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in this video i am joined by three of my friends where we explore a minecraft world which has herobrine now our main aim is to basically go ahead and create a structure that will spawn the ultimate herobrine boss and see what he does so if you guys do enjoy this video go ahead and check out command geek down in the description below for making this super scary data pack but without further ado let's just hop straight into the video all right boys we're in a world you know we're we're in a world in this beautiful world no you cannot have op you're not from planet minecraftians we're just doing a let's play this game you know it's gonna be a fun time we're gonna be minding some trees doing all that stuff but there's there's there's one thing all i need to do is slash reload and as you guys can see in the chat oh my god i'm reloading oh boy wait what happened oh boy things are getting a little bit weird over oh guys guys did you guys not just see that over there okay okay okay well hey let's go ahead and get some get some wood stuff i'm not sure what's happening with the trees here um what's that noise i i don't like this oh guys how do you break that here guys all i know is this world is known this world is known we we've entered the world of herobrine and herobrine what just happened wait wait from the pyramid because this is what herobrine was still doing it go punch it go punch it punch it wait you saw a hero yes i saw herobrine he was oh tools the plan is we need to get ourselves nine gold blocks oh there's so many more there's so many more wait we're in in in he's not even look do you see that where are you going no look at this do you see this i'm blind i can't see this is herobrine right there he's not making it he's on me he's on me are you telling me guys he's on me okay so guys like i said we need to get nine gold blocks one block of netherrite not never another wreck and four redstone i think like torches and then we could summon herobrine is there is everybody blind right now like what's what's going on oh my goodness i should probably turn on keeping track who stole all my stuff i just lost all my stuff did you steal all my stuff all my stuff oh maybe herobrine took it no he's definitely there he definitely didn't take it question what's your question can we maybe turn herobrine off no ian that's the whole challenge we've entered herobrine's world and we're going to try and see if we can get someone his name is very misconduct not gets very misconceived are you scared is that what's going on huh he's not a hero wait is that a way way way for the eeyore he's not a hero you look at sigils come out sisters come out sigils come out come out of here just come out here we'll correct schedules come come here come um just look towards the desert there's someone looking at you i i have blight for how much longer till now you saw that right you saw that guys steak okay okay right yeah we need food we need to get food we need to get iron we need to find iron it's like night time a lot quicker i can't kill these zombies they're super strong i don't know they're like why minions or something i don't know what's going on he's on me zombies looking at me he's looking awesome what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do punk oh oh my god he's literally just standing back right um guys he's still here and where where we need to get some food cooking and we need to get ourselves some iron we need to get split and steal so we can cook the cat cows on site that's not that's actually kind of smart actually that would kind of work yeah that that would work that actually would um but hey we know i'm two hundred dude do you guys hate like noises it sounds it sounds like a bat that had a stroke it sounds like ian using velcro shoes i don't have that much help guys just be careful when you place blocks because i think he can also start destroying them maybe okay he has he's broken my blog okay he's everywhere in nowhere at the same time okay right we just find a cave let's go find a cave wait where are we going we need to work together yeah we need to find a cave okay ran away dude i i went to go get something real quick okay where are you i go i got enough wool for a bed i also got some like what if pen we is the hero brian i wish i was dude they both start with h and they're stupid i like it wow yeah yeah yeah one of them is a hero spider chasing me okay well they just went up in flames nice i found a good game all right where are the cows where are the cows there's a big cave down here where tp me no oh he was korean okay over here over here boys over here i'm coming where i'm coming out i'm making some cook steak okay this way this way boys this is right over here i'll give you the iron i'll give you all the iron guys how are we gonna get food uh that's that's what nico's doing he's go he's at the top guys i don't have anything he's getting us wood right he's stealing at all i don't have any food oh my goodness oh guys i felt good i found god okay this is good this is what we need we need more gold so let's go ahead and grab as much gold as possible oh boy uh i toss and turn and put you're eating it in work oh never mind you're good i just stabbed i just wait where's henry guys we need to stick together where's henry we already do we already here you go and here you go oh gold right there dude look at that look at that presents i just found a mining shaft oh that's what wait no okay henry henry henry i found something okay i'm digging over right here hold on i'm taking over i'm just taking my time with taking over gold with it in front of me are you is this the first time you've ever played minecraft ian i didn't know hey where are you guys i can't see you you just try to break gold of a stone at go over here and we go in we need as much gold as we can put your iron in there bob i did you little wait does it does anyone have any more iron does anyone have any more wood yeah how much how much do we need i have a bunch of wood dude how much you mean how many i just need a little bit of wood one two three four five six seven eight that's good that's perfect it's great okay okay nice we're getting this gold so we need to get ourselves how much is nine bucks a gold so we need nine times nine which is eighty-one pieces oh my goodness that's what i got not in this version yeah it's just the newest version oh that's in 1.16.6 there's so much gold over there wait are we in the mesa about i just found so much gold we are an amazing