let's see what the other boys are working on so nico's done that oh loaf's just pretty good i think luffy is actually not that bad at all okay time's up time's up okay oh what do you mean my time is up time is over here we go and should we go too i mean i think we should probably go to the one person so we can see because of how big it is what ian um what have you done what is that what happened do you want to walk us through this for us that is one chunky nether portal if you were to make this in survival that would take quite the while oh my god this okay well hey let's go anticlockwise since we went clockwise last time so next is over this way which is oh oh oh it's spooky that's the better i like it i like the crowd no destroying people's portals okay you've got some kind of city you got the fire got some of the mushrooms you got some of the crimson elements i like i like it dude i like it and the little soul lanterns okay so so who's next around this side then who's next on this side nico what what is what is this what [Music] you can't tell me this is a crack dude it is pretty good i like i like the new kind of like style it's very creative but i think i win yeah yeah i i do like ian's more than this one already okay well hey let's go ahead and finish on my one which is wrong it's more than this yeah i mean that you're subscribed save me okay and then this is what i built down here come down here what i'm not gonna lie i used woah did it to go ahead and copy like half of it over so it was like symmetrical all right i see what you're making but like but like i i think it turned out pretty nicely i think it turned out pretty nice it looks really cool i am so confused you're so how did you do this okay before i became a youtuber i did build a lot in minecraft for services oh yeah i was a map maker so you know that you know i take it open my screen okay so i obviously win all right take the wind okay honestly i i'm voting on nikos i like the kind of creative side of it i like i like how it's kind of abstract and out of the way there love who do you think is the best for you i'm gonna have to vote for you again okay who do you vote for i vote for me okay and nico who do you vote for i vote for me okay well that means nico's in first place i guess i will take second um king of the castle okay you know what everybody else gets gold there we go everybody else okay let's see what the next categories is okay let's go ahead and have a look at this it is a horse stable what is your question is the horse stable gonna be a good build code so it doesn't glitch okay and five minutes from the clock start now everybody meet up go go go go go go go go go go dude it was we were very very close to being caught there i think loaf is stunned catch on so we're gonna go a little bit i guess easier on this one so let's go ahead and search up stable let's see what they got that's way too big we cannot do that one look how big this thing is oh it even goes through the bedrock yeah okay we can't do the big one there's no way that we get away with doing that so let's go ahead and just do a small one right here for stable build there we go okay perfect we have the whole step we have the host table that looks good that looks good now we just need to go ahead and oh so there's like redstone beneath it okay i'll go this way this works this works we can work with this we can work with this add some like hay on the outside maybe trees make everything look better bow mill makes everything look better just trees and bow mill together it's kind of a piece so let's go ahead and do that okay i'm liking that i'm liking this i think i think we can definitely bring back the dub with this one and then we need to go ahead and add a horse named dinner bone because if you guys don't know horses turn upside down if they're named dinner bone and actually just do a skeleton horse why not okay there we go dinner bone and get a dinner bomb because he's a skeleton horse and he has bones i think that was pretty good i think that's pretty good i'm going to go ahead and add a zombie horse right now there we go let's go ahead and add zombie horse in there as well just so he has a little friend there we go that's that looks great this looks pretty awesome i think i think the uh legitimacy of our builds because that was crazy this one's a little less crazy but we can say that we spent all the time doing the redstone i think i think we'll be able to get away with this it should be pretty good that is it you're done everybody's every stop you're done you're done you're done you're done yeah everybody just tpo to me yeah just tp to me here we go okay here we go here we go so this is the front of it right here mine took a little while to go why is there an upside down because it's dinner bone get it like dinner bone because he's a skeleton horse by the way yeah i spent a lot of time on the redstone so it has like actual functionality so you can like go through it and open the door i think it's pretty cool i mean i mean this whole stable can't be like good if two of the horses are dead okay they're undead dude you can still ride them look right you can ride the right this is kind of a lame one right that's the only elixir i think this is so far your worst build by far okay i wasted a lot of the time on the redstone okay okay okay let's go ahead and see who's over here this is nico's yeah this isn't too bad i mean it might be a little bit of a health and safety hazard if they like you maybe start some match or if it gets struck by lightning maybe henry in real life things don't actually get lit on fire all the time are you sure are you sure no your horses everything's fine dude everything's fine the hair roof really saved them there really saved them oh no we don't need more horses we don't need more horses because you know what happens with those horses okay it's not bad nico but i think mine was a little bit better than yours you know what let's check mine let's go okay again with the flat wooden roof you know it's very you know burning hazard your horses are about to escape dude they're having fun okay they can't escape i made sure they can't decide i mean what do you mean but what if it's a baby horse if it's a baby horse then the baby horse can escape we don't want cake baby horses okay we don't care what are you ain't sure but i see all the baby horses right here i like it i like the barrels i like the hay but i mean it's kind of square you know it is kind of square i didn't get the finish the roof it's a little bit sweaty what have you done oh crap oh no you just tp back to me there you go just tp over to me what have you done wait you came back through the portals this is what i built this is what i built right here for my stable and i was like okay my horses my nice horsies they need a windmill so i built the windmill i was like oh windmills done my windmill and then after the windmill i was like okay okay you need i need a barn to store all my okay okay you definitely used wood in it for this though so you can see how like how much we each you definitely used it for this there's no way you didn't like copy and paste the parts of it right how are you doing stuff like this i don't know i mean he's been playing minecraft for quite a while right he's been