The Worst LEGAL Things People Do (r/AskReddit)

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what is the worst thing that is legal i'm just gonna have to say little girl's beauty pageants it just doesn't sit right with me and not only because of the fact it's creepy but i feel like it's stressful on the kid and on their body image college book prices and practices change a few words in a math book that'll be another 100 please oh you realize that you can use the book from 10 years ago and succeed actually we require you get the new book oh you realized you can get the book cheaper from a friend actually we're doing online books now and you need the personalized code we change it every year even though there have been no breakthroughs in this subject knowing the college struggle i have no fine clue how this is allowed to exist it should literally be illegal even worse when professors say you need a certain textbook in a few weeks then they never actually use it worst eighty dollars i have ever spent the fact car radio commercials are allowed to have police sirens or car crashes in them as a way to get your attention robocalls bothering someone with something they paid for and now i'm getting robbo texts several times a day i really have to get around to buying that extended car warranty data caps on home internet we have a 120 gb data cap for a family of six in lockdown the provider had a promotion where everyone got unlimited data including us we have tried to upgrade to an unlimited plan but they gave some bs excuse about how the server traffic is clogged like it was completely fine for the promotion i am 99 sure they know we always pay extra for data after we run out and don't want us to save money by upgrading i don't give a sh you offered a promotion and i want it isn't that called bait and switch or something sounds illegal this one is so underrated obviously it's a scam for isps to steal more money from its customers caller id spoofing somebody spoofed my number and my name came up on the caller id apparently i got a text from some irritable person demanding why i was harassing them i tried to explain what spoofing was but they sent me the screenshot of my name on their caller id and asked if it was me i imagine this person googled me and did all kinds of shin decided i was the bad person in this i feel like my privacy was totally violated in that case i feel like the victim on the other end is the actual spoofer i can't prove it but they always seem the most upset over phone calls when they can just easily block you one time someone called from out of state and said they had missed calls from me i told them i don't know man it's probably that robo called bash just block my number i hung up and blocked their number i agree wholeheartedly it's one thing to just block your number like we used to as kids but it's different when someone is pretending to have a completely different number the size of the x button on pop-up ads x buttons that do nothing or x buttons on mobile that take you to the link anyway and websites that don't let you leave socks fits size 6-12 bullsh also unrealistically low serving sizes on packs of crisps or candy they do this just so they can put the number of calories fat sugar per serving as a lower number i saw an off-brand oreo that said one stroke three the calories per serving as oreo their serving size was one oreos was three selling textbooks at ridiculous prices or selling a new copy every year with no significant change the true crime buying a book for three hundred dollars and six months later it's worth 50 spice k2 synthetic weed this may have changed in the last few years but i found it embarrassing that our country locks up thousands for actual marijuana but allowed thatch to be sold at every gas station and liquor store knowing damn good and well that it was hurting and killing people hearing a honking sound in a radio commercial or sirens some car insurance radio commercial had the sound of a refined car crash impossibly hard to cancel subscriptions it should be law that you can cancel the same method you use to sign up i think california might actually have all like this i hate when companies make you call in to cancel instead of just offering an option to cancel online you can look up where anyone lives because it's public record but can we please not have entire websites with databases full of every person in the country i mean think about people who get denied restraining orders and try to move away from their abuser six months later and their abuser can just look up their name and find them all over again this could be detrimental for spouse abuse victims stalking victims etc something should be done about them it's terrifying putting unrelated crap into bills to sneak it into law i know they are supposed to follow some kind rules related to germaness but they clearly don't and clearly need actual laws with actual punishments for pulling this crap a scottish politician trish godman who has since died of old age tried this a few years back she added prostitution to be made illegal onto the end of a bill which had nothing to do with prostitution actual prostitutes became aware of this and after heavy opposition the politician removed the addition source and for more info about current law and attempts to change the law it should be one bill one law this sneaky crap is horrible marital re and honor killings in countries like the one i live in generally the middle east most of that stuff is in the process of being banned now thank god when i was in middle school high school they tried to introduce all that said a girl must be 18 i think to be married the men of the government and religious officials objected so hard that the law got thrown out this was the year after the story came out about that one nine-year-old kid that was forced into a marriage and the man would chain her and whatnot what the actual f sometimes i don't understand humanity multi-level marketing but hun don't you want to be your own boss babe for life by sharing and distributing our detoxing nutrition drinks that give you six of your five a day yes this whole acting like they're doing the person a favor is why mlm will never die out at best it'll rebrand us something else that's why it's been going on thousands of years i mean even the ancient egyptians had pyramid schemes civil asset seizure by police no crimes needed they have actually stolen more than your run-of-the-mill criminal burglars have in past couple years sweatshop labor outsourced by tech