Hand Scraping Training Video

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hi from can't a scraping in Milford Michigan what we're going to show you is a little instructional video on scraping the first thing I'd like to do is show you this stuff that the equipment that you're going to need to scrape down here to my right the first thing you're going to need to obviously the scraper you I use a hand scrapers from Anderson brothers and it Rockford Illinois got a piece of high speed steel with car by braze down it um the other thing you need is a stone because if you don't scraping you've got to stone your area um you need a brush because once you get done scraping you cause chips you brush off the chips you'll then stone it we use a little bit of mineral spirits on there after we get done doing that then we put on a color here an orange color we put the black on our straight edge around our service plate to get our rubs that way we know what we've got a cut as I was talking on the equipment you need you need several things to do a good scrape job first of all you need some straight edges back here we have every different size because the the size of the job is the size the string is you have to use too many people use the wrong equipment for the wrong job we've got an 8 foot straight edge of 6 foot straight edge of five foot a four foot of three foot and a foot and a half we've got a straight edge for any set the size job you have this is our bigger plate it's a 4 by 10 starett plate grade a it's a great play for it it does not standing job and once again you need the size plate for the size job over here on this plate now we have another smaller plate once again we have a crater every place that we can keep our keep our staff going this plate I've just got some parts for a high-speed Toyota spindle sitting on here like that this is a 3 by 4 plate once again same size plate for the same size job over here a variety of plates I've got 4 different plates here 2 for whatever size job we need you need the right equipment for the right job here's one of the last things we need is the Equality equipment we need to check stuff really the art of scraping is checking you've got to be able to check whether you're doing a mill and OD grinder a surface grinder a shaper it makes no difference you have to be able to check it some of the stuff we have in here we have precision levels I've got four Ruby blocks over here I've got a for vblocks I've got a 60-degree Vblock sign plates on three sets of Joe blocks I've got Turk right back here I do I can also put it on Turk ight a rule on any type of that material down here we've got eight different blocks the same size all kinds of checking arbors whether we've got a Moore's taper at Jarno taper we've got a chucking Arbor four parallel cylinder squares eight blocks that are grown the same size I've got a thirty degree in 60-degree block over theirs for doing an angle head on a grinder you need all that equipment in order to take your proper checks checking of the machine is the key to a good scrape job it's not just scraping scraping you'll learn quickly but being able to check and know the tolerances of the machine is what makes it successful scrape job okay now the thing we want to do before we get started is we give it a fresh cross straight that's the first scrape on any job is what we have so what we're doing is we're taking a sample piece here so we can show you how to scrape and we're just going to cross scrape this angle plate up now we're going to take a few rub get some bearing cuts on it and then we'll give it a flake job so you can understand everything we've got to do so as you can see you cross drape when your cross drape you try to be as uniform as you can you try to look to cover about 80% of the area so you're not looking to cover all hundred-percent because you want to have some bearing surface block well when you're done all right let me finish that up and then we'll show you what's next okay now we've completed the cross scrape process once again like I said we give it us great about 80% of the way all right after we get done doing that with brush the chips off make sure we're good that way now something I've learned I've been doing this about thirty years something I've learned is we put a little bit of mineral spirits on here that helps the stone to cut and it also cleans your stone what you're looking to stone is as your scraper stopped it makes a burr so you're literally taking off the burrs when you stone you try and stone it even as possible like that you try and go back and forth against this things don't stay in one spot in stone you try and stone nice and evenly that helps you because you can literally stone a hole in it that's how fussy this get after you stone it you feel like it's so very thoroughly your good that way you'll stop then what you take and do is you wipe your mineral spirits off like that because you don't want that on there anymore because that will make your rub a little bit too greasy after you get that mineral spirits off there now you add your orange color and what this does this does several things one is it shows you better wear your black spots are two it takes two cast iron dust off of it like that so that helps you to clean it off alright once again you put this on nice and evenly okay you get that once you're done there you're taking you're going to wipe it by hand that's what you always want to do we're going to take an air hose here in a second blow off these holes make sure there's no dirt when we flip it over to rub it on the plate we have to make for sure that there's no dirt in there okay now we've unclamped it we set it down on our bench I blew the holes out I've cleaned it all off I'm bout to rub it on the plate mm-hmm for demonstration purposes I'm just going to use this plate normally I would get a plate that was more the size of this area but what we're going to do is we're going to take it off we'll take and we black this up already over here we're going to set it down and get a row you try to be as careful as you can so that you don't knock any chips off or anything like that you want it to be nice and clean under there now what you do is two things you want to do when you're when you're taking a rub here you can never take a rub and have it come off the edge of the plate like if I was to rub this and it comes off that's really a false rub there that's not a good rub like that we want to always make sure that we keep it on the plate that our job will always stay on the surface plate or our surface plate if we were rubbing it is bigger than our job these are things you've got to look for you can really get into trouble if you have the wrong size equipment for the job okay as you can see on the rub here is what we've got it's real high on both ends its high out here in hive net and that's probably because it's an angle bracket and we've used a lot on clamping surfaces to hold stuff down so that's what we've got we'll go ahead and give this a couple of cuts and show you what it's like to cut that when you're cutting it now all you want to do is you want to cut your black spots that's all you're looking to do so we're going to come out here is cut accordingly I will come back here cut our black spots all right I'm going to move to across my cost when you're cutting every time you cut you go a different directions you continue to go the same direction you get what's known as chatter then you're rub is a little bit different and your bearing won't come in right so you've got to always cross your cuts when you're doing it you cut one way and cut another way sometimes it's hard when you're doing spindles