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welcome back everybody to a brand new video on the channel today we are back with another secret killer video you guys seem to enjoy the last one so we're back with another one and this time we are playing two rounds one where i may or may not be in the mall and the second time somebody else is the more and we have to try and defeat them so if you guys do enjoy be sure to hit it with a like comment down below what your favorite part of the episode was if we hit like 7 625 likes then we'll do another one in the future but let's just stop straight into the video okay boys welcome back to another secret killer versus i guess i guess players or news [Music] no this is not my emergency if you guys need food there's some food in the chest that you guys can help yourselves too what's your question answer did you add vein miner yet no i didn't add vape on it but i did i'd cut clean this time meaning that all the orders are gonna be pre-smelted and you don't even need to use the furnace anymore what can we as as the employer okay uh-huh we specifically told you for him to be in the video that there was gonna need to be uh anyway boys are you ready here i'm gonna go ahead and run the command and we're gonna find out we're not gonna find out until five minutes in who the killer is but the command has been wrong and it took our stake it took a while to give uh l.a cooked steak okay there we go okay we have we want to steak let's go let's go let's go so guys remember one of us no i don't get it i don't get it i don't i don't get it either i don't get it either it's trying to paint by this tree and it's not working yeah my trees doesn't work go ahead what's your question can i use a wooden axe to do no no no woah that you ordered it your cheetah don't do that this time around no cheating no cheating after you die after you die don't go ahead and spoil because we want to keep it a little bit more secretive this time so if you do die you can still keep talking you don't have to mute but just don't tell the others who it is okay because um said doo-doo oh my oh okay whatever i'm gonna go give myself some fine in one of these caves down here where is the cave also this is amplified if you guys can already tell so it makes things a little bit more interesting in terms of louder no no it means the world is very um spiky everywhere okay okay uh i found okay i'm gonna tell you boys where it is because i don't know who to trust yeah i mean she is commands yes or no no no cheating no cheating yes or no no yes no did somebody throw a wooden pickaxe on me or something like what what the okay okay this cave these caves are trash dude there's no good caves around here i need to find something sure oh god look at your y value idiot amplified answer uh is this amplified this is this is amplified meaning that everything is very up high and uh who invited you this is the worst thing ever without vayne miner why you you gonna you gotta know funny cave because i know that i am i'm gonna look at my c value and there's a c value of 38 right here so i'm just gonna find a cave right here and no don't don't kill oh oh okay okay if there's a cave i bought it first i found it no i found it first get out of here get had you just you're just stealing my eye now crap oh wait did i get what you get i got that one no wait did you have a crafting table by any chance um would you say oh i found it wait wait wait wait it says you are not the mo does that mean somebody got them all is somebody in the mall one of you guys have been announced since the morning it's kind of worrying wait has it yeah it says it in chat you are not the mole i got the ball ian what did you say for you what does it say for you what did it say don't hit me i would die okay hey let me take that carpet thank you very much ow don't hit it no you're gonna kill me okay okay take it take it take it take it take it take it off okay stop chasing stop chasing stop chasing hell okay i'll go okay okay there's your there's your iron now leave me alone leave me alone take my iron again that was that was almost death right there um that was kind of scary okay guys okay guys so i muted up but basically if i go ahead and open this book right here we could choose from any of these and i'm actually going to choose the engineering kit this time i think it'll be helping us out quite a little bit here wait i think i think i can see my iron shut i bet you would you take that back young lady i'll take it back yep uh-huh he's doing something he's currently doing something i'm not doing anything what are you doing what would i be doing huh i don't know should i should i fight him should i fight him why would you kill me no no no no no don't kill me that's just a bad idea what's your question can we redo this video with vayne miner please no ian do you have any wood i i ran out of sticks for my crafting table need to stop asking for stuff you're the mole i'm not the mole where are you at right whatever you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah you me and where are you at ian where are you at oh hey hey oh no no no no you have some sticks if i was the mo i would have killed you by now and i probably would have got a kit okay thank you thank you thank you wait ian back up even back up no no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone no i'm i'm he's chasing me he's chasing me guys wait no okay no we're good we're good i just wanted to make you i don't know who is the mole dude i don't know i kind of want to know though i've been trying to dig myself out from underground and i think i've been digging up a meltdown wait wait mostly most you dig most do dig so um are you sure