Hats off to Tim Pool!

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That exchange with Sam Seder was so embarrassing that I'm surprised the Beanie hasn't replaced its host.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Thorzaim 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

It should be pointed out that Pool wears a beanie literally everywhere. Everywhere. He said he was "humbled" at the White House, but apparently not enough to remove his damn hat.

The reason he wears it, he says, is so he's not recognized when he's just walking on the street in his daily life. Funny he doesn't seem to understand that people want to cover their faces when he's walking around with a giant camera and his Neo-nazi local guide.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ZhouLe 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

"dopey little hat"

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/tvbroadcastfromspace 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I would have assumed it was PLANKTON instead of KRANG

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ISlapYouGood 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello it's me Tim Poole's dad I want you to come home this video kind of got away from me I just wanted to make fun it's in pool that's all I wanted to do I wanted to make a nice relaxing video where I just made fun of some chump and I laugh and have a great time in the old town tonight let's face it Tim is one of the most consistently wrong human beings on the planet I figured I could sight unseen take any of his videos and just point out what a ding dong he is I thought in and out quick old video just make fun of Tim Poole and go home so pretty arbitrarily I picked the video inside the no-go zone in Malmo Sweden and the only reason I had for that was because it was the most viewed video on his YouTube channel with 2.2 million views and I figured you know like anything he does it would be embarrassing and he did not disappoint because holy shit you'll see too quick programming notes henceforth I will refer to this man exclusively as pin tool because it's much more fun to say and it seems to bother him and I'm really trying not to use words like stupid or dumb in my videos anymore and that's gonna be a real challenge for this particular subject I don't believe anyone is smart or dumb I think people are curious or in curious if you're curious about something you'll learn a lot about it and that'll make you that'll make you a confident and knowledgeable when you speak about it PIM tool is deeply and curious about pretty much everything aside from Marvel movies which granted he does seem to know a lot about those so outside of the environmental argument I'm looking at this from a human development experienced ants right that if we can get like look at Ironman in Ironman okay the first movie great movie Tony Stark didn't necessarily invent a weapon Obadiah Stane he's the bad guy he says went while trying to rid the world of weapons you gave it its greatest one yet and Obadiah wasn't talking about the Iron Man suit he was talking about the arc reactor I know it's fiction I like the movie I'm sorry but the arc reactor in Iron Man was a tremendous source of power that enabled them to power the the Ironman suit and that's why in the second movie you had Justin Hammer needed Vaughn co2 III that maybe maybe maybe a bit esoteric everybody but basically the second movie is industrialist brings on a Russian dude who can create the arc reactor the point is energy is everything I'll tell you something you won't like to hear though I'm willing to that's the outcome but about I'll tell you something you're not gonna want to hear and and I admit it's it's a dickish utilitarianism is typically the villain in most movies I don't care yeah so so for instance like Thanos was the utilitarian and Captain America was deontological I didn't so Thanos willing to reduce the suffering by killing you know hundreds of trillions versus you know thousands of trillions which would be living better off so or like but I'm just like comic book movies but for anything else he follows his knee-jerk reaction no matter how absurd and no amount of evidence or critical thinking can convince him to have two thoughts about one subject so let's start with the video's title inside a no-go zone in Malmo Sweden and hoo boy right off the bat huh okay so according to the police in Malmo there are no no-go zones they refer to some areas as problem areas because poverty in those areas leads to increased crime the term no-go zone was applied to these areas by a journalist misquoting the police so when the police themselves are telling you that you're overstating the danger posed by crime in an area the police whose jobs in funding rely on the existence of crime in their jurisdiction may I remind you that ought to be a red flag but maybe Tim tool didn't realize that maybe he was just being flipped with the term you know he heard it used somewhere he thought oh it's just the thing people say it doesn't actually mean anything oh what's that in your description there Tim first it is important to know that there aren't any official no-go zones this is a term used colloquially by many people but not most and it certainly isn't official