Harbor Freight Bug Out Bag - Tools

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to SOS and stressing about us and today we're going to go over some Harbor Freight items that I picked up today because we have a family trip coming up and a couple of weeks something like that we have all these scheduled events that we have to take care of and we have to do it all before school starts back for Sippy lenient got much time so we're going to get into this stuff alright so when you go to Harbor Freight you may find power generators just standard generators for like 99 bucks this is great / - natee especially if you're on a budget and you're tight on cash so that's usually sippy-cup and i that's usually how we roll and when it comes to tools and all that stuff I mean now some tools might not last you forever you could possibly break them I wouldn't want to go trying to remove some head bolts from a small-block engine with some of the tools that they have in that place because I'm probably going to break every one of them so probably not the best choice for everything but for prepper items for stashes and caches and you know on a budget bug out back building perfect perfect place for it and most people going to get electrical tape and zip ties and duct tape do they even have spray paint in the place okay superglue all that stuff goes on forever batteries so we're going to talk about a few of those items you can't build a bug-out bag from the place but you can't get your items and let's go over some of those and one thing I neglected to mention was solar panels probably the easiest solar panel kits there are in that place you can even get solar panels for your car in that place is ridiculous a printer of tools and they have anything from an axe a machete they have shovels all your gardening stuff a greenhouses they get all that stuff but I needed some Titans that's kind of what I went there for I need a couple of other items too because we are taking a trip ants we're going all the way West Tennessee this time we're not going down south like we normally do we've been visiting friends technically family friends they're practically family and there are all the way south from us so you're this normally it's that we're going west Tennessee this time so we're making a long trip we're going all the way from the east to the west in this trip so I needed some titles for the roof so we can be comfortable and the vehicle we're taking that is to put everything on the roof or get out of my face so I like to reach around three screaming kids I need locks because I'm taking we're taking the 50 BMG with us on this trip and we wanted to play around with it some on the property there if at all possible but we thought it'd be a lot of fun sippy cup gets to shoot at 50 Cal it's going to be a great little great little skit we'll probably do nice little video about it but we've got some locks to lock that thing up that's just for my case because it comes with the case I thought it'd be a great idea plus I needed some more locks for other stuff around here alright she's not getting to first everybody always wants to cover the survival knife so I can't get in too big of a hurry an axe all right I'm going to tell you kind of how much all this stuff cost in case you're playing on building a bug-out bag and you want items from Harbor Freight I got to look at this thing this is made of it says genuine Hickory so it's not too bad off eleven bucks is what you pay for a 1.25 X doesn't really have a lot of edge on it but guess what I know how to sharpen things so I can put a nice edge on it but for what it is this is going to be a great little hatchet for camps whatnot you can split small firewood with this enough room there you can split a little bit with it I wouldn't recommend it for chopping up heavy heavy stuff but this will be great to get the job done around a campsite this is perfect nice little and most people prefer this in say bushcraft type things but they had this they had the fireman's axe they've got a fireman's axe do different sizes they've got large axe you know somewhere 18 bucks this was 11 bucks so you got $11 right here this was 5 this was 5 and this was 8 so that's about what I'm spending on all this stuff so you got like 30 bucks worth of stuff here this is about $30 for all this so that would be all your tools for your bug out bag so done but this is a great little hatchet and I've got big plans for this little guy in the future nice little hatchet but I'm going to sharpen her up and we're going to do some nice artwork on it and I'm going to throw a sheet on it so I think it is a great but for our trip it's coming with me because I need it all right there is a kit that I have and it's our 4runner I don't have an eye notice like I have a machete but it's old worn out and I thought it would be a good idea to update that and I've used the Harbor Freight machetes many times I've had a couple of them I broke the tip on my last one because I was just being silly with it but well it's nice and package package nice this is COO I actually like that I like this all neatly packaged by bucks state what you get five bucks so I know it works great that's why I went ahead and purchase another one I didn't have any problems with the last one but I other I just chipped the blade and what I done I've slipped and I hit some rocks that were kind of