playing it for a while but the thing is right look at that one and then look at the portland and this just appears yeah i don't know i mean i think he's i think he's just how he uses oranges i mean a horsted was that an actual thing that you make in minecraft quite a long time and he's done a lot of survival so you know like how this portal broke this is because it's because right whenever no whenever i was building i'm just so quick that i place blocks before i can break blocks you know what i mean okay all right well hey let's go to the last round let's get to the last round let's also vote let's photo with it and you win this one you 100 winners i don't know how ian did i'm gonna get a second place to [Music] that's like i think i get second place you know right now you do not get sick okay okay okay okay you get thrown and loaf i'm sorry it's too square dude it's too square you get a little there you go there you go terrible it's not looking too good it's not looking too big good but hey let's get to the last round here okay let's go ahead and click the button and it is oh mansion okay okay let's go ahead and build ourselves the best looking mansion we can this is gonna be the final round boys this is for all the bubbles five minutes on the timer let's go in three two one go everybody go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay okay this is the last round so we can go all out here we can go all out let's go ahead and search up the mansion oh an acacia house a earthen house a jungle house a workshop house another oh the nether house looks pretty good there we go oh my goodness this is great this is great let me go ahead and put a sign on the door saying henry's home perfect perfect perfect that looks that looks great there's no way he thinks i did this legit if he does he has way too much hope in me let's see what the other guys did go ahead and have a look at ian's there's literally no way love believes us there's no way love believes us okay let's go let's go ahead and see it let's go ahead and see what nico has done oh he did the exact same one as ian okay he's he's gonna catch on here but this is gonna be good this is gonna be good hold on let me let me hold the cool boys have we all done like massive houses for this one yeah i've gone ahead and done a big old nether house you've done a tree house and an aqua house on top oh my god oh my god okay okay he's there's no way he doesn't believe this but it's okay it's the last round hey we'll start on mine then we'll go from then we'll go to nicos and then we'll go to your zen actually you know let's check out his first okay let's check this out first okay let's see if love can even build something wait what that's not too bad but it's not that good at all look at these houses oh god this is gonna be a good way to end it off here okay is that everybody in the middle i mean yeah wait let's go check out lo's photo oh love how are you doing here we're gonna check yours out first here i like it enderman protection raining in your house yeah i tried that like an on roof pool to make it kind of look like a kind of it kind of looks like it just didn't really work i like the modern idea it's not it's not bad but like it's not that great so this i feel like you could have done better let's go see what nico did let's go see what he did oh oh nico you're going for me yeah you put a thumb huff away i forgot i didn't have enough time to put in the seedlings that's fair that's fair i mean i mean i mean so did you did you just grow like a big tree and then like build it around is that what you did here yeah it was just a quick build yeah i mean it looks pretty good it looks pretty good you even got like a little basement thingy down here that's pretty cool i like that i like this i like this that niko the paper said a mansion you you realize that right this is a treasure mansion dude i don't know like that's a penthouse dude this is okay this is the pen you want to get it because like you don't live in the past okay you know what whatever let's go ahead and check out my build it's over this way come on this way right on here go ahead and teleport over to me boys and oh dang check it out that is a mancion this is a man it says henry's home in here come along and check it out we've done some interior work we've got a nice little carpet we got the nice the floor we even did a phone down here as well with this yeah you used them well that it like yeah i know but like nothing crazy like it was nothing crazy nothing crazy at all right right clearly you're not crack crap look another sweet fishy how are you guys building all this stuff so quick all right just wait till you see yeah let's go check out ian's house i think ian's house is probably one of the best ones wait wait okay i need another layer for my layers oh okay you guys been cheating this looks exactly the same no they just have a very similar mindset i mean look come over here come over here love come over here what's going on come down to me right here you see this like they just have a very similar mindset if you go ahead and press this and then do this and then go ahead and do this and do this and do this you can go ahead and you know you you should be what you've cheated this entire time we have been joining you this entire time i think some of this stuff was actually legit because i mean like it was very obvious yeah a lot of this stuff was pretty bad but i mean i put so much work into my building you guys have just been spawning them in no way yeah majority of our birds have just just been so we had to pick which one we were spawning it was a lot of effort there was a lot of effort there was a lot of effort i feel cheated i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah take it ender gateway there you go look at this this is that we can go over to the end it's just a big old egg right where's the empty you know i want to go in the end and i'm never coming out oh is this yeah the photos on the inside very cool very swag okay well loaf i'm sorry that we showed you but you know i told them back in the day and i had to go ahead and show you just the same oh let's give the dragon a warehouse oh my god i can't believe you guys did oh my goodness well if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to go ahead and hit a little like check out lowe's video in the description below so you can go ahead and see him get in trouble because you know you're a bot for that you're a buff again we're we're gonna get you this entire time and we enjoy every second oh no we're gonna do it we are correct [Music] gg [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 1,882,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Henwy, Minecraft for loot, Minecraft, Minecraft Minigame, henwy minecraft, instant house mod, minecraft instant house mod, minecraft mods, minecraft 1.17, mods, instant house, minecraft mod, funny, trolling, traps, games, funny videos, prank, meme, minecraft building competition, build hack minecraft, fast build minecraft, instant structures mod, craft minecraft house, instant structures, minecraft build mod, build mod, building mod minecraft, building mod
Id: U0Bekg9wov0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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