Happy Taxpayer DESTROYS Nomad Capitalist in 1 paragraph

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hey guys my name is Andrew Henderson from Nomad capitalist Nomad gapless calm and the author of this very controversial book called Nomad capitalists on Amazon a lot of people have been out there complaining about some of the stuff we talked about in the book all 100% legal stuff that's in the book and why you shouldn't have these options a lot of people I've been seeing lately are up in arms about the book but in this video I want to talk about how people are up in arms right here on our YouTube channel and we're gonna explain how I got decimated Vanquish blown away by a commenter here on our channel I guess that's the terminology that people use these days I'll be looking around and I'll see you know Ben Shapiro Barry's liberal lunatic that's what every video seems to be these days and we had a commenter who went on to my video why I renounced US citizenship and left a comment that I think he believes vanquished me for all eternity so I'm gonna walk through it and I want this to be an interesting lesson because I want to go through bit by bit what this person said basically decrying the Nomad countless lifestyle and I want to share my feedback in each point basically every single one of this person's points is wrong either factually inaccurate or just based in emotional nonsense and I want to do this number one so that you understand an emotional level that there are people out there who are with you that's why you're here on this channel but I also want to go through because I know that even some people who start to get into the domain capitalist lifestyle there's some times that one little thing that seed of doubt in one particular area where they get held up and doing what they need and want to do because there's that seed of doubt and so I want to go through a lot of the arguments that the traditional anti Nomad person has to make this person his name is RW and he commented on my video why I renounced US citizenship I'm gonna get into his comment will read it word for word and I will go through each and every one of the points now really quickly before we do that [Music] to me as the chief nomads here is the original nomad capitalist it's important for me to share my life and to share as much I don't share everything I'm not gonna tell you where my my bank accounts are necessarily I'm not gonna give everything away but when it comes to the big stuff when it comes to important parts of my life I would like to share that because I want you to be able to learn from it I believe that transparency is important my goal was never to brag about you know renouncing US citizenship and I talked in this video which you can find on our channel that I felt everyone involved in the process at the government level was very professional very nice and this was not something I did of anger but I think that this comment on our Channel exactly illustrates exactly what I said in the video and what I told people on an official level which is I don't feel American now what I've learned is there are certain things that you know you grow up in a country you're always going to have certain traits part of that was due to growing up in the country in the country's culture a lot of that was also due to my parents in the way that I was raised and so in many ways I'm different than a lot of people who live in the United States but there are some things you never lose but what I found and perhaps you the viewer have found this as well is that anymore in the United States you're either Bernie Sanders where you want to kick every rich guy you know under the ground and take all their money and call them a jerk or you're on some other side I don't even know which side that is now where if you ever go to a foreign country or probably even get food poisoning Salmonella and the tap water is gonna kill you and you should be hung in the public square as a traitor like there seems to not be a lot of middle ground these days you're either like rah rah America wave the flag nobody can have another opinion best country in the history of the world even though I'm not sure exactly where these people with ninth grade education got the evidence for that so you're either that or there's the other side where it's like hey you shouldn't be wealthy we should all just have free stuff and you should pay for it so that is really the issue but Logan without further ado let me go through the comment this is from RW and saw my video here on YouTube called how and why ever announced US citizenship maybe you want to go respond with your opinions maybe our W would like to hear your feedback nothing vile please nothing obnoxious just maybe you want to respond to our w here's the comment we'll go through it piece by piece crocodile tears for the extremely rich people who have raped our economy for years so this is a common thing that people say about anyone who ever wants to leave the United States by the way I don't think you have to renounce for them to say this if you just remain a US citizen go live somewhere else get some tax breaks they probably had the same thing to say about you I'm not sure I raped the economy for years I started numerous businesses I hired people I paint a lot in taxes probably more than RW who now is just a guess just to guess I'd probably paid a lot more in tax than our W and then the other thing is what is extremely rich I mean by global standards if R don't be use in the United States he's extremely rich why should you have two cars in suburbia why shouldn't you have one car zero cars why shouldn't you take the bus I mean what is extremely rich am i extremely rich are you extremely retired I don't know there are plenty of people who are renouncing their US citizenship in Canada who are extremely middle-class but they're getting sucked into the tax system because they have a job in Canada there's just a lot of paperwork a lot of filing requirements I don't think those are the extremely rich who have been raping Society there in Canada paying a boatload of tax I paid a lot of tax I followed every you know tax law and okay this is a common thing general anger against the rich you can stay you can go they hate you regardless so that's the first point they'd rather leave their own country than pay ever-decreasing taxes now I don't know about you might my taxes in the United States didn't really go down I started making money when George Bush