COGIC 109th Holy Convocation Countdown Evangelist Joyce L Rodgers 107th Holy Convocation HD

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] my 32nd chapter verse 17 and verse 27 Jeremiah 32 verse 17 and verse 27 those of you that have it say Amen I Lord God behold thou has made the heavens and the earth by the great thy great power and stretched out armor there is nothing too hard for thee and there is nothing too hard for thee 27 say behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for God there is nothing too hard for this is recorded on more more than this one occasion and this happens to be almost a trying time for it to be recorded but I want to put it in this house that really there is nothing too hard for God so for subject matters today if you we all in yeah you know me you're gonna be talking to your neighbors neighbor so just nudge them and tell them let me bless you now look at your neighbor and tell them stop trying to figure it out God has already worked it out stop trying to figure it out God has already worked it out and I need to put my own disclaimer for 2014 on it and it's going to be big it's going to be big stop trying to work figure it out God has already worked it out and it shall be big it shall be big at the beginning of January 2014 those of you know that the Lord put in my spirit that this is the year big I just need about 2000 people just to scream big in this house the acronym for biggest to believe in the god I know this year is about to end and I have been screaming it I've been a megaphone for the word believe in God and here we are in the eleventh month of 2014 and I still stand as adamant as I can be in the holy ghost and still declare and decree this is my year a big we are into the fourth quarter and we know that the victory is won in the fourth quarter the choir has assured us that it is already done so I prophesy over this house as we exit this year getting ready to enter into the next year but before the year is over I release abundant blessings I release enormous breakthrough ironies gigantic blessings I release undeniable miracles I declare and decree that before the week is over the lordship slam opens some doors that have been shut in your face i prophesy to your body that your body will line up by the Word of God who sent His Word and healed every infirmity in your life I canceled every stronghold that's come against you your mama your daddy your sister your brother your husband and your wife I canceled every negativity that has just stopped in your neighborhood I cancel and render harmless the effectiveness of the enemy but this is your next two months to experience big I heard it said throughout the week that every time I turn around every time I and he's done so much for me I can't help but turn around every time I turn around the Lord has been good to me now if you believe that is true I don't want you to cause your neighbour to move but I just need to the reach up and the heavenly and grab bigger I need you to release it over your house over your like homos IANA the word is not be even in your map you don't need a preacher you don't need an evangelist the word is nigh thee even in your mouth and there is nothing to get me to respect give him the respect to know there is nothing that God can not do on a screen a pen [Applause] there is nothing that God cannot not do there's nothing he's big enough whatever you're going through you can rest you can go to sleep because there is no thing too hard for God our God is an amazing God how many know that our God is an amazing God if you stop and think about it and imagine how big and how powerful our God is you can hear the summons and 1:47 they say he counts the numbers of the stars and he calls them by their name somebody asks how does he know the number of the star sister Sylvia because the same God that counted the stars created the stars and what's more hard for him to count on a name he is God Almighty he is great and power so as their father and to say that he measures the water in the hollow of his hand it is said that there are 250 thousand rivers in the United States in the big God that we serve take those rivers and cuffs amoenus and if he can cut the rivers in his hand 2000 of 2,050 rivers if he can cut them in his hand that that you're going through one it's not too hard but God whatever enemy wants you to think it's not too hard but God somebody says not too hard because our God is amazing can I tell you how amazing he is I was sinking deep in sin Reidy please stay with him he can't arise no more not the Church of God in crisis not the Baptizer NASA Jesus homeless but the master of the sea from the waters how do I have anybody that's honest enough to say it took a miracle it took a miracle that's how big God God is a God is big and not only is that God big but he's ready to do something bigger in your life he is omnipotent he is omnipotent meaning Almighty heals to Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth he yields as we often say an awesome God and he reign in majesty he is amazing and there is not anything that a god I cannot do nothing is too difficult nothing is too complex nothing is too messy for our God to handle because our God is a great God and if you believe that he's a great gun can I get you to less raise up the name of the Jesus right now come on raise him up raise him up raise it up raise him up raise him up raise him up raise him up red come on make him big oh oh I don't let me do it by myself but magnify the way let us make him too big let us exalt his name together it was said it was said that there was a young high school boy who was complete and good to see mother rivers who was completing his application he was applying for colleges he was a completing an application and on the application that he was completed it as elder Dillard if he had participated in any extra curriculum activities his response was yes wrestling so he asked him lady BJA said well what gives your position what position do you hold he wrote back P and P IND and they said explain that he said well it appears that every time the match is over I'm peeing the face down I don't know if I've got any people in here has ever failed Pina face down their spears some things that are rests on you down to the very core of your lecture Malone every side but not in distress perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken of my face may be cast down to the mat but I'm gonna do like a 24 elders in Revelation I bow down my face and I worship you in that position [Applause] worship Him in that position so this is what happened yeah so we worship him in that position and I am assured that when I am in that position that there is nothing too hard for God I must believe and we must believe that God is