One Year Full Time RV Living Cost (SO WORTH IT)

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- Last year, we traveled 13,794 miles and visited 22 states. - And we're gonna tell you what it cost us. (upbeat music) - For those of you that just found us, we are Phil & Stacy from You, Me and The RV, of course. - And welcome, we're so glad you are here. - Yeah, absolutely. Welcome aboard. - Before we tell you all of our numbers, we have to remind you that RVing costs will vary from RVer to RVer - Yeah, we can't emphasize that enough. The way we RV will not be the way you RV. - When you're looking at costs from different YouTubers and bloggers, just kinda keep that in mind. There are a ton of things that will affect what your costs will be. I'm gonna go over a few of them real quick for you. So the type of your RV, the size of your RV, the size of your family, your RV living style which can really vary, preferred type of camping, if you camp host or you don't camp host, the frequency of boondocking, what your income is, what your debt is, how long you stay in each location. And there are so many other things that can affect what your costs are. - Yeah. That's just the tip of the iceberg. In your sticks and bricks, you don't live the same as your neighbor. It's exact same thing that applies to RVing. We got beat up last year when we disclosed how we traveled and what we spent on it. But we budgeted, as with anything that we do, we budget for it and we stay within our budget. - If you haven't seen our first finance video, it is our first year on the road and what we spent, and I will link that down below - Our RV goals were simple. We wanted to get out and see as much as this country had to offer. And we knew it was gonna cost some money to do it. - Right, so we wanted adventures, we wanted to experience new things. Yes, we do look for free parks and free things to do, but we also knew we would spend a little money doing it. So when you start off on your RVing adventure, your goals may be different than ours. So just keep that in mind. And we are going to graciously share our amounts with you. <Phil laughs> [Phil] Yeah. So if it's not what you would spend, that is okay, just don't beat us up in the comments. - Yeah, again, this just gives you an idea of some of the things that we did. So if you want to move every week and go see a national monument, stay in national parks and visit and do a lot of things, your costs are gonna be a little higher. If you're gonna go and sit out in the desert in Arizona and stargaze at night, your costs will be a little lower. So keep that in mind. - Yep, all right. So you ready to get into the numbers? - Let's go. - Oh, do keep in mind that we are giving you our category totals here. If you want a break down of our categories and what specifically we spend on items like maintenance and fun, if you go to the blog, it's even got more detail for you. - Yeah, and the blog is located at - Let's tell you a few of the things that will not be included in our budgeting. - None RV specific type stuff, like groceries, eating, what we eat, how we eat, everybody has to eat and everybody's style is gonna be different. - So we also won't include things like cell phone bills, our clothing allowance, anything like that, any of the movie platforms, those if you have them fine, if you don't, that's fine too, but those are not RVing specific. So we're only gonna talk about RVing specific items in our budget breakdown. - Yeah, and we also won't be discussing RV depreciation because everybody has a different type of RV. - And different depreciations. - So we'll leave it at that. - All right, so let's move on in. To start off our budget, we're gonna start with activities. - Who doesn't like activities? - There's a ton of room for activities. - Look at all this floor space. You could do aerobics in here... - So many activities. - Name that movie. - All right, activities include any admission fees, any tickets, anything like that to get us into any fun things we've done on the road, and that total was $1,830.20. - So we like to have fun. - Yes we do. If you want a good breakdown, go to the blog and they'll show you just where we spent that money. - Yeah, and another big ticket item is our fuel. Now keep in mind, we have a diesel RV. So fuel, it ebbs and flows in price, but we spent $2,753 in diesel and DEF. - Right, but over the course of last year, we've signed up for the TSD card- - RV fuel card. - Yep, it's a savings program, which saved us a ton of money. - Right, and by the time we got the card, we got back out on the road, we used the card seven times before we got hit with COVID, and had to sit. So if you're interested in what this TSD, RV fuel program is, it is for diesel RVs or diesel trucks, sorry, gassers, they don't have the program. The program started out with 18 wheelers. And they've been doing that for 40 years and they just included