Hammer Time Salford 2200 12MPH!! #8

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someone finishing up the headland here look at how smooth that all looks i'm impressed i don't even need to talk about it the job stands for itself just like that 5200 that we demoed last fall and ended up buying one because they just do a remarkable job [Applause] all right guys today's the day i'm excited we're gonna get the 2200 salford out this thing is here on a demo like i said in the last video so the reps are coming out to make sure we get it all set up right so it's performing at its finest and we're gonna go out and play in the dirt a little bit today so i'm gonna fire this up they should be here in maybe 15 20 minutes so i'm excited to see andrew and kyle again i believe they're both coming we'll see we'll see [Applause] [Music] we just got done fixing a tire on the water trailer there blew it up made it two trips to town blew a tire sidewall opened up like a banana wasn't good luckily it didn't wreck the fenders or anything and we had another tire on hand so it was only like a 15-minute fix but regardless i see they're on the driveway i hope they're ready for a camera in their face so we just got done unfolding it setting hydraulic flows basically in the screen here just every different piece of equipment needs different speeds of the hydraulics we made sure it was level from the setup shop which it was we didn't have to adjust that maybe in the field we might have to tweak with it because everything changes in the field how the coulters make different ruts and stuff like that in front of them and so that might be an in-field adjustment but maybe not we'll see get her folded up here and we're heading to the field to play with it okay right now i just went like a hundred feet we're doing a depth check just because it's new we have no idea where we're starting at what we gotta go deeper deeper raise it up a little then [Music] you went the wrong way man kyle you went the wrong way don't worry it wasn't on camera i shouldn't i shouldn't have raised that inch in the yard because i went back an inch okay so all right it's dry enough that we won't plug the baskets up i don't think you gotta worry about that i was looking forward to using that air compressor see if we could ghost ride it one more time so i like what i was just told if you can pull it at 11 12 miles an hour do it yes sir i will do my best or the tractor will so we got the depth set to where they feel it should be running so we are going to send it [Music] cruise control here 75 load at 10 miles an hour it's tapped 14th gear there's 12.2 miles an hour what do we got here we got a 80 load at 12.2 miles an hour with a 41 foot yep yep i like it i like the speed look at that dust dugout goes in the dust cloud all right we got a 56 57 acres per hour at uh 12 miles an hour 1700 rpms 600 quad track 80 engine load i like how easy it pulls so they do make a 51 footer but this demo is a 41 footer because it is kind of what a lot of guys like so it'll be easier for them to sell it if we don't buy it but she's a dust making machine i'm going to stop when i get up to this end we're going to look at what it's been doing for a job and make sure we like the depth and everything that's moving how fast you're going 12 and it's at 80 percent engine load only and what's your uh acres per hour about uh 58 58 yep fuel uh 24. gallons an hour i did not look at acres three three and a half consistent all the way across so what is the idea of this rather than a field cultivator this is more of a vertical tillage tool more vertical tillage so where you're hoping is you're going to go and plant into a little bit more loose dirt so the seed when it goes down doesn't hit a hard pan and have to go sideways should be able to work itself right down through there you have a good picket fence stand good see the soil contact so basically we can go deeper with this than the field cultivator without bringing up mud yeah and with you know the newer style planters you're gonna be able to put that seed right where you want it you know it's not too deep too shallow anything like that good consistency all the way across and look at how much stuff it is it's ready to go yeah we got a fair amount of pressure on the drag yep and we could actually go one more if a guy wanted well it's it's beautifully level right here i was going a lot slower so you can actually see the chop marks but over where dad's at over here look at how nice this is beautiful i like it i'm excited for the planter to hit this see what the delta force does see what the furrow force looks like and maybe even the john deere closing system maybe maybe it'll close better never know we'll see i'm excited so we're gonna fly the drone here shortly and they said i had to wear these i don't know do i look weird well there it is i flew it off of right here you think i dare trust it to land back right there [Music] that was impressive it flew itself i took it off right there and it landed itself right there really all right i think we uh successfully did not crash and it landed back where it took off at should i get my phone out too yeah hello yeah i guess you can just go play with it yeah do what you got to do man all right so i think we'll probably get out of your hair and that way you guys get stuff done so thanks for coming out yeah helping us get this thing going absolutely thanks for having us and call me questions or whatever okay five inch spacing five inch patient destroys every inch yes it does within the wave yep sweet all right i think we got it adjusted we