Almighty you know that you must believe believe in God your belief system shapes your journey as life is what we can't believe we can make it through that's why proverbs 23 and 7 says for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he what we believe and how we believe will determine our in outcome if we believe in God if we believe that nothing is too hard for God then we can act like us over when we still in the midst of it if we believe that God can do anything if we can believe if you can have it God can heal it we can act like we've already been here when we sitting in the doctor's office but in order to believe you're gonna have to have faith can I get somebody to put it in the atmosphere just scream faith faith and I'm not talking about faith and positive thinking or transcendentalism I'm not talking about that face it is true that faith must have an object and the value of your faith depends upon the object if your object has no value then your faith has no value that's why st. mark 11:22 mother she tells us that jesus said if you go have faith have faith in the God help faith in God God is the object here is the vehicle of your faith if you just believe it you can receive it and I'm just to tell you there are no big definitions for faith or there are numerous a myriad a definition for faith but the most simple definition for faith can be found in your Bible in Hebrew eleven and one that says now face somebody scream now huh I know you know everybody now can I get somebody to scream right now faith huh as big mama would say is a rat now God because he's quicker than a rat when the light comes on so I'm talking about the rat now is not so the word dusters be the support to stand up under faces the support that I stand up under when all hell is around now what I do not see in other words faith is assurance somebody scream assurance and then it is a confirmation it is assurance is the tailor these are the things that I'm hoping for and then it is the proof assurance confirmation title deed of what I'm hoping for but also the proof of what I do not see and then the conviction of their reality faith is the conviction of the reality of the things that I don't see in the earthly realm I may not have evidence around me but according to my face I have come for this look at your neighbors I may not have evidence but I have confidence what kind of confidence to help that God specialize this and he can do what no other power can do so I come to tell somebody stop trying to figure out he's already worked it out and it's going to be big so as we get through our text real briefly yes it is true Israel is in trouble Israel has gotten off a track they have gone a whoring after other gods their light in the book of Hosea we're talking about Ephraim has gone a whoring in the city he's gonna hurry after other gods and then they say Ephraim is like a cake that is unturned in other words you like a cake that is not cool you look good on the outside but when life pokes the toothpick in you you're not done the inside so what was happening is God was a little perturbed with Israel but the thing I like about this texture although in speaks of judgment it speaks of God's love and God's faithfulness to restore all I wanted to tell somebody today that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases that is new every morning great is his faithfulness unto you were look at your neighbor say God is faithful so here was here's who we have under see we have Jeremiah Jeremiah the Prophet and you know Jeremiah he was the voice in this particular test for God but not only that Jeremiah was anointed in his mother's wound I come to comfort somebody it doesn't matter whether or not people recognize your guilt because you didn't become gifted once you became older the reason why your mama couldn't avoid you is because God has chosen you in your mother's wound you might not be who you wanna be but thank God you're not who you used to be and if you shame the devil and tell the truth if it was for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ if he had not picked me before I got here I would have thrown in the towel so here Jeremiah is Jeremiah is going before the people and in a sense he's got to tell him to stop trying to figure out because God is already working it out when Jeremiah gets to this point in the sieve in the scripture Jeremiah is in prison you know this Jeremiah's in prison and there are two things I want to bring her about the prison the first reason he was in prison dr. Roderick pinions is because he had told the truth he did what God told him to do can I put in this house there will be times when you will be assaulted while on assignment do I help anybody that's been assaulted doing what God has called you to do saying what God has called you to say Church I want us to rise to the occasion because the enemy wants to shut our mouth but the devil is a liar let whomever complain want to complain but I've got preach the word I teach the word in season out of season [Music] got in trouble because he was doing what God had called him to do we put him in prison but he still had to believe in God I canceled every prison assignment spiritual incarceration that the enemy has assigned to your life but he will not lock up your praise he will not lock up your worst shopper he will not want lock up your praise because your praise is a weapon to use against the enemy look at your neighbor say neighbor huh don't try to figure it out just give God a praise the next thing that he was put in prison for imprisonment assaulted light pole I remember reading about Paul Paul said I've been assaulted while on assignment he said five times I received from the Jews 40 lashes - warned three times I've been beaten with a rod our stone I've had sleepless night in it capable pressure from the care of my structure but Paul asked the question who is weak he said that I'm not weaker he said that I would rather for you to understand that the things that happened to me have been for the furtherance of the gospel all I want you to know it doesn't matter what kind of assaults you are experienced just know that there is nothing that God can not do and the second reason he was in prison he was in prison in the house of the king of Judah that said volumes to me because he was in prison he was shut down by his own people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] prisoner but then the next thing the Lord speaks yo Jeremiah and he tell Jeremiah go buy some land and they told Jeremiah to go buy some land at a time that did not make sense my third point either God will challenge you you've been going through something and don't you about to step out of it but instead of stepping out of it that thing got worse that thing got horrible but I'm