our RVers. So if you want more information about the TSD program and how you can sign up and get the card, head on over to the blog as well. - And I'll put that link down below. All right, next up is our propane costs. And again, as a motor home, we do have an onboard propane. And this cost is only for that not for our portable grill propane. So we spent $187.62. - Yeah, not too bad. And we use it mainly for cooking. And if we're boondocking, then we use it for cooking, heat for the water and heat for the rig if it's cold outside. - Next up is our tolls. As some of you may know, we did tour the Northeast last year, - Awesome. - Oh we had a great time. - It's a must if you haven't gone there. - Great time, but there are a lot of tolls up there. So for the year we spent $318.35 on tolls. - That's right, keep those quarters and actually keep those twenties handy. But some tolls were a few dollars to a LOT of dollars. Let's just put it that way. - Some were shocking. - Yeah, just make sure you have some cash on hand going through the North East. - All right, next up is transportation and parking. And when I say transportation, I mean like the metro or any commuter trains or anything like that. [Phil] - Pay to park. Yeah, so our total for both of those together is $226.37. - Not bad. - All right, next up. You wanna take that one? - Yeah. So our rally fees, we attended the Escapee's Hangout which we absolutely had a blast with. And if you're interested in that Escapee's Hangout, Stacy will link the video down below as well. - Yeah, it was the best time. We actually did an amazing race throughout New Hampshire. It was the most fun ever. So if you're wondering if we won the race, you'll have to watch the video. - That's right, no spoiler alerts here. - Now we did actually attend a second rally and that was the RVillage rally. And that was an epic, epic rally. But we spoke at that rally... [Phil] - they comped our site. And that rally is amazing too. So you gotta go to that one. - And that was actually our first speaking gig. So if you weren't there, you missed out. - Yeah, it was a lot of fun. So next up is our internet, and this one's a little complicated. - Yeah, so there's some lessons learned in this one. So we'll tell you that we paid for our plan. It was $700 for the year, we paid that upfront. And it worked for about a year and a half and then something happened and the company went out of business and so did our service. So luckily we've been sitting at a pretty nice park that has decent WiFi. And I'm in the research phase right now to find another setup for us. - Yeah, so keep your eye out. We're gonna share that with you once we get up and going, but we did pay $700 at the beginning of our year for our internet, and it ended up, we only got six months out of it. So we averaged $116 a month for what we actually got out of that internet plan. All right, next up is our RV insurance. So before I tell you what we paid, remember there're a lot of variables with your insurance just like with car insurance. So are you full-time or part-time? What's your driving record? What is your zip code? What's your credit look like? All of those will affect- - Type of RV, yeah. - All of those are gonna old is your RV?. It'll all affect what your bottom line is. So I can tell you we did go through Progressive, Phil shopped around, and he has each year we've been on the road and we paid $2121 for our insurance for the year, and we paid upfront to get a little bit of a discount. - Yeah, so when you're searching different RV forums and you're asking that million dollar question, "What does everybody pay for RV insurance?", it's a little misleading because you'll see numbers from 500 to 5,000. And I've literally seen those. And again, it's all of those variables that Stacy mentioned. So you really just have to shop around. - Yeah, and not every insurance company will provide insurance for RVs and insurance for full-time RVers. So you do have to shop around. - Right. - All right, next up is our RV maintenance. - Yeah, the maintenance was low this year. Just because we do a lot of maintenance ourselves, so we did go to Red Bay and our maintenance was $1,123. Not too bad. That included the generator oil being changed out and some odds and ends that we had Tiffan fix while we were there. - Yeah, and again, for full details on that, head over to our blog post. All right, next up is RV upgrades. These are some things we did ourselves. And the total for that is 3,763 bucks. - So that was mainly our solar upgrade. And that was a DIY- - With the help of friends. - With the help of friends, we saved a lot of money by doing it ourselves. So the cost is low, and you'll see the video and you'll see how we did it, and you'll see where we saved some money. But again, we budgeted and we came in under budget. So we're quite pleased with that upgrade. - Yeah. All right, next up are our memberships. We