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welcome back over to a brand new video on the channel today we are back with another for loop video and we are going back to the superhero kind of prank mice thing it's gonna be super super fun we're gonna do a randomized superhero battle and we're gonna be joined by stitches for it so if you guys do enjoy the video be shown here like win double or any suggestions for future episodes and as always subscribed in the future uh no because I like 60% of you guys watching right now aren't subscribed so go ahead and hit that stop button what's the worst that could happen you enjoy it more on my content yeah that's straight into the video ok guys so welcome to random superheroes who think I'm not really sure what I'm calling this yet but yeah this is like a rented superhero thingy residuals stop stop just stop right now stop right now anyway let's just go to how this thing works so basically there's three separate areas one for each kind of area I guess so we got weapons in the front over here that we have the superhero powers over here and then we have the superhero armor over here so we're gonna end up with a pretty mismatched piece of like set to fight with so this is gonna be a bunch of fun and the way this thing works is this correct yeah this is one of scissors you know classic style game oh it's personal like type style and basically if we hit the red concrete you gotta throw everything away so the higher I guess the better loot that you want the more chance there is gonna be for everything to be lost and would you like two rounds on each thing and yeah I guess we could just start it's assiduous do you wanna start us off on the armor on the armor side of things no no no green to red green to red it gets progressively harder you know red hard crazy just just press the green button myeloma oh wait what happened a block with a button what about it it powers I got two but you could you could send a cool difficulties right okay we're back we've moved the buttons so that it actually works and doesn't hit too sigils just go ahead and try again what are you gonna get on the first one spider Manama now this is actually the homemade spider-man armor so it's not that good Oh what did you just get what did you know that means you gotta get rid of everything dude yeah well I mean because some things don't actually burn so I tested that part out but no the button so go ahead and just throw everything out he hit the red that means he's busted he's gone says you have one more chance at this and if you get a red that means just stuck with Hell's Kitchen test it which is literally the worst armor in this game oh boy okay okay I'm gonna start myself off we're gonna refill this real quick okay refilled let's do this is your sister just I'm gonna get some really really good stuff I can feel it first things first Oh some green arrow chess piece okay okay I'm gonna push my luck I'm gonna push my luck spider-man chefs piece okay okay so in that yellow one we have daredevil or Falcon sexy pretty cool you can fly with him do this pretty awesome look alive okay here we go here we go oh you know what no I'm not gonna push my luck so I suppose I'll push it for the second one hey hey I'm gonna go ahead put all of this stuff in my chest so I have I have a pretty large choice right now stitches I have Falcon spider-man Oh Green Arrow I know you got all you guys no no no okay so just go ahead this is your second round what are you gonna get way what are you gonna get back okay okay you gonna push on longer you just gonna stick with Green Arrow's did you let's get it a little bit risky look at this you got some red in the air oh wait you're sticking with green oh okay I've already got some power locked in I think I'm just gonna go for the whole thing so let me quickly back in I don't care I don't care so cut pretty good I were to go with you I could get okay Green okay devil house kitchen devil all my chest pain whatever it is psycho on back rap juice it's really cool to you literally oh my okay well throw that in there for one of those in there well it looks like this is our armor yeah you know nothing nothing too crazy but nothing too bad either stitches were on to the next round this is weapons so this is one of the what is on your head oh is that's that's the hood of grip oh hey hey okay so onto the weapons let's go let's see what you can care what creep Alex that is the default one so I mean you might as well push your luck on with that you just go you don't try to get any better I'm a Green Arrow okay and also with that calm combo comes any arrows that you want from the green arrow area which is what are these bad boys right here so hopefully hopefully you don't do anything too crazy okay let's go ahead and push much Atari bastard dude this is pretty good thing for the from the first thing okay let's go seconds okay what can we get are you serious that was like a 1 in 9 chance for me to get that one to get it in 3 to get it three times oh man I got three spider-man's first round don't talk okay okay well let's see what we can get this one is pretty and pretty rough but hopefully we can get something good I'm gonna cool it there with my frigate re guns and my muni sigils go ahead and push a lot through a second router okay okay Oh another combo okay oh oh boy okay okay you got pusher look off the lot no you go stay with that okay okay you got you got Stonebraker compound bow and a Kree battle axe okay scissors this is my last run no no you get one or the other scissors one or the other now I'm not quickly refresh all these and then we're gonna run my second round after our case is your second round here we go I go up to orange last time so that's number four I won't try and get number five because I know there's a pretty OPM you gotta put your trust in me here let's go first one okay okay okay creeped out likes you know kind of boring stuff that is narrowly the default weapon second one Chitauri gone again dude I have too many of these you know I don't care if I lose you throw these a web shooter oh who set these limits up trailer I was in my tree you know what you know what do we have right now we already have me on it you know I'm just gonna push one more time and see what we can get decisions do you know what this is attack damage and it could also double up as a shoot back up it back up a yeah boss okay well here is our sets and now it's the final is the final piece this is probably the most important piece of the