police refer to many areas as problem areas Rosengard is one of them ah cool man so you knew you were being sensationalist and just to hide that information in the description of your video rather than in the video itself I can tell you for a fact that nobody reads the description because people constantly asked me for information I have listed in the description of my videos and just for the record there is a difference between an area with a lot of crime and a no-go zone a no-go zone is somewhere where you can't go because it's unsafe an area with a little bit more crime has a little bit more crime but notice the weasel words in this phrasing this is a term used colloquially by many people but not most this is one of Tim's very favourite rhetorical devices oh this isn't something I'm saying where I'm asserting it's just something a group of unnamed people somewhere are saying we're told these very liberal some people say centrist and people have asked that we go to rebels but people expect us to die we've heard of them up a bunch of interesting things one thing we heard from someone in stats Sweden has very very great welfare benefits some people told us that you were a liberal in Sweden and I said we've gotten different numbers from different people I'm this looking at I think it was eleven eleven one said fourteen seven to thirteen but it I'll say we can settle on eleven people have said that there is a huge influx in sexual crimes in Sweden we've been told that it's simply because Sweden has a wider law there people saying that it coming you know not even specifying the area we go to but if you're just going Rosengard it's so bad there's a lot of people who think that you know you'll get robbed here that there's a lot of sex crimes or anything like that that's not the case no that's something we haven't heard from from people in Malmo they kind of wave it off like it's no big deal in the past two months there were I think four murders some people set free that's a way of lending credibility to a statement without saying anything that can be fact checked or challenged how are you gonna prove that people aren't saying something I can do that too lots of people are telling me pin tool is an embarrassment to journalism I've heard people talking about how pim tool is very clearly trying to push a conservative social agenda through his dishonest reporting we've heard reports that pim tools beanie conceals a kraang embedded in his head that gives him orders these types of statements don't meet the editorial standards of a Wikipedia article let alone serious journalism speaking of bad journalism this video begins with a leading question so dude do you think that there's been more violent crime maybe do you think that has anything to do with refugees yeah just so you know just so you don't come away with the wrong idea and assume this is gonna be some sort of neutral fact-based reporting nope you gotta let you know first and foremost first says right away we are explicitly creating a narrative the crime here is because of refugees this lady thinks so so there you go Tim fucks around for a little bit then meets up with Nils Carlson a deputy mayor of Malmo right off the bat he poisons the well just so you know we've been told this guy is a Pincus think oh we're on our way to meet with Nils Carlson was a deputy mayor we're told he's very liberal some people say he's centrist he calls this his official minder tour hahaha just kidding I'm being facetious because it's the it's the official view of the government you know because you're talking to the deputy mayor the mouthpiece of the totalitarian Swedish state he's obviously gonna be led around the city by the nose and shown only what the government wants him to see except you know he tells Carlson where he wants to go on Carlson's like yeah okay he works so hard to let you know ahead of time don't listen to what this guy says I wonder why that might be the real violent crimes have increased while the other crimes have been in a more stable level or even decrease okay so there is a problem in Malmo yeah yeah do you think it has anything to do with bringing in refugees no Carlson doesn't think Prime has anything to do with Sweden bringing in refugees weird weird isn't it that he chose to start the the video with the ladies saying she does think it has something to do with refugees but the actual subject of the interview the guy he is explicitly there to talk to you says no and doesn't make the opening singer for some reason that's weird isn't it and I just want to note this exchange because it it kind of gives the game away a little bit but I find it's much more useful to talk about the problems if you are if you want to solve them but if you really cover them up or try to look away that's what a lot of conservatives have said in the u.s. that's simply acting like the problem isn't there won't fix them that is true I'll give them that liberals are always saying we should just ignore our problems and conservatives are like nah they won't go away if we do that except climate change and children in cages in the rainforests burning and police brutality and mass incarceration racial profiling increases in hate crimes and all of the crimes done by the crime president and any sexual assaults anyone he