Countries I Can No Longer Visit

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as a former US citizen I am of course no longer entitled to a US passport and so the question that a number of folks have asked me or that friends and years past have even ribbed me about is you know if you're not a US citizen aren't you going to have fewer travel opportunities than other Western citizens than other people what I'm going to share with you today is my own experience of countries that I can no longer visit I'm going to walk you through my methodology for what it's like to have a lesser passport or lesser passports and some ideas I think you could apply if you are considering leaving your country and giving up your passport if you think you may need to in the future or if you're just curious how it all works [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson and here at Nomad capitals we help successful entrepreneurs and investors go where they're treated best with everything from offshore tax planning to reduce their tax bill second passports to diversify and expand their options opportunities and new boom markets to make more money and you know one of the things that I wanted to do and being a global citizen was I had to untether myself from a system that number one I just didn't personally feel good in didn't personally feel connected to but also put a lot of rules on me forget taxes everyone talks about taxes but I had a lot of rules and regulations put on me in terms of all the investments that I make around the world and you know how I could move my money around the world and I just detached myself from that and what a lot of people have told me since then is oh you know I bet you have trouble you know traveling around the world because the US passport is such a great passport and since we work with a lot of Westerners here it's an area that I think confuses folks it's an area that concerns folks we have every once in a while someone comes and says hey Andrew I'd like to you know get your help in an expatriate from the US myself but I'm afraid you know what's life gonna look like afterwards because you know as an American I'm just so used to getting on a plane and going wherever I want to go and being led in you know I've never applied for a visa you know what's that like and so what I'm gonna do is share a list of countries we're gonna get the laptop then in this one I'm gonna share a list of countries that through my own passport portfolio I can no longer visit that I would be able to visit if it were for you know still having a US passport and we'll give some commentary along the way so the first thing that's interesting is I've actually added about half a dozen new countries that Americans couldn't visit obviously you could be a US citizen and citizens of all the other countries that I'm a citizen of and you would get all of it but certainly you know having second passports expands your visa-free travel into places that you may not have already even if you have a u.s. or Australian or Canadian passport you know Russia China Iran Venezuela being common examples there are some others South Africa after New Zealand but anyway let's go through the list here are the countries I can no longer visit on my several passports that I maintain today number one is Angola number two is Australia number three is Brunei Canada CA are that the Central African Republic makes number five Equatorial Guinea makes six Mexico number seven there's a copy it will come back to that Morocco number eight New Zealand nine ten Papa New Guinea eleven park why twelve Saudi Arabia it's actually an V's it's a little kind of cheating on that one and 13 I believe 13 the United States so I've always talked about the Kuna countries Canada us New Zealand and Australia those are the most difficult to get into if you have an economic citizenship from one of the the Commonwealth countries like st. Lucia in my case Dominica and yet the Caribbean programs Vanuatu you'll have access to the UK and Ireland I have a number of passports I can get into Europe Southeast Asia is generally pretty open good parts of Latin America are open and so you know for me the strategy has been not just going from being a US citizen to being st. Lucian because then I wouldn't have as many travel privileges but it for me it was okay st. Lucia was good you know one point I had the the Comoros passport I call it a gap filler and actually I've had some great interactions by the way with folks in the government in Qom Rose just you know an offering to help them out but you know then I have you know the other citizenships that are able to to get me into more countries so all of that you know the the belt-and-suspenders is they call it leaves me I think we came in 13 countries that I can't go to and so let's go through those Angola who cares right central african republic i doubt you were going there Equatorial Guinea I mean all right once for your honeymoon maybe but you know I'm sure you can live without it then we have the countries where you might want to visit once brunei I was there once many years ago you know Brunei tiny country surrounded by Malaysia on Borneo whatever you can see on the Malaysian side is pretty much what you're gonna see in Brunei so if you haven't been able to get to Brunei you're probably not missing a lot but I did go there once and I bet if I wanted to - you know living in Malaysia go to the embassy and get a visa I could Mexico actually had a residence permit in Mexico before its patreon I could have changed that over and I actually have another way that I can get into Mexico with a non passport Mexico is one of the many countries if you have certain visas or certain residence permits you can actually get in there without a visa and so that's worth considering Morocco it's worth a visit or to can get a visa pretty easily if you Papa New Guinea should be the list you probably don't care but also Paraguay you could get a visa you can set up a residence permit there if you wanted to Saudi Arabia is an EVC project so after you exclude the countries like the Morocco's that would be nice to go to once in which case you will wherever you're living fill out a one or two page form go down to the embassy wait in line pay $38 back the next day or four days later and get your