Learning The New Toy The Hard Way!

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hello everybody thanks for stopping into larson farms today you get to ride along with me doing a job that i've never done before and i have no idea how to do it we're going to learn together [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so i don't know if you guys ever been in here before but this is our old shop office so the old shop is connected to the new shop which by the way never connect a brand new building to an old wood frame building mice are in these walls and then you connect your brand new steel building where mice cannot get into the walls to this just don't do it take my word for it anyways this was the old office that really no office work ever got done in it was more or less ordered parts and before computers were ever on this farm and now it's just a jungle pretty much keep all our gps stuff in here and just random crap should be cleaned it's really dusty because the door never gets closed because during the winter no heat in here if the door open so filing cabinets like crazy store ratchet straps it still works so what i get to do now is put all the tiling software into the tractor because we also have a ditching program in there and you'll shortly get to see what we're about to do so we take extreme pride in how we tend to our land whether it's rented land or owned land so that first starts with drainage whether it's tile which is obviously number one what we love to do we maybe don't love doing the job but we love having it in the ground because it improves the ground by i don't know 10 times 100 times better the other thing is ditch work normally we use the excavator dozer or ditch witch just making ditches or more so maybe not making new ditches but maintaining the old ditches that get farm shot over years it's just the way it is you drive through them in the mud and it ridges up mud the past three years we've not been able to do any ditch maintenance because it's been so wet literally so wet that you couldn't get out there to do anything to the ditches no cleaning was done really so this fall it's nice and dry and we're super excited to get this new toy out and play with it so i've got take the satellite receiver and stand off of our tile plow mount on here so it's all satellite driven i start my run i end my run and it will drive this thing basically at the elevations that are needed never ran a ski raper before we bought this three years ago two years ago maybe on an auction sale it was so cheap that i mean it was a no-brainer to buy it but it's sat because it's been so wet the thing's huge i think it holds like 20 yards of dirt i think it's a caterpillar 80 i remember right so we're gonna try it out see what we think of it like i said we got into it cheap enough really couldn't go wrong on the deal so let's get to it we're gonna put the gps screens in and hopefully get this thing out there today i'm a little nervous i won't lie i never ran one before so i don't know anything about it so this should be fun i like new jobs though i like new challenges it's very exciting to me so since this thing is wired up for the tile plow it literally should be as easy as plug and play but i have no idea how this is gonna go [Music] well that's conveniently placed in front of everything you're gonna see hardly anything you can't see my gauges but it's something that's got to be close to me because there's a lot of button pushing involved so instead of you guys watching me plug wires in this whole time 15 minutes of wire plugging how about i just tune back when i'm all done okay we got it she's wired in should work gotta go get my globe and stand for the scraper now so off to the tile plow we go so here's our tile plow i believe it's a seven foot or seven and a half foot pro tile prairie makes it actually we've had one of these since probably the 90s early 90s mid 90s mid 90s probably we actually sold our original one and got this one a little more updated with uh linkage up there a little more pulls easier more low profile skinnier but that's besides the point we gotta get up here and get this here masked and globe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds like the fertilizer might be completed for the year fertilizer trailer just rolled in it might have finished it the big sweden steve okay the world's heaviest selfie stick off-roading wow how do you like those nature shots don't look at all of our scrap iron junk quit looking at my junk that's a long walk you guys are heavy okay mast installed pumps and tires [Music] i made myself laugh i don't like to stand near these tires when pumping them because they're these split rim and man-killing finger arm taker type of rim i really don't know how many pounds i'm supposed to put in these things i'm going with 40. 