will do spindles will do work head spindles will do double disc grinder spindles here and it gets hard to always cross your cuts but you still got to try and do then we've over the years we've developed ways to do that okay so we repeated the process once again we cut it we stoned it we rented it or put the orange on excuse me and then we rubbed it on the surface plate there and got a row as you can see it moved out a little bit it moves out that's when it will gradually start moving out I'm probably will cut it and then we'll get it to hit fairly good and then we'll show you what we've got when we have a finish cut right now when you're taking this kind of stuff you lean on it pretty good you'll see the smoke coming off of my scraper like that that's just from pushing hard on it um sometimes obviously you've got to do that in order for it to move once again we'll cross our cuts don't be afraid to go around the bench to sometimes to cut from one side or the other it makes it much easier hitting an edge you don't want to slip off that will smack your knuckle but good okay so that now we finished another cut once again we're just cutting where the black spots are now you take your brush brush off your chips keep it as clean as you can then obviously where our scraper stopped we made a burr now we've got to go back and restore everything once again I add a little bit of mineral spirits keep things clean now when I stone I tried to stone just where I cut alright then after that we take a rag weave wipe off that and then once we get it we put the orange on so that we're getting ready put the orange on here and we'll get ready and take another rub you repeat this process until you have black spots everywhere once you have black spots everywhere then what you would is is you know is that your plate is flat now this is hitting the same as that so now that makes it flat alright okay as you can see now we've worked out in a little white a little bit and we've got it hitting fairly good we're going to give this a finished cut then we'll show you what it looks like after that and then we're going to flake it now the reason you flake it is for the oil pattern and the design will show you a little bit of that when you finish cut what I always try to do is my last two cuts I try to go the same direction now you we try to make a little bit of a curlicue you develop this over years of doing it it's hard to do right out right out of the gate but it's not that critical the main thing that is critical is that you get to hit good that we're you know we're doing a good job that way that your bearing is good once again there's several things that can make it hit good is one how well you stone it what kind of stone you're using make sure your carbide sharpened with the right wheel so you can take the proper cut little things like that that really I'll help you up obviously here at K&J we been doing a 30 years where we got an idea what's happening also if you have any any questions or anything like that you can always give us a call here we give classes we did scrape anything we've done boring Mills surface grinders Bridgeport's all kinds of stuff you see there's no smoke coming out of my scraper now what we're looking to do here is we're just looking to get your black spot and you're looking to cut them in half you're not going to cut it where there's absolutely no black spots you're going to take cut them in half there and see what you have now here's what your finished product looks like on a hand scrape job now what we've done is we just scrape this now if we were doing a table this way we would leave it right after we get done here I'm going to put some red on here orange on here and I'm going to flake it but that's what your curlicues go that way my surface plate here is scraped by hand any kissed or anything like that we can get real precise when you're doing it with a hand scraped job if you've got an end that was up like earlier then you cut just that end or if you're machining it or grinding they've got to grind the whole thing like that but that's what you're looking for that's a hand scrape job you're looking at okay now all we're doing is we're putting a finish touch on now we do this always on a base or something like that but we're going to show it to you on on the angle plate here we're flaking the job never do you flake both pieces when you put them together we just don't like to do that they gives a little bit too much area for dirt to get in however you like to flake one of them and scrape the other one that gives you more bearing more places for your oil to go like that so you never get like what you get when you get to Joe block sticking together you never get that effect alright I'm going to show you how you flake you flake it in rows and then you turn around come the other way um you flake it and you should I keep it in a nice straight line when you're doing it nice salad rolls what you're looking for oops it is always hard to get right up against an edge you try to hold it a little bit on this side you get it up against that edge you get apply apply nice even pressure go all the way across and keep it at the same speed that give you a nice uniform look okay now we're going to put on our second row here alright once again I put this on and I only put the the orange on so that I can see my rolls better a little bit when I'm flaking like that it's not that you wouldn't have to do this I know a lot of guys had scraped that don't do it now but that's just something I've got into habit of doing once again I don't know if I really went over this is a Biak scraper like our bikes flake or excuse me now to scrape for they have scrapers too but I prefer to hand scrape over the power scrapers I've used them and I can use them but I like the hand scrape a little bit better it's a little bit easier on my wrist but the powerful a kurds are just no beating it i can pound them in and I can push them by hand but this just makes it more consistent a little deeper so we'll put the second coat on and then we'll clean it all up and we'll show you what a finished product looks like you you now once again your doll done with your flaked up is to play much like the scraper what causes a burr so you've got to go back and stone the whole thing so once again we get our little mineral spirit on here a little bit just to touch it and you once again because it's finished now you want to strike stone this even as you can I clean that off and it's a little bit what your finished product looks like here yes try and clean that up for you a little bit and show you what you have what you're looking at now is a fresh scrape job with a fresh flake job on there as you can see you stand back and look at it looks very uniform that's what you try to do like that there you go okay that was a quick instructional video on scraping here at knj I'd like to reiterate anything you need scraped or anything you need done obviously we could do it here whether you want a class to learn how to scrape whether you want to scrape whether you want some instruction just you can give me a call my number is two four eight four six seven nine eight two eight that's K and J scraping and Milford Michigan my email address is KJ scraping SC our API ng at yahoo.com it contacts me anytime if there's anything I can ever do to help feel free to give a call thank you
Channel: Brian Ives
Views: 305,119
Rating: 4.8771734 out of 5
Keywords: K & J, K and J, scraping, training, machine repair, scraping ways, way scarping, machine, hand scraping, flaking
Id: nOJrhrne80s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2012
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