have quite a few RV specific membership. Now our total for all of our memberships is $248. A couple of them I can tell you, I can't imagine RVing without. And the first one is Boondockers Welcome, next up is Harvest Hosts and finally, the only trip planner, I will use is RV Trip Wizard. So we are affiliates with all of those, but that's not why we love them, we're using them all long before we came affiliates. I will put links below. So in case you guys wanna check those out, we do have discount codes for Harvest Hosts and Boondockers Welcome and you can save if you join with our code. - Right, and the Harvest Hosts is not just breweries and wineries, we've got a lot of comments that says, "Well, I don't like alcohol. I don't drink alcohol." That's great. You don't have to purchase their products, you don't even have to stay at a winery, there's museums, there's golf courses for those golf nuts. So there's more to it than just going to a brewery and a winery. And I can tell you, they are some of the most peaceful night's sleep you'll get, they beat Walmart parking lot any day. - Yep, absolutely. And we'll have more on that with our campground breakdown. Also the memberships also included our Escapee domicile and Mail Forwarding service. So that's why it was as high as it was. And speaking of Mail Forwarding, of course we have our mail forwarded from Livingston which is where Escapees is to wherever we happen to be. And just for postage for that, we spent 143 bucks. - Yeah, and we might've been able to save a little bit of money if I hadn't sent our Amazon purchases there instead of where we were actually sitting. So I had to pay for shipping twice for some of those. - For toilet paper. A case of toilet paper. - Yeah, some of those. Yeah, so be careful of where you're sending your mail. <Stacy giggles> - All right, let's get into our camping breakdown. So we're gonna break down where we stayed each night over the past year and what it cost us. - Yep. - All right, so first up we did three freebie, total freebie overnights. And that includes Casinos and Walmarts. - Yeah, not the quietest places you want to overnight but they were free. - Yep, next up. - The next one is probably our most, well, not probably. It IS our most expensive- - Nightly expense. - Nightly, yeah, most expensive stay was at Disney's Fort Wilderness. Now I can say it was our priciest but the most enjoyable. We really had a good time there. And that was a 450 bucks to stay there for four nights. - Yeah, so that's 112 bucks a night. - Yeah, so that's just to see the Mouse. So, I mean, if you haven't been, it is worth it to go at least one time. - That was our second time since being on the road. - First time was a family reunion. So we kind of hung out with family. We didn't go into the park, but we did stay at Fort Wilderness. But Disney does it right. Fort Wilderness is an extremely clean, spacious park. You're gonna love it. There's a lot to do. Check that video down below. - Yep. - If she's not linking it, she will now. - It's all linked in the blog. - Okay. - So every video. Okay, next step we did go to the Tampa RV show. We stayed on property at the show because we were working there, but we also had full hookups. We didn't stay in the parking lot. And that was a total of 240 bucks, which was 40 bucks a night. - Yeah, not bad. We were working and we had to pay, so it was a win-win for us. - Yep. - Next, we did eight days of volunteering at a park which we were able to stay at for free. And eventually, we ended up with full hookups during our time there. - We say free, but we worked our booties off, but it was amazing. We worked with A Year To Volunteer. If you haven't seen what they're doing, you have to check them out. Their goal is to volunteer for 365 days all across the US. We were fortunate enough to meet Phil and Shar on their first project which is at the Florida Caverns and of course that will be linked in the blog, but it was such a worthy cause, we really enjoyed meeting everyone there and working, really working. We worked really hard for the free sites, but it was really worth it to help that state park open back up. - Yeah, and it was something, it just made us feel good to volunteer and give back. And yeah, when we say free, our site was free. - We worked for it. - We busted our humps while we were there. Really, really a worthwhile experience for us. - And we can't wait to do it again. - Absolutely. - So we actually did two projects with them and we loved every minute of it. So we'll be back with A Year To Volunteer. - One of our favorite places to stay is the Army Corps of Engineer parks. And we absolutely love staying there and you'd know that, because we spoke about it at the RVillage rally, absolutely love it. We stayed there for a total of 13 nights, which came out to about a $15 nightly average. - If you have, the National Park Senior Pass or the National Park Access