A Football Life Chad Johnson

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[Music] people want to be entertained but the minute you open up about it and have some fun they bash you for it they want you to play inside a box but if you dare step outside the little box you're in trouble you're a diva you're not a team player where there's no box for me and completely out of the box you're gonna be a football player when you do today is the best day of the wife leave a like ciao please then went to the face of wanting exotic vehicles the Lamborghini is the Rolls Royces it was always a that look at me now I make this much and this is what useful to drive you know by society standard this is where it supposed to be when you have money this is what supposed to have I went through that phase or maybe two or three years during my tenure and I got over it quick you know get a smart car it's efficient I can get from point A to point B the same way I could in my Lambo a family anything else exotic that I own and the fact that a matter was at that point my name was bigger my name itself was bigger than anything I could purchase my name is self so there was really no need for there was really no need for they look at me now or look what I'm driving you know it was pointless one of football's most polarizing personalities Chad Johnson travelled a journey through the NFL that was unpredictable and entertaining I got a trivia question same old question how do you stop baby fine the prototype for the show-stopping high-flying wide receiver Johnson made plenty of plays and did plenty of talking what you're looking at I don't care what you are I don't care what you are +35 man they all suck man it's me it's me horrible you have to have some type of selfishness to you and anything that you do to be successful at it sometime that selfishness is mistaken for arrogance or cockiness looking for Chad in the back of the endzone touchdown nice but nobody humble out here let's go cuz humble ain't getting you nowhere can't be humble and be great but you have to have a certain Drive and internationally about you to get the damn job done in his ten seasons with the bangles Johnson earns six Pro Bowl appearances and became Cincinnati's all-time leader in receptions receiving yards and receiving touchdowns 85 who can cover him he says nobody every time I watch it they're like oh my gosh we got 85 this week you know you know you're gonna talk you know you want the ball like he has some of the quickest feet that I've ever seen and you too much this is why he's telling people to kiss the baby well you don't kiss the baby today and he was the most dominant receiver for how many years I could see at the lion scram and you look across the ball and I could see there was guys that were scared to death that mojo was out there [Music] Chad Johnson created a persona that was larger than life he's got big fire whether he was dancing in the end zone riding bulls racing horses [Applause] [Music] we're changing his name to Ochocinco also sinkhole phenomenon goes all against everything coaches stand for you know particularly myself he we don't need to bring attention to ourselves but that's what got him up and excited to go play critics considered him disrespectful and a distraction the NFL was also not amused by Johnson's antics they find you because they think that's what you cherish the most the money and obviously it's really great to be at a certain level where you're playing a game you paid good for it but that's not why I'm here which is why I never stopped doing it because I'm not here for the money right giving in zone makes you keep the camera me because this is how I feel the game of football is supposed to be played it's about entertainment it's about having fun and a little dance from Chad Johnson New Orleans you people pay $75 ticket you mean to tell me I'm not gonna give them a show I'm giving you your money's worth ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of the Jamie Dukes and Ojo Cinco podcast are you eating lunch on the job yeah I mean Megami McDonald how you ate McDonald's during the show we're wrong with that I'm just trying to you know I'm trying to I'm trying to have a serious conversation I'm having a serious conversation because I'm eating a serious meal but getting back to our conversation what was the one thing that has been misconstrued about check bet I'm gonna ask for some reason people think I'm gonna ask I know the perception yeah man because you have nothing to go off of except what's portrayed through mainstream media it's so funny everybody's first reaction is you're nothing like I thought you'd be because I'm just completely different type of do outside of that element of a wall for 11 seasons the merry prankster of the NFL kept his audience captivated but an unexpected exit would forever put a dark cloud over his career Chad Johnson currently in Broward County Jail in Florida arrested Saturday night on a charge of domestic violence I asked myself the question at what point do the sins of your past not catch up to you well if never worked that way in society even for myself - my mistake my mistake that I made I'm not the same guy five years ago that made that completely utterly disrespectful stupid mistake to my then wife but once you make that mistake I learned and understood that that will carry and stay with me for the rest of my life