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Channel: Lyf Uninterrupted
Views: 317,325
Rating: 4.8439937 out of 5
Keywords: the worst rv camping etiquette ever, rv living, full time rv living, lyf uninterrupted, rv lifestyle, full time rv lifestyle, rving full time, rv etiquette, camping etiquette, camping etiquette rules, campsite etiquette, rv living full time, rv life full time, national forest camping, coconino national forest, prescott national forest, prescott national forest camping, rv camping etiquette, coconino national forest camping, national forest rv camping, boondocking
Id: AXO2d_c1fMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Yeah, I think we are just going to have to pick up after the litterbugs. Otherwise these places will get shut down.
Because of covid and the existential threat of...well..everything right now in america. RV sales have surged.
(good old capitalist ingenuity, take a crisis, and capitalize from it)
In places like colorado, its many locals and out-of-staters who leave behind bags of garbage, half buried TP, and waste. I called out one guy who claimed he "forgot" the large bag of trash, and human waste, as he was driving away from his site.
Another guy left a mattress......yeah... a mattress.
Sorry, I dont mean to pick on colorado. But its the last place I have been too, and seems to have suffered the worst.
Politically, the trump admin and the senate republicans have gutted out public resources (which was already stripped pretty bare to begin with).
So here is what we probably need:
More oversight- IE more rangers
More federal jobs.
This can be done by voting for a party that supports public land, not who wants to defund and drill/log.
Responsible people (such as you and I) to adhere to leave no trace principals (unfortunately, if you love public land, and our open spaces, and our free camping) we have to take care of it. That means picking up after the trash.
Also, it means volunteering for pickup. giving back what we put in.
I know this is a minimized solution. But unfortunately, for the 99% of americans (who doesnt have a family member with ties to a local senator) we have to be the stewards.
Also if you see something, say something.
If that guy is letting out black water, say something.
If people are having fires during a ban, say something.
If someone is four wheeling through a sensitive mountain meadow habitat. report them.
Take pictures, report to the USFS, BLM. Most people dont want to be called out (something that has to do with the psychology of shame) and will self correct quickly.
Otherwise. These places will cease to exist.
Our environment needs to become a priority