in the dirt so it chipped the blade it's going to happen all right you can follow that out and fix it but you've got a nice saw back here as you can see it's a step types all kind of like a buck saw okay so you've got a nice saw back here and I think it's actually better than my other one so I've got a nice saw that I can use and I think you should be able to file with a round file and sharpen it in the future if it does it's pretty sharp now I wouldn't bother right now but there's your machete it's kinda nice handle to it very uh and and machete still is soft that's the other thing people don't know anyways if you're on a budget all right they're only budget I'm putting this back in here so I'll cut my finger off I felt that big good idea all right there's that now yes I'm waiting on that I know you're in a hurry you just want to see that right what's in the survival everyone I thought that'd be good to add to my little kids I've got there I got got some blades in it it's just I thought that would be nice to have an extra little blade in it yeah this is your nice little cap saw here oops la take a look at this thing all right so you got a release up here so you just release it here a little bit extra plastic there it's kind of its kind of neat I thought I would make this video I went and picked this stuff up today because I need it for this other bag that I've got but I just want to Y to share it with you guys and gals and give you some ideas looks like it's treated it's got a coating over it some type of clear coat the nice saw looks about the same as the hacksaw but it's a little bit more defined and thinner but yeah there's a this a nice blade these are great i I've had a few of these that were more name-brand and I thought hey why not just give it a try and see will it breaks will it hold up it seems - since its spring action works pretty good yep yep that works pretty good well yeah I'll have to test it out and see how it holds up but five bucks man I'm telling you that you can't go wrong with that it's just for a kid I mean you can make stash kits you know something you can bury you can build yourself a little a little stash kit somewhere and a camp a camp type environment you get there and basically you can have already have your tools there so you won't have to worry about all those tools you could have stuff like this all right I'll stop rambling here we go I got to take my time like this blows scissors I'm cutting it faster come here cut faster I love how they make it all crazy jungle like the eight ants survival hunting knife of course this means a better sheet but it's going to work fine for a it's not to do it's even got some details on the back here apparently there's a nice little survival kit on the inside and you've even got a it says it's already sharpened let's see how it is lightweight aluminum handle and a stainless steel blade let's give it a look let's make fun of it Rambo would be so proud of me right now alright alright I'll take it out of the sheet so the sheath looks good I think I can continue using that for a while but I've got something better anything would work work a lot better than that I work with leather but I've got to make something and something affordable and cheap Wow okay that's not bad that's not bad at all that's a nice dice saw not bad for what it is it's just a little survival saw it's flat here you could use your thumb on that looks like there's no case or no edge here it's literally machined you can see the machining lines all over it's just pretty much it's got a nice edge it's not bad you could cut this kind of reminds me of that forged in fire put that one Asian guy on the show he's in the martial arts and special killing weapons it was kin anyways so it's a nice blade it's rather large blade and it'll work doesn't have any markings all over it which is cool it's not a wobbly blade it's nice and solid it's writing the aluminum handle there you've got your spare holes here it looks like you've got a allen wrench yeah it's an allen key head hex head all the way through let's see what's inside stop running my suck all right we got a compass compass works there you go yeah you got to check things like that you've got a rubber bush in there so you're not gonna get any water in it what's in here I could probably come up with something way cooler than this all right that's it pre hollowed out huge little area there and what's in this what is all this let me guess things are not striking where my just hates if I do that why can't it just quit striking where matches in here are they scared I'm going to hurt myself alright there's her barrier place we're striking and there's your matches so you get how many matches they give you six six matches some fishing line let's chant see what one hook you get one hook so you better not get this caught on anything you're done like I said I'm going to update this it's going to be a lot better all right you got one safety pin two buttons and four different colors of thread there's your four different colors of thread and where it's my flipping needles there it is okay so there's your needle right it's you can barely see it there's your needle and there's a little safety pin in there that's pretty much what comes in that thing so you can see it there but just a bit but I'm going to do an update to this I'm actually going to I'm going to do some