took this wing tilted that one up a little bit out of the ground because it was a little deeper but otherwise i think we're pretty good yeah pretty easy to set it is very easy easy to make changes if you need to too depending your field conditions well see you later yeah i'm sure you'll see it when you pick it up well there they go thanks for coming out boys time to go have some fun do more than one round i'm gonna get the camera this one matter of fact out there get some action shots so here we go i do like how mulched up this is so randy he normally does most of the spring tillage he runs the big digger and he's very fussy so i'm very interested to get him to run this thing and see what he thinks of it so far this is this is a this is like garden it's like you took your tiller out in your garden and we're using a tiller out here nice and smooth broke up all the clumps sweet i had to stop to look at this because they told me this machine can actually go they said seven to ten days before a field cultivator could go like if it's black or wet out there i'm skeptical of that far before but right here we're looking at mud i'm along a cattail slough here that we've been kind of as the years have been getting a little drier here finally we've been able to get closer and closer to this slough so we got maybe uh 40 feet here of cattails that we worked up last fall with the 5200 so we got a lot of trash residue it's quite muddy here and it's mellow and not clumpy like a field cultivator would make it it's mulched up pretty impressed look at this a lot of trash right here on my expectations of corn growth is very limited just because of it not being farmed for so many years but look at that line residue change it's pretty impressive [Music] and it is wet no wonder it was pulling so hard probably going a little deep but they said that all these coulters that's why they got so much weight on the frame here is because all these coulters actually want to push the machine out of the ground or carry carry it along so they said actually in some cases it is better off to leave the thing on the ground go through the wet spot than to try to tease it up like a digger because you just shove your landing gear into the ground make big black muddy streaks it's best if you can pull it through there just to let them roll if you can't pull it through there you probably shouldn't be in that spot to begin with you're probably going to be stuck let's get after it so i'm just sitting here thinking about this machine and the acres per hour that i'm doing at 58 acres an hour and they say you got to grease the hubs every 100 hours that means every 5 800 acres you have to grease it so like once a season then all right deal no maintenance i like it i'll tell ya 12 miles an hour along the edge of the field maybe should downshift a little bit i got a lot to do today so i can't slow down i want to get this edge of the field where we've been playing with all cleaned up so that's drying so dad has something to do maybe later tonight so this thing is actually built for speed it likes the 10 miles an hour to 12 miles an hour they said if you ever see the blades starting to whip that means you're going too fast but they look like they're riding really nice if you go too slow it actually won't fling and destroy the the dirt as well so you do want to go a little faster so if you're not in the speed probably aren't going to like this but we like speed high speed planner this will match up with it real nice so another thing i like about this thing is 41 feet wide i really don't need to have an operator that can judge this distance quite as well as like a 65 foot digger yes you're going faster but it's smaller you don't have to look as wide you don't have to judge so much along the edge of the fields so that's a benefit you can get just as many acres an hour done with a narrower implement oh boy this is wet this is wet here oh she's bogging oh this was a mistake oh this was a mistake downshifting good thing he's got an rx to plant with now because that was that that's going to be that might plug up the planer so satisfying watching this thing work when you can see it i mean the dust is unbelievable just because of the speed and it's pretty dry out here except for on the edges this is a pretty rocky farm here to begin with and it seems to be handling rocks just fine each spring has six inches of uh travel obviously you ain't gonna want to hit one that's sticking out of the ground but you don't want to do that with any implement but they do have six inches of travel they've been handling all the fist-sized rocks very well i gotta have to turn that beeping sound off that sure is annoying well this is my last pass for this this video i gotta go get seed to dad and i believe we're gonna have to call an operator to come run this thing as soon as fields are fit i'm excited to see and get it out into corn stocks for when we're planting b and c oh that does mulching up all that stuff i think it'll be i think it'll be really cool so you'll see more of this beast in action just not not today so thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed huge shout out to salford for letting us uh use this thing and demo it show all you guys what they have to offer highline poll missed it we're good anyways guys i appreciate it we'll see in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] hey
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 411,517
Rating: 4.9762011 out of 5
Id: 1nhzx3wddi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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