Without Bound - Perspectives on Mobile Living (Documentary)
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Channel: Michael Tubbs
Views: 1,803,813
Rating: 4.9011388 out of 5
Keywords: live in a van, van dwelling, off grid, rent free, bob wells, randy vining, vagabloggers, solar energy, full time rv, sustainable living
Id: Lg37Cbx-kak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 21 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Actually, I think they have a point. I liked the man with a copy of Walden.
I think if we were more interested in ideas, and relationships (and less consumerism), we could live on very little. Maybe we would be happier.
My family and I are currently testing this lifestyle out with a 3 month RV living experiment. We thought about going full-time right out of the gate, but it would have taken a couple of years to get things in order. When the opportunity came up for a temp trip we took it.
Seven weeks and 7,000 miles in so far!
I'm trying to do this, but in a half-assed way. My concerns are mostly financial. Everyone in this except for that young Utah couple were retired, or at least very close to retirement, and therefore receiving money from the government. That's gotta help.
Also, what do these people do when their van/truck needs a new transmission, or something else that would cost around $5000 to replace?
If somebody lives in his car, is he homeless? Are they more fascinating than those who sleep in shelters and doorways?
I did it for a few years, and always wondered if I was "homeless", or simply a "nomad" who didn't go anywhere.
Sustainable? They grow their own fossil fuels?
Watched this documentary a while back. Was disappointed. Felt more like some footage of a family reunion than a documentary. Nonetheless, would watch again just for their perspective on van dwelling.
"off-grid" with internet? Nice documentary. I enjoyed it, but description.
Off the grid? Is that some Mad Max mobile refinery shit?