visa go there no issues at all they don't care if you're Dominique in New Vanuatu American or from Timbuktu after you exclude the ones you don't care about and those the easy visas you are essentially left with the countries that I always talk about which is si UN a Kuna Canada u.s. New Zealand and Australia can you get visas to those countries yes it's not going to be a matter of going down and giving one page form to a disinterested person who just wants to put the sticker in and go to lunch it's gonna be a bit more involved and so you know the question that that I've posed before is can you live without these four countries or can you live with dealing with the hassle of getting back into those those four countries now all those four countries have various ways that you can get a residence permit in their country generally by making an investment it's not going to be cheap you can do that or you can get a visa you know generally speaking if you have money if you have some stability in your life you're not just a homeless nomad you can get visas to these countries okay and so this is what it looks like you know not being a westerner I think that some people have kind of imagined that I have some because I'm the nomadic capitalist there's some magic pixie dust that makes me immune to the visa rules of the world and what I've chosen to do is to be a citizen of peaceful countries that I either you know agree with their approach to bringing an investment to their country and doing what it takes to survive in this competitive world or actually physically like them and I enjoy you know being a citizen and I feel connected to them and by doing that I've been able to essentially give myself the same travel with the minor inconvenience once in a while now you know if you're a citizen of a Western country there are probably some other kinds of restrictions or regulations or taxes put on you or there may be in the near future and so I understand that going and waiting in line and getting a visa you know those of us from the Western world know it almost feels like like you're slumming it right I almost think it's embarrassing when I talk to folks they're like I've never had to apply for a visa like who do you think I am or you know maybe you had to apply for a visa to China or Russia or something which again having a second passport can can get you into those countries I bet you'd rather go to Moscow than the Central African Republic I don't know just me but if you can get past the part of you know once a year having to go and wait in a line for for an hour I think your life is probably a lot more simple for me I can tell you I just feel more at peace with my life I like knowing that the places I'm a citizen of I have a good you know feeling about I didn't have that before you may have a great feeling about your country and maybe you want to give up your country's citizenship because purely financial reasons like that's cool too but what I really wanted to show you was number one you can apply for visas even if you had a larger list than this you know how many countries are you really going to okay if you're going to be buying real estate or having homes in certain countries following our trifecta method for example you can get residence permits in those countries okay you may occasionally have to change your travel plans in that you know if you live in Malaysia and you also have a home in Colombia as I do you know flying through Australia New Zealand Canada to the US you need a visa just to fly through and so okay you're gonna fly through you know from Malaysia to Turkey and then Turkey to Bogota something like that and so you have to change your travel plans to fly through an airport that's more friendly other than that even if this list was longer you can get visas as I've said numerous times you know most countries don't care I've gone to a lot of countries as a non-us citizen occasionally on a rare occasion they'll be like you've a US passport because it says you know place of birth or they'll have they'll have gone there in the past with a US passport I say no and generally speaking within a couple of minutes we just move on and I go they don't care where you're from all right you know the Kuna countries maybe they care a little bit more even then I've seen some some pretty societally objectionable people get visas to countries like Australia New Zealand to go and actually perform and so I don't think it's a big issue but that is kind of a look inside my ability to travel and again if you want to live in Mexico good a visa if you want live in Canada or get a residence permit get a residence permit you know Paraguay same thing and a lot of these countries just don't matter and so when you when you hear one of these you know people talking about visa-free travel 182 countries ask yourself you know how many of those countries for that expensive citizenship by investment program in Malta how many of those 182 I'm just I'm just making up that number how many are you actually going to go to even if you are a nomad who's bouncing around for business and leisure you're probably gonna go to a handful of countries most of them gonna be covered you might get a long term visa you might get a residence permit and I think overall your life will be a lot more simple and perhaps they'll even feel a bit more at peace how can nomads capitalist help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our video everyday number two get a copy of Nomad to capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the Nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capless calm and click 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 103,354
Rating: 4.8666248 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, global citizen, renounce us citizenship, renounce citizenship, expatriates, second passport, second citizenship, dual citizenship, us passport, australian passport, canadian passport, angola, equatorial guinea, morocco, mexico residency, paraguay residency, visa china, russian visa, residence permit, australia visa, canadian visa, new zealand visa, saudi arabia visa, citizenship by investment malta, renouncing us citizenship
Id: -1OLyf4GiAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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