Have You Ever Seen A Persons Life Be Ruined In A Single Day? (r/AskReddit)

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how have you seen a person's life be ruined in a single day when I was an EMT school we were told about a paramedic student instructor was a paramedic as well who observed a stabbing call they arrived at the bar and see a dude with a knife in his abdomen medic student takes lead and pulls the knife out something you never do as I'm sure you know senior medic loses his ducking mind at this dumbass asking him what the duck he was thinking student freaks out and you guessed it puts the ducking knife back in the patient died as a result student lost any chance of having a good job not even just in EMS and was charged with the death of the patient might have been manslaughter I don't remember his entire life was ruined because he freaked out and made a mistake on a call not a rookie mistake or a common slip-up but in about half a minute he ruined his life not my personal experience but a national news story a van full of college students got into an accident and most of them died but one girl survived with major injuries she had facial trauma and was hospitalized for weeks she kept repeating another girl's name as she was recovering turns out she was saying her own name she and another similarly built same hair and I colored female passenger were mistakenly identified for each other in the aftermath of the crash her family had a funeral for her and the other girl's family were the ones at her bedside before the misidentification was realized I cannot even imagine the suffering of thinking your daughter was alive for weeks and then learning she'd been dead all along or having a funeral for a child who was actually alive and you didn't know co-worker got caught stealing and got fired he went home and told his wife and apparently she had enough and left him and took the kids police found him the next morning in the woods deceased I saw a man's life just crumble in less than 24 hours edit okay for some context when I say steel I mean close to $100,000 in precious metals from a cushy federal government job edit - he was going to be arrested and it also he killed himself for everyone asking my stepdads life was ruined the day his son / my brother died he couldn't cope with the loss couldn't comprehend the rest of us were hurting just as bad and turned even deeper into the alcohol and became even more emotionally abusive couple years later when he forced my mum to choose him or me I watched her make the hardest decision I've probably ever seen her make she walked away from her husband the love of her life edit my mother and I no longer have much of a relationship she made the right choice for the wrong reason she has point-blank told me she regrets having me my stepdad is as far as I know still drunk off his ass and living alone my mother is alone and living with regrets as for me I'm still healing from the scars but mostly doing okay Eddie - I am still processing my mother's words I do not take the blame she tried to place on me I do not feel that I am a mistake I know that her feeling / problems are not my fault I know I am here for a reason even if I don't know what it is a kid I went to school with and his sister died in a car crash they were in the car behind the parents car driving the older sister to her first year of college parents made a turn and no longer saw the kids car behind them I would say finding both your kids dead is up there I was working with a guy 16 one day when he gets a phone call his dad mom brother and sister had gone to pick up the new family car his dad took a corner too fast and drove straight into the underside of a bridge guy lost his entire family in a split second and the only reason he wasn't in the car - was because he was at work we had extended family together for a holiday and everyone was making jokes about how my cousin was late his mom and dad were involved in the jokes texting him being upset about how he was late and all turns out someone hit him in a head-on collision on his way over and he died on impact the police knocked on the door to notify the family like a ducking movie I'll never forget watch the family crumpled to the ground I had a former colleague who was doing his residency in general surgery he had just started his fifth and final year of training one day in the middle of a surgical case the police show up at the hospital for him a tech pulled him out of the o.r and he was arrested right there on the spot in front of everybody still in most of his surgical attire he had to do the walk of shame through the entire Hospital in handcuffs and oh our scrubs turns out his ex-wife had gone to the police claiming that he had molested their children the children testified to this effect as well all of us were blown away this was the sweetest most cheerful guy ever nobody thought incapable of something like this sure enough it came out several months later that the kids statements were coerced and that his ex-wife falsified the whole thing it wasn't the first time she had attempted to screw him over but it was definitely the most successful dudes career and life would knocked one of my friends was playing online with me when I hear a knock on his door through the mic his parents walk in and decide to tell him that he is adopted and that they are getting a divorce all in one go no emotional breaks or anything and my friend just breaks down over the mic as his parents walk out hey man I know this is a bad time but we need heels on a serious note I hope he is doing all right quite the wombo-combo to lay on a kid I was working in a bank one day the director fired one of his executives the whole MT your desk you are fired speech in front of everyone the director was furious and the guy seemed entirely destroyed then he explains to all that this guy gave his login and password to a friend in another branch the friend used that login and others while doing some kind of credit card fraud police arrested her but lacked evidence against the fire guy so they just fired him on the spot obviously besides losing his job he was also blacklisted to work in banks or finance I play poker I once saw a man on my way in betting about $10,000 roulette spin he chose red and lost he looked defeated later that night a guy at our table told us that he heard the guy on the phone crying in the parking lot trying to explain to his wife that he lost their money she was screaming and said she wants a divorce doing an MRI on a 33 year old healthy man because he was a bit dizzy and finding a golf-ball tumor in his brain we'd the radiology report Google type of tumor finding only 5% survived edit I should also say that I do a lot of 30 something year olds who come in for head issues and almost every single one of them are fine an 18 year old tried to steal a couple bottles of Hennessy from my store when I confronted him he swung the bottle at my head and connected I rolled with the