40 sounds like a good psi well i believe i'm ready to rock and roll perfect calling her good she's ready go talk to the other bosses and see if i can have clearance see if i have clearance to take off well here we go screen appears to be working it's don't have gps because the little outback system is riding in the cab with me you gotta put it up that's what we call et we put him up in the field and he talks to the satellites which talks to the screen or i don't know all i know is i gotta set up bt and he magically hooks up and everything works so we rented about 200 ish acres more this fall from a neighbor his previous renter retired so we picked up 200 acres anyways it needs a lot of maintenance a lot of ditch cleaning and there is some washouts on a side hill that i got to go close up because we're actually having hogmanner hosed on from a building that's nearby that's where i'm going to first [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we got et set up here technically it's an outback a 321 means nothing to me but might mean something to somebody we wait for that to hook up to the big guy in the sky and away we go well i haven't been filming but i've been working learning it i haven't filmed much but we're currently learning what not to do do not fill the box too full because your front gate won't open now i don't know what to do i better get out and expect the issue so what's happened as i've overfilled it that's what's happened and this gate here is supposed to lift up to allow the dirt to come back out then this big ram back here unloads the dirt to the front but i've jam-packed her so full that she don't have enough hydraulic power to raise the gate you think you farm heavy ground look at this stuff ah i wish i hadn't done this i won't do this again we're learning never ran one before we are learning the hard way [Music] yeah i'm gonna need the backhoe i can't get it i'll be sitting here by the ditch dig some out of the box maybe bring a chain to try to lift maybe two all right i'll be waiting oh we're having a learning experience here dad's gonna bring the back home i'm gonna dig some out of the box or something yeah i think i got it here really i think so i had i actually used the uh push mechanism the pry against it and i think it's moving now i think i'll be able to get it well uh i think i got it here what a learning energy what a learning experience this is isn't everything yeah well i'll never do that again all right yeah i don't know it used to be cable driven so it pulls off a different point so this hydraulic don't have as much power i don't think oh okay yeah so i think i got it here i'll call you in uh five minutes or less than five minutes if i don't get it unloaded here if i don't hear from you don't worry about it then yeah okay we might come down and just look at it okay right oh thank god it's unplugging this is how learning goes for us you got to learn it the hard way and then you know and boy do i know now do not absolutely do not fill it that fault he's unloading now so that's a positive oh that really stressed me out we're functioning as should as we should okay back to business okay i'm going to survey a new line i think i figured it out a little bit here so i can survey from uphill downhill or downhill uphill whichever i want to do right now i'm going to go from uphill downhill so i'm getting into position here where this pre-existing ditch is at i'm just cleaning and basically widening out so our sprayers can get through them without too much violent boom action so i'm gonna hit start survey i'm going to the outlet and away we go we are going to drive now to the outlet following this ditch here now the tractor's having an issue and it won't shift come on you pig so you got to have the scraper up all the way when surveying just like the tile plow so actually i filled this ditch in with a ditch i cleaned over there because it was not a ditch it was a washout so i filled it in tried to level it off the best i can and now i'm re now i'm surveying this and when i clean this ditch hopefully it'll level this off a little bit better here okay now i'm sitting where i want the line to end it stop survey and there's the parts i gotta cut so each one of these little black lines here i don't know can you see that see those little black lines that's how much i can take each cut so it looks like one two three four cuts i gotta make and each cut i have set at three inches because that's about all i can pull plus the slabs of dirt in this gumbo just get to be so big look at how rough that is i got air coming down with the disc to try to level that off and i gotta shut it off to uh try to get my transmission to shift again eric had this happen a couple times green carding oh oh now i just lost my gps signal our nickname for quadtrax are code tracks they always blow codes and have these stupid little electrical glitches anywheres ours do okay will you shift now now i gotta wait for that to hook back up the gps so i'm putting half a tenth of grade on these ditches which is a half an inch of rays in the ditch every 100 feet yes half a tenth one tenth i tried that on that ditch and that cut just got way too deep so it's kind of flat here it's rolly but where it's flat it's it's flat oh when you look at that it shifts now again never will understand that so now i turn the control on so once i get close to this line it will pick up on it and then i turn this on number one control and it will control the blade how i want it i'll put you guys out on the scraper so you can see some cool views so [Music] [Music] this thing works really good but man my neck hurts from looking back it's full all the time i mean i go 25 30 feet i'm full it's so mucky that it don't want to come back out very well i only try to take three inches so that it don't create big turds but it just this ground is just tough to upgrade oh man my