Making a Small Hand Scraper

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hey YouTube welcome back to the ground it took a little bit of a break there raping you guys might recognize this part I had a little change of plans I actually had to watch the last video to see where we left off on this we were doing some measurements on the saddle here but this to be quite frank the the shop and the workbench and everything just got way too sloppy way too dirty started lending to some frustration in sort of the final measurements so what I decided to do was hold off on the actual scraping clean this place out really scrub everything down and I'll give you a sneak peak of where the grinder is so far and I've gotten to the point where I'm ready to pick this back up again and start to scrape in these last four surfaces here and one on the table in order to do that I'm going to have to whip up a little scraper to be able to get into these small dovetails I don't think I'm going to be able to pull scrape in here I have no idea what a full scraper looks like to get in underneath these small dovetails I'm going to go you know to this make essentially a smaller version of this this Anderson style push scraper this is just way too big to get in there and get all the way to the bottom and that's the point to this video I'm going to warm up a little bit and just walk you through making a small version of the scraper I don't know exciting this is going to be but will braze some carbide make a handle make a little scrape or sharpen it and just get ready to start pulling the surfaces in and here's how the grinders coming along like I said I really had to clean this place up it was just getting just way too filthy grit and grime everywhere every time I test the saddle up against the machine I was transferring dirt back and forth and it was just a mess so as I started cleaning stuff up I decided I would just decrease some of the parts one thing led to another I apologize for that orange it didn't look quite that bright when I was uh picking that color out I've got a small carbide blank it's quarter inch by a sixteenth I think the original plan was to cut off you know lengths of this and put them on a shaft you know this way to exaggerate I was thinking about a half inch long and that have plenty of pieces to to explore now that I have this I'm thinking about going the other way you know in line with the shaft and getting a little bit more length to give me access into the small dovetail now the trade-off there is that I only have a quarter inch wide bit that seems a little bit small I would have much preferred you know about it like I said about a half inch but we'll give that a try other than the you know losing some of that width I might give myself maybe three quarters of an inch to an inch protrusion I'm a little bit worried about how brittle that might be the carbide if that breaks easy I mean I'm sure it'll hold it find it scraping but if this thing rolls off my bench and that takes a hit it's a goner but we'll give it a try and we'll see how it works I've got the carbide this is just a maybe a 3/8 stainless steel and we'll silver braze it onto the end I've got some black flux here and then we'll make a handle now I've got file handles but nothing quite this big I think I'd like to make something more of a round pommel just so I can you know I've got some good purchase on it and I can really put some some weight behind it we'll make a similar ferrule here and for size I just went through my screwdriver collection and played around with these you know near the saddle and something like this seems like about the right length and size it's about eight inches I suppose plus you know some of the scraper tip what I plan to do is mill a slot in here to receive a piece of this carbide I'm just going to Nick this with a little diamond wheel and just snap it off so I've got the round in the vise and just 1/16 slitting saw I measured the carbide it's it's actually a hare oversized so we'll see how well that cut is other I'll just clean it up with a small maybe a small file if it's not too much work winterfell focus so it's little slot broke off a piece of the carbide to clean it up a little bit just a rough diamond here just want to make sure we get a good bond with the brazing that's why I nicked it with the diamond cut off wheel and then I gave it a sharp tap with a hammer you can see it it broke exactly where I wanted stuff's been sitting a while I get separated a bit don't quote me on this but I don't think this uh the black flux burns so as long as there's some on there some fluxes tend to just burn up and cause problems hopefully this doesn't move when I get solar in there just wire brushed it a bit some hot water gets that flux off got a little bit too much flow in the bottom I'm going to knock that off with a file and just spin this in the lathe with some sandpaper just to make it look nice all right going to call that good which make a handle on the ferrule for this end next up I'm going to make this ferrule I'm going to be turning somewhat for the handle so I'd prefer to do that last just so I can clean lay it up quickly now this has a small return on the top looks like it's got a little bit of flare at the bottom it just I mean it just looks nice the little flare the return the top I think will be useful now in order to do that I'm going to be using the metal lathe and maybe a bit of an unconventional way I have some one-inch thin wall tubing I think it's about 4 teeth out what we're going to do is use this very you know just a round polished I think like a half inch CRS and just push this metal over I'd like to get it as close to Center as possible maybe just drill it for 3/8 for the for the scraper tool to come through so we're at the tool Mountain on the lathe at about 45 degrees that's just so I can work on both sides you know as I roll this tubing over I'm going to set this to its maximum speed which in this case is about 1,200 rpms I believe I'm going to take it slow and move the metal gently again not very Orthodox just be careful if you try this yourself Joe learn hot tool holders not hot I think I went a little too aggressive on that I'll show you close up but there's a little bit of a fold in the metal I should have so I would have been a little bit more patient or we've gotten hotter and maybe have flowed a little bit more uniform but I don't think that's going to make any difference at all I'm just going to clean up this hole so we can get the the tool through it okay I think we should be able to see it better here than on the lathe I just cut it off did a small chamfer on the inside just with a deeper tool some sandpaper wire brush and hit it on the buffing wheel here's the defect that happened from just going too fast you know when the camera is rolling and the pressures on it's fine for what we're doing here but that could have been a nice continuous surface I should have waited a little bit more and let it get you know up to temperature before I really started pushing with the dials four teeth out isn't that hard to move so it wasn't too you know a heck of a lot of pressure on the machine screws never just gone like that only thing left is the handle I don't have a piece of wood large enough to make a nice sized hand like I just went out and grabbed this off the log pile for you guys start laughing at me I'm going to cut out a piece here just kind of round it out by hand before I put it on the lathe I'm not going to show that on camera and do this in the press if there it is sharpen that end going to force it down in there I think I'm going to cut a flat on one side of this to keep this from rolling now we have to take my time sharpening that it's not too bad but could cut a little bit more you
Channel: This Old Tony
Views: 441,874
Rating: 4.9275193 out of 5
Keywords: metal scraping, scraper, surface grinder, machine reconditioning, machine rebuild, lathe, mill, metalworking, Hand Scraper
Id: 6ZKhqn7TozI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 02 2014
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