appoints the office might do other than that though no we got we can't ignore problems unlike liberals who want to ignore the no-go areas in Malmo Sweden just because they don't exist typical one thing that strikes me about pim tools interview with carlson is that carlson never actually denies that refugees are committing crimes he talks about the socioeconomic status of refugees in sweden the language barrier and how that might incentivize them to commit more crimes because you know refugees are people and sometimes people commit crimes he places the blame for Momo's escalating violent crime rate on gangs because that's what the police told them apparently the minute Carlson is out of the room though PIM Toole claims that Carlson admitted he was biased he admitted it himself and it was obvious anyway because he's very liberal you know Nils he said he's biased and you know that that's a very liberal perspective so take that into account we've got more interviews to do we've got more experts to meet and this is a daily thing so you know expect more now I've watched this video a few times and you didn't you didn't call himself biased I don't know if me in conversation with pim tool but if he did it's not in the video so by all means correct me if I'm wrong but it does seem to suggest that carlson saying he is a liberal itself is an admission of bias to pen tool now I'm not a liberal I tend to disagree with liberals quite heavily but it wouldn't exactly call liberalism a bias it's a perspective but it's kind of irresponsible to just categorically dismiss anyone because they disagree with you politically and I guess this is the point well we have to talk about this PIM to all identifies as a liberal that's not true that's a grift to make himself seem neutral when he criticizes liberals and if you fall for it you're kind of politically illiterate in this video alone he name drops American conservatives as the only ones willing to combat societal problems and openly dismisses the point of view of anyone he deems too liberal just take a look at the videos on his YouTube channel chick-fil-a bends the knee to the leftist outrage mob the right faces massive cultural disadvantage the left is trapped in a paranoid delusion state and it's getting worse impeachment hearing backfires on Democrats potentially proving Trump right even CNN notes problems this is essentially the same grift that Weiner is like sargon or Dave Rubin have tried to pull they only ever criticized the left or what they consider left and what I might consider to be centrist but claim to be on the left you know so you can trust them because they're on the other team and that's where their sympathies lie obviously so you can trust their criticism because it works against their biases actually you know if you and that that makes perfect sense if you view politics as a team sport I might agree with everything you say but I'm on the other team so naturally that's that's what I want to believe and I would love to agree with them it's just that everything you're saying makes so much sense that I'm forced against my will to agree with you that's not how politics works your on whatever side you agree with have some fucking sense anyway back to making fun of the video just so you know Malmo is experiencing an unprecedented crime wave Tim mentions he himself witnessed a crime the interesting thing is when we first came to this spot the people here told us they had just experienced some kind of crime and the police were on their way but we're told it wasn't a priority mass that's not to speak about it but at least you know I'd like to bring it up to let you know that this is this is the area where and this is what we experienced a crime that could be anything an assault a murder perhaps some sort of elaborate sexy jewel heist I probably not bail cos if the type of crime was interesting or scary he'd probably mentioned that it's probably like graffiti or loitering or a noise complaint or some shit like that it's the police say it's not high priority the purpose of this video is to scare monger about refugees committing crimes the first 10 seconds of the video make that clear if there was something scary happening he'd say so but he just calls it a crime it doesn't say what it is then he goes on to stay with a family in Malmo and talks to them about their situation and he makes fun of the idea that the area is poor because the apartment he's in is nice and has nice floors nice try biased libs trying to blame crime on socioeconomic status I went to that area and I saw hardwood how could these new refugees be living in poverty if this family with the refugee in it from another refugee crisis 20 years ago isn't living in poverty check mate but then the moment we've all been waiting for the lady from the beginning the only person in this video who thinks the problem has anything to do with refugees who also mentions that she's not really familiar with the issue and it doesn't affect her personally there's anything outside at night there's any violence I mean the one murder of the 16 year old boy that was done so I mean we had the sirens on our wall oh yeah it was close and that was of course frightening but that's about it any other incidents like that or any kind of make that a murder but have