no we're not gonna miss our own planes this that would be amazing i think i'm the only one with an iron axe i got an iron axe and i am picked up whoa i just found uh minecraft all by myself nobody else that's correct sign in somebody sign up your contract you literally have no earnings none of you okay so there's more gold over here but nobody's mined it yet wait nico come on it's down there okay i got some i got some iron i've got some gold i've got some coal nice nice nice dude this little like noise that's like glitch is scary dude i don't like it okay okay i'm glad we have two crafting tables that's really efficient dude it's like it's too quiet it was too funny can we maybe pause this recording and add vayne miner really quick no we're not adding vayne money you bought annie are you okay um guys wait guys come back to the carving table who who plays this torch why is there a redstone torch right there no but it turned into a redstone it turned into a redstone torch oh no okay well we are going to be needing this so i guess place more torches away for the threads or torches oh boy what do we need redstone torches for because we need full resolution grabbing all the iron we need four torches nine gold blocks and we selfish i'm taking there we go here guys i'm going to make a chest okay i'm going to make the flint still because we're going to need that as well look there we go put a chest down right there put all your stuff in and put all your stuff we can't get into the chest okay there we go i saw him okay um right let's go with maybe one of these one of those guys i'm putting in my most prized possession in the chest right find a lava pit thing and don't worry guys i got us in a portal i just found a spawn spawner i just got an enchanted golden apple no wait no do you know how much gold we'd need for that you know like if i could turn that into gold it'd be really helpful for the team uh just give me a give me a smeltery from taker's construct because i'm out of food i am out of food hey henry yeah can we stop this and add tigger's construct so i can split down any mods no ah hair right it's fun oh boy okay oh i found a mine shaft guys i found diamonds guys kids come to me do you see my name tag no um maybe who's he didn't know me um guys what i took straight away and we just lost everything dude no keep in the tree remember i'm coming back i'm coming back i'm coming back hey how are you alright i'm gonna kill some cows while you're up there okay okay i'll get i'll get us some food i'll also get us some more wood all right boys all right boys so i have food and i also got some logs um boys you took everything from the farm i just found a golden apple as well another golden apple we out here ahead we okay okay okay uh i'm about to make a portal you're going to the nether okay okay all right ian i see you i see you're above me come down here okay where do i go how do i get to you dig down straight down just stick straight down just stick straight down just stick straight down henry hey how are we going to show you i'm looking where are you go i found you go you see me where yeah i see you okay check this out okay okay i'm looking i'm gonna leave him here um no we can't go down that way i think we got to go this rain follow me follow me follow me can you put down the mine tracks no we're not taking a minecart all the way there we're going to minecraft i did read that in the wiki i found gold wait maybe this way oh that's right this way in follow me oh love it we don't have a guy to death this way this way hey boys what's up how's everybody doing look at that can we come here guys come here come here come in come on come on just a couple boys dude wait no hold on oh no oh i thought you did it the wrong way for a second i thought it was too small okay great that means wait did you miss this there's already a spawner right here oh well i was i was making a thing over here didn't you see i made a portal there's another one okay let's just place down water and be safe okay how about that how about that oh how much iron does everybody have i'm blind i have 21. i have 15 okay right here let's set up some furnaces and stop smashing everything up hip what are you doing henry i'm trying to find a way out of here dude we're in another cave all right how much gold does everybody have dude we don't want to lose our thing i have 16. how much do you guys have 10 ingots right so we have two blocks so far we're doing great guys we're doing great are we henry we need to find ourselves sebastian that that's something does anybody ever do we need the coordinates i hate a hairy ghost we need to just mentors the ghost you know what we need to mind towards i don't know your own business [Music] i have a bunch of bones okay i have some seeds let's just go start a let's play let's get a farm i just want you to stop farming let's automate some stuff automation wants to play hardcore minecraft again yeah dude what's going on can't minecraft wait no all right we have three blocks so far this isn't bad it was pretty good actually you're pretty good oh thanks okay who wants the who wants the enchanted golden apple you haven't just you hold on to that we have four blocks of gold right now i mean we only need five more oh you're also gonna need one of these we're gonna need a block of netherrack and i think three more of these torches oh boy oh boy this is good we literally only need five blocks of diamond and then we can go back to the other one and see what this one does what's the question can you help me oh my god why you like the way you are i need food who's got food not me hey you can just don't burn me i'll give it to you without your butt okay i i think he's just like straight this way he has to be right how long are you burning guys i found the outside you did where is it up the staircase yeah and then you go right all right go ahead and grab all of our stuff and bring it along dang i found so much gold there dude i'm cracked oh it's the outside world okay guys i'm coming hey vowed hey what's up do we need any do we need what do we need bring everything bring everything with us should i bring the mending book wait we have a mending book i think if we go up this way we should be able to find something wait where did you guys go just follow the stickers just follow it up and then go to the right oh my question herobrine's breaking all the blogs dude oh no i'm literally dumping in my hole why true true okay i went to the right now so much gold and then just follow it through until you see blue