Harbor Freight $50 Survival Challenge - Day 2 Did We Make It?

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so you wouldn't know if we can survive with a $50 spending limit from Harbor Freight stay tuned and watch this video and find out for yourselves whether we can or not we don't survive I'd like to get my truck to Lane the house I guess they can just go back burn my stuff I don't want my exes to have it well guys it's drizzling out here we're waiting on Mike Ricky and I believe it's John they're going on their three-day adventure and we'll see how that works out for them look at these guys [Music] are you ready for this Ricky are you ready Ricky any last words challenging the outdoors here and here we are we're about to set off with our first survival trip this is gonna be epic because we're all gonna get to sit around the TV and watch Ricky tried to survive I'm not gonna lie I'm a little nervous this is my third camping trip ever in my life so and I'm surviving on my third one here we go okay especially started we here at the bridge we can't really tell you where we gonna be at but we're gonna be secluded that's restored and I already found that one of the first things I want to keep right here Catina what did you just find like what did you just find I'm not keeping this if that's your idea but I just found cat food oh my I'm thinking maybe I can Chum up some fish or something like I'll throw it in the water and maybe get some fish to come I'm gonna I'm gonna push this button alright I guess you could say I'm okay satisfied the only hook I found whoa whoa whoa whoa right there as I was saying it [Music] I found another hood okay and that has a little split shot on it okay okay now we're talking now we're talking that's three hooks I feel like I can do it three hooks probably with zero problems at all Ziggy's meant drinking already got a little bit line bobert and it's got a jig Nick that's what I'm talking about it's not bad at all bro I think they're going down [Music] the question is are we gonna get to our spot before it's pouring down rain or before it gets dark - it's definitely a lot further than my gait visually says by this time I thought I would leave had the fire started no we're out here battling and is about to pour down rain on this show he is eating I guess lily pad seaweed I don't even know he said it tastes good he made it hours later but we made it too much Pat we start cleaning up for you real quick okay we made it oh it's later we made it - please paddling arms like a sword I didn't tell them though it's gonna be easy in fact I specifically said it's gonna be hard but check where we are ah we got the the river or the canal right over there yeah that's what we came in on and then look what we found a little feet right here we got a creek and where we want to be camping is on the other side of that tree there's our land bridge so we really got to be careful this is a little bit of a swamp here everybody knows what hangs out in swamps so you want to look around make sure it's Naik's I'm not gonna drop on your head make sure you're not gonna sniff or step on one they could be hiding under palm fronds and stuff oh my god they're all over me I could breathe them in okay the first thing I need to do is build a fire with a fire I can stay warm and probably get a little bit more dry and at the same time I could get stuff to purify my water I got the heat appear for my water I got it's a way to cook my food the shelter it's gonna take a while but the fire is the number one thing right now I can build a quick lean-to with the tarp if I have to okay so I found me a couple little pine trees they're spaced just perfectly for me to fit between them I'm gonna run me a rope across from my tarp let's get this thing going all right got my area cleaned off okay there we go finished product voila that's where I'm gonna lay underneath there nice I already ate all the ticks that were down there and I got the stakes out and all that it's hot it's very muggy the shirt had to come off mosquitoes can have it I don't care they can have all the meat they want all the blood they want and there's a lot of them here but you know what deal with it okay if you want to know how to start a fire what conditions check out our video on how to start a fire in wet conditions cuz that's the exact same method I'm gonna be using today so I'm not gonna show you this part you're just gonna see the fire so I cut myself again there it is oh but I'm going to use this to burn it but I got a paper cut opening this thing God dog got my fire starting I'm gonna show you I'll show you guys this on it because it was really fast I mean this is the simplest lean-to in the planet but let's go ahead show it to you just take the tarp tie it to the tree pin it down to the ground another top on the ground nothing but Mike got his camp set up John I don't know what John's doing but he's guys I'm not sure what's going on with John John I don't know you need the city slicker to help you do you need the city's like you've got it got a nice little setup good job guys okay okay fires still going going through all the wet wood drying it out chop some wood but that axe a lot harder than I thought it would be Oh took a lot of energy out of me I wasn't ready