so glad that he knows how to challenge me he doesn't challenge me so that I can be defeated he wants me to do in the midst of the Challenger he wants me to trust him when I struggle to understand he'll never have to trust him when you struggle to understand Hilma shame the devil and tell the truth we don't always know what God is doing we don't always know which way is going up Joe said I don't know where you are to your workshop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to kill me but it came to the trying of your faith that's a genuine precious that'll never go that perish don't be frightened [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not a challenge the challenge may make me cry but soon and very soon the challenge will be over somebody just no huh you trust them in the Challenger Jeremiah did as he prayed tell about three people prayer still [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he promises [Music] [Music] and number 23 and 19 God cannot lie I know a lot of liars but God cannot lie I can't hear it it's already done [Music] bless Israel according to his promise no word oh its promises fail I just want to drop in this house I know we've been going through something individually collectively as a body of believers but get ready you're not gonna have to pick up your promise because not what promise fail but whatever God said he was gonna do huh before this time next year God will promise in your life God promised Joshua Joshua that failed no promise no good thing let the Lord withhold from the house of Israel 3 the Lord does not delay thank you look at your neighbors your neighbor I know it's been a long time coming I know you've been waiting for long time [Music] [Music] [Music] he's gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you just don't know what I've been going through but I don't wanna figure it out I just wanna praise because it's already [Music] [Music] I want you to take one person by the hand ah we go pray but we go prays first before you pray is when I'm just looking that I look them in the eyes and neighbor just in case I did something that I wasn't supposed to do to you or anybody else before I praise Him let me repeat let me ask God to forgive me because right now I'm getting ready to praise God but what he's already done I've been ready to praise him but he's gone [Music] I want you to think of something that's been hard for you [Music] this is irises oh praise God but what is doing back at your house praise God but what he's doing [Music] already done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but you compromise over your own house whatever Joe address this whatever your address is on the count of three scream your address come up one two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the count of three clap your hands one time one two three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just let your hands on somebody is there anything too hard for God is there anything too hard for God I don't want you to use your neighbor's key I don't want you to use the bishops key I want you to use mother rivers key I need you to use your own key right now you've been anointed to pray for that person hallelujah hallelujah I need you to exercise your killer hallelujah I need you to speak over the person your [Music] [Music] that's it that's it that's the music music without the buta come on Diana mahir yeah that's it what cookie what cookie work your key if it - both agree isn't touching share whatever thank you desire when you pray when you pray when you pray believe it and you shall receive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah transfer notice transported transfer power transfer stability transfer peace transfer to your woman you gotta lay over that cancer not gonna take you out of here the devil is a liar I speak I speak to your appetite I speak healthy food you will get out and help [Music] [Music] thank you that it is done in the matchless name of Jesus because we rarely do this find somebody throw your arms around tell them it really it's not too hard for God hallelujah [Music] but father we thank you and if there's anyone here today that does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior then this is your time and this is your hour you can take it dr. day this is your time and this is your hour huh is there anything too hard for God your case is not too hard for God he will save you he will heal you if you just put your trust in him we're getting ready to let you go hallelujah if you have unsaved loved ones your children your grandchildren reach up and the heavily and just pull them down I want to thank you all for not walking so much thank you thank you you're walking the promises of soul yes thank you for coming hallelujah and father we declare decree by the power of your word household salvation there be anyone that is not saved we just believe that by faith and according to our faith idiots done so by faith we declare and we decree household salvation we thank you that it is done in the matchless name of Jesus amen and a man give the Lord a praise clap all over the building if you can get a $20 seat in your hand get your see your seed is your key ring to your key I need some people that know that God is doing something supernatural in your life to bring the Lord a $20 seat $10 see come on all over the building stand from where you're less rush rush rush to bring the Lord of seed to bring the Lord to see whatever God is doing in your life come on come on come on the anointing is here the anointing oh come come come bring your $20.00 see from all over your $20.00 hallelujah somebody said I don't have $20.00 but I'm gonna soar see whatever you're gonna so bring your gift bring your gift bring your gift bring you again bring your gift is there anything too hard for God that's it Compton come come that's it that's it that's it from all over the building they're spread out they're spread out so they can meet you we can expedite time thank you thank you that's it I need about 200 more come come this way thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you is there anything too hard for God be encouraged to preach the word be encouraged to trust God when you can't trace them be encouraged to use your kid and watch the Lord do something big watch him do something big he promise you oh thank you thank you that thank you thank you thank you for the great response thank you thank you thank you thank you that's it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 12,397
Rating: 4.8626609 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop Blake, Holiness, Holy, Mason Temple, Texas
Id: 66_gg85bHt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2016
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