about that are you sure henry's awfully quiet dude he's 100 if i was the mole i'd be mole in the mall you know wait wait ian do you still have the iron pickaxe because i kind of found more diamonds than i don't i don't have enough wood to make the iron guys i am almost to the surface no no no please please please please please i i need you to come get these diamonds for me literally come and get these diamonds for me right now please i don't even know where you are okay okay i'll give you my coordinates if you want to like come and help me um it's like out loud i trust you about as far as i can i already need these diamonds so i can get a diamond sword and protect myself because i'm very worried and um it would help now just just come over here and help me make these diamonds because i don't want to go back up the st come and get these diamonds right now no i don't trust you dude yeah literally trust me trust me it's absolutely fine trust me he said he just needs a diamond sword instead of getting a diamond sword instead of getting the dinosaur we can get in chance because there's five diamonds i think okay we're coming down coming down coming down all right [Music] show yourself i am here and i need you to yell loudly um oh hey okay the diamonds are just over here uh i went i went over the top of the lava here and they were just around this corner in this cave ian just in just over here what is your problem hey look there's literally nothing here here you take the pickaxe then okay thank you hey i'll go i'll go mine them myself and i'll keep all the diamonds to myself what are you what are you doing okay whatever why are you trying to place lava what is your what i don't trust you wait citrus is going to the nether oh i thought this is the uh headway come on come back come back here come back here come back it's fine it's fine there's nothing there's nothing there i don't know what you're talking about oh freak come here come here come here come on come on foot yeah yeah what are you doing i'm sorry to you no no no oh my goodness ah well you mean some you lose some um okay we're good we're gonna do another round of this and see see what happens next uh but clearly so what was this even what was this i was trying to trap you if you place the pressure play it like you would have walked on it and i placed it in the wait why did that oh i placed the pressure plate in the rope is it are you serious are you actually oh my god so if you place the pressure plate right here yeah i try i tried so hard anyway we'll go to another round let's see what happens let's go boys okay boys so we're in a new world this time it's slightly less amplified it's just you know a normal world are you boys ready to see who the killer is this time are you boys ready three two one huh and i'll give you guys some steak okay no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop i know i've been the mole twice but trust me trust me it's not gonna be me this time i can i hope it's not because i i wanna i wanna be able to kill someone question go okay you first go first go ahead um why why did we go all the trouble reset the surf we didn't add vane miner that's what i was gonna ask oh my god okay okay and the next time we do this we'll have vane miner and maybe we might change things up a little bit okay okay this time i'm not going to mistake i'm going to get more wood um no we all have steak we all have 32 steak is it you're gonna you're gonna kill me you're gonna don't no no i mean i wouldn't be surprised i wouldn't be surprised if it was him because he did just try and murder me you were the mole last time i tried to trap me in a hole okay yeah i tried my hardest i didn't really walk out but this time you know i will kill everybody if i am them all but i don't think i will be i don't know we'll see where's the cave somebody find me a cave tell me the cave is where the cave is at right now oh i found a cave i have not found a single cave well i found a cave and i'm going in the cave to get a set of iron in the cave question utp me no i'm not tp and you to meet last time i did that i failed to murder you and i don't want to do that again because you know i'm because i'm the mole because i'm the mole because i'm the mole because i'm the mall i'm the mole how many times do i have to tell you guys on the mall guys it's getting close to the five minute uh timer and i'm kind of scared okay okay everybody spell more backwards e l o m elon i have disliked elon musk wait is wait is he a mole is he just a mole i want to put a mole on his back too so whoever the mole is you guys get a kit in two minutes oh how would you know that yeah because i've been there multiple times no yeah yeah shut up let me go ahead and get myself some armor because i'm actually very worried because it has been almost seven minutes here because i'm recording his little timer at the top right oh my god you you you guys um dude i can't find iron okay that's good because you know that means we can kill them why is that good for you because we can kill them easily because you're the man finally acquired software wait is that the first time you go live oh no okay well it looks like ian won't be too much of a threat at the mall so we can like take him out quite easily here that's something that mom would say that's definitely something that mo would say i think it says you you've been the mole every other hour man wait only a bowl has that command collective oh look what the mocha just gave me some diamonds [Music] i'm not the mo i promise i promise no it's not me i'm not the mole why would i beat them all you know wait that means he's a little servant guess he's on service why would you say that why would you say that