you seen robberies or you know I mean there was one fourteen year old but that went like a pretty loud cracker you know if I fight back yeah yeah it's embarrassing somehow the people are even talking about it like that people saying that it coming you know not even specifying the area we go to you're just going Rosengard it's so bad yeah yeah no it isn't that it has been a cleanin yeah yeah she named it was better before before 25 24 years all right so dude do you think that there's been more violent crime at the last two years maybe do you think that has anything to do with refugees yeah yeah yeah does it scare you does that bother you no not that much because I think that you want your FASFA know what's gonna I thought I had me gave me another take then yeah I don't friend but like some go ahead and get hit my head this Mordor or make it some have some thirst ago I saw thee some people have some bubble device or adopted it yeah she's kind of seeing like the crimes are not concerning us really it's like uh yeah honor crimes maybe things like that goes on in the world that we don't know about and it's so few I mean it's so yeah it's so narrow that we don't really feel like it affects us in our daily life oddly pim tool doesn't ask her about her political leanings i guess they're not really a sign of bias when the person you're speaking to gives the answer you were hoping to get he ends the video once again reminding the audience not to listen to nils Carson because he's so clearly biased we did the interview with knows today and you know he's obviously very liberal but we want to come and experience you know Rosengard so you know very grateful for johan de coming and inviting us into his home but little does he know that all of you are biased all of you frail humans think that you see things as they are but you do not you see things as your eyeballs dinged them to be hello and welcome to the eyeball zone here in the eyeball zone I give smaller lefty projects some good old-fashioned eyeballing no explanation required and now it's time for an abrupt tonal shift because the subject matter of what I'm about to recommend is very serious youtuber Fey Fahrenheit reached out to me to ask for advice about how to deal with harassment she was getting on a video she made defending herself and her brother for me Genesis Targ ument s-- and strong men about the neurodiversity movement her video is deeply moving it deals with some pretty sad realities that autistic and other neurodivergent people face including torture masquerading as negative reinforcement and sexual assault it's extremely comprehensive I personally learned a lot from watching it and I cried more than once I don't normally ask for things like this but I'd like for you to watch the video and if you feel so inclined please leave her a positive comment I would like very much to drown out the ignorant and cruel people harassing her over this astoundingly informed work and if you're disgusted by eugenics and ableism in general please let her know that you're willing to listen to her and that you have her back if you'd like to be featured here in the eyeball zone please send an email to thought slime editor at gmail.com with the word eyeballs somewhere in the subject line and now we return to mocking PIM tool when I was imagining how this video would go I thought I'd just make fun of the top few videos in terms of views on PIM tools channel but now I'm really interested in this supposed no-go zone in Sweden so I had to know more about the vicious crimes he witnessed so I had to watch his follow-up video getting escorted out of the no go zone note that quotation marks because you know he wasn't escorted out and and it is in a no-go zone so he's walking around with this dude Chang Frick more on him later just seeing the shopping plaza in rinkeby where people are walking around with their baby strollers scary stuff out of nowhere the police tell him that he's got to go because upwards of 50 dudes are coming and people all around them are masking up and who knows what could go wrong now we don't see any of this conversation it happens off-camera but it's pretty scary right then later he explains a bit more it turns out those up to 50 guys who might show up thing was the police talking about if they arrested some guy maybe some other people would show up in protest of that are you saying maybe would you just go to a car he's like that's my tip for you maybe and I said ok and the cop said look you know maybe if we arrest one of these guys there will be there could be 50 more in a few minutes with stones and I was like ok ok so we should just go to the car and he said yes he mentions that because the police officially denied like most of the things that he said when the cameras were turned off because the police didn't want to be filmed because of the politics but off camera they did mention they agree with the things Tim Poole thinks you know we filmed a couple things you'll see as you saw and decided to talk to the police you know I don't know if he spoke English but some one of the officers recognized me I had a pretty good conversation with him he said you know yeah you know immigrants they might be you know they're over-represented in crime these poor areas they have more crime but he told