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they got a little bit heated this yell well we're on the board i got to call the police some of the people in this campground have been really they have been terrible terrible we started kind of feeling picked on why are we such targets here that is not cool no you know we love it here but they have just made it like a living hell we are being harassed at this rv park during the pandemic yeah not cool hi guys i'm tom hey i'm sheree and this is enjoythejourney.life it's getting a little tough to enjoy the journey these days here and we're not talking about the pandemic although that does play a factor in this so basically we've been in this spot here in florida for a few months trying to ride out the pandemic and if you've watched our channel before you know us we talk about the real even if it's not a fun situation because if it happens to us it can happen to you and it can give you a chance to maybe learn from the experience and avoid it yes and we always still no matter what the situation no matter what the challenge we always still enjoy the journey right we look for ways to enjoy it because we believe in every challenge there's like this seed of an equal or greater opportunity to come out of that and we're gonna talk more about that as well so to kind of back up a little bit is why we're here at this park yeah well for the pandemic we wanted somewhere where we felt safe and familiar with the area which is destined florida where i'm from and we thought it was the perfect place to be yeah this is a little private rv park that we actually have some history yeah and this is the park where uh i moved to from pensacola beach right after we first met yeah it's a small little park there's only what 30 spots here it really is a very small park and it is managed by an hoa which is a big part of the challenge of being here and each lot instead of being rented out by the hoa or the management it's actually rented out by the owner yes and because some of the owners don't stay here all the time or don't leave their rv here all the time they you know make some extra money by renting it out to individual people like us so this makes it a great deal for us because this is a very touristy area yes and the rental prices at regular rv parks are very expensive are crazy we're actually not too far away from camp gulf yeah but although we are paying double this time than what we paid three years ago actually this park is brace for it are you sitting down it's twelve hundred dollars a month plus electric plus electric and how much did you pay the last time you were here when we were dating 650 yeah quite a difference quite a jump i i guess the destin secret is out that some of the best beaches we think in the country are here so anyway it's a nice little gated park fairly private fairly quiet and we thought it would be the perfect place yeah actually become our worst rv park experience yet ever yeah and we can show you and tell you exactly what happened yeah we've been in hundreds of campgrounds over the years and you know moving every two to four weeks sometimes a little longer but never have we had an experience like this before so not only are we paying the most we've ever paid but it has been the least enjoyable experience now because this is a monthly spot we did have to sign a lease uh with the landlord of our particular lot that we're in and sign some rules and you know rules at rv parks and campgrounds are not unusual this one is they're a little strict but nothing like we haven't seen before yeah so one morning we were having a little water issue we were calling the plumber to come fix it for us and they insisted on fixing it themselves so that was really kind of them and we thanked them and decided to go get them some wine gift certificates from the local winery you had a really great conversation with the president of the board and he talked a lot about how much they enjoy wine so i thought well this will be perfect we got the president and his wife a 25 gift certificate as well as some other board members yeah just as a way of saying thank you we thought those gift certificates were a good idea but actually it wasn't things really started to go south as the coronavirus pandemic really was picking up steam so my son lives here in destin and because of the pandemic his job closed down and so he was out of work so we have this little shed thing out here it's like a little apartment little studio and so he wanted to stay with us and hang out with us so we're like great because yeah it's traveling as much as we do when we get to see family we want to spend time with family so as the coronavirus uh pandemic was picking up steam the board started to close things down like closing the park to guests and also closing the pool area and we got a complaint from the owner that we had someone staying in the shed and also about a third vehicle being on the property i just texted him back and said that i wish that the board members had already just come and talked to us about it because family is not considered a guest right and families allowed to stay indefinitely as long as you know you want them to yes so the owner uh gave us permission to have logan park his car in another lot a fellow owner's lot so that was kind of cool that was really nice yeah but the board didn't