Pass, you get 50% off these campgrounds. So if you wanna know more about specifics for these campgrounds, I'll leave that blog post below. And I go into great detail on how to find them and how to get your discount. - Yeah, and spoiler alert. It's not just for military people, anybody can stay there. - We got to quit telling people that, cause they're gonna start filling up. - That's right. - All right, next up, we stayed for 15 nights on Florida's Water Management Land which, heads up it is free, free, free camping, and it was amazing, we loved it. - Yeah, and it's a little hidden gem down there. We didn't know about it until we were actually in Florida, that it existed. So it was a nice find. - We also spent 22 nights with Boondockers Welcome. So we spent that with all different hosts because we get Boondockers Welcome comped for us, we're affiliates and we put out a lot of videos about them, so they gave us this year for free. We actually averaged about $1.36 per night for those days. And the only reason it was that is because we paid $10 for a host in Indiana who gave us electric, and one in Florida, we gave another host 20 bucks for his electric. - Yeah, he actually moved his rig out of his sight so we could pull our rig in there and plugin. And Barry, thank you. - Yeah, we appreciate you. All right, next up is driveway surfing with all of our amazing friends. So again, that was free. Well free for us, we may not be so free for them because we were there, but it was free. - We might've used some water and electricity. - Used their shower, whatev's. - Ate their food, but it was all fun. - All right, next up is Harvest Hosts. So again, another one of our favorite place. We spent 29 nights at Harvest Hosts. And again, this was also comped for us for the year. But as we were coming back from Florida, we added on the golf courses, which we didn't have. And that cost us 26 bucks. So that averaged out to 90 cents a night. - Not bad, I can live on that. - Yeah, and we love everything about Harvest Hosts. So, oh, they're amazing. You gotta check those out. We also did a month of camp hosting. So in North Carolina, while we were there, we tried our hand at it again for the second time. - But there were no bathrooms involved. - And we stayed 32 nights in North Carolina at our camp host spot. So technically it was free, but we again worked for that. - That's right, we had to work. We were on a schedule. - Yeah. - That was rough- - With the alarm clocks and everything. - Full time, RVers don't normally have a schedule or alarm clock. - So not sure if we're gonna camp host again, we'll take that as it comes. I never say never. - Yeah, TBD. We obviously stayed on some military bases and military campgrounds, and we stayed a total of 44 nights for a grand total of $26 a night is what it averaged. - Yeah. - So contrary to popular belief, we don't stay for free on a military base. - Right. - We have stayed at some military bases where it was $50 a night to stay. - Yeah, Fort Belvoir was our most expensive. - Yeah, so military bases are not free and not everybody can get on them. So we do like them, 44 nights shows that we were there. - Quite a bit. So our total for the military parks, our military campgrounds was 1,173 bucks. - Yeah, not bad. - All right, next up is state parks. We stayed 44 nights at state parks. And this is state parks, county parks, city parks, national parks all lumped into one. And that was 1,238 bucks. - Not bad. And then lastly, private campgrounds. We stayed 107 nights in private campgrounds for a grand total of 2,487 bucks. And COVID has a hand in some of that. - Yeah, yeah, for about two months of it. - Yeah. - So we don't normally choose private campgrounds, we usually like the COE's and the state parks better. But I can tell you the last two months of our year, we're at a private campground, but it was only $477 for the month. So actually cost-wise it wasn't too shabby. - No, it wasn't. But again, it just had a sitting the whole time. - Yeah, yeah. All right, so our total camping costs for the year is $5,813.29. - Yeah, for a grand total of $16 on average nightly. - That's right. I think that's pretty good. - Not bad. When we set out two years ago, our nightly budget or daily budget was set and we are well under that. - Well, we set it at 40 bucks a night because we had no clue what we could do, and people laughed at us and said, "You're never gonna camp for less than 40 bucks a night, you're crazy." And then other people said, "40 bucks, that's ridiculous. I never paid more than an average of 15 or whatever." So we were lost, but as you can see, we came in well under that. - Sometimes we hit it, sometimes we're a little over it, - But it all averages out. - Right, right, absolutely. - Now, if some of you are thinking you could have saved so much money with Thousand Trails and you're nightly cost would have been less, well, we opted out