so I'm tainted goods no matter what from this day no matter what no matter what there's no there's nothing I can do there's nothing I can say that will stick we're gonna stay with me until I'm six feet under well that's even if they put me under I might get cremated if that and they have my ashes spread over the ocean with a pot of orcas but that's that's later on down the line but you get the point and you have to understand that [Music] he tell us what you have in your garage I have workout stuff ladders cones ping-pong table of course I'm the 1992 Liberty City ping pong champ I have a damn Kindle up there but I don't have animals so I don't know where the hell that kennel came from you can learn a lot about things in people if you know their origins just pull it up to Grandma's house we're in the beautiful Liberty City and this is where it all started the area we ran was a bad area my grandmother's name is Bessie Mae flowers she ended up raising me the reason why I've really never gotten into I really never asked she was just the one that that took care of a responsibility of raising me and making me the man that I am today just play throw up tackle right here on the park you know I'd be out here with all the kids man having fun [Music] so you got to think back in the late 80s early 90s into the war zone this was Iraq before the Iraqi war went on was that right period a drug raid on a South Florida home in a search for cocaine see you lighting right now so I probably had about this is a memory probably got 30 or 40 minutes before I had to be in the house when that light pole when that light pole comes on I'd better be somewhere in the vicinity or on their front porch when nighttime Falls you in the house although athletically talented bad grades and bad behavior kept Johnson from playing Division one college football of course and every time I said receiver out somebody would call they say Oh Charlie you got to really see this kid he says he's a while he's all over the place he said what if anybody can you know fix him you can I said I didn't have a game to begin with I was a young kid at a Liberty City out of Dade County that had raw talent it's like having fish or chicken that's not seasoned it looked good it looked good but until you cook it till you season it and do everything right and prepare the right way it's nothing but just chicken so I would just grow he thought he could play but he couldn't play word for turd and he was a really a turd it was teaching me to play receiver on what I would need to get open to understand the game to see the game at the next zone [Applause] the knowledge that he was able to give me at such a young age there was no way I was gonna get that anywhere else Chad was maturing into a superstar on the field but he was still having problems in the classroom Johnson missed the entire 1998 season because he was academically ineligible I would literally pick him up because if he had to take the bus there it wasn't gonna happen and he would get distracted if if he seen a pretty girl on the bus he'd probably make it to school you know that was my father figure he stepped in at the time when there was none you know not only becoming helping become the receiver that I was but he filled in as the role of a father that didn't have and when coach he came in that was that was a huge huge huge help Johnson got his grades up and after three years of junior college Chad transferred to Oregon State where in just one season he caught the attention of NFL teams so I said you know tell me a little bit about yourself you've jumped around you really weren't in any one place very long I said why is it and he said well coach I can tell you one thing he said I don't drink I love football but I absolutely hate school I didn't like school period point-blank I didn't like it and so that's why I've had this issue of jumping around because I couldn't keep my grades up I just want to play football I say nothing less nothing more cincinnati has selected a wide receiver from Oregon State University Chad Johnson there is no better feeling when you get that name core you can't replace that you can that time I was just happy to be a part of the giraffe in general I was happy to have my name in mention at all I know what I come from you know how hard it is you know the heart was stacked against me my entire life and I didn't make it any easier I didn't make it any easier I went the long way so he just barely barely got through the cracks I mean it was that close raised in Liberty City Chad Johnson now had the freedom to pursue his dream of playing pro football [Music] the bangles took me and I was forever grateful kind of care where I went there's a lot of play I need to focus on it but it doesn't matter where you go is what you do once you get there that's it [Music] to understand Cincinnati when Chad was drafted by the Bengals you have to go back to the 1990s which has been referred to as the Lost Decade in Cincinnati it went to the playoffs in January of 1991 and then unfortunately they were basically the NFL's laughingstock for about 13 years the herd players talking about that they don't want to come to the bangs but this is where I want to be to make it different that's how I felt when I got drafted well they losing well don't do everything I can to change everything around if Cincinnati at that time with a dim light I was gonna make sure