and fortune 500 companies it's essentially contemporary slavery we collectively allow but a hold in a set at walmart for only 9.95 a parent keeping their kids from the other parent when there's no good reason to and leveraging the courts to do it this enrages me so much how many parents have practically lost their children to narcissists and psychopaths because of this and because the kids get brainwashed out of a relationship it's hard to ever get in touch again even when they have grown out of the other one's reach sorry to get personal but this is a big one for me my ex got primary custody based on a domestic violence accusation that supposedly happened while she was on the phone with her sister who served as a witness of course the police showed up and concluded that no violence had occurred the court believed her version of the events over mine in spite of a police report concluding no domestic violence and i lost custody of my kids after i was in court i compared the police report with my phone records my ex called the police before she called her sister meaning the entire episode was pre-planned payday loan practices technically not illegal but hella predatory scam calls and solicitation calls ice where they used to be illegal at one point scam calls are not legal they just know how to not get caught any pre-recorded sale call can only happen if you give consent the indian scam calls while illegal and annoying are fun because i like to mess with them this guy is the best though not the worst thing but it used to be illegal for commercials on tv to be louder than the actual show but not any longer suddenly honestly all of tv and movies seem to have gotten shtai recently with their audio levels it seems even in every movie i watch now you can't hear them while they're talking but explosions are louder than actual explosions tv and cinema need to learn about normalizing their audio i get it you want an action scene to be loud and intense but i also want to be able to watch a movie with the wife without waking my six year old up this i hate watching a good show that i don't want someone else to hear at night and then it goes to ads and blows the speakers out it's infuriating especially if it's a scene where they are whispering in the dark and your ears and eyes have adjusted next think you know it's i'm barry scott in the room igniting in luminous bleach bottle colors basically an ad break jump scare i like the letter of the law is that the ads have to be no louder than the loudest part of the show so the ads can be as loud as the one gunshot in an otherwise quiet police procedural it's a dick move loophole but they all use it being penalized for calling out sick from work edit even while the whole world is trying to survive this pandemic we're still dealing with this major issue by employers i work in healthcare and i feel like i get shamed by my managers and co-workers when you call out especially when you work night shift within the last year or so we had a new boss come in and take over operations at my office one of the first things she did was scrap the hull you have x amount of points you're allowed to call out in a year policy that has been in place for forever she set it up so that you aren't penalized for calling out only repeat patterns so you keep calling out every monday for a month she will then get in contact with you to understand why and see if you want to switch one of your days off to monday everyone at my office agrees that she's done wonders to reduce the stress with little things like that honestly surprised more companies don't follow that idea alternatively the shop workers at my company get the same penalty for being late as calling out so if they are gonna be late they just tell the whole day off also their vacation time is use it or lose it but they discourage vacations most of the year so that people are forced to tail it in december when we are at our busiest they treat us salaried people pretty well but the hourly workers get sean i've started to not give us about my absences at work if i'm sick i'm sick if i happen to be sick more than three times in a year i'll get another refining job the troubled teen industry parents pay a company to kidnap kids while they're sleeping and send them off to therapeutic boarding schools where they are abused in every conceivable way it's fed wait what my brain is so confused this exists like sure troubled team boarding school probably a super fed place but whatever i get how it can exist it's that kidnapping part i'm pretty confused by it's called a teen escort company and it's every bit as messed up as it sounds and it's perfectly legal had a couple of friends that this happened to when i was a teenager i know for one of them it was basically a police raid kidnapping four big dudes showed up at his house to get him and he even tried to run from them they chased him down tackled him and threw him in a van i was much worse at that age than any of those kids ever were the fact that my mom never even considered anything like that is something that makes me realize how shti it was of me to act the way i did my mom and i have a great relationship now btw a good example of that can be found in our emma joe nobody his story which he is still writing is truly horrific congress members being able to trade stocks at the same time they are receiving intelligence and passing laws that could affect the performance of said stocks this isn't legal they are just never actually held accountable which makes it even more infuriating child marriage to tack on child marriages and where they cannot legally divorce until they're 18 found out the other day um excuse me so you're saying they can be tricked for ctc into marriage but they aren't considered competent enough to get out that is an extra layer of fed up child marriage in the u.s between 2000 and 2015 over 200 000 miners were legally married in the united states ten or roughly six children per thousand eleven the vast majority of child marriages in the us were between a minor girl and an adult man in ohio from 2000 to 2050 there were 4 443 girls married aged 17 and younger including 43 aged 15 and under in florida 16 400 children some as young as 13 were married from 2000 to 2017 which is the second highest incidence of child marriage after texas the koski heyman also found that only 20 of married children were living with their spouses the majority of the rest were living with their parents what the f i didn't know this was a thing in the u.s as well 16.400 kids in florida