Minecraft, but I SECRETLY used MORPH MOD!

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in this video i challenge three of the best minecraft players i know to a minecraft manhunt but i have a little seeker because i can change into any mob i desire anything from a chicken to an ender dragon i can turn into and i can also get some of that powers will the three speed runners be able to win or will i be able to stop them before they kill the engine dragon watch until the end of the video to find out and if you guys do enjoy the video be sure to hit like subscribe you guys are new without further ado let's just hop straight into the video all right boys whenever you're ready to go you can just start sprinting in any what sort of direction you wish okay why are you what we're going through you guys you guys realize you guys have one life and i have infinite right okay okay so i'm i'm i'm getting some word okay everyone make a weapon right now i'm getting well i've got five vlogs you guys got to make a weapon remember you all have one life and you guys are meant to be the best minecraft players i know so let's see if you guys live up to that no boys oh he's coming he's coming he's coming where are your voices i'm just i'm just coming into the village i just want you to say hi i want to say hi to the local you know village residents okay there's three of us this is doomed okay i've got a stone axe i've got stone axe i'm coming over to you guys nice okay wait food food this is pretty great this is pretty good this is pretty great this is pretty great this is pretty good okay okay let's see i see how you guys are playing i see how you guys are playing it this is so good that's so good that's three of our samurai i see that i see that now i've realized my mistakes and i might have to go about this different kind of way so as you guys know i have a little secret up my sleeve and that is if i press this button right here i could transform into any whatsoever i desire so i think i'm gonna save this for a little bit later i'm gonna stalk them a little bit as a verger i think i think that's my first man i want to stalk them as a villager so i'm going to get into the village and stalk them as a villager just see what they're up to this should be pretty good where you boys at a little bit of p just came out okay it's got his food what are you guys doing wait are we recording or not i don't know what's happening i'm recording okay do you want this edited out or what oh my god okay okay that's a twitter clip okay no that's just disgusting oh my god guys i found the golem i'm gonna kill him now guys cover me in case he comes yeah yeah i'm bringing him over here and bring him over here oh my god he's hacking he's retracting everyone cover me i'm making uh three shields there we go bang take them come in here and take them do you want to jump down yeah i've got a hay bale oh can i have one oh no okay did you get what you wanted to from that thing yeah yeah okay i've got some coal as well if you need it can i have one iron all right let's get the lion let's destroy him let's make him wish he'd never logged into the game yes that's what i like to hear him delete his youtube channel i would really really hate to be i have a bow when we get an iron pickaxe we could try and get diamonds maybe this cave goes pretty deep what's that what's that bat just hit me a bag just hit me i heard a shunt sound no no no bats don't hit that don't hit man no seriously seriously you die into a bat is what you're saying if you see a bat together we don't know who's right here okay so so boys they might have been something about this mod or about this that i didn't do no um i could become any mob i choose what oh my god so you guys better be watching out for every single mob you've seen because someone every mob might be dangerous i can become a whatsoever i choose wait so if he turns into london does that mean he does as much damage as an enderman um don't want to find out i mean something like that i'm sure well you guys have ran off without me and i don't hear a witch why have you why have you left me alone with the he could loot the furnaces we wouldn't even know oh that's a good point hey oh no this guy just got poisoned right dude henry is the one no he's nothing guys just don't die to noble mobs come on i thought you were better than this i'm hearing noises someone's digging near me someone's thinking nearly someone's digging near me the furnace is empty take what you want me he's the bat he just creeped me he just creeped me guys he just cripped me [Music] when are you guys going to come back no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die guys i'm gonna die [Music] you guys are very paranoid huh we have good reasons he's gonna be able to disguise with all of the mobs oh my god what if we go to trade with the piglen and it's henry and he takes our stacks [Music] oh oh there's one hit okay okay you know what this is fine everything's fun scott how old are you buddy how old are you i was literally on half a heart you have fruit guys we need more food we need wait enderman should we get so much food we don't need food well you do yeah i've got loads oh toss them that's what was the only thing zombie apocalypse yeah where's brad pitt when you need him what is he up to what is he actually up to honestly i i wouldn't know i wouldn't know what i would be up to because if i was up to something he went deeper oh okay we need one more that's it right we still need one more oh let's get one more so we can do this yeah of course of course oh yeah you got it nice that's all of them oh he's in the fortress make sure everyone's healed wait should we use like lava buckets and flint and steels to like set him on fire and stuff so we know who he is that's gonna be him how are you okay just cover my behinds and then i'll turn through no you can't do not get open open spaces is where he'll kill us oh hey boys i can't die if i die i'm gone i'm gone come on what are you guys doing yeah unlocked oh i have like three things right i have a tunnel when were you alone okay come the way i went come on as fast as i could be oh there's guys here those guys here should we trade with them as much as we can i don't really have much i'm gonna die hey oh i'm dead i'm what do not die i'm i'm okay my health glitched kate you're getting shot by the way watch out there's a blaze oh how am i gonna i'm actually dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead that's not henry i don't think oh my gosh could it wait is it henry maybe it is he's being annoyed he gets good are you guys gonna die to mobs again no that's not us that means he must be yeah he's side to side what's up boys oh you guys are fishing wrong do you guys like being on fire in the nether how's that oh he can move quick he can move oh he's killing all piglets what's up boys oh guys are you sure wait i can make a fishing rod maybe i don't know okay are we running