GPT-6 SHOCKS Everyone With NEW ABILITIES! (GPT5, GPT-6, GPT-7) Document Reveals ALL!

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so there is actually a crazy piece of information that I think I should share with you all because I was recently browsing on the web and I discovered some publicly available information about GPT 5 GPT 6 and surprisingly gpt7 and I think you guys are going to want to see this so without further Ado let's jump into the future timelines of how AI is going to be developed so one of the first things that you do need to know about and this is essentially the theory of iterative deployment now essentially this clip you're looking at is a recent interview between Sam Alman and Pat Ginger who is the CEO of Intel and essentially he's talking with Sam Alman about the future now there are two key things discussed which is why I want to talk to you guys about these clips first because they actually do set the precedent for the information I'm about to share with you guys that is of course publicly available so watch this clip the first two things he talk about is of course the $7 trillion and then he talks about the iterative deployment if you don't know what that means that's basically where Sam Alman and uh some others from open ey have basically suggested that they have to release the technology slowly in order for people to catch up in terms of like how Society is going to react to the technology and part of our strategy what we call iterative deployment is that we want to put these things out into the world early so that people can adapt and think and provide input and that uh we can be ready for the magnitude of change that will come over time so I think that's great yeah getting them out there early people test them right you know finding the flaws that that's how things get better yeah so from that last part of the clip you can see that where they talk about iterative deployment that is where they essentially state that they're going to incrementally upgrade the software this isn't by the way the first time that openi have clearly stated this before there was actually a tweet and essentially you can see here this is where saman once again says iterative deployment is in my opinion the only safe path and the only way for people society and institutions to have time to update and internalize what this all means now whether you stand on the theory that this is because open AI are far ahead or because they want to safely roll out the technology either way we know that they're not going to be just doing these massive Behemoth updates that they previously usually did now this is why the information that I'm about to show you actually does make sense because if we can take the precedent and knowing that open AI is going to slowly introduce their models into the world then we could argue that potentially opening ey are probably further ahead than they may give so I'm going to be covering some quote unquote leaks and I don't think these are qualified as leaks because it's actually publicly verified information so essentially what this is is this is a website where you can view trademarks and trademarks are basically just you know like a word or a saying or a phrase essentially where you can copyright it in a sense so that nobody else can use that in their product so for example just to prove that this is something that openi did and that they are doing and that of course companies do do like a lot of big companies that want to protect their brand name because of course they don't want random people staying their stuff saying they're affiliated with them when they're not now pay attention to the dates because this is how I actually found out the information about GPT 6 and gpt7 because I paid attention to the dates and some key pieces of information that were listed on this website so you can see right here that it says there's a mark image Sora so they've registered this trademark you can see that the application date was actually 2024 now this right here you can see is the 14th of February so on February the 14th they trademarked Sora now why is that interesting because if we take a look at this the next day just simply a day later we can see the opening I said introducing Sora our text video model Sora can create videos of 60 seconds y y y and we all know where that led to so this is of course something that does make sense this is of course something that you know companies are going to do but essentially the reason why this was so fascinating was because there is a lot more information that you can see on this web page that includes the future models now one thing that I quickly do want to discuss quickly that is pretty crazy is that essentially a couple days after they trademarked gptv there was actually quite a lot of speculation about what was going on now gptv still could be an unknown version or model that could be potentially released but some people have speculated as well that it could be Vision or video because of course GPT 4V is GPT 4 Vision so some people are speculating that the gptv trademark could be Vision now this is not the main meat of the video this is just like a side bit that I wanted to add of course in addition to that opening eyes did actually around that same time when they trademarked vest they just put up this web page as if they were about to announce something many leakers were tweeting that s stop trolling us we know you got something up your sleeve and then they pretty much just didn't announce anything even