Thousand Trails for a ton of reasons. So if you haven't seen our video as why Thousand Trails does not work for us, of course I will link that below and you can check that out. - Yeah, it's not to say that Thousand Trails may not work for you and your lifestyle. We have friends that have Thousand Trails and they swear by it, they love it. It works for them, that's great. - And finally, I just wanna remind everybody thinking that they can go out and boondock and live for absolutely free, remember that's not necessarily the case, there are hidden costs involved, even with boondocking, things like dumping fee, filling your fresh water tanks, washing laundry. - Replenishing your propane. - And your fuel. What are you using to run your generator, to recharge your batteries? All those costs add up. Now they're not huge costs. It can be cheaper, but when we stayed out at Quartzsite, it was actually cheaper for us to stay at a few of our COEs than it was for us to boondock. So you do have to weigh the pros and cons and what works best for you and what you like to do. - Right. - So hopefully this is gonna help you as you are planning to go full time, as you're budgeting to go full time, be sure and shop around on YouTube and on other websites and see what people are spending, see their budget breakdown, find out where you wanna be within that breakdown. And you can live on whatever budget you want to live on, on the road. This is the budget that works for us. I hope you find the budget that works for you. - Yeah, absolutely. There's a budget out there for everyone. - Yeah, before we go, we have to let you know what's going on with our Homes For Our Troops charity. - Yeah, it just keeps getting better. - So after we closed out the charity, we didn't quite make it to $5,000. - We were just a little shy. - So we got an email from two Air Force retired Master Sergeants, I hope I said that right? - Chief Master Sergeants. - I knew I was wrong. Two E-9s from the Air Force that are retired and one of their wives. And they decided, since the Navy could not pull it out- - Couldn't finish the job. - We couldn't finish the job and take it to 5,000, they were gonna take our donations to 5,000. - Yeah, so they donated 300 bucks, which took it just over 5000 and they wanted to challenge anybody else in the other branches to keep it going. - That's right. And so I sent it out in our newsletter on Saturday last week, and some Navy folks stepped up and we've had another $500 donated all from Navy, retired Navy, to our donation. So if you would like to take the challenge and see what other services we can push forward in this donation, I'll leave the link down below for you to donate directly to Homes For Our Troops. It's not coming to us. Just donate, and then send me an email and let me know what branch you're donating for, and I will add that to our tally and we'll see which force can donate the most. - Yeah, we'd love to keep it going. So if you're feeling it, you've got a few extra bucks to spare, join in. - Yeah, I actually got a call today from Homes For Our Troops about our charity and the donation that we already donated. They are so excited about it. They wanna say thank you to everyone who bought the shirts and donated. They were just totally, totally overwhelmed. So thanks to everyone who's already donated, whether it's the tip jar or the T-shirt or on your own, we appreciate each and every one of you. And I know the veterans that are receiving help from Homes For Our Troops also thank you. - Yeah, and I'll give you a virtual fist bump because that was just totally awesome, we loved it. - All right. If you haven't subscribed yet, please hit that subscribe button. - And give us a thumbs up and hit the notification bell over there. And yes, I'm using my surgically repaired right shoulder to point cause I'm getting better. - And we will put links to everywhere that you can find us. You can mainly find us these days on RVillage. So if you're not a part of RVillage and our group, please join us over there or head over to our website for a ton more information on travel and RVing. - Yeah, we look forward to seeing you there. - All right, thanks for watching. And hopefully one day we'll see you back on the road. (upbeat music)
Channel: You, Me & the RV
Views: 626,430
Rating: 4.9299674 out of 5
Keywords: rv living costs one year, how much does rv living cost, full time rv living class a, full time rv cost, budget full time rv living, how much does it cost to live in a rv, one year full time rv living costs, full time rv living budget, full time rving cost, how much does full time rving cost, cost of full time rv living, cost of full time rving, cost of rving full time, cost of rving for a year, one year full time rv living, price for rving full time, you me and the rv
Id: TRlw7orz0Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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