blow so it didn't do much damage charged with assault and robbery by my company Violent Crimes offender and lost custody of his baby edit guess I should have said the company I work for instead of my company as I am no owner law a friend of mine got busted in a drug raid and was caught with half a minivans worth of weed most people measure their weed in grams some announces a few in pounds then there's this dude measuring his in minivans my neighbor knocked on the front door early one morning we'd never met he introduced himself and wanted me to know why there might be a lot of cars parked in front of the house all three of his children had died in a car accident the night before one guy I knew found out that he was going to be a father on his graduation night he was 17 and he looked absolutely destroyed as a marriage counselor I often see one confession from a partner absolutely ruined their partner's life slash future slash self-esteem it's heartbreaking like what usually things involving infidelity it really hits people like a ton of bricks I knew a guy who within the same 24 hours learned that his wife of seven years was pregnant with someone else's child his wife was filing for divorce and she was going to try to get their house herself because she was the primary signer on their mortgage because his credit wasn't so hot that was brutal to see duck in a yep at least several times a month we had to take care of a family who learned that their child had cancer that day pretty terrible life-altering news I spent a lot of time distracting kids with board games / coloring while their parents were talking to doctors crying and then amazingly pulling it together to continue on when I was about 13 I was talking with my best friend at a playground on a hill suddenly this lady comes racing down on her bike she's not wearing a helmet which was unfortunate because her bike slipped from underneath her and she goes flying smacks her head into a corner I was too young to know this at the time but I'm almost certain she died instantly wear a helmet watched a moment her kid on a boat escorted by law enforcement back to the dock her boyfriend had gone swimming off the boat the wind pushed the vessel away from him she didn't know anything about how to turn it on to move it closer it kept getting father he kept swimming harder he eventually slipped under and was recovered 80 feet down a few days later I'll never forget the look on her face never he was a 28 year old airman peak health wear a lifejacket people you are not stronger than mother nature and don't leave a boat without someone who can drive it safely I work as a registered nurse in a hospital in Kentucky a patient came in through the ER raised in hell and yelling things like I want to donate my organs this place sucks duck all of you etcetera etcetera he stomped out the front dr entrance into CNA nurse's assistant followed him out to attempt at calming him down he brandished 2.45 and blew his brains out in front of the young assistant he died organs couldn't be harvested and she is in therapy like seven ish years ago a bunch of the crew chiefs at my guard base were out celebrating one of their own who got his associates degree they were all drinking not a ton and eventually went home except for one guy he stayed and drank until last call he decided to drive home he hid a 20 year old who was on his way to work at about 2:00 a.m. and turned him into a paraplegic our Wing Commander basically told him plead guilty to the county and go to jail with an administrative discharge his family would have been able to keep some of his benefits like the VA alone and GI Bill or fight it loose cost his family tons of money and get a dishonorable dishonorable basically is like you never even served he plead guilty edit dishonorable like you never served in regards to benefits any bonuses you received you have to pay back medals are rescinded it is also listed on job applications and people will deny you because of it I know a dishonorable is like a felony but to do it is a long process regardless if he got convicted in civilian criminal court his discharge was er hey you still have two years left in your contract before he enlistment so you're just going to resign that right now instead also to the people who think that he got away scot-free he didn't he went to jail felony DUI and assault with a deadly weapon or something like that the Wing Commander only allowed him to do at least one selfless thing and still be able to transfer his GI Bill and VA loan to his family he also had to pay medical expenses for the kid he hit and probably other damages as well so it's not like he got a free pass on that the first one that pops to mind is one of my co-workers arriving at work sobbing hysterically it took a while to calm her down to the point where we could understand anything she was saying I thought she must have been robbed or something but it turned out she just found love letters in her car from her mother to her husband all I could think was that a if that were me the last thing I do is show up to work and tell everybody and be I'd probably drive off a cliff or I don't know murder my husband how do you ever recover from that I mean if my husband was just having an affair the Shakur another man I just divorce him but my mother I could not even I still think about that poor girl she was such a nice person and did not deserve that edit they were having an affair it wasn't just that the mum was infatuated and writing to him when I was seven my father came home from work and told my mother he wanted a divorce he grabbed a suitcase and packed some things while my mother alternated between crying trying to cooked in a for me and my brother and screaming at him that he was insane she had no idea where this was coming from and she would change the locks if he left he did leave and she did indeed change the locks the very next day she went from a homemaker to a single mother the next day and our standing of living fill immensely I don't think she ever recovered from the stress of the divorce in trying to raise us on her own thinking about what a kind smart and wonderful person my mother is and how my father basically ruined her life when she was only 32 makes me really sad she just wanted to have kids and then go back to work when we were both in grade school so she could be a teacher like she wanted to but the divorce killed that dream we became latchkey kids in a bad neighborhood while she had to work in call centers or in hotel housekeeping because being a teacher didn't pay enough or give her enough time off to take care of us I became a surrogate mother for my baby brother when my mother worked long hours it was a culture shock to say the least
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 800,869
Rating: 4.9276009 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: TRHHP4l02h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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