Harvesting Sugarcane

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great we didn't even get stuck things are starting to heat up at the cane field Randy I doing this right I love your new hat they're gonna be so mad at us when we bring this van back [Music] this isn't where I parked my tractor I'm here with pipe layer-by-layer junior and millennial junior so right now we are in Bella Glade Florida and we're actually going to go out we've set up some stuff here with the Everglades equipment group they set up a whole day for us to go out and see some farms unfortunately it is raining a little bit right now but it sounds like that's supposed to lighten up and hopefully we'll have a fun day here I'm hoping we're gonna see some sugarcane stuff going on there's a lot going on south of town I think maybe I don't want to say too much because I don't know what they've got exactly for us so I don't know stick around you'll find out over the next 10 to 20 minutes right let's do this any words of wisdom no just there you go that's good have fun so the difference between Florida rain and Minnesota rain is that in Florida the rain is liquid again I'm bouncing around back there where we headed this time guys all right sugarcane farm is the plan I'll try to stop bouncing I think we're gonna get the van dirty so this is a sugarcane farm right here the stuff he's harvesting at the moment has been burned off to get rid of the extra trash and change the sugar content a little bit he's going to wait for the wagons to come up here this is busy [Applause] so they hooked me up I ended up getting in one of these things we call it a kind of light when it's hard what do you call this kpop certain young I'm surprised at actually how similar this thing is to our combines at home I mean all the control panels and stuff over there and look pretty well the same they do one row at a time so everything in front of me is quite a bit different but this is awesome I am definitely gonna wreck a pair of new Nikes today what you think of that Randy that is pretty cool is enough too much what we do alligators never get alligators jammed in the sugarcane machines I've not heard of one here in Fort Pierce we did have one go into a forest you don't get the case truck on video they leave those ribbons yeah two guys are standing on the back yeah they wouldn't let us take the man on the speedway yesterday so we were thinking if we could just rip some doughnuts and a sod farm would they be would ya know there's a field we recognize they're gonna be so mad at us when we bring this van back Randy I doing this right I love your new hat I don't know yeah you did yeah he did so that means yes [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] down here gets a real quick wash it's not really to walk up all your own thoughts up the main thing is it's like when you cut a tree you see these little latex all that little white stuff coming out like glue yep or try to do stop it from coming out what we're doing it's got a little salt water in there seals that one and it stops at okay and it gets up in the air and gets dumped into one of these beds each one of these pens weighs anywhere between 800,000 pounds ramp up to the cooler they sucked all the hot air out with a vacuum to drop it down to about 35 degrees all the way to the end of the field then I'm guessing they come all the way back to this end then I bet you they go back to the other end again we've got around 350 of those bins every day three crews they're doing about 900 pens of that that's a group of hard-working people right there holy cow so after its harvested here the stuff we're standing on now this is all left over right so so do you run tillage on it or what do you what do you do with what's left here just get right back into the soil okay just get right over and everything and it just goes right back into the soil it's kind of back to it we plant all this four beds at a time great now we're currently running three planters to plant anywhere from seven one thousand seven to eight thousand acres a year so he was saying the turnaround time on this which is really difficult to walk on a lot of times is one day this will go right to the facility that I think we're going to go to where sometimes they'll add a little bit of nitrogen gas to help preserve it keep it from browning and then it'll get turned around and sent to wherever this lettuce is going so depending on the orders for the day that will affect how many hours these people are out here working and harvesting to fulfill those orders for the day so it sounds like every day's a little bit different the diversity of Agriculture and hair nets you can't rush it in a lettuce field you will go down so this stuff is wet and it's really slippery but it does not stick to your shoes I wasn't exactly planning on these conditions neither was Randy [Music] now we are fertilizing sugarcane and as they were explaining to us before this sugarcane gets planted once then they get several crops out of it I think I could run that tractor nobody teach you how to do this yeah please we learned earlier that sugarcane doesn't take any nitrogen you don't apply it it takes nitrogen you don't apply it because how fertile the soil is here exactly you said you're putting on what to me sounds like a really low rate of phosphorus and potash with some micronutrients so it was like a zero 1140 Oh 11 was already more tea so 11 pounds of phosphorous per acre and 40 pounds of potash per acre yep and then you'll come by and you'll somebody will come by and incorporate this into the soil so we will cultivate it in the sole and that would have incorporated so with that and rainwater it would activate really well and fertilizer it's not very wide but it gets the job done I noticed you don't have any auto-steer here you are the honest I am the auto-steer who are the altars to hate being the auto-steer it sucks like it wasn't work anymore yeah I mean if you got auto steer you could be on Instagram the whole time exactly make videos all day yeah yeah so how do you manage a YouTube channel if you don't have auto steer okay you just can't you gotta hire another person just at your home ridiculous Swift look at that they've all gathered to cheer me on I've got a crowd this is awesome they're so proud of me not look like this counter is a Duncan for lunch Eric I came up a little hot at the end there be honest did you guys think I was going in the canal what do you say six to ten of those end up in the canal every year every year six attract more tractors than we have end up in the canal every year well this is when the YouTube channel ends how many employees work 40 km which is the farm that you're working for so between the harvest operations all the spray the land prep the receiving the packing the cooling and all the handling in a peak season I'd say seven 800 ish employees how many acres how many acres of crop with the double planning and everything it can range from six to eight thousand acres depending on the type of contract that we're planting and harvesting for so it is it's a lot of acres and I mean that's but seven to eight hundred this is you said a type of lettuce is your spring mix blends Publix and stuff like that Publix being the stores like where we're from nobody knows what a Publix is yeah it just takes it's so much manual hand labor it's nuts cane drug cane truck geez so this is not the only plant right