they were gonna shine Chad Johnson provided Cincinnati with high speed service but without a connection [Applause] after winning just two games in 2002 the Bengals hired head coach Marvin Lewis to lead them out of the division basement Chad Johnson set his sights even higher what's up today guitar secret sir I want to be winning the greatest ever plays guess not a secret but I want to be better than right that's me y'all gonna help you well I I think I told him that was a good thing but doing the work to be better than Jerry Rice that's the hard part five weeks into the 2003 season Johnson not only bought in to coach Lewis's challenge he raised the stakes well we were sitting in the office and he had had a bad game that was upset at my performance getting Buffalo I'd never forget that pops in got this check written out to me for $100,000 and said uh if my next game I don't perform up to par I want you to keep this and cast that champion not a minute next game I went crazy I went off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we never had any intention of keeping it I had at my top desk drawer and then ripped it up at the end of the year but it was that was kind of typical of Chad I needed the press to perform at a high level it's really weird it's like you know most most players like to go into games quiet and just play I needed to force myself I needed to put pressure on myself to go out there and play weekend a week out the whole secondary the whole point was I was going to make them sick or they were going to get sick of covering me so here's some pepto way at a time so he sent them boys you don't stuff like that does you people thought that was a ploy it wasn't that's just who Chad was Chad was a showman that way and he needed that this is the standard and next on the list is as you can see we have two fallen victims already missed the list in his locker I love that list it was a list you know going into the week would this guy be able to cover me one on one I thought it was funny I mean I I thought it was funny as long as he came to work and practice everyday I didn't care and he knowed I'll practice harder than just about anybody I've ever played with Marvin Louis was not a fan of the list I came in this morning in authority had taken that good list down and this is what was put in my locker so therefore I have to challenge myself throughout the week to make sure I helped lead my team to victory I'm always telling him no don't do that don't do that you know if I could get wind of it [Applause] I want you right now that's what I need I wanted to make sure you were at your best so you understood where I was at my game at the time to where I know you're coming and I'm still going to beat you I just tell Chris McAllister my routes Chris I got a slam what you gonna do I used to tell him it could stop me it's not that I was a physical presence and I was not it's not what it was my feet they were scared of my fame but nothing you can do it's abruptness and his ability to start and stop I don't know if there's a receiver that's played this game that could create more separation than chat could his quickness was a major problem I don't really want to be in man coverage and no matter who we had on [Applause] and you can take your feet and take the routes and make it look a certain way and then break it off that quick the way he came [Applause] you can stop on the dime you know you know wait with a buckle five he could be on the sidelines and be close to going out of bounds and find a way to hang in the air for another half a second contort his body in the air like a gymnast to make the catch secure the wall and get both of his feet inbounds [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm go I'm always open I'm open just throw me the ball I'm 7-eleven always open you know is it you can put him in a phone booth with a couple of DVDs in here you know pick up the phone like hey I'm open promise double team to a team and I had to put Butch Davis idea I got everything in 2005 Johnson led the AFC and receiving yards for a third straight year while making good on his rookie year promise 2005 was the year that it combined his excellence with the team finally being good punch down Chad Johnson clenches their first division title since 1990 and with his antics list Chad made Cincinnati cool again and thanks to you for you know bringing hope you are getting a source of pride to the tri-state I am still thank for the fresh breath of air I brought to that team at a time where it really wasn't fun to watch we sad as the critics for now I guarantee you it's gonna be something else that they say while we not the real deal I've really made the game fun and entertaining and never in a malicious way anyway it was it was so fun to a point where players and coaches and the refereeing before games were like what we got today like what was coming I got a great celebration for you guys again [Applause] my favorite maybe that sombrero and poncho in honor of Spanish heritage one that was a good win and maybe the marriage proposal Chad Johnson on the sideline gonna need like he was the Riverdance come on are you kidding me in Chicago I don't know where you got these drunk something would initiate it on a Tuesday we went to play the Bears and a commercial for the Lord of the dance came on TV and I was like you know what that looks funny that looks funny and I'm