Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do so it's based on this fantasy book series right which has sold a lot of copies oh okay sorry i got bored by the word book there for a second but i'm listening now so what's the series about well it's called harry potter sir and it's about this kid called harry potter i understand completely and so this evil wizard voldemort tried to kill harry and his parents when he was a baby right but not only did harry survive it seems like he killed voldemort oh retaliatory babies are tight actually he was like protected by the power of his dying mother's love oh his mother's love is tight oh i don't know about that sentence i don't love how it sounded either but i said it and there's no taking it back so anyway we're gonna meet this wizard dumbledore right and he wants to leave baby harry with this non-magical family but he doesn't want to be seen doing magic in the suburbs so what does he do he does some magic in the suburbs he turns all the street lights into flying magic balls and zips them down the street at him oh you know i think walking down the street normally might have drawn less attention than the magic flying light balls maybe so dumbledore's gonna explain to these other wizards hagrid and professor mcgonagall that harry's gonna be famous in the wizarding world so it's better for him to grow up away from all that i guess that's better so he's like let's just leave harry in an abusive family for a decade and then kind of spring all this on him when he's a 10 year old and that's better than growing up rich and famous that's what dumbledore's going with so then harry's about to turn 11 and he starts receiving letters from this magic school called hogwarts where dumbledore is the headmaster okay but his family they don't like him they don't want him to read these letters why not because they hate him so much they want to keep him around i don't know that works so the uncle keeps destroying these letters and they keep showing up but harry just can't get his hands on one long enough to read it well it's too bad they don't have a magical letter that just kind of shouts the message at you well no actually they do have that those are called howlers sounds like maybe they just could have sent him one of those well we don't introduce them till a future movie so that's as good as them not existing right now that makes sense so anyway then that hagrid guy shows up and tells harry that he's a wizard and takes him away from his family very exciting so hagrid brings him to get all the stuff he needs for school like he gets an owl named hedwig oh hedwig yeah he's super cute don't get too attached what oh and also harry has to get a wand right so he goes to this place called ollivanders and just destroys the place does he get in trouble now that just kind of seems like this guy's way of doing things just let children destroy his stuff until they find a one that works interesting business model so anyway eventually harry gets on the train to hogwarts and he meets this kid ron weasley and he's got a rat on his crotch oh my god oh yeah no it sounds gross but in a later movie we're going to find out that the rat is actually a middle-aged man disguised as a rat oh that's so much worse oh yeah i guess that is worse anyway turns out ron's poor so harry buys all the candy on the cart for just the two of them okay kind of a jerk move actually what if the other kids on the train wanted some candy well that's too bad because harry's rich and rich people get what they want that is true yeah and then they also meet this know-it-all hermione and they get the hogwarts together oh boy and what happens there well this draco malfoy kid wants to be harry's friend but he's super mean to ron so harry's like ah no thank you oh that's a nice move he is so he chooses to be friends with ron instead who's so mean to hermione that she cries in a bathroom oh my god so then all the new students get sorted into these four houses one of which is just for the evil kids why would they have that and then the school year begins well so what kind of stuff are they gonna do oh just all kinds of life-threatening things oh very dangerous they also celebrate christmas wizards celebrate the birth of jesus christ yeah even though a lot of his miracles are things they learn as 11 year olds turns out the wizarding world developed the same religious practices as non-magical people so anyway throughout the movie they start suspecting that this evil looking professor snape is after this magical stone oh is it magical now this freaking thing can make you immortal and they see snape doing kind of sketchy things so they think he wants to bring voldemort back to life but kind of sketchy stuff like at a certain point it seems like he's trying to make harry fall off his flying broomstick so hermione sets him on fire holy she just straight up murders a guy i just like his robe it's okay oh okay but at the end of the movie we're gonna find out it was actually this professor quirrell guy who was trying to jinx the broom and the fire made him lose his eye contact why didn't he just restart the jinxing after the fire was out i don't know fair enough so eventually they find out that the stone is actually in hogwarts and a bunch of professors put spells to try to keep it safe okay and so harry and ron and hermione they decide they need to stop snape from getting it so what are some of these challenges well the first one is a giant three-headed dog that you need to get past to get into this little trap door in this little room you kept the dog locked in a room for a full year that's that's kind of messed up no it's not oh okay and then they're gonna be a couple more like a giant chess game where you have to sit on the pieces and you get attacked oh and so ron falls from like three feet in the air and then he's you know just kind of a big drama queen about it very dramatic so now hermione has to help ron and harry carries on by himself and how does that go he ends up finding professor quirrell standing in front of this mirror trying to figure out how to get the stone out of it okay and then he reveals that he's actually had the dark lord voldemort's face under his turban this whole time wow must have been very awkward for him to poop all year yeah no can't imagine those were pleasant for either of them you think he ever went to scratch his head and accidentally poked the dark lord in the eye you know maybe do you think they said good night to each other before bed every night or was it just awkward silence i don't know maybe let's not think about this too much oh okay anyway so then the stone magically appears in harry's pocket because of the magic mirror oh wow wow wow wow so now professor quirrell comes after him oh man it's going to be tough for him to defend himself against a full-grown man and the tiny face of a dead man actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah it turns out his mom's love is like super plot armor so he turns professor quirrell to dust just by touching him oh my god he kills a teacher he does yeah and so that's a happy turn of events this child took this man's life very easily geez so then dumbledore explains to harry that this mirror had a spell on it where the stone would only transfer to somebody who wanted to find the stone but not use it so that's why professor quirrell couldn't get it exactly wow so all the other challenges were kind of unnecessary huh yeah kinda and you know arguably harry made the situation much more dangerous by showing up the stone would have stayed in the mirror it never would have been within voldemort's grass yeah okay well we're gonna play the moment is heroic okay yeah i guess so anyway then it's the end of the year and there's this thing called the house cup where like throughout the year each house gets points and loses points based on the stuff they do okay in the good guy house gryffindor is dead last and the bad guy house slytherin they win oh well you know bummer yeah but then dumbledore he's like hey everybody shut the hell up cause harry potter here killed one of the teachers with his bare hands yeah so he gives harry and all his friends a bunch of points for killing that man you know ending that guy's life being the last face he ever saw this i imagine this is phrased better in the book yeah i think probably all right oh and also dumbledore spoke with this guy nicholas flamel who was being kept alive by the stone and he agreed to just die and let the stone be destroyed oh yeah the guy's been alive for like 600 years so he's like yeah okay destroy the stone i've lived long enough probably should have had that talk in the first place before storing the stone at hogwarts and endangering all the students maybe so then harry gets on the train to go home and waves like a normal person what are you talking about the way he waves it's perfectly normal okay i mean yep all right so then that's it what do you think well you know it sounds like a pretty good time what's this first movie called anyway like what's the full title harry potter and the philosopher's stone okay and also harry potter and the sorcerer's stone because that first one i said is kind of hard wait what [Music] hi everybody ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting now some of you might be saying hey you already freaking did a harry potter pitch meeting you jerk and that is true back in 2018 i made a single video covering the entire harry potter franchise and a lot of you've been asking for individual pitches for each movie so i'm doing that that's what's happening okay bye i'll see you soon i miss you
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,001,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry potter, alan rickman, daniel radcliffe, dumb moments, dumbledore, emma watson, hagrid, hedwig, hermione granger, hogwarts, jk rowling, mirror, ollivander’s, philosopher’s stone, pitch meeting, plot holes, quirrel, ron weasley, rupert grint, ryan george, screen rant, snape, sorcerer’s stone, super easy barely an inconvenience, troll, witchcraft, wizards
Id: 3kl6LS3_ftc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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