though they patent even though they filed a trademark as if they're about to announce something like they usually do they didn't but here's where things get super super interesting because if we take a look at and this is the bit of the video you want to enjoy because if we take a look at some of their other trademarks we can see that they actually managed to trademark GPT 5 now a covered this in a video before but I didn't cover it properly because I wasn't looking closely enough now I'm going to show you guys why we know this is crazy okay so we know that GPT 5 is going to be coming they've openly spoke about this I've done multiple videos on this before it's something that they've openly spoken about now I mean GPT 4 of course GPT 5 is going to be next okay it might be GPT 4.5 but either way we know that this success system is coming now what is going to be in gbt 5 is essentially based on this trademark okay and here's where we need to actually pay attention because when I was looking at all the different trademarks okay GPT 6 clearly looks like the next evolution in the model because it's vastly different to GPT 5 if we look at the trademark of GPT 5 and we actually compare it to GPT 4's trademark those trademarks are exactly the same it doesn't mean they're not going to have increased capabilities but what we've seen is that if we actually do take a look at these two trademarks for example GPT 5 and GPT 6 GPT 6 ladies and gentlemen actually includes something new okay GPT 6 includes a capability called music generation and this is not the only capability listed on there there there are a ton of things and I was actually looking through this to see if I could get like any small details and one of them I saw on gbt 6's trademarks and guys you can go on the web page and you can see here this is where they trademark GPT 5 of course you can see GPT 5 yda y y and you can see here that literally if you go on the page you can see open aai Co LLC you can see that they have these trademarks you can see that they have GPT 6 gpt7 and GPT 5 now what's fascinating are the dates for these because the first date for GPT 5 was literally last year and then the dates for GPT 6 and 7 were additionally last year as well in around October on the same date so we're going to get back to those clear dates but I just wanted to show you that this is a real web page that you can check out yourself but the point is is that one of the new capabilities that we know should be in GPT 6 and this is actually something that crazily enough I actually didn't hear discussed enough in any sort of AI discussion but it's music generation but I'm going to show you guys why this actually does make a lot of sense from many different standpoints so you can see it says um downloadable computer programs and downloadable computer software using artificial intelligence for music generation so this is something that I don't think people have really been asking for but it is something that is growing in popularity and could definitely shock the entire industry because um we've seen what video has done to Hollywood it's had severe ramifications literally like an $800 million Studio was just cancelled from being produced because people were like ah we even going to need it but the point is is that openi if you think that you know openi doesn't even do music generation in fact they actually do they did this in 2020 guys so that was now 4 years ago guys so four years ago they said we introduced jukebox a model that generates music with Singing In The Raw audio domain and you can see clearly guys that this is something that they did quite some time ago now it's actually pretty good okay and remember guys this is from 2020 so the point I'm trying to make guys is not that you know they've been planning GPT 6 since 2020 but the point is is that if they've already trademarked GPT 6 like last year in November or October whenever it was was and then of course they've planned music generation inside of the trademark it clearly somehow potentially could mean that you know these future models they already potentially have these training runs lined up who knows maybe they could even have the models I highly doubt that but there is a possibility that they probably even have the models and they're going to think you know what this model is really cool but we're going to delay the release um and I'm going to talk about why that leans into more of a realistic outcome so I'm going to show you guys how good this music model is and the thing is I want you guys to understand is that remember this is a model from 2020 okay there have been so many air developments since then especially like in the last year alone and so essentially you can see research jukebox and essentially this is it so it says jukebox produces a wide range of music and singing Styles and generalizes to lyrics not seen during training all the lyrics Below have been co-written by language model and open AI researchers and I'm guessing now that with the technology of GPT 4 we could most certainly get that entire thing written by GPT 4 so clearly by the trademark and I'm going to play you guys the music in a second cuz it actually sound really cool by the trademark it's it's clear that this is likely going to be a future feature in GPT 6 according to this source so here is one of the songs it's a country in the style of Alan Jackson a [Music] jukebox know it's going to be all right let the away so for an air generator track that is pretty crazy I'm going to play uh pop