modifications to the kit that goes in the handle and I'm probably going to polish that edge up just a little bit more because kind of rough here I don't like that I don't like that it's rough but I'm just going to polish it up that's it I'm just going to add some polish to it and then polish it up auch I can buff that out it will pretty much be nice and smooth but this seems like a nice nice knife to stash in my kit that I've got put together because like I said overall you're going to spend about 30 bucks you're going to get you something eight bucks on this but you can do some updates this to make it better you're going to need one of these bad boys you're going to definitely want to have a machete with you which is a great machete by the way just don't chop any rocks with it and then a hatchet so I mean 30 bucks gets you great survival tools it's not perfect survival tools I'm going to say great survival tools so something you can utilize when you're out there make a stash bag or for your bug out back pretty much yes it's not bad it's not a bad deal get you something like this at work I don't have any objections to it I've had people ask me about this so I figured what the heck I'm already yet I'm already at the Harbor Freight might as well grab the items that I need well I needed I needed the hatchet and I wanted to get another machete but I kind of strolled by and I saw I've been thinking about grabbing this and I said well hey you know I've already got the other two items I might as well go ahead grab me something too another little saw and do a little video about it and let people know so if you're looking for this stuff and you need to put something together you don't want to spend usually on average I mean you're going to spend more if than five dollars for something like this it's going to be a lot more than that and especially for a survival knife if you're looking for something that is useful you're going to spend a lot more than eight dollars I have a knife that I've told you guys about before I paid seven bucks for it it's in that little custom sheaf behind me but I paid seven bucks for it now I have to sharpen it but it is a very very sharp knife the cheapest knife that I have in that platform it's a seven inch this is a seven inch as well and that I've had for years and years but I paid seven bucks for it and it's been it's been holding on ever since I never had any problems with it it I even took it on my first adventure hike with my buddy through the mountains it was my primary knife and I paid seven bucks for it none wrong with that I was doing all the little tidbits of work with that the type of stuff that I did in our last bug-out trip that we did that you've seen making traps and all that stuff I did the same kind of stuff but I used a seven dollar knife doing it yep it's all you need man you don't need to spend booze and money on this stuff but I recommend it check them out I they'll sponsor me I don't sponsor them but I would definitely check it out if your reported you drive off-road vehicles for one Jeep guys all you four-wheel-drive dudes and guys and gals all of you then like that stuff you can get high lift jacks from there I mean they're not highlight text they're called farmers jacks a lot of people don't know that because it's used for tractor tractor jack but a good tractor jack you can get 60 or 60 inch or 40 inch tractor jack which is basically a highlight jack and you can apply that they've even got mounting systems and everything for your Jeep for your off-road vehicle you little Toyota Tacoma that you got rolling around out there it's I mean you're going to spend I think 30 40 bucks something like that and get you the tractor Jack probably it's about 30 bucks will get you a tractor Jack this about see into something like that I might be wrong I might be lying to you about that but I recommend it if you're building these types of things bags and sorts of deals and put stuff together and all these little items that you want to get for your vehicle and you can't afford a lot but you still want to have those items to help you out they even have winch you know if you can go winch they have all that stuff in the back - I think it's like round almost I think it's just under 300 bucks will get you I think at nine thousand pound eight some what I might be wrong on that but it's pretty close to that so it's pretty cheap if you're on a budget just saying you're not made of money there you go and you can do the same thing as everybody else can and do it for cheaper so there you go that's all I got you're watching this os I'm September s have a beautiful fabulous fantastic rainy rainbow unicorn ponies a and take it easy
Channel: Step One Survival
Views: 96,455
Rating: 4.7824378 out of 5
Keywords: survival, shtf, tools, bug out, harbor freight, the survival channel, emergency, bugout bag, survival kit, camping, bushcraft, survival bag, bug out bag, wilderness survival, harbor freight tools (business operation), prepping, bag, out, knife, bug-out bag, preparedness, apocalypse, bug, harbor freight survival gear, chris tanner, edc, winter preparedness, backpack survival kit, preparedmind101, urban survival, teotwawki, tool review, tool box tour, common man survival, budget survival
Id: vkATWg30NVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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