me he felt like they could do a lot of good there and that it was you know something he liked doing they denied officially that the atmosphere at the time was threatening and also mentioned that the people putting on masks were doing so because they didn't want to be filmed they weren't anti-shah stupor soldiers they just were covering their face so they wouldn't be filmed by the guys with the camera also he mentions he brought up the idea of the police following him out even in his version of events which there's plenty of reason to dispute given that the police the Naya saligan he mentions he brought it up ok so we should just go to the car and he said yes and then I said I would you are you gonna follow us out you know what are you any said I think that would be a smart idea you know we'll and so they the police got in the car and they followed us out so to sum up the police told pin tool that if they arrested someone for putting on a mask because they didn't want to be filmed some guys might show up and start shit and that was enough to make him fear for his life just look at his face that's the state of journalism in Stockholm how frightening you can't walk around with a camera without people trying not to be filmed he was just there in his own words doing journalism as journalists do and look how small his camera is he wants you to know it's a very small camera just look at how it compares to his hand when he holds his hand to foot in front of it he's giving you the most accurate possible view of the camera with his fisheye lens our camera is not particularly large for me let me just show you the camera that we use right so this is the Canon X f 105 it's it's relatively small right so let me just I just want to make sure that I'm getting an accurate view of this camera so you can see what we're what we're working with something my hand is right this is me holding the camera right who the fuck cares about the size of your camera what the fuck does that have to do with anything like if your point is that it shouldn't be obvious that you're a journalist from the camera okay why it's clearly a bigger camera than anyone who didn't work in media would have I mean I agree that you're not a journalist but I think people would have to watch your videos to figure that out or do you think that like people are okay with being filmed if the camera is small enough do you think it's so small that nobody would have noticed you were filming because it's not it's a video camera what the fuck is the point of any of this the whole tangent about your camera what what are you trying to prove here now why on earth would people not want to get filmed I mean here they are with a real actual journalist who's not at all a fraud and you just walk in the streets with some guy named Chang Frick who runs an online newspaper called news today but like in Swedish and I'm not gonna try to pronounce it well who's this guy Tim calls him a potentially controversial figure okay we had no plans we were we were not prepared we were not planning on doing anything that we were we had met up with Chang because we had heard he was potentially a you know interesting or controversial figure and such you know in doing any journalism we're gonna reach out to as many people as possible and Qiang showed us lots of footage from in the no-go zones and so you know look if we're gonna go into these areas that we're told are dangerous it's always good to have someone who knows the area doesn't say why though what could be controversial about this nice young man can you guess perhaps it's his deep ties to the Sweden Democrats a far-right Nationalist Party founded by literal neo-nazis the guys who encouraged him to start his newspaper and registered the domain for him maybe it's that maybe that's the thing all the ties to the Nazi adjacent political party but you know what's weird BIM tool doesn't even bring it up not even once he doesn't even give the guy's surname it's almost like it's almost like he doesn't want you to google it some might call that abject cowardice for example me I would you're a coward just so we're all keeping up fuck you Nils Carlson you're a liberal we can't take your word seriously what's that mr. Frick you and your far-right nationalist pals have some ideas well don't be shy just cuz you're a little bit controversial as a journalist it's my duty to ensure that I'm speaking with everyone on all sides of the political spectrum and also not informing my audience about who you are and why I'm talking to you luckily pim tool is brave enough to head back into not danger part 3 PIM goes bowling in this dangerous no-go zone he then meets up with three random guys for a drink because there's three guys he met so finally we're going to get the real story from three guys turns out everybody that these fucking politicians are just bringing in all these immigrants and refugees to prop the economy up are the refugees it's not a humanitarian thing they don't care about them but you think they see it as an opportunity to make money or to prop the economy up or what prop the economy and everything is about harvest in the system all right you need to harvest everything when you kill an animal they used to skin your skin use the balls use to me yes what do you call it deliver