in the style of Katy Perry I want to see how this sounds every moment [Music] every I I mean that is some pretty crazy stuff so I think the Future model and this is something that I genuinely it wasn't even on my radar the opening eye would even be doing music I mean I did think it was a thing since other companies going to be doing that but I wasn't aware that this was like it wasn't even on any kind of radar to be fair um and even when I did a Google search for opening ey music there was one video and someone was like look this this is something that opening I did but nobody's talking about it now GPT 6 has another crazy ability and I know this video is kind of crazy cuz we're literally talking about GPT 6 and we haven't even got GPT 5 yet and it's like whoa whoa whoa slowed down but at the end of the day I'm just looking at information from um a trademark and I kind of want to see uh what's going to be happening in the future and I do think it's important that people do know if this technology is inevitable what kind of things are going to be coming so you can essentially plan your life around it and of course plan your business potentially around it because you want to be able to maneuver U ver yourself in the proper way so of course right here this is something that we did know is coming but I'm guessing that maybe they're going to delay agents till GPT 6 you can see here that lower in the trademark it's actually pretty hard to see in all of the text like it's just really hard but you can see that it says um downloadable computer software for simulation environments for the purpose of testing artificial intelligence agents so that is clear guys on there that GPT 6 is going to have something where you can download for maybe a simulation for testing AI agents I mean it's vaguely worded it could be like AI agents I mean like if you look at all of this like there's a just ton of different things that you could essentially extrapolate from that information but um AI agents is something that we know openi are doing because even recently there was an article that clearly states that um you know openi shifts its Battleground to software that operates devices and automate tasks now the crazy thing about this is that kind of surprising because I would think that you know maybe we would get GPT 5 with agents maybe we would be a separate product but it's clear that from this tradem that it's potentially going to be delayed into GPT 6 which I'm not upset at I'm just excited that you know this is probably how we're going to get the future but here's another caveat that I do just want to add throughout the you know of this video throughout the r of this video is that anything could happen Okay Google or a random company could have a major breakthrough and they could force open ey to drop some of their best models so that is something that you guys do want to understand and of course I'm going to tell you guys about agents cuz I did just make a recent video on how open eye are going to make a product that literally is going to change the world that's literally what they stated they said this product will change everything so I think the AI agents whenever it does come um with GPT 6 like this one States whenever GPT 6 is going to be there um I think that that's going to be crazy as well now something that I also realized is that on the gpt7 trademark it also essentially had music generation and AI agents so it seems that gpt7 is likely going to be similar to GPT 6 whereas GPT 5 is going to have you know I guess you could say more brain power more raw abilities in terms of the benchmarks and then GPT 6 is going to be the first step in music gener a and artificial intelligence agents and I'm guessing that the fact that they were there in 2020 which is like you know 40 years ago in terms of how fast AI moves um I'm guessing that it's going to be absolutely insane I'm guessing they probably already have it and they have no pressure this is the key thing you guys have to understand okay open AI are under zero pressure to release any of the stuff that they have every model everything that they have is just far far ahead from the competitors and that is why I think them talking about iterative deployment I mean it kind of works for them because they don't need to release anything they could you know have GPT 6 and be like okay we know what we got for GPT 6 we're going to have music generation we're also probably going to have some you know AI agents in there then of course with gpt7 we're probably just going to up update that and refine it and of course with GPT 5 we're going to make sure that the brain power is just increase significantly in terms of the reasoning ability um like many have discussed in certain research papers so of course here like we're going to cover every single category and I'm just going to prove it to you guys opening eye literally has zero pressure from a company standpoint you can see right here that in terms of sound this right here guys music effects okay and this is good I'm not going to liee to you guys this is good but the problem is is that Google for some reason won't release this to The Wider public I don't know what they're afraid of I don't know what they're scared of but Google has a track record of not publishing things um at all okay and they usually only do it until another company does it and then by the time they do it it's usually too slow we saw that with bod we saw that with um iterations of Gemini and only recently have they been producing