to expend because I was trying to go with the night without drinking water it's a good filter the water but I'm gonna have to buckle down and take some just boiled water my big would dry it out I'm gonna move it back off of the fire off to the side then we get some more wood dry it out hopefully somewhere during that process I'm gonna be able to take my little mud pan and boil me some water here soon well I've already got a problem I've got my mud pan now I've actually got my water boiling in my mud pan right now but apparently when it heated up it caused the metal to expand down here and it's actually dripping my water out the bottom onto my fire I'm hoping that a little bit enough is in there after it's done boiling here real soon to at least give me some water otherwise we're gonna have problems we're gonna have serious problems here if we can't have water let's get this thing off of here got my pot holder and get better hold on it than that I just don't want to catch my blanket on fire cuz I'll be without a blanket tonight - we'll have two problems instead of one now - let this thing sit down and cool off for a bit I don't know how long it's gonna take but hopefully my water does not run out of it - awfully fast really wish I had something else to put this in right now I'm gonna drink I probably do this a couple more times I'm gonna drink all of this most likely so I got plenty of water for tonight then I'll do it again that way I got some water for the road well I'm walking my happy behind back down to the water I'm walking pretty slow I don't know what's hanging out around here I've got a lot of swampy area going on there might be a gator or something so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a beer can fishing reel done this puppy time got quite a few fish like this my lawn is ten different pieces probably short pieces on that song all together and it's going to take a while I'm gonna say you guys with the faces on this beer can bitching whining real what I do is I was tie my line to the tab sound ends up making a perfect little line holder and the worm I'm not gonna eat that then you just want to start wrapping it wrap it on your own you can horse in my case I'm gonna wrap until I gets it into the salon and then get some more line I've got my line out it didn't go quite as far as a lot of the like 15 I don't like to get about to the middle you know what it is working on it there's my first my first piece of food got crayfish a little tail is gonna make a fabulous little morsel try to get some more let's just see a smile I'm happy Ricky is not happy he is bummed out because he's bugged out Ricky is it bug it out on us he is getting bit a little too much I don't understand why I am not getting bit hardly at all if I am I'm not feeling it I really I don't understand maybe maybe he ate something that attracts mosquitoes or something I have no idea good got my little stick I'm gonna kind of bet it got in there hopefully my stick don't burn okay cooking up pretty good already are you trying to read alright definitely smells like food break this little film you guys nothing [Music] it's alright [Music] I haven't had a crayfish in a long time fine I don't know that was definitely weird but equity I probably wouldn't want to eat this either it's time for bed well it's passing it midnight I don't think anybody's gonna sleep any Ricky is Ricky's not Ricky anymore Ricky is man against bug and he's losing the battle it might be real I hate this I hate it I got my fire going I got this wing - all right but you can't see this but there's mosquitoes everything they're everywhere they are everywhere I am NOT happy oh my god bro I feel like things are biting me and I'm not even playing this is a legit reaction and I am NOT happy I don't want to do this again but if you like and subscribe and show enough support I'm telling you I'm not doing this without any support I would like to thank all the people who encouraged my cry saying oh man dude this is the epic if you did this because you know it's because of supporters like you is why I'm oh did you see that did you see that that was a pterodactyl it flew right wrong and this is for me this is not fun my head itches I don't know why my knuckles a bit more knuckles dad I'm done like all right this is how much I love you all right yeah I mean she'll look back by liking and subscribing yeah this is my update on tonight these mosquitoes sound like helicopters shuttle and New Year's don't know what to do so I came up with this idea because I can't sleep I can't hear anything so I'm gonna screaming in the camera I'm sorry but like I got these things I can't sleep with those things flying around my ears all night so I'm gonna cover myself as best as I can and use these things to prevent them from here because so far I can't hear them but also I can't hear myself talk and I smashed my hand [Music] I give up bumps do you think I give up but so here's the situation we sort of pick the spot that the mosquitoes are a little more rough than we expected we're almost like a nice swamp and we got to get out of here tomorrow we got to get out of the spot we can't be here singing work I'm being real I really am NOT enjoying this the whole thing like I may have done enjoyed it if we