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some people think I probably shouldn't share this time to find a spot to park I feel safer than when we stay at a Walmart I don't think you have to worry about ever getting that knock on the door in the middle of the night so what is the solution to Walmart parking disappearing across the country well here is a possible solution and this is what we do almost exclusively when we're looking for a very quick stop overnight and that is cracker docking that's staying overnight at Cracker Barrel and I'm going to share some of the tips that we've learned and why we like cracker docking more than staying at a Walmart for quick overnight stops [Music] [Music] I'm Tom and this is enjoy the journey dot life so you get notified when we release a new video make sure you hit that subscribe button down there and ding that little bell that way you get notified when we release a brand new video you'll be the first to know why do we love staying at a Cracker Barrel for a quick overnight well a lot of reasons and actually one of them is they're very conveniently located almost all of them are right off the freeway you can get to them in just a couple minutes from exiting off of a freeway often a lot faster than you can find a Walmart and there are so many cracker barrels they are all over the country another advantage is they actually have RV and bus parking designated for us so that's awesome plus they also don't want semis coming in here and it just isn't enough room so at a Walmart you sometimes get the diesel fumes and the noise from semis all night long but here you don't have that and that is another one of the advantages one of the reasons that we park back there against aside is the designated bus and RV spots right here short we've made this work before but and we'll try to get one of the ones on the ends here so again we have a little bit of space to pop out one slide but we're sticking out like way out here on both ends to fit and we really try to avoid that but that can be a disadvantage hey wait a minute that is not a bus or RV and that happens sometimes too people don't pay attention to where they park and they take up what few bus and RV designated spots there are a little closer to the entrance and I like to park the main [Music] but it's short the bus an RV parking really nice spot there he already has so I'm going to take this spot and I should be out of here pretty early in the morning so but by doing this it gives me get a little area to pop out the main slide right here you know that's okay and I got a little room on the other side I guess I can get into the kitchen when I need to there's a three other RVs here right now yeah love Cracker Barrel for this kind of quick stop's more trees to watch out [Applause] but I'm always careful with how I park I can get out right here pull into the parking lot and usually three will park behind me just in peace so but I'm sticking out in this one even if somebody takes that spot I can still pull out if nobody does I might back up a little bit but I don't need to just nice to have that flexibility we're getting in and out of here this is pretty level lot there are no no parking signs here at all sometimes we are the only RV in the parking lot or there may be just one or two other RVs parked here and don't forget the food 499 breakfast ah that sounds awesome love the breakfast here at Cracker Barrel and make sure when you're staying here you do dine here because that is one of the reasons they offer this convenient parking for RVs and buses so make sure you don't just stop in and stay for the night and then leave without purchasing something they also have gifts and trinkets knickknacks I should say in their little store right before the restaurant so check that out as well and we always feel safe here there are signs that there is 24-hour surveillance and because it's not a Walmart you don't have so many people here all kinds of different people that you might find at Walmart you don't have that here and I think less people it is safe I feel safer than when we stay at a Walmart and even if there is a parking restriction by the city it doesn't seem like the management here at Cracker Barrel cares I mean I don't think you have to worry about ever getting that knock on the door in the middle of the night saying hey you need to leave there's a no parking ordinance here we have stayed at dozens and dozens of cracker barrels across the country and have had zero issues as opposed to Walmart there have been lots of issues as many people have reported and we've reported in our other videos on Walmart parking as with all parking lot stopping overnight parking lots are not perfectly level and this one actually is not too bad but it's not perfect and you just deal with it for one night it's not a big deal one con of staying at a Cracker Barrel is almost all of them are noisy and they're close to highway so as you can hear got highway 95 over here I'm in West Palm Beach and it's noisy so sometimes more noisy than a Walmart but you can use earplugs I wouldn't let the noise keep you away this one actually is noisier than a lot of them that we have stayed at so how do you find cracker barrels well you can certainly use Google Maps if you want to but our favorite is the all stays app and I'll show you that right now and if you're interested in that we do have a link down below in the description and we appreciate it when you use our links in the description it does help support our channel so pull out the smartphone here so just click on the all stays app right here and it's gonna zoom in to where I'm at I'm actually in West Palm Beach and it shows me right there my location is that Cracker Barrel and I'll get all the info there it is love your ratings there'll be notes on here no particular notes on this one just says 7 RV spaces but if we go back to this screen right here we just look around there's a Walmart zoom in here a little bit but that red means no parking there and another red Walmart right there and then there's a campground right here but I'm going to click on that and it's got maybe got good reviews but five dollar signs that's gonna be really an expensive overnight stop if you're just looking to you know stop like we are just for a quick overnight it's I don't know it to me it's a waste of money to do that and I know a lot of people say that's what we should be doing and not staying in parking lots but that's why we have an RV so we don't have to pay to stay overnight every night and there just isn't a lot of places to stay West Palm Beach we are on our way south and it's just for a quick overnight now when your cracker docking use the same etiquette that I mentioned in the Walmart videos up here don't put out a ton of slides or no slides if you can we got a few people back here that have I think all of their slides out right now and we basically have just the main slide so we can get to our living area right here but it's on the other side kind of hidden them just so we can get around right there we've got the edge of the bedroom slide out just so we can get around the bed show up late and leave early many cars in the parking lot so we're not taking up spaces that cars want to park in and don't put out leveling jacks pick up your trash don't be grilling outside like you sometimes see a Walmart this is a food establishment if you're gonna eat out in the open and make sure it's something that you purchased from Cracker Barrel itself also don't stay more than one night this is meant just as a quick stopover grab a quick little bit of sleep overnight get some food and get out we want to keep this privilege as long as possible and if too many people come out here and start doing this and bending some of these rules which are just our self-imposed rules so to speak we might see corporate at Cracker Braille put a you know some kind of restrictions on this and we don't want that to happen so please for the sake of all of us to continue enjoying this privilege respect it and be really the best patrons at Cracker Barrel can have and that way we can keep coming out here and having a nice safe spot to stop overnight time to get breakfast yummy you can't do it one-handed I kept trying to open it and record at the same time you can too it got good containers that's for sure and Cherie can't finish her hashbrowns so I get to have them this is another advantage YUM I don't think you have to worry about ever getting that knock on the door and try to open the door when it's locked come on Cracker Barrell show me a spot 499 breakfast sandwich Cracker Barrel so not a hundred percent free but breakfast is included does that mean it's like not air B&B am I trying to think of cracker bed and breakfast geez look at that bird Wow [Laughter] just swing over and pick me up
Channel: EnjoyTheJourney.Life
Views: 757,191
Rating: 4.7831688 out of 5
Keywords: RV Living, RV Living Full Time, RV, RV Life, full time rv, full time rv living, rv full time, living in an RV, free camping, rv travel, rv tips, rv traveling the usa, rv living cheap, overnight camping at walmart, rv boondocking at walmart, rv lifestyle, walmart overnight parking, free overnight parking, walmart rv parking, walmart rv camping, cracker barrel, cracker barrel rv parking overnight, cracker barrel rv parking, cracker barrel rv parking locations
Id: BDlaHU3vbn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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