hey what oh there you are oh look it's blue if i was green i would die okay and then do you guys see the cobblestone that i placed no oh it's like over near the oven and it was this way i was actually just guessing and it actually was this way i don't know how he thinks we would have ever seen this okay i'm sorry well you're literally dog walk guys we just need to mine all of this gold and then we can go ahead and make more gold ingots and then we can turn them into gold blocks and we should be fine okay i have 28 nuggets 28 that's enough for like three angers nice wait is this not a bastion right here wait if it is that's probably very good for us oh there's a question right here guys he is very mad at me okay well as long as he's mad at you that's fine because then we're fine you know okay guys i'm gonna drink a fire rest potion that i just spawned that i just found do you have a fire is po how wow wait you're you're well oh my god bro oh wait yeah he can break blocks be careful you're on a bridge yeah i'm kind of scared now how do we get how do we get central's back now we'll we'll be back in the airport in just a second we just need to get a couple golden blocks that's what we need okay once we get these gold blocks we'll be right back okay guys i have an idea oh henry henry this is terrifying oh it jump okay okay nice okay we just need to find the gold blocks again we just need four okay where no we need five gold i see one of the gold blocks i see two of the gold blocks oh but okay what's in the chest what spawns in the chest i think maybe gold it could get i'm going i'm going into the chat just be careful with that be very mad i gotta go block nice okay so there's one now they're gonna they're gonna attack you and they're gonna attack what's it what's ancient debris like i'm not ancient yeah it's in a chest oh no ian do you have any food eating any food eating i need food yeah i'll get more food you grab the gold blocks from that area and then we'll meet up in the overworld here and uh it would be pretty great citrus where'd you go oh i got you more gold blocks nice okay just grab them all grab them all okay you guys are getting the gold right schedules that's the desert no i'm john yeah be careful because i have a bunch of gold okay so you have a bunch of gold how many blocks do you have right now in from that place ah three three okay i have four right now so we probably only need a couple more maybe we can get some gold from this desert come on come on come on uh how many how many do we need we need nine so right now we have eight we might actually be able to we might actually be able to do it okay come on let me check how many ingots i got i'm gonna make these into thingies what's in here come on gold gold block no gold wait you got another gold block dude this was literally the worst this is literally the worst oh my god guys i'm the gold block too wait okay okay all right let's get out of here then let's get out you guys come back through the portal let's meet up with the overworld let's sew it in this is gonna be good thankfully we have to keep inventory otherwise that would have been really bad very really bad all right boys your friend's literally right there who's he looking at why can't i set anything up he's trying to say something he's right there he's right he's not gonna look at him and then he's not here just look at him i like it where did you come from what the okay america nico he's staring you down right now turn around i'm not scared of him dude i don't i can't block it place anything okay here here here here here you want it you want the gold give me give me your gold you go no you got blocks as well okay nice there you go here we go oh my god we have a lot okay we have quite a lot okay placing down nine blocks we oh jeez that was a close one okay let me play sell three of these oh my goodness this this guy is the worst this guy's literally the worst he's just breaking all my blocks and then we go like this and then we place down the nether rack set fire to the netherrack and call it oh where is he oh no why wait what why what why did you summon oh no oh no boys boys i'm not liking this i'm not liking this i don't like it take the gold back what does he do he's just dying the star is for henry video oh my goodness what is he just taking the gold back did you break it thank you thank you guys i got the gold let's run we don't need them anymore you you yeah here you are oh dude he's not making any sense right now these guys don't know how to read he's not spelling at all he's just looking what is this nice what is he good you'll regret this day i regret this here take the gold back i don't want it i'm not go you're gonna hit that like button prepare stuff oh no oh no oh no here somebody here i'm a one huh i'm a one come on we can win i just need to come ah oh no no dude he's got so much health ah i set him on fire take him out boys get rid of him he's running he's running he's running yes yes wait what did i get a stone button dude dude this guy was a ball it was just a stone button the entire time well if you guys did enjoy and um why is still somehow in this world dude he was he was too much of a buff for us dude we took him out he was too weak maybe maybe we'll make him mad or maybe he's he's gone from this world i don't i do not know honestly it's kind of it's kind of spooky but let's all agree to never ever speak of this again i never do this again because i did not like this one bit this was this is terrifying but if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to hit it with like subscribe if you guys are new and again check out kamalgi down below in the description if you guys want to check out this data pack for your own and join the world of herobrine and um yeah if you guys enjoy hanging ian die over and over than that i'll see you guys all again next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 381,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, herobrine, minecraft herobrine, herobrine addon, herobrine datapack, minecraft new update, how to spawn herobrine in minecraft, how to summon herobrine, herobrine seed, minecraft 1.17, fighting herobrine, defeating herobrine in minecraft, herobrine world, exploring herobrine seed, joining herobrine's world in minecraft, gaming, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, memes, ssundee, sigils, nicovald, speedrun, minecraft scary, minecraft monster
Id: 05ITJ4j8bwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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