oh my gosh on one hot run run run run run run run wait this way yeah this wicket this way scott you want us scott scott we've gone there okay go back scott are you trying that oh no oh no i'm covering you i'm covering you do you want one of you to die do you want to die decide scott follow us when i thought we need to get somewhere tight oh he's coming we lose you you're gone let's go run this thanks for the stuff boys thanks for the stuff this is gonna this is gonna do great so oh i don't know how does it feel yeah it feels pretty good you know i love being killed it's pretty powerful i must say that i think it was on the bed also can't watch out for that man watch out for that right right now right now oh okay he missed me you missed me oh okay i'm in you in okay you have gold armor right yeah yeah remember do we have a lot of nice little buff i've noticed that i have okay sweet oh he's in he's in with us he's in with us we don't have any gold to distract them just kill the brute how about they don't die that's so strong just like we can't lie to bruce jacob yeah if you were to die to brutus that would be extremely embarrassing i've never died of brute in my life uh-huh block off block off and run just run a block off i mean there's a gold block there here i know where the gold block is going and i killed these guys yep i got them i got the gold blocks oh there's so many i've learned my bastions now scott would be proud that's fine i got six blocks don't do that yeah would be really bad around about now okay i have seven blocks of gold i have seven blocks of gold we can leave the bathroom and trade somewhere else if we want okay i'm coming back through is anyone angry okay i have do you to take half the gold just in case and half the arrows are you ready what is that noise who should i go for hey girl okay i went past some chests or something okay i'm good for the moment i'm good for the moment i'm going to toss up who's breaking blocks it's me it's miss me oh okay there's lava near me don't just dig straight down if you can avoid it okay see you got some free food let's go there's i can't get back to you is that you that's not you that was henry henry's right here henry's right here hey [Music] oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead he can no longer respawn as well oh boy this could be good this could be good oh wait i'm back brew kit kit no no no no no my gold is trading on a lower level that's it oh it's just you kit it's all down to you it's all down to little juket now the question is will you be able to win i have no idea where your stuff is jacob it was down it was down it was the next layer down i know it was around the corner around the corner like oh oh you're being chased by a mob yeah up and it's in that room with the chest so um k how do you want to go here how do you want to die that's my question to you no no no no no no no no no no no no henry henry police we can talk about this i'm sorry about this seriously hey buddy how you doing well that's [Music] where'd you go oh you got a friend in there i have a i have an idea you know it's just it's just a theory it's a you doing i'm the luckiest man alive wait what do you mean oh my goodness oh my goodness [Music] are you boys seeing what i'm doing are you seeing what's up oh my oh you're genius i know come on no i need the thing to yeah you need to run fast kit where are you kid oh okay you have to do this you have to do that oh that's interesting oh it's huh so you know that that thing that you've done right there no no no we're talking about i lit it as a place let's go i lit it as a blaze oh henry's just gonna dip this should be make sure you're not getting gold right now that's great this is really really good actually you've got this warped perception that i'm scared of you i i don't think you're scared of me i just think they could be scared of you know some things i'm not scared of anything are you sure they call me the big bad wolf that is that is what i call him [Music] so you're not scared of fixes huh you're not scared of exes huh i'm scared wait his health might be low on that have you done it ah come here hey hey kit how you doing how you doing buddy how are you doing buddy i'm good i'm good i'm good no okay i got some apples oh another blacksmith nice there's two for the price of one is that the village that's oh god i don't wanna be friends anymore henry okay let's go like this awesome oh [Music] do you have any beds kit for the bed cycle of course of course yes he's prepared oh no hey hey kit you remember your your your glory days in the nether right no no no i don't remember do you remember a little pal of yours the the the piglin brute oh my god the one with 20 hearts you have to do this to me i can't lose to this man hey there buddy how are you doing how are you doing over there no no no oh you met oh my goodness oh boy oh he has double this is really bad oh what is this oh no kit behind you behind you behind you i don't care they're gonna follow you through one let's go yes oh okay okay okay okay oh okay you're uh you're kind of silly for leaving my stuff behind there buddy you didn't burn it he's a blooming mob i keep on forgetting his actual personality no i just multiply one thing i just need to find one little thing uh where is this thing oh okay oh kid oh he's through oh that is true i am true yes that's all the crystals yes i will i can do it come on come on okay i'm sorry to say it's over for you it's over [Music] make a wall make a wall kit make a wall block up lock up no oh wait where'd you go no wait where did you just go no five times we have arrows are you kidding me showing out of errors that's not too good oh oh oh gg i didn't even need to kill you i didn't even need to carry i just had to you know give you a little bit of um whatever that i thought you guys were was me the best minecraft players i know like come on i didn't i hadn't had to do anything you just killed yourself with my bed that was pretty great that was pretty great well if you guys did enjoy this video be sure to hit like subscribe if you guys knew and check out everybody down in the description below uh but other than that i've been ablaze um killing my friends while they try and be minecraft i'm never talking to you again [Music] foreign
Channel: Henwy
Views: 883,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, minecraft morph mod, morph mod, minecraft morph, minecraft morph mod is very funny, morph mod in minecraft, trolling my friends with morph mod, morph, mod, trolling my friends in minecraft, minecraft shapeshifter mod, shapeshifter mod, minecraft shapeshift, minecraft shapeshift mod, i secretly used shapeshifter mod, i trolled my friends with shapeshifter mod, shapeshifter, shapeshift, shapeshift mod, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, transform mod
Id: f2ShiavAUko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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