like that no they didn't no right so there's four guest parking spots in in this campground or resort and logan was using one of those before we got permission to park in a private lot because they didn't like that even though they're not being used they didn't like that so that's why we got permission from the owner to park in one of his fellow owner friends um spaces but they didn't like that either and no they didn't no and this is when things really started getting creepy because one of the park board members would walk in the empty lot next to us and have her cell phone out at recording taking pictures of us yeah and then walking back behind the lot that we're in which apparently is called a common area right and walking back around behind the rv well she did it a lot she did which i mean i feel like if there's common area behind all the rvs and they need to do like some annual walk walkthroughs inspections maintenance whatever that's cool but you know give owners a heads up post something say we're doing our annual walk through between the hours of like 8 and 12. just so people will know to expect a bunch of ruckus behind your rv you know what's going on i think that's pretty much courtesy and i know we've been in other parks and campgrounds that have given us notice yes hey heads up we need to do something on your lot fix some power right or when they're going to shut the water off to do some kind of maintenance you get a heads up that doesn't happen here no and our water's been shut off a few times it has yeah without notice how imagine yourself in the shower with your hair all like sudsy and your water shut off and for undetermined amount of time is that cool i don't think so no that's not cool at all so when we arrived here there was still stuff left from the previous renter and there were things kind of scattered all over the place and those big wooden stairs that people like to use instead of their rv stairs that you can push up to the rv there was a set of those in the middle of the lot so we moved it out of the way and back to the side behind the shed area but we put it on the grass oh my gosh so she came over here instructing us that we needed to move it so we did we were happy to oblige right trying to make them happy yeah and actually i don't think i've mentioned it yet but this couple i had met them before and well you had met them i met them before gosh we hung out one night with them one night and had drinks together three years ago and they didn't remember us no i had to remind them plus i also helped them move their rv because they didn't have a truck to do it yeah three years ago we're really good neighbors we are good neighbors yes we are we don't cause problems and we try to accommodate everyone if you know that but lines can be crossed so let's talk about this shed this little studio apartment back when we were here three years ago your son came to visit alex yeah and he stayed in the shed inside this little shed here bunk bed and not all of these would be the same but every lot seems to have one and my son loved it in here because that's what everybody does around here the grandkids come to visit they stay in the shed kids family it's extra sleeping quarters all of them have beds in them and this one in particular has a wash full-size washer and dryer full-size fridge full-size bed and it has running water electricity cable i mean everything's set up to be like a little place for guests to stay yeah it's really a cool little place yeah and every one of the lots here has them set up just like this or very similar yes so they've kind of set a precedent and this is what they're used for so we didn't think anything of it right but then i get this text actually from some of these board members that we had known from before that he wanted to talk to me so i met to talk with him about whatever his concerns were and he tried to tell me that logan wasn't allowed to stay in the shed that there was actually a county ordinance against it and i was like what like what are you talking about that he did shoot me another text with some rules and it talked about sheds not being maybe set as a living situation like not coated properly we're just renters there's a bed in there i assume it's made for sleeping so that's been our experience in the past so we're like well that's what everybody is doing and we started kind of feeling picked on like first it was like the car you can't park it and guest parking then you can't no you can't use that owner's lot and now you can't use it's like why are we such targets here right at the same time there are neighbors having guests come over and we can see them going into these sheds and we assume spending the night which that seems like well that's fine but it yeah exactly they're singling us out for some reason this board member he's basically saying logan's not allowed to stay in there and he needs to leave or they're going to come at us with some other penalties they have for not you know following the rules and by the way this is not in the rules that we sign not in the rules you're letting that slide even though that's technically not legal is that what you're saying or the the board will look the other way when it comes to weekend people visiting or visitors staying in the shed but any longer than that it's not acceptable but yet it's it's not even their