some stuff and the point I'm making here with sound of course there's things like sunno AI which is actually pretty good and I'm going to show you guys how good this is is because I think open ey knows that there's no major product right now that exists on the market I mean this I'm going to show you guys actually is actually pretty good and I'm going to show you guys you can see here that you can um do a lot of different things like we've got image effects I wish I would release this it's actually just amazing um and essentially if I play this it's lowii Jazz for a quiet rainy day influences from R&B with a catchy Melody [Music] atmospheric like that's really cool I mean if they integrated that into G gemini or gem or however you want to say it um if they integrated that into into Gemini and added image effects and added all the other crazy things they could but for some reason Google won't and the thing is okay is that opening eye has zero pressure to release any of these models because likely they've internally realized that okay there's no big major AI text to sound thing that everyone uses and it hasn't shocked any kind of Industries we haven't heard anything about it in the news so we can pretty much release it when we want and we still got this entire audience that are going to immediately do it now that is something that you know leads me to believe that because open a has no pressure they can you know pretty much they they can pretty much map out a couple years ahead because they know they are so far above the other competition now if you don't believe that take a look at AI agents okay when we saw AI agents the only real one that we've really see do something amazing that's captivated the actual you know conscience of the AI space really was of course you know rabbit's device and this device essentially worked on an l and I'm not going to play the entire video here because I'm pretty sure that most of you understand what this is but essentially they invented something called the large action model um and essentially it was a New Foundation model that they used to have an agent and all you had to do was do one thing and then essentially imitate it but the problem with this is that they haven't released this yet so I'm guessing that if they release this and this is a major hit and everyone's using this and it's the new Talk of the Town maybe maybe just maybe opening ey rushes forward with their agents and maybe they push things forward because it's clear that they've been thinking at least about agents since the GPT 6 you know trademark filing and that if we look at the dates you know I think it was around um the 10th month of last year so that was a pretty pretty far time away so that just goes to show that it's literally been I think around 4 months now since then so it's clear that they've been thinking about that even though some articles recently came about that you know they've only now shifted to a you know AI agents when clearly that they've been thinking about this for quite some time now in addition they also have zero pressure from LM companies this is Claude if you don't know what Claude is it's largely because um you know it's widely underused I would say it's underrated I would say it's pretty good but the problem is is that I don't think Claude have realized that you know the recent model the only problem is that it refuses to answer many questions despite the answers being higher quality it does refuse to answer a lot of your responses and this has led to increasing frustration from you know some of the community members because it clearly states here you know claude's level of censorship makes it useless at times I'm so fed up with Claude And if you think this is just a cherry-picked comment from a sea of you know loving comments about Claude um I've done videos on Claude actually really like it but I the point I'm trying to make here guys is that llms okay in their current state a lot of people still use chat GPT if you were to ask someone on the street or on the road about AI about what kind of chat AI they use everyone just says chat GPT okay nobody says Claude and nobody says Google's Gemini and that is of course not only a marketing problem but it's a problem from the point of in terms of you know trying to put pressure on opening eye in terms of developing faster and better models out to the public so we can get you know what's potentially the best software we can get our hands on and I mean I'm not you know advocating for faster deployment because I do think that safety is Paramount I think that is a top top priority but the point here is that only until reset did we see some real real kind of you know pressure in terms of the llm space of course this is completely multimodal but the point I'm trying to make here guys is that opening eye still dominate the entire AI conscience with chat GPT because that's all people think about and the point I'm trying to make here guys is that if all people think about is chat GPT when it comes to AI an opening eye they have zero pressure to release any of their models until they deem it necessary and I don't think that's a bad thing because um this kind of defeats the purpose of Moc where everyone has to release you know quickly and quickly and I think it's kind of a good thing okay of course in addition zero pressure in the vision area they have zero pressure to release anything in the vision area um and that's why I brought up the earlier vision thing because in Vision there was a new Apple multimodal