the heart and stuff or in the org is everything you don't leave anything out or wait why is that bad isn't it good for the economy to be propped up you see Sweden manufactures lots of weapons and they arm dictators and that creates refugees and then these corrupt politicians get this they get all the money from having the refugees in the country you know like all that immigrant money that you get when you bring in refugees like all the money that you get the the thing the thing is it's profitable for you to bring in refugees to your country and so it's corrupt to do and that and that's why it then that's how it's wrong to the guys Timmons Palin around with here refugees themselves from previous conflicts they don't say that immigrants commit more crimes they mostly talk about how the system treats refugees really really poorly which could incentivize crime then keeps trying to pivot the conversation into how the refugees are the guys doing all the crimes and the guys are talking about how shitty the situation is for the refugees this guy on the right though he loves Trump he thinks Trump is doing a bang-up job he's the only one in the world stage doing a good job and pym really wants you to know that he specifically calls it out twice a lot of people would be surprised to hear that there's refugees who like Trump's policies Wow I think a lot of people would be surprised to hear that this refugee from a different ID not from the same refugee crisis from a different refugee crisis thinks Trump is doing a great job he also mentions at one point that he doesn't think Bashir al-assad is a dictator a statement which requires no clarification you don't solve the problem stare you start the problems there you end the problems there what is the West doing down there and talking about Assad and talking that he's a dictator sending ISIL beheading people how many people haven't died yet how many yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever tell me more about Trump him ends his Swedish adventure by saying that he thinks the problems in Sweden are exaggerated but also very real because you can't walk down the street and wrink be with a camera what happened when he tried to do that he could only do it twice with absolutely nothing happening it's out of control pen tool is a frustrating person he seldom lies but often mischaracterizes things like he clearly knows that there aren't no-go zones in Sweden he goes to the places he calls no-go zones and it's fine and nothing happens still all three of these videos have the words no-go zone in the title he only clarifies that they aren't actually officially designated no-go zones by anyone in one video and even then it's not in the video itself but in the description oh yeah yeah the police told me that the things could go wrong at any minute and fifty guys could show up and people are putting on masks so they could jump me at any moment because why else would someone cover up their faces when me and my far-right nationalist pallor pointing a camera at them the first sentence in the description of any of Tim's videos written in all caps so that you don't miss it is support journalism donate to patreon link withheld and just the grapes on this guy not support my work not support me but support journalism and that rankles me because what he's doing in these videos is shitty journalism he's constantly leading his subjects to frame a narrative that he arrived there with he often exaggerates events leaves out information and preemptively discredit anyone whose opinion he doesn't like that isn't journalism it's this information it's deliberate disinformation and it's lazy disinformation it's just some chump a dump walking around the street asking people leading questions and then telling you how to interpret their answers it's pathetic and I don't understand how anyone let alone 2.2 million people can watch this shit ha I felt good it feels good to make fun of PIM tool try it at home it's good for stress it's good for high blood pressure ask your doctor is making fun of PIM tool is right for you and your doctor will be like yeah it is it dudes a wiener don't be a little hat fuck that guy hey everyone it's it's me thought slime it's about three o'clock in the morning right now and I just realized I forgot to record an outro to this video where I do all my calls to action so I'm doing that now in the middle of the night why don't you go ahead and check out patreon.com slash thoughts line if you want to support journalism that's the place you gotta go you can catch me streaming every 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Thursdays right now I'm playing horizon zero dawn that games kind of boring anyway if you want more thought slime in your life and honestly who could blame you check out youtube.com slash scaredy-cats TV where i talk about scary movies just did a review of the light house that movie has more fart jokes in it than you might think there are this is the end of this YouTube video thank you for watching fuck Tim Poole he wears the dopey little hat I don't like him you
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 149,776
Rating: 4.3876667 out of 5
Id: FxDVhNuFAq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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