gonna try to do that dance if I can score it was different you know there's some guys now that dance and they pointed themselves and he just wanted to do something that the fans would enjoy I [Applause] mean in Cincinnati it was a weekly game what's he going to do next I liked every one of them except one and dug myself put it on what does that say future future hall-of-fame that was dope I'm sure he was along with a lot of other people I wasn't upset I can't remember even if he did I probably wasn't listening bad move told him that when I found out about it after the fact I mean that's the pinnacle of this profession and never do you do anything that would be construed as is not respectful of the Hall of Fame his pranks and his dances that he did by doing those stunts it puts so much pressure on himself that if the game didn't break his way right away in the game he'd get totally frustrated and they would almost do the opposite and take him out of his game I will never forget Chad coming out first time I seen him do it you know he kind of walked around the parking lot thanks everybody for being there for the playoff game because he was coming to put on a show I got a top name right there atmosphere was crazy maybe woody just it just felt different than any home game Carson launches that ball to Chris and sets the tone for the game like oh man it's gonna be a long day for the Steelers and I look back in Carson's down Carson Palmer being carted off we had a very capable backup in Jon Kitna and John went in and did a good job but the problem was the ball wasn't getting to Chad well he couldn't get the ball cuz the game plan changes and off Fenner said John John's a tremendous player but you're gonna play John different you play Carson Palmer Johnson finished the game with just four receptions and failed to reach the end zone in the Bengals loss after the game reports of a half-time fight between Johnson and his coaches emerged from the media there wasn't a fight I think at halftime what happened was Chad came in and he was getting IV in his arm and he was very frustrated and he just kind of went off and you know I need to get the ball for us to win I need to get the ball and he yanked the IV out because he was getting IV at halftime so the blood starts burning and all of a sudden this big commotion comes rolling out of the training room and he's being loud and so I think everybody thinks is oh my gosh him and Hugh or fighting tech can't fight nobody that's the the most amazing thing because Chad Johnson can't walk nobody nor would he ever take a swing at somebody that could swing back at him I think everyone in that locker room could have beat me up back then I was like 180 pounds I know a lot of people say was one of his worst times and people seen him as being very selfish but I really didn't because in his opinion had he touched the ball we would had a better chance to win I think he was a good selfish when he was Chad Johnson I think it was a bad selfish when he became mojo Cinco does he ever warn you ever have no Josie codes his uniform before to our knowledge that'd be a good idea that I didn't know thought it was a great idea and the idea came from Carson himself hey I want you to put osho single in the back here jersey he tried to speak a lot of Spanish and he obviously never took Spanish monarchy nah let's go Makena main a key and he was always wrong when he tried to put him into a sentence so joe cinco just kind of made sense and it felt find me for it so my thought was I'm gonna change it in offseason legally Tojo Cinco to where it has to be on the back of my jurors and apparently people are like that stupid otro single that's not even 85 okay who cares he gets a percentage of every settle of a jersey that's sold I think it's brilliant what's up man this is your boy said a que otro Cinco a que a black Mexican we didn't speak I wouldn't accept his calls until he changed his name because that's not who I thought how to play the position I'll talk to ya Johnson I thought it was Joe Cinco was a clown there he had a dollar in his hand as if he said I'll bet you a dollar that Ike that's a completed pass either that he was gonna pay off the officials nothing suffered nothing I was enjoying the game the same way I did it Johnson the same couldn't be said for the Bengals after three straight seasons of missing the playoffs the once beloved toast of the town became a target my frustration with Oh Joe Cinco he's a phenomenal player but in telling stuff you know some of that stuff did eventually cost this team that's nature of the beast you know you get you get leeway with it when you're winning but when it starts to go the other way the teams losing those antics start to become an issue do you feel like you're being a distraction or is that what you've been told are we reading the same papers we've seen the same stuff it was right in a long line of oh my goodness here's something different he's doing now you know between the horse and all the different things it did there came a point where chat became different than the Chad that first was on the scene when I came here and football didn't end up being as important as it once was to him I think I was more so frustrated with losing do that that wears on you man maybe stuff like this these will be closed no more that's the bangs of old and to say that the way I am in the way I operate the way I play