had clean water but like this I mean put the bugs man I just got bit by Hannah Conda I'm done I'm so over this I'm not tapping out but like I'm telling you guys I ain't doing this without like a lot of support because this ain't gonna happen again I promise you if we don't get a lot of support on this one the sake of it happen again I'm not happy not with me I mean my bike wants to survive on its own he can but no I hate the bugs ah God something else get me oh all right I'm done I am so done with these bugs God is it working for you your fire went out which I'm actually really surprised oh yeah what you're doing it with creatures running by you bro no you doing good with creatures I got woken up by something running by me like I freaked out like I don't know what what cause it ran behind my ear man by my ear bro oh you don't hear it well what if that's like a pack of bears yes bro it sounds like a bunch of something I think they're Cougars no I'm not even playing man this is not for me hey everyone as Cougars get up in my part to do me I've got it really kind of tight around it I put a bag over the pan just keep bugs and stuff from getting into I'm sure it's nice and cool now that would be good there is drinking some water like a real caveman I'm not happy there's our water actually don't look that bad I've seen people drink way worse Matt honey coops oops we're star than that on today I guess it's a good morning I think I had maybe an hour of sleep last night I'm very tired that sucked last night sucked really bad with mosquitos out here in this jungle the only way around this really is to sleep in the daytime and stay up all night and bat mosquitoes can we do it we could do it if we was really surviving we could do it but is it worth doing it just to suffer no no no I didn't sleep at all but I am starving right now the mosquitos killed me last night now it's time for me to kill me some fish because I need some breakfast so let's see what we can get I am so tired okay we got a hook on some string and a string on some stick do I need to explain more okay all right I finally couple these little ones it'll have to be for now hopefully I can get something like that so let's try it out [Music] [Music] got something Oh got him got him yep I mean you know that's one that point [Music] [Music] dang I got big old bluegill nice size bluegill I just got on my Harbor Freight Lines [Music] got my fish on a stick and I believe it's all done [Music] tastes good I mean it ain't pink spiced up it ain't fried but you know what it tastes good enough so things were accomplished I felt myself to cost some food started a fire what it was purified I drank some of the water trying to eat some of the food I [Music] love unseasoned fish oh it's so good oh [Music] so boney just okay I like it oh it tastes like so if you join our Facebook group page challenging the outdoors group go ahead and put your pictures up just like jag fish and he put up this picture up and we gonna shot you out just like a shout out J don't forget to check his channel and like and subscribe oh my god is a diamondback rattlesnake it is a diamondback rattlesnake he is not playing yo Mike come here I trying to be one with nature and I say screw nature fish off a boat go home at the end of the day that's what you need to do he's not happy about this Ricky's not happy about this trip I knew it was gonna happen guys here we are we just crossed that Lake on kayaks yesterday yesterday we were way over there you actually can't see it because it's around the corner that's actually somewhere in there and then we travel from there all the way down to pass around that point it goes around that direction and we spent the night in the woods that's kind of probably down that way then we come back and then we came all the way back up here I would say that the whole trip on kayaks was probably eight miles probably something like that a total of eight miles or so and I'm more doubt I'm well I got one hours sleep well right now we are back at a new location taking the kayaks out of the water and getting our butts picked up call me Bob okay you know that might be one of nature stuff you know like this look like nature was going to be one with me starting with the mosquitoes why they eat me then when we start about that deer or whatever the animal that ran across my head like this I don't know it was big that wanted to eat me and then the rattlesnake one me me challenging the outdoors you liked this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button follow us on all social be and never forgive to challenge the doors because he ain't going outdoors no more I mean I am I mean if you like my this video if we get a hundred likes on this video Ricky's gonna go on another survival challenge [Applause] some people here [Music]
Channel: Challenging The Outdoors
Views: 17,836
Rating: 4.7514124 out of 5
Keywords: $50 Harbor Freight Survival Challenge, Harbor Freight, Survival, Challenge, Freight, Harbor, Surviving, Camping, Bushcraft, fishing, bugs, mosquito, suffering, funny, Deermeatfordinner, Challenging the outdoors, outdoors, Challenging, fish, snake, rattle snake, bush
Id: YXW3kIfa8WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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