i say what wait ian somebody's gonna try and come kill you now legit found an english yeah now that they know you're on surface in the in the snow biome they're gonna become a muddy nobody coming to me they scurry i want more diamonds i'm i'm not feeling healthy without more diamonds right now i don't know guys uh you know like chris has been awfully quiet his little name is quiet wait it is yeah you don't know yeah exactly okay oh koran nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing you know just a few more diamonds go make myself a diamond helmet so i can be the king of all diamonds you know there we go maybe maybe the motor is just not redeeming their kit this time that's because they're scared of that you know shirt oh yeah yeah sigils i had like three i'm scared i'm scared i'm actually very scared because i already have diamonds i'm like the last person to find diamonds no you don't even even got a full set of irony where the mole is can you just like just say it now forever hold your peace say foot forever hold peace i'll do it i don't wait how do you hold a word i mean you just throw up a piece down and you hold it like i'm holding peace who's that okay karen ron quran wrote [Music] wait wait okay nobody's actually taking damage so like wait are we not the mole wait boys where are you i'm not the ball no i'm actually not the more i swear like i'm not the most wait oh okay you know what i'm gonna start shrinking the border we're in a cage um over like okay well you guys better stop moving in because the border will be the border will be shrinking okay the boat is shrinking boys okay so it's closing down to 200 in each direction next will be 150 in each direction just you know get us a little bit closer oh wait i saw someone i saw someone wait what wait i just saw someone running through the spruce forest who was it i saw like a glimpse of somebody and now ah henry's over here help help i found the ball i felt the ball no it's situations running around decisions where are your diamonds go to huh what did your diamonds go to oh a diamond sword okay okay that's understandable correct wait wait karen i got i got some iron for your boots yeah here's some spare iron wait i only have two irons wait do you know how many speds you literally only mine enough for a helmet just playing pants oh no what do you expect from me oh my goodness okay mo check mo check mo check okay no i don't i don't think i asked them all i don't think the hey ian i don't how are you doing wait you know i have a helmet for you i have a helmet you want to help me trust you about as far as i can milk why is there a polar bear what the wait there's a there's actually what oh oh did you need a square single word that's a very mole thing to do isn't it oh no it is it very much is down until i found it okay well all i'm saying is we're all here together and schedules is not so like i don't know where you guys are no you saw me hi he's following us i think i think it might be time to shrink it a little bit more maybe should we shrink it by another 50 blocks should i say oh oh gosh oh it's moving it's moving it's moving fast it's moving fast it does damage when it stops that's where you've got to get in it gives you a little bit of time oh no no no no i'm scared i'm scared no i think someone must be the more it has to work because otherwise guys stop following me what do you want your phone because i'm not trying to get crap wait central show me your pickaxe let's go through your whole bar real fast all the way what was that wait wait wait wait is that fluid is still that's what it's doing why'd you make a flint still sigils i was gonna go to the nether but i ran out of time uh-huh okay okay okay everybody get in a circle we need to do a little quick inventory check okay karen scroll through your hot box just go through your hopper let's go through it okay okay it looks like okay nice i'm scrolling through my whole bar right now look check it out check it out check it out wow that's really nice now you where's ian where's he when you still there's a portal remain down there okay what is that [Applause] you're hitting me here we need to work together work together against the enemy fire yeah in the ocean idiot he's coming oh no no get him in the lava get him in the lava oh he's doing so much damage get him in the water i just swear he's almost dead wait he actually is no no he's not he has so much health here's so much health um uh ian ian here let's take a step back he has full diamond armor [Music] get away from me get away from me oh you need to trap him with something get a lava bucket just dig just dig you need to get away i'm so scared i'm currently oh no here's the lava buckets moving run ah you know what let's speed this up a little bit more oh my goodness sigils wins as the mole whatever dude whatever dab dab yeah and he said for he set fire to the forest this oh there you go wait wait he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna win we win we win we win hurry up oh okay and then okay well whatever if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to hit the like comment down below what your favorite of the episode was and if you guys want to see more videos like this then you know let us know with a comment down below and as always check out everybody down in the description but i'm not i will see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 274,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Henwy, Minecraft for loot, Minecraft, Minecraft Minigame, henwy minecraft, sigils, ssundee, minecraft manhunt, minecraft troll trap
Id: 5e69FxoYsUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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