was president and the top federal income tax bracket was lowered to 35% I guess there's been some ever so mild changes but I guess they the bulk of my money after Obama came in and and they'd raised that there was the Obamacare levy there were different taxes and so I'm not really sure what these lower taxes are for the average small business owner you're still just paying at an individual level now the corporate tax rate went down after being the highest in the world for god knows how long it's the US corporate tax rate is finally kind of on par with those other you know anarchist countries like Norway who have rates in the low to mid 20s on the corporate level so I don't know if these ever decreasing taxes are so I think that people have it backwards I didn't want to live in the United States and so I figured that well hold on a second why do I want to keep paying taxes in the United States I mean if we're gonna do the Bernie Sanders thing every other country you know in the history other developed country in the world they're pale you know they're they're free Medicare when every other country in the world also has is they don't require their citizens to file forms this big because they have a rather simple structure overseas now all that can be managed we help people do it at nomad capitalists we hook them up with all the people to get everything done and it can be managed but why should a u.s. citizen be disadvantaged versus a British citizen or an Australian citizen who can check out of their country and go overseas and live now maybe these communists don't like that either maybe the issue is you should be forced to just stay in the country where you're born for the rest of your life you're forbidden to leave because we need your money and that's basically what it comes down to there's no emotion there's no rational thought it's all emotions they need your money because they need your free Medicare they need their free college education they need everything for free and they don't want to pay for it even Bill Maher did a thing where he said the average millennial was willing to panik's or a thousand dollars in taxes if that got them free health care and free college tuition bill maher the liberal said - how ridiculous that is if you want government services you got to pay but in the United States where everything is like opposite world it was you know it's basically an issue of you know unlike in Europe I'm like in the developed you know more socialistic countries everyone pays for it you know you live in Denmark you just pay a lot of taxes where's in the US people are been conditioned the middle class our w's type have been conditioned to pay these ever decreasing taxes because they're getting more and more stuff they want their taxes to say the same but they want your taxes to go up to pay for even more doesn't sound very equality based to Galit aryan to me it just sounds like a robbery and so do i want to pay taxes to a country I don't live in no and for five years I spent almost zero time in the United States didn't drive on a single road didn't send my kids to school my imaginary kids did not go to the schools I didn't use any of the services other than I went to the embassy once and got a new passport for which I paid a user fee so the ever decreasing taxes I mean is it fair to pay any taxes if you're not getting any services you gotta follow the law but that's that they've got Trump enough is I'm a little date whose day they've got Trump in office and they're still upset they have to contribute what they do again his Trump cut individual income tax rates by half I don't think he did in fact he actually made some of the tax system worse for people doing business outside of their America first system so you know if you want to run a tractor dealership in Nashville I guess maybe your taxes went down a little bit but if you're doing anything that involves importing goods through Amazon or doing consulting a lot of other kind of global businesses your taxes may have gone up actually under Trump and so this is where these people confuse the ultra-rich the Jeff Bezos the big corporations who get the tax breaks who Lobby Congress to get them tax breaks it is the average person making a half a million or a million dollars that person is not really seeing a substantial tax decrease so the fact that we support Trump I don't know I've been pretty agnostic to US politics as someone living overseas so okay more blather I hope you like believes or happy country you go to I love the random this is very Jerry Seinfeld asking that you have to find the country that just sounds kind of funny you know if you said like I hope you like you know Tanzania that doesn't sound as funny like Belize it's it's zippy it sounds kind of funny it sounds like a but not even a real country but besides the mild wit to it it's absolutely incorrect I don't live in Belize I don't know where he got Belize I know people who do live in Belize and they like it a lot actually I never won I know who lives outside of the United States likes it much better everyone who everyone I know almost who visits me from outside of the United States as well this is actually much much better here so this is kind of the typical mindset but babies even a little bit Trump ask where every other country is preppy by default I wonder how many countries maybe someone should ask how many countries our W has been to so I don't know how how do you know it's crappy if even been there I've maybe maybe you're in the bizarro world in the u.s. is the country that's not is nicely nope you will be like the leeches you are leeches is a misspelled living transnational yet paying nothing to benefit our society again i if you're not part of a society are you do you want to pay to that society I don't want to pay to the Norwegian society either I don't want to pay to Australian society I don't live in those places and I don't want to pay to their societies living transnational yes we know our W it's very unfortunate he can't leave and doesn't want to leave honestly he every other country is crappy only the United States with its shootings and every day that a school shooting very sad stuff happening that's the place to be so we're going to be the leeches we are the leech is creating jobs hiring people in countries with high unemployment rates hiring people at higher wages than they would earn in their home country empowering people to grow starting companies in countries that want the business