rule it's a county thing so he basically admitted to me that the board looks the other way when it comes to people just showing up on the weekend for a little bit but because logan was spending weeks or more than a month in there at a time that that's what bothered them why though yeah even though again that was not in the rules that we signed right so when he was talking to you outside he uh was trying to say that it was basic the pandemic was basically over and it was just ramping up yeah it's crazy that in these tough times with the pandemic that you would be trying to tell someone to leave that's a family member and you've got a place for them to stay with all of this going on that's safe yeah it's like that is not cool no so when i was talking to this uh board member uh he said the owner of the lot were renting from did not have the right to let us park logan's car in another owner's lot even though we got that owner's specific permission right because somehow that that's against the rules but the rules it wasn't in the rules right only says you can't have three cars in one lot not the entire park are they just picking on us right it's just so you can't park in guest parking you can't park in another lot that you got permission to park in so we had to actually put the car outside of the gate again trying to make them happy uh still at this point we figured we would take you know logan's car out and and find him another place uh to put it just to make them happy now we know everybody is extra stressed out there with so many things going on the worldwide pandemic the economy some people have lost their jobs concerned about health care yeah money worries family worries the election coming up there's a lot to be stressed about but i think now more than ever people need to treat others with kindness yes this is like your favorite area ever yeah right yeah i love it here in dustin there are so many fun things to do here yes i mean the white sand beach the pretty water ah if you're a beach person you would love it here yeah the snorkeling we've gone skiing yeah as well and the e-bikes have been really oh so much fun around here now because we've stayed here before this particular park has really uh special meaning for us yeah now we knew the rules were pretty extensive back then remember the one with your truck sticking out about an inch oh yeah yeah he came and told him he needed to move his truck right if you're just outside of your spot by the tiniest amount you do get told that you need to move that in and that that's unusual even though that might be a common rule and uh we heard it's not in the current rules but we heard that not too long ago they used to say it was married couples only yes so i think uh three years ago our neighbors uh then told the board and everybody else that we were married just so we wouldn't be harassed back then yeah maybe that was the reason we weren't harassed i i don't know completely different experience uh three years ago compared to what we've had now we are on that a different side of the park this time that might make all the difference well the rules we signed is one set of rules but they've recently updated the rules to a whole bunch of new ones that we never signed or agreed to but they wanted us to yeah they did and wow those rules are way out there we're going to tell you what those are as well pretty crazy because of the pandemic going on it seems like maybe some of the board members don't have enough to occupy their time we think they're maybe ward just needed something to do and we were their target and so harassing the renters uh maybe is what they like to do we get the definite feeling that they don't care for renters actually that uh yeah renters are like a subset yeah or something yeah they even have like little parties at the pool and renters aren't invited or maybe it was just us that wasn't invited i don't know maybe they're just so rude to us i don't want to go to a party now with a bunch of other people no and none of them wear a mask there's no precautions being made there's no six foot rule nothing it's like all out the window here okay so one of the board members that we gave uh the gift certificates to she is known in the park as barney fife they joke around and they call her barney and her one bullet gun so it's kind of a joke running joke i don't know if she knows about it or the board members are known as the park rangers because they're always looking for they're that bad yeah looking for things that you're violating yeah it's that bad they even dig in the garbage yeah that's right they're weird okay okay so barney comes over and returns the gift certificates that we bought them as a thank you yeah and had some awkward reasons for that and i don't want to offend you but here's your gift certificates back it's like what right that doesn't even make sense so we felt like they had something up their sleeve right and that and they did they did and they did a lot up their sleeve kind of like that thing if you have a boss at work and you give them a gift certificate and they were getting ready to fire you right and then they feel like oh maybe i can't fire them right it's it's that kind of a thing it's the feeling that i think was created there so they were just like this is so weird just getting ready to unleash us yeah it hasn't even started yet