Celebrating Nicole‘s Life!!

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so a lot of you guys uh have probably been following along but some of you guys probably don't know what um we've been dealing with for the last uh seven months or so so on november second nicole was diagnosed with um basically leukemia and uh we've been she has been battling we have been battling that terrible disease for seven months and uh i i think we all kind of felt like we were around in the corner and we found the right chemo drug that was working very well actually but with that being said it caused her immune system to become compromised which then allowed her to get pneumonia which is actually what ended up taking her life was pneumonia which is really sad because she was doing so so well so the famous question is uh how how am i doing how is the family doing and as you can imagine adjustments are being made which aren't easy life doesn't stop it don't stop for me it don't stop for you it isn't going to stop for you it isn't going to stop for me we're going to continue on because we have no choice when life kick gets you down you just got to keep going i've been i've been down and i'm not going there again so we're going to keep going we're going to keep doing videos she enjoyed putting content out i enjoy it we're not going to stop that yes we've slowed a little bit for right now but we're not going to stop because i enjoy doing it she enjoyed doing it she would not want me to stop so we are going to continue doing that it may not be as aggressive in as many videos per week for now dad he's taken this pretty hard her parents are taking this pretty hard but we're all communicating and helping each other best that we can help each other the big swede has been really helpful hanging out we've been doing a lot together so we are uh we're surviving we're gonna be fine but it's just gonna take a lot of adjustments as all i can say if you guys uh want to get to know nicole moore um i'll put her youtube channel link in the description along with a couple other links if you guys want to check them out feel free to get to know us her better that would uh be great i would appreciate it and don't forget about toby he's doing just fine finally started eating again because he knows something's not right but i'm taking him to the farm for the first day today see how he uh handles farm life keep an eye on him make sure he stays safe but it just kills me keeping him locked up in a kennel he never really was unless we both went somewhere but most of the time he's with somebody so we're going to the farm aren't we buddy oh big yawn he's nervous you don't like vehicle rides so guys like everything that i do i take being a youtuber very seriously um i take the leadership role very seriously it's hard to be a leader right now but i mean but i am and i will be we are going through as a family me personally something that people have nightmares about literally and it's not easy but we will get through it and if you guys are going through this horrible situation too or another horrible situation in your life praying does help it does help god will be there for you so those are my words of encouragement to you um there will always be someone there to help you through things get help if you need help don't be proud don't be too proud try to be strong by yourself lean on others lean on family if you need it we are all leaning on each other right now and it's been great [Music] [Music] look who's here brought hamburgers and waffle fries don't tell the rest of the crew because she's so mean didn't get anyone else nobody else is around my goodness this is heavy holy cow this one is so much heavier yeah it's a lumen body but it didn't get busted only the mic got broke when i ran it over with the roller so that's a bonus well yeah it's so heavy i have to hold it with my right hand which is why now it probably looks really weird you know what i'm saying definitely that's why get up in this type of area and no one waits no wait did someone on the drive here that tried to kill me because they were hogging up the road and um i've done it i can't even get mad because i've done that i've been there but when i waved at them and they just kept on going okay never mind trying to be nice [Music] three fun facts of why nikki loves me i love you because you are a very sweet kind person when you want to don't cover your hand over the lens please i love you this is really difficult this is um i love you because we can pick on each other and like have a fun time but also can be serious i love you because you're sexy because she's pretty she's smart she tends to the house very neat like okay we have that one that one's gonna get you eat and i already am gonna hate on you i'm more than a housemaid yes you cook really good dude two is always better than one two tractors two combines two girlfriends no i can't imagine anything worse than that two women chase the only thing worse than that is do you hey how's it going how are you got mud all over the camera screen we got blood all over your face got a little sucker i wasn't stuck i didn't stop moving yeah i got my butt's all wet now my feet are wet and muddy is the key locked in now that's the key ready [Music] yep if you guys enjoyed following along with us as we had our carpentry day uh don't forget to subscribe and like this video and if you want to see more furniture be doing head on over to my channel which is nicole's untold gold uh it is new so there's not a super lot of videos right now but always going to be gaining more come along for the ride and thanks for spending your time with us okay bye
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 710,471
Rating: 4.9895706 out of 5
Id: p2dc_O3u9zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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