AI but the problem is guys like samman literally said this he said that you can make an AI model that's better than hours but the problem is it's a product okay and the problem with a product is you have to Market it you have to get customers you have to get you know a loyal user base you have to get fans of the product you have to get organically shared those are additional problems okay and that is something that a lot of these companies are facing and you know since it's from Apple we know Apple take takes years okay Apple beat it but who even cares because Apple's going to take years to develop it into some you know fantasy product we had the Oculus Rift and Apple only recently came out with the Vision Pro so Apple take years to refine their things but I guess we're going to see if that does work in the AI space cuz AI moves so rapidly now in addition we have video and there was a thread comparing Runway to Sora um that I'll leave a link in the description but the long story short is Sora just knocks everything out of the park I mean literally you know like a basketball in a park you've seen how great Sora is the point is guys is that if openi would go ahead and release their video model just for I don't know why they decided to show people what they're working on but the point is is that if they have a video model um and you know there are other entire companies that just do video models and open eye was to completely you know demolish them in terms of the competition just think about how far ahead they must be in that kind of you know um reasoning Department which is where some of the you know key researchers are going to be so I think that just goes to show where open AI is I think that these you know um of course trademarks I mean it could be nothing it could be entirely nothing but I do think the fact that they've you know um trademarked this quite a while ago they've also stated that you know they're going to be working on agents and the fact that you know if we take a look at the music generation paper that they released ages ago you know and of course some of the samples that I saw showed us that they're clearly way way ahead um it wouldn't be surprising if they do add this and this kind of shows me that I think in the future I'm not sure how Google or some of the other companies manag to even compete with openi I mean if they have Sora if they have you know um the very best AI agents of course there are some companies that are competing of course you got Gemini that is actually doing some really really cool stuff now with the context length but open ey doesn't seem at least the least bit worried because I'm guessing that you know I mean we could say that you know and of course with the dates of these we can see that GPT 5 was trademarked in July and then of course interestingly enough GPT 6 and gpt7 would trademarked just as around the time just before samman was being fired and what's really crazy that there was some re strange comments from Jimmy Apple stating that you know um we risk losing some key Rod die employees the vibe shift was off and that as soon as they you know trademark GPT 6 and gpt7 which is crazy because we don't even have GPT 5 yet so what do you guys think about this do you think this is nothing I think okay even though right now things exist in their current state where we're looking at the trademarks and we try to think that okay maybe because gbt 6 has you know music generation and then of course uh also has you know AI agents maybe that's what we're going to get but you know something in the next six months could completely change the entire landscape that maybe we don't get these kind of models maybe open ey changes we've seen that open ey literally blew up as a company before so anything is possible open ey could uh you know change its entire structure to be you know working with the government now because of course the crazy thing about this company is that they are sitting on some really really Hefty technology if they manage to get to AGI and Asi because if it's powerful than nukes as some of the AI researchers claim then we're going to be in a situation where um I'm sure somehow the government is going to get involved and at that stage I don't think there's going to be any kind of information being leaked because um the US government are just so secure about all of their stuff and if anything gets leaked uh I mean they they they find out exactly who does that so with that being said do you think this is just a whole lot of hogwash it's just you know complete speculation or do you think that this is going to be the future we're moving to I largely think that potentially music Generations opening I already knocked out of the park um with AI agents it's clearly you know they've already stated that they're going to be doing that anyways um and with the future iterations of models gbt 6 and gpt7 could look completely different to what we even think um so that's definitely something I think we should all pay attention to and if you did enjoy this video you did enjoy the discussion don't forget to leave a comments CU I do want to see what you guys thought about this cuz there was a lot of discussion on Twitter and a lot of people had varying opinions
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 85,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _7eyDISEoK8
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Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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