yeah right oh just wait just wait but wait there's more wait there's more i gotta call the police they have already come on to this lot the board members have which is a violation of their policies so they've entered our property they have moved our property twice without asking physically moved our property twice in the middle of this pandemic some of the people in this campground have been really they have been terrible terrible yep there's been a lot of rude people ever since things have opened back up my name's kurt with walt county code enforcement the the board here has been harassing us i don't call someone a liar uh very easily but uh all three of those complaints uh were not truthful somebody needs to stand up for the little guy i mean like you mentioned there's a lot of owners and other renters in here that they just keep their mouth shut because they don't want to cause trouble we felt like that a little bit but i'm glad they didn't know who we were this way you got to come in inconspicuous and and and the uh the father got to act silly right right exactly so if they will treat just anybody that way then we at least have the ability to shine some light on that darkness and maybe make some change now just because this is a bad situation don't give it a thumbs down unless you really hate the video this isn't facebook you're right some people think oh what a bad situation thumbs down like facebook but no if you're being entertained by the video or you learned something from us yeah go ahead and give it a thumbs up we appreciate that and i'm glad we can share it with you guys because we got so many fellow full-time rvers or part-timers out there you've ran into crazy stuff like this before but this so takes the cake to a new level and it just yeah oh crazy and we hope you're laughing as you're hearing this experience and watching it unfold because that's what we do and it was entertainment right we laugh about it a lot not only was it annoying but we also found entertainment value in it because it was so bizarre right it was crazy right and you're texting other channels about it and they can't wait for the video to come out because they're going to be entertained by it too well i know this is going to be a thing in the rv community and yeah oh that commercial you need to break down your cardboard violation oh the hoa commercial yeah is that geico i think so yeah and there and the hoa is clipping down like planters and hedging stuff and somebody goes i see you've met cynthia cynthia yeah so after this video you need to actually we'll put a link to the video down in the description yeah go uh youtube geico hoa yeah ad and you'll get a great chuckle out of that yeah and this it feels like that's exactly what was going on here but worse and any of you that have had a really tough hoa experience because i know hoas are really common with just regular houses yes i've had i've lived in several hoa developments and never ever had problems ever this is not normal not normal no no now we know some of you by now are already saying you need to just like you just leave you can just pick up and leave but number one we were in the middle of a pandemic things were crazy right and there's not a lot of other places around here there's just nothing available and i want to spend time with my son that i don't get to see very often and we had signed a lease put down a 500 deposit it's possible the owner's pretty cool he would have let us out of that earlier but we thought things would maybe get better yeah but no they got worse they got worse a lot worse and we're still here so this is still unfolding we're not going to share the name of this park just yet until we leave for fear of retribution of some kind but if you're not a subscriber to the channel hit the subscribe button that way you'll get an update you know when we release the next part of this series right this was going on so long and so much harassment that we had to make more than one part out of it so again if you like the video give it a thumbs up we appreciate that share it with your rv friends so we can all get a laugh out of it and be sure to subscribe and hit the bell notification and yeah comment what do you think of this so far have you ever run into anything like this when you're going around looking for places to stay stay away from the hoa rv parks yeah don't do that thanks so much for watching friends be safe enjoy your journey we'll see you next time bye bye sorry guys i'm in the middle of a business meeting but if you insist on interrupting me that's fine [Music] [Music] hey for the sun follow your footsteps anywhere you want to go [Music] beyond the stars [Music]
Channel: EnjoyTheJourney.Life
Views: 1,246,329
Rating: 4.7468104 out of 5
Keywords: RV, RV living, RV life, RV living full time, Travel full time, RV newbie, how to RV, RV upgrade, RVing, harassed, harassed in rv, rv park harassment, bullied, hoa problems, geico hoa commercial, Ford, e bike, F450, rv lifestyle, rv life full time, worst rv parks, rude camp hosts, full time RV, confrontation, Intimidation, harassment, harassed while camping, bad RV parks, cops, police, sheriff, deputy, cops called, rv challenge, Tom & Cheri, enjoy the journey.life, enjoy the journey
Id: oC_jtcQzaHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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