the game is part of the reason we were losing at hurt that that stump s stuff it's me not seriously everything is me you know a lot of a lot of media from outsiders pointing the finger when things don't go right with us all offensively it's my damn fault [Music] oh this is where the magic happens most people when they say this is where the magic happens they're really speaking about their bedroom for me this is my magic my outlet my my sense of peace this dude I used to beat up on this is this is a legend this is a goat matter of fact this is probably the best linebacker to ever play the game of football he goes by the name of Ray Lewis he was scared of me I always called him 85 so he had this thing about it man he just had this confidence about him me personally I love it [Applause] after a disappointing 2008 season Bojo cinco's future with the bengals was questioned but that offseason he used a unique platform to deliver and define a message to his critics I need to hear the things that they say I can't do anymore he's done it's washed up he's getting old child please hey that's me no child please me child please is a nice way of telling someone you know you like somebody come here coach company would be like man did you cover you you can just look at coach he be like man coach sharply cuz you really disrespecting me right like I will really don't need to explain this to you but if I see it with some with some some oomph child please sharply that's like man do you - you feeling me try it man work mojo Cinco bounce back in 2009 and Cincinnati won the AFC North snapback the Palmer throws looking for by Revis but after another early playoff exit the Hard Knocks ham wasn't shy about wanting help in the following offseason the Bengals gave him a co-star I'm thinking to myself teo Carson myself oh man it's gonna be bananas with what we have on paper if we don't win a Super Bowl this year it's a damn shame didn't work it didn't work they had won the division the year before locally a lot of people thought that t/o was the guy that would put them over the top - [Applause] thanks for asking tio was playing with a broken hand Chad was playing with an ankle injury it was just off but Chad was so frustrated with the organization all the antics had stopped he was a different person like brown told me that they wanted to move on from them felt like he would help us that position based on his talent and his experience at the time Chad was Dancing with the Stars he was doing reality TV and a complete antithesis on the surface of a Bill Belichick player but Bill Belichick loved Chad Johnson got any ends up like the altar and bill knew that for all of the other stuff Chad was about football once I walked in here and you know mr. Kraft and Belichick gave you my angel wings why was it great team really really great team but not the right system for my type of style of play or just a predominantly outside receiver in general unless your last name is moss with the Bengals he basically lined up in one spot in New England that's not their offense the receivers have to make pre-snap reads and if Tom says you're supposed to go eight yards and then cut don't do it six and don't do it nine he wants you at eight yards and I think that was a difficulty and that was the first time where I felt afraid to be myself it's gonna be a little quiet I probably won't be talking to the media much probably not at all ready I think he had this idea in his head of what he was supposed to be and I think by stifling himself it may have actually affected his plate I don't think was anybody's fault he tried hard we tried hard offensively we didn't get as much out of them as they did that's for sure so he caught a pass in the Super Bowl but I know he's disappointed that personally he didn't put up the kind of numbers that he had done for so many years in Cincinnati after one season in New England the kid from Liberty City returned home and though a one-year contract with the Miami Dolphins was signed Oh Joe Cinco it was Chad Johnson who showed up at training camp I was getting ready to walk down how that felt it was appropriate to be a Johnson there that wife he made you soft I'm here to go to the court change that name and when I got here if you watch some of the clips from the interviews I did when it came to talking to the media are you watching even out there fancy I was back to being champ I mean as far as the workouts were going I was just just back everything felt right I felt fast I feel like a cheetah just just everything was in tune and I was ready to rock we're following breaking news off the top at 11 just one night after this dolphins debut wide receiver Chad Johnson has been arrested for allegedly striking his wife Evelyn told police a headbutt resulted with a laceration on her forehead Evelyn was transported to a local hospital after being treated on the scene Chad remains in the Broward County Jail well I I knew I had messed up ever there was no coming back from that there was no rebounding there was there wasn't enough sorry's there was nothing I could do or say at that moment once I had gotten in trouble for that stupidness on my part there was nothing I can do I'm going to jail sitting in that cell having time to think have to reflect I knew as a wrap I knew it was over I understand the way the game works I understand the politics of the game I understand the black eye