in 17 years that's nearly three per day what the f the trade blockade over naboo child beauty pageants they are illegal in france since 2013. but just look at how long the wikipedia page for sexualization in child beauty pageants is still legal being forced to fork up your personal data and access to everything in your phone to use a stupid app that makes a picture of your dog sing it should not be allowed at all for profit prisons i used to lobby at the state level for-profit prisons would literally lobby against things like early child education and paid family leave because well it's bad for business and to be clear i did not lobby for private prisons but did lobby for things like paid family leave and early childhood education wtf that is some next level dystopian bullsh right there this makes my blood boil it's so depressing that for-profit entities can just hire lobbyists in mass to juice up their profits while doing right by the people is difficult because lobbying for non-profitable things requires either volunteerism or donations political action committees 10 years later it's exactly what people feared advertisements for prescription medicine help patients lie to their doctors groom your stepdaughter for over a decade then when she's 18 divorce her mom and hook up with your stepdaughter woody allen has arrived i see you know how when you commit a crime and get caught you get charged in the country where you committed the crime so if you murder someone you'll get charged in said country and then there are the international waters every ship above 100 gt have to be registered and if it's registered the laws of the country where it's registered apply to the ship but if you had a smaller boat no laws apply but if you killed someone on sidship you'd be charged in the country where the person is a citizen but there are ways someone can lose their citizenship in certain countries and thereby if i kill a citizenless person on a boat under 100 gt in international waters even if there was evidence no one can bring me to court thereby it's legal taking notes intensifies also you can kill someone in the death zone in yellowstone but that's a well-known perfect crime co-workers that don't shower co-workers that don't flush the toilet co-workers that piss on the seat and don't clean it off permanently destroying huge areas of natural land nearby from where i live there's a development corporation in my hometown that has brought up virtually all of the remaining woods meadows and wetlands in the area paved them and built retail spaces that go vacant just a few months later businesses aren't even moving into these places but the group just keeps spreading out and developing it seems like every month i drive past another level tract of land frankly it's terrible the airfares where i live get it on the ballot every year i appreciate my local government giving us a say in how our open space is used but they word it so greasy it'll be a question like do you want to pay 15 million dollars to preserve open space and the thing is we pay next to nothing to preserve it what they are saying is can the township sell this land for 15 million dollars and pretend like those manners will benefit the community somehow it's bullsh they're hoping people aren't smart enough to realize what's going on and think the locals will be outraged that 15 million of their tax dollars is being spent on preservation this is why people need to be more involved in what their planning commission and zoning boards are approving these corporations are only allowed to haul to these spaces because the governing body allows it unskippable double ads youtube's also getting real comfortable with almost 30 seconds unskippable ads yes and their 5 second skip button is getting less frequent and also seems to last longer than 5 seconds they've also starting throwing ads in the middle of videos that didn't have them before there are a few concerts that i enjoy listening to but a few days ago an app popped up right smack in the middle of a big crescendo to the final chorus i was singing along in my car just belting it out like an idiot and 100 invested in the song and would you like to save money on your car insurance that should be against the geneva convention marriage specifically a 14 while getting married to 40 y o with the parents constant that's just wrong what's even more messed up is it's usually only done in order to cover up some kind of abuse done to the girl i mean it is abuse done to the girl our media driving a wedge between the populist to fuel division in order to satisfy ratings purely for the purpose of entertainment and profit not facts dog ear cropping and cat declawing anytime in the usa and a registered veterinary nurse it's brutal yup worked out a vet for 10 years dog came in for a debarking it was f ed up i didn't watch i have met three dogs that were debarked it sounds even worse than if they just barked like a normal dog i feel so bad for them don't forget tail docking that should only be done in cases of happy tail which i've seen in several clients we had a great dane that they had to dock his tail because he kept whipping it against the wall causing it to bleed no knock warrants we've seen time and time again where law enforcement has the wrong address and some innocent person ends up dead because of a logistical mistake it also makes it so all home intruders have to do is yell police as they break in at 3am these raids also get cops killed a lot due to looking a lot like home intruders it also makes it so all home intruders have to do is yell police as they break in at 3am record scratch dart wait is this actually a thing big business is lobbying politicians in order to get bills passed in their favor they don't just lobby in many cases the lobbyist will have legislation already written up and ready to go all they do is hand it to said politician and say present this to the floor as is and you get your donation paying child support for a child that was convened during an affair and isn't yours here in canada female genital mutilation is common in the somali community the police and the government are very aware of it but because it's cultural no one wants to stop it it is still legal in canada in the us people going bankrupt and losing their homes over medical bills [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 318,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: d8xEj2weTew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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