this isn't where all the cane is going Andy did you enjoy your lunch I did it was awesome I enjoyed it as well and now we finally get to go see a sugar cane field catch on fire does anyone else excited about seeing a sugar cane field burn if you want to go on vacation with the Millenial farm family on the trees in August to Alaska I know he nailed it he mailed it we're gonna we're gonna go it's actually and oh yeah it's not it's not a cruise but it's a an Alaska vacation we're gonna be going to a muskox farm we're gonna be going to a dairy farm we're gonna see Denali National Park we're gonna see the Iditarod Trail the Alaskan State Fair it's gonna be fun it's all organized and orchestrated through what is that thing Fred things what's that we won't see any of that on the vacation we won't put you guys through that and a hundred different airports so no matter where you're at you can figure it out Lake is in the description and in millennial farmer Tom have we rambled enough about it all right they have different woods on the edges of their fields get your mind out of the gutter Randy grow up rerouting all right whip it Becky I'm gonna go up that way and then back right here to not get stuck uh if we get stuck it'll I mean the viewers would love it great we didn't even get stuck what is this it's uh it's a machine so we got a burn we got a cornfield and an alligator facility it's an alligator terrarium she's crackling all right Randy come here he explained why they're burning the sugarcane you're my sugar cane master for the day well they're burning the sugar came to bring the bottom leaves on I believe and there's not so much waste going through the processing plant not so hard on the equipment and the bottom leaves aren't there's no value to them there's not sugar in them so they get rid of them get rid of the excess residue that way they're left with the stock which is the piece that they wanna harvest then they bring it into the processing facility it's more efficient for them they can harvest it without burning it but they prefer to burn it right am i right did I nail it there's nobody standing behind the camera and then getting a little bit closer things are starting to heat up at the cane field that corn is beautiful Randy it's fun seeing a green cornfield in the middle of the winter so this tractor here is actually lighting this corner on fire so that they've got a bit of a back burn against what's burning behind him essentially what he's doing is he's bringing the heat [Applause] it amazes me how green this stuff is and the fact that it actually does burn all right serious question coming from a Minnesotan you have a lot of Gators around so when you're working around out here are you nervous about like stepping on an alligator or I think where do they kind of leave you alone because they're too stupid to know any better well I think Floridians fear Gators the way Minnesota deer bears and any other type of wildlife yeah see we don't have bears around us so yeah that's terrifying kind of smoky here Randy we better get back to Z pokin the creepy uncle van so if you guys want to come with us on vacation to Alaska you won't see anything like that but there might be a polar bear cave on hats where's my hat did you see that red harvest here's a head you get a head I'm here with David good let the sugar cane growers cooperative standing in the middle of deep brazilian tons of sugar right now yes we have five sugar warehouses on this one Wow [Music] 160,000 that we were used to supply our refineries the most famous of which label is probably Domino and there at Yonkers artists distributor of that who had a server products all over the United States for the people wandering out there and I'm wondering as well why are the it always has to be refined so it's cheaper and less expensive to ship the sugar involved like we do on barges through the eastern seaboard in the Atlantic Ocean it involved and then when you get it to your end-user hangout and then you repackage it into one of hundreds of products that is value-added but the key is if we put it in bags here it would be very costly to ship this way we do it involved then we then we process it into into the trip yeah okay now I didn't ask for permission and I might get yelled at for doing this but it appears as though there's snow sugar blower down here so I'm going this direction will I get in trouble baby that that's incredible Wow tastes sweet I wish I had brought a spoon Holly you get the sugar dumped out of your shoes all right now where are we going where they process lettuce oh nice let us have fun [Music] this so these boxes here are the ones that came right off the field that we saw earlier they're all labeled by the lot number on the stickers they put on out there they are all pathogen tested and then sent through the computer here and recognized by the computer if they're not recognized they can't be individually wrapped up or boxed up and sent out of here so that's what's going on back here I would say this is very very well organized chaos there's more coolers over here madness so onyx said he was a cold outside because it was 65 and windy what's the temperature in here 45 35 did this help warm you up he's not happy about it well who wears shorts to a lettuce facility Oh Minnesotans hey look more boxes of lettuce all right we're done at the lettuce facility now we're we're back to Everglades equipment my final stop isla needs a new tractor Isla do you need any new machinery new tractor new combine wet white a wet wipe to get the sugar off her face oh that's a good doughnut just kids equipment shopping you do right before Christmas this last year I got a box in the mail from Everglades equipment group and it turns out that Mike from Everglades equipment up the road at a different location is a fan and sent me a box of shirts sent to isla attractor when I found out we were coming down to Florida for vacation I got in touch with Everglades equipment and they set me up with this whole tour everything we did here today nothing was sponsored this was just a fun day to get out on the farms and see what happens here in South Florida because I know there's a lot of agriculture out here so I have to say thank you to ever glades equipment group and also tkm Vanguard Farms sugar cane growers cooperative us sugar Wedgwood farms and Florida Crystals to all the people involved here Ali who was standing right there staring at me doing it she didn't want to be on camera and Caroline standing right there those two I know we're behind the scenes organizing this whole deal so thank you to you guys and thank you to everybody I mentioned this has been a ton of fun [Applause] and we picked a perfectly beautiful sunny dry floor today [Music] you
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 972,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmer, farming, sugar cane, mn millennial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennial farmer harvest, millennium farmer, the millennial farmer, mn farmer, millennial farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer podcast, sugar cane farm, sugar cane harvest, millennial farmer funny, lettuce farm, john deere, sugarcane harvester, john deere harvester, sugarcane burning, sugarcane burn that fire, us sugar corporation, us sugar railroad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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