and want the tax revenue and want people to be there living in countries that want successful people to be there and buying their stuff and keeping their restaurant workers employed keeping their shop workers employed yes you're right traders he says actually I think we used to open our first podcast hello traders maybe maybe that's maybe that one part is true not the way he means a bit but I'll I'll take that if that's what it means I'll take traders I hope you were in some awful country and have to face their legal system one day without the benefit of US consular assistance this might be my favorite part actually this is the last part of our w's comment I hope you were in some awful country I like this by the way because what I've realized is you know I have a family and and they've decided my parents my siblings they've decided that they want to live in the United States and rather than when I first started this process a decade ago where I was trying to constantly convince them to move here to move there I'm at peace with the fact that they like the US it works for them that's great I don't hope that they hate it there I don't wish ill upon them I don't understand this thing of wishing ill on people who think differently than you do I just me seems like that would make me the nicer person but I don't know I hope you have to live in some awful country again cuz every country besides the United States is awful and have to face their legal system one day for what I don't exactly know it's actually a lot easier in most countries to stay legally compliant things are much more transparent and so I don't know what I've done actually the interesting thing is when I recently got approved for st. Lucia citizenship they go through everything they go through your businesses they go through your civil court history they'll go through any criminal records and if they clear you it's like you're a pretty good person and so I was happy to be cleared so I don't really know suddenly apparently though I'm gonna be facing the legal system and then the last part is without the benefit of US consular assistance now I want to you know again I I had a very positive experience with the consular staff in my renunciation I don't want them to feel impune in any way but I can tell you this when I've been with US citizens in places all around the world someone loses their passport someone gets robbed someone whatever they call the US Embassy there in the hospital they called you ass embassy if the people are there they're like what do you want us to do I suppose if you got arrested they would come and see you but there are multiple blogs and articles online of people who were arrested in other countries and someone came and said here's a list of lawyers have a nice day this idea that the US government is going to bail you out you you can go and commit crimes and they'll just bail you out is absolutely ridiculous there may be some cases where maybe flashing a US passport scares a few people are threatening to call the US Embassy scares a few people which I suppose if you sound like an American you could always do that regardless but I never wanted to do that I never felt it was appropriate to do that and I'm not exactly sure with this great consular assistance is if you commit a crime somewhere you're gonna face the legal system so the answer wait for it wait for it our W is not to commit a crime that's the answer they think the answer is to follow the rules but if there's a place where the rules are easier to follow and require a lot fewer lawyers to check and double-check everything then maybe that's a place that you should go so that's our w's comment basically everything in it is wrong is an assumption is a judgement but I wanted to share it with you because I thought it was interesting to go through what the average person who doesn't want you living the nomads capitalist lifestyle is thinking and we have plenty of people who comment they leave dumb comments congratulations I'm not leaving comments on their channel but I wanted to walk you through this to help you feel understood hopefully to help you realize that if you do this there are going to be people who are going to be against you maybe in your own family maybe your own friends maybe they will call you a traitor and that's something that you have to deal with on an emotional level to know that what you're doing in your heart is right and is right for you I am happy to go where I'm treated best if in my opinion if Malaysia says hey someone who doesn't make any money in Malaysia shouldn't pay any taxes here even if they're living here okay what's wrong with that I'm following the law of Malaysia now I understand the United States might not like that law or Australia or the UK or some other high tax country may not like that law because it creates competition but I'm following the law and if we're going to have governments every country should be able to make their own laws and we have to respect that the same way that we respect any other law countries makes so somehow it's okay to shop for car insurance it's okay to shop for life insurance it's okay to shop and clip coupons and do everything else and to call people and shout at them and demand discounts and everything else but we're not allowed to have competition because the country were born in should own us for life if it doesn't own us for life then we're leeches and so I'd love to hear your comments of this I'd love to hear if there's something that maybe feels different for you now that maybe you can take this and you can remove any seeds of doubt before going out and embarking this lifestyle if you just have a general comment I want to hear it all leave them in the comment section below and if you're new to our channel and haven't done it already make sure you subscribe because we've put out a lot of videos on how to live this leech traitorous lifestyle where you can keep your own money and live a freedom lifestyle create wealth faster hopefully build more happiness and more peace in your life on a personal level so make sure you subscribe and make sure you get a nomad capitalist calm lest you be labeled a traitor
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 83,712
Rating: 4.8810301 out of 5
Keywords: digital nomad, taxes, Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, expatriation, expat
Id: z2cNp_Swx38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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