and the bad position I put the Dolphins organization in especially close for filming before even walking into his office I knew it was going to happen after the mistake I had made it's just it's it's not it's not just it's not really just last night or that it's just you know where we are as a program and where you are and where we're headed I just don't see the the mesh right now and you know it's I wish it was different I wish I could tell you something more encouraging but you know I just think it's the best for both of us that you know we kind of part ways at this point time I was surprised because I knew he was getting a chance to play again and that's what he wanted so bad to be back in Miami you know at home and what was reported was not the Chad that I knew we had probably his best offseason work you know and all that work we put in again you know to clean up his game and to go and have that as it was just unfortunate it was his really disappointing really Johnson pleaded no contest to domestic battery and in an agreement with his ex-wife and prosecutors received one year probation with no jail time but after failing to follow through with his probation appointments Johnson was back in court the following spring and once again reached a plea deal that kept him out of jail the judges words were some along the lines of you need to thank your lawyer on a job well done position here at attorney okay you should be the next one attorney you did your job you see and being football nature not thinking twice you know just gave him a pet I wasn't doing it to be funny and I didn't want her to lose control of her courtroom which did happen and she didn't like it negotiations Johnson was sentenced to 30 days in jail but served only seven after issuing an apology to the court you know the way movies predict the happy ending it's not that's not real life there are situations where it happens like that at any reality and I'm one of those that it understands that you can't rewind time you can't get that back there's no point in rehashing it rethinking it like my teens are gone [Music] it wasn't for the NFL this is why he clambered there would be no fraidy of door in the NFL Chad Johnson made a living using his hands now in retirement he stays busy using his feet during the 2011 NFL lockout Johnson practiced with a professional soccer club and today he continues to hone his skills playing the other kind of football as always my first love is growing up for some reason I don't know why when joined to the soccer ball when it was time for PE class at North Beach Elementary you know they put all the balls out at once and the kids running grab what you want man I went straight to the soccer ball that was my love you gotta be kid Shanno Joe Cinco is going to kick the extra point hey you know Chad Ochocinco with plenty of height drills it right down the middle I got it I use the soccer ball to warm up I would juggle to warm up before I will go out and stretch before any game and practice sometimes Marvin hated that I think it's still there it might still be there yeah so we once pulled a prank on Ted where this was the distraction of every day before practices him going on the field taking this ball out of the ball bag and then kicking it around the field so oh that's what the damn ball win man one day it disappeared and nobody ever knew where it went so it's been here in the office so I think you know you take it back and give it to it one that good fine I think I got it we'll get my ball back although the Sun has set on Chad Johnson's football career his NFL legacy remains one of a kind one of the purest competitors I probably ever played against in football [Music] you gotta put them in conversation is one of the most talented guys you know at the receiver position chance out there [Music] I'll take people remember how well and how good this man played and how he could get in on the brakes with anybody how he could create separation and how sometimes uncover a ball he was what he still doesn't think to this day that there's a defensive back deck and cover [Music] [Applause] Thank You doll how you make everything he did he just wanted to bring a smile to his fans faces probably more than anybody I've played with I think Chad Johnson more than anybody else or more than anything else just wants to be loved I need you I need you eat I need I need a crowd I don't think we saw a lot of day we could put you up there section 404 with the tiger here and at the height of his fame and his skills man did he get it I played the game the way I felt it should have been played I played the game for the fans for one I played the game and continue to be myself and stayed true to myself on the way I was raised to play the game of football period that's it and I wasn't changing and a great football life [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Zach Crutcher
Views: 3,639,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Football Life, Chad Johnson, Chad Ochocinco, NFL Network, NFL Films, Cincinnati, Cincinnati Bengals, Child Please, NFL, NFL Wide Recivers, Terrell Owens, Carson Palmer, Ray Lewis, NFL Football, Football, Footwork, Soccer, Oregon State Football, Marvin Lewis, Cincinnati Ohio, Ohio, NFL Celebrations, Endzone Celebrations, Ochocinco
Id: KQ0V1i4NwH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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