puzzle scissors this is where we get our powers now if you're lucky you could get some Kree hybrid wishes captain Marvel's or Super Soldier which is Captain America's you know there's quite a few choices as we go on so sigils be my guests go on down the line did you just get that was a one in nine chance to get down the first long chance are you oh okay well here we go here we go here's my go thundering the green one and footing I write some pretty cool stuff if I could were cool you know you get some pretty positive let's just see what we get ready three two one okay spider-man ejection not bad second one oh Black Panther ejection again pretty terrible third one right blindness isn't that from bad okay you know I've got nothing to lose number four I just got Black Panther again okay so Joe's I go low for and these are all actually pretty bad so I've got nothing to lose scissors I've got absolutely never make it no you're sure wait is this this is the crew just don't get me out on top I really like 300 just it was pretty bad right yours pretty bad saying it's garbage alright so no dude it will Co the battlefield this is better but yeah I don't think really nice run through this one again I mean I'm pretty sure I choose this one I'm pretty sure you go she's gonna Thunder wait so you say that your combo is gonna be green arrow with Stormbreaker and the power oh yeah this could be really pretty red okay guys so here's the time I choose my stuff and we decided that we can actually have one ranged weapon and also one close up combat weapon since we both got like the ranged weapons as well so I'm gonna go ahead and choose the Wakhan to shield alongside the Chitauri gun cuz check this thing out this is pretty fast fire rate if you ask me and then we also have this to do a lot of closeup damage as well so this should be pretty fun and also we're gonna have the cree hybrid injection and i guess i guess we'll go with the falcon armor this should be a pretty interesting combo but yeah let's all go to the battle food it's gonna be first two three cows and let's just see who wins all cases first two three kills are you ready are you ready sigils what did you choose you chose green arrow ammo got a thunder stuff and then me onea and then what was a ranged weapon the bows oh good this is gonna be weird this could be really weird okay three two one let's go boy let's go oh my goodness I forgot how fast I fly oh goodness what where you at where you at dude where are you wait I don't how high are you oh your moves dude come on cut it on the rag I guess that is pretty green arrow of you that is pretty green our view if I must say so myself do I can vary just dojo arrow shows though there's no way there's absolutely no way Boyd that didn't do any damage I don't all you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about no no definitely not why would I have taken damage from you know definitely oh yeah sure that was a nice show I gotta give it to you but I can't let you win this unfortunately so that means I don't I don't know what I'm doing half the time here dude I don't know what I'm doing oh come on no come in come in CG stop flying away from me mister first kill goes to me did you take it like a little strike of lightning that I'm gonna fly down and get the same coaster just this note you have no chance you absolutely have no chance I've lost where we spawn be fine we've flown around so much it was like I don't even know what's going on myself anymore oh boy oh boy no no no you're not gonna meet you know how to me you're not gonna hit me that's that's right dude yeah oh boy yeah oh my goodness is when you power up the world kind of shield with Captain Marvel space did that just one short oh that was pretty insane okay well one will kill assiduous and you're done where are you at where are you at just come in come in come this you can't see me you can't see me all right you want to be cocky wait wait wait fight Brady how did that kill me in one shot though like you don't have vibranium on oh no no no Falcon going you're gonna make your a little bit better buddy oh goodness [Music] wait so you say that code use my own shoe to protect me made it the same thing well I mean as you can see I can't block it if that's what you're using wait what it what is that what is it yeah you were using that I was able to block it you don't stand a chance with those arrows anymore oh yeah you wait so no I can't see with Harris to come in from can you hold it here I'm gonna get a flank around this I mean what dude you just you don't stand and it's a great story Buster I thought I'd stay here with you see Jules I've had his head where are you doing I'm going to do a fire arch I'm fine again you back on top or you leave it up here first oh my goodness I I was just like I call myself oh I own it I see you I see you so just know I'm gonna show you I'm gonna shoot you yeah well I mean I have my shield to shield mode I don't even know what that means so if you hit me right now I will flirt to the side of the building you hit the shield you bought you hit the shield I don't want any of that mister oh but this is this gonna be a light don't bet Oh in the sky right now is that is that what we're doing I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah dog fight you know like two planes fight right yeah that's what I meant okay I'm fighting the dogs this is pretty hard to hear you try to hit me dude trying hit me yeah oh no no oh I don't like that I don't like that any no no no no no it oh did you fooled on that mister that's like you kind of took a little trip down the down yah Notre Dame is the not today not today mr. sigils not today but sich aus I'm sorry missed it but it is over fee because my thing is charged up that means I can go press B and it's game time what were you at where you at where you at mister where you have mr. C goose I see you right there Oh we go she said it to the explosive you just blew up this poor man's house in jewels how could you do such a thing well anyway guys if you did enjoy this video be should I hit a little like go ahead and check our scissors down in the description below hope you guys did enjoy this video I'll see you guys again [Music]
Channel: Henwy
Views: 418,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Henwy, Minecraft for loot, Minecraft, Minecraft Minigame, sigils, minecraft superhero, minecraft henwy
Id: YURIk5yFd7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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