neck is hurting i found one job i probably wouldn't like to do for a living and that's run a scrape sorry scraper operators out there but this is something it's not so pleasurable honestly my hands down here with the levers i finally figured it all out but there is a lot of lever pushing that happens doing 870 stuff what missing a part what do you mean who would have ever thought oh no that's that's quite common she's broke you go ahead and flip that i'll video it's cold out could you hurry up oh man you gonna help look at the big sweep leveling it off doing work he says it's rougher than heck i believe some big old gumbo chunks coming out why can't i drive that that's true that push bumper on the back end of the maybe this chevy no we'll have to go get the we'll have to go get the dodge i think he could get more in there tell him to put more in there fill it up [Applause] gumbo when it comes out in big chunks yeah that's gumbo here goes the chevy album chevy emblem the album i gotta quit now because my arm hurts well it's seven o'clock it's getting dark and i'm sick of it my neck hurts and it's hard to ditch in the dark so i'm impressed i am impressed it does a really good job when it isn't really gumbo chunky it's a mean machine definitely definitely love having the gps on there that can make some nice ditches so i gotta clean this thing up and uh calling her a day so i appreciate you guys watching today and you got any questions please comment below because there will be more videos of this thing out rocking and rolling we're gonna go to some other fields that have been worked tomorrow comment below if you got any questions today was pretty good i'm gonna go take some advil and go to sleep see you guys next time well me and the big swede we're gonna go home from a long day of uh scraping and we got a phone call from dad say uh one of the operators just so happened to forget to raise the implement going down the road so he's gonna hang out here and uh guard the road so no one crashes as we get to go hook a box scraper up and fix the county road can i have tomorrow off and the next day it happens i guess when it's your turn when's your turn i'm never doing tillage so i can't do this well that's true okay we got a hammer down we're gonna be wide open to go get a box scraper because it's 10 30 at night and we were gonna have tomorrow off so here we go game on so i got eric he's gonna get the the good old 79 1086 out it's not hooked up to anything the rear end skips cogs if you pull it too hard so i told them we're not going to drag the box scraper very deep oh so we get to hook this thing up it is now 10 o'clock at night this box paper we're going to hook up to maybe i should take the landscaper and level it fortunately there's no black dirt ripped up on the road there must be four inches of gravel because that's what's ripped out this is unfortunate so the 10 is alive get this thing hooked up and we're heading down the road luckily he's only about three and a half miles away we'll get her fixed up so no one gets hurt that's our main concern that was the operator's uh main concern was that he was gonna stay there until we get there with the box scraper i told him said it's 10 o'clock at night i don't think anyone's gonna be coming by we'll be there in 20 minutes so i believe he took off we're gonna get this thing hooked up get the road fixed fortunately people are human including myself i make mistakes i plugged the scraper up pretty bad today and he rips up the road pull ahead a bit oh no the jack isn't low enough step on the right break and back up whoa ahead we're good so here's oh my wrong remote number one raise number one there we go if you raise that up the jack gets loose so that's nice nice option are you kidding me i got the bluetooth [Laughter] 1086 from 1979 with bluetooth in it you can hear the music from outside the machine he's just gonna send it you know guys instead of getting upset just have a good time i hope you don't ram me here okay here we are big swede gonna do some road grading you maybe can work for the county or township now so here's what a 870 ripper looks like when it rips up a road hmm [Music] so so you know what guys this is something that we could choose not to share on youtube and i'm sure the employee would enjoy not for this to be shared on youtube but this is us accidents happen to everybody including myself including dad including eric randy our hired guys we're human things like this happen this can be fixed no one's hurt no one's killed we run a lot of big equipment we work hard hours just like every other farmer in the united states if this is the worst that we got to do it ain't so bad in my opinion we're out here fixing our mistakes don't hate us for accidents it's cold i think it's going to get down to 24 degrees tonight it is staying cold my ears are freezing my face it's freezing i wish i was in bed but the big swede he's a heck of a worker it's a heck of a best friend he was supposed to be deer hunting tonight at uh four i think we told him he could go deer hunting bow hunting here we are 10 30. still working thank you eric [Music] you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 449,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oGa1I1IbiVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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